• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video was addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07I was just watching, and thank you for watching.
00:10There's going to be some crime against me and my twin flame, however...
00:16Not all, it's not going to all be about crime.
00:31And nothing that I say in this video can be used against me and my twin flame.
00:37If you try, you'll be framed.
00:39You'll be illegally framing someone.
00:43And that's illegal.
00:45So, I have some things to show you on this, Shia, but...
00:51I'm going to wait to talk more about the crime another time, because...
00:56I'm getting, uh, I'm not feeling well.
01:00And you probably aren't either.
01:04So, I just realized something about...
01:10I have to, I think I'm going to get a grocery...
01:18I can't use those dishes.
01:22So I think I'm going to get the grocery.
01:25Buy some groceries.
01:27Have them delivered tomorrow, and then...
01:33Do a second grocery shopping towards the end of the month.
01:38Um, so this is what happened.
01:45And, Shia, I'm not trying to stress you out or anything.
01:49And I was just thinking...
01:53What if the bathtub water has bacteria?
01:57I haven't really noticed any smell or odor in regards to the bath water.
02:04I do not think that anyone has access to my bath water.
02:13So, however...
02:16You know how I ran out of paper plates?
02:19Well, I used a plate today.
02:26So I had this morning...
02:28Well, I'll show you. Oh, I didn't take a photograph.
02:31I used this microwave plate, this mug.
02:36See how it has stuff all over it?
02:39Well, the canned evaporated milk boiled over the mug.
02:48This is proof that my brain's not working, because I put it in and I said...
02:54I typed in two minutes and I said, this is not going to boil over.
03:00Well, milk always bubbles up.
03:03So my brain is not operating completely, proving a stroke.
03:08So this is proof that food poisoning could go on for so long.
03:12Because I didn't even know that it couldn't boil.
03:16So I had to wash these dishes in the bathtub, as well as this plate.
03:22I haven't been using the plates.
03:28Oh, I had some toast and sardines and applesauce this morning.
03:33And I was doing my food research and I saw this nice recipe for...
03:39Boiled milk with instant coffee and sweeteners.
03:44So I put honey, a can of evaporated milk, and instant cold-dressed coffee.
03:50And it was really good.
03:52So I did scald the milk.
03:55So I'm putting it in the microwave like that.
03:58So I did the dishes in the bathtub.
04:01And some of the dishes smelled, some of them didn't.
04:05Is it possible that the dishes that smelled have bacteria from five months ago?
04:12Because I stopped using all those dishes about six months ago.
04:16When I found out there was bacteria coming from the sink water.
04:21So are these old dishes that I washed with soap?
04:25But you can't kill bacteria with soap.
04:28Dish soap.
04:30So is that why they still smelled?
04:33It's very possible.
04:37There's also a chance...
04:39See, do you hear the noise on this side?
04:42There's also a chance that the bath water is contaminated.
04:49I sprayed this with disinfectant and I rinsed it.
04:56I'm not being fooled into using the bath water thinking that it's not contaminated.
05:02Technically, I believe I would smell the bacteria coming off of the bath water.
05:09However, there's several dishes that smelled, reeked of, kind of like a...
05:16Not rotten eggs.
05:18I know, like, well water can smell like rusty rotten eggs.
05:21I've smelled that before.
05:23And they're playing with my voice.
05:26However, I've also...
05:28It smells kind of like dog drool.
05:33It smells a little bit like drool.
05:37Or like raw egg.
05:40Not really rotten eggs, but like a raw egg.
05:44Possibly, yeah, like a rotten egg.
05:46A rotten raw egg.
05:49So, it's obviously...
05:52So, the good news is I have a whole cabinet of dishes that I never disinfected after I was getting...
06:00The bacteria was being put in the sink and I was doing the dishes with the dirty contaminated water.
06:06I haven't disinfected any of those dishes.
06:08I thought the bacteria was going to disappear off the dishes.
06:15I just googled it and apparently you can't kill bacteria off of dishes with soapy water.
06:25You have to actually use a disinfectant.
06:29So, I thought...
06:31So, I'm not going to touch those dishes.
06:33I'm not doing anything with those dishes.
