Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 120 Full HD

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Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 120 Full HD
00:00My husband is a murderer. He killed his first wife, Clotilde, and also his cousin, Valentin.
00:13That Peralta has the office on Alfonso VI Street. That I have his address.
00:17Has it happened to you again?
00:18I don't see anything, Luz.
00:20Gemma, I am deeply offended by the idea that you resort to that agent.
00:24That agent who saw you in the arm of another man.
00:26Adina was simply afraid of the reactions that could arise in news like our family reunion.
00:33The shootout is determined by the naval base of Rota.
00:36The products of La Reina are having a very good reception.
00:39Between the Americans who live there and extrapolate that success,
00:42to make it work in the middle of the continent, is a somewhat simple idea.
00:47Did you really think I wasn't going to find out?
00:49But you've sold a radio to one of my best friends.
00:51Carmen, I'm telling you it's a fabulous business.
00:53You see, I love him too much to see that something happens to him and look elsewhere.
00:57He's the one who should tell you, Marta.
00:59Only Jaime can answer some questions.
01:01I think Inigo has left.
01:04Well, I say, because I saw him cross the square with a gun.
01:07I hope very soon we can get up that balneary and start living as we deserve.
01:12We deserve this opportunity.
01:14Yes, we deserve it.
01:16Your wife has filed a complaint against you.
01:18She accuses you of having killed two people and of trying to end your life.
01:23I'm sorry.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:25I'm sorry.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:27I'm sorry.
01:28I'm sorry.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:31I'm sorry.
01:32I'm sorry.
01:33I'm sorry.
01:34I'm sorry.
01:35I'm sorry.
01:36I'm sorry.
01:37I'm sorry.
01:38I'm sorry.
01:39I'm sorry.
01:40I'm sorry.
01:41I'm sorry.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:49I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:51I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:53I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:55I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:57I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
01:59I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:01I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:03I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:05I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:07I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:09I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:11I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:17I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:19I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:21I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:33I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:35I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:37I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:39I'm sorry.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:41I'm sorry.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:43I'm sorry.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:45I'm sorry.
02:46I'm sorry.
02:47I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:49I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:55I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
02:59I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:01I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:03I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:05I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:07I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:09I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:11I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:13I'm sorry.
03:14I'm sorry.
03:15I'm sorry.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:17I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:19I'm sorry.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:21My mother spent half her life at a mental institution.
03:23But why are you forcing me to come here if life is at risk?
03:31Let go of me.
03:32Please, calm down, okay?
03:34Ma'am, you have made some serious accusations.
03:38I have to check them with the people involved.
03:40Everything you told him is a lie.
03:42But you saw it.
03:43You're not fair.
03:44You're a murderer.
03:45You killed Clotilde and Abigail.
03:47You killed Clotilde and Abigail.
03:48You killed Clotilde and Valentín!
03:51The murderer of Clotilde was Lázaro Ramos, who died in prison.
03:55Sergeant, if I may say so,
03:57I should have consulted the case of Clotilde's death
04:00before attending to my daughter-in-law's misdeeds.
04:03And above all, how dare you bring her here,
04:06to my factory, saying these barbarities?
04:09Sir, I know the partner who investigated the case
04:12and I know he did a good job.
04:14But my duty is to collect any accusation for...
04:18As absurd as it may seem.
04:20It's not absurd, I'm telling you the truth!
04:22And you also know that my nephew Valentín
04:24died recently in Brazil.
04:26Mrs. Montes told me about a death certificate
04:28that I will have to see.
04:29That certificate is in the hands of my sister-in-law,
04:31Valentín's mother,
04:32and I would appreciate it if you did not bother her.
04:34She is still very affected by the news.
04:36I beg you, please, Sergeant, you have to believe me, please!
04:39Listen to me, ma'am, we have already heard you.
04:41So please remain silent now.
04:48Your wife, Mrs. Montes, also accuses you
04:50of having shot her.
04:54What happened is that my wife
04:56went into a hunting lodge and was shot.
04:58And it was an irresponsibility because she could have died.
05:01She or our daughter, or both.
05:03Were you with your daughter?
05:05And why didn't you tell me anything?
05:07Because you know she committed a cowardice.
05:09I didn't tell him anything because I didn't want
05:10the girl to have to testify.
05:12Because what her father did traumatized her so much
05:14that the poor woman erased it from her memory.
05:16Do you have any other witnesses
05:18who can corroborate your version?
05:20Yes, but I don't want to implicate them.
05:23I see.
05:25And why did it take so long to report your husband?
05:28Out of fear.
05:29Because I'm afraid for my life.
05:31He tried to kill me and he will do it again, I swear.
05:34Enough, Begoña, for whatever you want.
05:36How far are you going to get to punish me?
05:38Sergeant, my wife does not forgive me
05:40that a long time ago I had an affair with my secretary.
05:44And he's been punishing me for a while,
05:46but I don't know how far his resentment will go.
05:49That's a lie.
05:50That's a lie, I forgive you.
05:52And it hurt my soul, but I was able to cross the page
05:54because I didn't even suspect that you were a murderer.
05:56This is intolerable.
05:58I find it hard to believe that you give credit
06:00to accusations that have no basis.
