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Love you all!!!
00:00Hello everyone, today I will bring you a very good and interesting animated film
00:05The film is called Huyen Bi Phan Hotel, invite everyone to watch the film with me
00:0951895, in a remote province in the fog, a fly comes and turns into the monster Dracula in the legend
00:15It was about to get close to the pot and suddenly played the baby
00:19The young boy was frightened, so he cried and made Dracula cry
00:23This is his cute daughter May V
00:25As a ghost, she has played differently from normal people since she was a child
00:28May V can crawl on the wall like a human, turn into a flying kite and run all over the place
00:33But Dracula never let her go outside
00:36He taught May V about the fear of humans
00:39And avoid them if you don't want to get caught
00:41To give the girl a friend, Dracula built a large hotel named Transylvania
00:47It is only for ghosts and monsters
00:50It is protected by a forest of ghosts up to 400 hectares
00:53Outside is the ground instead of ghosts that can scare everyone who dares to come
00:57Everything went on for more than 100 years
01:00Today, May V organized a party and invited a lot of monsters to attend
01:04The guest just stepped in was the ghost family of Wader and Wanda
01:07Together with a crowd of people like the Mongolian army, they were so good at breaking things
01:10But it's okay, the hotel for the monster should have a very professional team to clean up the room
01:15Everything was back to normal
01:17This head is the name of Kenting
01:19Monsters terrify many people but are afraid of flying
01:22So every time I pack myself up and send it by post
01:25I was talking to some staff about wrongly assembling the parts
01:28Then Batu's suit flew up by itself
01:30That's the joke of the Zephyr-shaped cremator
01:33The appearance of the most magnificent in the world of mosaic paint
01:36Make the whole area sand
01:37Today's party is to celebrate the birthday of May V
01:41Of Dracula and also celebrate a successful year away from humanity
01:45Everything is shown in the latest movies
01:47People are trying to eat a lot to gain weight
01:49Or wear less clothes to have strength and speed to attack monsters
01:53After the first round, Dracula woke up to find the girl hiding in the room
01:57May V standing in front of the library
01:59Living 118 years just wandering around the hotel
02:02Makes her always want to step out into the world like other monsters
02:05In the past, Dracula always found every way to stop May V
02:09But today I am surprised to agree to make her think this is
02:12My father's joke
02:13Look at the speed of cleaning up the altar
02:15When you know how May V has been waiting for this day
02:18Her goal is the paradise island where her father and mother met
02:22But go right now and leave the guests to congratulate the birthday
02:25Not polite at all
02:27Dracula's father agreed to let her
02:29Go to the village of the nearest human for a walk
02:31Then come back to the party
02:33Before leaving, the close friends also appeared
02:35And told May V to be careful with the bad people outside
02:39She jumped from the window and then turned into a flying dragonfly
02:42It looks really exciting, but it's only for humans
02:45Everyone is still surprised by the decision to let May V go out of Dracula
02:49When I came back, I didn't see the shadow of my father
02:52Why did you let the girl go alone
02:54May V came to the square but strangely did not see anyone here
02:58Looking at the clothes, the villagers appeared and surrounded her
03:02Looking at their movement, I knew right away that this was a fake ghost
03:05To scare May V
03:07Dracula has worked hard to build the village and design this play
03:11But he hired all the actors to make a disaster
03:13The girl was naked and made a head fall
03:14The girl was in the same team and then the whole group burned to death
03:17But May V did not realize and turned into a flying dragonfly
03:20It's true that the new sign has never been used
03:22Dracula gave the order to destroy everything
03:24Then he returned to the hotel to comfort the girl who was scared
03:28Ten points for his play
03:30But no points for this birthday cake
03:32On the other side, our main male
03:35Jonathan went climbing the mountain with his friend but did not fall into a forest
03:38According to the story, this place is haunted
03:40Anyone who goes inside is haunted to the point of delirium
03:43On the way, he saw a group of strange people burning
03:46He immediately followed them and found the long-awaited court
03:48He found out that this place was holding a Halloween party
