Love’s Rebellion (2024) Episode 12 Eng Sub

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00:00隐私 隐秘 隐秘
00:25走过你的白天 走过你的白天
00:28我的黑夜 在醒来之前 My night before I woke up
00:32跟随城市大雁 穿越这幽灭 Following the big circle of the city, going through this memory
00:38遇见 相思的茧 黄昏沉淀 Meeting the sweetness of longing, falling into a trance
00:44落在你提前 半生去写心愿 Falling in front of you, writing a wish
00:49愿为相知 若初见 May we meet again if we are destined to meet
01:19好 什么东西 What is it?
01:27这是你娘留给你的 封住我整理遗物时候发现的 This is from your mother. She gave it to me when I was organizing my belongings.
01:40我的阿颜 我娘怕是要掀你一步云游四海去了 My A Yan, I'm afraid my mother is going to take you on a journey across the four seas.
01:47锦衣玉食 千轮之乐 娘样样都没给过你 反倒是你 给了我太多 太多 欠你的 怕是没机会还了 还好你现在身边有了真心以待之人 娘终于可以放心地走了
02:11对了 桃花树下给你留了礼物 等你们相许之日一定用得上
02:41祝阿颜一岁 祝阿颜两岁 祝阿颜三岁
03:11阿颜 阿颜
03:41你跑去哪了 Where did you go?
04:03我给你带了月饼 五仁馅的 I brought you some mooncakes.
04:16原来你跑去跟姐姐私会了 而且她还把营交处给你 这待遇简直是天上地下 It turns out that you went to meet your sister in private and she gave you the seal. This is a great deal.
04:27既然姐姐对你一片痴心 帝君大人你也不能辜负啊 不如你俩就双宿双飞 待我拿到祈福造业书之后 你的仇我也顺道给你报 如此一来一举两得 岂不美哉 帝君大人息怒 息怒
04:46明日入会谷 到升天的人一定会在门口堵你 然而我们眼熟狐足有一魅术 恰好能助帝君大人一臂之力 少废话 你若无此用 我又何必留你一命 说重点
05:08待魅术施展之后 就算你容貌未改 衣装照旧 从他们的眼里看来便是绝色女子 就算他们有火眼金睛 也没有办法认出你的真身 只会沉迷于你的美色之中 如此一来便能瞒天过海直通回宫 当然 你不死他们我跟你一起
07:07Yeah, I
07:49Why are ah
07:51Did it since I'm here?
07:54I'll hire you. Yes, it's a shame. Yeah
07:58That's okay. Yeah, I'm a job
08:01I did
08:05You don't know what you're done. So look you know don't you? What's wrong with me? I'm
08:40Let's go.
08:44Do you have any misunderstanding about beauty?
08:47That's because you only have eyes for men.
08:49Of course, you don't understand the beauty of this world.
08:52But your fellow disciples are all cowards.
08:54The beauty in their eyes...
09:00is me.
09:03Come, I'll take you.
09:06Lift your head.
09:07Keep your head up.
09:09Don't show your chest.
09:10Don't show your chest.
09:13Let's go.
09:21Second Father, I finally found my soulmate.
09:24How can I leave them behind?
09:27Are you willing to leave your father behind?
09:30If you don't force me to become a martial artist,
09:32I can consider going back with you.
09:36Gan Ping.
09:37You are the young master of the dragon tribe.
09:39You are always busy with martial arts.
09:41You don't learn martial arts.
09:42And you have to come to this barren northern territory to be a vagabond.
09:44Where are you going to let your father's face go?
09:48For your sake, I have to give up my dream.
09:51It's natural for a son to succeed his father.
09:53You are the young master of the dragon tribe.
09:54This is your destiny.
09:55You have no right to refuse.
09:58You are a grown-up.
09:59You have the right to refuse.
10:01You don't want to rebel.
10:02You are becoming more and more unfilial.
10:04Nan Yan.
10:04Senior Mu.
10:05Can you listen to me?
10:06Who are you?
10:08I am Nan Yan.
10:09Greetings, Dragon Lord.
10:14What do you want to say?
10:16Dragon Lord.
10:17There is no one in this world who is the same.
10:19And there is no road that is the same.
10:21When I was young,
10:22I was disliked by the old master in school.
10:24He said I was stupid.
10:26At that time, my mother told me
10:28that there are many roads in this world that can be chosen.
10:31It's unnecessary to follow the trend
10:33to memorize the Three Characters Sutra and the Thousand Characters.
10:37I seem to have heard this before.
10:42My mother knew that I like to practice medicine and study.
10:45So she invited the best doctor
10:47to teach me to recognize herbs
10:50and to study plants.