06:03Haven't you seen the state of this woman?
06:05She speaks without meaning.
06:06She has no proof of what she says.
06:08Let's see, according to Mrs. Montes,
06:10there were some evidence in the vault of the family home,
06:12but they disappeared.
06:13Those evidences are also the result of her confusion.
06:16Begoña, honey, you have to stop taking those pills
06:19and allow a professional to see you.
06:21I'm asking you, please.
06:22But let's see,
06:23since when are you taking those tranquilizers?
06:27I need them to be able to live with a mistreated murderer
06:30and with his accomplice.
06:33Let's finish this once and for all.
06:35If you still believe my wife, stop me.
06:38I trust your expertise to find out which of the two is lying.
06:42Come on, Sergeant.
06:45At the moment, there is no indication that you are suspicious.
06:49Very well, in that case,
06:51I beg you to let me settle this unpleasant matter with my wife.
06:55No, please. Please, I beg you.
06:56Don't leave me here with him, please.
06:57Mrs. Montes, calm down, calm down.
07:00I'm very sorry for the moment you're going through,
07:02but that's just going to make things worse.
07:04And it would be useless for you to run away like you were going to do.
07:10I swear that everything I'm saying is true.
07:12You have to believe me.
07:14And if not, take me to the police station, please.
07:16Whatever it takes, but don't leave me here with him, please.
07:18Let go.
07:21Solve the problems with your husband.
07:23Good night.
07:24Thank you, Sergeant.
07:25When will you be able to accept the glass I have offered you?
07:28It would be an honor for me to reward you for keeping the good name of the family.
07:32I'll stop by your house.
07:34And don't worry.
07:35We have been extremely discreet when it comes to bringing her here.
07:38You can rest assured.
07:39I'll go with you.
07:49Don't come any closer.
07:55What a shame, Begoña.
07:57You have lost the north.
07:59Tell me, what do I do with you?
08:02Tell me.
08:03What do I do?
08:33What do I do?
08:34What do I do?
09:01It can't be.
09:12Good morning.
09:18Let's see.
09:21Come on, honey.
09:25You should recover.
09:28You took a lot of pills last night.
09:34You are completely crazy.
09:36And you tell me?
09:38After the little number you set up yesterday?
09:41Let me out, please.
09:44This doesn't make any sense.
09:46You are my wife.
09:48Don't you think it's enough reason?
09:51I married you deceived.
09:54Our marriage has no validity.
09:58Do you want to take your case to the court of the route?
10:02I want to show how much I love you to the Pope of Rome.
10:07You are unable to love anyone.
10:10Because you feel jealous of everyone.
10:12You can't stand that no one shines more than you.
10:16You had my shine when you fell in love with me.
10:19You deceived me.
10:22You are a mediocre.
10:24And you know it.
10:27I know you're not the one talking.
10:29They are talking about those sedatives that your little friend gives you.
10:34You should eat something.
10:36Lately you are neglecting yourself and in the end you can fall sick.
10:43Yesterday I lost my nerves when I knew you wanted to run away.
10:47I felt like I was dying.
10:49It's a shame you didn't do it.
10:51Enough, Begoña.
10:54Enough, Begoña.
10:57We have to fix this.
10:59I have already forgiven you.
11:01Now I just need you to forgive me once and for all.
11:04And that you stop doing and saying nonsense.
11:07And why do you have to forgive me?
11:11For trying to kill me.
11:14For your violence.
11:17For forcing me to have relationships.
11:20We can still solve it ourselves, honey.
11:23But this has no solution.
11:26I don't love you.
11:28I can't stand being with you.
11:31I'd rather live in jail than be with you one more minute.
11:39Let me go, please.
11:43I promise I won't confess your crimes again.
11:46I swear.
11:49I love you too much to let you go.
11:53If you loved me, you wouldn't have me locked up here.
11:56Well, then...
11:58It's up to you to let me go.
12:03Be the one you were with me.
12:05And I promise I'll make you the happiest woman in the world.
12:08But how do you want me to be happy if I live with the devil himself?
12:13This is not a human being you can stand.
12:15We could start from scratch, honey.
12:19All I want is to end all this.
12:22I want to end it with you.
12:29You wanted it.
13:03Have you seen Tasi around here?
13:06I'm looking for him, but I can't find him anywhere.
13:09And he didn't come home to sleep last night.
13:12What happened, Carmen? Did you argue or something?
13:16Or yes, I don't know.
13:18I asked him if he was a friend of his, and he almost killed me with his eyes.
13:23I knew it.
13:24I knew this.
13:26That boy you've been doing business with.
13:28He's dumped you.
13:30Well, let's see if what they were saying this morning is true.
13:32That this thing about housewives is a hoax, is it?
13:37All our savings, Fina.
13:42My husband wanted to prosper in life.
13:44Well, in the ruins. He left us in the ruins.
13:46Carmen, don't worry. You'll see how this is solved.
13:49But how is it going to be solved, Claudia?
13:51If he's the one who has to take care of all the scams now.
13:55Oh my God.
13:57How much money did you give him, Fina?
13:59Nothing. None.
14:00Because when I went to take the envelope, he didn't take it.
14:02I think at that moment he should have already imagined that it was a scam.
