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See No Evil Season 13 Episode01

Season no evil season 1 episode 1
See No Evil Season 13
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See No Evil Season 12
See No Evil Season 12 release date
See No Evil Season 13 release Date
See No Evil Season 11
Hear No Evil


00:05Fernandina Beach, 911.
00:07My heart just dropped
00:09because I knew something had happened.
00:11It was absolutely horrific.
00:13The close-circuit TV was instrumental
00:16in the investigation.
00:18I'm hoping and praying that we see
00:20who gets out of the vehicle.
00:22All the video evidence connected the pieces together.
00:26I was watching them clean up the homicide scene.
00:29Who is she? Who is this person?
00:31We have no idea who she is.
00:33I'm gonna find out who the boy's mom is.
00:36And you're the one that can make it happen right now.
01:1033-year-old Jolene Cummings
01:12is working her shift at Tangle's Hair Salon.
01:16Jolene was a people person.
01:18She wanted to make everyone feel special.
01:20How you doing?
01:22This is gonna look amazing on you.
01:24She was always good at hair,
01:26and she was the top of her class in the updos.
01:29And she really loved it,
01:31and I was often her guinea pig.
01:35I just knew that whatever Jolene would do,
01:38she'd be good at, and she definitely was.
01:42Her children were the most important thing to her.
01:45The boy's daddy would get them on the weekend,
01:48but her weekend was working on a Saturday
01:51and then getting the boys back on a Sunday afternoon.
01:54The kids were the love of her life above anything else.
01:58Yes, that one there, that's my youngest.
02:01He just turned 2. My heart.
02:042018 would have been the first year
02:07that she would be able to celebrate Mother's Day
02:10on her birthday with her three kids.
02:13When is that gonna happen again? Crazy, right?
02:16The kids and I had baked a cake,
02:23Yeah, it was supposed to be the best of all days.
02:27I'm off. Good night. Have a good weekend.
02:30See you on Tuesday.
02:33Have a good weekend.
02:41Fernandina Beach, 911.
02:43On the morning of May 14th, 2018,
02:46Ann Johnson called and reported
02:49her daughter Jolene Cummings missing.
02:51She stated that she had not seen her since Saturday, May 12th.
02:57That Sunday, her daughter tried calling her mother,
03:00and she wasn't answering, and then I tried,
03:03and there wasn't an answer.
03:06And by that time, the boy's daddy, Jason,
03:09had came to my house and said,
03:11Jolene never showed up.
03:13And it's like, my heart just dropped.
03:15My heart dropped.
03:17Because I knew something had happened.
03:19Nothing would keep Jolene from coming to the house
03:24to be with her children on Mother's Day.
03:28There was an estranged husband, Jason Cummings.
03:32Any time in a missing person's case,
03:34when there is an estranged spouse,
03:36they are going to be a person of interest.
03:38They are going to be someone that you want to talk to.
03:42Hi, Jason Cummings?
03:44This is Detective Sergeant Harrington.
03:47I need to talk to you about Jolene.
03:49He agreed to come down and meet with me
03:51at the Sheriff's Department.
03:53He said he wanted to talk to me about Jolene.
03:56He agreed to come down and meet with me
03:58at the Sheriff's Office the next day.
04:06Investigators head to Tangle's Hair Salon
04:08to trace Jolene's last movements.
04:14I spoke to the manager and owner of Tangle's Hair Salon,
04:17who did confirm that Jolene had worked on Saturday,
04:20May the 12th, and that she had worked
04:22until approximately 5 p.m.
04:25There was another hairdresser in the salon
04:27that was scheduled to work that day.
04:29Her name was Jennifer Seibert.
04:32We got a hold of Jennifer Seibert on the phone.
04:34Hi, Jennifer?
04:36This is Detective Harrington from the Sheriff's Office.
04:38She said when she left the salon,
04:40Jolene left, that's the last time she had seen her.
04:45Have a nice day.
04:49On the day that Jolene was reported missing,
04:51we did create a missing persons flyer.
04:53The flyer included a photograph of Jolene
04:55and included a photograph of her vehicle
04:57as well as a tag number for her vehicle.
