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सास का अखाड़ा बहू ने पछाड़ा - Mother-in-law's arena defeated by daughter-in-law Kahaniya Kahani Wala

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00:00Welcome to our channel, Kahaaniwala.
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00:15Mother-in-law's Akhada, Daughter-in-law's Pachada.
00:19Mother-in-law, how are you making this capsicum?
00:22No, no, no. No one will eat it like this.
00:24You move aside, I will make it.
00:26No one will eat it?
00:28I am not making it for your in-laws.
00:31I am making it for my husband, son and daughter.
00:34And they have been eating capsicum like this
00:37for the past few years, daughter-in-law.
00:40You are a daughter-in-law, right?
00:41Think before you speak.
00:47Mother-in-law, then I will say that
00:48you don't know how to cook at all.
00:51Daughter-in-law makes capsicum,
00:53but in her own way.
00:55Then on the dining table.
00:57Did daughter-in-law make this vegetable?
00:59It looks very different today.
01:01Sister-in-law, the color of the vegetable looks very nice.
01:06No, no, I wanted to eat the one made by mother.
01:09What is this, Reena?
01:10Let mother make the vegetable.
01:14who now looks a little heavy on her shoulders.
01:19Now, son, my time has come.
01:22This house used to run on my name.
01:25But now it seems that
01:26my existence and absence are the same.
01:29Daughter-in-law wants to rule the kitchen
01:31along with the whole house.
01:33Mother-in-law, you only said at the time of marriage
01:36that you will make me a queen.
01:39So see, this is the job of a queen.
01:42To rule.
01:44Look, daughter-in-law,
01:45I agree that you want to rule,
01:47but don't forget,
01:48the entire kingdom is mine now.
01:52What are you both talking about?
01:54And what is this way of talking to daughter-in-law?
01:57Poor girl has just come,
01:58won't you give her freedom?
02:00So how will she consider this house as her own?
02:03Look, father, mother is right.
02:05There is nothing wrong in considering the house as our own.
02:08But just trying to make us our own and strangers,
02:13no, no, this thought is not good at all.
02:16Look, you are younger, so live like a younger girl.
02:20Don't interfere in everything.
02:23She is my daughter, so she will speak on my behalf, right?
02:27Mother-in-law, what is this side by side?
02:30Isn't she my sister?
02:32I agree that I made the vegetables today,
02:35but we women also know how to make some changes in the food.
02:40And we want it too.
02:41So this doesn't mean that the food at home has no value at all.
02:45Look, I don't want to argue.
02:47Go, eat your food.
02:50Everyone goes to eat, next day.
02:53Mother-in-law, please,
02:55tell the neighbours not to come to the house today.
02:59There should be some time to come and go to someone's house.
03:02The whole day here, it seems as if people have made a religious school.
03:06Daughter-in-law, they are like our family.
03:09They have been with us for the past 25 years.
03:12And this is my house.
03:13How will you decide who will come here and who will not?
03:18And yes, if you don't like it, then go to your room.
03:22They are just talking, that the neighbours come.
03:26Sister, we have kept the vigilance of the mother tonight.
03:31And the morning prayer too.
03:32So bring the daughter-in-law.
03:34Come, dear.
03:36Okay, I am leaving.
03:37I have to invite others too.
03:39Yes, yes, we will definitely come.
03:42By the way, who all are you inviting?
03:44Are your sister-in-law and sister-in-law also coming?
03:47Mother, do you know her entire family?
03:51Sister-in-law had made all the arrangements for my sister-in-law's marriage.
03:56And even in my maternal home, after my father's death,
03:59she had taken care of me by staying there.
04:02No one does this for anyone.
04:05Okay, I will give you the fruits.
04:08Cut it, sister-in-law.
04:09I will complete the other work.
04:13I am not feeling well, mother.
04:15You cut all the fruits.
04:17I will send food for dinner.
04:19Don't worry.
04:20No, no, we will make it.
04:23We have to make food for four people.
04:25No, no, you will get sick.
04:28And the daughter-in-law is also not feeling well.
04:30I will send the food.
04:33The neighbour goes and the mother-in-law looks at the daughter-in-law.
04:36Did you see?
04:37The one whom you were calling a religious school,
04:40they are so close.
04:42Yes, mother.
04:43You are doing their work.
04:45You are preparing the prasad for their awakening.
04:48Won't they do this much for you?
04:51Oh, what do I argue with you, daughter-in-law?
04:55That's why the daughter-in-law's mother comes.
04:57Sister, I felt like meeting my daughter,
05:01so I came without informing you.
05:03Don't feel bad.
05:05Don't think that this is not my house,
05:07it is a religious school.
05:10Okay, okay.
05:11So the guests who come to this house,
05:14you are the one who makes them understand that this is a religious school.
05:19By the way, you will be happy that your daughter's values are also like this.
05:25Mother, what are you listening to?
05:27Come, come inside, mother.
05:29When a mother comes inside with her daughter,
05:31she gets the fragrance of pickle.
05:33Oh, what a nice fragrance!
05:36What have you made, sister?
05:39I have made pickle.
05:40Your daughter was saying that you make it in a different way.
05:45I just made it like that.
05:47Pickle is not available in our house.
05:50Who knows how to make pickle?
05:53But as soon as the daughter takes the mother to the room,
05:56what is this, mother? Why did you come here?
05:58You should have told me before coming.
06:00What are you saying, daughter?
06:03If a mother feels like meeting her daughter,
06:05can't the mother come?
06:07Mother, she can come, why not?
06:09But you are spoiling the whole game.
06:12Game? What game, daughter?
06:15If you had told me, I would have also played.
06:19Mother, ever since I have come to this house after marriage,
06:22mother-in-law has made my house a mess.
06:26Now I want to tell you that I have come here.
06:29Whatever was there before was not right.
06:32So I will make it perfect.
06:35Okay, so it is about the throne.
06:40That the first queen has to be removed.
06:45Yes, mother. You can think whatever you want.
06:47But this is the matter.
06:49But son, she...
06:51Daughter doesn't understand anything.
06:53And she goes out after opening the door.
06:56A mother, who is a good woman,
06:58tries to make her daughter understand.
07:00Outside, she calls her mother in front of her mother-in-law.
07:03Sister, you come with me to my house.
07:07You can also see your daughter-in-law's house.
07:11No, sister. You stay with us.
07:15I have to wake up in the evening.
07:17I will take you there.
07:18I am preparing the offerings for that.
07:20Really? Teach us also how to prepare.
07:25What are you saying, mother?
07:27You have made me wake up so many times.
07:29Look, daughter.
07:31Let me tell you one thing.
07:33Every daughter sees what happens in her mother's house.
07:37But she learns from her mother-in-law.
07:41She learns the values of her mother-in-law from her mother-in-law.
07:45Which she gives to her daughter-in-law.
07:47So daughter, the customs and traditions here,
07:50the way of living, language and speech are our own.
07:53Which you have to not only follow,
07:56but also learn.
07:58And as far as becoming the queen of the entire house is concerned,
08:02as long as your mother-in-law is the queen,
08:05you will remain the queen.
08:07Right, son?
08:10Daughter-in-law understands what her mother says.
08:12And mother-in-law also thanks her mother-in-law wholeheartedly.
08:28Don't forget to like and share the video.