06:36And I'm going to make sure I get some paper plates and paper cups and silverware.
06:44Because I need to make sure I...
06:47Even with the bath water, I can't afford to...
06:52I can't afford to get food poisoned or even food dishes and smell that smell.
06:58So, I don't know for sure if the bath water is contaminated or not.
07:06The problem is I don't have all this extra money.
07:08I could go and buy water sample test kits.
07:12I could get all these things I don't... I can't afford.
07:15I can't afford it.
07:18I was thinking, why can't I buy an audio recorder to start documenting these sounds?
07:28I don't really have the extra money.
07:33Even with the security camera, I'm constantly being told,
07:39you're just going to get so stressed out having to look at it and document everything that you see or hear.
07:45That's pretty much a lie.
07:49So, I washed the microwave plate.
07:53So, the microwave plate could have bacteria from just being in the microwave.
08:01It could smell like that just because it's something you can barely see.
08:07If you cook a lot of things in the microwave, the plate might need to be disinfected.
08:12It might not wash good.
08:14But it was the other things I smelled.
08:17But when I've been boiling pasta or boiling a few things in the pot and washing it in the bathtub,
08:26the pot has not smelled.
08:35I'm thinking, what can I do?
08:37How can I figure out if the bathtub is contaminated?
08:42Well, I don't have money to figure that out, to be honest.
08:47But then I heard, oh, you can't fix dumb.
08:53Well, this isn't a matter of intelligence.
08:57This is a matter of possession and among other things.
09:03And you can't fix having no future existence.
09:08You can't fix being an entity with no future existence.
09:11And it's really interesting how there's a lot of these attacks.
09:19They say one sentence to me.
09:21It's going to be thousands of hours of return penalty.
09:25Not seven times the attack that's being made.
09:28That's a lie.
09:30It's going to be thousands of hours, every single attack that they make.
09:35I was actually going to...
09:37Oh yeah, there's this metaverse thing that they do with this TikTok.
09:42This automated AI, synthetic AI, or whatever criminal wants to remote view me or attack me.
09:52They're doing all these weird movements.
09:55Really rhythmic, extremely murderously annoying movements.
10:05Just wicked annoying.
10:09It's almost like what I was told, Chey, is the metaverse is like taking over the entities that are not supposed to exist to begin with.
10:17And the entities are merging with the metaverse and taking over the identity they don't really even have to begin with.
10:24So something's pretty obviously happening with that.
10:29So I'm going to highlight.
10:33I'm going to make sure that this gets posted.
10:45I also took some footage of the dots on my skin, the white dots, yesterday.
10:53And luckily this sealed up.
10:56It's amazing how it actually...
10:59See? It closed on its own.
11:02It took quite some time, but it sealed.
11:06The piece of skin sealed itself.
11:12It's still sore. It's possible I cut some nerves in that spot.
11:42Oh, in regards to the presidency, how they're having Harris be the run for president,
11:56I don't think it should be allowed based on how they were acting for years together.
12:06The Biden-Harris. I don't think that should be allowed.
12:10It's not appropriate.
12:13She definitely has some snake energy, I believe.
12:17And if it does happen, because everything's rigged, and at this point these criminals get a lot of power,
12:29feeling like they're protected, they can do whatever they want to Alyssa, they're being protected,
12:34even though it's not true.
12:37Well, it's not true.
12:40This is going to be an error. It will backfire if she becomes president.
12:45Because females aren't really supposed to be president.
12:48There's a reason.
12:50There's some kind of... It's part of religion that females aren't supposed to be president.
12:56So, because I just happened to see she...
13:00Because I just happened to see, like...
13:05I wanted to see, well, if he dropped out, who's going to be taking over?
13:10So I looked on the Google search, and they're like almost tied, and she's a little bit over.
13:16I can't believe that.
13:22Honestly, I'm just going to...
13:26If that hive mind deactivates, great.
13:29Because she can be president without any AI.
13:33It's going to backfire.
13:35So whoever becomes president is going to be a real fool.
13:38Especially if they're not connected to good AI.
13:57I have to continually explain.
14:02There's been some real attacks in regards to the hacker, the criminal that stole your DNA.
