• 2 months ago
Journalism Under Fire: Can It Survive? Dr. Raja Kashif Janjua Answers 4824 radio Pak
00:00I am Farida Hazard, your host for today's episode of FM 101.4.
00:03We have with us the producer of today's program, Awan Usman,
00:05and with us on the panel is our fellow engineer, Mehmood Ahmed.
00:09We have with us our senior journalist, journalist and teacher,
00:15Dr. Raja Kashyap Chunjoa. We welcome you to our studio.
00:19Thank you very much, and greetings to the listeners as well.
00:25MashaAllah, you have been in the field of journalism for a long time.
00:30Please tell us, when did you start in the field of journalism?
00:34This was in 2001.
00:36This started in a way that I can't believe I can remember that time.
00:42When I was in college in Islamia, Karachi,
00:44we had friends there from different religious organizations.
00:49They were all our classmates.
00:50I was doing my diploma from an English institute.
00:55I used to visit them and after a while I met them.
00:59They told me that they had an old news agency here.
01:03Now even the news agencies don't know if they exist or not.
01:06So they were there.
01:08I started going there.
01:09People there are busy with the news.
01:13I would sit there and read the newspapers.
01:15I started writing columns.
01:16So I started there from the war.
01:21There were Indian elections and politics.
01:25Then I wrote about the elections in France and Pakistan.
01:28I started working on the elections.
01:30This is how I started my journalism.
01:32But they were basically my friends.
01:34Qazi Naseer was a very good class fellow.
01:37I mean, he was a very good person.
01:41Habib Losh was with us.
01:42Now he is in Germany.
01:44There were many other people like this.
01:46If I take their names, they were all Ansari.
01:50These were the people who polished me.
01:52They taught me how to work.
01:55I am very thankful to Qazi Naseer.
01:57He gave me a place to sit there.
02:00He kept me with him.
02:01Because of him, I came to this profession.
02:05What is the most important purpose of journalism in your opinion?
02:11We have to understand the duties of journalism.
02:19There are three basic things.
02:21One is that we entertain, educate and inform.
02:27We inform, teach and entertain.
02:36Journalism is based on three things.
02:42There are two parts of the media.
02:44There were two parts of newspapers.
02:46News and views are two parts.
02:48One is news.
02:49We call the comments on the news column.
02:54What is a column?
02:55There are a lot of news.
02:57But some of them are imported from every field.
03:00Whether it is business, economy, politics, international, local.
03:06It can be of all kinds.
03:08The environment has become very good.
03:10Journalism has become special on the environment.
03:13Journalism has become very good on health.
03:15Journalists have started working on education.
03:18Journalism is divided into a lot of things.
03:20News is coming in whatever field you are working in.
03:25But do you write a column on it?
03:27Do you give an explanation?
03:28When people like us came to the TV channel.
03:31We came to the TV channel when the market value of newspapers decreased.
03:37And today I am an expert on TV.
03:41So I do the analysis.
03:42Because news is coming.
03:43The reporter brings the news.
03:45The news comes from somewhere.
03:46But understanding the news.
03:48Understanding the background and the foreground.
03:50Talking about both is a very difficult task.
03:54And doing this work, I have been doing it since 2001.
03:58It's been 23 years.
03:59It's been 23 years.
04:01MashaAllah, not only on the national level.
04:04On the international level, you are also taken to the TV channels.
04:08To get your opinion, to get an analysis.
04:10Yes, I am also working internationally.
04:13I am also working nationally.
04:16Look, there are no boundaries.
04:18When you are doing a good job.
04:20When you work hard.
04:21I believe in one thing.
04:23That Allah has mercy on you.
04:25When you work hard, you try.
04:28And I think this is the problem of young people.
04:31Now we are seeing that everyone is leaving the country.
04:34I am very surprised to see young journalists.
04:37I have very good boys.
04:39They are ready to go abroad.
04:41I had a very good boy, Zahar Abbasi.
04:43He came to me and said that I also want to go abroad.
04:46Because I also give education.
04:49I also teach media.
04:50So he came to me and gave a recommendation letter.
04:53That I went abroad.
04:54So I was disappointed for the first time.
