抖音新剧上线 #少帅请自重

  • last month
00:00:00Don't kill me, don't kill me!
00:00:02Please let me go!
00:00:22Su Ying, it's so late, why haven't you gone back to rest?
00:00:25I was just about to go to bed.
00:00:27Su Ying, it's so late, why haven't you gone back to rest?
00:00:30I was just about to go to bed.
00:00:32It wasn't easy for me to replace Su Ying's identity and enter the Commandery Prince's Manor.
00:00:36I must find out the truth about the massacre and avenge my parents.
00:00:46He's going to make the Commandery Prince a soup.
00:00:49You, take this to the Commandery Prince.
00:00:52Take good care of it.
00:00:54Why let him do it?
00:00:56Do you think this is a good job?
00:00:58Let the newcomer do it.
00:01:00Since you won't do it, then I'll have to make you suffer.
00:01:19Who are you?
00:01:22A servant of the Commandery Prince's Manor
00:01:24is not allowed to have any hidden weapons.
00:01:30Father, Mother, Brother, I'm sorry.
00:01:34I'm useless.
00:01:35I haven't avenged you yet,
00:01:37but I was ruined by a stranger.
00:01:40Who are you?
00:01:41A servant of the Commandery Prince's Manor
00:01:43is not allowed to have any hidden weapons.
00:01:47Wait for me.
00:01:49I will have the whole Yan family buried with you.
00:01:55Everyone in the Southern Courtyard, come out.
00:01:57So urgent.
00:01:58Could it be related to the swing before?
00:02:04Let's start.
00:02:07Everyone, listen.
00:02:08Put up your sleeves.
00:02:11Yan Jiuling is the one who raped me.
00:02:13This beast.
00:02:20What's your name?
00:02:21Su... Su Ying.
00:02:23Su Ying.
00:02:24Did I see you last night?
00:02:26I wasn't feeling well last night,
00:02:28so I stayed in the bedroom.
00:02:29Raise your head.
00:02:41Husband, this maid doesn't have a handkerchief.
00:02:50Last night,
00:02:51the Commandery Prince favored a maid in the garden.
00:02:53Is it you?
00:02:54It's me.
00:02:55Commandery Prince, my name is Meng Ying.
00:02:57I dreamed of welcoming Ruyi.
00:02:59Adjutant Liu, I'll leave it to you.
00:03:02Madam Meng,
00:03:03I'll order someone to move your things to the other room.
00:03:06Madam Meng, me?
00:03:07You can choose one of these maids
00:03:09who you like to serve you.
00:03:11This bitch knows my secret.
00:03:13I have to keep a close eye on her
00:03:14and have a chance to deal with her.
00:03:16I want to choose her as my maid.
00:03:19Su Ying,
00:03:20it's better to be with me
00:03:21than to be with those vulgar maids.
00:03:23You'll benefit a lot
00:03:24if you keep a close eye on me.
00:03:26Yes, Madam Yi.
00:03:28I hope it'll be easier
00:03:30to do things under Meng Ying's name.
00:03:32By the way,
00:03:33why did you lie
00:03:34when Commandery Prince asked you this morning?
00:03:36You said
00:03:37you didn't feel well last night
00:03:39and asked someone else to see you off.
00:03:40Did I?
00:03:42Madam Meng,
00:03:43Commandery Prince asked you
00:03:44to stay in his room tonight.
00:03:46Help me get dressed.
00:03:47You'll serve him with me tonight.
00:03:49Yes, Madam.
00:04:00Wait outside.
00:04:02Yes, Madam.
00:04:03Stay outside tonight
00:04:05and see how happy I am with Commandery Prince.
00:04:11Commandery Prince.
00:04:17Commandery Prince.
00:04:27Commandery Prince.
00:04:33Where's your butterfly tattoo?
00:04:34Didn't you say it was you that day?
00:04:36Of course it was me.
00:04:37Commandery Prince.
00:04:39Be careful.
00:04:47Yan Jiuling.
00:04:48You're really as crazy as the rumors say.
00:04:56The people outside
00:04:57come to serve you.
00:04:58Yes, Sir.
00:05:03Commandery Prince, it's done.
00:05:04You're Su Ying?
00:05:05Yes, Sir.
00:05:08Su Ying.
00:05:09Su Ying.
00:05:10Su Ying.
00:05:11Su Ying.
00:05:12Su Ying.
00:05:13Su Ying.
00:05:14Su Ying.
00:05:15Su Ying.
00:05:16Su Ying.
00:05:17Su Ying.
00:05:18Su Ying.
00:05:19Su Ying.
00:05:20Su Ying.
00:05:21Su Ying.
00:05:23You're still so young.
00:05:25They haven't put their memories to use
00:05:28I need to think of something.
00:05:29Yes, Sir.
00:05:30Meng has fallen asleep.
00:05:31Come clean my cup.
00:05:44Don't even serve
00:05:45连伺候更衣都伺候不好吗 Can't you even take care of your own clothes?
00:05:47我没用 对不起 I'm useless. I'm sorry.
00:05:49如果不是被你们颜家灭门 If it wasn't for the destruction of the Yan family,
00:05:51我一个堂堂神辅千金 I, a daughter of the Shen family,
00:05:53怎会沦落到来做伺候人的丫鬟 how could I end up as a servant maid?
00:05:55怎么 你也想做我的姨太太 What? You want to be my concubine?
00:05:58杜靖 我有自知之明 Dujun, I know what I'm doing.
00:06:02知道就好 滚吧 It's good that you know. Get lost.
00:06:06难道真的不是你 Is it really not you?
00:06:09怎么 被昨晚的动静吓着了 What? Did you get scared by what happened last night?
00:06:11还 还好 奴婢不敢 It's fine. I didn't dare.
00:06:14知道就好 那是杜靖 足够疼我 It's good that you know. That's because Dujun dotes on me.
00:06:17但看来昨晚我和杜靖确实 But it seems that last night, Dujun and I did...
00:06:20只要再除掉苏英 瞒下我和管家的事 As long as we get rid of Suying and hide the truth about me and the butler,
00:06:23这姨娘的身份就算是坐稳了 my identity as a concubine will be safe.
00:06:26容姨 你怎么来了 Aunt Rong, why are you here?
00:06:28孟姨太 老夫人等您去敬茶 Madam Meng, the madam is waiting for you to serve tea.
00:06:35老夫人 小心 Madam, be careful.
00:06:37来人 快去请大夫 您怎么样 Come on, go get the doctor. How are you?
00:06:40老夫人 盈盈不疼 只要您没事就好 Madam, I'm fine. As long as you're fine.
00:06:43还好有你在 孟姨太 您虽出身低微 难得品性可贵 Fortunately, you're here. Madam Meng, although you're from a lowly family, you have a noble character.
00:06:48这个丫鬟是从哪儿调过来的 这么不懂规矩 Where did you get this maid from? She's so ill-mannered.
00:06:50是我从别院带来的 新入府不久 有些规矩还不太懂 I brought her from another house. She's new to the house, so she doesn't quite understand the rules.
00:06:54有些规矩还不太懂 那就好好教教她规矩 She doesn't quite understand the rules? Then teach her the rules.
00:07:00看来未来真的可以利用老夫人除掉索颖 Looks like I can really use Madam Meng to get rid of Suying in the future.
00:07:05娘 Mom.
00:07:06娘 Mom.
00:07:17这个扣子 好像 This button looks like...
00:07:26碍眼的东西 还不滚开 Get out of my sight!
00:07:28孟盈这步棋到底还是有点问题 得想个办法 There's something wrong with Madam Meng's move. I have to figure it out.
00:07:33不过炎九龄大衣上的扣子 看来要找机会得到炎九龄的大衣 But the button on Yan Jiuling's coat... Looks like I have to find a way to get her coat.
00:07:40这伤药对治疗外伤特别有效 下次别让我看到你脸上的伤 This medicine is very effective in treating external injuries. Don't let me see you get hurt again.
00:07:45这扣子好像哪里不太对 还是要两个对比一下 This button doesn't seem to be right. I'll have to compare the two.
00:07:48怎么 对我的衣服感兴趣 What? Are you interested in my clothes?
00:07:51这些都是老夫人赏赐的这些都是话 The clothes are from Madam Meng.
00:07:53你有什么喜欢的就自己拿 If you like something, you can have it.
00:07:55对了 你刚入府不久还是要学些规矩 Good news. You were just back to the palace, so you should try some new techniques.
00:07:59今天这事若不是党都军回来 If it weren't for the army's support...
00:08:01你干嘛 What are you doing?!
00:08:03孟盈 Meng Ying
00:08:04我从未想过与你为敌 I never wanted to go against you.
00:08:06我只想留在都军府当个丫鬟 I just want to stay in the palace as a servant in the army civilian dress.
00:08:09你若是有意为难我 If you are doing this to me,
00:08:11Then don't blame me for revealing the truth about you and Steward Wang.
00:08:14Do you understand?
00:08:15Su... Suying, calm down.
00:08:17I'm asking you, do you understand?
00:08:19I... I understand.
00:08:24After all, we came out of the same courtyard.
00:08:26We still have to depend on each other.
00:08:29Suying, you're a bitch.
00:08:36Your coat is so pretty.
00:08:38Can we go to the laundry room?
00:08:40I want to buy a similar one and give it to someone.
00:08:42Don't think about it.
00:08:43The Lord's clothes are specially made.
00:08:45Adjutant Liu is in charge of it.
00:08:49Where will the clothes be washed?
00:08:51Should I tell this to my brother?
00:08:57Oh, dinner.
00:08:58It's time to eat.
00:09:03Where's your fox tattoo?
00:09:04Didn't you say it was you that day?
00:09:07Could it be Suying that night?
00:09:22This thing needs...
00:09:31How can I kill this thing
00:09:33so as not to leave any traces?
00:09:40I forgot.
00:09:41I still have work to do.
00:09:59Let's get down to business.
00:10:01Suying can't stay.
00:10:02I'm afraid she'll expose us sooner or later.
00:10:04Take this.
00:10:05Think of a way to frame her.
00:10:07I'll take care of it.
00:10:08I'll do it myself.
00:10:09I miss you so much.
00:10:11Adjutant Wang.
00:10:12The Second Young Master is back.
00:10:13Do you want to buy anything?
00:10:17What are you doing?
00:10:19What's the hurry?
00:10:21Hurry up.
00:10:28Let go of me.
00:10:29Let go of me.
00:10:30Someone reported that
00:10:31you colluded with the carter to steal.
00:10:33You ruined the house.
00:10:34You should be punished.
00:10:35I didn't.
00:10:38I know I was wrong.
00:10:39Please forgive me.
00:10:40It was her.
00:10:41It was Suying.
00:10:42She kept seducing me.
00:10:43She was afraid of being exposed to me.
00:10:45So she stole the jewelry
00:10:46and wanted to elope with me.
00:10:47These are all gifts from Madam.
00:10:48I can't even bear to wear them.
00:10:49How dare you...
00:10:51What else do you have to say?
00:10:53It wasn't me.
00:10:54It really wasn't me.
00:10:55I've never seen this person.
00:10:58You don't recognize me.
00:10:59It was you who seduced me
00:11:00to your bed.
00:11:01I know how many fingers you have.
00:11:03If you don't believe me,
00:11:04you can look at her shoulder.
00:11:05She has a scar on her shoulder.
00:11:07Why did you do that?
00:11:08You really disappointed me.
00:11:10Take off her clothes
00:11:11and check her body.
00:11:17How are you going to live?
00:11:19This poison isn't mine.
00:11:21There are words on the bracelet.
00:11:22This is Meng Ying's.
00:11:36It's true.
00:11:37How is that possible?