03:52Dracula just breathed in lightly because he was tricked by the girl
03:55Now he sees a guest entering
03:57And that's a human
03:59He immediately flew to throw him out when he met a group of guests entering
04:03Dracula drove Jonathan into the room and interrogated
04:06About the stuff you brought
04:08From the shirt to the phone he thought it was something to destroy the ghost
04:12Although asked by his father, threatened but Jonathan was not afraid
04:15But also praised him for playing the role of a very good dragon
04:17Dracula's brain refused to understand this
04:20If anyone sees a human appearing here, there will be no ghost left
04:23And the important thing is that Maywee will also know that her father lied
04:27The only way is to destroy him
04:29Step out of the door is the neighborhood of the street named Ken Tan, Joni Tan
04:33When Dracula did not notice
04:35When he was almost awake and touched his wife
04:38The result is that he ate and was beaten by his husband
04:40At this time, Joni realized that this is not a party
04:43Which is really all monsters
04:45You run around in a panic
04:47And all this place to another place and then touched Maywee was going down the stairs
04:51Two people sat up and looked at each other
04:53Before Dracula threw Chen in the middle
04:56He immediately threw him into the room away from his daughter
04:59Joni was afraid of being killed
05:00But Dracula said that I only draw artificial blood, not human blood
05:04Because it's both fat and disgusting
05:06I was going to take you away, but Maywee stopped me
05:08Both introduced each other
05:11Maywee greeted you and said I was 118 years old
05:13Joni was a little shocked when he heard it
05:15But he also said he was 121 years old to him as a friend
05:19At this time, a gang stepped in and told Batuk to handle the emergency
05:22Dracula took the opportunity to kick the girl out
05:25He searched the wall and opened a secret passage
05:28This is a pre-prepared escape route
05:30But Batuk did not remember the way so he hit his face against the wall
05:33Missed the bathroom again to the corner
05:35Too busy this time to meet all acquaintances
05:38Dracula had to go out to talk to some close friends
05:41But did not pay attention to Maywee is also here
05:43Both are having a good time talking
05:44Then a sudden slap made Joni afraid of falling into the room
05:48The only way not to be handled is to pretend to be a monster
05:51But you did a little bit of a trick
05:52But Ken still mistook this as his third-generation grandson
05:56After the farewell greeting
05:57Batuk's best friend gave Dracula as a gift
06:00Give Maywee a silent version of the Wind and Sea song
06:03Seeing the atmosphere calm
06:04Joni went up to pick up the guitar and he started to shake
06:07Your performance made Maywee nervous and the audience went crazy
06:11Not stopping there
06:12You continued to show off your tricks and were enthusiastically responded
06:16What is a slide, a horse race in the pool, a swing
06:20Batuk did not like this, he wanted a peaceful party
06:23Not a fun party like now
06:26Joni was going to perform a three-round kusan
06:28But Dracula had drained all the pool water and drove him away
06:32He was going to use a magic wand to erase his memory
06:34But Joni put on a mask to make it useless
06:37Inexperienced, Batuk used a magic wand to ask you not to come back here
06:40And forget everything you saw
06:42Having fun but being kicked out made Joni desperately want to hit him
06:46At this moment, a fly came and scared you to death
06:49Fortunately, it was Maywee who took both of them away
06:52She admires Joni very much when she knows that you have traveled and explored many places
06:57After a talk, she found the human being very friendly but not as scary as what her father told her
07:02They also looked at each other in a very romantic way
07:04In the afternoon, Joni suddenly fell from the roof
07:07Batuk and Dracula were just excited because they got their debt
07:11When a second later it was reflected in his hand
07:14You were punished to stand face to face against the wall but Joni never stood still
07:17You Monman hanged on a table
07:19But the table was controlled by voice
07:21And can move to your position
07:23So the battle between Dracula and Joni broke out
07:27They were like two naughty kids flying all over the place
07:29It's been a long time since Batuk could smile like that
07:32Because it was so fun that the two of them didn't make it in time
07:34So the table went straight into the armor that was in front of the door
07:37After starting the car, Joni was a little bit
