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00:00What is going on guys, it is Lauren and I'm back with another video. Okay, so today's video
00:06the ultimate
00:07booty short trial
00:10you guys know that a
00:13Lot of my photos a huge amount of photos on my Instagram. Ah
00:18Me wearing booty shorts, especially like last year and the year before it was like every single photo was like me wearing booty shorts
00:26Now I have so so so many pairs I have gotten rid of like a bunch as well, but I have probably like
00:3220 pairs and what we're gonna do is we're gonna try them all on we're gonna go through them all and we're gonna rate them
00:38in order of
00:39Favorite to least favorite because there's some that I really like and there's some I really hate
00:44So we're gonna have a look at the fit see how good it makes the peachy butt look
00:49And yes, so that is basically today's video
00:52I'm super excited for it because I some of these shorts. I haven't wanted so long as well. Like
00:58Yeah, like some I even forgot about so yes, so I'm gonna grab them all
01:02And we're gonna get into the video now before we get to the video guys
01:05I'm just gonna follow me on my Instagram which is gonna be on the screen now and don't forget to check me out on my
01:10For more of me that is gonna be in the link in the description and let's get into the video
01:15Okay, guys, so we're gonna rate them in order. It's gonna be fun today
01:20Now I currently have my least favorite pair on we're gonna start from the bad ones because
01:26We don't need the bad ones, you know, the bad ones are not good. So yeah, I'm gonna get that mirror shot
01:34Okay guys, so this is my least favorite pair
01:38The reason why is
01:41Because they're too long. You see what I mean? They're like way too long. They just kind of
01:49I mean like they're not bad if they were like that
01:53they'd be alright, but because
01:56they're really really long they're a bit like
02:03Like why do they have pockets do you know I mean
02:07Like there's nothing about these that could make them look good
02:11You see you see
02:14These are a solid zero out of ten and they are my least favorite pile, okay, so these are my oh
02:20My god, they're so hot. These are my second least favorite because they're so tight like they used to fit me
02:26But now they're just way too tight and the color is a bit weird as well
02:31So as you can see, that's super super tight
02:36So, yeah, they're not really ideal I mean they give you a really bad wedgie as well
02:41I mean, I think I'm gonna have to get rid of these and just get some new ones because oh, there's some fluff
02:46Because they're like, oh my god, these have pockets as well
02:50You can't even fit your hands in them these
02:55These are so tight so horrible, okay, so these ones aren't too bad
02:59I mean they were more okay when I didn't want to show off my ass every second
03:03I've got a chance to so they don't really show any butt as you know
03:08my butt is like
03:09There so you can't really see any but they do actually still fit really nicely that they fit around my waist
03:14So nicely, which is so unusual for shorts to fit me properly
03:19especially if they're denim because of
03:22my bum
03:23But these are actually alright. Where are these from?