14:05Or he could have realized it before.
14:07God damn it, if I told him.
14:09I told him.
14:10But nothing.
14:11Because there's no one more stupid than the one who thinks he's smart.
14:13Oh, Carmen.
14:16Well, I don't know.
14:17He must have hidden himself so he doesn't have to show his face until he understands what happened.
14:20But let's have hope.
14:21Because maybe this Inigo is...
14:22That's what worries me, Fina.
14:24That I'm looking for him.
14:25Because that bastard is capable of stabbing him in the back.
14:28For God's sake, Carmen.
14:29For God's sake, don't say that.
14:31That man is a criminal.
14:33And it is clear that he has not come here to the factory to do good.
14:38Come on.
14:39What we have to do is go to the Civil Guard.
14:40And tell him to help us find him.
14:42Not to mention Timo, of course.
14:44The Civil Guard?
14:46The Civil Guard is not going to move from the block because a man has not spent the night in his house.
14:50Well, if we tell him everything, Fina.
14:52But then he's going to think he escaped with Inigo.
14:55What I was missing, let's go.
14:58That they put him in jail thinking he's an accomplice to that shameless man.
15:02Oh, my God.
15:03No, no, Carmen.
15:04Don't think that.
15:05Come on, Tassio is a scoundrel.
15:07But people think he's capable of doing something like that.
15:09Tassio has already been arrested.
15:11And the Civil Guard has him signed for sure.
15:13That's not to mention the number of colleagues who are now going to report him for fraud.
15:20Tassio has it very difficult.
15:24Very difficult.
15:41Do you have a moment or did I get you wrong?
15:43No, not at all.
15:45Tell me, what do you need?
15:46I bring you the adjustment of the budget you proposed.
15:49That has already been approved.
15:51Only your signature is missing.
15:52Well, thank you very much.
15:54Jesus has made it difficult, don't you believe it.
15:56But the important thing is that it is already closed.
15:58Now he only has the head for the project of opening a few steps in the United States.
16:02Come on, you only passed it in a hurry and in a hurry so that the extra expense for the laboratory is approved.
16:06As if he saw it.
16:07I also have my strategies, don't you believe it.
16:10Always looking for me.
16:12You know I know, Luis.
16:13The same as you with me.
16:15You don't know how much it reassures me that you are now in this position.
16:18We have had our quarrels, but in spite of everything we can trust each other.
16:25Are you okay?
16:26I'll see you with your head somewhere else.
16:28Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine.
16:29You know, I always have my head in a thousand places at the same time.
16:32Do you know that I have returned to my mother's house?
16:34Seriously? I didn't know.
16:36Yes, yes, yes.
16:37Last night I slept there and today I will finish taking my things.
16:39But everything is fine, right? You didn't do it for her.
16:41For everything, in general.
16:43Family is family.
16:45For better or for worse, we have to take care of each other, right?
16:49Yes, I wish I could say the same about mine.
16:53The only one who can be saved is Marta.
16:55Well, Andrés, your father is also there, right?
16:58Every time I understand myself less with him.
17:01Thank goodness you are here.
17:03You are like a brother.
17:06Well, do you sign?
17:08Yes, sorry.
17:17Can you share something with your partner?
17:19I only leave it to your consideration.
17:21If it transcended what my daughter-in-law did last night,
17:24it would be disastrous for the whole family.
17:27Don't worry, I am aware of the important work
17:29your company does in the region.
17:31My son, without going any further, would love to know
17:33about your company.
17:35Well, I suppose he will be the first on the list
17:37in the next selection of templates.
17:42I just found out that you were here.
17:45Hasn't it helped you yet, Father?
17:47Sergeant Pontón is in a hurry.
17:49And it has already helped.
17:52How is your wife? Is she calmer now?
17:54Much calmer, yes.
17:56She needed her medication to reconcile her sleep,
17:58but today she barely remembers her mishaps.
18:02Thank you for bringing her back home.
18:04I am still devastated.
18:07I only did my duty.
18:09And don't worry about yesterday's complaint.
18:11I have made sure that there is no trace left in the barracks.
18:14I will be eternally grateful for this.
18:16You are welcome.
18:17Well, I should be leaving now,
18:19so I won't keep you any longer.
18:21Come back whenever you want.
18:23You are always welcome here.
18:25I'll go with you.
18:41So, here he is.
18:43This is where he organizes all his business.
18:46You can tell he is an influential man.
18:49Are you okay?
18:52Yes, yes.
18:53I am thinking about how to approach Peralta.
18:55If you don't mind, let me speak first.
18:57No need.
18:58You are the businessman.
19:01Joaquin, this is going to be the first of many more meetings.
19:04And the first thing we are going to do is renew your whole wardrobe
19:07as soon as you start the business.
19:08Stop the car, Gemma.
19:10To be a great businessman, you have to get your hands dirty first.
19:13Of course.
19:14But even if we don't like the image in the business,
19:16it is also important.
19:17What are you saying, woman?
19:18If I feel ridiculous with this cheap suit
19:20and carrying these mazapanes from Toledo,
19:22I look like a catheter.
19:26Joaquin, look at me.
19:29You are an elegant, handsome man.
19:31A good worker.
19:32You have everything to do well.