04:56I think that when young boys go to journalism.
05:00I see my student Ahmer Sabir.
05:03Now he went to another channel.
05:05He started from one and went to another.
05:07He is also watching the news there.
05:10He is also making documentaries.
05:11This is the most interesting thing.
05:12So he decided that I have to work in this country.
05:16So I am seeing one thing that some people are like Zahar.
05:21That I have to go abroad.
05:22They are not ready to struggle here.
05:25Because they feel that the time for struggle is too much.
05:27It's been 23-24 years for me.
05:29Look, we are still struggling.
05:31We work hard, get up every day, dig wells every day.
05:34Fill water every day.
05:35This is the difference.
05:37Like our big friends, our very good.
05:40My colleague is also Alim Raza.
05:42He said to me that I can see that you are working.
05:45But I don't know your struggle.
05:47You don't tell me.
05:48I said I will tell you.
05:49But people don't want to listen, they don't want to understand.
05:53You have to stop eating many times.
05:56You have to stay hungry.
05:57You struggle by staying hungry.
05:59You don't have that much time.
06:01You don't pay attention to anyone else except work.
06:03If you start working in the morning.
06:05Then you have to study a lot.
06:07You have to listen a lot.
06:09What message would you like to give to today's youth?
06:12Look, the basic thing for young people is hard work.
06:16In any field.
06:18It was happening that we were not able to understand.
06:22Which field do we have to go to?
06:24In the field or to go to a field.
06:26Education is important.
06:28We have started to understand this thing more.
06:30I have seen very strange scenes in the media.
06:34That a man, a woman has done engineering.
06:37And she is doing a program on TV.
06:39Now you tell me.
06:41A man studies engineering for 4-5 years.
06:43After that, when he comes and sits on TV.
06:45And that too on current affairs.
06:47Then tell me.
06:49How will he make a comparison from the news?
06:51He will do it.
06:53But he will not have a background.
06:55And this is a big problem in our country.
06:57People thought that they get fame from TV.
06:59Look, there is no fame.
07:01If you ask me.
07:04Reading the media is a responsibility.
07:06It is a very sensible and sensible proof.
07:08So if you go to the media and read it.
07:10Then you have to take it seriously.
07:12I see all the lot we have.
07:14Why can't we give good quality journalism?
07:16Why are our TV shows not good?
07:18I will tell you the reason for that.
07:20I am watching an interview of a gentleman.
07:22He has taken a degree in computer science.
07:24And he is an anchor.
07:26And he is an anchor.
07:28And he has taken a degree in computer science.
07:30And he is an anchor.
07:33The field in which you go.
07:35A person should be an expert.
07:37Yes, he should have knowledge.
07:39Now look, the media will read.
07:41It will read the media law.
07:43It will read the media laws.
07:45We have read the media laws.
07:47Yes, it has to do with the media.
07:49That is, it will squeeze his whole life for 4 years.
07:51It will go to the department.
07:53He will study hard for 4 years.
07:55I regret this.
07:57Our Pakistani channel.
07:59The owner of the private channel.
08:01private channels, or those who are sitting in the channels,
08:03they are giving TV screens to those people,
08:06for 20 years, not just today,
08:08they are giving it to all those people who have nothing to do with the media,
08:11or are a glamour,
08:13if they are men, then they are from some reference.
08:16Okay, coming from a reference is a very big disease,
08:19that people are sitting from references,
08:22okay, 10 people come from a reference, 2 people leave,
08:24they speak,
08:258 don't speak, they go to the side.
08:28So, the problem is that as long as the referencing will go on,
08:31the reference will go on,
08:32okay, reference is fine, reference is not a bad thing,
08:35reference should be given by someone who is relevant.
08:38See, I will recommend a person in the media,
08:41who has read the media,
08:43or has some experience,
08:45I will not tell a person who has studied chemistry in the media to put him in reporting,
08:50or I will put a person who has studied physics,
08:52it is not like that.
08:53In the same way, we can say that we will not tell a heart doctor to treat a brain disease.
08:58Yes, this is the thing.
