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Hiroshima 1945-08-06 NEVER FORGET 広島 Peace 平和 Memorial Museum - A-bomb Dome 原爆 : 忘れられない記憶 Memorie

Hiroshima 1945-08-06 NEVER FORGET
Year 2024 / Hiroshima
©AntoYokoMonogatari ©EdJapan

▼ 0:05 ▼ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum 広島平和記念資料館
▼ 0:09 ▼ Hiroshima before the bombing
▼ 0:29 ▼ a 90-second video shows how Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb on Aug. 6, 1945
▼ 2:28 ▼ The dangers of Nuclear Weapons
▼ 3:12 ▼ Hiroshima Victims Memorial Cenotaph 原爆死没者慰霊碑

The cenotaph carries the epitaph:
安らかに眠って下さい 過ちは 繰返しませぬから
please rest in peace, for the mistake won’t be repeated
Riposate in pace, perché questo sbaglio non sarà ripetuto

▼ 3:30 ▼ National peace memorial hall for the atomic bomb victims 国立広島原爆死没者追悼平和記念館
▼ 3:33 ▼ bell of peace / campana della pace / 平和の鐘
▼ 3:41 ▼ peace memorial park / Parco del memoriale della pace di Hiroshima / 平和記念公園
▼ 3:48 ▼ A-bomb dome 原爆ドーム Il Memoriale della pace : lett. (Cupola della bomba atomica)
▼ 4:05 ▼ Children’s peace monument 原爆の子の像 Monumento alla pace dei bambini

At the base of the monument is a black marble slab on which is inscribed in Japanese:
これはぼくらの叫びです これは私たちの祈りです 世界に平和をきずくための
Kore wa bokura no sakebi desu. Kore wa watashitachi no inori desu. Sekai ni heiwa o kizuku tame no.
This is our cry, this is our prayer: for building peace in the world.
Questo è il nostro grido, questa è la nostra preghiera: per costruire la pace nel mondo.

▼ 4:33▼ Flame of Peace / fiamma della pace / 平和の灯

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