10:52If my mother is like you,
10:55she is a womanizer
10:58and forces me to do what she likes,
11:00I will be doomed to fail.
11:03Because I can't compare with her
11:05in what she likes.
11:07And what I like
11:09will be half-finished.
11:13Now my mother is gone.
11:17I have no chance to talk to her
11:19no matter how much I want to say.
11:21But you still have a lot of time.
11:23There is no time gap between father and son.
11:25Just say what you want to say.
11:28Believe it or not,
11:30although she is angry with you on the surface,
11:33I can see that
11:34in her heart,
11:37you have always been proud of her.
11:41How did you see it?
11:42I didn't say anything.
11:45My mother is right.
11:47I will take this woman back to Longdu.
11:49We can have a good talk.
11:52I don't want to go back. I want to go to Huigu.
11:55Why do you want to go to Huigu?
11:56To look for treasure?
11:57I promised you Huigu in Longdu, didn't I?
11:59No, father.
12:00My brother is sick now.
12:01I have to go to Huigu to find a medicine to save his life.
12:05Brother, why don't you stay?
12:07I will go to find the gold branch myself.
12:11Thank you, Mr. Gong.
12:21Isn't this
12:23the master Zhu who brags about not hitting the dog?
12:27Have you seen him?
12:31Master Zhu, what are you doing?
12:34No, last time in Fang's,
12:35didn't you tell me
12:36that the most annoying thing is our Donghai Longdu?
12:38You also said that my father was exaggerated and exaggerated.
12:41He only knows how to make a scene.
12:43By the way, you also said that
12:45no matter how much you give him 500 years,
12:47he is not worthy of being chosen by you to be the first in Yingze, right?
12:54When did I say that?
13:06Hurry up, hurry up.
13:09Master, you must not believe the rumors.
13:11I am the Elder of Daosheng Heaven.
13:13How can I say such hurtful words?
13:17Don't do this.
13:19If you didn't say that,
13:21how could my son slander you?
13:24what is your Yingzewei?
13:27He has to pick up a few pieces of snow to wash clothes in the rain.
13:30After that,
13:32he has to pour it at the door of someone else's house.
13:34He is a greedy old man.
13:37He is very unlucky.
13:38Now I am the leader of the five Elders of the Xiu Realm.
13:42Please be careful, Master.
13:45Why should I be careful?
13:48Let me tell you.
13:50One day,
13:51I will open Jinzhou
13:53into the Yellow River of Daosheng Heaven.
14:00The Yellow River of Daosheng Heaven
14:22What kind of master keeps what kind of dog here?
14:30I'm afraid the young master is in a mess and has entered Hui Valley. Do you need me to send someone to chase him?
14:35No need. I'll wait for him at the gate of Hui Valley.
14:38Chief, Hui Valley is a complicated place.
14:41You are not afraid that the young master will be in danger step by step?
14:46He just went in to look for herbs.
14:49It's just a small fight at the gate of Hui Valley.
14:52If he can't even get through this,
14:56he doesn't deserve to be my son.
15:01No, lift your head up. Lift your head up.
15:05Lift up your chest.
15:07Put your hips out.
15:10And then put your hands like this.
16:20What are you looking at? I've never seen such a beautiful girl.
16:23I've never seen such a beautiful girl.
16:27What are you two doing here?
16:30Hui Valley is a public hunting ground.
16:33It's open once a year on the 16th of August.
16:36Any cultivator can go in and look for treasure anywhere.
16:39How come it's become a place of theft now?
16:43Recently, there have been heavy crimes. We are here to investigate.
16:46We are here to ensure the safety of other cultivators.
16:49So that's how it is.
16:51Then we have to investigate.
17:01Tianshan Sect?
17:04Mo Shidi, is there such a sect in the northern territory?
17:07I don't know.
17:09Those two young masters don't know anything about it.
17:12They don't even know the name of our Tianshan Double Lotus.
17:15Tianshan Double Lotus?
17:17I am Tianshan Bi Lian.
17:24I am Tianshan Xue Lian.
17:28My sister and I are known as Tianshan Double Lotus.
17:31We are well-known in the northern territory.
17:33I'm afraid that the news will die out
17:35when it comes to Daosheng Heaven, the capital, and the mountains.
17:40I see that this female cultivator doesn't talk much.
17:43Could it be that she is a bit nervous?
17:48My sister is not allowed to get close to men.
17:51Maybe this young master is too manly.
17:54My sister might feel uncomfortable.
17:58All right. Please come in.
18:18Tianshan Double Lotus
18:30Let's start from the front.
18:33Didn't we agree that we will start from the back after entering Huigu?
18:36His Majesty is very brave.
18:38Is it necessary to use me as a shield in the front?