00:11:42You not only stole other people's jewelry,
00:11:43you also stole other people's belly button.
00:11:44I know you're jealous of Meng Yi Tai
00:11:45and you're in love with him.
00:11:46I didn't expect you to be so perverted.
00:11:48I treated you well.
00:11:49Why did you frame me?
00:11:56I'm going to kill you.
00:11:58You can just quibble.
00:11:59How dare you slander Meng Yi Tai.
00:12:00Steward Wang.
00:12:01Take this bitch
00:12:02out of here.
00:12:06Just die.
00:12:07If you die,
00:12:08no one will stop me.
00:12:11I can't die like this.
00:12:12It wasn't easy for me
00:12:13to sneak into the capital.
00:12:14It wasn't easy for me
00:12:15to find the clue.
00:12:16I haven't found out
00:12:17if Yan Jiuling
00:12:18is the culprit
00:12:19who killed my family.
00:12:20I don't dare.
00:12:24It's snowing.
00:12:26The day when my whole family
00:12:27was slaughtered
00:12:28was also such a big day.
00:12:29It's snowing.
00:12:30It's snowing.
00:12:31The day when my whole family
00:12:32was slaughtered
00:12:33was also such a big day.
00:13:16Call the doctor.
00:13:24Nanzhi, be good.
00:13:25Don't make a sound
00:13:28For me,
00:13:29I want to live a good life.
00:13:37Dad. Mom.
00:13:40Don't leave me.
00:13:44The button.
00:13:47How could it be different?
00:13:48How could it be different?
00:13:49What are you doing there?
00:13:50You haven't recovered yet.
00:13:51What are you doing standing up?
00:13:59What are you doing?
00:14:00I'm changing the medicine for your wound.
00:14:02You don't recognize me after you wake up.
00:14:04Is this how you treat your savior?
00:14:06Thank you, Mr. Poison.
00:14:07This is your bedroom.
00:14:08I'm humble.
00:14:09I shouldn't stay here.
00:14:12The one who killed my family is your Yan family.
00:14:14The one who hit me is also your Yan family.
00:14:16What kind of grudge do you have against me?
00:14:17If you don't deal with your wound,
00:14:18it will be difficult to heal.
00:14:20Where is the butterfly tattoo on your shoulder?
00:14:22What butterfly tattoo?
00:14:23Mr. Poison, you mean
00:14:25the edge left by the old lady?
00:14:27It's just an edge.
00:14:28What else could it be?
00:14:31Why is this bastard still suspecting me?
00:14:33But I didn't expect the button to be different.
00:14:35It seems that I have to contact my brother again.
00:14:41Butterfly tattoo?
00:14:45I was here to check the news.
00:14:47I didn't expect to get something else.
00:14:49Su Ying, Su Ying.
00:14:50You're the one who lied.
00:14:52You can't blame me.
00:14:53I have to ask the same question.
00:14:56I don't know how she is.
00:14:58It is said that the chicken soup is good.
00:15:00You can go to the kitchen and have a look.
00:15:01Mr. Poison, you're finally back.
00:15:03Meng Yitai is sick.
00:15:04The old lady asked me to tell you
00:15:06that you should go to see Meng Yitai when you come back.
00:15:13The little button is still in Mr. Poison's room.
00:15:16This is not good.
00:15:18Nanny Rong said you were sick.
00:15:20How did you get the butterfly tattoo on your shoulder?
00:15:22It's just that I'm not feeling well.
00:15:24I've always had a butterfly tattoo on my shoulder.
00:15:26You didn't have it when you played the piano that night.
00:15:28Because it's a pigeon blood tattoo.
00:15:29It won't show up usually.
00:15:30But it will show up when I'm emotional.
00:15:34I don't know what happened when I saw Mr. Poison today.
00:15:36He showed up.
00:15:37Why did you show up in the garden that night?
00:15:39The butler said that Mr. Poison was drunk
00:15:41and asked me to send the sobering soup.
00:15:42If it was that night,
00:15:44why didn't I react to him at all?
00:15:46Instead, I reacted to Su Ying.
00:15:51Mr. Poison, don't you believe me?
00:15:54You can rest assured and recuperate.
00:15:55If you need anything, just tell the butler.
00:15:57Be a good wife to your aunt.
00:15:59The Du Mansion won't treat you badly.
00:16:01Thank you, Mr. Poison.
00:16:02By the way, Mr. Poison, I want to ask you for a person.
00:16:06Su Ying.
00:16:07Su Ying and I are sisters.
00:16:08Although she made a mistake,
00:16:10I want to give her another chance.
00:16:11Can you let her come back to me?
00:16:14Up to you.
00:16:18Thank you, Mr. Poison.
00:16:22Where are you going?
00:16:23Meng Yintai sent someone to ask me to serve him.
00:16:25Do you think I'm a beast?
00:16:27You are in such a hurry to avoid me.
00:16:28Leave me alone.
00:16:29Thank you, Mr. Poison.
00:16:30My injury has healed.
00:16:31I don't need the medicine.
00:16:33Adjutant Liu.
00:16:37Send the sobering soup to Su Ying.
00:16:39Yes, Mr. Poison.
00:16:42By the way,
00:16:43you asked me to investigate the case of your Chinese medicine.
00:16:45The suspect has committed suicide.
00:16:47I see.
00:16:48My good sister,
00:16:49how are you?
00:16:50I forgive you this time.
00:16:52From now on,
00:16:53we are still as close as sisters.
00:16:56As close as sisters?
00:16:57Did I warn you?
00:16:59Su Ying, what are you going to do?
00:17:00The door is still open.
00:17:01Someone will come to my house.
00:17:03You can call someone in now.
00:17:05But guess
00:17:06if Steward Wang has anything on you.
00:17:08What kind of crime is it to deceive the emperor?
00:17:15Meng Yintai,
00:17:16what are you doing?
00:17:17I'm not feeling well.
00:17:18Let Su Ying give me a massage.
00:17:19Remember to drink the chicken soup.
00:17:22It's my fault this time.
00:17:23But you also saw
00:17:24how much the emperor dotes on me.
00:17:26As long as you don't fight with me for the emperor,
00:17:28we'll be fine.
00:17:29That's the best.
00:17:32But Su Ying,
00:17:33don't let me wait for another chance.
00:17:47Am I pregnant?
00:17:48Is the baby steward's
00:17:49or the emperor's?
00:17:50No, no, no.
00:17:51It can only be the emperor's.
00:17:55I heard Meng Yintai was in labor last night.
00:17:57Maybe he's pregnant.
00:17:58A bowl of contraceptive soup
00:17:59and a fire-extinguisher
00:18:00don't deserve to be my children.
00:18:04recently the emperor
00:18:05and that maid named Su Ying
00:18:06have been very close.
00:18:07He even let her
00:18:08live in his bedroom.
00:18:09Even Meng Yintai doesn't treat her well.
00:18:12Could it be...
00:18:16You go and
00:18:17talk to him.
00:18:21The emperor will come tonight.
00:18:22Aren't you not interested in the emperor?
00:18:24You can go back to your room earlier.
00:18:26Meng Yintai,
00:18:27please drink this bowl of contraceptive soup.
00:18:29What? Contraceptive soup?
00:18:30Before Madam came in,
00:18:32Madam Yintai accompanied her to bed
00:18:33to drink the contraceptive soup.
00:18:34This is the rule in the mansion.
00:18:35I'll drink the soup later.
00:18:36Don't worry.
00:18:37I won't get you involved.
00:18:43You said you wouldn't fight with me for the emperor.
00:18:45We all know that bowl.
00:18:46You drink it.
00:18:52In this way,
00:18:53I won't get her pregnant.
00:18:58Du Jun,
00:18:59let me help you change.
00:19:00You are not feeling well.
00:19:01Take a rest.
00:19:02Su Ying,
00:19:03come here.
00:19:11What are you waiting for?
00:19:12Go and prepare
00:19:13the bath water for Du Jun.
00:19:15What bath water?
00:19:16It's all fake.
00:19:17Su Ying,
00:19:18you are a bitch.
00:19:22Du Jun,
00:19:23I want to serve you in person.
00:19:27Du Jun,
00:19:28I didn't mean it.
00:19:30call the doctor.
00:19:31Du Jun,
00:19:32no need.
00:19:33The doctor said
00:19:34I had a fever.
00:19:35In this case,
00:19:36take a good rest.
00:19:37Du Jun.
00:19:40I've sent a message to my brother.
00:19:42Why hasn't he replied yet?
00:19:43Is there something wrong?
00:19:48You haven't recovered yet?
00:19:51Go to your bedroom.
00:19:59Du Jun, you are not...
00:20:01Don't move.
00:20:02Believe it or not,
00:20:03I'll kill you now.
00:20:06He is going to treat my wound.
00:20:08I thought
00:20:09he was going to do that.
00:20:11When I saw it a few days ago,
00:20:12it was a scar.
00:20:13Now it looks like a butterfly's outline.
00:20:21Why are you crying?
00:20:22Do you really think
00:20:23you are so beautiful?
00:20:24I have to touch you.
00:20:26Don't cry.
00:20:27Take care of your wound.
00:20:28I'm leaving.
00:20:30Why do I cry when I see her?
00:20:38You bitch.
00:20:39Didn't you say
00:20:40you wouldn't steal Du Jun from me?
00:20:41What are you doing?
00:20:42No wonder I trust you so much.
00:20:43Let me go.
00:20:44Let me go.
00:20:49This is the jade bracelet
00:20:50Old Madam asked me to give
00:20:51to Meng Yitai.
00:20:52It's worth thousands of gold.
00:20:53Su Ying,
00:20:54how dare you kill him?
00:20:57Take her to the woodshed
00:20:58to reflect on yourself.
00:21:11I can't die like this.
00:21:12The real murderer
00:21:13who killed my parents
00:21:14hasn't been found yet.
00:21:15I must go home
00:21:16to avenge them.
00:21:32I'm sorry.
00:21:34It's you.
00:21:36Why is your hand so hot?
00:21:37You got the wrong person.
00:21:38My name is Su Ying.
00:21:39I'm a maid of Du Jun's Mansion.
00:21:41A maid?
00:21:47The buttons on Yan Tinglan's coat
00:21:49are different from those
00:21:50on Yan Jiuling's coat.
00:21:51What's going on?
00:21:52Did you forget?
00:21:53I'm Yan Tinglan.
00:21:55We met at the foreign library.
00:21:59I thought you came back
00:22:00to make my mom happy.
00:22:01I didn't expect
00:22:02you'd really come back.
00:22:06Do you know her?
00:22:09I just think
00:22:10I haven't seen her before.
00:22:11Let's not talk about it.
00:22:12I'm going to see my mom.
00:22:13Let's go. I'll go with you.
00:22:14I came back
00:22:15to find someone.
00:22:17Is it a woman?
00:22:18Are you kidding me?
00:22:20Lanzhi said it was me.
00:22:21I heard you've been working hard
00:22:23to recruit a concubine.
00:22:24You're well-informed.
00:22:30I'm full.
00:22:31Why are you still
00:22:32a picky eater?
00:22:33Look at what you've lost
00:22:34in the past few years
00:22:36Eat more.
00:22:37No, mom.
00:22:38I have something to do.
00:22:40Steward Wang.
00:22:43What can I do for you?
00:22:45Is there a maid
00:22:46named Su Ying in the mansion?
00:22:48Su Ying?
00:22:51there is a maid named Su Ying.
00:22:56She's from
00:22:57Meng Yitai's mansion.
00:22:58But she's not clean
00:22:59and has a bad temper.
00:23:01A few days ago,
00:23:02she was caught
00:23:03because of the bloodshed.
00:23:04The madam
00:23:05punished her 20 times.
