Mr.Johnston , Don't Torment Her Full | English Movies , English Drama

  • mese scorso
Mr.Johnston , Don't Torment Her Full | English Movies , English Drama
| English Movies , English Drama


00:00:00So tell me what you want babe, cause I can't keep on guessing your love
00:00:20So tell me what you want babe, so I can make sure you're getting enough
00:00:27What can I say, your love is gonna save me
00:00:42Hi Miss Rose, sorry to disturb you. Do you have a moment to talk?
00:00:48You're being diagnosed with Class IV Cardiac Failure, so that means you'll probably only have 3-4 months left
00:00:55I'm afraid to...
00:00:59Morning! Would you like scrambled eggs or french toast for breakfast?
00:01:04I'll only need you to come tomorrow
00:01:10But there's 6 months left on our contract, what's the hurry?
00:01:15Don't give me that look. You know I'm not the clingy type. If anyone wanted our relationship to end it would be me
00:01:23In fact, thank you for freeing me from our agreement
00:01:27What do you mean? You're the one that wanted us to break up
00:01:31I'm not that young anymore. I need to start thinking about marriage and kids instead of fooling around with you
00:01:39So, since we've terminated our agreement, I assume I can start seeing other people?
00:01:49Sure, whatever
00:01:53Ah, good morning Miss Ross
00:01:56Miss Ross, this is the proposed compensation from Mr Johnson for the early termination of your contract
00:02:03I think you'll find it reasonable. Full ownership of the villa in Tuscany and also a $5 million cash cheque
00:02:12You gave this to me at the start of our contract? I haven't used it, so...
00:02:16Please give it back to him and let him know I'm not interested in his handouts
00:02:26Anna, what's wrong?
00:02:31You broke up with me
00:02:34Anna, what's wrong?
00:02:39You broke up with me
00:02:42Girl, I'm so sorry but this has happened so many times now
00:02:47Even back in the orphanage and I just... You're just so much better off without him
00:02:54I don't think I can work there anymore
00:02:56That's okay, don't worry, we'll just take a break and we'll find a way to make ends meet, we always do
00:03:06Thank you so much, you're my rock
00:03:09That's okay, let's order some takeout, watch some trash TV and just chill out
00:03:15Come on
00:03:18Anna, have you heard about the new CEO? Today is her first day, good luck
00:03:28Good morning everyone, I'm Nancy Jones and as some of you may already know I'm the new CEO of our fine company
00:03:35I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you and to working together to achieve new heights for our business
00:03:48Thank you
00:03:56Are you guys related or something? Because she kind of looks like you, so you're definitely more attractive
00:04:04Hey Turkey, did you see her?
00:04:08Yeah, I met Mr. Johnson Joker here this morning, he's the CEO of Johnson Group
00:04:13Let's just sit down and have a talk about our couple
00:04:33Excuse me, are you by any chance Anna Ross, my assistant?
00:04:39Yes, I'm Anna
00:04:40Hey, well it's lovely to meet you, could you send a coffee to my office?
00:04:44Sure, no worries
00:04:49Shane, did you make the reservation at that restaurant?
00:04:52Yes I have
00:04:54Miss Jones, your coffee
00:04:56Your coffee
00:04:57Oh thanks, just put it on the desk
00:05:11Hey Anna, Miss Jones wants to see you
00:05:14No worries
00:05:17I've just received your email and I'm afraid I can't accept your reservation
00:05:22But I thought I made it clear that I want to settle down and get married
00:05:26I really need some time to-
00:05:27I know, I know, but you just need to find a balance between life and work, it's really not that hard
00:05:33Right Shane?
00:05:34I'm sorry but, my decision is made
00:05:37Anna, again, I can't accept it
00:05:40I mean, you're one of the best employees we've got and I really think you've got great potential
00:05:46So just, just think about it before you make the decision, okay?
00:05:51Good, I'll let you get back to work
00:05:54Well, well, well
00:05:56It's the assistant to the CEO of the Jones Group
00:05:59Where were you off to in such a rush?
00:06:02You smell great
00:06:04I didn't-
00:06:05Where were you?
00:06:06Zach Cullen
00:06:08Pleased to meet you
00:06:09Now you do know who I am
00:06:11You know, I'm the CEO of the Jones Group
00:06:15I'm the CEO of the Jones Group
00:06:17I'm the CEO of the Jones Group
00:06:19I'm the CEO of the Jones Group
00:06:22You know, you're far too attractive to be just a receptionist
00:06:27What else is going on with you?
00:06:28Show some respect
00:06:32Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
00:06:35Why don't you look at Zach in his brass?
00:06:38I'm only about to drop off a fancy letter
00:06:40Shane, I was just hoping I could have a word with you
00:06:44It's about the contract
00:06:56Just hoping I can get you to find out a few things about Nancy
00:07:00And Nancy Jones' assistant
00:07:01Yeah, Anna Ross
00:07:15Yes, Mr Brown?
00:07:16What is-
00:07:21Ah, Miss Ross, I found some of your things while I was cleaning up the apartment
00:07:25Do you have time in your day to come and pick them up?
00:07:28That's alright, just get rid of them
00:07:31Thanks, Mr Brown
00:07:38Burn them
00:08:04What are you doing in my apartment?
00:08:14Hey, what will it take for you to relax, huh?
00:08:16A million dollars?
00:08:18I don't want your money
00:08:21Okay, alright then
00:08:24If you don't go, I'm gonna call the police
00:08:26No, no
00:08:32Look, I do, I do like you, I just
00:08:35I just wanna take things slow, okay?
00:08:38Why don't we go on a date first?
00:08:46You wanna play this game?
00:08:47I'll play along
00:08:49You have a friend called Bridget, don't you?
00:08:56No reason
00:08:58I'll pick you up in three days time
00:09:01Wear something sexy
00:09:18I'm sorry
00:09:24I'm sorry
00:09:40I'm sorry
00:09:41I'm sorry
00:09:48So, what's the prognosis?
00:09:50Unfortunately, your legs are quite swollen
00:09:52which is a symptom of your advanced stage 4 heart disease
00:09:57But the good news is
00:09:59if we can get you in hospitalised right now
00:10:02and put you on the waiting list for a transplant
00:10:05you're in a very positive position
00:10:07and highly likely to overcome this
00:10:10I don't want to spend my last few months in hospital
00:10:13I don't want anyone else's heart in me
00:10:17Please, just give me some more pills for the pain
00:10:20Are you sure about this, Anna?
00:10:26Okay, but this goes against my advice
00:10:31Here is your prescription
00:10:33But make sure you come back for the regular checks up
00:10:54Please don't make me use this on you
00:11:05You're late
00:11:07It's alright, I won't let you make it up to me later
00:11:16Let's go
00:11:27This is the special paste you were talking about?
00:11:29The nightclub?
00:11:32Let me introduce you to someone
00:11:42Don't you think Anna looks a little bit like Nancy?
00:11:45Zach, stop it
00:11:47This is exactly why we never had a second date
00:11:49No woman likes to be compared to another
00:11:52She is a little like Nancy
00:11:54I mean, it looks that way
00:11:57Of course
00:11:58Miss Jones is the heir to the Jones fortune
00:12:01and the model and an Ivy League member
00:12:04And a member of the Mensa Group
00:12:06How could anyone compare to that?
00:12:09Miss Rose
00:12:10Could there be something stronger?
00:12:16Oh, don't worry, it's not spiked
00:12:21Oh, come on, Zach
00:12:22Where do you find these boring girls?
00:12:24You shouldn't have brought her here
00:12:26If she won't even fucking have a drink
00:12:29She's alright
00:12:30She just needs to loosen up
00:12:33Try not to frighten her off
00:12:35Have a drink or no drink, loosen up
00:12:46We will frighten her?
00:12:49Is that what you're trying to say?
00:12:51Why don't you shut up for a minute, alright?
00:12:54Whoa, easy, Zach
00:12:56I think you're the one who needs to chill
00:12:59Look, since we're here for fun
00:13:01Let's do everything together
00:13:04Better than just sitting here all night arguing
00:13:08Miss Johnson
00:13:09I hear you're pretty good at street poker
00:13:12Would you like to play some poker with us?
00:13:15I'm in
00:13:16This could be interesting
00:13:18Remember the last time you played a drinking game?
00:13:20It wasn't good
00:13:22Don't do it
00:13:24Why not?