18:41The Fox Clan is the most sensitive to the smell of Yin Zhu.
18:44I want you to lead me to Yin Zhu and Chao Xue.
18:49No, you...
18:52Are you leaving or not?
18:56Don't worry, Your Majesty.
18:58With my protection, I will definitely get what I want.
19:18I thought the capital was deserted.
19:20I didn't expect the Dragon Lord to come here in person.
19:22I'm so unlucky.
19:24Elder, we have already searched the valley.
19:27We didn't find Shao Cang.
19:31The traitor has many tricks up his sleeve.
19:33It seems that he has been tricked again.
19:37Follow me in and continue to capture him.
19:40Yes, sir.
19:41Yes, sir.
19:45Where is Mo Xing Zheng?
19:48He was here just now.
20:02It's really you.
20:03I have made it very clear to you last time.
20:05Why do you keep chasing me?
20:09Why did you show mercy that day?
20:12Why did you show mercy that day?
20:14You followed me all the way just to ask this?
20:16With your cultivation,
20:18even if you were hurt by the Heavenly Lord,
20:20it's not difficult to kill us.
20:22Why did you leave alive so many times?
20:24Aren't you afraid of being exposed?
20:26It's not too late to kill you now.
20:30Stop pretending.
20:32People say that you entered the Demon Realm and killed your peers.
20:34But I can't bear to see you miss your old friendship.
20:38Xing Zheng,
20:40there are some things that you still don't know.
20:44You just need to remember
20:46that your mission
20:48is to capture the fugitive and bring him to justice.
20:51We are different.
20:53We will meet again in the future.
20:55I won't show mercy like this.
20:59Would you rather be a demon
21:01than believe me?
21:07Shut up.
21:16You traitor.
21:18Let's see where you can escape to.
21:20I have to do this.
21:37Lan Yan,
21:39from now on,
21:41I've decided to live in Huigu.
21:45My father will definitely die outside the barrier.
21:47If you go out now, you will die.
21:51when you find the Blood-sucking Gold,
21:53and meet Ji Yang and Fox,
21:55I will take you away with me.
21:57In the future,
21:59you will see me
22:01every day when I open the valley.
22:03I will take you away with me.
22:05In the future,
22:07you will see me every day when I open the valley.
22:21Are you laughing at me?
22:23I want to see you look sad
22:25and want to make a joke
22:27to make you happy.
22:29Then you can laugh.
22:31Do you think I'm your big brother?
22:33But what you said to my father just now
22:35is too much.
22:37It's more than what my father said.
22:39I've decided to write a poem
22:41to commemorate
22:43this great moment.
22:45I've even thought of the name of the poem.
22:47It's called The Eighteen Ways of Conquering the Dragon.
22:51Big brother,
22:53it's really not funny to write a poem.
22:55When I dress up for the wedding,
22:57I don't have any family members.
23:01Where are you going?
23:03I'm going home.
23:09When I dress up for the wedding,
23:11I don't have any family members.
23:15Where are you going?
23:17I'm going home.
23:21Don't take away my work.
23:23The song just now
23:25sounded like
23:27my mother's voice.
23:31No way.
23:33No, it sounded like
23:35my father's voice.
23:37If I think about it carefully,
23:39how can my father's broken voice
23:41sing such a good song?
23:43It must be terrible.
23:45It must be terrible.
23:47It seems that Yuan Ling
23:49is good at imitating the voice of his wife.
23:51Then we can be more careful,
23:57Cover your ears.
24:03Let's go.
24:07Let's go.
24:23The magic of the fox hieroglyph.
24:25The biological mother of the evil demon!
24:31IT's the magical fox hereoglyph from the Yangyue Sect.
24:41Got it!
24:55We will see it's like we grew up. I'll give you me and don't play like
25:38I'm going to get you out of here.
25:45Watch out!
25:51You know me?
25:56I was a hunter in the East China Sea.
26:06When my father passed by, he jumped into the sea at a distance of 30 miles and ran away.
26:09Isn't it just your black gold?
26:14Who do I think it is?
26:16It turned out to be a young girl from the East China Sea.
26:18It's good to know.
26:21I'll show you how to kill a talent.
26:28Here it is.
26:32I saved your life just now.
26:34Why don't you say thank you?
26:36It's just a little trick.
26:38It's all because of our little trick.
26:40Lord Dijun can find the Seven Talismans.
26:42If you delay any longer,
26:44the Seven Talismans will fall into the hands of others.
26:49I smell it.
26:50It's in that direction.
26:54Let go of my sister.
27:16Second, this girl was born handsome.
27:18It's just right for you to sit on the roof.
27:21It's just a little trick.