05:01As I was looking through law enforcement databases
05:03for any previous reports concerning Jolene,
05:07the only report I discovered was a domestic dispute
05:10between Jolene and her current boyfriend, Jason Gee.
05:15Come take a look at this.
05:19The report that I located indicated that
05:21just a few days before Jolene had last been seen,
05:25Jolene had called the police
05:27because she and her boyfriend, Jason,
05:29had been in an altercation.
05:32By the time patrol deputies arrived,
05:34he had fled the home and was no longer there.
05:36It kind of raises a lot of red flags
05:38because it's not just the police,
05:40it's the police themselves.
05:42It kind of raises a lot of red flags.
05:45We definitely want to follow up on this individual
05:49and see if they had another altercation.
05:52Try calling him.
06:00Hi, I'm a detective with the Sheriff's Department.
06:03Once the detective identified themselves,
06:05the call was terminated
06:07and any efforts to call back rang and rang
06:11and then it seemed to be turned off.
06:13I can't get a hold of him.
06:16Let's go find him.
06:24Jason Gee may be the person
06:26responsible for Jolene being missing.
06:29Nobody seemed to know where he was at.
06:33It became very urgent for me to find his location
06:36and I got a warrant to ping his cell phone
06:38in attempts to try to find out where he was.
06:41While investigators are waiting for the cell phone trace,
06:44they receive news of a sighting of Jolene's vehicle.
06:51This is Harrington.
06:52Someone thought they had seen Jolene's vehicle
06:55in the parking lot of a Home Depot
06:57in Yulee, Florida, which is just outside of Fernvina Beach.
07:01And you're sure it's her vehicle?
07:03They had noted the tag number
07:05and it was the same tag number
07:12We've got Jolene's car.
07:13I was extremely excited.
07:15I immediately left my office
07:17with detectives from the crime scene unit
07:19and went to the Home Depot parking lot.
07:25All the doors were locked except for the driver's door,
07:27which was unlocked.
07:29There's no keys in the vehicle.
07:31That would lead you to believe that someone left
07:33in a hurry and just didn't lock the vehicle.
07:40How could it have taken to be searched?
07:44I'm going to need a vehicle toad.
07:46After taking a look at Jolene's vehicle,
07:48the next thing I wanted to do was
07:50I wanted to do a canvas around the area
07:52for any type of video surveillance.
07:56I was very disappointed because
07:58business after business was checked
08:00and it just seemed like none of the cameras
08:02covered the area where Jolene's vehicle was.
08:05It may not have been until the next day
08:07that we actually discovered a bank
08:09that has some video surveillance.
08:12You had a security camera facing out
08:14one of the entrance roads
08:16coming into the shop and center area.
08:20Detectives head to the bank
08:22to review the footage from its security cameras.
08:26We started early evening.
08:29We knew from our investigation thus far
08:31that Jolene had worked
08:33until approximately 5 p.m. on May 12th.
08:39So we started viewing the camera
08:41at approximately that time.
08:59I'm watching the bank video
09:01at around 1 o'clock.
09:07Eventually, bam!
09:09We see something that looks
09:11like Jolene's vehicle.
09:13So I was like, that's it.
09:15That's Jolene's Ford
09:17being driven into the parking lot.
09:19The CCTV footage captures Jolene's vehicle
09:21eight hours after she was last seen
09:23at Tangle's Hair Salon.
09:25It was a very exciting moment
09:27and we knew that, you know,
09:29maybe this was going to be a big break.
09:31Play that bit again.
09:35You could see Jolene's vehicle
09:37entering the parking lot area
09:39but it drove into frame and out of frame.
09:41It didn't actually show
09:43the vehicle being parked.
09:45Do you have any other cameras?
09:47I'm hoping and praying
09:49that there's another camera angle
09:51that shows the vehicle being parked
09:54and who gets out of the vehicle.
09:58Start at the same time.
10:05That's her vehicle.
10:11The vehicle pulls into
10:13a parking space facing east.
10:16There was a couple of trees
10:18that blocked part of the view
10:20so it wasn't clear.
10:22It sits there
10:24a little while and an individual
10:26gets out of that vehicle.
10:29Stop it there. Play that again.
