Robi Watkinson and Emma Hodson travel across Britain and the Netherlands documenting the story of the rewilding movement | dG1fR3hSa1VLVGp3Tk0
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00:00Britain has lost almost all of its iconic megafauna.
00:07And all the amazing ecosystem functions that these animals would have provided vanished
00:12with them.
00:13That creates a very different dynamic where we have to decide, as a society, we want to
00:18bring the wolf back.
00:20You know, if everybody thinks the same and it's sheep, cattle, chemical farming, then
00:25we are truly faced with ruin.
00:28You may laugh.
00:29And I told you I would show you my beaver trimmings.
00:31So, ta-da!
00:32Here's some beaver trimmings I prepared earlier.
00:35I think the bigger question is, why not?
00:37I mean, you've seen bison in the Netherlands.
00:39It's such a fantastic, kind of charismatic species.
00:43We know they can do fantastic things for our environment.
00:47Europe's largest animal.
00:48It's just gone.
00:49Like that.
00:50That was an awful throw.
00:51That was an awful catch.
00:53The quickest way to restore our species and prevent the loss of species is by getting
00:56absolutely everybody involved from all sectors, from all geographic locations, all ages.
01:03We need lots of different people with different views coming from different experiences and
01:10There's a whole sort of idea about rewilding yourself as well as rewilding the landscape.
01:15In the UK, our notions of the natural are at such a low ebb that it's almost hard to
01:20imagine what they could become.
01:23Can I just first of all point out that the elephant in the room is actually the elephant.
01:27I think it needs everyone together.
01:29But I am much more positive now than I was before.