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00:01:00This is Haraway.
00:01:03A grand city of invention, prosperity, and peace.
00:01:08The people of Haraway are creative and industrious.
00:01:12Excited about the advancement of science
00:01:14to better their lives and the lives of their families.
00:01:48And now I present to you
00:01:50the first being ever created by grafting.
00:01:54Actually grown from parts of plants and animals.
00:01:57A completely new person.
00:02:00With two hearts!
00:02:05These two hearts allow this unique creature
00:02:08twice the energy and twice the power.
00:02:17Not bad for someone who spends his time gluing fish together.
00:02:21Well, let's see you do better with your nuts and bolts.
00:02:24Unlike my esteemed competitor here,
00:02:26my new invention doesn't need a diaper change to amaze you.
00:02:31And now made entirely with techno-science.
00:02:37The first ever mechanical man complete with a thinking brain.
00:02:42Ladies and gentlemen,
00:02:47I present the future of all science, T-Boat.
00:02:53Don't be alarmed, he's actually quite domesticated.
00:02:58T-Boat, sweep the floor.
00:03:01Now, polish my boots.
00:03:04Now it's time for you to get some exercise.
00:03:07T-Boat, skip rope.
00:03:19Security! Over here!
00:03:25Everything's under control.
00:03:27I assure you, he is completely harmless.
00:03:31Look out!
00:03:35Look out!
00:03:42I'm sorry I had to do that, Tinkerer.
00:03:44I hope he's not damaged.
00:03:46I think it was damaged to begin with.
00:03:48So I assume there is further work to be done?
00:03:50And where would you like him delivered?
00:03:52You take it. Do whatever you want.
00:03:54I don't ever want to see him again.
00:03:57As you wish, sir.
00:04:18As long as anyone could remember,
00:04:20the town had been watched over by the ancients,
00:04:23as the people called them.
00:04:25Arbiters of justice, symbols of stability and reason.
00:04:29All anyone had to do was look up and they were there.
00:04:34They kept everyone safe.
00:04:36That is, until the Blight.
00:04:40The Blight.
00:04:42An invisible plague that rove over the world,
00:04:46bringing sickness and great loss.
00:04:49It came and went without warning,
00:04:51and people were affected in different ways.
00:04:53Some got sick, some lost the use of their limbs,
00:04:57and some even died.
00:05:00The people were divided.
00:05:02Followers of the Tinkerer became technocrats.
00:05:09Those who followed the Grafter dubbed themselves biotists.
00:05:17One city became two,
00:05:19and the Blight continued to spread.
00:06:00The Blight
00:06:02The Blight
00:06:04The Blight
00:06:06The Blight
00:06:08The Blight
00:06:10The Blight
00:06:12The Blight
00:06:14The Blight
00:06:16The Blight
00:06:18The Blight
00:06:20The Blight
00:06:22The Blight
00:06:24The Blight
00:06:27The Blight
00:06:33Girl, come here this instant and ready your miraculous brain for knowledge.
00:06:38We will begin with... girl.
00:06:40That's where you are.
00:06:44That's what I am.
00:06:46I'm certified.
00:06:50Thinking, the first tool of invention...
00:06:53This way described with numeric order from the natural chaos you'll find out.
00:07:07Nature is an infection. You need to focus on machines.
00:07:15But, but I am focusing on machines. What would I be?
00:07:23Well, you just learn to love. Yeah.
00:07:28You gotta learn to love. Learn to love.
00:07:33Well, you just learn to love.
00:07:37Master Huxley, we have to get you ready.
00:07:57No, Master Huxley, stop.
00:08:01Archibald, hold that toy.
00:08:08Come here.
00:08:10Huxley, where have you been?
00:08:13Hey, Dad.
00:08:14I am sorry. He's not dressed.
00:08:18I'm not wearing your monkey suit.
00:08:20Admiral Wells is going to be here any minute now.
00:08:22Why don't we let her push us around? We don't have to take that.
00:08:25No, no, no. We do.
00:08:27Like it or not, the ancient order put Admiral Wells in charge.
00:08:30She does what they tell her and we do what she tells us.
00:08:35I can't hear a shit.
00:09:09Admiral Wells, and what are...
00:09:11Dendro, the Grafton.
00:09:14Please, follow me. I have so much to show you.
00:09:27We've recently found new ways to aid the blight ridden among us using transplantation.
00:09:33This man was blind until we grafted a sea monster to his face.
00:09:37I can't blink.
00:09:39Sea monster. Get it?
00:09:46Hilbert, show them what you can do, Hilbert.
00:09:53We did marvelous progress with our marmikeets.