07:39Looking at the scratch on the carpet, Dracula immediately realized that the culprit was Quasimodo, the chef
07:44He stabbed Joni in the back, but he was still able to quickly avoid the heroes' obstruction
07:49Fortunately, Batuk appeared in time, otherwise Joni would have been turned into smoked meat
07:54Dracula took him to a room and showed him a picture of a woman
07:59Joni realized that this was the beloved Luba
08:01The one who brought the love of a lonely Batuk
08:03The story tells that the two lived happily together and had a child
08:07Unfortunately, the fire broke out in a mysterious way and burned their whole family
08:10But the truth was different
08:11The beloved Luba's real name was Matthe, Dracula's wife
08:15The villagers were afraid of the appearance of the ghost, so they went out with her
08:19And set fire to the whole castle
08:21That night, he took the girl away
08:23And built a hotel in Transylvania to avoid the human race
08:26As well as safeguarding Maywee
08:28Joni realized that Dracula's worries, so he decided to quietly leave
08:32Batuk immediately kept him to attend the last party
08:35But that decision was completely wrong
08:38Maywee wore a ghost costume and a dragon costume
08:40And gave Joni a kiss
08:42Too angry to see this scene
08:44So Dracula accidentally told the truth about the village
08:47That the girl had been to
08:49Everyone was still shocked
08:50Then the old Quasimodo appeared and accused Joni of being a human
08:54Make all the chaos
08:56But Maywee didn't care, she just wanted to be with her lover
08:59Joni was the same, but witnessing the ghostly eyes of the Batuk
09:03He lied to leave Maywee
09:05She was angry at Dracula and flew away
09:07He chased and found the girl on the roof
09:10She saw her mother's 118th birthday gift and knew the moment
09:14Dracula's love for his brain refused to understand this
09:17The book only happens once in a lifetime
09:20Maywee wanted to erase this sad memory
09:22But Dracula didn't do that
09:25He begged the monsters who were angry to prepare to leave
09:27Hope they help me find Joni
09:30He said that not all humans are scary
09:32There are still good people, funny
09:34So his friends and his friends went to the road
09:36Following the signs, they found a shirt of Joni
09:39Thanks to the ghost, the wolf was still breathing
09:41Knowing that he was about to get on the plane, he left after 15 minutes
09:44All the vikas chased, hoping to make it in time
09:47On the road, they went through a monster festival
09:49And realized that I had become an idol all the time
09:52I'm in a hurry to go to the airport, don't turn it off
09:55The gang deliberately expressed their anger to drive everyone away
09:57But they were not afraid, but still applauded the old man
10:00Dracula also showed his ability to blow his mask
10:03Make the crowd more excited
10:05Knowing that he was in a hurry but forgot to apply sunscreen
10:07They used a coat to cover and create a path for him
10:10Just arrived, the plane took off
10:12Despite the danger, Dracula turned into a kite
10:15The sunlight made his body smoke
10:18But he still managed to catch Joni
10:20By blowing the captain's mask to bring the plane back
10:22Maywee is sad
10:24He was given a backpack with one more person
10:27Joni expressed her feelings
10:29Then the two kissed in front of the witness of the entire monster
10:32They were no longer afraid of humans
10:34And together opened a party to congratulate the happy couple
10:37Hello everyone, today I will bring you a very good and interesting animated film
10:42The film is called Huyen Bi Phuong 2
10:45In a long time of darkness
10:46Inside the monsters are rushing to organize Maywee and Joni's wedding
10:50After more than 100 years of existence
10:52The first time the Chansivania hotel opened the door to welcome humans
10:56The guests in today's party are Joni's relatives
10:59Although at first they were still a bit shy
11:00But they also started to learn how to get along with the monsters here
11:04The wedding was extremely happy
11:06Except for being interrupted by the young Wainer family
11:09The rich uncle's family took pictures together to commemorate the meaning
11:13Although only the groom is in the picture
11:15Maywee is very happy because she experienced a wedding in her dream
11:18The only regret of her is that her father-in-law is not here today
11:22Dracula thinks that's good
11:24If he knew that his daughter-in-law was married to a human, he would have been so ungrateful
11:28A year after drawing the picture, the young couple shook hands in the room
11:32Maywee wanted to find the feeling of being flung with her father when she was a child
