Who Kidnapped Riley's Emotions?! *INSIDE OUT 2 Big Paper Game Book*

  • 2 months ago
Joy, be careful! Hurry up and catch Riley's memories! Oh, no, they're broken. Looks like they're gonna take you to jail for this. What happened to the other emotions? I think they all need to be rescued. Anxiety has arrived and activated puberty! All the emotions are jumbled up and Riley must be going crazy! Quick, we gotta get our heads and emotions in order! Joy, Disgust, Sadness, Anxiety, Embarrassment, Fear, Ennui, Envy, and Anger are waiting for you

00:01 Joy breaks memories
00:24 From Ragatha to Anxiety
01:06 Puberty period
01:55 Fear was eaten by a shark
02:50 Caine turned into Anger
03:26 Making a pie for Disgust
05:51 Flushed Embarrassment down the toilet
06:32 Surgery for Sadness
07:06 Playing the Envy tablet

#insideout #insideout2 #emotions #inside out


00:00Quick, Joy! Catch all of the bubbles! Be careful!
00:06That's too much! Well, you break it, you buy it.
00:12No money? Well then, you get the jar!
00:15Either way, I don't think Joy's too happy. And Riley won't be either, unless we save her.
00:25A Kinder Joy egg? You think Joy's inside?
00:29No, but it might be a clue. A yellow piece of paper.
00:35Wait, there's a secret message!
00:42Anxiety? We're gonna need anxiety! And Ragatha here's gonna help!
00:49Let's start with a little makeover.
00:55Soon, you'll be our new anxiety!
01:00Now she's got something to show you!
01:05Think you should push the button, Riley?
01:10Uh-oh! The emotions are all mixed up!
01:15Puberty will do that, so let's fix them up!
01:20It's easy! Match the colors to each road.
01:25Of course, some roads take a few turns.
01:30Gesundheit! Oh, it's another matching game!
01:36Try to organize the balls by color.
01:40Once again, the color's the clue. Match them to each emotion.
01:48We're almost done. Ooh, we've won a prize!
01:52Your prize is… another challenge! We have to save Fear!
01:59Looks like we're fighting fire with water.
02:03It's just what we need to unlock the fire extinguisher.
02:14Now swing yourself to safety, Fear!
02:18A shark! We need to fix up that shark!
02:22And that boat!
02:26Knew we should have brought anti-shark repellent!
02:31Oh, poor Fear! Quick, to the emergency room!
02:36Don't worry, folks. We can rebuild him.
02:42Now this shot should help wake him up.
02:46Good thing, too. He's got our next prize!
02:49Transform me? Looks like Kane's getting angry.
02:55Looks like we've got to start brick by brick.
02:59Now why don't we put on a new face?
03:04Ooh, a new wardrobe's in order, too.
03:12Let's just see how angry he can get.
03:15He's flaming!
03:16You get another prize!
03:21And a new game.
03:23Eww, Disgust is really living up to her name.
03:27Let's get her back to her usual self.
03:32Uh-oh, your face has broken out all over!
03:36But it's nothing a little mask can't fix.
03:39Now for your makeup. Start with lipstick.
03:44And we can't forget your mascara.
03:50Time for some eye-roll warm-ups.
03:53You know, this place could use a makeover, too.
03:57Let's start by taking out the trash.
04:02And now, let's put on a new face.
04:05Let's start by taking out the trash.
04:16Next, let's clean up all those dust bunnies.
04:23And I don't like the look of that fridge slime.
04:26Of course, cleaning out the fridge is the best part.
04:30Don't tell me you don't like broccoli.
04:32Well, that answers that.
04:37Maybe she'll like the apple better.
04:41But we'll make it more to her liking.
04:44Chop to pieces.
04:48Add to a bowl.
04:52And add some sugar.
04:56One lump or two. Better make it five.
04:59Mix it together. We're making pie filling.
05:07I guess the crust can't be too far behind.
05:11Start by mixing butter with some flour.
05:17Take that batter and knead it into shape.
05:23Place the filling inside.