00:09:58They're proving very reliable for predicting electrical storms.
00:10:05Grafton, the ancient order did not send me here to tour a menagerie.
00:10:10Let me make this very clear.
00:10:12The Tinkerer designed my army of Korvax.
00:10:14The Tinkerer gave me Teebo.
00:10:16You created an infestation of flying vermin.
00:10:19Do these creatures prevent the effects of the blight?
00:10:22Of course not. No.
00:10:24Does anything here prevent the blight?
00:10:27Well, Huxley here...
00:10:28The monster boy.
00:10:29Huxley is special. Very special.
00:10:32Of course, we know the blight is spreading.
00:10:35We've all felt its effects, some more than others.
00:10:37But we're all sick, Admiral Wells.
00:10:39Is there a point to this?
00:10:41Yes, yes. You see, Huxley has never been sick.
00:10:46Yet you cannot replicate this immunity in others.
00:10:49But Huxley is proof that biotist science, with the proper support, will find an answer.
00:10:57That's not good!
00:11:01A poorly trained animal is no solution to the blight.
00:11:06If you haven't found a cure, by the time I return, you'll face the tribunal of the ancients.
00:11:17Wrestling marmaketes in front of Admiral Wells?
00:11:22What barking?
00:11:23Everything that's important to us could be shut down, finished.
00:11:27And now that madwoman is threatening to torture me, or worse, because of you!
00:11:32Dad, you heard her. She wouldn't even look at me.
00:11:35She thinks I'm a freak like the rest of them.
00:11:37Then prove them wrong.
00:11:39You must promote biotist science, Huxley. You were made for this.
00:11:43I'm not a mascot!
00:11:53I'm not a mascot!
00:12:47How are you today?
00:12:50Excuse me?
00:12:52Oi, watch your step! The floor may be slippery.
00:12:55If you're damaged before tonight's unveiling, the Tinkerer will have my head.
00:13:00What's that thing on your head?
00:13:03Oh, my earpiece. Yeah, the Tinkerer made it for me when I lost my hearing.
00:13:08Why did you lose your hearing?
00:13:10Oh, everyone lost something when the blight came.
00:13:13Now, have you been misplaced?
00:13:15Misplaced? Oh, I'm not lost.
00:13:19Please, allow me to escort you to the master's laboratory.
00:13:22Oh, it's fine. I know the way.
00:13:58Come along. We need to prepare for tonight.
00:14:13There we are. Easy now.
00:14:15Will it hurt?
00:14:16No, no. Not if you hold still.
00:14:19See, just a small change in the alignment for perfectly calibrated articulation.
00:14:28Too tight.
00:14:29That feels better.
00:14:30Perfect. Now, let's check your pupil dilation.
00:14:35Father, I see very well already.
00:14:37Shh, quiet.
00:14:42Your eyes are amazing.
00:14:45They can see far outside the visible spectrum.
00:14:48With your eyes, I can make huge advancements in technocrat science.
00:14:55Note to self. Research light spectrum on optics.
00:15:00Father, why is the sky red?
00:15:08It's the blight.
00:15:10But there's nothing to worry about.
00:15:11It can't ruin your life.
00:15:18It can.
00:15:42Yeah, I hope so.
00:15:51My dear Tinkerer.
00:15:53Did you hear? The craft was blatantly refusing to find a cure.
00:15:57Oh, he always was an incompetent hack.
00:16:00But I suggest we focus tonight on what's really important.
00:16:03Wilhelm, darling. We're crackling with anticipation.
00:16:08I'm riveted.
00:16:10We both are. Thanks to you.
00:16:12You're in for a marvelous evening.
00:16:15All of you.
00:16:19Hello, Wilhelm.
00:16:20Oh, Admiral Wells. Good evening.
00:16:23Wonderful to see you, Phase Two.
00:16:26Miss Along.
00:16:27I've come directly from the biotist castle.
00:16:30Why does everyone keep mentioning him?
00:16:33That, that, that boob.
00:16:35The tension in the streets is growing.
00:16:38I see. I'll be on the alert.
00:16:41As will I. And the Korvax.
00:16:43Oh. Very good.
00:17:09What are you doing?
00:17:10I'm an official guard.
00:17:13Official guard.
00:17:15Official. I'm an official person.
00:17:19You broke the statue.
00:17:20Whoops. Yeah. Sorry about that.
00:17:23I like your outfit. Did you make it?
00:17:30Do you think I fit in?
00:17:32Do you want to?
00:17:37I guess not.
00:17:40Me neither.
00:17:42So I don't know if you're much...