11:36Of course, her father-in-law could not refuse the desire of his beloved daughter
11:39Maywee's three-wheeled carousel could not compare to the high jump
11:43Then the beautiful scene of Dracula
11:45Both father and son flew together and played hide-and-seek in the clouds
11:49Having fun, Maywee announced to her father-in-law that she was pregnant
11:52He couldn't help but be happy
11:55Dracula read the book and tried to make the most delicious and special dishes for her daughter
12:00Made her happy and cry
12:02Meanwhile, Maywee always hoped her child would be a normal person like Johnny
12:06Then her father-in-law hoped to have a dragon-like ghost
12:08Time flies like a dog running in the field
12:10The last baby was also born on the 6th, the 13th
12:14Dracula excitedly paid for the nurse to get his first baby
12:18The baby boy Khau Khinh is nicknamed Denny
12:20Not many tricks that the boy has chosen at one year old
12:22A birthday party was held at Chansivania hotel
12:26With the presence of a family of two and close friends and enemies
12:29After blowing candles also came the most anticipated gift
12:32Winner gave a new golden ring from the cradle
12:36Because it was too heavy for the boy to fall
12:38It's true that rich people have hardships
12:40But at least it's better than the gift is the head-smasher of the Pho Danh Ken family
12:44These little things always have to be put far away from the hands of children
12:47Dracula also revealed that the whole house was covered with rubber
12:50Dangerous places such as pits or potholes
12:52Also carefully cleaned to ensure absolute safety for Denny
12:56Along with the gradually increasing height of each year of the boy
12:59There have been many changes in the long run
13:01More and more people come to visit
13:03They bring modern equipment and machines here
13:06Not a few talented teams have given up on adding more new members
13:10As a public relations employee, Johnny has made many improvements
13:13In the operation of the hotel
13:15Like inviting magicians to perform
13:16Build more tennis courts for Winner to play baseball
13:19Communicating with people is also more convenient than having a smartphone
13:23The only fault is that Dracula's fingers are too long
13:25So I can't use the touch screen
13:28Well, I'll just use bluetooth for the time being
13:30The thing that interests him the most now is
13:32Denny's 5-year-old nephew has not yet shown any signs of a dragon ghost
13:36Dracula tries to teach the boy how to transform into a dragon but it's very strange
13:40Run like a drum, dance like a chicken, and dance like a hip-hop
13:44So Dracula immediately showed a face for his nephew to learn
13:48Today is the birthday of Winner's children
13:50But Maywee doesn't want her son to play with her
13:52Because Denny learned some bad things from them
13:55Instead, watch the show Monster is better
13:57But it's just a few funny jokes
13:59For children to watch, it disappoints Dracula
14:02Maywee said
14:03Let the boy grow up normally instead of learning how to become a dragon ghost
14:07Look at the kids here, they only know how to play
14:09She decided to move to a safer place
14:11She wants to go where Johnny used to live
14:14But this makes Dracula more worried
14:16Because in a week he will be 5 years old
14:19If he hadn't become a dragon ghost before
14:21He could never become a dragon ghost
14:23In the confusion, the wise man thought of a perfect plan
14:27The first is to cooperate with Johnny to organize a trip for only 2 people
14:31With Maywee
14:32Even if the girl goes, he will move to the next step
14:35That is, Denny will be trained to become a dragon ghost
14:39Also participate in the Monster Friends Club of Dracula
14:42Lupi also wants to follow but Dracula has refused because there is no place
14:45Finally, the dragon girl was driven down the road by a scooter alone
14:49Poor for him to be hit by a tree branch and hit in the face
14:51Although in the forest, he still did not forget to wear a helmet
14:54It is true that 10 points of consciousness
14:56On the way, the whole gang went through the black forest
14:58A place that is scary with their fierce childhood
15:00But when they got there, they knew that this place had turned into a peaceful park
15:04The wise man decided to teach Denny how to threaten humans
15:06But in the end it became his fan club
15:09Lupi's training was a failure
15:11Also failed when Wayner abandoned Huo to chase the crazy girl
15:14Until the chain loop is not finished and the start-up network has suffered a back injury
15:18Zifeng, well, you don't have to look at people
15:21Is it equal to teaching?