05:26Now we'll need to cover it up.
05:29Nothing beats a classic cross pattern.
05:33Now into the oven it goes until it's golden brown.
05:39Wow, done already. Here, have a slice.
05:43Or better yet, the whole thing.
05:46And here's your prize.
05:53Oh, hi, embarrassment. How are you?
05:56Like I had to ask.
05:59A nice spin cycle will cheer you up.
06:04Uh-oh, he's stuck.
06:08And he's deflated too.
06:11It's okay. Add to a TP roll and blow it up.
06:17And we can draw on a brand new face.
06:22Now let's give everyone a good look.
06:24Something's coming back up. The next prize.
06:30Time to help Sadness pick out some new peepers.
06:36While we're here, it's time for a checkup.
06:39Uh-oh. Well, let's take a closer look inside.
06:46Oh wow, Sadness, you've got an egg.
06:49Let's keep it comfy while it hatches.
06:55And look what's inside, our next prize.
07:01Look, it's Ennui!
07:04No, don't get up.
07:07There's a bunch of hidden pieces around here.
07:10It's like a puzzle, so we'll have to put them back together.
07:14You know, I was wondering why Ennui was lying on the floor.
07:20Guess it's time for a little couch nap.
07:25In the meantime, let's check out this phone.
07:29Oh, it's a phone.
07:31Let's see what's inside.
07:33Oh, it's a phone.
07:35Let's see what's inside.
07:36In the meantime, let's check out this phone.
07:41Hey look, it's Pomny!
07:44And Hello Kitty!
07:47Ooh, A's here too.
07:50And last but not least, it's our final prize.
07:58We've got them all.
08:01So give them a good shake.
08:04Now twist the dial to let them all out.
08:09We can use them for Joy's new game.
08:13Get them all inside and we'll get the key we need.
08:20That should take care of the lock.
08:24And we'll take care of those chains.
08:28Don't worry Joy, you're almost out of there.
08:34Yeah, this should put a smile on your face, both of yours.
08:39But we'll have to play some games to get it.
08:42Let's see, a cat, water, and a mystery item.
08:47Why don't we give the item a dunk?
08:51Ooh, it looks like some sort of magic potion.
08:56And it looks like it was made with love.
09:00Let's take some of this purple stuff.
09:07Now share it with our new feline friend.
09:11Careful, you might feel a slight pinch.
09:18Ooh, now you're really squishy.
09:25Look, it's Catnap, with the first battery.
09:30On to the next game.
09:32I guess we're going gardening.
09:37Ooh, I wonder what we're growing.
09:42So that's where Catnaps come from.
09:47But that's not all we're growing.
09:50It's F!
09:54I wonder who this is.
09:57Ooh, it's Jax.
10:00But don't forget the best part of veggies.
10:03We can cook them up into all sorts of things.
10:09It's cool, but it's not exactly what we need.
10:14Third time's the charm.
10:16Aha, the battery!
10:19Two down, but there's still more to go.
10:23Wow, we've got a sky full of friends.
10:28Grab a basket, I think they're coming down.
10:32The sky's falling! Don't tell Chicken Little.
10:37Be quick now, they're falling all over the place.
10:45Now let's bring our basket to the zookeeper.
10:53I hope for their sake he doesn't chew.
10:57Almost done? Or do you want dessert?
11:04Well, here's our tip. The third battery!
11:08Next up, it's a game of chance.
11:11Yank that skull!
11:15Come on! A, A, A!
11:20We've got the triple A!
11:23And that's your prize, too.
11:26Three A tokens.
11:28We can use it to play the next game.
11:31Press Start.
11:33It looks like a twist on Whack-A-Mole.
11:36Well then, let's get whacking.
11:40One down, two more to go.
11:45Beat the final boss to get the battery.
11:55Looks like our next game's a maze.
11:59It's kind of a little labyrinth, so you gotta shrink to fit.
12:07Be careful, dead ends aren't the only thing to worry about.
12:12Remember, always be ready to turn back.
12:16And if all else fails, just follow the smell of cheese.
12:24Wait, there's no cheese?