19:34You, who don't have good eyes.
19:37Do me the favor of trusting you more.
19:41Look at this building.
19:42What a nobility, please.
19:44I can't even imagine the number of people
19:46who go through this door every day.
19:48And the neighborhood where the office is,
19:50you tell me how the difference in class
19:52is noticeable on the other side of the retreat.
19:55You've always liked this, haven't you?
20:00Expensive things.
20:02Let's see, they are things that I have never had and that ...
20:04And that I couldn't give you.
20:07That's why you went out looking for it.
20:10I wasn't going to say that.
20:11Joaquin, honey, I'm so sorry.
20:14It doesn't matter.
20:16Let's see if he answers us.
20:28How did it go?
20:29Has he asked any questions?
20:31And if you have solved your wife's issue,
20:33everything is upside down.
20:35He knows too well that this is impossible.
20:38He has already seen how far he has come.
20:40She is ... she is totally unleashed.
20:43And you are responsible, son.
20:47You insist on imposing your will on the force
20:49and look what you have achieved.
20:50I am being very patient with Begoña,
20:52even if he doesn't believe it.
20:53Don't make me laugh.
20:54You are not patient with anything.
20:56You are raising a dustbin wherever you go.
20:58In the factory, at home with your brothers,
21:01in bed with your wife.
21:02The problem is that I have been too soft with her
21:04and when I have wanted to impose myself,
21:05you can see what I have achieved.
21:07That she is going to report me like a madwoman.
21:09Thank goodness that Sergeant Pontón is a gentleman
21:11and I haven't even listened to her.
21:12Begoña is willing to tell anyone.
21:15She will go with the story to Andrés and Dina herself
21:17and they will believe her.
21:19I have locked her up in the half-drug room.
21:21She won't be able to talk to anyone today.
21:23And what do you intend to do?
21:24Lock her up for life?
21:26And what are you going to say when they ask you?
21:28When Julia asks you, what are you going to say?
21:32I can tell her that she is sick, like her mother.
21:34Stop talking nonsense.
21:36We don't care about the merit,
21:38but here we have a doctor at home
21:40and he will discover the truth as soon as he sees her.
21:45We need to solve this in another way.
21:50What is he thinking?
21:53You have to take her out.
21:54To Olite.
21:55To France.
21:56To Tombouctou.
21:59But you have to shut her mouth forever.
22:02I'm not going to leave here at the best time of the company.
22:04Get out of the damn company.
22:06Now what matters is the family.
22:08You started all this.
22:09You have to solve it.
22:10And as soon as possible.
22:11But my place is here, father.
22:13And I'm not going to leave the family or the company
22:15that I have raised with so much effort.
22:16That ambition will end up killing you, son.
22:18You have learned that ambition.
22:20And you know perfectly well that Perfumerías de la Reina needs me
22:23to grow out of our borders.
22:25Listen to me carefully.
22:26Right now, the company is the last thing I care about.
22:29I want Begoña under control.
22:31And that must be your priority.
22:35And if you don't get it,
22:37I'll have to intervene.
22:39Like it or not.
22:50I love you.
23:04Jesús de la Reina, tell me.
23:06Hi, I'm Dr. Luz Borrel.
23:08Can I talk to Begoña?
23:09I haven't heard from her in days.
23:11Hi, doctor.
23:12Well, no.
23:13You can't right now.
23:14She's resting.
23:16I understand.
23:17And when can I talk to her?
23:20I'll tell her you called and she'll call you back.
23:24Thank you very much.
23:25Good morning.
23:27Good morning.
23:31Okay, I'll bring you the bill.
23:43Where have you been, for God's sake?
23:45Do you know what I've done here?
23:47Everyone's asking about you.
23:49Yeah, shut up, Gaspar.
23:51I've been looking for Inigo all night.
23:53I've been to all the stables,
23:55all the junkyards,
23:56and no one knows anything.
23:58Didn't you meet someone you don't know?
24:00No one, Gaspar.
24:02What have you done?
24:03Like a fool who took 20,000 pesetas from Carmen and me.
24:06What do you mean 20,000 pesetas?
24:08Where did you get so much money, Otasio?
24:10From the savings we had, Gaspar.
24:12From a loan I asked for,
24:13from the signal I got from people,
24:15from a product I'll be indebted to for the rest of my life.
24:17That's outrageous, Otasio.
24:19I don't know how I'm going to get out of this, Gaspar.
24:21I'll have to work all my life like a slave
24:23to pay what I owe everyone, or else...
24:25Well, Carmen knows...
24:26No, no, no.
24:28Carmen doesn't know anything.
24:29If she does, she'll kill me, Gaspar.
24:31It's the money we had saved for the house.
24:33But, let's see,
24:34there's something here that doesn't add up, Otasio,
24:36because the device business does work, man.
24:38Because, look,
24:39my radio works perfectly.
24:41Besides, it costs you twice as much on the street, doesn't it?
24:43It's a device Inigo used for me to fall into the trap,
24:45and I fell like a slug I am.
24:47Well, the device had to cost him a lot,
24:49because, come on, the radio was about to go out.
24:51Yes, and the investment was big,
24:53the one he made, to then get a bigger cut,
24:55if he's smart.