03:27American Eagle these ones are nice ones, you know
03:29If you want nice shorts to fit like a small waist and a big bum American Eagle is good
03:34Topshop is also good, but I have some bad Topshop shorts. So yeah
03:38I feel like as we go along I'm gonna lose track of my favorites. So we're just gonna rate them out of 10 instead
03:46Because I feel like it's gonna be so hard to rate favorites because I might try some on and be like, oh, I actually know
03:51That's the bottom of the list. So let's rate them out of 10
03:53I'm gonna rate these a 2 just because they don't show enough bum. These are being rated a solid 8 out of 10
04:00They are the comfiest shorts I own
04:03They're actually pajama shorts, but they're so comfy like I love these my sister bought me these and
04:11They're so comfortable. Honestly, like you felt these they're so comfy. Oh
04:17These are nice. Where are these from? I
04:22Don't know but I saw nice. Oh, they're so comfy
04:29They're so comfortable
04:33Next we have these bad boys
04:38These are comfortable. I do also have like a matching top with like a little red stripe down
04:44However, they're really see-through like I have a black thong on right now and you can see the whole thing like
04:51They're so see-through. So I
04:54Mean that they're okay
04:55I guess it's sleeping but they're really see-through and it's like I like it when my shorts show a lot of ass but like I
05:02Don't want them to be see-through, you know, I mean like white shorts are okay, but I feel like white shorts aren't
05:09Very good for your figure if that makes sense like black is better
05:14But I don't know. I have like so many pairs of black shorts. This is my only pair of white short
05:18Oh, actually no because the first pair was
05:20And even the first pair I didn't like I mean, I'll rate these like a 4
05:23Only because I have a matching top and the set looks okay. But yeah, I
05:28Actually don't like them. No
05:31These used to fit me and now they're just like stuck
05:38Okay, they're just they're stuck they're very very stuck I mean, I don't know
05:47Maybe I'll show you guys on my snapchat something but these are so so stuck
05:52These are never gonna fit me again
05:55Next we have these bad boys
05:58Now these have made such an appearance on like all my social medias like my Twitter my Instagram my YouTube everything
06:04And it's like one of my favorite pair of shorts
06:08they're from Topshop, I think they cost like ten pounds like they're super cheap and
06:12They're just so nice. And if you want to show
06:15your bum more
06:18You just roll them up and boom
06:22There we have it. If the shorts are too big roll them up
06:27Okay, guys, so I have this pink pair here, which I'm not gonna put on because that's actually that ridiculous
06:32that's so long as you can see they don't look long, but they're like
06:35They come down to like halfway down my thigh, which is like ridiculous for me. But um, I don't actually know where I got them. I
06:43Have no idea and she says do not machine wash
06:47But machine is spelt without an a it's m ch i n a machine wash
06:54But yes, so these are so soft like that honestly the softest material I see what material is
07:03It doesn't tell me anything it doesn't tell me anything at all
07:07He's not honestly so comfy
07:09Like if you want to become a pair of shoes
07:10These are so so lovely
07:12But they're so long that it makes me feel like I've got like men's swimming trunks on like honestly
07:17I cannot stand wearing them like I'd wear them to bed
07:20But like they're so long that like my natural instant instinct is to roll them up
07:27And then I get a really bad wedgie and that's just not ideal when you're trying to sleep, you know
07:31I mean like I sleep naked usually but like let's say I'm with friends and I have to wear something like I
07:36Wouldn't even wear these because they're so long. They literally look like swimming trunks and they're horrible
07:41But they feel so nice in my life this feeling pair of shorts ever which brings us on to the next pair
07:48These bad boys now I did an Instagram picture of these recently
07:53these are comfy the little waistband thingy has like an
07:59Improvement because it's got little metal bits on it. I don't think I own anything else in this color except for these bad boy shorts
08:06Same rule applies if you want to show more butt you roll them up so we can
08:13Roll them up as many times as you want
08:15obviously, we're not gonna do it that much because
08:18That's unnecessary Lauren. That is unnecessary. But yeah
08:23You cannot go wrong with a pair of booty shorts guys. Look at this
08:27Even you boys should own some look at them. They're so comfy. They make you look great
08:32You know, you can go to the gym. You can go to the beach. You can go to the supermarket. You can do anything
08:37Wearing these I mean like you could also wear pajamas, but these are nice too, you know
08:42These are nice. I'd probably rate these like a 7 out of 10 because they're still a little bit long obviously, but oh my god