08:59Okay, when that irrelevant person will sit,
09:02then what will happen in Pakistan with the current affair,
09:06what has been happening for the past 20 years,
09:07for two decades,
09:09that will happen,
09:10that there will be no direction,
09:13you will not be able to explain to people,
09:15like you ask me,
09:16that how can this young man go,
09:17the young man who is reading the media,
09:20he becomes a victim of disappointment when he comes to the field with a degree,
09:24and there, from any way,
09:27from any way,
09:29a boy or girl who has studied engineering,
09:31a boy or girl who has studied computer science,
09:33comes and he gets a TV screen,
09:35and he comes directly.
09:36Okay, it is not like that outside,
09:39let's say you have taken a degree in some other field,
09:41then you have to study along with it,
09:44maybe your current affair study is very good,
09:47even without a degree,
09:48so you can talk very well,
09:49and there is no doubt about it,
09:51but this is an exceptional case,
09:52there are a few people like this,
09:54Can journalism help young people to make cities better?
09:58Journalism, which we call our media,
10:00can make today's young man a very useful city,
10:05now see,
10:06when the Plantation Drive is going on this month,
10:10so who is highlighting all these things,
10:14journalists are doing it,
10:16now digital media has come,
10:17so it is happening through digital media,
10:18if I am invited,
10:20then I have gone to PMI bypass yesterday,
10:23then 100-150 chanar plants were planted,
10:28that is, a chanar road is being developed in Abbottabad,
10:31it will be ready in 5-8 years,
10:33but I did my duty,
10:35so I went there,
10:36today I have a Plantation Drive in Dodihal at 11 o'clock,
10:40see, these young people are working together,
10:44they are doing it in Abbottabad,
10:45they are also working in other cities,
10:46they are doing it in the whole country,
10:48but I usually say Abbottabad,
10:50that the good thing about Abbottabad is that people are doing it very quickly,
10:55they are understanding the Plantation Drive,
10:57we criticize them, they tell us,
10:59literary campaigns are going on,
11:01now see,
11:03there is a very big football tournament in New Delhi,
11:05I wrote something about it,
11:07so they invited me,
11:08I also went to them,
11:09and I am also thankful to them,
11:11and see, football is doing very well in Abbottabad,
11:13in New Delhi,
11:14it is the job of literature to highlight it,
11:18I did what I could,
11:20I highlighted them,
11:21I highlighted them,
11:22and see,
11:23a healthy young man,
11:26when he finds out that he is playing football,
11:29he is working hard,
11:31he is keeping himself active,
11:33he is having a good enthusiasm,
11:34he is positive,
11:36so if we sit in literature,
11:38we sit in the media,
11:39when guests will also go to such events,
11:42they will also become a part of the event,
11:44so it will definitely be a highlight,
11:46and in this way,
11:48a society will be good,
11:50and especially,
11:51the environment is a big issue now,
11:53we can say that literature is the link between cities,
11:56yes, yes,
11:57it is with every field,
11:58it is with health,
11:59we tried,
12:00I was on TV,
12:01so we did a program,
12:03we didn't have a plastic surgeon in U Medical Complex,
12:07for that we did a proper program,
12:10Dr. Firdaus is there,
12:12and you know,
12:15it has become a profession,
12:16Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit has been combined,
12:18and he is the head,
12:20and he is teaching people here,
12:23so it means,
12:24in this city,
12:25after the next 5 years,
12:27a lot of people will be ready for Plastic Surgery,
12:29so we can say that,
12:30literature is not just a name to scare,
12:32which comes up with breaking news,
12:34no, no,
12:35because in some professions,
12:36it highlights a lot of things,
12:38or promotes things,
12:39promotes experts,
12:40it builds a society,
12:42so we are building,
12:43we are working in education,
12:45in every profession,
12:46I am called from any profession,
12:48I am contacted,
12:50I try,
12:52when I have time,
12:53I go,
12:54I am there on weekends,
12:55so I try in every event,
12:58I participate,
12:59and I highlight it,
13:00where there are problems,
13:02mothers try to solve the problems,
13:04now see in Nawashir,
13:05the ground is not so good,
13:07it should be there,
13:08I appeal to the government,
13:09those people are working very hard,
13:12so we have a job,
13:13there are arrangements,
13:14a tournament is being held,
13:15with our help,
13:1658 teams are coming from all over Pakistan,
13:19All Pakistan Tournament,
13:20is being held in Abbottabad city,
13:22and you think,
13:2358 teams,
13:24it is not small,
13:25and there are no facilities there,
13:27they are doing it with their help,
13:29they mentioned to me,
13:30and my job is,
13:31see now I am appealing to people through this media,
13:34that the government needs,
13:36the police,
13:37whatever it is,
13:40whichever department,
13:41can do it,
13:43you know,
13:44there are two water trucks,
13:45sprinkled with water,
13:46so that the ground,
13:47people can play on it,
13:48so these are very important things,
13:50and we will be able to make a good city,
13:52when our company is good.