12:27Well, you made it out anyway.
12:30A knife!
12:32Careful, this should come in handy.
12:36Guess the zookeeper ate something he shouldn't have.
12:45Ooh, looks like our next adventure's under the sea.
12:51Grab that net. I think we're going fishing.
12:57But I'm not quite sure what we're trying to catch.
13:02Well, let's collect some trash and sort through it.
13:11We're doing our part to clean up the oceans.
13:16Ooh, we should keep most of this haul.
13:23Okay, I think we just need one more skew.
13:28Now take out what we want to keep, and just ditch the rest.
13:34Remind me to sort out the recycling later.
13:38Now we can put all the other parts together.
13:44Look, it's a zookeeper, and he's a mermaid.
13:48And, more importantly, he's got the next battery.
13:52Next up, we're going to play dentist.
13:57Ooh, this is fun.
14:00Let's see what we can find.
14:03Next up, we're going to play dentist.
14:09Just in time, too. The zookeeper needs a cleaning.
14:17But now, we need to fill up those cavities.
14:25Let's shine a little light on things.
14:29And we'll just take that dead tooth.
14:35Your bill amounts to one battery.
14:44It looks like we need to feed our new friends.
14:52This brings new meaning to brain food.
14:59Wow, a rainbow! And a needle, too.
15:05Next, let's blow up a big blue balloon.
15:10This is where our needle's going to come in handy.
15:16It's time for confetti, and a battery.
15:21One more battery, and one more to go.
15:24One more battery, and one more to go.
15:29It looks like a fighting game.
15:37Bam! Knockout!
15:40Okay, round one goes to A.
15:46It's level two. Try to beat the hammer.
15:49Ooh, things aren't looking good for A.
15:53Guess round two goes to the zookeeper.
15:58Uh-oh, round three starts with a bomb.
16:01Quick, A, let's send that bomb packing.
16:05Zookeeper's down. We've got the big win.
16:09More importantly, we've got the last battery.
16:13Plug it in.
16:15Plug it in.
16:19Now we'll get that key.
16:24Ooh, we'll probably need to shake it down to size.
16:31Let's hope it fits.
16:34And we're out of here.
16:39Ah-ha! Foiled again, zookeeper.
16:45Let's try it again.
17:12What's wrong, princess?
17:14A candy?
17:16Eh, don't worry. Pomny's on the lookout for sweets.
17:21Wow, a candy cane!
17:24And look, a hard candy.
17:27Okay, not that, but look, it's a lollipop.
17:33Is that everything?
17:35Hey, we've got a bonbon.
17:39Uh-oh, guess finder's keeper's doesn't apply here.
17:44We gotta take our search on the road.
17:46But first, we're gonna need some wheels.
17:51Okay, cookies.
17:55Time to get things rolling.
18:02It's the candy thief. Let's try to catch him.
18:07Oh, where's a mallet when you need one?
18:11Better keep those paws aimed and ready.
18:17You got him!
18:22Okay, it's nighty-night time. Sleep tight.
18:29We're gonna take out this gummy worm.
18:32What you need is a gummy brain.
18:36Now let's check out your heart.
18:41What's with all these gummy bugs?
18:44Well, here's your new ticker, Tin Man.
18:50Now he'll be happy to give back your candy.
18:59Next up, it's time for a new game.
19:02Looks like there's a castle behind this door.
19:05The other door has got fudge inside.
19:08Seems like an easy choice. Let's hope the dice agree.
19:15Chutes and ladders was never like this.
19:21Careful now, looks like we're going down.
19:26Starting to think the dice don't like us.
19:30Well, it was nice knowing you, Bonnie.
19:34Hm, while we're here, how about we look around?
19:42Oh, we found some candy.
19:46Uh, whoops, that's a bug.
19:50Ooh, another candy!
19:54Let's see what's in here.
19:58Ooh, another candy!
20:02A candy key? Looks like we're outta here.
20:07And just in time for some tug-of-war.
20:11Just hope that fudge isn't hangry.
20:17Well, into the chasm you go.