00:13:25I'm in
00:13:30I'm in
00:13:31I'm in
00:13:32I'm in
00:13:33I'm in
00:13:34I'm in
00:13:35I'm in
00:13:36I'm in
00:13:37I'm in
00:13:38I'm in
00:13:39I'm in
00:13:40I'm in
00:14:04Miss Ross
00:14:05I'm afraid you lose
00:14:07Oh, forget it, Miss Ross
00:14:08I'm sure Zach doesn't mind taking the punishment for her
00:14:11I do
00:14:12We have to play by the rules, right?
00:14:24She's new to this, alright?
00:14:26Why don't we do something else?
00:14:28Something more entertaining
00:15:02I'm in
00:15:07That's very interesting
00:15:09Well, let's do it
00:15:10Miss Ross
00:15:13No, no, no, Miss Ross
00:15:15You're definitely not my type
00:15:17On his lap
00:15:19Mr Johnson, I've clearly offended you
00:15:21So I'm just going to leave
00:15:22Excuse me
00:15:23Shane, enough
00:15:25Miss Ross and I work together
00:15:26I can't have you insult her like this
00:15:29He asked you to dance, so just do it
00:15:31How hard could it be?
00:15:36Think about your friend
00:15:46Forget the fucking dance
00:15:48You might be sick
00:15:53Zach, take care of Miss Ross
00:15:58I will
00:16:18I didn't know any better
00:16:20I'd say Shane Johnston hates you
00:16:24Why is that?
00:16:26Well, I spiked Shane's drink
00:16:28And I think I got enough video evidence
00:16:30To make his life pretty difficult if I want to
00:16:33If I threaten to release the footage
00:16:35I'm sure he'll give you that contract you want
00:16:37Are you serious?
00:16:39I know your family are looking for the next successor
00:16:43If you get that project
00:16:45You'll certainly be next in line for the Coen Group
00:16:52You're a real Lady Macbeth
00:16:54I'm surprised
00:17:00I'll trust you on this
00:17:07But if you screw this up
00:17:10I will bury you
00:17:12And Richard
00:17:22Mr. Johnston?
00:17:24Whatever you've got to say to me
00:17:26I hope and say it
00:17:27I've got to go home
00:17:29Seems Zach's been treating you well
00:17:31You've slept with him, haven't you?
00:17:32That's none of your business
00:17:34Everything's my business
00:17:36What the hell is wrong with you?
00:17:38You broke our contract
00:17:40Don't fucking touch me
00:17:41What, so now I can't even touch you?
00:17:43You've gone and sold yourself to him, have you?
00:17:45Yeah, I sold myself to him
00:17:47So now you can't touch me
00:17:48You were the one that taught me that, remember?
00:17:50Or have you forgotten?
00:17:53Why? Say that again
00:17:56I'm now with someone else
00:17:59Does it look like I know that?
00:18:03I've said everything I needed to say
00:18:05I told you I don't know when I was touching you
00:18:08It sounds like you've developed feelings for me
00:18:11Why else would you be asking about my past with someone else?
00:18:15You know that's not true
00:18:19Look, we were together for five weeks, okay?
00:18:21You're just pissed off to see me with somebody else
00:18:23You know a lot, huh?
00:18:25I asked you if we could start seeing other people and you said yes
00:18:29It's unreasonable for you to ask me about my private life
00:18:35Don't touch me
00:18:38Why do you keep holding my hand?
00:18:40Get out
00:18:44Wait a minute
00:18:47You miss me already
00:18:50For five years service, I couldn't say to anyone in the villa
00:18:53How generous of you, Mr Kingston
00:19:03But I can't accept this
00:19:05If Zach finds out about our little secret, he won't marry me
00:19:16So what's the plan, huh?
00:19:18You're gonna marry into the rich family?
00:19:20You got a problem with that?
00:19:22Just because I didn't work with you doesn't mean I won't work with Zach
00:19:25I don't want to see you again
00:19:27That's the idea
00:19:41You want to say something?
00:19:44So I say this as a friend
00:19:46But don't you think you could have been a bit nicer to Miss Ross today?
00:19:50I knew what I was doing
00:19:52Yeah, I get that
00:19:54But you do tend to be a bit harsh when you're jealous
00:19:59Yeah, jealous
00:20:01I'm jealous
00:20:03I'm jealous
00:20:05You do tend to be a bit harsh when you're jealous
00:20:09Why would I be jealous?
00:20:11It's not like I have any feelings for her
00:20:13So I've worked for you for years now
00:20:15And I think that I have an understanding of your temperament
00:20:18You couldn't stand the way Mr Connell was talking about her
00:20:20And I see you took it out on her
00:20:22I can't stand Zach Owen
00:20:24He's an ass kisser
00:20:26And the fact that she chose him over all people
00:20:28Just shows how pathetic she is
00:20:32Okay, I get it
00:20:34But I think if you want her to be happy
00:20:36Then it's probably best to let her go
00:20:38Look, the car needs a service
00:20:53It's Ross
00:20:55Do you need a lift?
00:20:57Don't worry, he's not here
00:21:05Help me please
00:21:07Somebody help me please
00:21:09I don't want to die
00:21:11Please help me, my heart's really sick
00:21:13Someone help me
00:21:15Do anything
00:21:19So did you really mean that?
00:21:21You'll do anything?
00:21:23Can I pay you?
00:21:35Sorry about the carpet Mr Brown
00:21:37I must have stepped in some mud
00:21:40Don't worry about it, just replace it
00:21:44Just like him, huh?
00:21:46Out with the old, in with the new
00:21:51We're here by the way
00:21:54Thanks for the lift
00:21:56You're welcome Miss Ross
00:22:16You've got a fever
00:22:18I've got to get you to hospital
00:22:20I'm not going to a hospital
00:22:26Are you kidding?
00:22:30You're going to cough up the lung
00:22:32You need to go now
00:22:34Come on, I'll take you
00:22:40It's going to be okay
00:22:42She's in critical condition
00:22:44We need to intubate
00:22:46Prepare her for IV immediately
00:22:54Why do I see you with a silent trigger and we argue?
00:22:56I hate you like this
00:23:02I hate you
00:23:08Sunny, are you okay?
00:23:10Talk to me
00:23:12Sunny, help me
00:23:14So you really mean that?
00:23:16You'll do anything if I pay you
00:23:20Why did you sleep with him?
00:23:22Why did you cheat on me, Anna?
00:23:32What's wrong?
00:23:38What did the doctor say?
00:23:40You're in a fever induced coma
00:23:42They've put you in the emergency room
00:23:44And they've run some tests
00:23:46Which should be ready
00:23:48So I'm going to go get the results, okay?
00:23:50Wait, Bridget
00:23:52I'm really, really hungry
00:23:54Can you please get me some food?
00:23:56Yeah, of course
00:23:58I'll be right back, okay?
00:24:22Help! I need the doctor
00:24:24Help! She's been hurt
00:24:38Help me
00:24:42That was a really good act you did for money
00:24:44Well done, Meryl Streep
00:25:04I made you a sandwich
00:25:08Thank you
00:25:10Did you get the report this afternoon?
00:25:12Yeah, I went to the doctor and he said
00:25:14I'm pretty much good to go
00:25:16Just need some rest
00:25:18I forgot to get the report though
00:25:22My god, I just, I can't with you, Anna
00:25:24You kept
00:25:26Saying your name in your sleep
00:25:28It's Sunny
00:25:30You can't get over him, can you?
00:25:32He was quite a hit
00:25:34They're jerks
00:25:36Sunny Smith and Shane Johnson
00:25:38Can just go to hell
00:25:40You deserve
00:25:42So much better
00:25:44Thank you, Bridget
00:25:46But you should go home and get some rest
00:25:48I'm okay now
00:25:54Are you sure?
00:25:58Okay, just
00:26:00I need you to promise me that
00:26:02You're going to get some rest
00:26:04Okay? I promise
00:26:06See you soon
00:26:38Hey, sweet cheeks
00:26:40I'm in a meeting. Talk to you later
00:27:00Honey, I heard you called in
00:27:04How are you feeling now?
00:27:08That's great
00:27:10Tell me, have you talked to Shane
00:27:12About the project?
00:27:14Yes, um
00:27:16I talked to him about it
00:27:18He said he'd think about it
00:27:20The hell does that mean?
00:27:22That motherfucker doesn't sound frightened at all
00:27:24Look, give me the damn video
00:27:26And I'll talk to him myself
00:27:28He was already really mad
00:27:30When I forced him to give the project to you
00:27:32You've got to give it some time
00:27:34You don't want to push too hard
00:27:36If you do, he'll push even harder
00:27:38You don't want him to be an enemy
00:27:40That's cute, Anna
00:27:42Look, TikTok, alright?