15:22Only Lupi's body is miserable because of the naughty guys on the car
15:25But he was not made a teacher and was dropped into the abyss
15:28At the same time, in Carniphonia
15:30For the first time in the human world, Maywee was extremely excited
15:33First is to visit Johnny's house
15:35Everything is normal except his cozy bedroom
15:38Then both of them went to a mini supermarket
15:40Maywee really likes milk tea so she tried up to 48 different flavors
15:44She even jumped with a camera to watch
15:46Thought I was on TV
15:48Next is the playground for the children's bicycles
15:51Ignore Johnny's catastrophic stepping on the ground
15:53Maywee tried for the first time
15:55Performed the most controversial fights that made the children cry
15:58Fun but did not forget the mission
16:00She called her father to ask about the situation
16:02It turned out that Cooler immediately gave Denny a pair of glasses to pretend
16:06Like a kid playing superhero
16:08Seeing Maywee doubt, he immediately lost his mind and lost his mind
16:12After the failure of his friends
16:14Deja Cooler decided to take his nephew to a ghost training camp for all kinds of professionals
16:18When he was a kid, he used to go to school here, so he quite trusted the level of the teachers
16:22But after hundreds of years, everything has changed completely
16:25Young people are now raised physically by playing basketball
16:28Catching mice science has also become extremely simple
16:31This high tower used to be where Deja Cooler practiced flying
16:34But it was banned because it was too dangerous
16:36You have to lock the light below and jump low to be safe
16:39When I was banned from running because of the horrible songs
16:42Then everyone sang the song, my dear, the fate of our birth
16:45Deja Cooler decided to teach Denny himself
16:48He climbed up the hill and threw the kid down
16:51Then stopped and waited for Denny to know how to fly, wearing the arrogance of his friends
16:54At this time, Denny rushed to heaven because of his grandfather's teaching
16:58The kid was not afraid to ask again, but was stopped by the teacher
17:03Some friends climbed up but didn't know how to get down
17:05Should choose the fastest way to step on the ground is to break down the whole tower
17:08But they were unlucky, fell into the fire and set the tower on fire
17:12He ran around and accidentally burned down the whole parking lot
17:15Worse, it was all by accident that the kids were brought back online
17:19After May V saw it, she immediately called to ask about Deja Cooler
17:23Then hurried home
17:25Seeing the situation was not good, he planned to run away when the car was destroyed right in front of his eyes
17:29At this time, Loopy fell into the abyss and ran to the place like a savior
17:33There was no other way, the whole gang sat together to go
17:37Looking at this speed, Tet Congo has just arrived in Transylvania
17:40So Loopy stopped on the road to unload the water, it was a pity, but it didn't matter
17:45Finally, the whole gang decided to leave the car to change another vehicle
17:47Loopy took a deep breath, breathed out a full breath
17:51So he turned into a ball and flew away, they hurried back to the hotel, but not in time
17:55May V was waiting at the door, and punished Deja Cooler for not being able to argue
18:00She said that after Denny's 5th birthday, her family would move out
18:04On that day, there was a crowd of the family on both sides
18:07May V also invited the whole gang to say goodbye before going to California
18:12Flutter just found out that her daughter was married
18:14He immediately followed Bella on the way to Transylvania
18:18Deja Cooler said if the whole gang witnessed that there were many people like this
18:21Then everything would become his dinner
18:24So the whole Johnny family was disguised as ghosts
18:27And Johnny himself turned into a crocodile with sharp teeth
18:30Looking at the hair just like the back of his head
18:33At this time, Flutter came out to greet him to let Bella stand outside, then alone inside
18:38After listening to Flutter's friendly greeting, all the monsters were standing still
18:42That's enough to understand how big his reputation is
18:45The purpose of coming here today is to meet my good and handsome grandson
18:49Looking at Johnny was so disgusting that Flutter ignored it and turned to see Denny
