After The Ball Went Over (1960) ... Popeye the Sailor__41

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... Popeye the Sailor_ 41


00:30Well, here we be ashore again, dear Vulture, after a long sea voyage.
00:38And there's a house that looks ship-shape for our shore lodgings.
00:48The wicked sea hag!
00:51Who gave you permission to barge into my house?
00:55I take what I want.
00:58Then take yourself right out of here before I call the police.
01:01Ah, that's mutiny talk.
01:05I'll fix you to obey my orders.
01:08Zula-kazoo, Zula-kazave, you are now my zombie slave.
01:17What are your orders, master?
01:21We need vittles. Bring us plenty of grub.
01:29More grub and drinks.
01:34Now on the double.
01:35My zombie slave, and make our beds, too.
01:39Shiver me timbers. The sea hag's made Olive into a zombie.
01:46Snaps out of it, Olive. Come on, snaps out of it.
01:50I'll fix that swab for buttin' into me affairs.
01:55This wax candle I'll shape into a wax doll of Popeye.
02:01And with a hair to make the voodoo spell right,
02:05I tie the arms to the sides real tight.
02:12Oh, my gosh. I can't moves me arms.
02:17Popeye, as long as this doll is tied with me magic voodoo hair,
02:23you'll never be able to move your arms.
02:27Into the sea chest it goes.
02:30And now, me faithful vulture, take it out and lose it.
02:38This key will always be with me.
02:43Now, zombie slave, heave that swab overboard.
02:48But Olive, wakes up. It's me, your fiancee, Popeye.
02:56Has to get somebody to helps me find that sea chest
03:00with the doll in it to breaks this voodoo spell.
03:04Eugene, the magical jeep.
03:08Eugene, I'm in trouble and...
03:10Uh-oh. You knows about it?
03:13Well, then, can you helps me?
03:15Oh, my gosh. He knows what I wants without me asking him.
03:21Okay, Eugene. Shoves off and I'll follows you.
03:36Hey, waits for me, Eugene.
03:41Ahoy. There's the sea chest.
03:44But the sea hag's got the key.
03:48Well, blow me down.
03:55Now, unties the hair, Eugene.
03:59Uh-oh. It's a magical hair and you can't unties it.
04:05Hey, Eugene. What you doing?
04:09Oh, that tickles.
04:12Yippee. Me spinach.
04:20Gosh, I still can't move me arms.
04:23That voodoo spell is stronger than the spinach.
04:28Feeding spinach to a doll.
04:30Boy, that's silly.
04:34Me arms are as good as new.
04:36Thanks, Eugene.
04:41Faster, you zombie. It's hot in here.
04:48Avast, sea hag. The jig is up.
04:50Take care of him, my trusty vulture.
04:59Faster. Faster. Go, go, go.
05:03Olive wakes up. Snaps out of it.
05:06Oh, I must have fallen asleep.
05:11Popeye, look at the mess you made.
05:14But Olive, I didn't make it.
05:17Clean it all up.
05:21It may sound amusing, but women are confusing
05:25to Popeye the Sailor Man.
