Maharshi Part 15

  • last month
00:30that I will do agriculture one day.
00:31I came to know after stepping on this land
00:34that every living being on this earth has a connection with agriculture.
00:37No matter how rich a person is,
00:38his stomach is filled with the grains grown by the farmer.
00:41And the poor also need the grains grown by the same farmer.
00:45But we don't give any importance to those farmers
00:47and forget their favor.
00:49Nobody is doing a favor.
00:50The farmer is doing his job and we are doing our job.
00:52Are the farmer and we both the same?
00:55Whether it's us or the farmer, we are both working for money.
01:00What will you do if you don't get your salary in two months?
01:02We will sell my wife's jewellery, what else?
01:04And what if the company doesn't pay the salary for the next six months?
01:06We will kick that job and look for another job.
01:08And what if the farmers do the same thing?
01:12If the salary doesn't increase, people come on the streets and protest.
01:17But our farmer,
01:18even if he doesn't get any profit for years,
01:20he doesn't turn away from agriculture.
01:22Every day, every year, he sows the seeds with the same hope
01:25that we will all benefit this year.
01:29Then how can the farmer and we be the same, sir?
01:33What do you want, brother?
01:35Do you want us to leave our work and do agriculture?
01:37Don't think that doing agriculture is a game of dolls.
01:41This is a beautiful relationship between the earth and man.
01:44It's a science that even scientists can't understand.
01:46Only a farmer can understand it.
01:49And when a farmer commits suicide, it's only news for people.
01:53Why did he commit suicide?
01:54People don't even try to understand it.
01:57People have no idea how much loss a farmer's death causes to the country.
02:01When there is less grain and more people eat it,
02:03then prices go up.
02:06And when prices go up, then the market for adulteration becomes hot.
02:10And the bad effect of that adulteration will affect your health and well-being.
02:14You will all have to pay the price in the hospital.
02:21The price of land is increasing and there is no one to ask the farmers.
02:24There are buildings and factories on the land of those farmers.
02:27But where will the grain be?
02:30Today, no farmer wants his son to become a farmer.
02:34The new generation doesn't even know about agriculture.
02:38If this continues, the next generation will only read about agriculture in books.
02:43There was a time when farmers lived with pride.
02:46Today, the same farmer lives with fear.
02:49The fear of not getting water before sowing the seeds.
02:52The fear of not getting crops even if they get water.
02:54The fear of not getting crops even if they get crops.
02:57The fear of not getting crops even if they get crops.
03:02And the shopkeeper sells it ten times more expensive.
03:06The one who grows the grain is always worried.
03:09And the one who buys it,
03:11that is, us,
03:13we are also worried.
03:16Do you know why all this is happening?
03:19Because we have broken ties with the farmers unknowingly.
03:21Do you think we are strangers?
03:24Is this a question for the government?
03:29It's a question for all of us.
03:32Tell me, who is the government?
03:33It's not us.
03:35It's not only the government's responsibility to protect the farmers.
03:38It's the duty of every human being in this country.
03:40It's the duty of all of you and me.
03:43That's why, for the protection of the farmers,
03:46I will give 90% of my earnings to the farmers.
03:57Mr. CM, I hope you are also listening to me.
04:00A warehouse of grains in every village.
04:02And a cold storage in every market in the village.
04:05I have made a project report on many such things.
04:08I hope you won't be disappointed.
04:10From today, the farmers won't be afraid of selling grains.
04:13In fact, they will feel proud.
04:15Why should the hungry farmers of this country live in fear?
04:19And don't think that we are doing a favour to the farmers.
04:22In fact, we are doing this favour to ourselves.
04:24I am also not doing all this out of pity for the farmers.
04:27It's their right.
04:29Our farmers don't need mercy.
04:31All they need is respect.
04:33And we will give them that respect.
04:34When you opened your office here, we thought you were a foreigner.
04:37But your heart is Indian.
04:39What do we think of you, sir?
04:41There is no doubt about it, sir.
04:43I am an Indian.
04:45Like all of you, I have also grown up in this country.
04:48I am like all of you.
04:52Today, when I spoke to you,
04:54I realized that I am not an ordinary Indian.
04:57I am an ordinary Indian.
04:59I am an ordinary Indian.
05:01I am an ordinary Indian.
05:03Today, the person speaking to you is not a CEO of a company.
05:06In fact, he is K. Rishi Kumar, son of K. Satyanarayana.
05:22He reminded me that I am also a son of a farmer.
05:27Rishi Kumar created a ruckus.
05:30He donated 90% of his wealth,
05:33which is around Rs. 7,000 crores.
05:40Rishi Kumar's step has made him a mega star on the internet.
05:47Only an honest man can dare to question the government.
05:50And that is Rishi Kumar.
05:52Only when the farmers are happy, will the vegetable vendors like us be alive.
05:55And when prices rise, the market for adulteration becomes hot.
05:58And the bad effect of adulteration will affect everyone's health.
06:01Our society has 2,000 flats.
06:03This means that in this society,
06:05we use 50,000 kilos of rice and 60,000 liters of milk every month.
06:10Along with that, the vegetables, spices and grains we buy from the market,
06:14a family spends around Rs. 10,000 on them every month.
06:18If we calculate, our society spends Rs. 2 crores on food every month.
06:23Still, we don't know if those things are pure or adulterated.
06:27If this continues, then like Rishi Kumar said,
06:30we won't be able to pay the hospital bills of our children even if we sell our property.
06:34That's why we should adopt some villages.
06:37So that we can buy grains and fruits directly from the farmers.
06:40By doing this, our money will be saved and our health will also be good.
06:44Rishi Kumar is absolutely right.
06:47That's why you should add farming classes to your education course.
06:50And take them on a farming trip.
06:53So that farming becomes a lifestyle for them, not just a subject.
