The Best Thing You Can Do For Sadhguru

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The Best Thing You Can Do For Sadhguru
Sadhguru videos
00:00The best thing that you can ever do for your guru, if at all, if you feel like you want to do is
00:08that you drop your nonsense and grow.
00:10Your past nonsense you leave it to me, present nonsense you handle.
00:14If you do that, that's the best thing.
00:18Now suppose you died, even if I died, I will not stop the spiritual part of my activity.
00:24Especially if Sadhguru is going to die tomorrow, you must blossom tonight, isn't it?
00:29So I want you to look at life like this.
00:33Either you may die or I may die tomorrow morning.
00:37So something should happen tonight, isn't it so?
00:44So don't think in terms of weeks and months and years and decades or lifetimes.
00:50Think in terms of moments because life is in moments.
