Alparslan | Episode 81 | Urdu Dubbed | AAN TV

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:17How did you get this?
00:20Thanks to Allah that I didn't get it by mistake.
00:23And they didn't try to kill me as you wished.
00:30I have nothing to do with this. I...
00:35Don't try to deny it. It was you.
00:47So it was you...
00:51who told Al-Parslan about our plan.
00:57You traitor!
01:00We shouldn't have let you live.
01:04You knew everything.
01:07Don't blame the princess. She doesn't know anything.
01:15I'm telling the truth, right?
01:18I don't know anything about this. I'm telling the truth.
01:27Don't cry, Karaja Khatun.
01:30Don't be sad.
01:33Suleiman Sardar and Allah will give you good news soon.
01:45No one should know about my plan.
01:49You won't tell anyone.
01:52How is that possible, Karaja Khatun?
01:54How can we hide this?
01:57It's impossible.
02:00We have to hide it for now.
02:03I'll give you money and jewelry...
02:07to keep your mouth shut.
02:12Can I come in, Karaja Khatun?
02:16Come in, Aknayana.
02:24Come in.
02:34What is all this?
02:37What happened? Tell me.
02:40Nothing, Aknayana.
02:43She was telling me about a martyrdom in my brother's war.
02:47I got emotional.
02:55If he has been martyred...
02:58then he will go to heaven.
03:01May Allah bless everyone with such a fate.
03:08I've made special tea for you.
03:11Get up and drink it.
03:14Hurry up.
03:24Hurry up.
03:32Nastoor, check everywhere.
03:34Check everywhere.
03:50If Gekomen...
03:53has made a deal with the Saljuks...
03:57then he must have kept the signed contract with him.
04:01It must be here.
04:04Let's go.
04:14Abdulkia must know something about this.
04:18I'm sure.
04:37Don't touch me.
04:40I won't believe anything you say.
04:45Calm down.
04:48I just want to be with you.
04:52Not now.
04:55I want to be with you.
04:59I want to be with you.
05:02Not now.
05:05I want to wait for the right time.
05:08As I said, both of you...
05:11stay together as if nothing has happened.
05:14But uncle...
05:16No buts, Abdulkia.
05:19Dujan is as clever, intelligent and brave as Al-Parsalan.
05:24If he thinks I'm a threat to him...
05:27then we'll have another enemy...
05:31just like Al-Parsalan and his brothers.
05:34Use your brain.
05:47I'm sorry for what uncle did.
05:52Don't worry.
05:54Everything will be fine.
05:57Don't worry.
06:03Trust me, I won't let anything happen to you.
06:07Don't worry.
06:12I need your help.
06:15Tell me what you know.
06:18I don't know anything.
06:21But there must be something...
06:24that you know.
06:42You should rest for a while.
06:50I'll be back.
07:21You've fallen so low...
07:24that you've opened the door...
07:27to reach the heart of Rome for the Seljuks.
07:42This is just the beginning.
07:45Be patient.
07:47You'll be transferred to a safe place.
08:01Who's inside?
08:03I found an injured Byzantine.
08:07I got these medicines for him.
08:10He'll be fine.
08:12I got these medicines for him.
08:15Why do you want to treat a Byzantine?
08:19He looks special.
08:24That's what I'm worried about.
08:27He's not an ordinary man.
08:42He's General Tokas.
10:13Not now.
10:15Wait a little longer.
10:43If you're right...
10:46if this man is close to the Emperor...
10:49and the Governor of Vaspurakan...
10:52then this will be a big opportunity for us.
10:57not only will you help me hide my secret...
11:00but you'll also help me for a better future.
11:04What are you saying?
11:06What does my future have to do with this?
11:08Everything has something to do with my future.
11:12And something has to do with your future too, General.
11:18Alpagor won't let me live on his land.
11:24this man survives...
11:27and he gives me my power back...
11:31then when the time comes...
11:34I'll reach the throne of Seljuks.
11:36I'll help you reach the throne of Seljuks.
11:41I want to regain my throne in the Kingdom of Bohid.
11:47There's only one thing that can do that.
11:51And that is for this man to survive.
11:54And for us to be thankful for that.
12:00Just imagine...
12:02what would happen if the Emperor sided with us.
12:06Long live the Emperor!
12:09Long live the King!
12:22We had to bring back Minos, the village headman of Dikfur.
12:27He won't have a new life in the city.