00:18:05Hey. Feels tech.
00:18:07Please consider vegetarianism barbaric.
00:18:10Oh, Gary. You're a Gordon.
00:18:12What do you think they're saying?
00:18:13Well, Lord Stupid Hat wants to borrow the skyship of Sir Badwig.
00:18:17That's a wig?
00:18:19Lord Stupid Hat has a map that leads to some shiny treasure.
00:18:23So he's saying,
00:18:24Please, Sir Badwig, lend me your ship and I'll let you keep half of my booty.
00:18:28And Badwig says,
00:18:29But polish my pewter.
00:18:30That's scar ships with mold and all of our booties put together.
00:18:34The treasure map leads to the tree.
00:18:36The Gray Tree?
00:18:38Have you been to see it?
00:18:39Well, yeah. I was just there.
00:18:41Before I came here. I mean...
00:18:43I wish I could go.
00:18:45I've never been outside the castle.
00:18:47What's it like?
00:18:49It's full of adventure.
00:18:51I should know.
00:18:52After all, I'm a cloud pirate adventurer of the high skies.
00:18:58Poor Huxley.
00:19:01Actually, I'm going back to the tree later tonight.
00:19:04You can come along.
00:19:12Welcome, welcome.
00:19:14This, my trusted technocrats, is truly a great moment in our history.
00:19:19Unlike my previous mechanical creations,
00:19:22What you are about to see
00:19:24Is techno-science not only capable of thinking,
00:19:28But of feeling.
00:19:35With this unique
00:19:37With this unique machine
00:19:39That matches our own physiology,
00:19:43There's no problem that techno-science
00:19:46Cannot solve.
00:19:49With this, my greatest triumph
00:19:55Has caught work.
00:20:06Settle down, everyone.
00:20:08The Tinkerer's never let us down.
00:20:10She's probably just invisible.
00:20:12Is she invisible?
00:20:13No, she's copper.
00:20:15Burn the castle.
00:20:21People were everywhere.
00:20:24And the father replies,
00:20:25The technocrat!
00:20:28That biotest monster's got her!
00:20:29Capture the creature!
00:20:32See you at the tree!
00:20:36Get the freak!
00:20:39This is ridiculous!
00:20:41He's only a boy beast!
00:20:59How is he doing that?
00:21:06Go! Go!
00:21:18That, too.
00:21:36Are you hurt?
00:21:39Are you hurt?
00:21:40I'm asking you a question.
00:21:41Did it hurt you?
00:21:44Why would he?
00:21:46You don't understand these things,
00:21:47Or what the biotest might do to you.
00:21:49Now, you just stay in your room
00:21:50Where it's safe.
00:21:51It is not!
00:21:52The Huxley monster's showing no room.
00:21:54A request.
00:21:57I'm sorry.
00:21:58I'm sorry.
00:21:59I'm sorry.
00:22:00I'm sorry.
00:22:01I'm sorry.
00:22:02I'm sorry.
00:22:03I'm sorry.
00:22:04I'm sorry.
00:22:06Oh, what a shame.
00:22:08That statue really tied the room together.
00:22:36I can't keep up
00:22:40With your bad luck
00:22:43Or that just what you like to call it
00:22:50We've been real stuck
00:22:54All tangled up
00:22:58And I can't keep up
00:23:01With your bad luck
00:23:04All tangled up
00:23:07I can't seem to get untied
00:23:13We spin our hearts
00:23:16And in circles, in circles they go
00:23:20Can't make them stop
00:23:23Even though we both know
00:23:26There's nowhere to go
00:23:28Can't stop, can't stop
00:23:30Can't feel you like before
00:23:33I'm here, you're there
00:23:36Everything's between is suffocating
00:23:40Don't forget it all
00:23:44Baby, I'm not sentimental
00:23:47This is love
00:23:49I was born
00:23:51Little girls shouldn't be walking the streets by themselves.
00:23:57There are no reruns
00:24:00No do-overs
00:24:03And no way we can exhibit the past
00:24:10We spin our hearts
00:24:13And in circles, in circles they go
00:24:17I'm getting dizzy and I can't hold on
00:24:23There's nowhere to go
00:24:29Love is hard to find
00:25:00Can you believe she was the clockwork girl?
00:25:04I mean, wow, everyone was there to see her, and she was talking to me.
00:25:09There's no way she's going to show.
00:25:12Well, maybe, maybe, maybe, I guess.
00:25:20Seriously, who wouldn't want to see me?
00:25:23What are you doing?
00:25:25Uh, hey, um, you escaped.
00:25:29You're the one who escaped. I just snuck away.