18:53When he realized that the boy had not grown his teeth, he looked at the boy with dangerous eyes
18:57Thinking everything would be, Flutter said that Denny grew his teeth just like Deja Cooler
19:02Deja Cooler sighed lightly
19:04His grandfather said the way to cure this disease is to scare the little boy
19:07The cute pink doll that Denny liked so much turned into a monster that was easy to keep
19:12Deja Cooler did not want to see his grandson sad
19:14So he used the magic to turn it back to normal
19:17When he came to this country, there was nothing to hide
19:20He told his grandfather that Johnny and his family were all human
19:24Flutter was very angry when Deja Cooler agreed to marry Maybee
19:27With human
19:28It was like a knife stabbing into his heart
19:31But Deja Cooler said that humans are not as scary as he thought
19:35Everything changes every day
19:37And humans now can live in peace together
19:40Witnessing adults in the house arguing over me
19:43Denny ran away without anyone noticing, only Winnie the little girl running after him
19:47Both of them hid in a wooden house in the forest talking to each other
19:50When the name Belly came up
19:51He hated humans so much that he intended to kill Denny
19:54Winnie was angry when Belly didn't notice and stabbed him once
19:57Then he was chased away
19:59Witnessing his friend injured made the little boy angry
20:02The whole family
20:03He stabbed one and blew Belly away
20:05Then he turned into a bat and he didn't escape
20:08Now everyone can find him
20:10They fought together and Belly called
20:13He was going to stab Johnny
20:15But Flutter turned him into a toy for the Winners
20:18Finally, he accepted Johnny as a member of his family
20:21They joined the party and had fun until the end
20:24Hello everyone
20:25Today I will bring you a very good and interesting animated film
20:29The film is called Huyen Bi Phuong Ba Hotel
20:32Please watch with me
20:34In 1897
20:35The monster and Dracula were having a party
20:38On a cruise
20:40At this time, a man with a pair of sharp horns
20:42And a gun on his hand stepped in
20:44He introduced himself as Abraham Van Hale
20:47Born from a family with a tradition of killing monsters
20:50With his father's experience, he quickly discovered Franken
20:53And threw the whole gang on the ship
20:55Seeing that it was not good, Dracula decided to stand alone
20:57Looking for Van Hale
20:59And some friends were pushed by him to the forest below
21:02Dracula turned into a mouse and taught him the first lesson
21:05If you meet a monster, you have to know the end
21:08The following days are the journey of both of them
21:12Van Hale used his youth to try to prove his failure as a successful mother
21:16And finally, he also found the answer to the question
21:18Why the sea is salty
21:20Back to the time when a wedding was being held
21:22At the Transylvania hotel
21:24When he was hit by Danny Song's old lover
21:28Of course, he was choked by Dracula
21:30And the two children heard Maywee rap for a while
21:33Unfortunately, it was time for the couple to dance
21:35She regretted that she was the only one who was accidentally stabbed by a bunch of dogs
21:39Feeling lonely, a beautiful girl invited Dracula to dance with her
21:43He thought his second spring had come
21:45But no, that girl was their sister
21:49Dracula's father, Ken, had to hug him tightly with his arms
21:51Then perform very professional dance moves
21:54Dracula was also excited when she was brought into the hospital's orthopedic department
21:58Dracula immediately hid in the Google room to find a person suitable for him
22:02After a while, he found a pretty okay witch
22:07But it turned out to be a trick
22:08She was an ugly old witch who scared him
22:12At this time, Maywee stepped in and saw her father busy sweeping the floor
22:15She realized from the moment the hotel opened
22:18When he was not allowed to rest for a day
22:20Maywee herself was also busy with work and did not have much time for her family
22:24So she decided to take a big risk
22:26She invited all her cousins ​​to go on a trip together
22:30The first trip for the monster to relieve stress
22:33Even Dracula was brought along by Danny
22:36The first was the flight experience of Airline
22:39With the service of a group of devils who do not know how to do it