10:33It appears that they're dressed
10:35in all dark clothing.
10:43But it's impossible to
10:45identify who that person is
10:47just because of the
10:49distance between the camera and the area
10:51where the vehicle was parked.
10:53It was frustrating.
10:55Thanks for your time.
11:01While deputies hunt for footage
11:03to identify the mystery person,
11:05Detective Harrington returns to the
11:07Sheriff's Office to interview
11:09Jolene's estranged husband.
11:15Jason Cummings showed up
11:17at the Sheriff's Office as agreed on time.
11:19Jolene, listen, okay?
11:21She hasn't been seen since she left work.
11:23We had known that
11:25Jason Cummings had picked up
11:27the kids from Jolene.
11:29He was supposed to bring them back on Mother's Day
11:31which would be Sunday.
11:33So I wait there
11:35about 6.20,
11:376.25, I text Jolene and said,
11:39look, you're late.
11:41I said I'll be here in 20 minutes.
11:43I went to her mom's house
11:45to see if she was over there,
11:48that's when I found out
11:50they've been trying to get a hold of her all day
11:52and nobody's talked to her.
11:54He said the last time he had seen Jolene
11:56was the day that he picked the kids up.
11:58He stated that during
12:00the weekend of the 12th through the
12:0213th of May that he was
12:04with her kids.
12:07Detectives were able to
12:09verify Jason Cummings' alibi.
12:11The search of Jason Cummings'
12:13cell phone and vehicle
12:15didn't reveal anything of a
12:17suspicious nature.
12:27At that time he was pretty much
12:29eliminated as a suspect.
12:37investigators traced Jolene's
12:40missing boyfriend, Jason G.,
12:42to a house in Hilliard near
12:46Deputies bring him to the Sheriff's
12:48Office for questioning.
12:53We want to know when we interview him
12:55why he was running from us
12:57trying to avoid us.
13:05Kempsey had no involvement
13:07in her disappearance.
13:10He told us where he was
13:12during the time of Jolene's
13:16We went and interviewed Jason G.'s
13:18friends who said that he was at
13:20a barbecue and nothing
13:22seemed out of the ordinary.
13:24We were able to determine that
13:26he was at some friend's house in
13:28Jacksonville and had spent the
13:30whole weekend there.
13:32So we can eliminate
13:36So we can eliminate him
13:38from being a part of this and we
13:40can continue on investigating
13:42the disappearance.
13:44Investigators charged Jason G.
13:46with no crimes in relation to
13:48Jolene's disappearance or their
13:50domestic dispute.
13:54On the other side of town,
13:56Jolene's mom, Ann,
13:58searches for her daughter.
14:02I didn't want to interfere with
14:04the investigation, but I spent
14:06days and days walking
14:08even areas that we probably
14:10weren't supposed to.
14:14When a mother's on a mission,
14:16you're totally focused on finding
14:18your loved one.
14:20I never stopped searching.
14:22The friends and the people that
14:24did help were phenomenal.
14:26I mean, they just went out on
14:28their own looking for Jolene.
14:30Have you heard anything?
14:32Can you please let me know
14:34if you hear anything?
14:36Having a loved one disappear
14:38and not knowing
14:40is the most heart
14:44thing that you can go through
14:46just felt totally helpless.
14:56Investigators return to
14:58Tangle's Hair Salon to search for
15:00clues that might explain
15:02Jolene's disappearance.
15:04On the 15th of May,
15:06we went to Tangle's Hair Salon to
15:08take a look at the salon and
15:10to talk to the manager.
15:12Just have a couple more questions for you.
15:14The salon closed late Saturday afternoon
15:16and opened back up on Tuesday
15:18at 10 a.m.
15:20Do you have any security cameras in here?
15:22There were cameras inside the salon,
15:24but they were dummy cameras.
15:26It doesn't work. It's just for show.
15:28That's disappointing.
15:30Thanks. If you think of anything or hear from Jolene,
15:32let us know. Of course.
15:36Investigators search nearby
15:38businesses for CCTV cameras.
15:42My hope was the security cameras
15:44at the strip mall where Tangle's was located
15:46might show Jolene
15:48leaving after work on Saturday.