00:27:44If I remember correctly
00:27:46Your friend's wedding is on the 9th
00:27:48If you need a contract
00:27:52A miserable death
00:28:00Mr. Poet
00:28:02I'm going to head to the virgin
00:28:04I will kill you
00:28:10Whoa, whoa, whoa
00:28:12You should be resting
00:28:14Richard, I need to move around
00:28:16And do some stretches
00:28:18I'm never going to fit into the wedding dress
00:28:20You made me if I just sit around all day
00:28:22Eating sandwiches
00:28:24Come on, you are so skinny
00:28:26I'm afraid to let you outside
00:28:28On a windy day
00:28:30No, but actually
00:28:32You should probably put on some weight
00:28:34So the dress doesn't slip off
00:28:38I know this probably
00:28:40Wasn't on your gift list for your wedding
00:28:42But I got you something
00:28:44No, I
00:28:46I can't accept that
00:28:48You've worked so hard
00:28:50You have this debt with Shane
00:28:52And you're like my own sister
00:28:56I can't
00:28:58You've always taken care of me
00:29:00Even though I'm the oldest
00:29:02All the way back to the orphanage
00:29:04As soon as I was in a position
00:29:06To help you, the car crash happened
00:29:10So now that I'm
00:29:12Back on my feet
00:29:14Please let me do this one thing
00:29:16For our friendship
00:29:20At least
00:29:22Let me cook us a really nice meal
00:29:24Just the two of us
00:29:46As a symbol of their unending love
00:30:00Promise me you'll always cook
00:30:02Of course I will, you too
00:30:04I love you
00:30:06Knock knock
00:30:08God fucking damn
00:30:12Look at this
00:30:18Look at this
00:30:20Such a
00:30:22Religious wedding
00:30:24And I wasn't invited
00:30:26That hurts, Anna
00:30:30I've got the contract
00:30:32I was going to give it to you on our date tonight
00:30:34Why didn't you tell me?
00:30:36I don't like to be kept waiting
00:30:38I'm at my best friend's wedding
00:30:40I'm going to keep my promise to you
00:30:50Good job, Anna
00:30:52You really pulled through
00:30:54I'll see you at the hotel
00:30:58Don't be late
00:31:00You're a great friend
00:31:08Is everything okay?
00:31:10Okay, I was worried
00:31:40Knock knock
00:31:44Sorry, sorry, wrong room
00:31:50You look good tonight
00:31:54Are you trying to start some kind of dirty roleplay?
00:31:56Be careful what you wish for
00:32:06I got you some wine
00:32:10It helps to loosen things up
00:32:14So do you do this often?
00:32:16The whole roleplay thing?
00:32:18You're not Zack
00:32:22Who are you?
00:32:24Answer my question first
00:32:26Sit down
00:32:30Get off me
00:32:32Take it easy
00:32:34You invited Zack here then drunk his wine
00:32:36What do you plan on doing?
00:32:40I was just going to have a little fun
00:32:42Oh really?
00:32:50Oh really?
00:32:58I have to give him something
00:33:00Or he's going to kill my best friend
00:33:02Go ahead
00:33:12Where is it?
00:33:14Here it is
00:33:24You did this all by yourself
00:33:28Look at you
00:33:32Good job
00:33:36I poured this just for you
00:33:38Shall we celebrate?
00:33:42Why are you behaving like a real woman?
00:33:44All my dreams are coming true
00:33:46You have the purse sir
00:33:50There we are
00:34:12I'm coming
00:34:14I'm sorry
00:34:16Why don't you just
00:34:20Stay here
00:34:22Stay right here
00:34:24Don't move
00:34:26And just wait for me
00:34:34Tell me
00:34:36Have you slept with Zack?
00:34:44Let me find out if you have
00:34:50Lay down
00:34:52I've been waiting so long to see you
00:34:54Are you with him?
00:34:56You're not going to let him go tonight are you?
00:34:58From now on
00:35:00If you need anything
00:35:02If you need me
00:35:04You come see me
00:35:06But I don't want you to get yourself in any sort of dangerous situations
00:35:08I don't even know who you are
00:35:12You message me and I will be there
00:35:14Now sleep
00:35:16You don't have to worry about Zack
00:35:18You mean
00:35:30Help me please
00:35:32Somebody help me please
00:35:34I'm going to be ok
00:35:36Please help me
00:35:38Someone help me
00:35:48That was a really good act you did for money
00:35:50Well done Meryl Streep
00:35:54Why did you sleep with him?
00:35:56Why did you cheat on me?
00:36:04Oh my god
00:36:06Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?
00:36:08Let me guess
00:36:10Martha Stewart?
00:36:12Lance Armstrong?
00:36:16Dick Ward Cullen aren't you?
00:36:22Who the fuck are you meant to be?
00:36:24A dildo in boat shoes?
00:36:26Look sweetie give me your kiss
00:36:28And get the fuck out of my face
00:36:32You contaminated honey with those filthy lips of yours
00:36:34When you kissed her
00:36:36And you violated her when you set her on the rock
00:36:38You deserve a beating
00:36:40You deserve a beating
00:36:44Where the fuck are you going?
00:36:46You're fucking like me
00:36:48I will fucking ruin you
00:36:50I will destroy your life
00:36:52Don't fucking touch me
00:37:10Sorry Miss Rose
00:37:12The CCTV footage only shows Miss Cullen
00:37:14Exiting and entering her room
00:37:16There's no other people who's wearing a mask
00:37:28What's wrong?
00:37:30What's happened?
00:37:32Where have you been?
00:37:34I've been trying to call you
00:37:36You're supposed to be on your honeymoon
00:37:38A bunch of guys were hanging around my place
00:37:40For like half an hour
00:37:42And I was calling and calling you
00:37:44And you never answered
00:37:46And then it clicked to me that
00:37:48These are the same guys that were at the wedding yesterday
00:37:52What if they'd taken you or kidnapped you
00:37:54And I had to come check
00:37:58Are you okay?
00:38:00Nobody is going to kidnap me
00:38:02Come on
00:38:04You should be on your honeymoon
00:38:06You can't force yourself on your
00:38:08Are you back with Shane?
00:38:10It's neither
00:38:12Come on
00:38:14You've got to get on your honeymoon
00:38:16You should be enjoying yourself
00:38:36I miss you
00:38:52No you don't miss me
00:38:54How did you get in here?
00:38:56I missed you
00:38:58Did you enjoy that?
00:39:00Can't you take that thing off for a while?
00:39:02We can't seriously be that bad looking
00:39:04Let me guess
00:39:06You've got gruesome acne scars
00:39:08Or your face is all scarred up
00:39:10From fighting crime in Gotham
00:39:14You're actually Shane
00:39:16Aren't you?
00:39:20Do you wish I was?
00:39:24We can go again
00:39:28We can go again if you don't
00:39:32I'm sorry
00:39:38Nobody is going to help you
00:39:42You cheated on me
00:39:44You sold your body
00:39:46And you sold us out
00:39:48Now I can't even bear to look at you
00:39:50So I'm sending you straight
00:39:52To hell
00:40:34Hey Anna, are you going to the chairman's office?
00:40:36You guys go ahead
00:40:38I forgot something
00:40:40What's wrong with her today?
00:40:42She sounds terrified of us
00:40:44I've only ever been nice to her, haven't I?
00:40:46I'm not interested
00:40:48Shane, when are you going to get over this stupid OCD?
00:40:50I'm not, I probably never will
00:40:54I'm sorry I turned down your proposal
00:40:56Five years ago
00:40:58I didn't think I was good enough
00:41:00But now I've been appointed as the new CEO
00:41:02And I'm ready to plan for our future
00:41:04Can we just try again?
00:41:06Nancy, this has nothing to do with you
00:41:26Please come to Ms. John's office
00:41:28Immediately, there is something I need to tell you
00:41:32I think there's a high chance
00:41:34We still have a deal with Mr. West
00:41:40Why do I see you with a silent trigger
00:41:42When we argue?
00:41:44I hate you like this
00:41:52Ms. John's
00:41:54How can I help you?
00:41:56Anna, you're usually the one who welcomes the visitors
00:41:58From the West Group, right?
00:42:02Great, the CEO, Mr. West, is arriving this afternoon
00:42:04I need you to book a hotel room for him
00:42:06And a table for the conference tonight
00:42:08And I also need you to pick him up from the airport
00:42:10Can you do that?
