Love is Blind UK Season 1 Episode 2

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Love is Blind UK S01E02


00:00:00I love you. Will you marry me?
00:00:11You are genuinely incredible. You're just amazing. But this has been a short whirlwind
00:00:26journey. This process is just insane. But like, I've not had one single doubt with you.
00:00:41I just know that we're gonna bring out the best in each other. And I can't wait for the
00:00:46next chapter. So, of course. Is that a yes? That's a yes. Yes! That's a big yes. Oh my
00:01:02goodness. That was the longest yes ever, by the way. I was on my knee for quite a long
00:01:09time then. Oh my god, I didn't know you were on your knee. Oh my god, I'm sorry. I should
00:01:13have really led with the yes. Perfect. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Oh my gosh. Do you know
00:01:18it's hard for me sometimes to convey emotions and stuff and it was really important for you
00:01:22to hear what's in my heart as well. I appreciate that. Sorry, I probably should have started with
00:01:27yes and then told you that. It's okay, I got the yes. I have no doubt in my mind that you're the
00:01:36one. I have so much calmness in my heart because I just know you're my person. I love you. I wish
00:01:42I could hug you so much. I love you. I love you. That's so graceful. Say it again, please. I love you. I love you too.
00:01:49Have a great day and sweet dreams for tonight. Stephen has been my number one and now he's my fiancé. How mad is that?
00:02:03That's so surreal. Holy shit. She's gonna be a wife soon. I've got my life partner. I feel more complete than I ever have done. I'm honestly on top of the world.
00:02:33Get that down you boys. Energy for the pods, man. Is it booze? Yes. It's called Dutch courage, bro. I don't need any of that.
00:03:04I hope everyone just has a really good day. I'm gonna go in with my good spirits and yeah, I hope everyone does the same.
00:03:19Good luck, guys. Bro, born for this. Good morning. Honestly, I feel torn a little bit because the connection between Sam, the connection
00:03:33between Benaiah and I are just very different. Sam, he's fun. Bonjour. Tu parles en Francais? Le petit nerf de pape. Okay. I don't think that makes sense. I feel like giddy. I feel happy. I could just imagine us just kicking it.
00:03:51Kicking it. Is that like what do the cool kids say? Like hanging out. Hanging out. Can we, can I redo that and then we'll say hanging out? Hello. How you doing? Hi. Good. Thank you.
00:04:02You know, we have very deep understanding of each other. Even sort of almost without words almost. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm.
00:04:14Well, here's a question. On a typical day with your wife, what does that look like? Probably being outdoors in the morning. Maybe a little rock climb. Have a brunch and a coffee somewhere. Go for a hike in the afternoon.
00:04:30You know, meeting up with friends, having a laugh. Having like, laughing is quite an important thing to me and I'm very positive, upbeat person. Always got a smile on my face. You're so cute, you know. You're so cute. I'm just picturing a smiley guy. Like he's a happy guy. Yeah, very smiley guy. I just have this picture of you in my head. Like I feel like you've got like this, you know, wavy like dreadlocks. You know, you're like all over the shop.
00:04:55Nicole fills my heart with happiness and positivity. I'm glad I got to talk to you today. Yeah, me too. It's been good. I'm very happy. Is it that obvious? Yeah.
00:05:09Come on, bro. You got this. You got this. You got this. I've got so much energy. I woke up this morning, I was doing my makeup and I was like, you're meeting your husband today. So like, make sure you bring the energy like you're on top form.
00:05:29Hello. Hello.
00:05:32So who am I speaking to? My name is Maria. What's your name? Hiya, I'm Tom. How old are you, Tom? I'm 38. How old are you? I am 30. Okay. Right, I'm going to stand up. Are you going to stand up?
00:05:43Hon, I've been in heels all day. Fair point. All right, so have I, man. They're killing me. I just want to find someone that in 60 years from now, we're still going to be like laughing, cracking up and just making each other happy.
00:05:55Can I tell you a joke? Yeah. Who's the coolest guy in the hospital? Who? The ultrasound guy. Who's the coolest guy in the hospital and the ultrasound guy isn't there? Who? The hip replacement guy.
00:06:07Oh, that was funny. Can I just ask you, where are you from? Where do you live? Southampton. Okay. But I'm Moroccan. I'm Muslim. Really? That's so interesting. Yeah, like dating in my culture, my background is really frowned upon. Yeah.
00:06:26But now I've got to a stage where I just don't care. Like I'm here to just sort of, you know, do me and make me happy. And it's my life at the end of the day. And my immediate family, they're the ones that matter. And they want me to be happy. So that's all that matters, really. Yeah, exactly.
00:06:41What are you looking for in a woman? Obviously a wife, but I mean, like traits, characteristics, all that kind of thing.
00:06:46Someone who's quite sort of assertive and knows themselves. Yeah. I'm pretty big on like, personal growth and self development.
00:06:55Why are you quite big on that?
00:06:57Do you know what, like, when I was younger, I didn't really, I come from like a single parent family, right? Like a broken family. And yeah, my mum and my dad broke up when I was four. And I'd see him maybe once or twice a year.
00:07:08Because he was so absent, like it just made me want to be around him more. So I went to live with them for a year. And then I went away on a family holiday with my mum. And when we got back from the holiday, it just done a runner, it just disappeared.
00:07:23It like literally left the house that I lived in.
00:07:26Do you think your dad leaving has like affected how you are in relationships?
00:07:29100%. I've never been able to give myself fully to relationships.
00:07:35Because I was so scared of like being abandoned. Like when you love them so much, you know?
00:07:41It took me so long to realise that like, the way to bond with people is to show your vulnerability.
00:07:48For sure. But like, being vulnerable is really scary. Because in my background and the way I've been raised, you're just taught that you get on with it.
00:07:57And there's no such thing as like being sad or crying. And you know, you don't show people that side because then you're weak.
00:08:05I lost my dad a couple years ago. And he went to Morocco to say his goodbyes because he had terminal cancer. And then he was supposed to come back. And it was in the height of COVID. And Morocco locked down and he ended up passing away. So I never got to see him.
00:08:25I'm so sorry.
00:08:29He was just a really good man. And he like just didn't need to go so early.
00:08:34Oh, that's heartbreaking.
00:08:40But I got to a point like a while ago where I was just like, I'm actually ready to sort of completely give myself to someone and like be the best person for them and the best person for myself as well.
00:08:51Thank you for sharing that.
00:08:52No, thank you for sharing what you shared as well.
00:09:04I had three big relationships in my life. And the third one in particular was somebody that I think if things had gone a little bit differently, we'd probably be happily married now.
00:09:12A lot of that was about my own kind of inability, I think, to like sort of share myself and open up properly with someone.
00:09:20Hello, are you okay?
00:09:21I'm good. Who am I speaking to?
00:09:23It's Natasha.
00:09:24Natasha, it's nice to meet you.
00:09:25I'm Tom.
00:09:26Hi, Tom.
00:09:27Where do you live?
00:09:28I live in Northwich in Cheshire.
00:09:29So if we spend the weekend up at yours in Cheshire, what would our Saturday look like?
00:09:34We'd have like coffee and breakfast in the morning.