15:50It may show who she left with
15:52if anybody may confirm
15:54that she left in her vehicle
15:56at the parking lot.
15:58When we were told that
16:00the cameras at the strip mall didn't work,
16:02it was discouraging, but there's nothing you can do
16:04but to move on with the investigation.
16:10But deputies
16:12do secure footage from a gas station
16:14close to the Home Depot
16:16where Jolene's car was found.
16:20My hope was that if the person
16:22who exited Jolene's vehicle
16:24either went to the gas station
16:26or even walked through the parking lot,
16:28that I would have a pretty good view
16:30of who that person may be.
16:32When we reviewed the video,
16:34we knew we needed to start
16:36around 1 o'clock because we had seen
16:38Jolene's vehicle arrive at
16:401.17 a.m.
16:42At that point, we would
16:44possibly be able to identify the person
16:46that left Jolene's
16:48vehicle in the parking lot.
16:50It's at 1.19 a.m.,
16:52two minutes after Jolene's vehicle
16:54was parked, that we see
16:56someone dressed in all black walk into
16:58the gate gas station.
17:06There was no doubt in my mind that
17:08the person I seen
17:10walking into the store was the same person
17:12that exited Jolene's vehicle.
17:14We see a female
17:16wearing all black with her hair
17:18pulled back into a bun.
17:20She seems
17:22a little antsy,
17:24as if something is the matter
17:26where the other customers
17:28are either checking out
17:30or going through the
17:32aisles shopping. She just
17:34looked out of place.
17:36Punch it in.
17:40I was able to see her purchase
17:42a bottle of water.
17:44I could also see
17:46what looked like injuries to her face,
17:48specifically what looked
17:50like a scratch under one of her eyes.
17:52Print out that image.
18:02We did take still
18:04photographs from the video surveillance
18:06and we showed them to the manager of Tangle's
18:08Hair Salon. We just have a few more questions.
18:10Okay. Do you know her?
18:14That's Jennifer. She was immediately
18:16able to identify as Jennifer Seibert.
18:18Jennifer is Jolene's
18:20co-worker at Tangle's Hair Salon.
18:24She was the
18:26last person on the schedule with Jolene Cummings.
18:28What can you tell us about her?
18:30Jennifer Seibert
18:32had only been
18:34employed at the salon for a
18:36couple of months and
18:38initially Jennifer and Jolene
18:40seemed to get along very well.
18:42But as time went by
18:44there was increased
18:46tension between the two
18:48to the point that there had
18:50recently been some flare-ups and some
18:54The manager was also able to confirm
18:56that when she had seen
18:58Jennifer Seibert the previous weekend
19:00that she described her face as
19:02flawless, that she did not have any scratches
19:04on her face. She told the
19:06manager that she quit and she would mail her
19:08her key to the salon.
19:10We went to find Jennifer Seibert
19:12and questioned her about that day.
19:14Do you have an address for her?
19:32I went to
19:34the location that Jennifer had
19:36provided on her application for
19:38employment where she stated that she
19:40lived with her mother in Ferndena Beach.
19:42I determined that
19:44address doesn't even exist.
19:46It was all false.
19:50I knew I had to track her down.
19:52I knew that I needed to start pinging her phone.
19:58While investigators
20:00wait for a fix on Jennifer's phone,
20:02a forensics team examines
20:04tangles for clues that might
20:06reveal what happened to Jolene.
20:08It looked like a
20:10normal hair salon, but
20:12as the crime scene unit took a closer
20:14look, they started to notice
20:16little things. They noticed
20:18a desk drawer over
20:20by the cash register that the front
20:22of it was damaged.
20:24Looking a little closer, they
20:26noticed that one of the schedule
20:28appointment books had
20:30a couple tiny
20:32specks of what appeared
20:34to be possibly a blood
20:38We started seeing more
20:40and more blood droplets.
20:44Eventually, we used what
20:46they call luminol. If
20:48there's been any type of blood on
20:50the floor that had been cleaned up,
20:52luminol will actually bring it to
20:54light. The salon just lit
20:56up like a Christmas tree. It was shocking
20:58to see the amount of blood
21:00that had been in that salon.