00:42:12Ms. John's, I've handed in my resignation
00:42:14I'm actually only here to do the handover
00:42:16I think you should give those tasks to someone else
00:42:18Anna, I didn't approve it, remember?
00:42:20And since you're still on the team
00:42:22We can talk about your handover letter later
00:42:24Once you're done with my request, okay?
00:42:26It's just a small job
00:42:28And I promise at the end of it, you'll receive a large bonus
00:42:30Once the project's wrapped up
00:42:32Ms. Ross
00:42:34You've been the assistant since I've known you
00:42:36Attending to Mr. West should be nothing but a breeze to you
00:42:42I'll go and arrange that
00:42:50Put me down!
00:42:52Put me down now!
00:42:54Why do you always give me the silent trigger
00:42:56When we argue?
00:42:58I hate you like this!
00:43:06Sunny, are you okay?
00:43:08Talk to me!
00:43:12Help me!
00:43:14Sunny, don't hurt me!
00:43:28Ms. Ross
00:43:30Good afternoon, Mr. West
00:43:32This way, please
00:43:34It's good to see you again
00:43:36Me too
00:43:38Are you still mad at me?
00:43:40How would I be?
00:43:42I know it's hard to believe
00:43:44But I lost a lot of my memory
00:43:46I'm sorry for what I did to you
00:43:48I really am
00:43:50I loved you
00:43:52I cared for you
00:43:54And never once did I betray you
00:43:56Did you cheat on me?
00:43:58Did you?
00:44:02I already sold myself to baby of surgery
00:44:04They said you were the last West
00:44:06I don't want you to go
00:44:08Please don't leave me
00:44:12My name is Jay West
00:44:14Stop calling me Sunny
00:44:16I am the heir
00:44:18To the West family
00:44:20And if you
00:44:22Or Bridget
00:44:24Even think about stealing any money
00:44:26From my family
00:44:28I swear you'll regret it
00:44:36What happened between us in the past
00:44:38Has nothing to do with our current business
00:44:40And should stay in the past
00:44:44Oh, and
00:44:46Do you mind staying and dining with us?
00:44:48I'm afraid you'll have to give them a ride back to the hotel afterwards
00:44:50I really don't know how you want to design
00:44:52But you have to finish the job properly
00:44:54Before the handover
00:44:56Just take a seat, and I'll sign your resignation letter
00:44:58When I'm back, okay?
00:45:08Yes, I'd like to book a room, please
00:45:12Okay, all right, thank you
00:45:26Miss Ross, are you okay?
00:45:28Yeah, it's just a dizzy spell
00:45:30Hyperglycemia, it'll pass
00:45:32Okay, you just
00:45:34You have a rest, I'll go get someone
00:45:50Jay West
00:45:52Seems to like you
00:45:58Well, what a wonderful dinner
00:46:00Mr. West, Miss Ross will take you back to your hotel
00:46:02If you don't mind
00:46:04See you tomorrow, Mr. West
00:46:06Are you all right, sir?
00:46:08Let's go home
00:46:10See you tomorrow, Mr. West, back to his hotel
00:46:18Spike, please
00:46:20Mr. West, we give up, see you overnight
00:46:40Anna, are you all right?
00:47:14Tell me
00:47:18A woman?
00:47:20I haven't seen this in a while
00:47:22I thought you said you're not dating anyone
00:47:26You need to see this
00:47:30When was this taken?
00:47:32Just now
00:47:40I think she's had a heart attack
00:47:42Much likely due to heart disease
00:47:44But luckily it's calmed down and she's still alive
00:47:46Now, why isn't she in hospital?
00:47:50Thanks, John
00:47:52I really appreciate you coming out
00:47:54But it's getting late
00:47:56I should go
00:47:58You just can't wait to kick me out every time, right?
00:48:02But seriously
00:48:04I really appreciate it
00:48:08But seriously
00:48:10It's no problem
00:48:12Just make sure she rests
00:48:26Is it true that the accident
00:48:28was the only involvement between me and Anna?
00:48:30Yes, Mr. West
00:48:32But if I recall correctly
00:48:34Haven't you spoken to the dean of the orphanage
00:48:36a few years ago?
00:48:40What do you mean you don't remember?
00:48:42You said never
00:48:44But I feel like there's something more
00:48:46Otherwise why would I be so concerned for her all the time?
00:48:50If you ask me
00:48:52I don't think she even has a heart disease
00:48:54Just like the last time
00:48:56She's milking for her sympathy
00:49:00It's enough
00:49:04It's enough
00:49:30What's wrong with you?
00:49:34Miss Ross
00:49:36Good morning
00:49:38Thanks for last night
00:49:40Sorry for the bother
00:49:42Actually, there's something I need to show you
00:49:44It seems the paparazzi
00:49:46took a photo of us last night
00:49:48And it's
00:49:50gone viral. I'm sorry
00:49:52That's okay
00:49:54I'll leave it to you
00:49:56At least let me buy you lunch
00:49:58As an apology
00:50:00No, that's fine
00:50:04Thank you
00:50:30Can you hold this, Miss Ross?
00:50:34Anna Ross and
00:50:36Jay West
00:50:38The new power couple in town, huh?
00:50:40Treat her well
00:50:50Do you guys have a history?
00:50:52Seems like he's always mad at you
00:50:54He's not mad, he's just
00:50:56rude and arrogant
00:50:58He knows what I do for a living
00:51:01Do you still want to invite me for lunch?
00:51:04Of course
00:51:08Miss Ross
00:51:10You told me we were once in a relationship
00:51:12Is that true?
00:51:16Um, no
00:51:18I was just messing with you
00:51:22Because I wanted to marry into a wealthy family
00:51:24just like yours
00:51:26And what about now?
00:51:30I don't think I'm really your type now
00:51:34Try this, I think you'll like it
00:51:38I have to go, I'm sorry
00:51:40You really shouldn't waste your time on someone like me
00:51:44Miss Ross
00:52:18What's wrong?
00:52:20You've slept with him, haven't you?
00:52:22Admit it, Anna
00:52:24Is that all you can talk about?
00:52:26Answer me
00:52:28If I say no, are you going to believe me?
00:52:32So is that a yes or a no?
00:52:40You're lying
00:52:42About what?
00:52:44It's the first time, so why should I believe you?
00:52:46I'm not, Mr West is different
00:52:48He's kind, honest and caring
00:52:50I actually like him a lot
00:52:52Sounds like you've known him for a long time
00:52:56I only met him yesterday
00:52:58You've only known the guy for one day
00:53:00And he falls in love with you
00:53:02Well done, Anna
00:53:04Thanks, I guess I'm not as useless as you think I am
00:53:06I guess I'm not as useless as you think I am
00:53:14I guess I'm not as useless as you think I am, am I?
00:53:16Fuck, Anna
00:53:18How desperate are you to be loved?
00:53:20Listen, is it money?
00:53:22Because if it is, tell me how much
00:53:24It's not about money
00:53:26What is it then?
00:53:28What do I have to do if you're not to fall in love with this guy?
00:53:30Who should I love instead, you?
00:53:32You said you'd never want to see me again
00:53:34It's not worth thinking about
00:53:36Stop thinking about me as if I am
00:53:38Like you said, you're just some girl that I paid to accompany me
00:53:40I'd be a fool to fall in love with you
00:53:42As if you know anything about love
00:53:44As if you know anything about love
00:53:46Look, the reason I'm keeping you away from Jay West
00:53:48is because I need you to marry my sister
00:53:50So find yourself another target
00:53:52Do you understand?
00:53:54Don't worry
00:53:56Soon you will never see me again
00:53:58Life is short
00:54:00And I don't have time to waste on any of you
00:54:02Look, I'm not joking
00:54:04Don't even try your little tricks on Jay either
00:54:06or there will be consequences
00:54:08If there's nothing else, I'll be going
00:54:12Who's Sonny Smith?
00:54:16How do you know that name?
00:54:18You call his name out every night in your sleep
00:54:22Sonny Smith is the man who told me
00:54:24I was to love him for life
00:54:26And you love him
00:54:28I loved him
00:54:30I love him
00:54:32And now?
00:54:36Nevermind, get out
00:54:52It says here that you decided to resign
00:54:54due to, and I quote here
00:54:56personal issues that
00:54:58require immediate attention
00:55:00Can you tell me what they are?