22:42After landing at an angle of 90 degrees to the sea
22:44Finally, they safely arrived at the Bermuda Triangle
22:48A super-large cruise ship
22:50In front of you is where everyone is on this trip
22:53After Danny unmasked Tinko and slipped through the door to check
22:56The ship also took off
22:58On the ship there is everything convenient
23:00Serving all the needs of tourists such as photography, swimming or eating
23:04The happiest thing is the Wayner couple
23:05After throwing all 100 kids for fun
23:08Finally, they also have their own time for each other
23:11Only Dracula was not very excited because
23:13There is nothing special here compared to his hotel
23:16But just a second after a good appearance
23:18This is from Captain Ericka
23:20Make the captain shine
23:21She greeted everyone with a loud voice
23:24Even the monster language
23:25And introduce the last point of the lost city trip Atlantis
23:29At this time, Dracula could not hear anything
23:32Because he was struck by love
23:34And melted by Ericka's beautiful appearance
23:37When she came close to getting used to
23:38She couldn't even say a word
23:41Made May worry that her father was sick
23:43She had to pour wine on her face and shake it off
23:46When Dracula woke up
23:48At this time, he realized that he had found the love of his life
23:51While Dracula was drowning in the sun
23:54Captain Ericka sneaked into a secret passage
23:57After passing 7,749 doors
24:00She met her ancestor
24:02That is A. Bergerham Van Helsing
24:04For more than 100 years, he has replaced almost all of his body with a machine
24:08To be able to survive and continue to conquer his Dracula
24:11After falling into the sea of ​​Van Helsing
24:13Helsing realized that humans were not strong enough to fight the dragon
24:17So he worked hard to find another more feasible plan
24:20And he discovered the legendary creature
24:22Which dominated an entire city and tools to control it
24:26So this trip was organized for the purpose of
24:28Attracting monsters to Atlantis
24:30Then take advantage of the extinct creature to collect all the loot
24:33Van Helsing did not want to attract wild animals
24:35So he asked Ericka not to be mistaken for Dracula
24:38Before arriving at the designated location
24:40She only said yes
24:42And still did what I meant
24:44But even after using all the tricks
24:46Ericka still can't touch a hair of Dracula
24:49I don't know if it's because she's too young or she's too lucky
24:52The next person to get stuck is Lupi
24:55While Ericka was struggling to be equal to Dracula
24:58Then some close friends heard
25:00And misunderstood that she had replaced Dracula
25:02So they hurried to go to the news
25:05Dracula was overjoyed and said
25:07Because I like you so much, what should I do?
25:09Ericka happened to pass by
25:11Hearing the story of the four
25:13Should immediately come up with a new plan
25:15She just gave Dracula a romantic dinner under the candle
25:18After that, Ericka poured a bunch of garlic into a bowl
25:21Then pinched the hair of Dracula
25:23It's true that Dracula has never run
25:25It doesn't pose any danger to the dragon
25:27But it only hurts them
25:29And the romantic atmosphere was silenced
25:31Dracula still refused to admit that it was me
25:33Dracula still blamed Ericka
25:35Because more than a hundred years
25:37And haven't met them
25:39So now he's no different
25:41Titan does that for the first time
25:43The resentment is only removed
25:45When both talk to their families
25:47While Dracula told me that he was against raising children
25:49Then Ericka said
25:51She has never met her mother
25:53The two hearts are in the same direction
25:55They were cut off by Maywee
25:57Before that, he lured the girl to the island
25:59To be able to meet them more comfortably
26:02Dracula said
26:04He was talking about the hotel
26:06With Captain Ericka
26:08Maywee didn't believe it
26:10The next day
26:12The last ship also went to the city of Atlantis
26:14And saw a giant octopus
26:16Floating on the water
26:18It's not as scary as in the legend
26:20Octopus performs a song
26:22To welcome everyone here
26:24This city of Atlantis
26:26Has become the venue for the party
26:28Seeing Ericka sneaking out
26:30Dracula immediately chased
26:32Without noticing his daughter