00:23:0720 times?
00:23:09Was she badly injured?
00:23:10Yes, she was almost killed.
00:23:11But she was lucky
00:23:13to survive.
00:23:14But she didn't change her mind.
00:23:15I heard
00:23:16she broke
00:23:17Meng Yitai's bracelet
00:23:18and was punished by the madam
00:23:19to reflect in the woodshed.
00:23:20I see.
00:23:21Go ahead.
00:23:24The relationship between
00:23:25Second Young Master and Su Ying
00:23:26is unusual.
00:23:27I need to talk to Ying Ying
00:23:28about this.
00:23:34It's me.
00:23:40Come here.
00:23:42Are you okay?
00:23:43I'm just a servant.
00:23:44You'd better leave now.
00:23:46Don't ruin your reputation
00:23:47because of me.
00:23:48I'm a doctor.
00:23:49It's my duty
00:23:50to save lives.
00:23:51Don't move.
00:23:52I'm going to apply medicine.
00:23:53It'll hurt a little.
00:23:54Brother Cheng Lan,
00:23:55I'm no longer
00:23:56the same Lanzhi
00:23:57after the extermination.
00:24:00The button on your coat
00:24:02is quite special.
00:24:03It's an old custom.
00:24:05The Yan family specializes in
00:24:06customizing for their descendants.
00:24:07Everyone is different.
00:24:08Even the ancestral manual
00:24:09has a special place
00:24:10to record the patterns of the buttons.
00:24:12It's in the library.
00:24:14I see.
00:24:16I'm really not Lanzhi.
00:24:18My name is Su Ying.
00:24:20Then I'll call you Su Ying.
00:24:22The library?
00:24:23Maybe I can ask Yan Ting Lan
00:24:24to take me there.
00:24:26What if Yan Ting Lan
00:24:27suspects me?
00:24:28I have to think about it again.
00:24:29Su Ying actually
00:24:30escaped from the woodshed.
00:24:32She even knows Second Young Master.
00:24:34I have to find out the truth.
00:24:35Does it hurt a lot?
00:24:36I'll be gentle.
00:24:37Don't move.
00:24:38If you don't heal,
00:24:39you'll leave scars.
00:24:41Don't worry, Second Young Master.
00:24:42Please go back.
00:24:43People will gossip if they see you.
00:24:45It's true.
00:24:47But if Old Madam knows
00:24:48Second Young Master was seduced by this bitch,
00:24:50she won't let her off easily.
00:24:54If she really dares
00:24:55to have bad thoughts about Second Young Master,
00:24:56she'll die tonight.
00:25:01Your wound
00:25:02is not suitable for fire.
00:25:03I'll get your medicine.
00:25:04You can be my personal maid
00:25:05from now on.
00:25:06Su Ying.
00:25:07Su Ying.
00:25:08Old Madam wants you to go.
00:25:09Su Ying.
00:25:12Kneel down.
00:25:18Why did you punish her?
00:25:19She's injured.
00:25:20What did she do to you
00:25:21to make you protect her?
00:25:23She's just a servant.
00:25:24She doesn't know you well.
00:25:25She's guilty.
00:25:26Nanny Rong.
00:25:27Teach this bitch a lesson.
00:25:29Yes, Old Madam.
00:25:34Stop Second Young Master.
00:25:35I'm sorry.
00:25:36Beat her.
00:25:37Beat her hard.
00:25:38After beating her, sell her.
00:25:40Since when
00:25:42does the Commandery Prince's Mansion
00:25:43have to beat and scold people?
00:25:44Jiu Lin.
00:25:45This bitch seduced your brother
00:25:46to her room.
00:25:47You have to protect her.
00:25:48You misunderstood.
00:25:49I asked Ting Lan
00:25:50to take Su Ying to treat her.
00:25:54Ting Lan.
00:25:55Come and take a look for me.
00:25:57Old Madam.
00:25:58Commandery Prince and Second Young Master
00:25:59are probably
00:26:00seduced by Su Ying.
00:26:01Second Young Master is fine.
00:26:02Commandery Prince and the daughter of the Jiang family
00:26:04are engaged.
00:26:05Su Ying
00:26:06is a troublemaker.
00:26:07She has to be dealt with
00:26:09before Yi Yi returns.
00:26:11Since Commandery Prince has a fiancée,
00:26:13I have to
00:26:14maintain my position
00:26:15before she marries.
00:26:19Does it hurt?
00:26:20Is there anywhere else hurt?
00:26:27Did you forget
00:26:28why she was punished by her mother?
00:26:30The maidservant will apply medicine for her later.
00:26:31You go out and talk to her first.
00:26:33I want to interrogate her
00:26:34about the bracelet.
00:26:38Eldest Brother.
00:26:39She is injured.
00:26:40Don't make things difficult for her.
00:26:43Yan Jiuling and Su Ying.
00:26:45What's going on?
00:26:48Do you know Ting Lan?
00:26:50Commandery Prince.
00:26:51I don't know her.
00:26:52If you don't know her,
00:26:53she will treat you.
00:26:54If you don't know her,
00:26:55how can she protect you?
00:26:56I don't dare to hide it from you.
00:26:58When I came out of the woodshed,
00:26:59I bumped into Second Young Master.
00:27:01He saved me
00:27:02because he thought I was pitiful.
00:27:04Second Young Master
00:27:06has a kind heart.
00:27:09Don't, Commandery Prince.
00:27:10Ting Lan applies medicine for you
00:27:11because she has a kind heart.
00:27:13I treat you
00:27:14because you are a fierce beast.
00:27:16Now I'm going to apply medicine for you.
00:27:17Do you want to untie yourself
00:27:18or do you want me to help you?
00:27:32If you need anything,
00:27:33just come to me.
00:27:34Don't bother Ting Lan.
00:27:37Don't worry, Commandery Prince.
00:27:38I won't
00:27:39be selfish to anyone.
00:27:45Go to the warehouse
00:27:46and get a pair of good-colored bracelets
00:27:47for Meng Yitai.
00:27:48Tell him
00:27:49Su Ying won't go to him
00:27:50to serve him these days.
00:27:54I'm going to the warehouse.
00:27:55Don't bother Ting Lan.
00:27:56Don't bother Ting Lan.
00:27:57I'm going to the warehouse.
00:27:58Don't bother Ting Lan.
00:27:59I'm going to the warehouse.
00:28:00I'm going to the warehouse.
00:28:01I'm going to the warehouse.
00:28:10Meng Yitai.
00:28:11The Grand Du made me
00:28:12make these for you.
00:28:13If I tell him I really like it,
00:28:14I would wear it every day.
00:28:15By the way,
00:28:16he asked me to notify you
00:28:17that Su Ying can't
00:28:18come to you these days
00:28:19to serve him.
00:28:20If you need someone,
00:28:21just ask Steward Wang
00:28:22to order other maids to come.
00:28:27I can't not help you
00:28:28now that Grand Du is protecting you.
00:28:29Can you ask Nanny Rong to arrange a maid for me?
00:28:31Where's Su Ying?
00:28:32Is she slacking off again?
00:28:34It's all because of the support of the capital army.
00:28:36She's not feeling well.
00:28:37She hasn't come to me for a few days.
00:28:39She's just a whore.
00:28:40She really treats herself as a golden jade leaf.
00:28:42How many slaps can hurt her?
00:28:44Nanny Rong!
00:28:45Take her to clean the library.
00:28:47If she doesn't clean it,
00:28:48she's not allowed to eat.
00:28:52But what?
00:28:53The library is Second Young Master's place.
00:28:55If Su Ying intends to get close to Second Young Master,
00:28:57we'll just sell her out.
00:28:59If she gets caught,
00:29:01who can protect her?
00:29:02Su Ying.
00:29:03You're no match for me.
00:29:07Clean every corner.
00:29:09This is Second Young Master's treasure.
00:29:11If it's broken,
00:29:12you won't be able to pay for it.
00:29:16It's not hard to get it.
00:29:28How come the appearance of Yan Ting Lan in this photo...
00:29:41Don't hurt yourself.
00:29:43Su Ying.
00:29:44You've lost a lot of weight.
00:29:46Don't worry.
00:29:47I'm fine.
00:29:48I'm fine.
00:29:49I'm fine.
00:29:50I'm fine.
00:29:51I'm fine.
00:29:52I'm fine.
00:29:53I'm fine.
00:29:54I'm fine.
00:29:55I'm fine.
00:29:56You've lost a lot of weight.
00:29:57Second Young Master.
00:29:58Please behave yourself.
00:30:06Who's there?
00:30:11Second Young Master.
00:30:12A few days ago,
00:30:13Old Madam punished me because of you.
00:30:15Please forgive me.
00:30:16Let me go.
00:30:18Second Young Master.
00:30:19Your clothes
00:30:20were broken by me.
00:30:21Let me fix it for you.
00:30:25How's your injury?
00:30:26Yan Jiu Lin.
00:30:27Did my brother
00:30:28give you a hard time?
00:30:29I have to keep cleaning here.
00:30:31Second Young Master,
00:30:32please leave first.
00:30:33If someone sees you later,
00:30:34it will be hard to explain.
00:30:36If the clothes can't be fixed,
00:30:37I will send them to you.
00:30:39If you encounter anything,
00:30:41please tell me.
00:30:42I will help you solve everything.
00:30:55Yan Jiu Lin.
00:30:56Do you want to die?
00:30:57Why did you come to my room in the middle of the day?
00:30:59Today, my people
00:31:00saw Second Young Master and Su Ying
00:31:02being intimate in the Library Pavilion.
00:31:04This bitch
00:31:05knows too much.
00:31:07If Second Young Master
00:31:08really takes the room,
00:31:09it will be bad for us.
00:31:11This bitch
00:31:12is really good.
00:31:14You have to find a few beggars
00:31:15to kill her.
00:31:17Let's see who else
00:31:18Second Young Master and Commandery Prince will want.
00:31:20Yan Jiu Lin.
00:31:21Yan Jiu Lin.
00:31:22Yan Jiu Lin.
00:31:23Let's see who else
00:31:24Second Young Master and Commandery Prince will want.
00:31:25It's up to you.
00:31:26Let's live happily first.
00:31:28You bastard, be gentle.
00:31:32These two bugs
00:31:33do look similar.
00:31:34But the pattern is slightly different.
00:31:36It seems that Yan Ting Lan didn't lie to me.
00:31:38Where is Yan's family manual?
00:31:40I still have to find it quickly.
00:31:42I was punished to clean the Library Pavilion,
00:31:43but she didn't tell me.
00:31:45Didn't I say that
00:31:46I would tell me if I encountered anything?
00:31:47This bitch.
00:31:48She probably hasn't eaten yet.
00:31:50Give her a test box.
00:31:53Give me a test box.
00:31:54I'm taking it away now.
00:31:55Yes, Commandery Prince.
00:31:56I'm in a hurry.
00:31:57Give me that.
00:31:58You make a new one.
00:31:59She was punished to clean the Library Pavilion.
00:32:01She probably doesn't have time to eat.
00:32:02I told the kitchen in advance
00:32:04to get a test box.
00:32:05But Commandery Prince, this is...
00:32:07Brother, why are you here?
00:32:09I'm here to get a test box.
00:32:13This is what Second Young Master ordered.
00:32:15Brother, I can't give you this.
00:32:16I have an emergency.
00:32:17Let the cook make another one.
00:32:19I'm leaving first.
00:32:20Ting Lan should be allergic to strawberries.
00:32:23Did she say who this test box was for?
00:32:25Second Young Master said
00:32:26it was for a girl.
00:32:27I don't know who it's for.
00:32:29Maybe it's the new lover
00:32:30who asked her to come back.