00:55:04Sorry Miss James, but
00:55:06it's personal
00:55:08There are rumours going around
00:55:10saying that
00:55:12you want to marry into a rich family
00:55:14I mean, who doesn't want that?
00:55:16And I didn't believe
00:55:18a word of them
00:55:20until I saw the photo of you and Jay
00:55:22Just one day
00:55:24and he's already fallen in love with you
00:55:26Tell me Anna, how do you do it?
00:55:34Anna, you signed an agreement
00:55:36Your resignation
00:55:38must either be approved by the CEO
00:55:40or you'll need to pay a large fine
00:55:42to the company for breach of contract
00:55:44Are you sure
00:55:46you have the money to pay
00:55:48a considerable fine?
00:55:50Students, what do I have to do to get you to accept
00:55:52my resignation?
00:55:54Now I'm sure you've heard that our company
00:55:56has plans to expand into other cities
00:55:58and most notably, to sign off a deal with Jay
00:56:00But, it's been months now
00:56:02without any progress
00:56:04So, now that you're all tied up
00:56:06with their CEO, it's the perfect opportunity
00:56:08So to answer
00:56:10your question, I would like you
00:56:12to help us sign off a deal with Jay
00:56:18Hello, Miss Lewis
00:56:20Miss Jones addressed me
00:56:22to look after you during your stay
00:56:24Is there anything I can help you with?
00:56:26Well, I didn't bring
00:56:28my personal assistant this time, maybe you could fill in?
00:56:30Of course, no problem
00:56:36Miss Lewis
00:56:38Miss Rose has
00:56:40a shady history
00:56:42I don't think it's a good idea to keep her around
00:56:44She's coming up with
00:56:46these promoting plans
00:56:48Exactly what's been written
00:56:50That's an exclusive point
00:56:52I'm with you
00:56:54Just because you worked for my brother
00:56:56does not mean you have any privilege
00:56:58Know your place
00:57:00Get out
00:57:08In 2015, this company
00:57:10was established
00:57:12and in 2016
00:57:18Say hello
00:57:30We launched this app to their great success
00:57:38Why did you let me stay?
00:57:40Because you were interested
00:57:42You were, right?
00:57:44What if I were a spy?
00:57:48You were a spy when you were dead, right?
00:57:50If you were a spy, I think you could
00:57:52open this up
00:57:54Specific, more important
00:57:58I trust you
00:58:00Would you like to go to a dinner party with me?
00:58:04Dinner party?
00:58:06The Warrens are hosting
00:58:08It'd be great if you could come
00:58:10You look beautiful tonight
00:58:34Cheers, cheers, cheers
00:58:40Hey Jay, how are you today?
00:58:42What's this lovely lady you're with?
00:58:44This is Anna Ross
00:58:46Miss Jones' assistant
00:58:48and my date for tonight
00:58:50Mr West
00:58:52What are you doing here at the Warrens' party?
00:58:54Aren't you engaged to my sister?
00:58:56Binding our families by marriage was my father's idea
00:58:58He's an old man
00:59:00and his ideologies are outdated
00:59:02With all due respect
00:59:04I never wanted to marry your sister
00:59:08So you're going to break it off?
00:59:10Is that what you're saying?
00:59:12There's nothing to break off
00:59:14I never agreed to any of it, okay?
00:59:16Calm down
00:59:18I'm not forcing you
00:59:20It was your dad's suggestion
00:59:22I'll go talk to him
00:59:24You should go talk to him
00:59:26After all, he's our family
00:59:28Not you
00:59:36What are you doing here?
00:59:42I don't know who the hell you are
00:59:44But stay away from Jay
00:59:46He's mine
00:59:48Do you hear me?
00:59:50Why don't you just tell Jay how you feel
00:59:52Instead of trying to threaten me like a whiny little schoolgirl
00:59:56Who do you think you are?
01:00:00He just brings you to one of her parties
01:00:02It doesn't mean you're one of us
01:00:04Stay away from Jay
01:00:08This whiny little schoolgirl
01:00:10Would more than just let your shit out of you
01:00:16Are you okay?
01:00:18Yeah, I'm fine
01:00:36You're so devoted, huh?
01:00:38You go through all of this for Jay, Wes
01:00:40You're that obsessed with him
01:00:42When Jay hears about this, he won't want anything to do with Laura
01:00:46All this effort you're putting in
01:00:48You know nobody's gonna marry you
01:00:50I want nothing to do with Jay, okay?
01:00:52Why don't you go and talk to Nancy
01:00:54She's threatened to financially ruin me
01:00:56If I don't do exactly what she says
01:00:58Whose fault is that, huh?
01:01:00If Nancy hadn't seen those photos
01:01:02Did you?
01:01:04Jay just publicly announced he's engaged with my sister
01:01:06I don't think he has
01:01:08You're in on it
01:01:12I didn't mean that
01:01:14So this is how you hit on guys?
01:01:18I certainly wouldn't hit on you
01:01:22I don't want to hurt your feelings either
01:01:24I didn't even have feelings for you when we were together
01:01:26I certainly wouldn't have any now
01:01:28Enough, alright
01:01:30Jay makes no decision on the marriage
01:01:32To my sister
01:01:34He may come to you for petty things
01:01:36But on big decisions
01:01:38He obeys his father
01:01:44Jay, where have you been?
01:01:46I've been looking all over for you
01:01:52What happened to your face?
01:01:58Your face
01:02:00Who did this?
01:02:04Miss Warren
01:02:06Anna is my guest tonight
01:02:08Do you really think it is appropriate for you to hit her?
01:02:10But Jay
01:02:14How do you know it was me?
01:02:16You didn't even ask
01:02:18Wasn't it you?
01:02:20It's not what you think
01:02:22I did it for a good reason
01:02:24Apologize to her
01:02:32I hit her
01:02:34But she started everything
01:02:36I'm not going to apologize
01:02:40Miss Warren
01:02:42Stop lying and apologize
01:02:44I saw everything
01:02:46You didn't do anything wrong
01:02:50Your sister here slapped Mr West's guest
01:02:52Is that the shocking way you handle disputes?
01:02:56Did you enjoy that?
01:03:10You're not in love with Miss Ross are you?
01:03:12What if I am?
01:03:14Look, for her sake, if you are
01:03:16And if your mother finds out
01:03:18She'll do everything in her power to destroy her
01:03:20The best thing to do is if you care about her
01:03:22Just leave her alone
01:03:26I was just kidding
01:03:28She's not in my type anyway
01:03:30Yeah well if she is, don't let anyone hear about it
01:03:38Why don't you and Miss Jones get married?
01:03:40Quinn, stop it
01:03:42You're selling my mother
01:03:44Alright, alright
01:03:46We can't live off her ever
01:03:48Don't worry
01:03:50Sooner or later we'll get married
01:03:58Put this on, it'll help
01:04:00It's fine, I'm just going to put some on
01:04:02Miss West, I've got a call
01:04:04Excuse me
01:04:06See you guys
01:04:08No, I serve, see you
01:04:14I never should have taken that call
01:04:16She's just plain hard to get
01:04:18Hard to get
01:04:20She just keeps me out of her house
01:04:22Emma was, if she isn't
01:04:24Why would she have told you that Miss Rowland hid her?
01:04:26Will you just shut up?
01:04:50Emma, it was an accident
01:04:52Wake up, wake up
01:04:54We are so together
01:04:56You can't not have these dreams
01:04:58Like a silly little school girl
01:05:16Hello, Jade?
01:05:20I'm sorry about earlier
01:05:24It's just, it's too late
01:05:26You know?
01:05:28Never mind, Miss Ross
01:05:30I'm wondering if you'd like to go to the binding with me tomorrow?
01:05:36Sure, no problem
01:05:38No need to hurry, it starts at 10am
01:05:40You can sleep in a bit
01:05:42Have a good rest
01:05:44Have a good rest
01:05:46I'll see you tomorrow
01:05:52I'll see you tomorrow
01:06:06And this one is our accounting centre
01:06:08This one is our company's property
01:06:18Miss Ross
01:06:23Mr West
01:06:25Do you mind if I have a word with Anna?
01:06:27Of course, she's your assistant after all
01:06:29I'll be right over
01:06:31Great job, Anna
01:06:33Really, Mr West seems to really enjoy the company
01:06:35I must say, not many people go to the binding to the bidding
01:06:37So I'll give you a pay rise
01:06:39Thanks, Miss Jones, but I'd rather you accept my resignation
01:06:41Anna, you did well
01:06:43But not well enough for that, I'm afraid
01:06:48Good morning
01:06:50Finally, what took you so long?
