What's in Sadie Sink's Camera Roll? | Variety

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"Stranger Things" star Sadie Sink takes us through her phone camera roll, revealing behind-the-scenes photos of her hit Netflix show, vacation pics with her best friend, sneak peeks at her upcoming movie and much more.


00:00Hi, my name is Sadie Sink, and I'm going to take you through my camera roll.
00:07All right, this is the first photo.
00:10This is my hair, obviously, I guess.
00:12I had to chop it off for a movie I did called Odessa, which is not out yet.
00:18But it was the first time I really chopped my hair off at all.
00:21I'd kind of had it very long for a while.
00:23There was discussion of maybe wigging it and making some kind of piece that
00:28would make my hair look shorter, but it would be long still.
00:31But I think I saw it, and I was just like, it's easier to just chop it off.
00:34And I was at a point, too, where I think I was ready for
00:37a change, maybe, because I'd had long hair for a really long time.
00:40This was a big move, but I'm happy.
00:42Happy I did it.
00:43Nobody knew that I was chopping off my hair.
00:45So I think this is the photo that I sent to my family just in the group chat.
00:49My mom was very shocked.
00:52Because it was for a role, I think she bit her tongue.
00:54But moms are weird with hair.
00:56With their girls and their hair, they love it long.
00:58And she's always been very protective of it.
00:59I think she was heartbroken a little bit when I sent this photo.
01:04Next photo.
01:07This is what I realized I looked like afterwards.
01:09My brother actually made the comparison.
01:12That's a character from that children's book,
01:14Alexander and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, or whatever it's called.
01:18The resemblance is pretty strong.
01:21I still loved the haircut, but I looked like a little boy for a bit.
01:26Next one.
01:28This is me in my natural habitat.
01:30I was probably three years old when this was taken.
01:33It was at a rodeo in Texas.
01:36I was born in Texas, and so not sure what I was doing.
01:39But clearly, I was very into it.
01:42But I've been meaning to recreate this outfit,
01:44because I feel like it'd be good nowadays.
01:46My mom will send me a lot of old photos.
01:49There's not a ton of baby photos of me, because I'm number four out of five kids.
01:53So I think by the time they got to the fourth,
01:54they just kind of stopped taking a bunch of photos.
01:56But I'm very happy that this one exists, at least.
02:00Next we have...
02:01Okay, Stranger Things stunt rehearsal for season four.
02:07There's the sequence where my character levitates off the ground.
02:15We had like a stunt rehearsal for that.
02:18So they had me harnessed up,
02:19and then they just kind of pull me up into the air.
02:21I'm a little bit afraid of heights.
02:23So this was a challenge at first,
02:26but it was actually kind of ended up being fun.
02:29This shot, I think we only ran it once,
02:32just to get used to the feeling of the harness
02:34and how to kind of position your body when you're up there,
02:37because it can be a little bit uncomfortable,
02:39especially kind of like being lifted off of the ground.
02:42We just had like an hour or so of practicing it,
02:45and then we did it on the day.
02:47But we did it maybe a year and a half later after this rehearsal,
02:51because this was pre-COVID.
02:53So we rehearsed it,
02:54thinking that we were going to shoot it the next week,
02:55and then everything changed.
02:57The world stopped for a bit.
02:59I think they were just like,
02:59oh yeah, you've got to remember that.
03:01It was all fine.
03:02Okay, next one.
03:06This is my dog.
03:07Her name is Nora.
03:08She's two years old.
03:10She's about 120 pounds.
03:12She's a very big girl.
03:13I mean, the photo just kind of explains itself.
03:15She's adorable.
03:16What else can I say?
03:18Okay, goodbye, Nora.
03:22Some pottery creations of mine.
03:24They're not good.
03:24This is really, really bad.
03:25I took like a four-week course.
03:27It was during the strike.
03:29I was, you know, bored and looking for some new hobbies,
03:32so I thought I would take up pottery.
03:34It's not for me.
03:35Not for me.
03:36I mean, I think if I had some more time with it,
03:38I could be okay at it.
03:40No, I was just mostly just frustrated at the end of every class.
03:43These were all supposed to be vases.
03:46Not one ended up being a vase.