00:32:38Second Young Master, what are you doing?
00:32:40You're injured.
00:32:41If you don't eat,
00:32:42it will affect the healing of the wound.
00:32:43As for cleaning,
00:32:44I'll do it.
00:32:45Second Young Master, I'm not hungry.
00:32:49You eat first.
00:32:50There are your favorite strawberries.
00:33:00Thank you,
00:33:02Ting Lan.
00:33:21The cook is not good at cooking.
00:33:23She needs a new one.
00:33:25I don't know if she's starved.
00:33:31Su Ying, I...
00:33:37Since Ting Lan is here for Su Ying,
00:33:39the test box is also for her.
00:33:41Second Young Master,
00:33:42do you have a test box?
00:33:44Let's go.
00:33:45Let's go.
00:33:46Let's go.
00:33:47The test box is also...
00:33:49Second Young Master,
00:33:50let's keep cleaning.
00:33:54You go first.
00:34:00Are you okay?
00:34:01Are you uncomfortable?
00:34:02I told you to rest
00:34:03and eat first.
00:34:04I'll do it.
00:34:05If you don't eat the strawberries,
00:34:06it won't taste good if it's not fresh.
00:34:10You two are in a good mood.
00:34:13The test box is really for Su Ying.
00:34:15So is Ting Lan's lover.
00:34:19You misunderstood.
00:34:20Su Ying.
00:34:21You are quite capable.
00:34:22You turned Ting Lan
00:34:23into your enemy so quickly.
00:34:25Mother punished Su Ying for cleaning.
00:34:27She didn't let her eat after cleaning.
00:34:29She was injured.
00:34:30It will make her worse.
00:34:31So I...
00:34:32But do you know
00:34:33if you don't get close to her,
00:34:34Mother won't punish her.
00:34:37Second Young Master.
00:34:38I'll clean it myself.
00:34:45Then keep cleaning.
00:34:47You can't sleep
00:34:48if you don't finish cleaning.
00:34:58It's so hot.
00:35:06Come with me.
00:35:07Hurry up.
00:35:08Don't let them run away.
00:35:09What's going on?
00:35:11It's all my fault.
00:35:12I didn't teach Su Ying well.
00:35:13Someone said
00:35:14you were sleeping in the Library Pavilion.
00:35:16This bitch
00:35:17is so stubborn.
00:35:18Let's go and have a look.
00:35:23Wei Ying.
00:35:24Wei Ying.
00:35:25Oh my god.
00:35:26This is so shameful.
00:35:27She dared to do such a thing
00:35:28in the Library Pavilion.
00:35:29It's so shameless.
00:35:32Break the door open.
00:35:33Hurry up.
00:35:40Get out.
00:35:41Dong Jun.
00:35:42Why are you here?
00:35:43Do you want me to repeat it again?
00:35:46Ting Lan is also responsible for this.
00:35:48Su Ying is injured.
00:35:49She can't skip meals.
00:35:50I'll punish her
00:35:51when she recovers.
00:36:04You're so irresponsible.
00:36:06How could you
00:36:07do such a thing?
00:36:08Someone drugged me.
00:36:11This is the place.
00:36:12Break the door open.
00:36:20Let's go.
00:36:24They left.
00:36:25Are you feeling better?
00:36:26I feel so bad.
00:36:37Why is Ting Lan's dog
00:36:40Keep the door open.
00:36:42Don't let anyone in.
00:36:43Yes, Mr. Du.
00:37:04Don't touch me.
00:37:05You're the one who kissed me,
00:37:10Get out of the way.
00:37:12Get out of the way.
00:37:13Why is Ting Lan here?
00:37:22I heard Su Ying's voice.
00:37:23Is she in your room?
00:37:28Get out of the way.
00:37:29What did you do to her?
00:37:30What did I do to her
00:37:31has nothing to do with you.
00:37:33Who are you to her?
00:37:39How dare you use drugs on her?
00:37:40She's just an ordinary maid.
00:37:42Why are you so nervous about her?
00:37:45She has nothing to do with you.
00:37:48I'll help you go back.
00:37:51Where are you taking
00:37:52my maid?
00:37:56How dare you?
00:37:57How dare you?
00:37:58Ting Lan.
00:37:59I don't care if you
00:38:00know her or not.
00:38:01She's my maid now.
00:38:02I advise you
00:38:03to stay away from her.
00:38:04If others know
00:38:05you have an affair,
00:38:07she will be executed.
00:38:32Find out the relationship
00:38:33between Su Ying and Ting Lan
00:38:34and the identity
00:38:35of the man in black.
00:38:37Yes, My Lord.
00:38:40Ah Zhi.
00:38:41What should I do with you?
00:39:09You're awake.
00:39:14I'm with him again.
00:39:24From now on,
00:39:25you can only be my woman.
00:39:28Move your things
00:39:29to my place.
00:39:32Young Master.
00:39:36Come in and help her dress up.
00:39:39The bookshelf is burnt.
00:39:41What should I do?
00:39:42Su Ying, the maid of the Eastern Courtyard.
00:39:43I'm here to send you
00:39:44a bowl of contraceptive soup.
00:39:48I heard that
00:39:49His Lordship asked the servants
00:39:50to let Su Ying live with him.
00:39:51I don't know
00:39:52if she's pregnant on purpose
00:39:53and wants me to...
00:39:54How dare she?
00:39:56Tell the kitchen
00:39:57to cook a bowl of contraceptive soup
00:39:58and send it to her.
00:39:59What if she refuses to drink it?
00:40:01Then give it to me.
00:40:02How can a bowl of contraceptive soup be enough?
00:40:04This bowl
00:40:05is a bowl of contraceptive soup.
00:40:06You hold Su Ying.
00:40:07I'll give her the soup.
00:40:09YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:40:40Young Master.
00:40:41I did it on purpose.
00:40:42I like His Lordship.
00:40:43Even if I have to
00:40:44live with him for the rest of my life,
00:40:45I'm willing to do it.
00:40:46That's impossible.
00:40:48You didn't mean it, did you?
00:40:50How can you fall in love with him?
00:40:52Ting Lan.
00:40:53Su Ying made it clear enough.
00:40:55Are you going to keep pestering her?
00:40:56You don't like her at all.
00:40:58Why do you have to hold her?
00:40:59Who says I don't like her?
00:41:00If you really like her,
00:41:01you won't be unable to protect her
00:41:02and won't let her
00:41:03be forced to drink the soup.
00:41:05This kind of thing
00:41:06won't happen again.
00:41:08It's time for dinner.
00:41:09Don't keep Mother waiting for too long.
00:41:23Where's Ting Lan?
00:41:24She has something to do.
00:41:25She left first.
00:41:28She can't stay.
00:41:29Meng Yitai.
00:41:30Please drink this bowl of contraceptive soup.
00:41:33Contraceptive soup?
00:41:34You said you wouldn't fight with me.
00:41:35We all know that bowl.
00:41:37You drink it.
00:41:41Su Ying.
00:41:42What are you waiting for?
00:41:43Serve the dishes.
00:41:53try this.
00:41:54Nanny Rong.
00:41:55Why didn't you
00:41:56arrange for the contraceptive soup?
00:41:57Ask someone to see
00:41:58if she's really pregnant.
00:42:04Please let me
00:42:05keep the baby.
00:42:07Before Yiyi gets married,
00:42:08I won't allow
00:42:09such a thing to happen.
00:42:10Don't worry.
00:42:11After the baby is born,
00:42:12I'll be with her
00:42:13and won't disturb
00:42:14Mr. Du and Miss Jiang.
00:42:16I really love Mr. Du.
00:42:17Please let me
00:42:18keep me and her baby.
00:42:19Since you said
00:42:20the baby is mine,
00:42:21Adjutant Liu,
00:42:22go get the doctor
00:42:23to check on Meng Yitai
00:42:24in person.
00:42:26No need, Mr. Du.
00:42:27The doctor has already diagnosed it.
00:42:29Why don't we
00:42:30ask the doctor
00:42:31to come again?
00:42:32Adjutant Liu,
00:42:33go get the doctor.
00:42:37Meng Yitai is really pregnant.
00:42:39It's been about a month.
00:42:44It should be the night
00:42:45when I was pregnant with Qingshi.
00:42:47Are you sure?
00:42:48Yes, Mr. Du.
00:42:49In that case,
00:42:50you can stay.
00:42:54Thank you, Mr. Du.
00:42:55Thank you, Madam.
00:42:57Forget it.
00:42:58Send the baby to Pang Zhi
00:42:59to keep it.
00:43:00Mr. Du hasn't touched me for a long time,
00:43:01so he suspects
00:43:02the baby is not his.
00:43:03No way.
00:43:04I have to tell him
00:43:05the identity of the baby.
00:43:07What are you doing here?
00:43:08Mr. Du,
00:43:09this is the night snack
00:43:10I made for you.
00:43:11Have a taste.
00:43:12Mr. Du,
00:43:13don't waste your energy.
00:43:14Smell my perfume.
00:43:17Get out.
00:43:18Mr. Du,
00:43:19what did I do wrong?
00:43:20Mr. Du.
00:43:21How dare you
00:43:22cheat on me?
00:43:36Mr. Du.
00:43:52It's him again.
00:43:58Handmade sand?
00:44:00It's fake.
00:44:05You said you weren't the one
00:44:06who was with Qiu Qian that night.
00:44:07Then how did you lose
00:44:08your handmade sand?
00:44:09Think it over before you answer.
00:44:11If you give your body to someone else,
00:44:13the Du Mansion has the right
00:44:14to punish you.
00:44:15Do you understand?
00:44:18It's me.
00:44:19I was with Mr. Du that day.
00:44:20It's me.
00:44:21Why didn't you admit it before?
00:44:23And let Meng Ying replace you.
00:44:26Is it because of Ting Lan?
00:44:28Because she asked you to hide her,
00:44:29so you didn't dare to follow me.
00:44:34how can you like me?
00:44:35If you can't control your heart,
00:44:37I'll feed your heart
00:44:38to the dog myself.
00:44:50Yan Jiulian,
00:44:52I wish I could give you up.
00:44:55How could I like you?
00:44:59Mr. Du,
00:45:00the masked man in the library
00:45:01last night
00:45:02was instructed by Meng Yitai.
00:45:04He's very capable.
00:45:07I'm going to interrogate him in person.
00:45:22Mr. Du,
00:45:23here's a will.
00:45:26This is Meng Ying's will.
00:45:27The child is the masked man
00:45:28in the library.
00:45:29Why does it feel wrong?
00:45:36Meng Ying was strangled to death
00:45:37and then hanged in disguise.
00:45:39How could it be?
00:45:43This matter was investigated in secret.
00:45:45So how's the identity investigation going?
00:45:46We've done a lot of research.
00:45:48We only found out that
00:45:49Miss Su used to be a maid in the provincial government.
00:45:51After the provincial government fell,
00:45:52she was sold to the Military Government.
00:45:54As for the identity of Miss Su
00:45:55before she joined the provincial government,
00:45:56it's a blank slate.
00:45:57It's like she was deliberately erased.
00:45:59What do you mean?
00:46:00I mean
00:46:01the identity of Miss Su
00:46:02was deliberately erased.
00:46:04The provincial government?
00:46:06Keep investigating.
00:46:20Everything went according to plan.
00:46:22But why am I not happy?
00:46:26tell me why.
00:46:30Meng Ying...
00:46:32Committed suicide.
00:46:34How could she commit suicide?
00:46:36Meng Ying confessed her crime
00:46:37before she died.
00:46:45Oh my god!
00:46:46What kind of low-ranking official
00:46:48did he take our provincial government
00:46:50Where's the housekeeper?