01:06:57Our company has a very clear advantage in this regard
01:07:00Miss Ross, would you have a cup?
01:07:02It's almost my turn
01:07:04Of course
01:07:13Miss Ross
01:07:15Mr Brown, do you know where the break room is?
01:07:17It's just over here
01:07:19Look, a word of advice
01:07:21You need to stop hanging around Shane
01:07:23For your own sake
01:07:25Look, you don't come from money
01:07:27You don't come from a family name
01:07:29Shane's mother will never let you marry
01:07:31A son, you need to let go
01:07:33Thanks, Mr Brown
01:07:35For your advice
01:07:37But it's not necessary
01:07:43Thank you
01:07:47I thought you'd only like it with one sugar
01:07:49I didn't, I just made it the way I like it
01:07:53You've been watching me, haven't you?
01:07:55Look, it's not
01:07:57You only wash it
01:08:01You might ask
01:08:03Put it in place
01:08:05Next, please welcome the CEO of Westgrove
01:08:07Jay West
01:08:09Don't worry, I won't throw it by him
01:08:11It's all in my head
01:08:13Good morning
01:08:15Ladies, gentlemen
01:08:17I'm so pleased to be here at the Johnston Group
01:08:19Wanted to say that your results last year were really amazing
01:08:21And so I'm really looking forward
01:08:23To this visit
01:08:25Anna, are you okay?
01:08:27What do you mean?
01:08:29What's going on?
01:08:31Get help
01:08:45Very impressive, Mr West
01:08:47I'm intrigued
01:08:49My bad
01:08:51Should I change the rule
01:08:53That you can bring your girlfriend along to the biddings?
01:08:55Are you trying to Bonnie and Clyde your way
01:08:57Into this business?
01:08:59You're kidding, right?
01:09:01I take this business very seriously
01:09:03I know it's no place for a date
01:09:05So, Anna Ross is not your girlfriend?
01:09:07No, she's
01:09:09She's what?
01:09:11You seem
01:09:13Very interested
01:09:15What? No
01:09:17I just think it's quite dangerous
01:09:19If you mess around with Zach Collins' girl
01:09:21Maybe she's the reason that he's missing
01:09:25So this is how you destroy people?
01:09:27Spreading rumours, damaging their reputation
01:09:29Have some decency
01:09:31I'm not pointing fingers anywhere, alright?
01:09:33Then why are you being so aggressive?
01:09:35I'm just trying to give you a fair warning
01:09:37Maybe she's using you
01:09:39What, Anna?
01:09:41No way
01:09:43We've known each other for years
01:09:47What do you mean?
01:09:49We grew up together
01:10:01Put me down!
01:10:03Put me down now!
01:10:05Give me my TV!
01:10:07The power is triggering and we argue
01:10:09I hate people like you!
01:10:17Mr West
01:10:19The bidding is going to start soon
01:10:21We need to go
01:10:23Why? I thought it started at 2pm
01:10:25The Johnson's moved it up
01:10:27We just received the notification
01:10:29All companies absent from the bidding will be notified
01:10:31Mr West, let's go
01:10:33Fuck it
01:10:35Screw the Johnson's
01:10:37I'm so fed up with them
01:10:39Shouldn't I come, Mr West?
01:10:55Shane, is that you?
01:10:59Shane, is that you?
01:11:01You miss him that much, do you?
01:11:03Shane, what are you doing here?
01:11:05It's off you
01:11:07Is that why you're here?
01:11:09To throw away his coat?
01:11:11I'm here because you lied to me
01:11:15About you and Jay West
01:11:17And knowing each other for so long
01:11:19Why wouldn't you tell me that?
01:11:23Anna, I'm going to give you one chance to tell me the truth now
01:11:25I don't have to explain anything to you
01:11:27It's none of your business anyway
01:11:31It's so easy to figure out
01:11:33He's Sonny Smith, the man in your dream
01:11:35Isn't he?
01:11:39Anna, tell me right now and tell me the truth
01:11:41The last five years of all together
01:11:43Did I ever distract you from him?
01:11:49You did
01:11:51I can't even tell if you're lying
01:11:53I can't even tell if you're lying
01:11:57I can't even tell if you're lying anymore
01:11:59Then why did you ask?
01:12:01Alright, I won't
01:12:03And I won't even come and see you anymore
01:12:05Hey, I didn't mean to lie to you
01:12:07Sonny, I mean...
01:12:09Enough! I've heard it all before
01:12:19Here are all the surveillance footage
01:12:21This is an archive of everything to do with J-West and Miss Ross
01:12:23This is an archive of everything to do with J-West and Miss Ross
01:12:25This is an archive of everything to do with J-West and Miss Ross
01:12:27J-West, formerly known as Sonny Smith, grew up in an orphanage with Miss Ross
01:12:29J-West, formerly known as Sonny Smith, grew up in an orphanage with Miss Ross
01:12:31They were in a relationship for some time
01:12:33Following a tragic car accident
01:12:35He suffered an acute amnesia
01:12:37Which ultimately ended their relationship
01:12:39They've lost contact ever since
01:12:41They've lost contact ever since
01:12:43Quint, do you think maybe...
01:12:45She's still...
01:12:47Still what?
01:12:49I want you to burn these files, alright?
01:12:51I want you to burn them
01:12:53I want you to burn all of it
01:12:55I want you to burn all of it
01:12:57I want you to burn all of it
01:13:01Okay, yep, thank you
01:13:03Okay, yep, thank you
01:13:05Check medical records
01:13:07Sonny Smith's car accident
01:13:09It's the exact same day that he met Miss Ross
01:13:11In fact, it was immediately after
01:13:13In fact, it was immediately after
01:13:15In fact, it was immediately after
01:13:31Hey, John
01:13:33Hey, John
01:13:35Is it common for patients experiencing heart problems
01:13:37Is it common for patients experiencing heart problems
01:13:39To also suffer from narcolepsy?
01:13:41Not exactly, but I'd say
01:13:43Heart disease and narcolepsy are highly related
01:13:45Why do you ask?
01:13:47Like, what if you just can't wake them up?
01:13:49Like, they're really drowsy
01:13:51Is that also a symptom?
01:13:53Not really, but patients with advanced heart disease
01:13:55Do get that hit point
01:13:57Do get that hit point
01:13:59If this is the case with Miss Ross
01:14:01Well, just wait until she wakes up
01:14:03I don't think it's going to be a big issue
01:14:05I don't think it's going to be a big issue
01:14:07I don't think it's going to be a big issue
01:14:09I don't think it's going to be a big issue
01:14:11I don't think it's going to be a big issue
01:14:13I think she'll marry
01:14:15I think she'll marry
01:14:19Let's go
01:14:29You're awake
01:14:31Thank God
01:14:35Where am I?
01:14:37You're at my place
01:14:39I bought a villa on the outskirts of town
01:14:41I brought you
01:14:43Nancy sent you to greet me
01:14:45The last thing I wanted was for her to think you didn't do a good job
01:14:47And besides
01:14:49You were sleeping like a baby
01:14:51I couldn't wake you
01:14:53And I didn't know where you lived
01:14:55So here we are
01:14:57You don't mind?
01:14:59I don't want to be any trouble
01:15:01Can you take me home?
01:15:03So besides your heart condition
01:15:05What other illnesses do you have?
01:15:07I don't have a heart condition
01:15:09I know
01:15:11Let's go
01:15:17I really did lose you
01:15:19I really did lose you
01:15:21If I did do something to hurt you
01:15:23Would you ever forgive me?
01:15:25Only now have
01:15:27I only now have
01:15:29All my sorrows are really gone
01:15:31Every time I try and reach for you
01:15:33Every time I try and reach for you
01:15:35It's gone
01:15:40So Miss Ross
01:15:42This is yours and Jay West's
01:15:44Little love shack is it?
01:15:46You two are certainly moving fast
01:15:50You two are certainly moving fast
01:15:52Mr Johnston
01:15:54You're mistaken
01:15:56Miss Ross and I don't live together
01:15:58She was feeling unwell and I'm just taking her home
01:16:02So that's why you're holding her like that
01:16:04Whatever it is
01:16:06It has nothing to do with you
01:16:08Of course
01:16:10Actually, do you mind moving your car?
01:16:12I need to get into the Joneses so I can
01:16:14Speak to Nancy's parents and ask for their blessing
01:16:24Are you okay?