24:57Well, I don't know,
24:58maybe the radios are stolen too, I don't know, Gaspar.
25:00Man, don't bother me.
25:01Maybe I've also been the victim of that bastard,
25:04and I'm going to have to give the radio back now.
25:06No, no, no, calm down, let's hope not.
25:08Well, calm down.
25:09Come on, calm down.
25:11Don't worry.
25:12Everything will be solved.
25:14God squeezes, but doesn't drown.
25:16Carmen will surely support you.
25:18And the colleagues will have to understand, well,
25:20that he has been swindled, right?
25:27Hey, macho,
25:28and my aspirator?
25:31A little patience, huh?
25:32And relax a little,
25:33because that's not a way to talk to anyone.
25:35I want my money!
25:36No, get out of here!
25:38Get out!
25:40Get out!
25:42Come on, come on.
25:44Are you okay?
25:52Has anyone hit the sheets?
25:55I need to do the home visits directly.
25:57Everything I need is in the drawer,
25:59and I have preferred not to go through here.
26:01Well, I would have appreciated it if you had warned me.
26:04The logical thing is that we know where each other is, right?
26:07In case anything happens.
26:10I'm sorry.
26:16Don't you have anything to tell me?
26:21Have you spoken to Marta?
26:23Don't insist, Luz, please.
26:26You're playing with fire.
26:27Do you want to stop pressuring me once and for all?
26:30Thanks to you, I've spent the morning avoiding my wife
26:32so that I don't get a third degree.
26:35Then face it with her.
26:37I just can't keep my arms crossed
26:39that you condemn me to loneliness at such a delicate moment.
26:41Do you want to do me the favour of respecting my decision?
26:43I am the patient,
26:44and you are no one to get into my life.
26:52Okay, I won't be anyone to get into your life.
26:55But I am an accomplice to your silence,
26:57and I want to stop being one.
27:00That doesn't give you the right to talk about the bill
27:02like you almost did yesterday.
27:07I'm not going to cover for you anymore.
27:09Are you going to break our agreement?
27:11Don't you care how I feel?
27:13Be reasonable, please.
27:16You have to take on your illness.
27:19The time has come for you to tell your family.
27:21What are you afraid of?
27:23Showing yourself vulnerable to them?
27:26It's enough for Marta to know.
27:28The rest doesn't need to know.
27:30You don't understand.
27:32I have very little time left.
27:33I want to be free to decide what to do with him and how to do it.
27:39You are free to do whatever you want.
27:43But don't count on me to keep the lie.
27:47Come in.
27:50I'm sorry, I fell and I can't stop bleeding from my mouth.
27:52Tassio, what did you get hurt with?
27:54I don't know, no idea.
27:59The lip is broken.
28:00We have to disinfect it and put some stitches.
28:02Go clean it.
28:03I'll sew that wound.
28:06Sit down, Tassio, please.
28:09Sit down.
28:22Call your secretary again.
28:23I'm sure she has five minutes to see us.
28:25I can't see you without an appointment.
28:26But do you know who this is, sir?
28:27Gemma, please.
28:28It's Joaquín Merino, son of the founder of Perfumerías de la Reina.
28:31And the least he deserves is an audience with Mr. Peralta.
28:34May I know what's going on here?
28:36You don't answer to reasons, Mr. Peralta.
28:38I'll take care of them, Carolina.
28:40I'm sorry for our insistence, but I need to talk to you.
28:43And you are?
28:44Yes, sorry, I haven't introduced myself.
28:45I'm Joaquín Merino and she is my wife, Gemma.
28:48Nice to meet you.
28:49Vera, I would like to make you a purchase offer
28:51of one of your properties,
28:52some land that you have in Toledo.
28:54And you think it's normal
28:56to want to deal with a matter of that nature without prior notice?
28:58No, no, no, no, but I have called your office several times
29:01and it has been impossible for me to communicate with you.
29:03And you can't think of anything else
29:04but to come and bother me with your insistence
29:06without any kind of education?
29:08Well, the truth is that we were just passing by here
29:11by chance and I bought you some macapals.
29:18Look, really, I don't deal with nonsense.
29:21I understand, I understand, Mr. Peralta,
29:23that they are not manners.
29:25I'm sorry if we have bothered you, but...
29:27What do you mean, sorry?
29:29How dare you?
29:30Who do you think you are to talk to us like that?
29:32You're the one who's got it all wrong.
29:34Everything that's rich has it all wrong.
29:36And you know what I'm telling you?
29:37That we're little warriors
29:38and we'll meet on the way.
29:40Are you going to come to me with threats?
29:42Well, time to time,
29:43because I'm sure we'll see each other again.
29:45Let's go, Joaquín.
30:03Let's go.
30:22What have you done?
30:23It's nice to have me in the dark all night
30:25without knowing if you're alive or dead.
30:27I'd rather be dead, really.
30:29Look, don't play the victim with me.
30:31I've been looking for you shamelessly, Carmen,
30:33and I haven't found anything.
30:35Are you crazy?
30:36Do you think you're going to get something
30:38or that I'm going to give you money back?
30:41And this?
30:42What have you done?
30:44This was done by an operator, Carmen.
30:46He gave me some money and...