27:23I'll show you how to kill a talent.
27:31It's just a little trick.
27:33It's just right for you to sit on the roof.
27:35It's just right for you to sit on the roof.
27:37It's just right for you to sit on the roof.
27:49Good life is better than no quality.
27:55It's so easy to chase a talent.
28:03Don't worry, we'll wait a moment.
28:05we'll wait a moment.
28:07it will come here in our hand.
28:26It's a kid. What's that? Yeah, I'm gonna toss it on top
28:40So yeah, yeah, yeah, okay
29:19What do I do? I'm sure I shot you
29:39Hey, I'm Jim. Hey, I'm sure she's a hen可能会遇上魔族怎么知道那我就多带点毒能把魔宰剂
30:16How bad is it?
30:20I'm not sure.
30:22What's wrong?
30:25I think I'm just a little sick.
30:30I'm tired.
30:31It's getting late.
30:32We're almost there.
30:33We don't have much time.
30:34There's no need to chase them.
30:35They're poisoned.
30:36I'm glad you got here in time.
30:37Otherwise, Nanyan would have been bullied.
30:38The valley is dangerous.
30:39Why did you come here?
30:40You could come, why couldn't I?
30:41I promised to protect you.
30:42I wouldn't let you take that risk.
30:43Take her to the infirmary and get her out of there right now.
30:46No, she's just trying to help you find the blood donation.
30:53I don't need it. I'm fine.
30:56Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?
30:59You can't decide what to do.
31:04My mother is gone.
31:07I don't want to lose you again.
31:10But I don't want you to get hurt.
31:12If I insist on persuading you not to enter Huigu,
31:15will you agree?
31:18You won't.
31:19Because you and I both have things that we want to achieve, even if we have to go through a lot of difficulties.
31:26In that case, I won't stop you.
31:29And you don't have to persuade me.
31:31Even if the Heavenly King comes today,
31:34he won't be able to stop me.
31:36I won't look back.
31:37Okay, okay, okay.
31:38Don't argue.
31:39Don't argue.
31:40Aren't you two talking about the same thing?
31:42Isn't it just for each other's good?
31:44Ji Yang, listen to me.
31:46It's not the first time that Nan Yan is in the valley.
31:48Anyway, you can't stop her.
31:50Why don't you trust me once?
31:51I, Mu Zhanting, even if I have to risk my life,
31:54I will definitely help you get Nan Yan out of there safely.
32:03I have two conditions.
32:04One, no matter what, you can't get close to the infirmary.
32:07Two, once you find the Blood-sucking Needle,
32:09you must leave immediately.
32:11How do you know?
32:12Before we set off, Chief Meng has repeatedly told us not to mess with him.
32:16He's like my father.
32:19Don't worry.
32:20I know what I'm doing.
32:24you know where to find the Blood-sucking Needle.
32:28This thing lives in a cold place.
32:30Wherever it's cold, you can find it anywhere.
32:32Isn't that the bottom of the sea?
32:38Blood-sucking Needle
32:43This is...
32:44the direction we're heading.
32:46This place has the highest terrain and snow-covered.
32:48The Blood-sucking Needle should be here.
32:51Although this place is outside the valley,
32:53I live in a clean place.
32:55But it's not a place to be trifled with.
32:59We will follow the teachings of His Majesty.
33:01We won't relax even for a moment.
33:04If I go with you,
33:05I can protect you for a while.
33:07But when we arrive at the boundary,
33:09we must gather the medicine immediately.
33:11Within two hours,
33:12if we don't find it,
33:13we must leave Huiguo.
33:16Then what should we do next?
33:19Go through the forbidden path and cross the river.
33:24The terrain here is so complicated.
33:28How did you find me?
33:34When you appear behind me
33:39The stars in the sky stop twinkling
33:44The universe is filled with light
33:50When I stand by your side
33:55Everything in the world becomes useless
34:00Just like your eyes
34:06Every minute and every second
34:09When the stars and you walk together
34:14Our story flows like smoke
34:17It's all in your eyes
34:20Can you hold my hands tightly
34:25No matter where we are
34:29From the beginning to the end
34:37Just let me be with you for a thousand years
34:41Let all the brilliant fireworks
34:44Stop for you
34:49When the wind blows
34:52When the wind blows
34:57From your eyebrows to my heart
35:01It's like a calm breeze
35:05It's also like a dream
35:07Hold me tightly
35:10Just one word
35:12Let's enjoy it together
35:19Can you hold my hands tightly
35:23No matter where we are
35:27From the beginning to the end
35:35Just let me be with you for a thousand years
35:39Let all the brilliant fireworks
35:42Stop for you
35:46When the wind blows
35:50When the wind blows