20:21But how are we gonna get across?
20:24Easy, we'll whip up a chocolate bar fridge.
20:29Steady now.
20:35Perfect, you made it through.
20:40Next up, take Princess Lulilalu's pink ribbon.
20:44We need to run it through this labyrinth.
20:47Just hope the ribbon's long enough.
20:51Oh, hey, we're on the other side.
20:54Yes, we've rescued the princess!
21:01Clowns can't live on cobwebs alone.
21:04Why don't you try some candy?
21:06Wait, you can't give Pomny too much.
21:14After all, too much sugar rots your teeth.
21:19Pomny took the words right out of my mouth.
21:22Well, maybe we can help clean you up.
21:27Soon, Pomny's teeth will be shining.
21:34Especially if we add a little rhinestone.
21:38Aw, it looks like it smiles all around.
21:42Try the next page.
21:44Try that vending machine.
21:51After all, our kitty could use some snacks.
21:58And a grimace shape to wash it down.
22:01Can't forget some water.
22:04Uh-oh, she's gonna blow!
22:07Either way, we've got our next key.
22:14Next up, we've got a scratch-off car.
22:17It's time to get those claws out.
22:23It's a video! Let's watch.
22:26Anyone got a remote?
22:30Now, let's play!
22:37Now we can go through that maze.
22:41There'd better be some cheese at the end of this.
22:50Even better, we've got the next key.
22:58Next up, it looks like a find-it game.
23:03Oh, a scissors. That's just what we need.
23:10Time to trim the pom-poms.
23:13It's Mario! But we need Pomny.
23:18No, but I think we're getting warmer.
23:23We've got Pomny.
23:26More importantly, we've got our next key, too.
23:31Look at all these doors.
23:34Wish we had a map.
23:36Hey, it's our familiar feline friend.
23:39And she could use a facial, too.
23:44Uh-oh, I think we're being watched.
23:47I think we'd better find a hiding place.
23:52All clear. You can come out now.
23:57And you know where the key is? Thanks!
24:01Ooh, it looks like our final key.
24:08Pomny, you're a freak.
24:11You're not supposed to be here.
24:14You're not supposed to be here.
24:18Pomny, you're a free woman again.
24:23And three-dimensional, too.
24:27Well, that's taken care of.
24:30So now, we'll deal with you.
24:33Jeepers, creepers! Our friends need new peepers.
24:41Ooh, let's try out the rag-a-thon.
24:45Hmm, maybe not.
24:48Why don't you try these?
24:50Let's pass these on.
24:54A perfect match.
24:56Okay, now I'm starting to get dizzy.
25:00Oh, Pomny needs a check-up.
25:02Subscribe to help us.
25:06Ew, she's oozing all over.
25:09Hmm, I think there's something inside.
25:16Either way, let's clean up this gunk.
25:19Put it back, and we'll patch her up.
25:27Now let's make Pomny a little less two-dimensional.
25:31Always knew she had depth.
25:36It's always easy to get A to open up.
25:39Now for a quick clean-up.
25:44Ooh, talk about a brainwash.
25:47Much better.
25:50He's already looking less green.
25:55Kane has one last finishing touch.
25:58And these two have never looked better.
26:05Ooh, a lollipop.
26:08This just isn't our day, is it?
26:11It's okay, all you need's a paper cup.
26:14Place a straw through the middle.
26:20And it looks like Kane wants to help.
26:24He'll keep your lollipop safe for you.
26:30And he's always up for hide-and-seek.
26:34Looks like A could use some help, too.
26:39A mini toilet can help you out.
26:42Just slide your lollipop inside.
26:45And close the lid.
26:48And it can use a familiar face, too.
26:53Here, A.
26:55Oh, so many feathers.
26:58Well, if it's feathers you want.
27:01Our special Play-Doh chicken can help.
27:05Push down for full plumage.
27:08And a free prize.
27:10It's a tiny puzzle Pomni-Doll.
27:16Aw, it looks like Pomni's got a little sister.
27:23Back to feathers. Tickle, tickle.