00:25:32Oh, yeah.
00:25:34That was exciting. I was worried the T-bolt was going to catch you.
00:25:37What's a T-bolt?
00:25:39Oh, the big mechanical man. My father made him long before he made me.
00:25:43Your father got way better at making stuff.
00:25:48I want to show you something. Come on up.
00:25:56You're very good at climbing.
00:25:58We're tractable toenails.
00:26:00Tonight I'm feeling things I never felt before
00:26:05Tonight we have the time to do it right
00:26:11Pretty grand, isn't it?
00:26:14That's your technocrat manor over there.
00:26:16And that, that's the biotist arboretum, where I live.
00:26:20They're so far apart.
00:26:23I think people prefer it that way.
00:26:26Hey, I just realized that I still don't know your name.
00:26:29Oh, um...
00:26:34Tesla. I like it.
00:26:38My dad made the marmakis the same way he made me.
00:26:41I guess he got better at making stuff, too.
00:26:45I did it!
00:26:46At least, I like the thinking it.
00:26:49You're not mechanical.
00:26:51I was grown.
00:26:53My dad grafted me from a bunch of stuff.
00:26:55He added a second heart and parts of beasts and...
00:26:59kind of...
00:27:02I think it involves sewing.
00:27:04You have two hearts?
00:27:17Thank you for showing me everything.
00:27:20Huxley, I'd like to show you something.
00:27:32I'm seeing what you see.
00:27:35This is grand.
00:27:50Oh, baby, you drive me crazy.
00:27:53All I think about is how it would be if you and I...
00:27:58Just you and I...
00:28:05What's all that?
00:28:07Those red bits?
00:28:09My father called it the blight.
00:28:12You can see the blight?
00:28:15That's where it gets thickest.
00:28:20This is mammoth.
00:28:22All the sickness, all the storms.
00:28:25And the people my father helps.
00:28:27The ones who are sick, that's because of the blight?
00:28:30That's what the blight is.
00:28:32It hurts people and animals.
00:28:34It's destroying everything.
00:28:36If the blight is coming from the castle, then...
00:28:38You're trying to hurt people with the blight.
00:28:42We should tell our parents.
00:28:44Yeah, I don't know if that's such a good idea.
00:28:48Okay, over there is Admiral Wells' base.
00:28:51That's where the airships are.
00:28:53Now, we should be able to borrow one, fly to the Ancient's castle,
00:28:56and return the airship before anyone notices it's gone.
00:28:59Should be easy.
00:29:03Hello there, little metal.
00:29:05We thought we lost you.
00:29:07Not safe for little Tex to be out so late.
00:29:11What do you want?
00:29:13Oh, now you.
00:29:15You're the most bio of us all.
00:29:17What are you doing with this Tex?
00:29:19We're friends. Leave us alone.
00:29:21Tex and bios can't be friends.
00:29:23Hey guys, check it out.
00:29:25This was all a prank.
00:29:32Come here.
00:29:41Oh, my screen.
00:29:47Let's go.
00:29:51Ow, my lip hurts.
00:29:53Ow, my lip. I bit my tongue.
00:29:55That's gonna hurt.
00:30:05Can you swim?
00:30:07Oh, yeah, right.
00:31:01The garbage hatch.
00:31:23Won't it be guarded?
00:31:25We'll have to be careful.
00:31:26Guards for a trash chute? I seriously doubt it.
00:31:29Just keep your key top down and stay close to me.
00:31:54I've got it all figured.
00:31:56We'll come out near the core, right?
00:31:58It'll be completely empty this time of day.
00:32:00And from there, we'll have easy access to the docking branches.
00:32:03You stick to the shadows, stay quiet, and run to the nearest airship.
00:32:07You should be able to figure out how to fly it.
00:32:09Sound good?
00:32:10Are you sure?
00:32:12What about the Korvacs?
00:32:13We're Cloud Pirates, remember?
00:32:15I know what I'm doing.
00:32:17There won't be a Korvacs in sight.
00:32:19Let's go.
00:32:23Huxley, I see Korvacs.
00:32:30Where are you?
00:32:40Where have you taken Huxley?
00:32:44Where's Huxley?
00:32:55The Tinkerer has been informed of your presence here.
00:32:58Oh, I...
00:33:01But we've discovered something important about the Ancients' Castle.
00:33:05The Ancients' Castle is forbidden.
00:33:07We need to go...
00:33:08The Ancients' Castle is forbidden!
00:33:17Are you all right?
00:33:19Get her out of here.
00:33:21Restrict her to one of the upper cells.