21:02It was on the floor and the wall.
21:04It had mop imprints where
21:06it was clear that somebody had
21:08cleaned up blood.
21:10Something bad happened
21:12in that salon.
21:14It was very obvious to me that
21:16there had been one hell of a fight probably
21:18or struggle inside that salon
21:20and that there had been a
21:22extensive, extensive effort
21:24for somebody to clean it up
21:26and conceal it.
21:28I knew at that time that I was no
21:30longer working a missing
21:32person's case.
21:36The thing that hit me hardest was
21:38I knew I was going to have to tell
21:40Jolene's family that I suspected
21:42that she was dead.
21:46She was taken by the
21:48hands of another.
21:50Having to find
21:52out, you know, the gory details.
21:56It's horrific. It's absolutely horrific.
21:58Such a deep
22:02Without Jolene,
22:04it's a hole.
22:06It's a black hole.
22:12We knew that
22:14Jennifer Seibert owned a black Kia Soul.
22:16We suspected that she
22:18may be living out of her vehicle.
22:22we started searching all of northeast Florida.
22:24We sent detectives to search
22:26truck stops, rest areas.
22:28When I'm driving down
22:30Interstate 95
22:32South, you know, I'm looking
22:34if there's any vehicle on the side of the
22:36road, and I was aware
22:38that there was a rest area.
22:40When I pulled in
22:42and happened to see a small black
22:44Kia Soul parked between
22:46I think it was two semis,
22:50I couldn't tell if there was anybody in the vehicle.
22:52We know there's
22:54some kind of foul play, so
22:56it wouldn't be safe to approach a vehicle
22:58by yourself in this type of situation.
23:06I found her.
23:08Detective Rose made contact with me
23:10via phone, and myself
23:12and several other detectives went to that location.
23:26As myself and the other detectives
23:28approached the vehicle, I could tell
23:30that the vehicle was running.
23:32It appeared that somebody was sleeping
23:34in the back hatchback area.
23:38I don't have any idea
23:40if this person is armed with a gun or a knife
23:42or anything else.
23:46And I asked the person that is
23:48inside the vehicle to
23:50exit the vehicle.
23:56As the person
23:58climbs from the back towards the
24:00driver's side door of the vehicle,
24:02I can tell that it is
24:04Jennifer Seibert.
24:06Not only does she have multiple
24:08injuries to her face, but she
24:10has went to some extent to try to
24:12cover them up
24:14with makeup
24:16and some bandages.
24:18My name is Detective Harrington.
24:20Have you seen Jolene Leland?
24:22No, I haven't seen her.
24:24No, I hardly
24:26know her. I tell her that I'm
24:28investigating Jolene Cummings'
24:30disappearance. Have you ever been in her vehicle?
24:34She immediately replied no,
24:36which at that point I knew that
24:38she was being untruthful.
24:40At this time, I do not
24:42have enough probable cause to
24:44arrest her for homicide,
24:46but I probably got enough to charge her with
24:48grand theft auto because I knew that
24:50she had driven Jolene's vehicle
24:52into the Home Depot parking lot.
24:54That allowed us to hold her until we
24:56could continue investigation,
24:58continue to gather evidence,
25:00trying to tie her to Jolene's
25:04Yeah, we're going to need a tow truck.
25:06I did request that the
25:08St. Johns County Sheriff's Office tow
25:10her vehicle to their facility and preserve
25:12it for later forensic examination.
25:14She was placed in the back of a
25:16vehicle and transported to the
25:18St. Johns County Sheriff's Office.
25:20Does it hurt you? No, they feel great.
25:22You can put them on tighter if you want.
25:24Whatever you want to do,
25:26I'm at your mercy, so have as much
25:28fun as you'd like.
25:30Okay, what you're going to have to do is just stand
25:32up and bend over. She seemed very calm,
25:34very flippant.
25:38When she was
25:40asked where the wounds to her face came from,
25:42she stated that she was riding her bike and
25:44that she had ran into a tree
25:46limb, causing the injuries to her face.
25:48She loved to talk about herself,
25:50but specifics of the
25:52Jolene Cummings case,
25:54she knew that to avoid that, she knew
25:56when it was time to talk and when not to talk.
