• letztes Jahr


00:00This is mr. Marquez. He is here to teach you all about non-binary a non-binary person is somebody who does not identify as male or female
00:07Like a hermaphrodite. No, yes, not at all. And that word is not in use anymore. Is it I I don't know
00:17There you go an F with grades like this I'm gonna have to hit the corner sir, no vaping I can smell it
00:23Thank you
00:24You being investigated? Why doesn't mark you ever get investigated for all that stuff? He says what there is Eric not so speedy Gonzales
00:321751 Wow
00:35The kids this year they're not into being woke it's circled
00:38It's a little all the way around they're saying that our word again
00:41Are we getting behind on the state curriculum here a lot of questions for a doctor?
00:45Do you even have a master's would you major in ranch?
00:47This job is important to me. I like watching young kids bloom and grow. Don't say that it sounds creepy
00:54Back up go sit next to Tiffany. She told me it was offensive to learn Mandarin cuz you're not Japanese
01:02I was diagnosed with asymptomatic Tourette's what it's like Tourette's syndrome, but without any
01:16You can't call me fruit loop mark is the name of a cereal buddy, then why don't you say Cheerios?
01:21Is there any not gay about Cheerios?
01:29Are you flat there when okay, but it's on Broadway