00:33:28The Ancients' Castle
00:33:58The Ancients' Castle
00:34:23I didn't expect your arrival so soon.
00:34:26Where is she?
00:34:27We have her contained.
00:34:28Has she been hurt? Is she...
00:34:30She appears undamaged.
00:34:32I doubt the monster boy has affected her worth.
00:34:34That beast should be kept in a cage like the rest of Denver's mistakes.
00:34:39I think you'll be satisfied by his punishment.
00:34:42Thank you, Admiral.
00:34:46And thank you for rescuing my clockwork girl.
00:34:49I'll take her home now.
00:34:52Your construction will be returned to you once we've performed the necessary cleansing.
00:34:57What do you mean?
00:34:58The monster's influence has made her...
00:35:02less than pure.
00:35:03We'll let her wind down and erase her memory.
00:35:06She'll then be returned to you uncorrupted, a blank slate.
00:35:11But she'll be helpless.
00:35:13She won't remember anything.
00:35:16She won't even remember me.
00:35:19It's for the best.
00:35:20But she's...
00:35:22She's my daughter.
00:35:23And I will not allow you to lay a hand on her.
00:35:27You? Allow me?
00:35:29You forget your place, scientist.
00:35:32Don't forget what happens to those who cross me.
00:35:35You'll get your invention back.
00:35:37That's what matters, correct?
00:35:38No, I want her back now.
00:35:40You're fortunate that most of your construction can be salvaged.
00:35:43The monster will need to be disposed of.
00:35:45Disposed of?
00:35:47He'll be back.
00:35:48Disposed of?
00:35:49He'll be held in the Sunken Prison until he's executed by wire.
00:35:53Keep in mind that your clockwork girl could easily share his fate.
00:35:58Are you threatening her?
00:36:00Disorder is a threat.
00:36:02Foolish sentimentality is a threat.
00:36:05You cannot do this!
00:36:07Your anger is misplaced.
00:36:09It's the monster that's to blame for all of this.
00:36:12And do not attempt to go after her.
00:36:14Admiral, the upper floors of the base are heavily guarded by Korvax, thanks to you.
00:36:19She's out of your reach.
00:36:27Very well, Admiral.
00:36:29I'll see myself out.
00:36:44I'll see myself out.
00:37:40Get him!
00:37:44Get him!
00:38:14I don't understand.
00:38:16I can't do this by myself.
00:38:18You're going to have to climb the tower.
00:38:20I'll go to the control room, and I'll slow the Korvax down.
00:38:24Save my daughter.
00:38:28And try to ignore your natural impulses to do something stupid.
00:38:38The blight's coming from the Ancient's castle.
00:38:41Tesla can see it.
00:39:59Okay. Okay.
00:40:09You escaped?
00:40:10No. I just snuck away.
00:40:12Let's go.
00:40:27These controls are terrible.
00:40:30I should really stop talking to myself. That's what crazy people do, isn't it?
00:40:34Yes, it is.
00:40:45Didn't know they could do that.
00:40:58The locks are jammed. Someone's at the controls!
00:41:12Over there!
00:41:15If we fall into those, we're toast!
00:41:24Hold on!
00:41:26Hold on!
00:41:30Hold on!
00:41:47It's gonna fall!
00:42:05Hey! Get off!
00:42:07Get off!
00:42:23Well, that was lucky.
00:42:25Come on!
00:42:35Keep going!
00:42:37You go ahead. Get us a ship. I'll take care of this one.
00:42:40Are you sure?
00:42:41I don't know how to fly an airship!
00:42:56Hold on!
00:42:58Hold on!
00:43:02Hold on!
00:43:04Hold on!
00:43:06Hold on!
00:43:08Hold on!
00:43:10Hold on!
00:43:12Hold on!
00:43:14Hold on!
00:43:16Hold on!
00:43:18Hold on!
00:43:20Hold on!
00:43:22Hold on!
00:43:25Come on!
00:43:38You better be going straight home.
00:44:02Stop them, or it's the water for all of you!
00:44:25Pull up! Pull up!
00:44:27I can't! She's above us!
00:44:32Hold on tight!
00:44:35What are you...
00:44:53I think we've escaped.
00:45:04She is pushing.
00:46:40Fast! Fast! Fast! Fast!
00:46:43This is fast!
00:46:45He is really good at this.
00:46:47He's probably done it before.
00:46:50You toothless, low-stoke, muzzle-fuck!
00:46:57Or higher! Try higher!
00:46:59Huxley, hold on.
00:47:01How can you still be hungry?
00:47:11Here it comes!
00:47:20Huxley, the shield!
00:47:22No, not so grim!