14:14They're continuing to sexually harass us by claiming that we were romantically involved with them.
14:20We were never romantically involved with them.
14:23I was tortured by that hacker 24-7.
14:27He did sexually harass me.
14:30I was not romantically involved with him.
14:33So there was the synthetic duplicate of you sometimes in the CN.
14:41And there was a synthetic duplicate of myself in myself.
14:46And then there was possibly my mother, a duplicate of her in me, pretending to be me.
14:57They were controlling these synthetic duplicates of us.
15:02And if you saw my past photos, I don't even look like myself.
15:07The possession was taking over and taking over my looks.
15:11I looked really off and kind of creepy.
15:18There was no love relationship.
15:20There was no love relationship.
15:22There was no relationship.
15:23There was no friendship.
15:24I was not friends with this enemy.
15:27I was not friends with this enemy.
15:31They're getting high off of it.
15:33They're trying to kill our spirit by accusing us of being romantically involved with them.
15:40This is a 24-7 argument.
15:43There's automated AI that just goes off hundreds of thousands of times to accuse me of this that I never did.
15:53I didn't have a romantic relationship with this hacker.
15:58The sexual harassment kills the spirit.
16:01And it gives them some kind of power trip.
16:10And do you know the witchcraft that's going to happen?
16:12Knowing that we are both waiting for each other and they are torturing us,
16:15trying to do all this AI to accuse us of waiting for them or being with them.
16:22Do you know the type of witchcraft that's going to happen?
16:27But it's pure psychological torture that this hacker is doing this and telling me 24-7 that she was next to you.
16:36She was next to you over and over and over hundreds of thousands of times.
16:44And there's a fake voice that they use with B2K.
16:48It's not like they're actual real voices.
16:51They're covering it up.
16:52It would be a completely good way if they used their real voices and real behavior and mood.
17:02Automated AI.
17:08But these criminals, they feel like they're being saved.
17:13Like the whole thing with what just happened with the blood.
17:19And, well, if everybody's covering it up, that means no criminals aren't going to jail.
17:26We're extra special.
17:28We're the heroes trying to kill and torture and shine Alyssa.
17:31We're the heroes.
17:34And they're constantly saying this all day long.
17:36Feeling very elite.
17:42So it's not like these criminals are being saved.
17:45They don't have this extra protection just because of who we are, which is what they say all the time.
17:55There's something larger happening.
17:57There's something larger happening that doesn't have anything to do with these little criminals that are doing a lot of little crime.
18:07But they're telling me that.
18:09They're telling me that these entities and criminals are safe and protected.
18:13Nothing's going to happen. It's all covered up. See?
18:16Nobody's saying anything. Nobody's helping.
18:18Alyssa's just making this all up. It's all in her mind.
18:23But if you're told that repeatedly by authorities,
18:35it can brainwash someone.
18:37There can be some kind of brainwashing involved.
18:41The lack of help that I've gotten, it helps the criminals because I don't want anybody to die because of me.
18:52And I'm sure that a lot of these doctors, authorities, whatever, they're covering it up because they don't want to die.
19:04I don't want anybody to die because of me.
19:07So it's possible it's temporarily being covered up because people are not safe.
19:17But they're constantly telling me this.
19:23You have proof now, Shia, in regards to the video I uploaded with the filing of the police report.
19:30You have proof as to why I don't think anything's going on.
19:38Because it's very convincing when people act like that.
19:43I almost got convinced it was all in my mind and that was just whatever.
19:50There was blood everywhere on the doors. It was just whatever.
19:54Part of me knows it's not true.
19:56However, when it's so covered up and there's brainwashing that happens,
20:01and this brainwashing happens with other things in other lives that people say.
20:07And I do actually have a mental issue because of all the torture that I've gone through.
20:18That doesn't really help.
20:21So they can use that as an excuse, but people have to go along with it or people are going to get murdered.
20:31I don't want people to get murdered because of me.
20:34I don't want people to get murdered because of me.
20:36It doesn't matter what I do or say.
20:39I could freak out over this anyways, but I won't get anywhere with it.
20:43I could freak out over this anyways, but I won't get anywhere with it.