30:48Well, I'm really sorry.
30:51I'm the one who's sorry.
30:53I thought you were a fool,
30:55that you'd notice me.
30:57And the letter?
31:01What were you doing?
31:03I closed myself off.
31:05I closed myself off and thought we'd have our lives
31:07sorted out with this business, but I didn't stop to think.
31:09But I did think for you, Estasio.
31:12I've gone crazy.
31:13The most important thing for me
31:15is your love and your respect.
31:17I know I don't deserve your forgiveness,
31:18but I'm really sorry, please.
31:21Anastasio García.
31:25We've received several reports of fraud against you.
31:28You'll have to come with us to the barracks.
31:58Here's your friend Isidro, just as you asked.
32:00I hope it's for something important,
32:02because he's been giving Rosales a hard time
32:04and had to quit his job.
32:06Not at all.
32:07I'd be delighted if it were to help
32:09the most beautiful person in this house.
32:11What do you need from me?
32:13I have to do a job on the species
32:15that grow here in the region.
32:17And the cars... I don't know.
32:19I don't know if I can do it.
32:21I don't know if I can do it.
32:23I don't know if I can do it.
32:25I don't know if I can do it.
32:27I don't know if I can do it.
32:29I don't know if I can do it.
32:31I don't know if I can do it.
32:33I don't know if I can do it.
32:35I don't know if I can do it.
32:39Yes, I do.
32:41I have to take stems with their roots,
32:43leaves and flowers to analyze it.
32:45Oh, that's interesting.
32:47Let me see.
32:49I was going to ask Begoña for help,
32:51but my father said that she's very tired
32:53and that I shouldn't bother her.
32:55You're right about that.
32:57Besides, you're always very busy, just like my father.
33:01That's possible, but next time you ask me,
33:05I'll tell you if I can help you.
33:07I've looked at the encyclopedia of indigenous species,
33:10but all the names are in Latin.
33:12I don't know which one. For example, this one.
33:15It's called Daphnec nidium.
33:17Ah, yes.
33:19This one is Torvisco or Torrijos, whatever you want.
33:24And this one? Lyria angustifolia.
33:28That's it. This is the olive tree.
33:31It has very small olives.
33:35Exactly, yes.
33:37Very small olives, and olives are also called olives.
33:40So, they're very easy to remember.
33:42I knew you could help me better than anyone else.
33:45You've got me here for whatever you want.
33:47Now, we have to go out to the field and pick plants
33:50to finish your work.
33:52Yes, but I have to give them scientific names.
33:54We'll ask the encyclopedia.
33:57Or you can ask your grandfather for help.
34:03Well, you've eaten, haven't you, darling?
34:06Yes, before, with Digna in the kitchen.
34:08Well, given the time,
34:09I think you should go and pick up your things to go to school.
34:12Go, listen to your grandfather.
34:14But later this afternoon, when I come back,
34:16you'll come with me to pick the flowers I need, okay?
34:49Excuse me.
34:52Excuse me.
35:07Come in.
35:10What's up?
35:12Excuse me.
35:13Well, it's the recipe you gave me, Jaime.
35:15The pharmacist doesn't understand what it says,
35:17and I haven't been able to read it either.
35:19Jaime, what did you put in it? I don't understand it either.
35:21Without glasses, I can't read it.
35:25Well, it's the doctors' handwriting, right?
35:27You know.
35:28Although this looks more like a spy message.
35:33Jaime, what's wrong?
35:34Are you okay?
35:35Shall we go to the ambulance?
35:37No, no, no.
35:38No, not the ambulance.
35:39Let's take him inside.
35:42To the apartment, yes.
35:43Don't touch him.
35:47Easy, easy.
35:48Let's go.
35:52Is your wife going to eat?
35:54Maybe later, she's not feeling well.
35:57Today's stew is especially good.
35:59Tere gave it to me to try.
36:01I'm sure Begoña will enjoy it a lot when she comes down.
36:04How have you been this morning, María?
36:06You look much better.
36:07Have you regained your appetite?
36:09Good, I'm much better, yes.
36:11I'm really looking forward to doing things.
36:13And if you can go with Andrés, even better.
36:16Let's see if I can take him out of the factory from time to time.
36:19What does your husband have to do
36:21to get more involved in work and leave distractions?
36:23What are you talking about, Jesús?
36:25I'm doing my job.
36:27Really? I haven't seen your answer
36:29to my project to open up to the American market.
36:31You already have all the data to make a decision.
36:34The decision will be made at the board meeting.
36:36With all the directors present.
36:39Well, there are three of us here.
36:41Half plus one, we're the majority.
36:42But now we're sitting at the table
36:44and we've agreed that at the table we don't talk about business.
36:46I also think I've made it quite clear
36:48that I want you to understand each other on this matter.
36:51All right, as you wish, Father.
36:53We'll wait for the board meeting,
36:55but I don't see anything wrong in solving matters during lunch.
36:58Many times we have made decisions
37:00at lunchtime between you and me, Father.
37:02Yes, I know how you spend it, Father, and you.
37:05But now I also count Marta and Luis' opinions.
37:08And I'm not going to decide without them.
37:10Jesús, enough.