00:47:24Look out!
00:47:29It's coming apart on us!
00:47:40New idea!
00:47:50Over here!
00:48:00Were you scared?
00:48:02I was terrified.
00:48:04Well done.
00:48:06Did he sign a will?
00:48:10The motor's giving out.
00:48:12I need to land.
00:48:15The motor's giving out.
00:48:17I need to land.
00:48:29Did we find them?
00:48:31Then have T-bolt lower the castle's defenses and keep them down.
00:48:35That's the one place we know they're headed.
00:48:45Can you figure out how to fix it?
00:48:47I think so.
00:48:49I mended one of the interior propellers
00:48:51by using a piece of metal from the damaged fuselage.
00:48:54You're pretty good at this.
00:48:56My father taught me how to build things.
00:48:58And fix them.
00:49:00Do you think he's all right?
00:49:02I don't know.
00:49:08I think he's all right.
00:49:10I think he's all right.
00:49:13At least Admiral Wells likes your dad, doesn't she?
00:49:17I saw them talking together at the unveiling.
00:49:20I suppose so.
00:49:23She always gives my dad a hard time.
00:49:26Now he's really in trouble.
00:49:29Because of me.
00:49:31People only listen to Wells because they're afraid.
00:49:35Afraid of the plight, of the ancients.
00:49:41But we can change that.
00:49:47It'll be an adventure.
00:49:59Watch me.
00:50:16Oh, what possible potion?
00:50:19The Hydrabud?
00:50:21It's attracted to the smell of metal.
00:50:25It's wonderful for clearing the soil of industrial pollutants.
00:50:28Only you would stick something so disgusting in a hole
00:50:31and call it wonderful.
00:50:33If you're finished,
00:50:35you might want to tell me why you're here now.
00:50:38You're trespassing in my arboretum,
00:50:41upsetting my Hydrabud.
00:50:44It's about our children.
00:51:05Do you know what the ancients were like?
00:51:07Like us.
00:51:09I mean, not like us, like everybody else.
00:51:12I think.
00:51:14I think.
00:51:17Well, haven't you seen them?
00:51:19No, but my dad has.
00:51:21He says they were faith masters.
00:51:23Like Admiral Wells.
00:51:25Or the Corvettes.
00:51:51What happened?
00:51:53This place is a wreck.
00:51:56It's so sad.
00:51:59Do you think it's a trick?
00:52:02I'm not sure.
00:52:06We should be careful.
00:52:15Where is everybody?
00:52:45Hey, Seth.
00:52:48Look at this.
00:53:02Yeah, it's me.
00:53:05Did I get you?
00:53:07Huxley, we need to take this more seriously.
00:53:10Wow, what a gem.
00:53:14Let's go.
00:53:33This place is completely abandoned.
00:54:11I suspected it would come to this.
00:54:14Where are the Ancients? What have you done to them?
00:54:16You've made a terrible mistake coming here.
00:54:18We followed the Blight.
00:54:20You lied to everybody!
00:54:22You've been keeping people sick!
00:54:24And you kept everyone away so nobody would find out.
00:54:28You killed the Ancients, didn't you?
00:54:31I refuse to justify myself to a failed experiment.
00:54:34You're a traitor!
00:54:36I was betrayed.
00:54:38Left behind to keep order before you even existed.
00:54:43Doesn't matter what you believe.
00:54:45Not anymore.
00:54:47Huxley, I don't think she's lying.
00:54:51They did leave you.
00:54:53When the world got sick, they left all of us.
00:54:56And you, you took power without anyone knowing it.
00:55:00When the Blight started, I came here to the Ancients' castle to seek their guidance.
00:55:05But they were gone.
00:55:07They had abandoned all of us.
00:55:09Somebody had to protect Harroway, to guide its progress.
00:55:13You haven't protected anyone.
00:55:15Without someone to lead them, the city would have fallen into chaos.
00:55:18It fell to me to keep the people safe.
00:55:21I always have.
00:55:23I keep them from knowing how alone they truly are.
00:55:27No, no, no.
00:55:30The Blight is coming from this castle.
00:55:33The castle is a symbol of order.
00:55:36Of hope.
00:55:38I won't let you take that away.
00:55:41You've left me no alternative.
00:55:44Huxley, we have to show her.
00:55:46We are not the helpless children you think we are.
00:55:49I've never once considered you a child.
00:56:00Not yet!
00:56:03Not yet!
00:56:33Not yet!
00:57:04Get back!
00:57:10Huxley, hurry!
00:57:18Are you all right?
00:57:47What is it?
00:57:54I have an idea.