00:09:37I'd probably do like an afternoon in the gym maybe. And then probably go to the cinema at evening.
00:09:42So I love movies.
00:09:43I love movies.
00:09:45And I love going to the cinema. I literally go on my own.
00:09:47I go to the cinema on my own as well.
00:09:48Do you? I don't want anyone sharing my popcorn.
00:09:51No, I would rather just us both buy popcorn. It's not because I'm a bad sharer. I'm just like, it's just a logistical nightmare.
00:09:59How do you feel about marriage?
00:10:01Marriage to me is a lifelong commitment to someone.
00:10:05And I want to be able to show myself to someone without being worried that they're going to walk away.
00:10:10I think there's definitely strength though in the fact that you can be vulnerable.
00:10:14I feel like in my last relationship, there was more that I wanted from it, I guess.
00:10:19And I'm just scared that I don't want that to happen again.
00:10:22I understand.
00:10:23Whoever I meet next, I obviously need to know that we're on the same page from day one because I'm looking for someone to do life with.
00:10:32So being in a marriage, you need to show every part of yourself to that person.
00:10:36The bad times as well as the good. And not be afraid that they're going to judge you.
00:10:40Yeah. Sorry, I don't know why I'm getting upset.
00:10:43You're just really lovely to talk to.
00:10:47Oh man, now I'm feeling upset.
00:10:51What do your friends call you?
00:10:53Can I call you Tash?
00:10:54Of course you can. We're on Tash level.
00:10:56Oh my God.
00:10:58Natasha, 10 out of 10. I could just see her immediately like really, really hitting it off with my friends and my family.
00:11:05There's something there. I just, I can't place it.
00:11:08But I'm feeling connections with Maria as well.
00:11:11So yeah, I've got a tricky, a tricky time coming up, I'd say.
00:11:20I've never seen so many smiles walk through the door.
00:11:23Can't we just just see us even now?
00:11:27I feel like we're like not what each other would go for normally.
00:11:30I have a feeling he's bald. I don't know why.
00:11:32I think so too.
00:11:33But you know what, we're making all these assumptions and I can be completely wrong.
00:11:36I know.
00:11:43Is it Kat?
00:11:45Oh, I'm buzzing at you.
00:11:46I'm the same.
00:11:49I need to tell you something.
00:11:51This is really mad. I went to a medium about five years ago.
00:11:55She said to me, you're going to get married.
00:11:58And she went, person you're going to marry, her name begins with a C.
00:12:04Whilst we're chatting about things, where would you like to get married?
00:12:06Like where would that be?
00:12:08Probably like in the UK.
00:12:11Yeah, I agree 100%.
00:12:13Because obviously a lot of my family are in the UK.
00:12:14Yeah, same, same.
00:12:15I want my brother to be the best man.
00:12:17Something that my future wife would have to sort of understand is that
00:12:22because my brother's got Down syndrome and if anything like happened to my mum
00:12:26or if my brother sort of needed, you know, additional care,
00:12:30I would have to be there for him.
00:12:31I hear what you're saying.
00:12:35I'm planning to leave Jersey anyway.
00:12:38So it's like a no-brainer for me.
00:12:43Are your mum and dad still together?
00:12:45Yeah, they are.
00:12:46Yeah, so you don't live with your mum and dad though?
00:12:48I live, so I'm adopted.
00:12:51Right, OK.
00:12:53But it's OK.
00:12:54I'm sorry, how did that make you feel though?
00:12:56Do you know what, like always growing up I was like,
00:12:58and then as I got later 20s, I was like looking in the mirror
00:13:03and obviously I was just like, who am I?
00:13:05And I always see families and I see what they look like.
00:13:14And I never really knew what I looked like.
00:13:21When I was younger, like, I'd always be like the kid that was adopted.
00:13:30Men always find me sensitive or they will find that I come with baggage
00:13:36because of the adoption.
00:13:38But if somebody understands this girl's adopted,
00:13:41that's why she thinks like that.
00:13:44It will make my connection with that guy stronger
00:13:46and I can open up to them about it, which I haven't done before.
00:13:51Honestly, Kat, like, I'm proper feeling you.
00:13:56I'm not going to lie, there's a connection, like another connection.
00:13:59But when I come out the positive view, I feel so content.
00:14:06That's amazing.
00:14:07Same. Same, Kat, like, same.
00:14:09I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie,
00:14:11I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie.
00:14:13I'm not going to lie.
00:14:16I'm not going to lie.
00:14:17That's amazing. The same, same cat-like.
00:14:20I'm not here to fool anybody, I'm not here for games,
00:14:23I'm here to meet somebody that I'm going to be with
00:14:25for the rest of my life.
00:14:27This is why I... Oh, no, this is why I like you.
00:14:30Oh, what did you say?
00:14:32Nothing. Yeah, you did. What did you say then?
00:14:35I have got on with Freddie from day one.
00:14:38He's never not been in my...pot.
00:14:41Oi, Ross, breeze!
00:14:44I have a tight bond with Ollie.
00:14:46If I catch this, then the girl I'm thinking of is the one.
00:14:53There's something about him.
00:14:55He puts a smile on my face.
00:14:56Raspberry, anyone?
00:14:59I don't know if I'm at the top of Ollie's list,
00:15:01but I think I am.
00:15:04If I'm not, then...'s not funny.
00:15:09Hello. Ollie.
00:15:11Feeling confused between Demi and Cat.
00:15:15What's happening?
00:15:17I'm so used to being in a bar and going,
00:15:19oh, she looks nice, and it's not that any more.
00:15:22I'm trying to be like, who speaks to your real wants,
00:15:24needs and desires?
00:15:25I want true love that's going to be everlasting,
00:15:27and I think marriage is what encompasses that.
00:15:30Obviously, you're not on this experience to mess around,
00:15:32so, like, you want to settle down, like, you're ready?
00:15:35Yeah, of course, I'm genuinely at the stage now
00:15:37where I could be with my forever person.
00:15:39If the next person's the right person, that's my last person.
00:15:42I like that.
00:15:43Yeah. But I want to know...
00:15:45Do you know what I want to know more about, cos I'm curious?
00:15:49Where did you go out when you were out in London?
00:15:51I was at Ivy Asia, like, literally for my birthday.
00:15:54Oh, you're one of them ones.
00:15:55And then we ended up in Cirque.
00:16:01I go to those clubs all the time, but they are mad pretentious.
00:16:04It's not a club I would go to on a regular basis.
00:16:07I went for my birthday. Mm-hm.
00:16:10So, like, it's like a one-off.
00:16:13Is that a cross because I went to Cirque?
00:16:16No, not at all. I'm just trying to suss things out, that's all.
00:16:18Are you?
00:16:19Do you want to know my real thing with you?
00:16:20Yeah, from early, I was thinking,
00:16:22is this almost more just, like, a sexual vibe?
00:16:24Cos I felt like the vibe was there strong from early.
00:16:26Is that just almost, like, lust without actually seeing each other?
00:16:29Does that make sense? Yeah.
00:16:31So I'm trying to get to new depths so I can break past that
00:16:33and be like, no, do we have things in common?
00:16:35Yeah, I get that. I'm the same.