25:58I discovered
26:00that there was a deputy in St. Johns County
26:02that had known
26:04Jennifer Sibert several years ago.
26:06He had met Jennifer through mutual
26:08likes for motorcycles.
26:10He stated that she would normally have a
26:12storage facility where she
26:14kept that motorcycle.
26:16We ended up getting pretty much
26:18a list of any storage unit that we
26:20had local in Nassau County
26:22and we all just
26:24started checking out all the storage units
26:26to see if she was one of the
26:28renters there.
26:30We were able to
26:32locate a storage unit on
26:34Sadler Road in Ferndina Beach.
26:40Inside the storage
26:42unit, we located some cleaning materials.
26:46There were wigs.
26:48There was
26:50also a pair of black military
26:52style combat
26:54boots that appeared to
26:56be similar to the ones that were
26:58shown in the gate gas station
27:02So I was like, man, this is important.
27:04We need to have these boots
27:06processed and see if there's any type
27:08of blood or DNA evidence
27:10on these items.
27:14returned to Tangles to interview
27:16a staff member about Jolene's
27:18working relationship with Jennifer.
27:20Her name was
27:22Ann Morgan and she
27:24described Jennifer and Jolene's relationship
27:26as good at first but then towards the end
27:28very, very confrontational.
27:30She went into
27:32detail about an incident that happened
27:34in which Jolene was trying
27:36to talk to her about Jennifer.
27:38About two weeks before
27:40she's missing, she
27:42told me something about
27:44Jennifer that I cannot
27:46put my hand on it.
27:48She's not right.
27:50She's fake, Miss Ann.
27:52She's fake. Something about
27:54her that I don't trust.
27:56Ann stated that Jennifer seemed
27:58very intent on trying to eavesdrop on this
28:00conversation. Jolene looked
28:02up to her and said,
28:04go away. I don't want to talk to
28:06you. You're crazy. You're fake.
28:08Jolene had actually told
28:10her, I want to look into
28:12this Jennifer Seibert. I want to do some background
28:14checks because I don't think she is who she says she is.
28:18It started my mind thinking,
28:20is that my motive? Is that my
28:22motive for the crime?
28:28When I started trying to look into Jennifer
28:30Seibert's criminal history,
28:32there was nothing there that stood out.
28:36If anything stood out, it was the
28:38fact that there was very little background there
28:40at all.
28:42I started searching for Jennifer Seibert
28:44and the search
28:46came back to a
28:4813-year-old little girl
28:50who had been killed in Germany
28:52but buried in Butler, Pennsylvania.
28:56Hi there.
28:58This is Detective Rose from
29:00the Nassau County Sheriff's Office
29:02in Florida.
29:04I'm sorry to have to ask you this.
29:06We contacted the
29:08father of Jennifer Seibert
29:10who confirmed that his daughter had
29:12passed away in an accident in
29:14Germany. We also
29:16sent him a picture of
29:18who was claiming to be
29:20Jennifer Seibert and he confirmed
29:22that he did not know who that person was.
29:24Who is she?
29:26Who is this person? And we have no idea
29:28who she is.
29:30We went into an interview room
29:32and the first thing that I asked
29:34her, do you want me to call you
29:36Jennifer Seibert?
29:38When you want to run my fingerprints
29:40through, they come up as Kimberly Lee
29:42Kessler. I've been running from the FBI
29:44for over 25 years.
29:46I've been living under this particular
29:48alias since 1999
29:50and that's about it.
29:58After she had explained to me
30:00that her real name was Kimberly Kessler,
30:02she gave me several aliases that she
30:04had lived under. The different jobs that she
30:06had worked from exotic dancer
30:08to truck driver.
30:10She explained that she had
30:12previously been in a relationship with
30:14a guy who was a serial bank robber
30:16and that she thought that the FBI
30:18may be
30:20in search of her in reference to that.