00:58:00On your feet!
00:58:01On your feet!
00:58:02You're losing them!
00:58:32So, where do you think it leads?
00:58:36I don't know.
00:58:38Did you hear that?
00:58:41She's coming.
00:58:52What is it?
00:58:54Some kind of furnace?
00:58:55No, not a furnace.
00:58:58No, not a furnace.
00:59:01It's the castle's heart.
00:59:03It's the source of the Blight.
00:59:04Huxley, we found it!
00:59:14I recognize these.
00:59:25Tesla, she's here!
00:59:29T-bolt, you have to help us, please!
00:59:31That guy?
00:59:37Let us pass.
00:59:39What's beyond that door?
00:59:41Only the engine room.
00:59:43Nowhere to hide.
00:59:47What are these?
00:59:49They shouldn't be here.
00:59:52Have you done this?
00:59:54T-bolt, I demand that you answer me, at once!
00:59:59Do not speak to me as though I were a servant.
01:00:03So he can talk now?
01:00:04Bells wasn't lying.
01:00:05She didn't know that the Blight was coming from the castle.
01:00:08Explain the meaning of this.
01:00:10This treachery!
01:00:24You should be honored.
01:00:25You just met the greatest inventor of all time.
01:00:29So you made yourself taller. So what?
01:00:32This? This is nothing.
01:00:34I'm talking about an invention that changed the entire world for the better.
01:00:39You mean the Blight.
01:00:41He started it. How?
01:00:44I worked in the Tinkerer's lab, studied the Grafter's methods,
01:00:48and created a device more complicated than any human,
01:00:51any petty, selfish, cowardly human could understand.
01:00:55I understand.
01:00:56Shut up! Shut up!
01:01:00And when the Tinkerer passed me off to Admiral Wells,
01:01:02I found the perfect place for my invention to thrive.
01:01:09It worked.
01:01:11And you're the reason the Ancients left.
01:01:13They didn't leave.
01:01:15Let's just say they were the first victims of the Blight.
01:01:18That can't be true.
01:01:21It's your turn now to obey my orders.
01:01:24To fear me.
01:01:30Now's our chance.
01:01:44Too hot.
01:01:45We'll see.
01:01:47You can't. It only gets worse further in.
01:01:50There's gotta be a way.
01:01:53There is.
01:01:55I'll go alone.
01:01:56No. No, no, no. It's too dangerous.
01:01:59You're starting to sound like my father.
01:02:01He was a Cloud Pirate, remember?
01:02:05I'll wait here for you.
01:02:07I'll keep them from getting here.
01:02:30The source.
01:03:00Yeah, that's right.
01:03:02I'm talking to you, Tinkerer.
01:03:04I'm still here.
01:03:05She's gone ahead without you, has she?
01:03:27Ah, motherfuckers.
01:03:39Impressive, isn't it?
01:03:49So weak.
01:03:50Seems the Tinkerer was as negligent with your plan as he was with mine.
01:03:55But you know, the best thing about being mechanical is the ability to improve on your initial blueprint.
01:04:03I could show you how.
01:04:05What are you talking about?
01:04:16At the moment, my invention is barely affecting the world below us.
01:04:20But it's already ruined lives. Even the sky is sick with it.
01:04:23We can do better than that.
01:04:28You're lucky you have the chance, no, the honor, to join me.
01:04:34To take the next step into a new age of strength, untainted by human weakness.
01:04:41I liked it better when you didn't talk.
01:04:43Well, there's a backup plan.
01:05:02Think of it as a kind of cleanse.
01:05:05You and I make the Blight Engine stronger, thereby ridding ourselves of all humanity.
01:05:12Plants, animals, all living things.
01:05:16We'll engineer others like us, pure mechanical minds.
01:05:20It will be an industrial revolution.
01:05:41You know what I think?
01:05:42That rainbow is your favorite color?
01:05:44If you were as pure a machine as you say you are, you wouldn't be this angry.
01:05:50At least I'm not some incompetent little parasite like you.
01:05:53With some patchwork dog boy as my great defender.
01:06:02Though he won't be much use to you now, will he?
01:06:10Hug me.
01:06:19Huxley, are you okay?
01:06:24Oh, did I forget to mention?
01:06:26I dealt with Wells so quickly that I had all the time in the world to finish off your little friend.
01:06:32So tragic.
01:06:34You will join me, you know.
01:06:36Whether you want to or not.
01:06:38You see, all I have to do is stop your heart, let you wind down.
01:06:43And all your memories, everything you care for, will be gone.
01:06:48You'll love it.
01:07:04It's alright, I've got you.
