Powerful Money Related Quotes That Inspire Success | Positive Thoughts

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Powerful Money Related Quotes That Inspire Success | Positive Thoughts
Get ready to transform your financial mindset. Dive into this empowering video from Positive Thoughts, where we unveil game-changing money motivational quotes that will ignite your drive for success! Whether you're chasing your dreams, building your empire, or just need a boost of inspiration, these quotes are designed to fuel your ambition and help you achieve greatness. Hit play, get motivated, and start turning your financial goals into reality!
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#MoneyMotivation #SuccessQuotes #PositiveThoughts
00:00The lack of money is the root of all evil.
00:08When I had money everyone called me brother.
00:12Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.
00:16The more you learn, the more you earn.
00:20Money is not the most important thing in the world.
00:24Love is.
00:25Fortunately, I love money.
00:29If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that money can't buy.
00:35It's not about how much money you make.
00:38It's about how much money you keep.
00:41Money grows on the tree of persistence.
00:45The goal isn't more money.
00:47The goal is living life on your terms.
00:51Opportunities don't happen.
00:54You create them.
00:56You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.
01:02Never spend your money before you have earned it.
01:06Don't let money run your life, let money help you run your life better.
01:11Money is a tool.
01:14Used properly it makes something beautiful, used wrong, it makes a mess.
01:20Money may not buy happiness, but it's better to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.
01:26Money is a means, not an end.
01:30Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
01:36The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away.
01:41Success is not just about making money.
01:45It's about making a difference.
01:48You don't have to be rich to be happy, but it helps.
01:52Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.
01:59Money is like manure.
02:01You have to spread it around or it smells.
02:05He who does not economize will have to agonize.
02:09Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
02:14The more you give, the more you get.
02:17Money is a great enabler.
02:20It allows you to be who you are.
02:23The best things in life are free.
02:26The second best are very expensive.
02:30Your wealth can be stolen, but the precious riches buried deep in your soul cannot.
02:36Money is a reflection of your value and your beliefs.
02:41It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits.
02:46Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
02:50Money doesn't change people, it changes the people around them.
02:55The only way to wealth is to earn it.
02:59The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
03:05Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not the economy.
03:10In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.
03:15You must spend money to make money.
03:18The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.
03:23To be successful, you must act big, think big and talk big.
03:29The secret to wealth is simple, spend less than you earn, invest the rest.
03:36Money doesn't buy happiness, but it helps you achieve your goals and make life easier.
03:42Your most valuable asset is your earning ability.
03:47Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
03:52A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
03:58The greatest wealth is to live content with little.
04:02Happiness is not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement,
04:08in the thrill of creative effort.
04:11The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.
04:17I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
04:23Every time you borrow money, you're robbing your future self.