30:22So I met him at a
30:24topless bar and
30:28started going out with him and whatever
30:30and he
30:32was with me. He called somebody and they said
30:34the FBI is looking for you. So I'm like
30:36what? And I did him in my
30:38apartment and that was like kind of almost
30:40the beginning. As we
30:42researched information that was
30:44provided during the interview,
30:46we were able to determine that
30:48most of it was factual
30:50but there was no evidence
30:52that we could determine that the FBI was ever
30:54looking for her. She was
30:56very calm, very composed, but I also noticed
30:58that anytime I approached the subject
31:00of Jolene, that she
31:02was quick to shut down.
31:28...and I think you know where Jolene is
31:32I'm going to find out where the
31:34little boy's mom is. I promise
31:36I'm going to do that. You can
31:38help me do that and you're the one that can
31:40make it happen right now.
31:42No, I cannot.
31:44When I tried to really
31:46kind of approach her in a
31:48aggressive manner,
31:50she never flinched
31:52and lost her cool or lost her composure.
31:54Let me reply this way and you may not like the
31:56answer. I would like legal counsel.
31:58You do not want to talk to me without legal counsel?
32:00Is that what you're telling me? Yes, sir.
32:06After she had invoked her right to an attorney,
32:08I knew it was time to continue
32:10working with the evidence that we had.
32:14analyzed the objects recovered from
32:16Kimberly Kessler's car.
32:18We did find
32:20inside her vehicle a salon
32:22kit with a pair of scissors
32:24in there and they looked to be some type
32:26of red stain in the
32:28screw part of the scissors.
32:30Certainly taking that to the lab to be
32:36We found a receipt that
32:38showed a purchase at the Walmart
32:40in Ferndena Beach. It was on the same
32:42day that Jolene apparently went missing.
32:44We were able to obtain video
32:46surveillance that showed
32:48that it was Kimberly Kessler purchasing
32:50the items at 8.57
32:52Is there a closer angle?
32:54Yes, there is.
32:56The purchases included
32:58a bottle of ammonia,
33:00trash bags,
33:02but probably the most
33:04chilling item that was about
33:06was a large lettered fillet knife.
33:10I knew that not only
33:12had Jolene been murdered
33:14but she had likely
33:16been dismembered.
33:18I couldn't believe it. I mean, I
33:20could not think of anybody would even
33:22think of doing something like this.
33:24How could somebody
33:26do that?
33:28Investigators returned to
33:30Tangles to search for clues
33:32about the location of Jolene's body.
33:34The wooded
33:36area behind Tangles
33:38I observed a blue bin and it
33:40kind of stood out because it appeared to be the exact
33:42type of blue bins that were
33:44in Kimberly Kessler's storage
33:46unit when we executed that search warrant.
33:48I asked that the bin be collected
33:50and analyzed for any type of
33:52DNA or blood evidence.
33:54There's a restaurant
33:56located next door
33:58so I went and I said, hey,
34:00do y'all have any video surveillance?
34:04Can you take it back
34:06to the night of the 12th?
34:08This camera shows the back of the business
34:10and right next door
34:12to that is Tangles Salon.
34:18That's Kimberly.
34:20I knew it was huge
34:22when we saw this surveillance video
34:24shortly after closing time.
34:26We could see Kimberly Kessler
34:28carrying heavy trash bags
34:30out to the dumpster
34:32behind the facility.
34:34Punch in there.
34:42Approximately four hours
34:44had passed since the
34:46approximately four hours
34:48after at 1214 AM
34:50we also saw her carry
34:52the blue bin that was found in the
34:54wood line out and dump the contents
34:56out into the ground in the woods.
34:58I had no doubt in my
35:00mind that I was watching her clean up
35:02the homicide scene.
35:04I thought with everything
35:06else that we have, we got
35:08her. We got her in action doing
35:10something with foul
35:12play. There's something bad
35:14going on here.
35:18When the garbage truck comes and
35:20empties the dumpster
35:22it was just kind of heartbreaking because
35:24I realized that not only
35:26evidence was going to the landfill, it was possible
35:28that at least parts
35:30of Jolene were going to the landfill.
35:34A search of the landfill
35:36reveals no sign of Jolene's
35:40We had pinpointed the area
35:42where we thought they were dumped.
35:44We searched for a week
35:46but we just couldn't
35:48find anything.