00:16:38Do you know what it is? I'll be real with you.
00:16:39I'll be really, really real with you.
00:16:40There are still other people that, like...
00:16:43And I'm sure there's still some other people you're talking to,
00:16:45you're vibing with to an extent.
00:16:46I wouldn't be offended if you said you still want to explore
00:16:48those connections to a degree.
00:16:50Cos I think it's still too early to completely rule anyone else out.
00:16:55So that's how it is.
00:17:05You OK? Yeah, I just feel mad.
00:17:08Why? I told Oli I went to, like,
00:17:10Cirque for a night out, and he was like,
00:17:12oh, I know the type of girls that go to Cirque.
00:17:14And I explained it, he was like, OK, I get you.
00:17:16And I'm like, you're literally thinking so much into this.
00:17:19Yeah. I don't know.
00:17:21I had a date with Catherine, and that was hitting on paper,
00:17:23hitting in my head, but not hitting in my heart.
00:17:25I know that sounds mad cheesy, but, like...
00:17:27No, I get it, man. But, like, if you went and saw her house
00:17:29and it had this bright-sized garden, double garage,
00:17:31it's got, like, you know what I mean, all the things on paper
00:17:33that you want, but it just doesn't feel right to you,
00:17:35it doesn't feel like a home,
00:17:36you're not going to move in there, are you? No.
00:17:38And that's kind of where I feel like it's, like,
00:17:39on paper, everything makes sense,
00:17:42but my heart is still being pulled in the other direction.
00:17:44And I think that's more important.
00:17:46Yeah, I think it is.
00:18:09I feel like everything in my life has led up to this moment.
00:18:13Relationships in the past have really knocked my confidence
00:18:16and who I was as a person.
00:18:18Stephen created a safe space that allowed me to let my guard down
00:18:22and trust him with my vulnerability.
00:18:29I came in here wholeheartedly hoping that I would meet someone,
00:18:32but I didn't expect to find the love that I had found.
00:18:40To be honest with you, I don't really care how Serena looks,
00:18:43I just know she's a beautiful person and I know she's my one.
00:18:50To me, it doesn't matter what he looks like,
00:18:53but for some reason, he's given me bald energy.
00:18:56And I don't know why.
00:18:59Trying to keep my cool,
00:19:01knowing that on the other side of that door is my future wife.
00:19:07There is that worry of, oh, what if I'm not his usual type?
00:19:11But we came into this experiment
00:19:15because our normal types haven't worked for us in the past.
00:19:18So I'm hoping that attraction is just going to grow
00:19:20when we do see each other.
00:19:58SHE LAUGHS
00:20:05What are you talking about?
00:20:07How are you? Hi.
00:20:12This is... Yeah.
00:20:15Oh, my gosh.
00:20:18Yeah, OK. Hi.
00:20:20OK. I can't believe it's you.
00:20:23You look stunning. I can't believe it's you.
00:20:25You have hair.
00:20:27You're giving me bald energy.
00:20:29Why? I don't know.
00:20:31Bald energy? I've got some for now.
00:20:37Oh, my goodness.
00:20:45Let's go for a short answer on this one.
00:20:55Oh, so beautiful.
00:21:00Will you marry me?
00:21:02Of course, yes.
00:21:09It's easy, yes.
00:21:12It's all dark and handsome.
00:21:14He's, like, everything that I could have wanted.
00:21:16It was just like, there's my guy, like, there's my person.
00:21:19Just amazing. Literally the best moment of my life.
00:21:22I love it. Thank you.
00:21:30As a person, she's more than I could have dreamed of,
00:21:33and she's got the beauty to match.
00:21:35I've just met my fiancée, and I feel incredible.
00:21:40So you was expecting bald, man?
00:21:42I don't know why. You were just giving me bald energy.
00:21:44I can always shave it off. No, we're good.
00:21:46You look great.
00:21:55How are you feeling? So happy.
00:21:57What about you?
00:21:59Just excited to start chapter two.
00:22:01Chapter two? Yeah.
00:22:03Let's have a turn.
00:22:08You're my fiancée.
00:22:10Oh, my God, that's so insane.
00:22:13How does that feel? Amazing.
00:22:15Yeah? Amazing.
00:22:17Mr and Mrs Smith. Mr and Mrs Smith.
00:22:21I love that. I'm excited about it.
00:22:23I love that we're laughing. I know.
00:22:25I love that you're smiling.
00:22:28I'll see you soon.
00:22:40Beautiful on the inside and on the outside.
00:22:43I found the one, for sure.
00:22:55It was a really magical moment.
00:22:57He's shown me romance and love
00:22:59in a way that I've never experienced.
00:23:01After all of this time and everything I've been through,
00:23:03I finally find my prince charming.
00:23:08I want to tell my family.
00:23:10I want to tell my friends.
00:23:12I want to stand on the rooftops and scream.
00:23:14I'm engaged. I have a fiancée.
00:23:16This is what I've wanted my whole life.
00:23:19I love love.
00:23:27I love love.
00:23:41The top two, do you know who's the top now?
00:23:45No. Wow.
00:23:47I think I need more conversations.
00:23:49I'm very ready to meet my soul mate.
00:23:51I feel like I've got a lot of love to give.
00:23:53With Bobby, he doesn't try too hard.
00:23:56I can be safe around you, just comfortable being myself.
00:23:59Yeah, so you don't have to hide anything from me.
00:24:01No, but I never do anyway. I'm a straight shooter.
00:24:04He's got a quiet confidence about him that I love.
00:24:07With Sam, I just have a gut feeling
00:24:10he's one of those, like, very attractive guys
00:24:12that gets what he wants.
00:24:14Hello. Hi.
00:24:17So as much as I like Sam,
00:24:19I do have some concerns there.
00:24:21I'm going to be real with you. Yeah.
00:24:23You are like the name in my head along with someone else.
00:24:27Thinking about, like, who I wanted to talk to again,
00:24:29like, your name was just stuck like a gut feeling
00:24:32because I feel like you're going to give me the love,
00:24:36like the affection that I need as a person.
00:24:40And I think that other person doesn't know quite what I need.
00:24:44Do you know what it is?
00:24:45I just think you would just be quite a big rock in my life.
00:24:51Like, what I need.
00:24:53But the way that I'm feeling about you,
00:24:55about even seeing you, is crazy.
00:24:58Um, you know what, right?
00:25:00I feel like our conversations flow, yeah?
00:25:04Do you know my only apprehension with you?
00:25:07I don't know why I kind of have this, like, gut feeling.
00:25:12You're telling me what I want to hear.
00:25:16Your answers are great, but I'm like,
00:25:18is he just telling me what I want to hear?
00:25:20This is just getting ridiculous.
00:25:22Honestly, should I just give up?
00:25:24Maybe I'm meant to be with no-one.
00:25:26What am I supposed to do?
00:25:27Just sit here and say, I'm this?
00:25:29I don't understand now.
00:25:30I'm getting a bit lost.
00:25:31This is just ridiculous.
00:25:35Everything I'm telling you is real.
00:25:38And if you're willing to go on that journey with me,
00:25:40then I think you would be happy.
00:25:43I really do believe that.
00:25:45You know what, Sam?