01:07:07You brought the Marma Keys?
01:07:09Where's Tesla?
01:07:15Oh, he's fine.
01:07:17Dad, uh, look, I'm sorry we came by ourselves.
01:07:21We should have waited.
01:07:22Well, I'm sorry I almost hit you with a skyscraper.
01:07:37Come on back!
01:07:39Fall back!
01:07:44Let them be!
01:07:46Attack the automatons!
01:08:04Where is my daughter?
01:08:05She's in there!
01:08:06With Debo!
01:08:07He's the one that started the flight!
01:08:12And it's my fault.
01:08:22Call it an act of mercy, my killing huntsman.
01:08:26At least now he'll...
01:08:29He'll never get sick, the way father will.
01:08:34Your father will!
01:08:36And Dendus!
01:08:37And everyone else!
01:08:38It's not going to happen.
01:08:42You couldn't do it alone, could you?
01:08:45I understand.
01:08:47You were lonely.
01:08:49You're doing this because of him, because of our father.
01:08:53You needed to make him see you.
01:08:59Debo, you're my brother, we can stop this.
01:09:02It's not too late.
01:09:03Father can fix you, I know he will.
01:09:05He means nothing to me!
01:09:08No! Don't touch her!
01:09:11You need help! Let us help you!
01:09:14I need nothing!
01:09:51No, wait! Huxley!
01:10:00Tesla, where are you?
01:10:08Are you all right? Are you...
01:10:13I'll let you...
01:10:23Oh, Tesla, I'm sorry.
01:10:29The same.
01:10:30That's right.
01:10:32That's right, we're the same.
01:10:38No, no, no, no, come on!
01:10:45We're the same.
01:10:56She... she did it.
01:11:06I shouldn't have let her go.
01:11:08It was too hot and...
01:11:11I shouldn't have let her go.
01:11:16Without the engine, the castle will fall.
01:11:19If you want to live, we must leave this place.
01:11:29To the ship!
01:11:38Keep going!
01:12:11Can you fix it?
01:12:12Bring her back?
01:12:13I don't know.
01:12:15Her heart is shattered.
01:12:17If these gears stop, she will die.
01:12:19Take one of mine and fix her.
01:12:21Absolutely not!
01:12:22It's impossible, it would never work.
01:12:24Well, why not?
01:12:26Tinker, you've been crafting machines on humans for years.
01:12:30It should work the other way around.
01:12:34And Dad...
01:12:36You are the greatest crafter the world has ever known.
01:12:39But son, it's very dangerous.
01:12:41With only one heart, you'll be very weak.
01:12:43Fix Tesla.
01:12:45It's hers already.
01:12:50We can save her.
01:12:51We'll help?
01:12:53Well, I guess in theory it is possible, but we don't have much time.
01:13:04Drink this.
01:13:06Lie down.
01:13:13Can you get us out of here?
01:13:15Don't talk!
01:13:17Can you get us out of here?
01:13:19Don't talk!
01:13:23Watch your head.
01:14:10Can you hear me?
01:14:11You're going to be very unsteady.
01:14:13Don't try to move just yet.
01:14:17Is she okay?
01:14:19We don't know yet, son.
01:14:22Come on.
01:14:24Easy now.
01:14:32Hello, Father.
01:14:38You did it.
01:14:52You'll make him a new heart, won't you?
01:14:56Well, that shouldn't be a problem.
01:14:58Should it, Dendris?
01:15:00Not if you don't mock it up.
01:15:02At least they didn't call me Pickle Fingers in the old days.
01:15:04You're the only person who called me that.
01:15:06I may have pioneered that, yes.
01:15:08Oh, the same way you pioneered bolting your foot to the floor?
01:15:11Now, hold on.
01:15:12That was a faulty drill.
01:15:14I still tell everyone about that time...
01:15:34Stay out of trouble.
01:15:45Cloud pirates, right?
01:15:47Heroes of the high skies?
01:16:01Wait, what's that?
01:16:10Oh, yeah.
01:16:20Hey, Dad.
01:16:21Look at this.
01:16:24Up here.
01:16:29Huxley, look.
01:16:36Watch that branch.
01:16:39So, my father says he'll build us an airship.
01:16:42If I promise him one thing.
01:16:44Oh, yeah?
01:16:45And what's that?
01:16:47That you'll never fly it.
01:16:50Yeah, well...
01:16:51I'm more of a pirate than a pilot, anyway.
01:16:54You worry about flying us, and I'll worry about hidden treasure.
01:16:58Where do you want to look first?
01:17:04Everywhere sounds good.
01:17:06First starts...