00:46:51How did you guard the house
00:46:53when such a big thing happened?
00:46:57I deserve to die.
00:46:58I deserve to die.
00:46:59I didn't expect
00:47:00Meng Ying
00:47:01to be so bold
00:47:02to deceive all of us.
00:47:04Who is so blind?
00:47:06Go and answer the phone.
00:47:15good news.
00:47:16Third Young Master and Miss Jiang
00:47:17have returned to the country.
00:47:20Jiulian used to spoil you.
00:47:21I always keep an eye on you.
00:47:23But Yiyi came back today.
00:47:25What should you do?
00:47:26Don't need me to teach you?
00:47:28Don't worry, Madam.
00:47:29I will keep a distance from Dujun.
00:47:31I won't disturb him and Miss Jiang.
00:47:40You're back.
00:47:41This is Yan Jiuling's fiancée.
00:47:43They are a perfect match.
00:47:45Why should I care
00:47:46if he will be with
00:47:47other women?
00:47:48It's been two years.
00:47:49Yiyi is getting more and more beautiful.
00:47:51How are you doing abroad?
00:47:53I'm your biological daughter.
00:47:54Why don't you care about me?
00:47:56You still know to come back.
00:47:58Yiyi is my future daughter-in-law.
00:48:00She is more precious than you.
00:48:03go get the pattern I treasure.
00:48:06you can stay in the house
00:48:07and choose the pattern for your aunt.
00:48:11She is so generous.
00:48:12She doesn't care about me at all.
00:48:15let's not meddle in women's affairs.
00:48:17Let's go to your place for a drink.
00:48:19go get a bottle of wine
00:48:20and send it to my bedroom.
00:48:21Yes, Dujun.
00:48:23does she serve Jiuling?
00:48:25She is a servant maid.
00:48:29Why don't you say anything today?
00:48:32the bed is ready.
00:48:33If there's nothing else,
00:48:34I'll go down first.
00:48:35What's going on?
00:48:36Are you hiding from me?
00:48:39Then come and change my clothes.
00:48:41If you do this,
00:48:42Miss Jiang will see...
00:48:43Brother Jiuling.
00:48:48What's going on?
00:48:49Why don't you knock the door?
00:48:50I forgot.
00:48:51Brother Jiuling,
00:48:52this is the milk tea I made myself.
00:48:53It's very popular abroad.
00:48:54Have a try.
00:48:56Not bad.
00:48:57If you like it,
00:48:58I'll make it for you every day.
00:49:03It's getting late.
00:49:04You must be tired.
00:49:05Go back and rest early.
00:49:07Good night, Brother Jiuling.
00:49:11What's that sound?
00:49:13It's just a wild cat.
00:49:14What if it hurts you?
00:49:15Wild cat claws are poisonous.
00:49:16I'll go to the servants to...
00:49:17No need.
00:49:18It's just a wild cat.
00:49:19It's not dangerous.
00:49:20It's just a wild cat.
00:49:21It's not dangerous.
00:49:22It's just a wild cat.
00:49:23It's not dangerous.
00:49:24It's just a wild cat.
00:49:25I can take care of it myself.
00:49:30I didn't expect Suying and Brother Jiuling
00:49:31to be so close.
00:49:32This bitch is so low-ranked.
00:49:34She even cooperated with me.
00:49:41I didn't expect Suying
00:49:42to seduce Brother Jiuling.
00:49:43Sister Yiyi,
00:49:44why are you crying?
00:49:46It's okay.
00:49:47What's the matter?
00:49:48The butler said
00:49:49Suying used shameless means
00:49:50to be Brother Jiuling's roommate.
00:49:52Sister Yiyi,
00:49:53don't be sad.
00:49:54I'll help you kick that bitch
00:49:55out of the Du Mansion.
00:49:58Forget it.
00:49:59Don't make Brother Jiuling unhappy.
00:50:00Don't worry.
00:50:01It's just a roommate.
00:50:03My brother won't do anything to me.
00:50:10It's beautiful.
00:50:11Miss Yiyi is like a doll.
00:50:14you came at the right time.
00:50:15There is a new park in the suburbs.
00:50:16It's very beautiful.
00:50:17It's also wild.
00:50:18Let's relax together.
00:50:21By the way,
00:50:22take your little roommate with you.
00:50:25Brother Jiuling,
00:50:26girls are so noisy now.
00:50:28It's so pitiful
00:50:29that Yingying is locked at home every day.
00:50:32Adjutant Liu,
00:50:33go get someone here.
00:50:40Open three rooms.
00:50:41Suying and I will share one room.
00:50:42Brother Jiuling.
00:50:44Suying is my roommate.
00:50:46Isn't it proper?
00:50:54you go upstairs first.
00:50:58This waiter
00:50:59is a little different
00:51:01from the one I arranged.
00:51:09It's Brother Changqing.
00:51:21you've suffered.
00:51:22You've suffered.
00:51:23I'll take you away from here, okay?
00:51:24We won't suffer this pain anymore.
00:51:26don't worry about me.
00:51:27I didn't expose myself in the Yan family.
00:51:29I've also found some clues.
00:51:32Yan Jiuling is too possessive about you.
00:51:34I'm afraid you'll fall in love with her.
00:51:36you know
00:51:37I must find out
00:51:38the real murderer who killed my parents
00:51:39and then
00:51:40personally kill him.
00:51:43I found out that Yan Jiuling
00:51:44is going to make a deal with Shanbengguo.
00:51:46I don't know if it's true or not.
00:51:47If you get any news from the governor's office,
00:51:49let me know secretly.
00:51:50I got it.
00:51:51We'll work together
00:51:52to find out the truth
00:51:53and avenge my parents.
00:51:56Hide yourself.
00:51:57I'll come back for you.
00:52:01who are you meeting?
00:52:05am I right?
00:52:06She's really suspicious.
00:52:08Let's get rid of her.
00:52:21You go out first.
00:52:26Say it.
00:52:27Who are you meeting?
00:52:28No one.
00:52:29I wanted to take this opportunity
00:52:30to escape.
00:52:31Yan Jiuling,
00:52:32you took my body.
00:52:33I won't let you go even if I die.
00:52:35I can't let her
00:52:36find Brother Changqing.
00:52:41what's wrong with you?
00:52:42You ask me.
00:52:43I just want to
00:52:44have a meal in the governor's office.
00:52:45But you forced me to be your roommate.
00:52:47You sent me to be tortured by Meng Yin.
00:52:49When you forced me,
00:52:50you asked me if I wanted to.
00:52:52I hate you.
00:52:53I wish I could kill you now.
00:52:54Let go.
00:52:57Are you so unwilling
00:52:58to be my woman?
00:53:00I don't want to.
00:53:01I don't want to at all.
00:53:02You still think about Ting Lan.
00:53:03Are you crazy?
00:53:04How can you contact Yan Ting Lan?
00:53:06You'd better die.
00:53:09you are my woman.
00:53:11is my ghost.
00:53:19Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:53:49Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:54:19Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:54:49Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:55:21I order you to live on.
00:55:22Live on.
00:55:23How is Suyin?
00:55:27Dr. Yan,
00:55:28if you are here,
00:55:29it's okay.
00:55:30I'll leave it to you.
00:55:31It's hard to cure.
00:55:32What did you say?
00:55:35I mean
00:55:36it's hard to cure a brain injury.
00:55:37There may be sequelae.
00:55:39What sequelae?
00:55:40Amnesia, blindness,
00:55:42and even death.
00:55:44we have to wait for her to wake up.
00:55:50This is the medicine from the Imperial Household Department.
00:55:51I fed her at eight o'clock at night.
00:55:53I'm in the next room.
00:55:54Call me if you need anything.
00:55:57I didn't expect
00:55:58you to take such good care of Suyin.
00:56:02I shouldn't have thought that.
00:56:04But is it too late
00:56:05for Ting Lan to come?
00:56:09Who did it?
00:56:10It's Yan Tianyi and Jiang Yiyi.
00:56:11They want to kill Miss Su
00:56:13and frame the Qin Gang.
00:56:16do you want me
00:56:17to kill them?
00:56:19It's too easy for them.
00:56:20I'll make all the people who hurt Ah Zhi
00:56:24Give this matter to Yan Jiuling.
00:56:25I want to see
00:56:26how she deals with those two things.
00:56:35Du Jin,
00:56:36someone saw it.
00:56:37It should be Suyin
00:56:38that San Shao and the others set up.
00:56:48Who are you?
00:56:49Why are you in my room?
00:56:50Why did you kiss me?
00:56:51What's wrong?
00:56:52Aren't you jealous?
00:56:54We know each other.
00:56:55Adjutant Liu,
00:56:56ask Ting Lan to come here.
00:57:00Check her immediately.
00:57:01She doesn't seem to know me.
00:57:09It should be a concussion.
00:57:10She has lost her memory.
00:57:11She can't remember anything.
00:57:12She can't remember anything.
00:57:13She can't remember anything.
00:57:14She can't remember anything.
00:57:15She can't remember anything.
00:57:16She has a concussion
00:57:17and lost her memory.
00:57:18Lost her memory?
00:57:19Can she recover?
00:57:20How long can she remember?
00:57:21It's hard to say.
00:57:22She may be stimulated
00:57:23and remember everything at once.
00:57:25Or maybe
00:57:26she can't remember anything.
00:57:27I see.
00:57:28Get out.
00:57:29It's good that she's fine.
00:57:30As for the memory loss,
00:57:31it may be better.
00:57:42Have you seen enough?
00:57:43You are so weird.
00:57:44Why are you so fierce?
00:57:45He's good-looking.
00:57:46I like him.
00:57:47Why can't I like him?
00:57:48I'm your man.
00:57:50You can only look at me.
00:57:51You can't look at others.
00:57:53I don't know you at all.
00:57:54What evidence do you have
00:57:55to prove that you are my man?
00:57:56If you want evidence,
00:57:57I'll give you evidence.
00:58:04I'm the daughter of the governor.
00:58:05How dare you stop me?
00:58:06Sorry, Miss Jiang.
00:58:07The governor has an order.
00:58:14Sit still.
00:58:15Don't try to escape.
00:58:16You can't escape.
00:58:17You are leaning on me.
00:58:19How can I escape?
00:58:28Do you want to escape?
00:58:30I just want to go to the bathroom.
00:58:31I'll go with you.
00:58:33Hey, Yan Jiuling.
00:58:35Don't go too far.
00:58:36If you dare to go against me again,
00:58:37I'll go even further.
00:58:38You are crazy.
00:58:39You are a man.
00:58:40You can't say I'm a man.
00:58:41I'm not a beast.
00:58:43This woman
00:58:44has changed after she lost her memory.
00:58:47she has always been like this.
00:58:48She's just pretending.
00:58:53Are you going back to the governor's mansion or...
00:58:54To Shangyi Street.
00:58:55Brother Jiuling.
00:58:56I don't feel well.
00:58:57Can you send me back first?
00:58:59I have something to do.
00:59:00You can call a taxi yourself.
00:59:01Taxi driver.
00:59:02Let's go.
00:59:03You bitch.
00:59:04Wait and see.
00:59:07YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:59:37You don't want to apply blood ointment for me, do you?
00:59:41I didn't touch you.
00:59:43Why are you shy?
00:59:55What's wrong?
00:59:56Are you hungry?
00:59:58Let's go.
00:59:59Let's eat something.
01:00:08I don't know how to use my left hand.
01:00:10Can you do me a favor?
01:00:11Help me untie it.
01:00:13I'm starving.
01:00:14Don't run.
01:00:27I didn't expect
01:00:28she has such a cute side.
01:00:32I haven't laughed so happily for a long time.
01:00:34Did I do it right?
01:00:36The Shen family wants to kill me.