00:25:47I'm just keeping my cards close to my chest
00:25:49because I don't want to get hurt.
00:25:53I'm guarded.
00:25:55Of course.
00:25:56But my advice would be just flow and see where life takes us
00:25:59because everything's written for us already.
00:26:02I like that.
00:26:05But we'll see, Sam.
00:26:06We'll see.
00:26:10I think that Sam is a great guy,
00:26:13but I have doubts in a sense that he's only answering
00:26:17the questions to make me happy.
00:26:22Bye, Sam.
00:26:23Bye, Jazz.
00:26:26I don't want a surface-level conversation.
00:26:30No, it's giving me immature vibes.
00:26:41Got an important date, bro.
00:26:42She's got to feel the testosterone through that wall, man.
00:26:44She's got to know what she's dealing with.
00:26:48Yes! Get it, girl!
00:26:50I think the dating world now, it's hard.
00:26:52It's so superficial.
00:26:53Like, everyone's constantly looking for the next best thing.
00:26:56I'm a new woman today.
00:26:57You also look amazing.
00:26:58Who's that confidence that you know you have?
00:27:01People just see me as this skinny, blonde girl
00:27:04and I think they just take me out for, like, a quick drink
00:27:07and it is quite, like, surface-level.
00:27:10A year and a half ago, I lost Five Stone.
00:27:14There was a point in my life where I had, like,
00:27:16virtually no confidence in who I was as a person.
00:27:19I felt like I kind of lost my identity a little bit.
00:27:25Since I've lost the weight,
00:27:26I would say men see me a little bit differently.
00:27:28Based on base value,
00:27:30I want someone who just finds out who I am.
00:27:33I am not a trophy wife.
00:27:34I am, like, a serious, intelligent woman.
00:27:39I want affection and I want love
00:27:41and I want someone who's there for me and cares for me.
00:27:43To do the scary moments with, I want to, like, love with no fear.
00:27:47That's a dream.
00:27:50What about fleeing hideous UK and moving abroad somewhere?
00:27:53Would you ever consider that?
00:27:54I would probably be open to it.
00:27:55So, would you? Mm-hm.
00:27:56So, could you move abroad?
00:27:57Like, do you have the kind of job to do that?
00:27:59Well, basically, so, what I do now is
00:28:01I'm a careers coordinator in schools. Right.
00:28:03However, I've kind of, like, picked up, like,
00:28:05I do, like, coding and stuff in my own school.
00:28:07I do, like, coding and stuff in my own, like, time
00:28:09and do, like, website development.
00:28:11God, you do it all, don't you?
00:28:13I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed nerd, I'll be completely honest.
00:28:16Like, I'm a bit of an introverted extrovert,
00:28:18so I am someone that quite likes my own space
00:28:20in terms of, like, I like to sit in and do my coding
00:28:22and that kind of thing.
00:28:23I can't believe it. It's amazing.
00:28:25How do you see your life, then,
00:28:27in terms of, like, future partner, family, like...?
00:28:30I mean, I was raised in, like, a broken family.
00:28:34So, I just want to make sure that if I do have a family,
00:28:36that I'm doing right by my kids.
00:28:38I love that.
00:28:39Tom makes me feel like there's no-one else in the world.
00:28:43I forget everything else that's going on around me,
00:28:45that I'm in this, like, crazy experiment.
00:28:47Whenever he talks to me, it's like the room's still.
00:28:50It's a connection I don't think I've ever felt with anyone.
00:28:53The words that I've written down for you, Tash,
00:28:55kind of make me feel safe as well.
00:28:57Do you want to know my words?
00:28:59Yeah, go on.
00:29:00I got genuine, authentic, sensitive,
00:29:05amazing, goofy laugh at the end.
00:29:11Natasha's been a bit of a whirlwind.
00:29:13We connected so much.
00:29:15There was just this, like, intangible feeling,
00:29:18which just immediately made me feel really close to her.
00:29:20Like, I can't remember a time in my life
00:29:22when I've experienced that.
00:29:26Hello. I know who that is already.
00:29:28Hello, Tom.
00:29:29All right, Maria?
00:29:31And then Maria is someone who maybe doesn't
00:29:34slot into my life, like, as easily as Natasha would,
00:29:37but she's the person who I could imagine
00:29:40just, like, waking up with every day.
00:29:42How do you think you would be to live with?
00:29:45I honestly think I'd be fine.
00:29:47I think if you get on with someone
00:29:49and you understand each other...
00:29:53I'm understanding you, OK?
00:29:55Just carry on going.
00:29:57I feel like a giddy little girl. Like, it's disgusting.
00:30:01You know, she makes me feel so comfortable when I'm around her.
00:30:04There is something today which I've sort of thought
00:30:06I really need to tell you. OK.
00:30:08Which might completely alter your perception of me.
00:30:11Oh, God.
00:30:13Are you ready for it?
00:30:15I'm wearing Birkenstocks.
00:30:17You're so... Don't do that to me!
00:30:21I genuinely feel like Maria brings out
00:30:23the kind of more humorous, upbeat side of me.
00:30:26Can't wait to watch you sleep.
00:30:32You're such a little creep.
00:30:34Are you excited? Yeah, I can't wait to wake up
00:30:36with you just staring down at me.
00:30:38Just like...
00:30:42I hope and pray that if I reach the end of this experiment
00:30:45that I'm going to have an incredible life
00:30:47with the woman that I love for the rest of my life.
00:30:51I want to make sure that I'm making the right decision.
00:30:55There are people I enjoy the most and there are people
00:30:57I enjoy the least, and that's all I know so far.
00:30:59Like, there's one person that I clearly have a very deep,
00:31:02like, special connection with, it's Tom.
00:31:04I feel like we haven't really touched on much,
00:31:06but it's just, like, you can just feel something special.
00:31:15I've been looking for love
00:31:18I've been looking for love
00:31:20Oh, I've been through it all
00:31:22I just find it hard
00:31:24A flow, a vinyasa flow to Cobra.
00:31:30Love is actually blood and blood.
00:31:32Mmm. Mmm.
00:31:39All right, boys.
00:31:41Time to go on a date.
00:31:48I'm so happy it's you.
00:31:50Me too.
00:31:52You know, you kind of made me think a little bit
00:31:55because you were talking about your mum.
00:31:59And my dad left us when we were 12, I'd say.
00:32:04And I know what effect it had on my brother as a man.
00:32:07What's the dynamic between you and your dad?
00:32:10I mean, if you don't feel comfortable talking about it,
00:32:12it's fine.
00:32:14We don't speak. Yeah.
00:32:16It's never been our choice.
00:32:18It's just because since I'm a kid,
00:32:20he didn't really make an effort to kind of build a relationship.
00:32:23But, like, not having a father figure,
00:32:25you look for other people around you
00:32:27to kind of give you that sort of guidance.
00:32:29And, yeah, so I used to look to my three cousins.
00:32:31You know, they were all older than me.
00:32:33And I used to really look to Danny, really.
00:32:35He really took me under his wing, taught me how to play basketball.
00:32:38He's the one that taught me how to make music, how to rap.
00:32:41It meant, you know, it meant a lot to me.