03:48They all just kind of turned into these very shallow bowls.
03:51This is an ashtray.
03:52That was like the coolest thing I was able to make.
03:55And the other ones I just have absolutely no use for.
03:58I'm not just an actress.
03:59I might have a future with this.
04:05This was in Paris about a year ago.
04:08I bought my first like good guitar.
04:12There's this beautiful store in Paris that sells really old guitars.
04:16And this one is a Martin from 1963.
04:19I still have it and it sounds amazing.
04:21And it's my favorite thing ever.
04:23I had to take lessons for a movie,
04:26the one that I chopped my hair off for.
04:27I was taking lessons and on the market for a guitar
04:30and then came across this shop and found this one.
04:33My guitar teacher, he gave me some advice.
04:36He loved like old vintage guitars and I love them too.
04:39I like the sound of them and I think they're made so well.
04:42We were choosing between a few and he was just like,
04:44just listen to the guitar.
04:45It's gonna tell you if it's the right one.
04:48So I did and this was the winner.
04:50All right, next one.
04:53This was also during season four of Stranger Things.
04:56This is one of like the last scenes that we filmed.
04:59This is where my character ends up in a coma in a full body cast.
05:03So this was kind of my message to the Duffer brothers,
05:06the creators of our shows when I was getting my cast made.
05:08And it kind of just sums up the whole journey of everyone during season four
05:12because it took two years to film.
05:13So by the end of the shoot, we were all this.
05:17Max's arc for season four was crazy.
05:20I never expected it to go that route.
05:22So I was very grateful that they gave my character such cool material,
05:27especially on a big ensemble show like that.
05:29You never really know what your character is going to get each season.
05:31It was an emotional one for sure and physically like very exhausting.
05:35And especially with all the challenges that were kind of thrown at production
05:39throughout the course of filming.
05:40It was a lot to keep up with.
05:43But her ending was very tragic.
05:45But hopefully in season five, things will turn a corner.
05:49Next one.
05:52This is me and my best friend Rose in Costa Rica.
06:00It's just a nice photo.
06:01I don't think we've ever been happier than when this was taken.
06:04We were doing this lazy river thing, but like the water is just so beautiful.
06:09I'd never done a vacation like that before.
06:11I'm not really a vacation person, but she was on spring break and we were like,
06:14let's do a vacation.
06:15Let's go somewhere and like actually have a fun trip.
06:18So we chose Costa Rica and it was amazing.
06:21I travel a lot for work, which is a huge luxury
06:24because we get to go places for free and be in amazing, cool new cities.
06:30So I've seen a lot of the world that way, which is so nice.
06:34So when choosing to go somewhere, I think tropical is probably what I'd go for
06:38because usually it's like not this.
06:41So this was a fun one.
06:46This was two years ago at the Venice Film Festival.
06:48This was after The Whale premiered.
06:50It was the first time showing the movie anywhere.
06:53We're seeing Brandon Fraser, Hong Chao.
06:56That one's me.
06:57That's Darren Aronofsky.
06:58There's Sam, our writer.
07:00And yeah, then all of our audience members.
07:04I'd seen the movie once before, just like in a little screening room
07:07with me and my mom and Darren, but that was it.
07:10So this was my second time watching the movie
07:11and the first time with a huge audience.
07:13This was an incredible moment.
07:15And Brandon got this huge, amazing standing ovation.
07:18So that was very surreal.
07:25It's a really special night.
07:26I'd never been to an event like that with a film like that too.
07:30So it was just all something we're so proud of.
07:32Yeah, a very, very special memory of mine, for sure.
07:35Venice Film Festival is amazing.
07:36And you just travel by boats.
07:38And everything's very glamorous.
07:40And you wear very nice outfits.
07:41And I think that was my first time wearing a gown.
07:44This was the first introduction of the film
07:47and just the first time getting to talk about it
07:49and hear about people's reactions.
07:51And then just kicked off the whole awards season, pretty much,
07:54which I had also never gone through before.
07:56It's a lot of traveling, a lot of sitting through the movie
07:58and watching it many, many times.
08:00It's a great cast, great crew.
08:02So to be able to travel with them and talk about a movie
08:04that we're all so proud of, those are some great memories
08:07that I have.
