Huzur pak sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ke Mojzat | Islami vakya | muzmil 215 voice

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Huzur pak sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ke Mojzat | Islami vakya | muzmil 215 voice


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Peace be upon you.
00:04In Masjid-e-Nabawi, a pillar is called the pillar of the house.
00:08The meaning of the word house is that of the one who calls upon Allah.
00:12The reason why the pillar of Masjid-e-Nabawi is called the pillar of the house
00:16is that during the time of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:20a date tree used to grow here.
00:23After praying, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
00:26used to call upon the Muslims with great support.
00:29A believer woman used to come to the mosque daily to pray.
00:33One day, this woman said to the Holy Prophet,
00:36O Messenger of Allah, you have become old
00:39and now you cannot stand up after praying and give a sermon.
00:43My son is old.
00:46If you permit, he will make a pillar for you
00:50and you will sit on it and give a sermon.
00:53The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, accepted her proposal.
00:58The woman told her son to make a pillar for the Holy Prophet.
01:02He made a pillar for the Holy Prophet, which had three steps.
01:06He made it and brought it to Masjid-e-Nabawi
01:09and placed it in the place of the sermon of the Holy Prophet.
01:12When the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, finished his prayer,
01:16he came towards the pillar.
01:19When the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, came towards the pillar,
01:23he heard the cry of the date palm.
01:26All the Muslims heard the cry of the date palm
01:29and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was moved by it.
01:32The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, held the date palm close to his chest
01:35and he became peaceful.
01:37Then the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to the date palm,
01:40O date palm, do not be afraid.
01:42I have made a request to God regarding you
01:45that He will make you a tree of paradise.
01:48After this, the date palm became silent
01:51and the cries of the date palm stopped.
01:54It is said that the date palm remained in the mosque
01:57until the time of Bani Umayyah.
02:00When the government of the children of Marwan
02:03approved the mosque, it was cut down and thrown away.
02:06A believer woman came to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
02:09with a bag of 300 dirhams.
02:12She looked at the money and said,
02:15O Messenger of Allah, distribute this dirham in Fikra.
02:18The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
02:21said to a companion present there,
02:24Take this bag from it and put this gold dirham on the ground.
02:27The companion put the bag in front of the woman
02:30and the gold dirham fell on the ground.
02:33When the woman saw this scene,
02:36she was amazed and she said,
02:39O Messenger of Allah, I had put silver dirham in this bag and brought it.
02:42Now how did the gold dirham come out of it?
02:45The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
02:48Don't be surprised. I said,
02:51The dirham is of gold. Allah Almighty turned it into gold.
02:54Once Abu Jahl took his Jewish friend
02:57and said to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
03:00Muhammad, how long will you speak
03:03against our gods?
03:06If you do not present the proofs and miracles of your prophethood,
03:09we will kill you.
03:12The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
03:15Whatever you want, I will show you soon.
03:18Abu Jahl consulted his Jewish companion
03:21to tell him what kind of miracle he should ask from Muhammad.
03:24If you ask for a miracle of something on earth,
03:27he will show you that miracle with the power of his magic.
03:30You ask for a heavenly miracle from him
03:33because magic cannot work in the sky.
03:36Abu Jahl said,
03:39Muhammad, if you cut two pieces of the moon,
03:42we will believe in you and make you a prophet.
03:45The Holy Prophet took a promise from Abu Jahl.
03:48He made a firm promise to him.
03:51During this conversation, there were 14 members of the Quraish.
03:54They also made the same promise to him.
03:57If you cut two pieces of the moon, we will all believe in you.
04:00At this time, Gabriel was sent down to him by God
04:03and he said,
04:06God is saying that we have made you books of morals and stars.
04:09Whenever you want, they will obey your command.
04:12Hearing God's promise, he was satisfied.
04:15And he said,
04:18When the full moon becomes young
04:21and takes the form of a perfect cloud,
04:24I will present this miracle to you.
04:27On the night of the 11th,
04:30the Holy Prophet climbed the well of Abu Kabees.
04:33There was a group of Muslims with him.
04:36On the other hand, Abu Jahl and his Jewish friends
04:39sat on the well of Abu Kabees.
04:42Before showing the miracle,
04:45he took a promise from them
04:48that if you cut two pieces of the moon,
04:51they will believe in you and make you a prophet.
04:54Then the Holy Prophet pointed his blessed finger
04:57and the moon was divided into two parts.
05:00Half of the moon was in its place
05:03and the other half went far away.
05:06Jabal-e-Khara was seen between the two parts.
05:09The Holy Prophet said to Abu Jahl and his Jewish friends,
05:12Do you see the moon split?
05:15The people said, Yes, it is divided into two halves.
05:18If you are a prophet,
05:21point your finger so that the two parts become one
05:24and the moon is visible.
05:27As it was before,
05:30the Holy Prophet said to the people,
05:33Now you fulfill your promise and declare Islam.
05:36Only one of them has accepted Islam.
05:39To stop the group of disbelievers,
05:42the Muslims decided to dig a ditch around Madinah.
05:45At this time, Muslims were in a difficult situation
05:48due to the situation of the well.
05:51The Holy Prophet was also among the companions.
05:54He climbed the well and dug a ditch.
05:57The ditch was being dug,
06:00but the condition was that the Holy Prophet
06:03and his companions had not eaten anything for three days.
06:06Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari
06:09had a goat in his house.
06:12When he saw that the Holy Prophet and his companions
06:15were hungry, he came to the Holy Prophet
06:18and said, O Messenger of Allah,
06:21there is a goat in my house.
06:24I want to invite you to it.
06:27I request you to accept my invitation
06:30and be my guest.
06:33The Holy Prophet said,
06:36Should I be the guest alone
06:39or should all the companions be your guests?
06:42Now how could the Holy Prophet
06:46because they have heard that there is a goat.
06:49Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari said, O Messenger of Allah,
06:52come with your companions.
06:55At this time, 700 people were busy digging the ditch.
06:58The Holy Prophet called Manadi and said,
07:01Announce to the people that they should go to Jabir's house
07:04and eat there.
07:07Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari came to his house
07:10and told his wife about this matter
07:13Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari said,
07:16Did you inform the Holy Prophet about this matter?
07:19Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari said,
07:22Yes, my wife said,
07:25Then you do not have to worry.
07:28The Messenger of Allah knows better what to do.
07:31Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari's wife cooked meat
07:34and put a little more soup in it and cooked some bread.
07:37In the afternoon, he took hundreds of companions
07:40Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari said,
07:43Yes, the fire was still burning.
07:46You put your smoke in it and said to Hazrat Jabir's wife
07:49that give the bread to Ali.
07:52Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari kept putting soup in the utensils
07:55and the Messenger of Allah kept giving the utensils to the companions.
07:58God blessed the food and all the companions ate to their fill.
08:01When 700 people, Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari said,
08:04I looked in the pot and saw that it was full of meat.
08:07I was so happy that I did not give any of it to anyone.