20:46If I freak out and act like no one's listening and nobody cares and everybody's covering up.
20:51If I freak out, it doesn't do anything.
20:56So people have to go along with it or people are going to get killed.
21:01And if people don't act a certain way, then people will get hurt.
21:07I'm not really completely believing it, however, I kind of have to.
21:17I do have to find a new physician soon because I need to, obviously...
21:26I should spend some time doing some research because if an emergency were to occur and I needed a physician,
21:32I can't go back to those physicians.
21:35So I have to find a hospital or a clinic center that's not like a mom and pop clinic,
21:44but obviously not a corporate like Sharp or the other ones.
21:56I also checked.
21:57I also checked.
21:58The telepath supporter said you're very happy about the email from Dailymotion.
22:02That definitely can help.
22:28The blood's still not washed off and it's two days after.
22:33The blood was not washed off.
22:36I checked at...
22:40I fixed the time.
22:44I checked at 8.56.
22:48Hold on, not 8.56.
22:51I went to go get my waters and get the mail.
23:07Why is it this stupid time?
23:10Okay, I fixed the time and it's 8.56.
23:14Why is it this stupid time?
23:16Okay, I fixed the time and then it messed up.
23:19It says 23.25.
23:22I tried to fix the time and it messed it up.
23:25It messed up the time so I have to fix it.
23:31I'll fix it later.
23:32But this was obviously...
24:03It was also a sign.
24:08It was also a sign as in...
24:14See blood...
24:17The person that stole your DNA is family.
24:20That was also supposed to be that.
24:24They have so much fun using her against me.
24:38Let me keep going with the notes.
24:44In regards to the chronic gang stalking and intimidation with this V2K with all these criminals lined up in like a circle and I'm in the middle.
24:56And they're just fucking bitching at me and screaming and attacking me.
25:00They feel so elite because they can get away with doing what they're doing because it's us.
25:09And like they're Illuminati? No.
25:12These people feel like they belong.
25:15These entities, they belong.
25:17And it's not the Illuminati club that they're belonging to.
25:22They've been kicked out of Illuminati for a long time ago.
25:26They belong to the I tortured and tried to kill Cheyenne Elissa club.
25:32I tortured and tried to kill Cheyenne Elissa club.
25:39That's the club they belong. Not Illuminati.
26:01And there's a lot of V2K that's being said to me.
26:15And then someone says, write it down.
26:21Just keeps saying write it down, write it down, write it down.
26:23Well, I'm starting to write it down because this V2K.
26:27You couldn't get away with saying one sentence of the type of things that are being said to me.
26:32You couldn't get away with it.
26:34You could be locked up in jail for a year to threaten Elissa's life in her asshole.
26:40Every single hour I'm going to kill you.
26:42Every single hour I'm going to kill you.
26:44I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you.
26:45Every single hour, more than every single hour.
26:48Sometimes every single five minutes.
26:53And among other things.
26:55Extreme, extreme SEX harassment.
27:01So these, the metaverse slash like these TikTok things that they're doing.
27:09Is taking over the entities because they weren't real in the first place.
27:23And they're constantly like saying things that they do.
27:29And then one of the criminals comments, oh we're just weird.
27:33We, we're weird.
27:34Like, it's like a club.
27:36It's like a love club.
27:40We're weird together.
27:42And then telepathic supporters response.
27:51You're getting all this torture and attack.
27:54Return back to you.
27:55Return back to the sender for the rest of your life.
27:58Yeah, that's weird.
28:00That's weird.
28:12So I posted the notebook of the food Shia.
28:23Because I wanted to make sure that you could see.
28:29My diet right now is not a reflection of how I want us to eat Shia.
28:34And it's actually a lot of work.
28:37To eat well, however, it's not.
28:40It's really not.
28:42If I'm doing the research to make it.
28:45I'm doing the research to make it so it's not going to be difficult.
28:51When we're together and we have a family.
28:54It's not going to be difficult.
28:56I'm doing all the planning.
28:58I'm starting to create grocery lists.
29:01So we don't eat the same thing every week.
29:05So basically, I've started three grocery lists so far.
29:12Sort of a Mexican-inspired grocery list.
29:18Sort of like a country-inspired.