26:34He stood behind and saw everything
26:36After passing 9981
26:38The secret door she found
26:40What she wanted
26:42Too excited Ericka accidentally hit a trap
26:44The octopus was released from the wall next door
26:46Fortunately for her
26:48Dracula appeared in time
26:50To act as a hero to save the beauty
26:52When asked why he was here
26:54Dracula pointed out that he has the ability to see the future
26:56And knows Ericka needs help
26:59She also said the trap above
27:01Is the lost treasure of her family
27:03Thanks to the help of Dracula
27:05The traps are easily overcome
27:07The stone octopus was quickly captured by Ericka
27:09Just in time
27:11The secret tunnel has also completed its mission
27:13And began to collapse
27:15Dracula immediately used the skill
27:17To bring her out
27:19Maywee came
27:21When she accidentally saw Ericka holding an octopus on her father's head
27:23Should immediately attack her
27:25Dracula had to explain
27:28He said he liked Ericka from the first glance
27:30But she was rejected
27:32Because she didn't want to be with a monster
27:34Now Ericka returns the octopus
27:36And give the treasure to her aunt waiting at the door
27:38Everyone is enjoying the party
27:40When all the lights suddenly turned off
27:42This place suddenly became dark
27:44Van Hale appeared with her daughter
27:46And announced that he would delete all the monsters
27:48The love story of Dracula
27:50In no time, the fire was cold
27:52Because of deception
27:54In the statue is a piece of paper
27:56There is a board that can control the octopus
27:58The monster also gradually appeared
28:00With wild eyes
28:02And heard a very sharp roar
28:04It used the octopus to destroy everything in the eye
28:06The only way out is the bridge
28:08Can't stand a hit
28:10Now Dracula intends to climb up to prevent Van Hale
28:12When he was born, he was caught by the octopus
28:14Then he pinched him
28:16His strength is nothing compared to this big monster
28:18Maywee wants to help her father
28:20But also has the same fate
28:22Looking at the scene where Dracula is being tortured by the octopus
28:25Erika can't stand still
28:27With the help of the octopus
28:29She shot like a missile
28:31Aimed directly at the octopus's eyes
28:33Hit by the monster
28:35Dracula is unconscious and free
28:37Fortunately, Erika was in time to hold her father's hand
28:39She admitted that she had deceived everyone
28:41But after a while
28:43Dracula also had feelings
28:45With Dracula
28:47Van Hale ordered the octopus
28:49Attack my daughter
28:51Fortunately, Dracula woke up and saved her
28:53After a while of observation
28:55Johnny realized that Dracula was being controlled by Van Hale's voice
28:57So he decided to use his positive music
28:59To defeat his father's evil music
29:01In the middle of a chaotic space
29:03A cheerful song
29:05Made all the monsters, including the octopus
29:07All dance
29:09Realizing that, Van Hale continued to play new tricks
29:11He controlled Dracula to continue attacking
29:13And swallow both of them
29:15I thought this part was over
29:17But Johnny managed to turn the table in a moment
29:19With a funny song
29:22Dracula had to let go of the two
29:24This place has become a stage for DJ Johnny
29:26And the monsters
29:28Even Van Hale
29:30Couldn't help but dance to the music
29:32Then he fell down
29:34Fortunately, Dracula was in time to chase him
29:36Saved his father
29:38The end of a life
29:40Also solved by Van Hale's apology
29:42At this time, everyone said goodbye to the octopus
29:44And boarded the ship back to Chansyvania hotel
29:46Today, in front of the eyes of a crowd of close friends
29:48Erika said goodbye to the octopus
29:51Erika agreed to Dracula's proposal
29:53After more than 100 years
29:55The octopus also found his second happiness
29:57Today is the 125th anniversary
29:59Establishment of Chansyvania hotel
30:01Johnny's son-in-law wanted to get recognition
30:03From Dracula's father-in-law
30:05He devoted 5 days and 5 nights
30:07To organize this anniversary
30:09Johnny also carved a statue for his father-in-law
30:11This statue made Dracula cold
30:13Dracula breathed out
30:15He slapped once
30:17The object was immediately frozen
30:19Dracula's father-in-law said
30:21Mayweather should be buried
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