13:54Tell me,
13:55today's youth,
13:56for the service of their country,
13:58in which areas should they pay more attention?
14:01the youth,
14:03if we talk about education,
14:06education used to happen,
14:08that you used to be educated,
14:12the degrees that we are taking,
14:14we are basically taking as a career,
14:16that what will we do for a job,
14:18our daily bread,
14:19or what is called bread and butter,
14:21or how will the kitchen work,
14:23so now,
14:24the most basic thing is that,
14:25career placement has become very important,
14:27now the youth,
14:28will serve in such a way,
14:29that when he will adopt good professions,
14:32there is one more thing,
14:33we should also see as parents,
14:35as parents also,
14:36that we tell the child,
14:37take physics,
14:38that child knows,
14:39that child knows,
14:40he is not interested in physics,
14:41if the child is not interested,
14:43then for God's sake,
14:44don't force him,
14:46and it is not necessary,
14:47that a child,
14:48has a photo memory,
14:50our school system,
14:52or even till college,
14:54that all runs on memory,
14:56what is memory,
14:57you have seen,
14:58some people have a photo memory,
14:59they see it,
15:00and with one look,
15:01it fits in their mind,
15:03in this,
15:04the mind does not think,
15:05it is just a game of memory,
15:09in our country,
15:10the numbers game,
15:11is on the game of memory,
15:13it is not on your intelligence,
15:15it has nothing to do with your intelligence,
15:19but because our system is this,
15:21and on the basis of this,
15:22when FSC is done,
15:23then in medical engineering,
15:25admission is on their basis,
15:27so that is why parents also force,
15:29that the child should study something,
15:31till school,
15:32if the child is your average child,
15:34then you should accept him,
15:36and should embrace him happily,
15:38and one more thing,
15:39you have to be brave,
15:40if there is something wrong in it,
15:43it is the psychology of children,
15:44do not be cruel to the child,
15:46if the child has failed,
15:47then do not slap him,
15:49I was in school,
15:50my marks used to come down,
15:52my father used to scold me,
15:53that's it,
15:54my mother used to say,
15:55that child,
15:56just work hard,
15:57I studied in school,
15:58I studied in FSC,
16:02I tried BSc,
16:04I did not get anything,
16:06I did not enjoy,
16:08I left it,
16:09I got a lot of pressure from home,
16:11I tell you,
16:12more than home,
16:13there is a pressure of society,
16:14not from us,
16:16even on the parents,
16:17there is a pressure of society,
16:22that the child is not doing,
16:23what will he do,
16:24how will it work,
16:25children study everything,
16:26if you put effort in it,
16:28the child will work,
16:30it is in the hands of Allah,
16:31the point is that,
16:32in which field,
16:33in which field,
16:34the child wants to go with happiness,
16:36we should encourage him,
16:38we should talk to him,
16:41I used to write,
16:42I used to read,
16:43when I got the opportunity,
16:44I went to that field,
16:45I don't do any hard work,
16:46hard work means,
16:47that I don't have to do any hard work,
16:50to understand my thing,
16:51because it was my interest,
16:52it is my hobby,
16:53what will be my hobby,
16:54when I will walk according to my hobby,
16:57then I will not have any problem,
16:59I will not have to force myself,
17:01if you force a person to study medical,
17:03then you are forcing him,
17:04if you make him an engineer,
17:06then you are forcing him,
17:07now the new fields have come,
17:08computer science has come a lot,
17:10we are seeing,
17:11that software engineering has come,
17:13now these things are going on,
17:15and most of the time,
17:16you see,
17:17in universities,
17:18in these fields,
17:19medical is still valuable,
17:21but unfortunately,
17:22in Pakistan,
17:23in the medical field,
17:24medical education,
17:25did not develop,
17:26the module system came,
17:27so you see,
17:28the latest module system,
17:29in Pakistan,
17:30has been applied in a few places,
17:33the rest do not do,
17:35although it should be done,
17:36in medical,
17:37now tell me,
17:38through journalism,
17:39how can social change be brought,
17:42through journalism,