01:16:26Shane was probably
01:16:28Coming after me because I broke off the engagement
01:16:30With his sister
01:16:32I wouldn't worry about it
01:16:34I'm fine, I just
01:16:36I'm feeling a little unwell
01:16:38Let me make an appointment with John
01:16:40He saw you that time that you
01:16:42Fainted in the hotel, remember?
01:16:44That doctor
01:16:46Is a genius
01:16:48He'll definitely be able to help
01:16:50It's too late already
01:16:54You know what?
01:16:56Take a few days off
01:16:58I'll call in sick for you
01:17:08Do you mind not snooping through my things?
01:17:10I'm sorry
01:17:12I was
01:17:14I gotta go
01:17:16I'll see you later
01:17:18See ya
01:17:20Hey Jack
01:17:22Another pretty girl out there for me to save?
01:17:26When did I lose my memory?
01:17:28Was it before the car crash
01:17:30Or after the Wests took me in?
01:17:32Do you remember anything?
01:17:36I know you work for my brother
01:17:38So I don't expect you to tell me the full story
01:17:40But just know that I will recall everything
01:17:42And I don't want to lose you as a friend
01:17:44Because you were a part of it too
01:17:46Okay John
01:17:48I didn't start treating you until after you were taken to the Wests
01:17:50And yes, your examination showed
01:17:52That your amnesia started long after the car accident
01:17:54I informed your brother
01:17:56Like any doctor would, but
01:17:58He told me to keep it confidential
01:18:00You're right
01:18:02You're my friend
01:18:04And I shouldn't have told you
01:18:06My brother?
01:18:08Why would he do that?
01:18:14Mr. Westy
01:18:16A package for Ms. Rose
01:18:18Ms. Rose
01:18:20She must have really hated you
01:18:22She doesn't even want to accept my gift
01:18:28Here's to the two-hearted business conglomerate
01:18:30Jenny Johnston and Nancy Jones
01:18:32Will be engaged in two months
01:18:36Their marriage and combined business partnerships
01:18:38Are expected to bring about massive changes
01:18:40In the global market
01:18:44Didn't think it would be that soon
01:18:46I probably won't even live that long
01:19:30How do you know Jay West?
01:20:00Ms. Rose
01:20:02I'm going on an overseas trip soon
01:20:04So this is the last time I'll be able to take you to dinner
01:20:08Enjoy your trip
01:20:12There's something I've been meaning to ask you
01:20:14Have you met my brother?
01:20:16Your brother?
01:20:18I didn't even know you had a brother
01:20:20He was the CEO of Westy
01:20:22And he's a very good friend of mine
01:20:24He's a very good friend of mine
01:20:26He's a very good friend of mine
01:20:28He was the CEO of West Group before me
01:20:30Liam West
01:20:32You've never heard of him
01:20:34Did I
01:20:36Hurt you in any way
01:20:38Five years ago?
01:20:40I'm just gonna go to the bathroom
01:20:52You like the new accessory?
01:20:54I've got you to thank for this
01:20:56I've got you to thank for this
01:20:58You're gonna have to do a real lot of work
01:21:00To make this up to me
01:21:02I don't know what you mean
01:21:08Let me try and jog your memory
01:21:10A few weeks ago
01:21:12Some masked thugs
01:21:14Kidnapped me
01:21:16And beat the shit out of me
01:21:18Because apparently I contaminated
01:21:20And violated you
01:21:22And you're telling me
01:21:24You don't know anything
01:21:26You don't know anything
01:21:28Do you know what I like to do
01:21:30With a whore that lies to me?
01:21:32Back in biblical times
01:21:34They'd stone you to death
01:21:36They'd stone you to death
01:21:38They'd join political centuries
01:21:40And they'd drown you in a lake
01:21:46I prefer the good
01:21:48Old fashioned beating
01:21:50Old fashioned beating
01:22:00Hannah, are you okay?
01:22:04Fuck off!
01:22:14Fuck you!
01:22:18I see she doesn't want anything to do with you
01:22:20Alright, so go back to your girlfriend
01:22:22You princess
01:22:24Alright, whoever that Adam is on
01:22:28Who's he gonna be? Him or me?
01:22:30It's a non-interesting question
01:22:32Mr. Johnson
01:22:34Please wait
01:22:38Fine, I'll go with you
01:22:40Just leave him at it
01:22:42What's this? You hurt?
01:22:44It's not mine
01:22:46It's none of your business
01:22:48I don't have to afford everything to you anymore
01:22:50We're no longer under contract
01:22:52It's me
01:22:54I'm done
01:22:56I need you to save me
01:23:00What the hell?
01:23:02I need my medicine
01:23:06She needs her medicine
01:23:10I hate her
01:23:32Hey Shane!
01:23:34What's going on?
01:23:38I'm taking you to hospital
01:23:40I'm not going to hospital
01:23:42Hannah, I'm not going to let you die
01:23:44Who the hell is that?
01:23:50Doctor, someone help
01:23:52Help me
01:24:18Doctor, is she gonna be okay?
01:24:24Her heart is back to normal rhythm
01:24:26But we still have to do some checks up later
01:24:32Thank you doctor
01:24:42You feeling any better?
01:24:44Why didn't you tell me you had a heart condition?
01:24:46Is anything else you're hiding from me?
01:24:54Is that Jay West?
01:25:00Just a second, I guess I'll have a look at her
01:25:10That's a nasty contusion
01:25:12Here, let me put this on
01:25:14It might hurt a bit
01:25:34Get rid of Zack Cullen
01:25:36I don't want to see that scum ever again
01:25:52Hannah, I've sent my men to go look for a heart transplant
01:25:54That matches with you
01:25:56I'll find any way to cure this
01:25:58I promise
01:26:00Thanks Shane
01:26:02But I've been on the waiting list for years
01:26:06I think I'll just make do with my meds
01:26:08Listen to me
01:26:10You will beat this
01:26:12I promise you
01:26:14You have to trust me
01:26:16Must be lunch time
01:26:18Have you got anything to eat?
01:26:20You hungry?
01:26:22Want some french toast or scrambled eggs?
01:26:24What about some of those pizzas you like?
01:26:50I'm actually feeling a lot better thanks
01:26:52So I'm going to go home
01:26:54So you called him to pick you up?
01:26:56Who? You know who I'm talking about
01:27:00What's he doing here?
01:27:02That's my question
01:27:04If you didn't speak to him, how does he know you were here?
01:27:06You think I'm fucking stupid?
01:27:08Fine, alright
01:27:10I called him to pick me up when my shoulder recovered
01:27:12I get it
01:27:14You just can't wait to get back to him, right?
01:27:16I just, I missed him that much
01:27:20Can I go now?
01:27:22No you can't
01:27:24Are you fucking crazy?
01:27:26You're getting married
01:27:28So let's finish this clean, ok?
01:27:30What do you want from me?
01:27:40Mr West is here
01:27:42Apparently he's reported you to the police
01:27:44Saying that you've been holding Anna here illegally
01:27:48Are you fucking serious?
01:27:50I took you to the doctor
01:27:52I looked after you
01:27:54And this is the return I get?
01:27:56Let him in
01:28:02Get away from her, now
01:28:04Fuck off, she's mine
01:28:06I'll do whatever I want with her
01:28:08Oh really? Anna and I grew up together
01:28:10We've known each other since we were kids
01:28:12So I know for a fact
01:28:14That there's no way she has any feelings for you
01:28:18I'll find out for myself
01:28:20Get him out
01:28:22Don't you fucking touch her, you piece of shit
01:28:24How about we find out from her
01:28:26What she really wants
01:28:34Get off me
01:28:36Get off
01:28:40I slept with him
01:28:42I slept with Jay
01:28:44Does that repulse you?
01:28:46I don't give a fuck about that
01:28:48You're mine and only mine
01:28:50What am I to you? A pet?
01:28:52A slave?
01:28:54A girlfriend?
01:28:56Do you even love me?
01:29:00Make no mistake
01:29:02No mistake?
01:29:04You are nothing
01:29:06Nothing but a fucking possession to me
01:29:50Must have been like a nightmare coming back for you
01:29:52Isn't it?
01:29:54You sold yourself to
01:29:56save me
01:29:58And I hurt you because I couldn't handle it
01:30:00I'm sorry
01:30:02I forgot about all that after the concussion
01:30:04You remember I told you
01:30:06I had a twin brother
01:30:08Well this is him
01:30:10Liam West
01:30:14He's been battling his demons for a while now
01:30:16But he's just been diagnosed with
01:30:18acute schizophrenia
01:30:20He's currently institutionalized
01:30:22Why are you telling me this?