12:31Don't think we're worried because of your life.
12:33You will have to work more than your share to tell me where she is.
12:45I can see how happy you are right now.
12:48Damn her!
12:49All this is happening to me because of that crazy Rati.
12:52I am stuck in a dead end.
12:58I am not that desperate for your hospitality, Taifur.
13:02I am sure we will find a way to get you out of here soon.
13:08Let us show her the locations of the secret tunnels tomorrow.
13:12After that, whatever location is safest for her will be delivered to her.
13:33I have put this ointment on your wrist to ease the pain.
13:40Close your fist and then open it.
13:55Now turn your wrist.
14:02Do you feel more pain if I close my fist and then open it or if I turn my wrist?
14:06Al-Parslan Sardar.
14:12I feel more pain if I turn my wrist.
14:32You did not ignore the Sultan's invitation and traveled so far.
14:37We are grateful to you for that.
14:39Our Sultan Turul and your father, Chahir Sardar, were always safe.
14:46They always supported science and provided us with resources.
14:52My father and I often talk about your book, Al-Qanun Al-Masoodi.
14:58Now that you are here, I would like to know more about the Sun and the Moon.
15:08Sardar, are you alright? How is your hand?
15:14I am fine, Afshin. You also get well soon.
15:18We still have a lot of work to do.
15:21Let us get rid of this disease.
15:24As you wish, Sardar.
15:26What about my son, Mr. Baironi? Will he be alright?
15:30I am trying to cure him in a way that I have never done before.
15:35Only God can heal.
15:40If God wills, this remedy will work. I am sure.
15:46It will work.
15:49When the experts of science, Ustad Al-Baironi and the brave Ustad Al-Parslan Sardar work together,
15:56they can solve all the problems.
16:02That Byzantine infidel is looking at our Ali.
16:05I told him not to do this, but he did not listen to me.
16:10Mr. Al-Baironi, let us go and see what that infidel is doing to him.
16:18Let us go, Sardar.
16:32I am afraid that the infidel will find out.
16:36My son is right in front of me and I cannot even hug him.
16:40My heart is aching.
16:42Be patient, Ana. You will meet him.
16:47The lady is right. Be patient.
16:50Al-Pakut is alive and he is here.
16:52At least you know that.
17:07Al-Pakut! Al-Pakut! Come here and look at this.
17:20What do you see in this?
17:22To be honest, I am curious.
17:26I am looking at it.
17:29You will have to wait for your turn, okay?
17:41Oh! Respected Baironi.
17:44What kind of a man is he?
17:47He is a brave man.
17:49He is a brave man.
17:51He is a brave man.
17:53He is a brave man.
17:55Oh! Respected Baironi.
17:57What kind of a man is he?
17:59And what is his name?
18:01He is a brave man.
18:03He is a brave man.
18:07Now, step back and let the children see him.
18:18Now, go and rest in your tent.
18:21If you keep roaming around like this,
18:24you will ruin the peace of the people.
18:57Please calm down.
19:00Do you think you can enter the village of Murf with your soldiers?
19:04I will stain my sword with Al-Parslan's blood.
19:07Get out of my way!
19:20Murati, this is not like hanging a three-year-old on the cross.
19:27If you go to Marf's village, you won't even get a chance to draw your sword.
19:32Neither Al-Parslan, nor Kaika-Uminous.
19:34None of them will survive.
19:36Stop! No one move.
19:41Stop right there.
19:58Open the door.
20:03I said open the door.
20:11If you want to leave this place,
20:13either you will have to fight me,
20:20or you will have to sit and listen to me.
20:36I'm listening, Commander.
20:38Say what you have to and get out of my way.
20:43Kaika-Uminous, along with the Seljuks,
20:50has signed a secret agreement.
20:53He will provide them a safe passage to the West.
20:58And no one else knows about it except me.
21:05Why would I care?
21:08Al-Parslan saved Kaika-Uminous' life.
21:12Now it's Kaika-Uminous' turn to fulfill the agreement, Rati.
21:16I mean, tomorrow he is going to bring Al-Parslan with him.
21:22And once Kaika-Uminous reaches there,
21:26he will complete his part of the agreement.
21:29And then he will use the Seljuks as his passage.
21:33Tell me what your plan is to stop me.
21:38He doesn't know that we know about his agreement.
21:41Which means, he doesn't know that we will follow him.