00:32:43But I went to work away on a ship,
00:32:46and my mum just said,
00:32:48you need to call me.
00:32:50And I give her a call, and she just said,
00:32:52you need to sit down.
00:32:54I just kind of held my breath and just said,
00:32:56just tell me, you know.
00:32:58And then she said, Danny and Kim are dead.
00:33:00Kim was Danny's fiancée.
00:33:03And, yeah, and I was just like, what?
00:33:07You know, it didn't make much sense.
00:33:10It didn't make much sense to me.
00:33:12She just said, yeah, they got into an accident in the sea.
00:33:16They both drowned.
00:33:20And I think the family will never, ever be the same, you know, after that.
00:33:24But I think it really made me realise, you know,
00:33:27life is way too short to take for granted, you know,
00:33:32any single moment.
00:33:34And I think now I really try and be thankful.
00:33:37So, yeah.
00:33:39I can't even imagine how difficult it is.
00:33:45No, I appreciate you, you know, listening.
00:33:50You know, I want to be your safe space
00:33:53to tell me anything that's on your mind.
00:33:55I appreciate that.
00:33:57And I really do feel comfortable.
00:34:00It just feels really right. It feels really safe.
00:34:02Yeah, that's the best way I could describe it.
00:34:06You are an outstanding guy.
00:34:09You are amazing.
00:34:11It'd be nice to have a bit of a cuddle now.
00:34:19It's getting hot in here.
00:34:21Really? Mm.
00:34:22Listen, we haven't even started, so you don't know what's coming for you.
00:34:25I'm ready for it.
00:34:26I don't think you are, Bobby.
00:34:28You have no idea.
00:34:29You have no idea.
00:34:33Stop it.
00:34:35No, don't stop it.
00:34:37No, don't stop it.
00:34:39You love it.
00:34:40I do.
00:34:41Me and Bobby are great.
00:34:43We just connect on a more personal level.
00:34:46Do you think you're a good kisser?
00:34:48Yeah, I'd like to think so.
00:34:49Oh, yeah?
00:34:50I'm good at most things.
00:34:52And he's so open to me in regards to communication, his past,
00:34:56and that is enough indication for me
00:34:59that he is going to be the perfect partner for me.
00:35:02Bye-bye, bye-bye.
00:35:03You know, I'll miss you.
00:35:04I'll miss you, too.
00:35:05And don't forget about me, OK?
00:35:07Yeah, I won't forget about you.
00:35:08Think about me all night long.
00:35:10All day, all night, of course.
00:35:11Possibly in... No, OK, yeah.
00:35:14So, I will cut it off with Sam.
00:35:17I've made my decision.
00:35:19I have no reservations about my decision.
00:35:22That is it.
00:35:24Bro, things are heating up.
00:35:28It's all clear in my head now, mate.
00:35:30Cos in my heart, at the moment, I know who the one is.
00:35:32So, in my gut, it feels right with Jasmine.
00:35:34So, like, I know I'd live happily ever after with her.
00:35:37It worries me that I'm falling for her,
00:35:39but at the same time, I really am.
00:35:43Who's there? Sam?
00:35:45Yeah. Hey.
00:35:47However, there's something in the air with Jasmine
00:35:50that I don't know what it is.
00:35:53I want to try and break down some more barriers
00:35:55and find a little bit more about her,
00:35:57because she could potentially be the one.
00:35:59I was looking forward to this.
00:36:07Go on.
00:36:11You know, my top two's kind of been volleying back and forth
00:36:13between, you know, you and another guy.
00:36:17So, I'm going to go with you.
00:36:21Between, you know, you and another guy.
00:36:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:25I've got a lot of clarity on who I have, like,
00:36:27the strongest connection with
00:36:29and who I feel, like, the most safe with,
00:36:31but I just feel my connection is stronger elsewhere.
00:36:35Yeah, totally understand it, respect it.
00:36:39I just have to follow my heart
00:36:41and open myself up to just one person.
00:36:45Yeah, I respect it.
00:36:47That's absolutely fine.
00:36:51But, like, not to sugarcoat anything,
00:36:53like, I genuinely, genuinely respect you
00:36:55and value you as a person.
00:36:57Yeah, you too.
00:36:59I just feel like there's just a better fit.
00:37:03I'm so sorry.
00:37:05I really hope that it works out, all right?
00:37:31You don't look happy, bro.
00:37:33You OK, mate?
00:37:35Oh, come here, bro.
00:37:37You good?
00:37:41It's the worst experience of my life.
00:37:4730 seconds.
00:37:49She gave me 30 seconds and told me.
00:37:55I didn't see that coming.
00:37:57Oh, boy.
00:37:59God, I really fucking valued that girl.
00:38:01Yeah, and did things with Son.
00:38:03Oh, how are you feeling?
00:38:05I feel bad for him.
00:38:07I mean, he took it well.
00:38:09I'm an absolute mug.
00:38:11I'm an idiot.
00:38:13You're not an idiot.
00:38:15I'm an idiot cos I'm fucking enjoying chats with her
00:38:17and feelings for her.
00:38:19She was such an amazing girl.
00:38:21What do you think you're doing here?
00:38:23Mate, I got bad news.
00:38:25Really bad news.
00:38:27I didn't see it coming.
00:38:29But I got rejected
00:38:31after ten seconds.
00:38:33I whittled it down to two amazing girls
00:38:35and one's gone.
00:38:37So Vegas can't be Tuesday.
00:38:39You know what I mean?
00:38:41Unfortunately, it's the end of the road
00:38:43between me and Jasmine.
00:38:45But, on the other hand, it's given me some clarity
00:38:47to understand Nicole is the one for me.
00:38:49At least my one
00:38:51is amazing and I want to marry her
00:38:53and that's all that matters.
00:38:55I'm going to be a happy man
00:38:57because I know that the girl that I've got
00:38:59is truly remarkable.
00:39:05I'm drunk in love
00:39:07on what you do.
00:39:09If it's a vote, it's unanimous.
00:39:11Are you any good at drawing?
00:39:15Why? What are you doing?
00:39:17A birthday card for Mr Ollie.
00:39:19Oh, Jesus!
00:39:27I should have probably taken art lessons
00:39:29a little bit more seriously.
00:39:31Happy birthday
00:39:33to you!
00:39:39I think I'm going to do a chocolate cake.
00:39:41Three layers to symbolise
00:39:43a wedding cake.
00:39:47Let me gather myself.
00:39:49I want to say, genuinely,
00:39:51as of right now, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else
00:39:53on my birthday.
00:39:55Except for maybe with my future wife.
00:39:57One more thing.
00:39:59This cake better be vegan.
00:40:03I'm feeling like the ocean
00:40:05and I want to get to know you.
00:40:07These emotions can't control us.
00:40:09Tell me, what is this sensation?
00:40:11I've got this decision to make.
00:40:13That's a big laughter to me.
00:40:15Of course it is.
00:40:17I know that once I've made that decision,
00:40:19the bridge is burnt.
00:40:21I was thinking to myself,
00:40:23don't ruin your birthday.
00:40:25If they both have feelings for me,
00:40:27it's only right that at least one of them
00:40:29has the character to know what it is
00:40:31That was a lot of effort
00:40:33that went into that.