01:30:24I know
01:30:26It wasn't me who broke up with you
01:30:28Five years ago
01:30:30It was him
01:30:32He blamed you for my accident
01:30:34So he impersonated me
01:30:36To get close to you
01:30:38To punish you
01:30:40Just found out
01:30:46I'm so sorry for what he did to you
01:30:48I really am
01:31:00You don't need to apologize
01:31:02It wasn't your fault
01:31:04Fate didn't bring us together
01:31:10What do you mean?
01:31:12Are you saying you don't have feelings for me?
01:31:16I don't know
01:31:20After everything that's happened
01:31:22Let's just get out of here
01:31:26I need you to understand
01:31:28That it's only between us
01:31:34I don't know
01:31:36Don't you understand?
01:31:38I'm not that fast to just do whatever he wants to you
01:31:42Who said you can leave?
01:31:48You're really something special aren't you?
01:31:50Interested in someone
01:31:52Who's been lying to me and faking to me
01:31:54For five years
01:32:02Where's the police you called huh?
01:32:04Maybe I should take you to the police
01:32:06With fake reports you've been making
01:32:10Come here
01:32:12Get up
01:32:14I just need a moment with you
01:32:20Mr. Johnston
01:32:22You heard what he said
01:32:24Jay had an accident
01:32:26A little while back and I needed to pay for surgery
01:32:28And that's the only reason
01:32:30This contract existed
01:32:32It was a financial contract
01:32:38Pretty much faked everything with me
01:32:40That's what you're saying?
01:32:42You never cared for me?
01:32:46It's true
01:32:48That's why I didn't want to accept any money from you
01:32:50I didn't want to owe you anything
01:32:54Jay has his memory back now
01:32:56So I need you
01:32:58To release me from this contract
01:33:00I am grateful for you
01:33:02For all the help you've given me
01:33:04During this lowest point in my life
01:33:12Let him go
01:33:32I need to be clear on this
01:33:34I only said certain things so he'd let me go
01:33:36I hope you understand
01:33:38What do you mean?
01:33:40I cheated on you
01:33:44I understand now
01:33:46You slept with him to save my life
01:33:50At first, yes
01:33:52But I haven't changed
01:33:56You fell in love
01:34:02I love him
01:34:06Thanks for taking me home
01:34:20Mr. Johnston
01:34:22How can I help you?
01:34:24Nothing special today
01:34:26Just want to make sure that she gets her medication please
01:34:28No problem
01:34:30I will prescribe those for Ms. Rose in her next appointment
01:34:32Thank you
01:34:34And I've spoken to someone for a transplant
01:34:36Dr. George Anderson
01:34:38A famous cardiac surgeon from the States
01:34:40This is his business card
01:34:42Hoping to get her into surgery soon
01:34:44Thank you
01:34:46Miss Jones, Mr. West has gone back to the Capitol
01:34:48I'd like it if you could accept my resignation please
01:34:50As promised
01:34:52So he didn't take you with him?
01:34:56Whatever, we'll talk about this later
01:34:58Miss Jones!
01:35:00Miss Jones!
01:35:02Miss Jones!
01:35:04Miss Jones!
01:35:06Miss Jones!
01:35:08Miss Jones!
01:35:10Miss Jones!
01:35:12Miss Jones!
01:35:14Miss Jones!
01:35:20Miss Jones
01:35:22Screenshots of the surveillance video
01:35:24You asked for
01:35:34Hannah Ross
01:35:36No wonder you didn't want to work with me
01:35:38You've been sleeping with my fiancé
01:35:40The whole time
01:35:42God dang it!
01:35:48Hello? Aunt Lizzie?
01:35:50It's me, Nancy
01:35:58Nancy, isn't that the gold-digging bitch you were telling me about?
01:36:00You're right, Aunt Lizzie
01:36:02Don't you think she kind of looks like me?
01:36:04Maybe that's what caught Shane's attention in the first place
01:36:08I'm Shane's mother
01:36:10Get the fuck away from my son, okay?
01:36:12What was that for?
01:36:20I think she's learned her lesson today, Aunt Lizzie
01:36:22Not yet, but don't worry my dear
01:36:24I'm sure Shane will agree with me standing up for his fiancé
01:36:28Now, listen to me you little slut
01:36:30I don't care how long you've been whoring around with my son
01:36:32But he's in a happily suitable relationship
01:36:34And you're not going to ruin it
01:36:36Do you understand?
01:36:40Apologise to this young lady right now
01:36:44Apologise, my ass
01:36:46No words from your fucking mouth
01:36:48I'm going to choke you to death, do you understand?
01:36:50Do you understand?
01:36:52What are you doing?
01:36:56Do you understand?
01:36:58What are you doing?
01:37:00Shane, what are you doing here?
01:37:02Nothing, just passing by
01:37:04Anyway, I'm glad you're here
01:37:08The woman was shopping in there and she just attacked me out of the blue
01:37:10Saying I broke you guys up
01:37:12Shane, what's going on? What have you done?
01:37:14Shane, you've always been a sweet boy
01:37:16Perhaps too sweet at times
01:37:18But no one really takes you seriously
01:37:20As a result
01:37:22Now it doesn't matter what was between you and Miss Ross
01:37:24Nancy is the woman you're going to marry
01:37:26Do you understand?
01:37:30Apologise now
01:37:36I'm sorry
01:37:42I'm sorry
01:37:50Nancy, can you stop and go home?
01:37:52Oh Shane, come on
01:37:56Tell me, what do you want me to do?
01:37:58I want you to make sure she never comes back to you
01:38:00Just like I did with all the others
01:38:02Who claimed to be your friends
01:38:08Like that?
01:38:54Still five lining, Doctor
01:39:14She's lost the will to live, Doctor
01:39:18Anna, can you hear me?
01:39:20Anna, I need you to respond
01:39:22Anna, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand
01:39:32Doctor Anderson
01:39:34How is she?
01:39:36We're still in the ER
01:39:38Please Doctor, you've got to save her
01:39:40I'll do everything I can, trust me
01:39:42I'm doing my best
01:39:52Anna, it's Bridget
01:39:54Please, please wake up, it's been three days
01:40:02How are you feeling?
01:40:10Didn't you go back to the capital?
01:40:12Why are you here?
01:40:14So you
01:40:16I didn't want you to see me like this
01:40:22Can you take care of Bridget for me?
01:40:26Of course
01:40:30Don't forget me this time
01:40:32Call Shane Johnston
01:40:34This is his last chance
01:40:36He needs to see her
01:40:42I'm trying, but his phone's turned off
01:40:46Hang on, wait
01:40:48Anna's got his number, I thought he had his private number
01:40:50I'm trying
01:40:54Pick up
01:40:56Pick up, come on, pick up
01:41:00Hello, who is this?
01:41:04Don't worry
01:41:08I'm just going to close my eyes
01:41:10Just for a bit
01:41:12Please don't, please come back
01:41:14Open your eyes
01:41:38Do you need a grave marker?
01:41:40Someone who's just passed away
01:41:42It's the best way I ask
01:41:44Which light you want
01:41:46In loving memory
01:41:48Anna Rose
01:41:50With you I found the truth of my life
01:42:04Dear Bridget
01:42:06When you found this letter
01:42:08I will be gone
01:42:10But I wanted you to know
01:42:12That you mean the world to me
01:42:14All my life
01:42:16You were the bravest
01:42:18Kindest, bestest
01:42:22I could have hoped for
01:42:24I've been my confidence
01:42:26And my amazing little hero
01:42:28Pumping me up
01:42:30And telling me that I'm the best
01:42:32But all along
01:42:34It was you
01:42:36Who were the best
01:42:38I've found to stay alive this long
01:42:40Thanks to you
01:42:42But it's time
01:42:44I can't keep fighting anymore
01:42:46I'm sorry
01:42:48And I hope you understand
01:42:50Darling Bridget
01:42:52With this letter
01:42:54Is my bad card
01:42:56With $34,000
01:42:58In it
01:43:00I know it's too much
01:43:02But I've earned everything for myself
01:43:06Shame had nothing to do with it
01:43:08So it's all nice
01:43:10Use it however you want
01:43:12And think of me when you do
01:43:14Thank you for letting me
01:43:16Into your life
01:43:18And being there
01:43:20For me during my
01:43:22Love unto you