17:43change in society,
17:44will come in the form,
17:45that when the journalists,
17:47will have good conditions,
17:49the journalist,
17:50who was,
17:51he has been very weak economically,
17:54you see,
17:55all the private institutions,
17:56all that is there,
17:57they do not give them good money,
17:59they give salaries late,
18:00although they themselves are earning money,
18:02if they take care of them,
18:03then they will take care of society,
18:06now the new era is coming,
18:08which is not coming,
18:10we will also talk about citizen journalism,
18:11the citizens themselves,
18:12see a lot of things,
18:13and run,
18:14so that is also very important,
18:15apart from this,
18:16digital media,
18:17has changed a lot of things,
18:19I recently,
18:20two YouTubers,
18:21I mean,
18:22went live,
18:23and participated in their programs,
18:25now there are YouTube channels,
18:28have started their YouTube lives,
18:29some also do recording,
18:30run it the next day,
18:32this means,
18:33that a lot of things,
18:34are getting better,
18:36but journalism is changing,
18:37and as much as journalism will change,
18:38in society,
18:40a good journalist,
18:41spreads positive news,
18:42whether it is about health,
18:43or education,
18:45about career development,
18:47in which field the child should go,
18:48on this,
18:49we need to work as a journalist,
18:50we need awareness,
18:51whether it is our media,
18:52whether it is radio,
18:54digital media,
18:55we need to highlight,
18:56such fields,
18:57I understand,
18:58on this,
18:59the work we are doing,
19:00on this,
19:01we need to,
19:02I understand,
19:03on this,
19:04the work we are doing,
19:05will be good,
19:07we are working,
19:08with limited time,
19:09with limited resources,
19:11in Pakistan,
19:12till now,
19:13we are not able to understand,
19:15we don't just need to get a degree,
19:16we need to go in the field,
19:17and work hard,
19:19it is very important,
19:20to develop that passion,
19:22journalists are working,
19:23the real problem,
19:24is that,
19:25with small journalists,
19:26the problem is,
19:28big TV channels,
19:30don't give them money,
19:32I will tell you,
19:33a very interesting thing,
19:35I mean,
19:36it is not interesting,
19:37it is sad,
19:39why not just TV channels,
19:40in the private sector,
19:41many sectors,
19:42don't give money,
19:43to journalists,
19:44do you know,
19:45where do you get money,
19:52in Peshawar,
19:53Quetta also,
19:54there are doubts,
19:55that you don't get money,
19:59the channels,
20:00from where,
20:01do you run your house,
20:02do you do business,
20:03on your site,
20:04these are the realities,
20:06that is why,
20:08has become very difficult,
20:09of journalism,
20:10people's interest,
20:11has reduced,
20:12it can increase,
20:14things should be seen,
20:16young people,
20:17as you have said,
20:18that their channels,
20:19are there on YouTube,
20:21can be seen on,
20:25you tell me,
20:26what should young people,
20:28so that,
20:29their screen time,
20:30should be limited,
20:31should be limited,
20:33young people,
20:34used to roam around,
20:35in useless people,
20:37you are calling it,
20:38digital roaming,
20:40digital roaming,
20:41we all have become,
20:42that our time,
20:44how much screen time,
20:45we have to keep,
20:46we are not able to understand,
20:47it is possible,
20:48that someone's work,
20:49is such that,
20:50his screen time,
20:51is naturally more,
20:53that is compulsory,
20:55if you are in school,
20:56then pay attention to education,
20:58in school,
20:59I think,
21:00from 7th to 8th,
21:01children should not,
21:02make videos,
21:04even if they are making,
21:06their things,
21:07should not be put on,
21:08digital platforms,
21:09Facebook or YouTube,
21:10do not upload your video,
21:13from 8th to 9th,
21:14I do not think,
21:15any child should do this,
21:18children have that time,
21:19you finish,
21:20the innocence of children,
21:21children have time for education,
21:22they finish it,
21:24we should,
21:25encourage our children,
21:26make videos,
21:28this is not it,
21:29make it on your mobile,
21:30keep it with you,
21:33these things,
21:34before 9th class,
21:35you should not,
21:36do these things.