08:49I get a big wedgie with them. But yeah, these are nice. I
08:53Can't even begin to tell you guys about these ones
08:56if you've followed me for a while, you know, I
09:01Love me love stitch. I have like every single stitch Teddy in the world like not even joking. I have so many I
09:08Think every like when I go to Disney I make sure I have every single one up-to-date
09:12I get like the angel stitch one as well. Like I have all of them
09:17and these bad boys
09:22Complete the whole collection because now I can be in a thought in my stitch shorts. Look at that
09:30Yeah, these are good. And you know what? These are like a perfect length as well because I don't even have to roll them up
09:36These are good, you know, I've actually done Instagram photos in these shorts. Ah
09:43These are good, I like these they were like so cheap as well. I think they cost like
09:49Four pounds, but that's so nice
09:52Like look at that
09:55Stige okay these bad boys and these ones as well because they're basically the same kind of
10:02Style, you know, well, they're all the same style, but these are like the same pattern. That's all then
10:08These are okay. They do need rolling up a little bit. So
10:12We can do that
10:20And then boom they look good same goes with these ones I think they're both the same size
10:32These are nice, you know, I like
10:35These I actually know what the material is
10:37But these are comfy to be like all my shorts are comfy except for like the ones I said one comfy
10:42Doesn't make any sense, but you know, I mean
10:46100% cotton that's why they feel good. It's like feel-good short feel-good food
10:53Feel-good short feel-good food. This is a feel-good booty shorts because you wear them and you feel good, you know
11:00So it's feel-good booty shorts
11:03so yeah, those ones and these ones are like
11:06Ideal if you're sad just put on some feel-good booty shorts and you'll feel better
11:13Nothing against it, there's nothing wrong with doing that that's nothing wrong with it
11:17Oh, yeah, I'd rate them ones like an 8 out of 10 both of them. Yeah, they're quite good
11:23Okay, next these ones are like such a bright color and that's semi see-through, but I love these ones
11:30these also like a hundred percent cotton, so they're so comfy and
11:35You can roll them up
11:38And boom you get a good
11:42Good, you know good viewage. These are nice. These are good. This mirror comes in handy. These ones are perfect
11:49You know why they're perfect shortness perfect length
11:53Perfect material. They're not cotton but like they don't make you feel hot and sweaty
11:57Like sometimes when it's summer, it's just like you don't want to wear cotton clothes and you want to wear something different
12:02So these are so good, even though they're black. They're really good
12:06These are my favorite shorts of all time ever
12:12Look at them. These are so good
12:14Are you dumb stupid or dumb, huh? Play me like a dummy like bitch. Are you dumb?
12:22I'm a gangsta. I'm joking. I wish I don't joke about don't
12:26Anyway, these are good. These are the perfect shorts. These are a 10 out of 10. These are an 11 out of 10
12:32these are the
12:33the future of
12:35Comfort booty shorts. These are the perfect
12:38These are insane these are so good, you know, like you can twerk in them you can do anything you want in them
12:44These are perfect. These are great
12:49They have my approval okay, I
12:52Think just that booty shorts in general do because I think like
12:56That's one thing that people remember me by
12:59I love them like really like I love them. I don't know if you can tell by the way that they're made
13:06That's one thing that people remember me by is like always wearing booty shorts, but these are just like amazing like these are good
13:14Like I can put these on and my mood will go from like minus 2 to like 12 because these are real good
13:22Like these are good you don't even need to try and these are good anyway guys that was the end of my video
13:30Tell me which ones were your favorites down below. These are definitely my favorites like I love these ones
13:35So much, but yeah, let me know which ones are your favorites
13:38Just say like the color or something or like shorts number four or five or whatever
13:43I don't actually know how many we have. I think it was like one two, three, four
13:46five six seven eight
13:50Nine ten. I think it was over ten. There were so many pairs
13:53There's still pairs that I haven't tried on because they're similar to others. There's no need for me to do that
13:57Um, I do also have so many pairs that I don't even have here at my office
14:00So if you guys want to part two in a few months and let me know i'm sure I'll have a new collection by then
14:04Anyway to see more from me guys and to see me without the booty shorts on then don't forget to go sign up to my patreon
14:10It's gonna be right here and it's also gonna be in the link in the description
14:13Don't forget to go follow me on my instagram. It's gonna be here
14:16Subscribe to the channel for more videos and I will see you soon for another video. Goodbye