37:12As soon as the meeting is over for this afternoon,
37:15and the matter is concluded,
37:16and in passing we will address the issue of the celebration
37:19of the 30th anniversary of the company.
37:21But it's been months since the 30th anniversary.
37:23More reason not to let time pass without doing anything.
37:26Don't you think?
37:27I remind you, Father, that it was you
37:29who refused to celebrate anything
37:31because all your family members were not here.
37:33And the prodigal son has been back for months.
37:35Yes, but many things have happened since then.
37:37Remember that I was about to die because of that collapse.
37:40We also celebrated Andrés' wedding with this lovely woman.
37:45Let's take advantage now that things seem to be calmer
37:48to celebrate the anniversary of the company.
37:51The employees will thank you.
37:52It will be a way to get closer to them.
37:54I think it's great.
37:56We have to arrange something that is up to this anniversary.
37:59And spring is the best time of the year
38:01to do outdoor events.
38:03At least there is someone with an inclusion in this house.
38:07I'm sure you didn't want to wait for Begoña to come down to eat.
38:10Are you deaf, brother?
38:11I said she's still unwilling and she told me
38:13I'd rather eat something later.
38:15Who else is she going to ask?
38:16The poor woman doesn't give a damn about her mother's death.
38:19And if she doesn't eat...
38:20Jaime should see her.
38:22I told you she wants to be calm.
38:24No one listens to me in this house.
38:28I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say things.
38:31Begoña doesn't want to see anyone.
38:33I'll give her something to eat myself.
38:36I'll give her something to eat myself. Period.
38:50Here's everything you'll need when you go out with Isidro.
38:54Have you finished your homework?
38:56I still have to go get the plants for the naturalist's work.
38:59Have a beautiful day.
39:02Come with us.
39:04I'll finish earlier if the three of us pick them up.
39:07I have to write the description and I'll finish late.
39:10I'd love to go, but...
39:11Come on, you're always working.
39:15Besides, everything's more fun when you're around.
39:17Oh, really?
39:18You're a pain in the neck.
39:21Okay, I'm going.
39:22Really? Are you coming?
39:23Of course.
39:24How can I say no when you're asking me like that?
39:27Today's my lucky day.
39:28Yes, it is.
39:31Ignace is coming with us.
39:32Oh, really?
39:35Okay, go to the garden and pick some flowers.
39:37I'll make a snack for our expedition.
39:40I'm going.
39:45What's the matter, Ignace?
39:47Why are you so sad?
39:52Do you want some water?
39:59It's nothing. It's nothing.
40:00I'm fine.
40:03She told me.
40:05She told me that she asked you to marry her
40:09and that you rejected her.
40:11But she didn't tell me why.
40:14She suspects she's hiding something.
40:17What she's hiding is what made me say no.
40:21Even though I'm in love with him.
40:23Can I ask what it's about?
40:25No, Isidro, you can't.
40:28Look, Ignace.
40:29I had to get him out of the petition
40:31with a bag of corks.
40:32And you didn't tell me either.
40:34I'm just an outcast who can't be told anything.
40:38Despite the years and the friendship we've had.
40:41Don't do that to me, Isidro.
40:45If I tell you,
40:47you have to promise me
40:48that secret will go with you to the grave.
40:51Woman, you don't want to kill me so soon
40:54that I've just been resurrected, as they say.
41:00I'm sorry.
41:05May I?
41:09Come in.
41:16May I come in?
41:19Come in.
41:26This situation is unfortunate.
41:29I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.
41:31I feel really bad.
41:33I need to see the light.
41:35You can see whoever you want
41:36after we've finished talking.
41:38Or maybe not.
41:40It's up to you.
41:42May I?
41:46Begoña, believe it or not,
41:48neither Jesus nor I are your enemies.
41:51Unfortunately, they aren't.
41:54They're part of the only family I have left.
41:56And my life belongs to them because I'm a woman.
41:59The authorities don't believe me.
42:01You see things in such a dramatic way.
42:04Do you think it's funny
42:05that my husband tried to kill me
42:07and I'm forced to live with him?
42:09You're married.
42:14You both made a commitment
42:17for the rest of your lives.
42:20And you've almost broken it twice.
42:23His cynicism scares me.
42:25Does that give him the right to lock me up?
42:28Or to try to kill me?
42:30Thank God, everything was a scare.
42:33It's about time we found a solution, don't you think?
42:36His son is the only one who has to come to his senses.
42:38Jesus is willing to change his attitude
42:41if you promise not to report him again.
42:45You know that whatever you tell me,
42:47I'll never get out of here.
42:51Damian told me.
42:55That Julia is my granddaughter.
43:00My son and Clotilde were in a relationship.
43:04She got pregnant and...
43:06They found out recently
43:08because apparently Jesus can't have children.
43:10My goodness.
43:16There's something else.
43:19Something horrible that I've never dared to tell you.
43:22Come on, Dina, please.
43:24Tell me, take out all those demons.
43:27There's a storm inside, that's what I have.
43:33When Clotilde...
43:35decided to leave the relationship,
43:38my son couldn't stand it.
43:42And he killed her.
43:44Lázaro, that poor man, didn't do anything wrong.
43:49Who told you that? Since when do you know?