00:40:35So Oli has been my number one
00:40:37and it's hard
00:40:39because you see other people connecting with the person
00:40:41that you want.
00:40:45Oh my gosh.
00:40:47But I need to please myself.
00:40:49So it's time for me to put
00:40:51my big girl knickers on, pull them all
00:40:53the way up, past the belly button
00:40:55and I'm going to go get my man.
00:40:57Have you got a balloon?
00:40:59I've got about 50 balloons.
00:41:01Have you got cake?
00:41:03I've got cake and I've got...
00:41:05A card?
00:41:07A card.
00:41:09This is detailed.
00:41:11I took my time with that card.
00:41:13I'm seeing cocktails, I'm seeing boxing gloves
00:41:15and I'm seeing a wifi signal.
00:41:17What the hell is that about?
00:41:19I've coloured each one in because I'm like,
00:41:21full connection.
00:41:23Strong, strong, strong.
00:41:25This is amazing.
00:41:27That's good.
00:41:29This is making me quite emotional, I can't lie.
00:41:33I'm glad.
00:41:35Being in here with you, having these amazing gestures, this is...
00:41:39I'm glad.
00:41:41Because if I was there
00:41:43physically with you now, we would be
00:41:45enjoying your birthday
00:41:47and even though I'm not there physically,
00:41:49your birthday feels like my birthday today.
00:41:51So I hope you're
00:41:53enjoying yourself and I honestly
00:41:55really put time into that card so you best
00:41:57be saving that.
00:42:05What Demi did for my birthday and
00:42:07just seeing the level of effort she had gone to,
00:42:09that told me
00:42:11everything I needed to know. It told me everything
00:42:13I knew I already knew
00:42:15if that made sense.
00:42:17You've made my day and I'm about to...
00:42:19Oh! I have got something for you though.
00:42:21Only so far. Can you feel something?
00:42:23What is this?
00:42:25It's rose quartz.
00:42:27The crystal of love.
00:42:29You're amazing.
00:42:33So are you.
00:42:43How are you?
00:42:47No, I'm happy.
00:42:49Okay, good.
00:42:51What did she get you?
00:42:53Look at that cupcake.
00:42:55She did that the whole room. There was like a thousand
00:42:57balloons in there.
00:42:59Lemon cake as well.
00:43:01Do you like his card?
00:43:03He loved it.
00:43:07I think I'm actually falling in love.
00:43:09Oh my god, darling.
00:43:13Am I happy
00:43:15for Demi?
00:43:19I love Demi.
00:43:21So I'm going to step away from the situation
00:43:23because I want her
00:43:25to work with Olly.
00:43:31Regardless of Demi
00:43:33even being in the situation,
00:43:35me stepping away from Olly,
00:43:37that would have happened regardless
00:43:39because my heart
00:43:41is saying
00:43:49Oh lord, I'm not ready for this, bro.
00:43:51Feeling overwhelmed,
00:43:53happy, sad.
00:43:57I'm listening to my heart.
00:43:59It's been with Demi, I think, from the get-go.
00:44:01I feel like there's a part of me that's like, it's always been Demi.
00:44:03And I feel like the feeling's mutual from her side.
00:44:05Hello? Hey.
00:44:07But I feel like in choosing Demi,
00:44:09I'm letting Catherine down.
00:44:11Happy birthday.
00:44:13Thank you very much.
00:44:15Are you having a good day?
00:44:17I mean...
00:44:21Yeah, it's just been a confusing day,
00:44:23do you know what I mean?
00:44:25It's been a bit weird, a bit like emotive.
00:44:29Where's your head at?
00:44:31All over the place.
00:44:33Cool. I'm going to make it easier for you.
00:44:37I just think
00:44:39you should go and explore
00:44:41the option
00:44:43with someone else.
00:44:47I know you have a connection with someone else,
00:44:49I know who that someone else is,
00:44:51and I don't like getting in the way.
00:44:55And I just want you to be happy.
00:44:57So I just want to make it easy for you.
00:45:01I get you.
00:45:03I just want to make...
00:45:05Yeah, I just thought, do you know what?
00:45:07I'm going to be the bigger person.
00:45:09Oh, you're so cool.
00:45:11You're so nice, you're so sweet, you're so lovely.
00:45:13Even in this moment, you're just so you.
00:45:15And this is the person
00:45:17that I've really, really enjoyed
00:45:19getting to know, and I really, really thank you for everything.
00:45:25But the other connection just, you know...
00:45:27And I hope you're happy in that.
00:45:29And I hope you're happy in your one too.
00:45:31I am.
00:45:33I'm going to let you go.
00:45:37And see you on the side, babe.
00:45:39Yes, without a doubt.
00:45:53How was it?
00:45:57You took it well?
00:46:01How do you feel?
00:46:03I feel good, I made the right decision.
00:46:05Good, as long as you feel like you made the right decision,
00:46:07that's everything you need to know.
00:46:09No, no, we're good, we're good.
00:46:11We're good, we're good, we're good.
00:46:13She took it really well.
00:46:15Everything's good now.
00:46:17Yeah, that went so much smoother than I thought it was going to be.
00:46:19Did you just break up or something?
00:46:21Yeah, and now the coast is clear, I know where my head's at,
00:46:23I know where my heart's at, so we're good to go.
00:46:25And I know what I'm doing.
00:46:29It's Romell, baby.
00:46:33How are you getting on with every day?
00:46:35Building connections.
00:46:37One thing, people, it's very surprising.
00:46:43He's a lovely guy, and we have so much in common,
00:46:45we love the same things.
00:46:47He has a big, I love his personality.
00:46:49It feels like I have two connections,
00:46:51Sam and Benaiah.
00:46:59How you doing?
00:47:01But Benaiah is the one that I really feel romantically connected with.
00:47:03I'm so glad that we're here.
00:47:09But I want to know that Benaiah is serious about marriage, you know?
00:47:11I just want to ask you something,
00:47:13this is something burning on my mind.
00:47:15I just want to know, like,
00:47:17do you feel like
00:47:19you could see potentially
00:47:21proposing to anyone at all?
00:47:23Can you see that yet, or is that not something
00:47:25you can see?
00:47:27Connection-wise, yes.
00:47:29I have thought of a future together.
00:47:31Yeah, okay.
00:47:33But difficult for me to kind of
00:47:35give these assurances of,
00:47:37oh, yeah, we have a connection, I can see us getting engaged.
00:47:39I'm not at that stage.
00:47:43That's kind of where I'm at with it.
00:47:47I'm not going to lie,
00:47:49like, your answer to me is not ideal.
00:47:53You know, for me, you know,
00:47:55you're one of my stronger connections, I'd say.
00:47:59So you telling me
00:48:01that you may not be potentially ready,
00:48:03I mean, that's not ideal, is it?
00:48:05The way I read this
00:48:07is you're after assurances.
00:48:09I'm just trying to kind of gauge
00:48:11where I'm at with people,
00:48:13because there's clearly
00:48:15some level of connection here,
00:48:17otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here in the pod.
00:48:19Sure, sure, yeah.
00:48:21All I just want to know is
00:48:23that there is a connection.
00:48:25Do you know what I mean?