01:00:38Shen Nanzhi is just a tool
01:00:39for me to bring down the Yan family.
01:00:41Get ready.
01:00:42Prepare a big gift
01:00:43for Yan Jiuling
01:00:44in Nanwan tomorrow night.
01:00:46Yes, Governor.
01:00:53She doesn't know how to behave.
01:00:54Don't you know how to behave?
01:00:57What do you mean by that?
01:00:58You brought this bitch
01:00:59by your side
01:01:00but left your fiancée
01:01:01by your side.
01:01:02If this matter
01:01:03is spread to the Governor's Mansion,
01:01:04how can you
01:01:05make him feel ashamed?
01:01:06I've never admitted
01:01:07Jiang Yanyi is my fiancée.
01:01:10You're going to piss me off, aren't you?
01:01:12The Yan family can only stabilize
01:01:13your position
01:01:14by marrying the Governor's Mansion.
01:01:16I can sit in this position
01:01:17because of
01:01:18the bloodshed
01:01:19between me and my brothers,
01:01:20not because of
01:01:21the Governor's Mansion
01:01:22but because of a woman.
01:01:26It's getting late.
01:01:27I'm leaving.
01:01:32For you,
01:01:33I turned down all the pursuers.
01:01:34But you never
01:01:35admitted my identity.
01:01:36How can I
01:01:37be inferior to that bitch?
01:01:38She has a pretty face.
01:01:40How can she be inferior to me?
01:01:43As long as Suying's face is destroyed,
01:01:45Jiuling will never
01:01:46look at her again.
01:01:51It's okay.
01:01:52Just say it.
01:01:53The South Bay Warehouse suddenly caught fire.
01:01:54Half of the weapons used
01:01:55for trading were destroyed.
01:01:57Did you catch the arsonist?
01:01:58He ran away.
01:01:59A bunch of losers.
01:02:01Get ready to retreat.
01:02:02Get out of the city.
01:02:07Yan Jiuling seems to be going out for a long time.
01:02:09I may have a chance to escape.
01:02:32Let's go.
01:02:41Before Brother left,
01:02:42he asked me to check you up.
01:02:47Yan Jiuling says I'm his woman.
01:02:49But why
01:02:50when I'm with Yan Jiuling,
01:02:52I'm always resistant to her?
01:02:54But when I see Yan Tinglan,
01:02:56I feel familiar.
01:02:57We've known each other for a long time, haven't we?
01:03:03Then what's our relationship?
01:03:11What are you doing?
01:03:12What a girl!
01:03:14You seduced my second brother as soon as he left.
01:03:16You misunderstood.
01:03:17What did I misunderstand?
01:03:18I saw it with my own eyes.
01:03:19If I don't kick him out of the capital today,
01:03:21I will...
01:03:23Second brother, get out of the way.
01:03:26I told you.
01:03:27You misunderstood.
01:03:28How dare you threaten me?
01:03:30How dare you threaten me
01:03:31for such a girl with the surname of Yang?
01:03:33Don't be mad at me.
01:03:35I'll leave by myself now.
01:03:38Yan Jiuling,
01:03:39your brother asked me to leave.
01:03:41It's not my fault.
01:03:58Where are you going?
01:03:59Third young master asked me to leave.
01:04:00I'm leaving now.
01:04:02After Suyin broke her head,
01:04:03she's like a different person.
01:04:05She doesn't take you seriously anymore.
01:04:07Aunt, she's just a maid.
01:04:09She's so arrogant
01:04:10because Jiuling likes her.
01:04:12Nanny Rong,
01:04:13go get her back.
01:04:19Let me go.
01:04:20I didn't do anything.
01:04:23This slap
01:04:24is disrespectful to me.
01:04:26Who told you to touch my people?
01:04:28Why did Jiuling come back so soon?
01:04:30Jiuling, let me explain.
01:04:31It's not like what you saw.
01:04:32She was disrespectful to me first.
01:04:33If you want to be my wife,
01:04:34go back to your mansion.
01:04:35It's not your turn
01:04:36to meddle in the affairs of the capital.
01:04:40for such a bitch
01:04:41with the surname of Yang,
01:04:42you treat your fiancée like this.
01:04:43Do you know what she did
01:04:44after you left?
01:04:45She seduced second brother
01:04:46and got intimate with him.
01:04:49Second young master just came
01:04:50to check my wound.
01:04:51To check the wound,
01:04:52do you need to report it?
01:04:53Do you need to talk back?
01:04:54Enough, Tianyi.
01:04:55I know you hate Su Ying
01:04:56because of Miss Jiang.
01:04:57But you shouldn't slander her.
01:04:58Who am I?
01:04:59Who is she?
01:05:00Don't you know that?
01:05:03Adjutant Liu,
01:05:04send Miss Jiang back to the capital
01:05:06to pack up her things.
01:05:10what do you mean?
01:05:12Without my permission,
01:05:13no one can send Yi Yi away.
01:05:14I only allow Yi Yi
01:05:15to have one daughter-in-law.
01:05:16Miss Jiang is the daughter-in-law
01:05:17of the capital.
01:05:18Living in the capital
01:05:21will damage her reputation.
01:05:28Brother Jiuling,
01:05:29are you really going to
01:05:30treat me like this for this bitch?
01:05:32Why are you staring at me?
01:05:33I never want to
01:05:34fight with you for a man.
01:05:35How about I leave?
01:05:37Where are you going?
01:05:38From now on,
01:05:39you are my adopted daughter-in-law.
01:05:41After a while,
01:05:42you will be my wife.
01:05:44You can't go anywhere.
01:05:45Brother Jiuling,
01:05:46you are lying to me, right?
01:05:47Do you think I will marry you
01:05:48because of the capital?
01:05:49Jiang Yiyi,
01:05:50you know that
01:05:51I have no feelings
01:05:52for you at all.
01:05:54The person I want to marry
01:05:56will only be her.
01:05:57Yan Jiuling,
01:05:58do you really want to be so heartless?
01:06:00My father is the capital of Qingcheng.
01:06:02Wait and see.
01:06:10Bear with it.
01:06:11It will be fine soon.
01:06:12Thank you for
01:06:13saving me just now.
01:06:14Do you really
01:06:15not remember the past?
01:06:17Why don't you tell me
01:06:20what kind of person I was
01:06:21in the past
01:06:22and what kind of situation
01:06:23I was in the capital?
01:06:26I don't remember the past,
01:06:28I feel that
01:06:29in the capital,
01:06:30except for you,
01:06:32no one seems to like me.
01:06:34Was I really
01:06:35your roommate in the past?
01:06:39You used to be
01:06:42and passionate about painting.
01:06:43It was as if
01:06:44everything in the world
01:06:45was alive.
01:06:47In the past,
01:06:48I just suspected that
01:06:49Suying and Tianlan knew each other.
01:06:50Now it seems that
01:06:51Tianlan and Suying not only know each other,
01:06:53but their relationship
01:06:54is more intimate
01:06:55than I thought.
01:06:56No wonder she wanted to kill me.
01:06:59If you really want to leave the Yan family,
01:07:01I can help you.
01:07:02I can let you
01:07:03live a peaceful and happy life.
01:07:07Did we really
01:07:08just know each other
01:07:09simply in the past?
01:07:10If so,
01:07:11will your promise
01:07:12be a little too heavy?
01:07:13I am...
01:07:16Is the wound serious?
01:07:18The wound is not deep.
01:07:19There should be no scars.
01:07:21This is the ointment to remove scars.
01:07:23Remember to apply it once a day.
01:07:28Jiang Yiyi is arrogant and capricious.
01:07:29You embarrassed her in public today.
01:07:31She won't let us go easily.
01:07:33As for mother and Tianyi,
01:07:34if you can't protect Suying,
01:07:36just let her leave the capital.
01:07:38you have gone too far.
01:07:39I don't care
01:07:40what kind of relationship
01:07:41you had with Suying in the past.
01:07:42Now she is my woman.
01:07:43I will deal with her.
01:07:45Then I hope you can handle it well.
01:07:49I can explain what happened just now.
01:07:52Say it.
01:07:53What did Tianyi say?
01:07:55Just now,
01:07:56you and Adjutant Liu just left.
01:07:58Second Young Master carried the medicine box
01:07:59to check my wound.
01:08:01I just turned around and wanted to ask him
01:08:02how my wound was.
01:08:04As a result, he suddenly raised his head.
01:08:06Then the two of us...
01:08:11No, no.
01:08:12Just a little bit.
01:08:14What I said is true.
01:08:15Do you believe it?
01:08:17Since I met her,
01:08:18she has never been so naive.
01:08:20Which one is the real her?
01:08:22Stay away from Tianlan in the future.
01:08:27Does it hurt?
01:08:28Of course it hurts.
01:08:30Your fiancée
01:08:31is really vicious.
01:08:32I almost ruined my face.
01:08:34When she hit you,
01:08:35didn't you know to avoid it?
01:08:37I was injured on my head at that time.
01:08:39How could I have the strength to escape?
01:08:42I won't do it again.
01:08:43Are you going to let me go?
01:08:45No way.
01:08:46I still have work to do.
01:08:48Stay here and heal yourself.
01:08:49Don't run around.
01:09:02I'm so familiar with this handwriting.
01:09:04Have I seen it before?
01:09:13Who offended my dear daughter again?
01:09:16Brother Jiuling said he would break off the engagement
01:09:18because of a maid.
01:09:21He is tired of living because of her.
01:09:26But I think this marriage
01:09:28should be broken off first.
01:09:32Daddy found you
01:09:34a better match.
01:09:37Is he better than Brother Jiuling?
01:09:39Of course.
01:09:40Of course.
01:09:41It's Shen Changqing.
01:09:45He is not an ordinary man.
01:09:47He has more than half of the city's strength.
01:09:49Jiayishi and Yan Jiuling
01:09:51are no match for him.
01:09:52He used a golden cicada to escape
01:09:54and took away a large number of Yan's troops.
01:09:58Chief Shen has been waiting in the study for a long time.
01:10:00I see.
01:10:02You go to pack up first.
01:10:04I'll take you to see him later.
01:10:07Chief Shen.
01:10:09You got caught by the key.
01:10:11It's Yan Jiuling.
01:10:13She wants to break off the engagement
01:10:15with my daughter
01:10:16for a low-rank maid.
01:10:17Chief Shen warned her every time.
01:10:19But Yan Jiuling rewarded you in this way.
01:10:21She is really ungrateful.
01:10:23I really can't stand the temper.
01:10:25Yan Jiuling has been too arrogant recently.
01:10:27She needs to be taught a lesson.
01:10:29I'm willing to serve you.
01:10:32I need your little help,
01:10:34Chief Shen.
01:10:35I'll help you out.
01:10:37Of course.
01:10:39Yi Yi, let me introduce you.
01:10:41This is my precious daughter, Jiang Yi Yi.
01:10:44This is Qing Yin.
01:10:45You young people should get to know each other.
01:10:48I don't think I've seen Shen Chang Qing before.
01:10:51Why do I feel like I'm familiar with her?
01:10:56Madam asked me to bring you the chicken soup.
01:11:01You've been busy all day.
01:11:03It's not important.
01:11:04I'll cut the chicken for you.
01:11:08First come, first served.
01:11:09Your Excellency, there's news from the Governor.
01:11:11It's a big deal.
01:11:12He wants you to take people to the Nanwan Warehouse.
01:11:20I received the news.
01:11:21Shan Ben Guo is dissatisfied with the arms trade.
01:11:24There's a problem.
01:11:25So he's going to hold a banquet for the Nanwan Warehouse.
01:11:28Whether this news is true or not,
01:11:30your task tonight is to guard the Nanwan Warehouse.