43:51Since the night Clotilde died.
43:54That's why my son ran away.
43:56I never saw him again.
43:59But he confessed everything in a letter.
44:01I see.
44:02But then that man, Lázaro...
44:05That poor man...
44:07paid for something he hadn't done.
44:11That fateful night it was decided
44:13that he would be accused of Clotilde's death
44:16to avoid a scandal.
44:18And I let myself be convinced.
44:21I'm still wondering why I could do something like that.
44:25To condemn an innocent person to protect my son.
44:29I'm just like Damián in that.
44:32Keeping things quiet for the good of the family.
44:34Well, I...
44:36I would have done the same for my daughter.
44:40I found out about my son's death
44:43almost at the same time
44:46I found out that Julia is my granddaughter.
44:50And I don't know what to do.
44:54Yes, maybe you can tell her later, but not now.
44:57Now it's too soon.
44:59She's very young.
45:02And I don't know if one day I'll be able to do it.
45:07Isidro worries about her.
45:10What if something happened to Begoña?
45:15She would feel that she only has Jesus because she thinks he's her father.
45:19And I don't want my granddaughter to be alone with my nephew.
45:22Oh, woman, don't think that now.
45:24You'll see how time puts things in their place, huh?
45:27But you always have to do something
45:29to put everything back.
45:32That's what I've done with Damián.
45:34Too many silences.
45:36Too many secrets.
45:38He has already deceived me too much.
45:49He talks about fidelity.
45:51I only understand friendship this way.
45:55That's why I'm going to give him something I found cleaning the car.
46:25Said well, we got this to you and don't even I mean what we do
46:30So look it
46:36Comprendo que este es decepcionada y me gustaría ayudarte ya me estas ayudando
46:44Eres un gran amigo
46:46Y una persona de fiar
46:54Tienes que olvidar todo lo ocurrido por tu bien
47:00Se me está amenazando
47:02Le recuerdo que ya no tiene mi madre para jugar con su bienestar
47:05Dios me libre no te estoy amenazando si quisiera hacerlo me bastaría con
47:10Acusarte de haber cometido adulterio con el hermano de tu marido
47:14Los dos iríais a la cárcel
47:17Quedaría es marcados de por vida me da igual
47:21que le he dicho a jesús que prefiero la cárcel antes que vivir con él
47:25y andrés asumiría lo que sea porque sabe de la calaña que está hecho su padre y su hermano
47:32También te da igual el sufrimiento que puedas causar
47:35maría ya ha perdido al hijo que estaba esperando por tu culpa aunque está visto que esa chica te importa más bien poco eso no es verdad
47:43yo no le deseo ningún mal
47:45ni ningún bien
47:47y eso es lo que creería todo el mundo incluida julia
47:51tú sabes lo doloroso que ha sido para ella perder el primito que iba a tener
47:57Si julia supiera lo que ha pasado entre andrés y tú con lo que os quiere
48:05Se llevaría la mayor decepción de su vida jamás volvería a confiar en nadie
48:10por no hablar
48:12de que la dejaría es completamente sola eso es lo que quieres
48:16digna cuidaría de ella como nadie no pero digna no es su madre
48:20en realidad julia sólo te tiene a ti bueno y a jesús con todos sus problemas pero los dos acabarías en la cárcel
48:27vaya panorama verdad
48:30La pobre cría
48:32Por segunda vez perdería a su madre su padre en la cárcel su tío del alma en la cárcel
48:39su abuelo en la cárcel
48:42Todo por tu culpa
48:45Debería llegar a un acuerdo con jesús
48:48Estoy seguro de que puede recuperar tu vida sin tener que huir de aquí
48:52Incluso podría llegar a ser feliz si te comportas como una esposa debe comportarse
49:00Puedo confiar en que no volverás a denunciarnos a jesús y a mí
49:12Bien come algo no quiero que enfermes
49:45Esto salir y despejarlo en reto como no de ninguna manera
49:51No te tranquilizan de tu padre no te voy a volver a denunciar
49:54lo que me parece terrible es que
49:56ni marta ni siquiera su familia sepan nada de esto
50:00me imagino que esto también tiene que estar siendo muy duro para ti no te agobies por favor vamos a encontrar una solución ya verá
50:05serio gemma en serio tú crees que esto tiene solución
50:07señor peralta no va a querer saber nada de nosotros en la vida
50:12O lo aprendo tiene que pasar la noche
50:15está robando pastillas no
50:19Begoña por favor eres enfermera y denunciado
50:23y no me han escuchado yo no soy ninguna aprovechada don damián usted me conoce de sobra si he venido hasta aquí es porque
50:30porque tengo miedo por tacio dina me lo ha contado todo fue valentín quien mató a crutil de no lázaro
50:36y en realidad julia es hija de valentín
50:39Lo que ha pasado últimamente me ha afectado mucho
50:41necesito calmarme y reponerme para poder empezar de nuevo por eso creo que
50:45creo que sería buena idea que me fuera de viaje un tiempo
50:49gracias de corazón ha sido un regalo encontrarme contigo al final
50:54Pues ahora tengo más claro que no va a hablar porque lo que quiere es huir me ha pedido permiso para irse una temporada
51:01a descansar a inglaterra