00:48:27I agree. I've really enjoyed
00:48:29our dates, and I
00:48:31hopefully will be seeing you tomorrow.
00:48:35I definitely
00:48:37am falling for Nicole,
00:48:39which does scare me
00:48:41a little bit.
00:48:43I think I need time to get there.
00:48:45This is so confusing.
00:48:47The relationship that I have with Nicole
00:48:49is something really special.
00:48:51I don't want to lose it.
00:48:57For me,
00:48:59it's been quite apparent
00:49:01from, you know, the start
00:49:03that Jasmine was the girl for me.
00:49:05You know,
00:49:07I always say that every type of love
00:49:09is different.
00:49:11How's it going?
00:49:13Oh, I'm just all over the place.
00:49:15But this is the best kind of feeling
00:49:17and the best kind of love I would say
00:49:19I've ever experienced before.
00:49:21It's been great.
00:49:23It's been great.
00:49:25It's been the best kind of love I would say
00:49:27I've ever experienced before.
00:49:29I've got something
00:49:31that I've prepared for you.
00:49:33So I wanted to read it for you,
00:49:35or kind of wrap it for you.
00:49:37So here we go.
00:49:41So tell me where you want to go
00:49:43because we could book a flight.
00:49:45And we ain't got to stay a while.
00:49:47We can do it for the night.
00:49:49And this king needs a queen,
00:49:51but a queen needs a throne.
00:49:53And a roll of the dice
00:49:55brought us here to the pods
00:49:57to me finding a wife, well,
00:50:01See, lately you've been growing kind of close to me.
00:50:03And I want to give you love,
00:50:05real love, like it's supposed to be.
00:50:07And that's it.
00:50:09Oh, that was so good!
00:50:11I'm glad you liked it.
00:50:13Babe, that was so good.
00:50:15I'm glad you liked it.
00:50:17I don't think I ever expected
00:50:19to meet anybody or connect
00:50:21with anybody the way that I've
00:50:23connected with you.
00:50:25Getting to know you and really getting
00:50:27to know your mind and your heart and your soul,
00:50:29I've really started to fall in love
00:50:31with you, you know.
00:50:33You are a beautiful person.
00:50:35You really inspire me.
00:50:37You inspire me to be a better person,
00:50:39to be a better man and to love
00:50:41as much as I can, you know,
00:50:43and to really open my heart.
00:50:45It just feels incredible.
00:50:47And for that, I want you to stand up for me.
00:50:49Just come to the window.
00:50:53I'm even shy.
00:50:55You're shy?
00:50:57I'm shy, babe.
00:50:59Yeah, I'm feeling a little bit shy myself right now.
00:51:01But let me know when you're there.
00:51:03Yeah, I'm here now.
00:51:05Perfect, because Jasmine,
00:51:09I want to tell you
00:51:11how special you are to me,
00:51:13how much you mean to me,
00:51:17I want to ask you
00:51:23you'll marry me.
00:51:27You know what? Sometimes, right,
00:51:29you just think that you're not deserving of this kind of love.
00:51:35No, and like,
00:51:37every sign
00:51:39was pointing me towards you.
00:51:43It feels right.
00:51:45And I know I'm making the right decision.
00:51:47It's been you all along.
00:51:49Of course, baby.
00:51:53Of course.
00:51:57What a moment.
00:51:59What a moment.
00:52:01I'm so soppy today.
00:52:05Incredible. I'm going to stand up now.
00:52:07You know,
00:52:09I can tell you
00:52:11I'll do my best. I'll be here for you
00:52:13whenever you need me.
00:52:15I love you, babe.
00:52:17I love you. I love you to bits.
00:52:19Yeah, I can't wait to see you.
00:52:21You better get ready for me.
00:52:23I'm so, so ready.
00:52:25I think I'm ready for you.
00:52:27We'll see.
00:52:29We will.
00:52:31All right, Jasmine.
00:52:33Bye, baby.
00:52:35Bye-bye. Bye. Love you, too.
00:52:39Oh, my God.
00:52:43You know, I've been in, like, so many relationships
00:52:45where I've been wanting this.
00:52:49And I've just never felt
00:52:51like I've deserved it.
00:52:53But, like, he sees me for who I am.
00:52:55And he's really
00:52:57happy with that.
00:52:59That you proposed to me.
00:53:01So, yeah, he's my man now.
00:53:03Well, he's been my man since day one.
00:53:05But, like, you know,
00:53:07he's officially my man.
00:53:09What do you think?
00:53:23She said yes!
00:53:27I'm engaged.
00:53:29I've got a fiancé.
00:53:31Falling in love
00:53:33and developing feelings without actually
00:53:35picturing somebody or seeing
00:53:37somebody for the first time is something that I didn't think
00:53:39was possible. But it feels amazing.
00:53:41And I came in with an open heart.
00:53:43And Jasmine is all of the things
00:53:45that I want in a woman.
00:53:47And much more.
00:53:49Unbelievable, man. That's all I can say, boys.
00:53:51Now I'm engaged.
00:53:53Oh, my God.
00:53:55Yes, I had feelings for Jasmine.
00:53:57So that was a tough pill to swallow.
00:53:59But at the end of the day, it's her loss, you know?
00:54:01I'm just going to dust myself off.
00:54:03And the fact that Nicole is on the other side of that pod still
00:54:05means something.
00:54:07My partner for life. My best friend.
00:54:09Someone who could be the wife of my kids.
00:54:11Let's go date!
00:54:13That's all I want. That's all I wanted coming into this experiment.
00:54:15Someone to love me and someone for me to love.
00:54:17And as much as love is a really strong word,
00:54:19I'm on the pathway to love.
00:54:23Morning, wifey.
00:54:25Ah, morning!
00:54:27I'm so happy. I can't stop thinking of...
00:54:29Oh, it's just mad.
00:54:31So, did you get it?
00:54:33Get... Wait, I see a little box.
00:54:37And rose petals. This is so cute.
00:54:39Got it?
00:54:43It's my very, very lucky bracelet
00:54:45that I've had...
00:54:47This is sweet. It's... Oh, honestly,
00:54:49thank you so much. I love that.
00:54:51It might smell a little bit.
00:54:53I've had it for eight years. It's my lucky bracelet.
00:54:55I was just smelling it, thinking it would smell of you.
00:54:59I just looked at it and I was like,
00:55:01this is for you. Like, this just felt right,
00:55:03so I just want you to wear it
00:55:05and just know that it's like a token from me
00:55:07to how I feel about you.
00:55:09I want you to know that
00:55:11because I've been married before
00:55:13and this, for me, is a big decision,
00:55:15I feel like we should still trust the process, you know?
00:55:17Yeah, I fully respect that.
00:55:19I know we've got to do what we've got to do,
00:55:21but I don't want to sit in a booth with anyone else.
00:55:23I think you are everything
00:55:25I've been looking for my whole life.
00:55:27Aw! I genuinely believe that.
00:55:29I've had a gut feeling since this whole process
00:55:31has started and I've just
00:55:33known from day one
00:55:35I think you deserve
00:55:37someone special in your life
00:55:39and I just hope, I'm hoping
00:55:41I'm that person because
00:55:43I've come here to find my wife and...