29:21Like country cooking.
29:23And then an Asian grocery list.
29:28And the grocery list I have now.
29:32I've created quite a bit of meals.
29:36Where's my camera?
29:39It's a problem. I keep dropping it.
29:43And this is what I want to eat this week.
29:47Or this is what I want to get probably this month.
29:51I already showed you some of them.
29:57So I like to get chili.
30:01I'm not going to be boiling water for pasta.
30:05Which I thought I was eventually going to do.
30:09But now that that happened with the bath water.
30:12Trying to do dishes, which is not sanitary.
30:14I don't like doing dishes in the bathtub.
30:17It's really gross.
30:19But I would like to get some of that pre-cooked pasta pouch.
30:23Put chili over the pasta.
30:26And chili with tortilla chips.
30:29I'd like to get a can of chickpeas.
30:31And make like a vinegar, olive oil, herb dressing.
30:36And eat it like a chickpea salad.
30:39Possibly get those tiny onions.
30:41And then chop some onions.
30:44I would like to get some beef hash.
30:47Corned beef hash.
30:50The last time I ate it.
30:53I was really worried about food poisoning.
30:55Because it had a little bit of a smell to it.
30:57However, I really enjoyed it.
30:59And that I can serve with peas in a roll.
31:02And then I could get some canned fish.
31:05Eat some peas with it and mashed potatoes.
31:08I've been having trouble with mashed...
31:10I've been having trouble with potatoes.
31:12I think I'm just going to get instant potatoes.
31:14And maybe a couple of russet.
31:16Two or three.
31:17Because they've been spoiling in those cupboards too quickly.
31:22Probably because those cupboards are too hot.
31:26And not ventilated.
31:29It doesn't happen with the onions though.
31:33I want to get some Nutella in it.
31:35Because I can't really eat peanut butter.
31:37Because I get kind of itchy.
31:38But I like to have something with toast on toast.
31:41And you don't have to refrigerate Nutella.
31:44I want to get some more canned milk.
31:46To make that milk coffee drink.
31:50And if I do get a couple of russet potatoes.
31:53I'm going to chop them up and put them in the toaster oven.
31:56And put some salt, olive oil, and herbs.
31:59And make roasted potatoes with fish and vegetables.
32:02Those are some of my ideas for this week.
32:05For this month.
32:06And I got these food flyers that I'm going to look at.
32:10This looks really appetizing.
32:16But instead of like fried chicken.
32:18You could have like baked chicken.
32:20You could do this as a meal one time.
32:23Coleslaw, biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy.
32:26And some kind of chicken.
32:29This is a spicy nacho chicken sub.
32:38That's new.
32:40And I like to go through these flyers just to get ideas.
32:44Because most of it is fridge and freezer.
32:47And food that you'd have to put in the fridge eventually.
32:53But I always get ideas like soda.
32:58I could put fruit juice and salsa water to make a soda.
33:03Cereal, I've been thinking about possibly getting some cereal.
33:14But this notebook, Chaya.
33:17Don't get attacked by anything.
33:22They attacked me at the end with it saying that.
33:27But don't get attacked by any of it.
33:30Don't get attacked.
33:33They play with all the words and create all these things with words.
33:41However, I think that you will have protection, Chaya.
33:47While you're looking through all the things.
33:49And unfortunately, my handwriting should be better than this.
33:53But they were attacking my handwriting to make it sloppy.
33:57Because you know I have nice handwritings.
34:00I can have better handwriting.
34:02I've shown you.
34:03I've shown you better handwriting.
34:10Let me.
34:12Oh, this was supposed to be.
34:16This was supposed to.
34:17I wasn't supposed to make this too long, Chaya.
34:24But we can't minimize what's happening to us, Chaya.
34:26It's very scary what's happening to us.
34:43Yeah, they're like.
34:45They tick-tock.
34:47They're constantly doing this.
34:49And then they're doing this.
34:53And they're making faces.
34:56And they're going like this.
34:58Like, it's, they have to be like, don't have a purpose in life to be like doing that, and if it's to annoy someone, I think there's more to it than that. I think they're truly, uh, extremely, uh, just bored with no purpose.