21:46And as a result,
21:48Aani will become their grave.
22:01For now, Rati, you need to get the men out of the settlement.
22:08And wait for them to leave the settlement.
22:14I can't do this with the soldiers of Kaika-Uminous.
22:19But we can do this with your soldiers.
22:23By doing this, we will get rid of Kaika-Uminous as soon as possible.
22:29And certainly, we will get rid of Al-Parslan as well.
22:38We will leave as soon as the sun rises.
22:41And we will keep our stuff and weapons in the tunnel.
22:45With the help of this secret passage,
22:48we will reach our horses easily.
22:51What will happen to him if he knows about a secret tunnel?
22:55And he reaches our treasure?
22:57Will our brave soldiers keep an eye on him, son?
23:00When we have to go through those secret tunnels?
23:04Sardar, you know that I have studied many raw metals.
23:09As you said, that tunnel leads to some underground city.
23:14So, there must be many chambers in it.
23:17You will have to hide your stuff in one of those chambers.
23:21And inside the stones of the walls present at the door of the chamber,
23:26you will have to hide two stones.
23:29And inside the stones of the walls present at the door of the chamber,
23:33you will have to hide two stones.
23:35I will make a plan for you with the help of different special metals.
23:40If anyone tries to hide in it,
23:43he will feel dizzy and lose his mental balance.
23:46And how will we protect ourselves from its harmful effects, Mr. Baironi?
23:51You will wear a dress made of glass.
23:54Whenever you pass by those metals,
23:57only the dress made of glass will protect you from them.
24:11Okay, we will do as you say, Mr. Baironi.
24:14We don't have much time.
24:17As I said before,
24:19you have come so far for no reason,
24:22but I am very happy about it.
24:27I am very happy about it.
24:57I am very happy about it.
25:11What are you thinking about, Mr. Takfur?
25:27What are you thinking about, Mr. Takfur?
25:30I am very happy about it.
25:46Oh my God!
25:52You had entrusted him to me.
26:01I showed him the way to the truth,
26:07so that he could follow the path of the great Prophet
26:10and become his soldier.
26:12This is what I had prayed for.
26:16I am grateful to you.
26:21No doubt, you separated me and my son,
26:25and I am grateful to you for that.
26:31But I...
26:35I am grateful to you.
26:37I am grateful to you.
26:39You let me see my son.
26:42You are the only one who deserves my gratitude.
26:46I am grateful to you.
27:00I am grateful to you.
27:54My son!
28:01My son!
28:26Please forgive me.
28:28Please forgive me,
28:30I am your sacrifice.
28:32Please forgive me.
28:34Please forgive me.
28:37I am very ashamed.
28:39Please forgive me.
28:42I have troubled you every day.
28:46Please forgive me.
28:49I am a beggar.
28:51Please forgive me.
28:54I had told you that if you consider me dead,
28:57If I had been martyred, you wouldn't have been in pain.
29:03That's why I didn't tell you that I was alive.
29:06That's why I didn't tell you.
29:12I swear, I did it for you.
29:14So that you could have patience.
29:16All this was for you.
29:20Give me your blessings, mother.
29:27All my blessings are for you.
29:30I taught you this for the first time.
29:34That you will either be a martyr or a Ghazi.
29:39I gave you all the blessings I had, son.
29:50You fulfilled my promise, didn't you?
29:54You fulfilled my promise, didn't you?
29:57You became an arrow that hit the heart of the enemy.
30:04My son, wasn't my heart burning?
30:06Why was I burning?
30:09I kept burning like a torch.
30:13Today, He sent you to me to put out the fire in my heart.
30:19I am so blessed by God.
30:23I am so blessed by God.
30:30All my blessings are for you.
30:34May God be pleased with you, my son.
30:38May you always cry on the path of truth.
30:48My son, my life.
30:52My son.
31:08Are you hungry, son?
31:14Yes, I am hungry.
31:18I am hungry.
31:22I am hungry.
31:41I am hungry.
31:52This is the punishment you wanted, Al-Barsalan.
32:10Your guess was wrong.
32:12It won't be easy to kill them.
32:15If Ani is not their graveyard,
32:17then this tunnel will be their grave.
32:21I know what this mad man must have told you.
32:24But I will tell you.
32:25Actually, you are mad.
32:27You betrayed the Turks.
32:32You will also be with Al-Barsalan in hell.
32:48God and Rati.
32:52Both of them will die.