01:11:34Let's go.
01:11:51You may begin.
01:12:04Second Brother.
01:12:05There's a thief in the manor.
01:12:06Send someone to inform Eldest Brother.
01:12:07I'll go see how Mother is doing.
01:12:09Don't worry.
01:12:11Second Brother, you...
01:12:14Who's your Second Brother?
01:12:15But since you called me that,
01:12:17I'll send you to see her.
01:12:18Remember to wait for your mother.
01:12:20She'll see you soon.
01:12:25Remember to prepare a surprise for Yan Jiu Lin.
01:12:29Remember to prepare a surprise for Yan Jiu Lin.
01:13:00Yan Jiu Lin
01:13:15No matter what you hear in the future,
01:13:17do not come out of that room.
01:13:24Mom, get me out of here.
01:13:25Aunt, you have to live on.
01:13:33Dad, Mom.
01:13:35Don't leave me.
01:13:40What was that?
01:13:42Is that my memory?
01:13:49I found you.
01:13:54Come on.
01:13:56Are you hurt?
01:13:58Let's go. I'll take you away.
01:14:05Why is this scene so familiar?
01:14:23YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:14:53YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:15:24Go to hell.
01:15:25Watch out.
01:15:33Sun Yun.
01:15:54YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:01You haven't recovered yet.
01:16:02Why did you come out?
01:16:04It's too stuffy in there.
01:16:05I came out to get some air.
01:16:07Su Yun, I want to ask you.
01:16:08Why did you shield me?
01:16:10You think why?
01:16:11That's why.
01:16:13I want you to tell me in person.
01:16:14Su Yun.
01:16:15You are the first woman
01:16:16who moves my heart in my life.
01:16:17You are my only lover.
01:16:19I want you to say it in person.
01:16:21Say you love me.
01:16:23Although I don't have the previous memory.
01:16:25But I know
01:16:27I like you.
01:16:28I'm willing to shield you.
01:16:36How could Ah Zhi fall in love with Yan Jiulin?
01:16:38How could it be?
01:16:40I have to find a way
01:16:41to get her memory back as soon as possible.
01:16:43YoYo English Channel YouTube
01:16:46Mr. Du.
01:16:47It's clear.
01:16:48Those people have something to do with the gang.
01:16:49And the governor held you up that night.
01:16:51It's also the gang.
01:16:53I think the governor
01:16:54might have turned to the gang.
01:16:55Jiang Qisheng, the old fox.
01:16:57He finally showed his tail.
01:16:59No one can escape
01:17:00from the gang
01:17:01or the Jiang family
01:17:02who hurt my Yan family.
01:17:04Mr. Du.
01:17:05This is the information of Miss Su.
01:17:07Everything we can find is here.
01:17:12They really know each other.
01:17:14Mr. Du.
01:17:15Look at the back of the photo.
01:17:18Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:19Su Ying.
01:17:21Su Ying.
01:17:22Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:52Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:53Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:54Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:55Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:56Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:57Shen Nanzhi.
01:17:58Shen Nanzhi was injured in the fire
01:17:59and couldn't move.
01:18:00No wonder she had
01:18:01a butterfly tattoo.
01:18:03Su Ying was the girl.
01:18:06Who is it?
01:18:08Don't be afraid.
01:18:09It's me.
01:18:11Du Jun.
01:18:12Why are you here?
01:18:15Can't I come in?
01:18:16Turn around first.
01:18:18Does it still hurt?
01:18:19I'm fine.
01:18:20I'm fine.
01:18:21I don't know how I got this scar.
01:18:23It doesn't hurt anymore.
01:18:24But the other side hurts more.
01:18:38Coach Yuan, don't...
01:18:42Do you remember anything?
01:18:44Do you believe I'm your man now?
01:18:46We used to be so intimate.
01:18:48Stop it. I'm sleepy.
01:18:51I should be happy now.
01:18:53But why do I feel uncomfortable all of a sudden?
01:19:03Yuan Jiuling, put on your clothes.
01:19:06How many times have you seen me?
01:19:07Are you still shy?
01:19:10Where's my clothes?
01:19:11I threw it away.
01:19:12You threw my clothes away.
01:19:13What should I wear?
01:19:19Madam, let's put on the makeup for you.
01:19:21I haven't agreed to marry you yet.
01:19:22Don't call me madam.
01:19:23Just call me Suying.
01:19:25It seems that I have to prepare a grand wedding for you.
01:19:28This dress is quite familiar.
01:19:30But I used to be the servant of the Du Mansion.
01:19:33How could I wear this?
01:19:39Why don't you speak?
01:19:41Is it ugly?
01:19:42No, it's beautiful.
01:19:44Let's go to eat.
01:19:49Miss, Mr. Qing's car is here.
01:19:53I have something to do today.
01:19:55So I won't accompany you.
01:19:56You can hang out with Mr. Qing later.
01:19:58You two young people can get along well.
01:20:00You don't have to go home at night.
01:20:03Daddy, is Mr. Qing so good?
01:20:06Daddy admires him so much.
01:20:08I haven't seen you treat Jiuling like this before.
01:20:10Silly girl, you'll know it later.
01:20:13Go ahead. Don't make others worry.
01:20:19Come in.
01:20:21Chief, Qianqian from the Du Mansion is here.
01:20:23I haven't been back for two days.
01:20:25How is the situation in the Du Mansion?
01:20:26Yan Jiuling didn't continue to investigate the attack of her family.
01:20:28She has been staying in the Du Mansion these two days
01:20:30and has been with Miss.
01:20:32But her people have been staring at the Du Mansion these two days.
01:20:37How to restore Zhi's memory?
01:20:40Find a chance to bring this photo to her.
01:20:42Tell Nanzhi that there is everything she wants to know in Xiangwanlu Café.
01:20:45Ask her to find a way to come out and see me.
01:20:57Miss Su, someone asked me to give you this photo.
01:20:59He also asked me to bring a message.
01:21:01He said if you want to know everything,
01:21:02go to No.18 Café in Xiangwanlu.
01:21:04The people in this photo are so familiar.
01:21:09Are they my family?
01:21:13What are you doing?
01:21:14What are you doing?
01:21:18Dujun, are you done?
01:21:21Dujun, are you free tomorrow?
01:21:23What's wrong?
01:21:24Didn't you ask me what I was thinking about?
01:21:26I was thinking about the wonton we ate in Xiangwanlu that day.
01:21:31Go to bed early tonight.
01:21:32I'll take you there tomorrow.
01:21:33Thank you, Dujun.
01:21:43I'm full.
01:21:44I want to walk around.
01:21:46Let's sit here first.
01:21:47I heard that girls like to drink coffee now.
01:21:57Wait for me here.
01:21:58I'll talk to the boss.
01:22:02Two cups of coffee, please.
01:22:06Mr. Qi, I want to sit there.
01:22:09This person seems to be in the photo.
01:22:12How does he know Jiang Yiyi?
01:22:14The relationship seems to be very intimate.
01:22:23Who do I think it is?
01:22:25It turned out to be a low-key maid of the Dujun Mansion.
01:22:29You don't look in the mirror
01:22:30to see what kind of person you are.
01:22:32How dare you come out and embarrass me?
01:22:35Don't sit here.
01:22:40Did you go out to wash your mouth?
01:22:41If it's so dirty, just open your mouth.
01:22:43Has your education been eaten by a dog?
01:22:45Qingyan, look at him.
01:22:47Miss Jiang.
01:22:48I don't think we are suitable.
01:22:50Qingyan, you are helping this bitch.
01:22:52Miss Jiang.
01:22:53I didn't expect your behavior to be so rude.
01:22:56Standing with you
01:22:57I think my hands are dirty.
01:23:02Don't you know how to explain?
01:23:03I'm sorry.
01:23:04I just startled you.
01:23:06Qingyan, you...
01:23:07You bitch.
01:23:08Why are you fighting with me?
01:23:09I'll fight with you.
01:23:14Are you all right?
01:23:15I'll take you to the hospital.
01:23:16Chief Qin.
01:23:17My wife
01:23:18won't bother you anymore.
01:23:20Adjutant Liu.
01:23:21Take Jiang Yiyi back to the Dujun Mansion.
01:23:28Jiang Yiyi, this idiot.
01:23:30He ruined my plan.
01:23:33Ah Zhi has a head injury.
01:23:34He needs immediate treatment.
01:23:35I have to go back to the Dujun Mansion
01:23:37and replace him with Yan Tinglan.
01:23:42Ah Zhi.
01:23:43Ah Zhi.
01:23:44How could you fall in love with Yan Jiuling?
01:23:46How could you fall in love with your enemy?
01:23:48Ah Zhi, why?
01:23:51I'm such a brother.
01:23:52You're finally awake.
01:23:53Are you feeling unwell?
01:23:54Did you remember anything?
01:23:56I just...
01:23:57My wound hurts a little.
01:23:59I forgot my deep grudge.
01:24:01I even got involved with Yan Jiuling.
01:24:03I voluntarily became her woman.
01:24:04Brother must be very disappointed.
01:24:06I'll get you some painkillers.
01:24:07Don't touch water these days.
01:24:09Let's talk after you recover.
01:24:18Did Ah Zhi remember something?
01:24:23What's wrong?
01:24:25I want to drink
01:24:26the coffee I didn't drink today.
01:24:28I'll send it to you.
01:24:29No need.
01:24:30I want to drink it myself.
01:24:32Your wound needs rest.
01:24:33You shouldn't walk around.
01:24:34Stay in the Dujun Mansion these days.
01:24:37Don't go anywhere.
01:24:38Did Yan Jiuling find out anything?
01:24:40Is she trying to trap me?
01:24:41How can I get in touch with my brother?
01:24:47I've found out.
01:24:48The day Miss Su was in trouble,
01:24:49the one who showed up with Aunt Jiang
01:24:51in the coffee shop
01:24:52was your enemy.
01:24:53His name is
01:24:54Shen Changqing.
01:24:56Shen Changqing?
01:25:04Tell Ah Zhi
01:25:06not to take revenge.
01:25:08Don't blame his brother.
01:25:10Ah Zhi.
01:25:17Did Aunt Jiang tell you?
01:25:19She doesn't seem to know
01:25:20Shen Changqing's real identity.
01:25:21She came to the Governor's Office
01:25:22and asked for him several times.
01:25:23She said
01:25:24if she didn't let him go back,
01:25:26it would be a waste of time.
01:25:28Jiang Qisheng is an old man.
01:25:30His good days
01:25:31are coming to an end.
01:25:35The Dujun Mansion won't let him go.
01:25:37You ungrateful bastard.
01:25:40I can help you
01:25:41solve this problem.
01:25:43I also need your help.
01:25:47This man is more dangerous
01:25:48than I thought.
01:25:49Last time I thought
01:25:50he just wanted to teach a lesson.
01:25:51But I didn't expect
01:25:52he was going to destroy the family.
01:25:57After all, Yan Jiuling
01:25:58is an unstable factor.
01:26:00Shan Benguo has agreed
01:26:02that as long as the weapons are supplied in time,
01:26:04they are willing to pay ten times the price.
01:26:06And Yan Jiuling
01:26:07has a cooperation with them first.
01:26:09Why don't we use this name?
01:26:11We can get the money
01:26:13and get rid of
01:26:14this unstable factor.
01:26:18I can promise you this.
01:26:20You know
01:26:21what I'm most worried about
01:26:22is Yiyi's stay.
01:26:23As long as you agree to marry Yiyi,
01:26:25you can do whatever you want.
01:26:29I look forward to working with you.
01:26:35I want to go out for a walk.
01:26:38You haven't recovered yet.
01:26:39When you recover,
01:26:40I'll take you to
01:26:41all the shops in Qingcheng.