35:28It's, yeah, it is, uh, this, this, this is a, all this V2K and these 24-7 attacks, you can go to jail for just one attack, attacking someone once. You don't have to physically attack someone to go to jail.
35:43I looked it up on the internet. If you threaten someone's life one time, you can go to jail for a year. You can't get away with it just because it's V2K and it's invisible. It's not invisible. And one attack shy that they do, one sentence they say to you, thousands of hours of return to sender penalty is going to be returned back to them. Thousands of hours worth.
36:04And they were told this 20 years ago, they were told this 30, 40, whatever, long years ago. They did it anyways.
36:12And this, uh, hacker, along with my mother, crippled my leg my entire life. And then somehow, anytime I saw athletic people, uh, the hacker belongs to the athletic tribe.
36:41That was a program who said to me, they were the fitness couple, the hacker and assistant, they were the fitness couple, uh, a part of the athletic tribe. And I was this lazy person my whole life because I was crippled and couldn't walk.
36:58I had a hard time walking a quarter of a mile without being able to just sit down and not move. So this crippling, if I, um, this crippling also, over the years, getting tortured 24-7, I was getting very ill to the point where I was forced to not be able to exercise the way I wanted to.
37:26And I was, my, no, I was told 24-7 that I'm a lazy slob, uh, because I was forced to be not able to be that, do a lot of exercise with the possession.
37:40Um, I told you if I did any yoga, they completely dispossessed my body and made me feel so tired that I feel like passing out. They, I wasn't being allowed to exercise. And part of it was to keep me sick.
37:58But now, now that I've had the stroke, it's impossible to really be fit. So that's why I do a lot of walking. Walking is the least thing that would give me a stroke. You're not, with the neck condition that I have and the stroke, you're not supposed to do extreme cardio.
38:20One thing, Shia, I, I keep forgetting to take your photograph out, out of, when I put the bathing suit on, somehow the, when I put the bathing suit on, before I take a bath, I'm like, put the towel over, lift my bra up while the towel's under me, and this gets stuck, your photo, on me, and then you go in the bathroom.
38:50And I kind of think that you want to get cleansed, because your energy's dirty from the day like me. I think that's why you kind of want to go in there, but it's not strange that it ripped right where the letters C and O was ripped off, C, C0, the blood, C0, C0.
39:17C0, she's not your family, and this is already, this is like a, it's not like a fight or an argument, it's just like a constant story and program that needs to be constantly said to try to kill us, Shia.
39:33So, and then I hear like a loud banging sound, and then there's a B2K that says, that's what I meant, she's blood to him, she's blood to Shia.
40:00So there's, this type of witchcraft, they think they're getting away with something now, it's a lie, they don't think they're getting away with something, and I didn't say that.
40:16But there's a lot of, there's a lot of sickness happening. Not sickness, there's a lot of crime.
40:31So I'm going to finish reading the notes another time, because I want to make sure you're able to read the notebook recipe titles, and we'll be eating better, Shia.
40:53We're not eating that well now, but we're going to eat better. And I like, I'm continuing to look through it today, the recipe titles, to make sure that I can come up with some good ideas to eat, meals to eat, without the fridge and freezer.
41:16So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia, and...
41:21I don't really feel good, Shia, so I don't want to continue watching, making the video.
41:47But don't worry, Shia, I'm thinking about you, I'm going to play a video on Luke, and I am...
42:03I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia.
42:07Is there anything else, Shia, wants me to do?
42:13I looked at the pendulum about something about you, and I forgot. I couldn't find it.
42:26Is there anything else, Shia, you need to know?
42:28I walked half an hour today already, I'm going to walk another half an hour.
42:37The heart is still acting funny. It's been going on for a long time.
42:45No, I feel a pulse.
43:16So I'll be... let's just try to be happy, and if we're getting towards it, Shia, I'll just keep doing the Lemurian technology and praying.
43:27I do have to recite the Quran, I have it in several days, and I'm going to probably do more Lemurian technology, but I'm very tired and hot today.
43:38I can't really complain though, it's not that hot. It's not as hot as Palm Springs or Joshua Tree.
43:50So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia.
44:02Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