21:37What difficulties,
21:38does a journalist,
21:39have to face?
21:41a journalist,
21:43a journalist of Pakistan,
21:44as I said,
21:45the basic problem,
21:46is that,
21:48the biggest problem,
21:49is that,
21:50journalists of small cities,
21:52they do not get money,
21:53they themselves,
21:54create their own resources,
21:56according to that,
21:57they are taking money,
21:58from people,
21:59to run a news,
22:00to make a news,
22:02some journalists,
22:03have done this,
22:06they are on digital platforms,
22:08they see their channels,
22:10that is,
22:11they send their news,
22:12and put it on their channels,
22:15I am seeing that,
22:17in Abbottabad city,
22:18the pages of Facebook,
22:19are very late,
22:20their views are in lakhs,
22:21their followers,
22:22are in lakhs,
22:24this means,
22:26if you see,
22:28has become digitalized,
22:29has become socialized,
22:33for Abbottabad,
22:34is not a very successful medium,
22:37in other places,
22:38if we talk about Pakistan,
22:40YouTube is recognized,
22:41for the portfolio,
22:43whenever you search,
22:44on any topic,
22:46you do it on YouTube,
22:47you do not search on Facebook,
22:49I will search on a topic,
22:51the people,
22:52who are working,
22:53they do it on this,
22:56the problems of journalists,
22:57are removed,
23:01will have to create,
23:02their own digital platforms,
23:03will have to make,
23:04their own YouTube channels,
23:07their work,
23:08comes forward,
23:12has their own,
23:13God has blessed,
23:15has their own views,
23:18we say,
23:20how will more views come,
23:21because of more views,
23:22fake news,
23:23fake news,
23:24fake news,
23:25fake news,
23:26fake news,
23:27fake news,
23:28fake news,
23:29fake news,
23:30fake news,
23:31fake news,
23:32fake news,
23:33fake news,
23:34fake news,
23:35fake news,
23:36fake news,
23:37fake news,
23:38fake news,
23:39fake news,
23:40fake news,
23:41fake news,
23:42fake news,
23:43fake news,
23:44fake news,
23:45fake news,
23:46fake news,
23:47fake news,
23:48fake news,
23:49fake news,
23:50fake news,
23:51fake news,
23:52fake news,
23:53fake news,
23:54fake news,
23:55fake news,
23:56fake news,
23:57fake news,
23:58fake news,
23:59fake news,
24:00fake news,
24:01fake news,
24:02fake news,
24:03fake news,
24:04fake news,
24:05fake news,
24:06fake news,
24:07fake news,
24:08fake news,
24:09fake news,
24:10fake news,
24:11fake news,
24:12fake news,
24:13fake news,
24:14fake news,
24:15fake news,
24:16fake news,
24:17fake news,
24:18fake news,
24:19fake news,
24:20fake news,
24:21fake news,
24:22fake news,
24:23fake news,
24:24fake news,
24:25fake news,
24:26fake news,
24:27fake news,
24:28fake news,
24:29fake news,
24:30fake news,
24:31fake news,
24:32fake news,
24:33fake news,
24:34fake news,
24:35fake news,
24:36fake news,
24:37fake news,
24:38fake news,
24:39fake news,
24:40fake news,
24:41fake news,
24:42fake news,
24:43fake news,
24:44fake news,
24:45fake news,
24:46fake news,
24:47fake news,
24:48fake news,
24:49fake news,