27:26Uh-oh, just one more.
27:30Uh-oh, just look at all that slime.
27:35I know, let's use it to make bubbles.
27:40The bigger they are, the bigger they pop.
27:43Wait a sec, it's D.
27:45How'd you get in there?
27:49Well, it doesn't matter.
27:51We're happy to have you.
27:56Speaking of blowing things up,
27:58we've got a balloon for Pomni.
28:03Well, not anymore.
28:05It's okay, we can make you a new one.
28:09Just need nanotape, some glitter,
28:12and, last but not least, a whole lot of air.
28:17Now let's add a cute little face on top.
28:23With a nice roll of big, shiny teeth.
28:26And this guy's pretty hard to pop.
28:33Now let's make a balloon for A, too.
28:36You blow it up, just like a bubble.
28:40But it's much tougher than it looks.
28:43Still, just like all bubbles,
28:45you've got to make a bunch.
28:52Why don't we stack them together?
28:56Twist them up into a circle,
28:58and it's O.
29:04I don't know.
29:10Pomni's friend should watch where she's going.
29:16She certainly leaves an impression.
29:19Why don't we put a new face on things?
29:24Fill it up with glue.
29:28And it's Ragatha.
29:31But she needs her trademark mop.
29:34With a great big bow on top, too.
29:40Aw, they couldn't be closer.
29:43Next, grab an old plastic lid
29:46and draw out two halves with a line between them.
29:55Now let's shrink them down to size.
29:59And with this, we crown you king.
30:03Aw, Pomni, don't cry.
30:10What you need is a pool noodle and some pop tubes.
30:16Make that a whole bunch of pop tubes.
30:22Don't forget some ears on top.
30:25It's a Jax of our very own.
30:28And he's much stretchier than the last one.
30:32Now Pomni's got a new friend.
30:37Oh no! S!
30:39He's all chewed up.
30:43Don't worry. We can rebuild him.
30:46All we need is another pop tube.
30:49And he's just as stretchy as before.
30:57Wow, never knew paint came in dry.
31:02Or that it could do that, either.
31:07Hmm, what else can we add?
31:10A phone?
31:12Some pom-poms?
31:14And a little bit of glue?
31:18Some pom-poms?
31:21Give it some time to blend together.
31:24And we've got a brand new phone case.
31:27After all, your phone needs to look its best.
31:37Speaking of which, yours could use a makeover, too.
31:42Let's start with a new case.
31:45Add a nice clay rim.
31:50And fill up the inside with clear liquid glue.
31:55Our alphabet friends are going for a swim.
32:02Here A, join the pool party.
32:06Can we see your painting?
32:08Uh-oh! We'll take care of all that floating.
32:13Someone's eyes were bigger than their tummy.
32:17Well, some carrots should perk you up.
32:22Some water, and seal it with a band-aid.
32:28Now let's check on A's portrait.
32:32I think somebody needs a trim.
32:42Now let's clean that gunk out of your ears.
32:49And this should help those bags under your eyes.
32:56Wow, A is looking capital, if I say so myself.
33:04Checkmate, Pomny!
33:08Someone's a sore loser.
33:11But maybe we can cheer her up.
33:15Here's an idea. Grab an old coat.
33:20And we can combine fun with fashion.
33:24It can use a nice ermine trim.
33:29And a cute pair of eyes on top.
33:33Look, Pomny, it's Kinger!
33:37Uh-oh! Let's make something for A, too.
33:44Make a giant K and cover with foil.
33:51It's so shiny!
33:53Hey, what's that smell?
33:56Pink fur? It's just what we need.
34:00Now just add some eyes and a mouth.
34:07Looks like Pomny's getting a surprise.
34:13It's a cane paper doll, complete with a new outfit.
34:19And look at this selection of hair!
34:23Let's try them all.
34:26Ooh, the perm look it is!
34:30Here, Pomny.
34:33Now for A's surprise.
34:37It's a portrait you can color in.
34:43We can try a whole bunch of colors.
34:47Let's try them all, including rainbow.
34:52But no matter the color, he's still looking good.