35:52On May 30th
35:542018 we received
35:56a large amount of
35:58results of the items that we had sent
36:00for analysis. The boots
36:02recovered from the storage unit had
36:04Jolene Cummings' blood on it. The
36:06substance found on the
36:08screw of the scissors did
36:10come back as Jolene Cummings' blood.
36:12We believe right then that
36:14that was the murder weapon.
36:18A forensic analysis
36:20located a partial
36:22fingernail in the blue bin
36:24and confirmed that it was
36:26Jolene Cummings' fingernail.
36:30we gathered enough evidence
36:32to charge Kimberly Kessler
36:34with the murder of Jolene.
36:37Kimberly Kessler's trial
36:39begins on December 6th,
36:412021. She pleads
36:43not guilty. Prosecutors
36:45stepped through the events that led to
36:47Jolene's murder.
36:50Kessler, we believe,
36:52was afraid that Jolene was going to find
36:54out who she really was.
36:56She knew that they both
36:58worked on Saturday.
37:00When the salon closed
37:02there was a big fight
37:04and Jolene lost her life.
37:08tried to destroy all the evidence
37:10and clean up the salon.
37:12She wants
37:14to get rid of Jolene's
37:16vehicle because it would be suspicious
37:18if it was still in the parking lot.
37:20She thought she could get away with it.
37:26The jury come back and found
37:28Kimberly Kessler guilty
37:30of first degree murder and
37:32grand theft auto.
37:34The judge sentenced
37:36Kimberly Kessler to life
37:38in prison without the possibility
37:40for parole.
37:44I was happy that justice
37:46had been served. On the other hand,
37:48I was disappointed that I was
37:50not able to find Jolene
37:52and return her to her family.
37:56The close circuit
37:58TV was instrumental.
38:00I don't think we would have been able to
38:02make this case without the surveillance
38:08The investigation reveals that Kimberly
38:10Kessler lived in multiple locations
38:12across the United States
38:14and that Jennifer Seibert is just
38:16one of a number of fake names that she
38:22Between 1996 and the time
38:24she was arrested in 2018,
38:26Kimberly Kessler had lived in
38:28at least 33 different
38:34She had used at least
38:3618 different aliases.
38:40Investigators believe the length of time
38:42Kessler spent on the run
38:44and the number of aliases she adopted
38:46indicate that Jolene might not
38:48be her only victim.
38:50I absolutely believe there's
38:52more people out there.
38:54I absolutely believe that.
38:56There's somebody out there that if they have
38:58a missing loved one
39:00and you hear of the aliases
39:02names or the cities,
39:04if we could help just one
39:06other family, give them some answers,
39:08that's really important to me
39:10because at this point I can't bring
39:12Jolene back,
39:14but maybe we could help someone else out.
39:18To date, prosecutors have charged
39:20Kimberly Kessler with no other killings.
39:26After the sentencing,
39:28I shut down.
39:30It was my time to grieve
39:32and I'm still shut down.
39:34I'm still grieving.
39:36If I could talk to Jolene today,
39:38I would tell her how much I love her.
39:40I'd just tell her how proud I am of her.
39:46The only thing that we have
39:48of Jolene is her fingernail.
39:50Her remains have not been found.
39:52There's only one person that can answer that
39:54and the one person refuses to answer.
39:56Other people,
39:58they have an obituary.
40:00They have a casket.
40:02They have a service.
40:04They have a burial.
40:06We didn't have any of that.
40:08Confess to what you did.
40:10Give us some kind of a closure.
40:12Give us something of my daughter.
40:14Will that happen?
40:16Probably not.
40:18I just hope that
40:20some possible way that
40:22someone, somewhere,
40:24will find something in my daughter.
40:50I have only ever been able
40:52to associate it with death.
40:54It is suspicious.
40:56What are they doing with this money?
40:58Oh my God, there's so much blood.
41:00I was just trying to think of who
41:02it could have been that killed my brother.
41:04He's luring
41:06the victim to McDonald's
41:08with the intent to kill him.
41:10The whole shooting was video.
41:12You had to pull a gun
41:14and shoot my brother.
41:16Of a girl?
41:18Without execution.
41:20I believe I've seen a dead person.
41:22He was living a double,
41:24if not a triple life.
41:26We've got you on video.