00:55:45Yeah. Yeah, I just, I just knew.
00:55:47I just, I don't know, it's so bizarre.
00:55:49It's so bizarre.
00:55:51You know, it's so funny,
00:55:53I've never in my life
00:55:55met a guy who's just
00:55:57wears his heart on his sleeve
00:55:59like you do, you know? You really
00:56:01just say what you think.
00:56:03You are who you are and I
00:56:05really appreciate that. Yeah.
00:56:07You know? I just can't wait,
00:56:09I can't wait to see you. I've already pictured that moment,
00:56:11I'm just going to hug you and squeeze,
00:56:13I'm going to pick you up.
00:56:15Well, I think, no, I'm joking,
00:56:17you will be able to. Huh?
00:56:19I can't say it, can I? I can't say anything
00:56:21about my physical attributes, but yes,
00:56:23yes. But no, I'm just
00:56:25super happy that you're just such
00:56:27a nice person, like, just, you're what
00:56:29I needed. Thank you. Have an amazing
00:56:31day. Aw, you too. And
00:56:33yeah, just enjoy the bracelet
00:56:35and I'm so happy.
00:56:37I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow,
00:56:39have a lovely day. Thank you, Nicole.
00:56:45Oh, gosh. Like,
00:56:47sorry, I just need a minute.
00:56:49I need a minute. Um, yeah,
00:56:51it's been really good. I'm honestly in
00:56:53shock how just
00:56:55you can really connect with someone without
00:56:57even seeing them.
00:56:59He's just honestly
00:57:01a lovely person and I think
00:57:03for me, he's shown me that he
00:57:05just has so much faith in our connection.
00:57:09With Benaiah,
00:57:11I just feel like sometimes I'm pulling teeth
00:57:13when there's conversation about, like,
00:57:15future and about that sort of
00:57:17vision. We just haven't quite got
00:57:19there, but Sam is really committed
00:57:21to us, you know,
00:57:23and that feels really good and peaceful.
00:57:25I don't want to, like, come in here and be like,
00:57:27woo, but it was a woo, yeah.
00:57:29Just in case someone's had a bad time, but...
00:57:31My gut is telling me to
00:57:33explore with Sam.
00:57:35That was amazing. Fucking great.
00:57:37Everything you wanted it to be. Yeah, you just said
00:57:39one weird thing, though. What was it?
00:57:41It was so weird. What was it?
00:57:43So I said, I can't wait to run down...
00:57:45You can't wait to what? Run down,
00:57:47meet her, kiss her, cuddle her, pick her up
00:57:49and kiss her and cuddle you.
00:57:51And Nicole, she, like, freaked out and then she was like,
00:57:53oh, my God, yeah, me too, but, like, oh,
00:57:55it might not be it. And then I was like, what?
00:57:57Like, do you want a girl to pick you up?
00:57:59Like, was she implying something?
00:58:01No, she's probably sprained her ankle
00:58:03or something. Yeah, it could be that. It could be...
00:58:05Ankle sprain. Yeah, she is.
00:58:07I like me, but, like, that's fine.
00:58:09Like, if someone's a bit... But, like,
00:58:11it's a weird thing to say.
00:58:13Nicole does have
00:58:15another connection with Sam
00:58:17and I genuinely
00:58:19want what is best for her and I
00:58:21have to protect her because I...
00:58:23I care about her.
00:58:25There's been a lot of questions
00:58:27around, like, authenticity
00:58:29and genuine reasons for Sam being here
00:58:31and I never want to be, like,
00:58:33they said this, that, that. I don't want to sabotage
00:58:35anybody's experience.
00:58:37But that, like, realisation
00:58:39that I'm protective over her.
00:58:41I'm not wanting her to get hurt.
00:58:43I'd have to almost throw
00:58:45somebody under the bus.
00:58:47If I don't say this,
00:58:49then I'm probably going to
00:58:51regret it
00:58:53because there's a potential
00:58:55for her to get very hurt in this scenario.
00:58:57I don't know.
00:58:59It's the right thing to do. You think?
00:59:01It's the right thing to do.
00:59:07I think it's important
00:59:09that Nicole and I have a conversation.
00:59:11The last time I saw her, I couldn't give her
00:59:13the assurances over
00:59:15an immediate proposal.
00:59:17I'm just kicking myself and I've learnt a lot.
00:59:19I've learnt from my mistake here.
00:59:21Hello. Hello.
00:59:23Hi, how are you? Good, how are you doing?
00:59:25I'm good, thank you.
00:59:27This is lovely. I've seen the bouquet
00:59:29and, like, wine and everything.
00:59:31It's so cute. Good, I'm glad.
00:59:33I think I'm going to be very open and honest
00:59:35about everything. That's how I...
00:59:37That's how I am. That's how
00:59:39I do things. So, yeah, it'll be
00:59:41interesting to see what happens.
00:59:43How are you doing? Yeah, I mean,
00:59:45I've got a lot to talk to you about.
00:59:47Okay. What about you? Yeah,
00:59:49I'm good. I was just
00:59:51thinking about some of our conversations yesterday
00:59:53and some of it was really kind of...
00:59:55I feel like
00:59:57we get on,
00:59:59we have fun, we enjoy each other,
01:00:01but I just can't imagine
01:00:03you'd be ready.
01:00:05Like, I feel
01:00:07a spiritual connection.
01:00:09I feel, like, I'm going to call it
01:00:11a kindred spirit. Like, you're very
01:00:13much like-minded.
01:00:15At the same time,
01:00:17just don't feel that there'd be that
01:00:19readiness to take
01:00:21that step. Okay.
01:00:23I have thought of a future together.
01:00:25Okay. That connection
01:00:27that we've had, I genuinely believe it's there.
01:00:29I put myself out there and just say, yeah,
01:00:31I want to...
01:00:33I want to, yeah,
01:00:35be with you.
01:00:39appreciate you saying that. I mean,
01:00:43You know, oh, my goodness.
01:00:45It's like, I...
01:00:49I don't know. It's, like, crazy
01:00:53if I'm honest, there is another
01:00:55connection I'm exploring.
01:00:57No, I imagine
01:00:59that would have been the case.
01:01:03Genuinely, you may have a stronger connection with the other
01:01:05person, which is,
01:01:07like, fine. You have to do what's best
01:01:09by you, but I do
01:01:11have this deep care for you, and I want to
01:01:13protect you. Okay.
01:01:15I'm going to be brutally honest
01:01:17because this involves
01:01:19you and your future, and
01:01:21you need to hear this for your
01:01:23own sake. Okay.
01:01:29I know the strong connections you have with
01:01:31Sam. Okay.
01:01:41Trust. This is
01:01:43really difficult because
01:01:45I'm, like, for me,
01:01:47it's, uh...
01:01:49I don't
01:01:51want this to be seen as, like,
01:01:55because that's not who I am.
01:01:59Pack. Can you just
01:02:01tell, like, you need to just trust me with this
01:02:03information, but I need to know
01:02:05because I need to know. Okay.
01:02:11I know
01:02:13it's Sam.
01:02:15From what's been said...
01:02:19he's not here for
01:02:21genuine reasons.