الحسين(ع) في وصايا الشهداء | الشهيد علي إبراهيم جواد | 2024-08-07

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00:00In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:07In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:12In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:15Our martyrs are the sons of Abu Abdullah Hussein.
00:24Abu Al-Aziz, the one with a kind heart.
00:30My friend, be proud that you have presented a martyr.
00:34And remember our master and master Hussein when he presented Ali Al-Akbar.
00:40And he presented himself and everything he had in order to spread the religion of Allah.
00:45And do not be sad.
00:47God willing, we will meet in Paradise with Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hassan, and Hussein.
00:55And I hope you will forgive me and be pleased with me.
00:59My mother, the one with a kind heart.
01:03Be like Fatimah, like the Prophet.
01:06And do not be sad.
01:07Because the wedding of the martyr is waiting for me.
01:10And be proud in front of the world in this world.
01:13And in front of the angels of heaven in the Hereafter.
01:16Be proud that you have presented your son and your son-in-law.
01:20For the victory of the martyr Abu Abdullah Hussein.
01:24Oh, the flower of my days.
01:26Always remember me with your prayers.
01:29Because the mother's prayers for her son are answered.
01:32And be pleased with me and forgive me.
01:35And we will meet in Paradise.
01:37Brother Al-Aziz.
01:39Oh, the woman of my existence.
01:41Oh, companion of my path.
01:43I advise you before Jihad.
01:45To continue the journey that the Master of the Martyrs started.