01:26:43All right.
01:26:44Just rest at home.
01:26:47Mr. Du.
01:26:49Mr. Du.
01:26:50Mr. Du.
01:26:51Mr. Du.
01:26:52Mr. Du.
01:26:54Have a good rest.
01:26:55I'm going to deal with something.
01:26:57I won't be back tonight.
01:27:11Mr. Du, you have suffered for many days.
01:27:14Brother, I'm sorry.
01:27:16I had feelings for Yan Jiuling
01:27:19I'm sorry.
01:27:20Ah Zhi.
01:27:21You just went the wrong way.
01:27:22Just turn back.
01:27:24I have a plan now.
01:27:25I need you to help me
01:27:26bring back something
01:27:27from the Commandery Prince's Mansion.
01:27:29What is it?
01:27:30The documents of Yan Jiuling
01:27:31cooperating with Shanben Kingdom.
01:27:33Yan Jiuling used the plant mutiny
01:27:34to trade weapons
01:27:35with Shanben Kingdom.
01:27:36As long as we get this document
01:27:37and make it public,
01:27:39people all over the world
01:27:40will envy her.
01:27:41At that time,
01:27:42we don't have to do it ourselves.
01:27:43Someone will
01:27:44destroy her whole family.
01:27:46Destroy her whole family?
01:27:48Isn't it too much?
01:27:50And brother,
01:27:51I have been with Yan Jiuling
01:27:52for a while.
01:27:53She is not that kind of rat.
01:27:55What did you say?
01:27:58Ah Zhi.
01:27:59Do you really
01:28:00fall in love with her?
01:28:01Do you know
01:28:02what you are doing now?
01:28:04Ah Zhi.
01:28:05I sent you to the Commandery Prince's Mansion
01:28:06to spy.
01:28:07I hope you can recognize your enemy
01:28:08and don't be soft-hearted.
01:28:10But now,
01:28:11you are helping your enemy
01:28:12to escape.
01:28:14Ah Zhi.
01:28:15If you really don't want to do it,
01:28:17I won't force you.
01:28:18I promised my parents
01:28:19to take good care of you.
01:28:21I will do my best
01:28:22to keep you safe.
01:28:24No, brother.
01:28:25I will do it.
01:28:26I won't be soft-hearted anymore.
01:28:30are the family forever.
01:28:43Yan Jiuling
01:28:48Yan Jiuling
01:29:01Isn't it
01:29:02a photo of me and Yan Tinglan?
01:29:04Why is it with Yan Jiuling?
01:29:06There is also information in this envelope.
01:29:08Yan Jiuling
01:29:09has already known who I am.
01:29:11After such a long time of testing and getting along,
01:29:13I'm like an idiot being played by Yan Jiuling in the palm of my hand.
01:29:16I even refuted my brother for her.
01:29:18Yan Jiuling, I hate you.
01:29:35Where's the official seal? Why is it gone?
01:29:37Did Yan Jiuling find out that my purpose was actually the official seal,
01:29:39so she moved it?
01:29:48Why is Ting Lan in my study?
01:29:50But Ting Lan has been acting strange lately.
01:29:53Adjutant Liu,
01:29:54investigate all the traces of Ting Lan after she returned to the country.
01:30:11What's this?
01:30:12These are all the things I got from Yan Jiuling's study.
01:30:15Yan Jiuling already knew my identity.
01:30:17These are the files she investigated on me.
01:30:19She has never been sincere to me.
01:30:21She just treated me like an idiot.
01:30:24I'm sorry, brother.
01:30:26I shouldn't have been soft-hearted.
01:30:30Don't be sad.
01:30:31Don't go back to the capital today.
01:30:34Stay here with me.
01:30:35Let me take good care of you.
01:30:40Thank you, brother.
01:30:43Su Ying?
01:30:44Why are you here?
01:30:47I'd like to ask you why you're here.
01:30:49I was invited here by Lord Qing.
01:30:54Lord Qing,
01:30:55please take care of Yiyi.
01:30:57Don't worry, Chief.
01:31:03Su Ying, you bitch!
01:31:05Are you here to seduce Lord Qing?
01:31:07I knew you were a slut!
01:31:12How dare you talk to me like that?
01:31:14How dare you talk to me like that?
01:31:17Look at your clothes.
01:31:18How dare you say I'm a slut?
01:31:21Lord Qing!
01:31:22How dare you hit me!
01:31:25Shen Chaoqing,
01:31:26how could you do this to me?
01:31:27Aren't you afraid I'll come after you?
01:31:29Miss Jiang,
01:31:30you should know
01:31:31this is the Qing Mansion,
01:31:32not the Governor's Office.
01:31:34And Miss Su is my guest.
01:31:36You can't insult her.
01:31:38If you really want to tell the Governor,
01:31:40just do it.
01:31:42escort Miss Jiang back to her room.
01:31:46Damn Su Ying!
01:31:48What kind of seducing soup
01:31:50did she give them?
01:31:51They're all helping her.
01:31:54the soup...
01:32:00Why is she here?
01:32:01I thought it was the last time I saw you
01:32:03in the cafe.
01:32:04I found out
01:32:05that the Shen family
01:32:06was killed by the Jiang family.
01:32:09I'm doing this
01:32:10to use the Yan family
01:32:11and the Jiang family
01:32:12to kill each other
01:32:13so that we can benefit from it.
01:32:15What are you going to do?
01:32:17I'm going to use the method
01:32:18I told you last time
01:32:19to deal with Yan Jiuling
01:32:20with Shanben Kingdom.
01:32:21I'm just going to
01:32:22add the Jiang family now.
01:32:23But if you do this,
01:32:24Shanben Kingdom
01:32:25will really get the weapon.
01:32:27According to the nature of Shanben Kingdom,
01:32:29the war will start right away.
01:32:31In this way,
01:32:32Yan Jiuling and the Jiang family
01:32:33will not only
01:32:34be defeated by the people of Qingcheng,
01:32:36but also be destroyed
01:32:37by the long river of history
01:32:38for tens of thousands of years.
01:32:41This is the best idea
01:32:42I've come up with
01:32:43among many methods.
01:32:44What do you think?
01:32:46we can adjust it again.
01:32:47I don't think so.
01:32:50we can change the plan.
01:32:53It's Yan Jiuling's fault.
01:32:55Yan Jiuling destroyed the Shen family.
01:32:57All we have to do
01:32:58is to kill Yan Jiuling.
01:33:00The people of Qingzhou
01:33:01are innocent.
01:33:02We shouldn't get involved
01:33:03in so many people
01:33:04for our own hatred.
01:33:06What do you want to do?
01:33:07This is the revenge
01:33:08of destroying the family.
01:33:09When Yan Jiuling destroyed
01:33:10the Shen family,
01:33:11why didn't she think about
01:33:12the innocent servants of the Shen family?
01:33:13That's not what I mean.
01:33:14I know what you mean.
01:33:15Don't you just fall in love with Yan Jiuling?
01:33:17You can't bear to hurt her.
01:33:18I didn't.
01:33:19Shut up.
01:33:22You and I are not very rational today.
01:33:24We'll talk about this tomorrow.
01:33:34I've lived with you for so many years.
01:33:36How can I not know you?
01:33:38You just can't bear
01:33:39to put Yan Jiuling
01:33:40on the shame pillar of history.
01:33:43But I have to do this.
01:33:45I shouldn't have talked
01:33:46to my brother like that just now.
01:33:48He's my only family.
01:33:50We should communicate better.
01:33:55Why can't I get it?
01:33:56Jiang Yiyi.
01:33:58What are you doing?
01:34:02Come on.
01:34:03Why did you light a match?
01:34:04This is not a match.
01:34:06Leave me alone.
01:34:07I... I'm Qingyan's fiancée.
01:34:09I can do anything.
01:34:10Leave me alone.
01:34:11I can't let Qingyan know about this.
01:34:27This is...
01:34:29Yan Tinglan.
01:34:32Shouldn't Yan Tinglan
01:34:33be at the Commandery Prince's Mansion now?
01:34:38These disguise tools...
01:34:53How come...
01:34:57It's you.
01:34:58You killed him, didn't you?
01:35:00He didn't do it, didn't he?
01:35:01During that time,
01:35:02he was still a military doctor in the front line.
01:35:04So what?
01:35:05He's a member of the Yan family.
01:35:06The Yan family wiped out the whole Shen family.
01:35:08I took revenge in the same way.
01:35:09What's wrong with that?
01:35:10But he's innocent.
01:35:15You're here again.
01:35:16All the members of the Yan family are innocent.
01:35:18Should all the members of the Shen family die?
01:35:21That's not what I mean.
01:35:22That's what you mean.
01:35:24You think I'm the murderer.
01:35:25You think I killed Yan Tinglan.
01:35:27Did I do something wrong?
01:35:28I'm taking revenge for the Shen family.
01:35:29I'm taking revenge for your parents.
01:35:37Think about it.
01:35:45Do you like the Yan family so much?
01:35:50I've checked it.
01:35:51The confession is true.
01:35:52Yan Jiuling didn't find out our plan.
01:35:54But she's already suspicious
01:35:55of Yan Tinglan's identity.
01:35:57It doesn't matter.
01:35:58The plan has been delayed for a long time.
01:36:03Open it.
01:36:04It's about time for the most important part of the plan.
01:36:06To show my sincerity,
01:36:08I brought 3,000 taels of gold
01:36:10to ask for another 1,000 taels.
01:36:13You're young and promising.
01:36:15I'm relieved to give it to you.
01:36:18I'm going to prepare
01:36:19a engagement banquet with Yiyi tomorrow.
01:36:21Chief Jiang, please come here tomorrow.
01:36:25I'll send Yan Jiuling
01:36:26an invitation.
01:36:31This is the invitation from the Jin Mansion.
01:36:33Miss Jiang Yiyi and Mr. Shen Changqing
01:36:34are engaged.
01:36:36What about Suyin?
01:36:37Do you have any clues about her?
01:36:38She should be in the Jin Mansion.
01:36:40You asked me to investigate
01:36:41the news of the second young master last time.
01:36:42I'm afraid the second young master has already...
01:36:46I see.
01:36:47Don't tell Madam about this.
01:36:49Go to the engagement banquet
01:36:50and prepare a big gift.
01:36:51I want to thank Shen Changqing
01:36:53for what he did to my brother.
01:36:54Yes, Your Excellency.
01:37:00I'm sorry, Zhi.
01:37:01I was biased before.
01:37:02I apologize to you.
01:37:03Can you forgive me?
01:37:04I've never blamed my brother.
01:37:06I only blame myself.
01:37:07I'll consider the people of the capital.
01:37:10tomorrow is the day
01:37:11I and Jiang Yiyi get engaged.
01:37:12Although it's just a plan,
01:37:13I also want to announce to everyone
01:37:15that you are my only sister.
01:37:16I'll ask the servants to prepare clothes for you.
01:37:38Miss Su,
01:37:39long time no see.
01:37:41I've heard so much about you.
01:37:42The Capital Army of Yan is really famous.
01:37:44Let me introduce.
01:37:45This is my sister, Shen Nanzhi.
01:37:47She is also the main character of this banquet.
01:37:50It seems that I have to call you Miss Shen.
01:37:54Brother Jiuling, thank you for coming to the engagement party of me and Qingye.
01:37:58I really appreciate it.
01:38:01Excuse me.
01:38:05This bitch, what's to be proud of?
01:38:12Chief, we have prepared the documents that cover Yan Jiuling.
01:38:16Now the people of Shanbeng Kingdom have arrived near the warehouse.
01:38:19Now, as long as we take a picture of Yan Jiuling and Jiang Qisheng together,
01:38:23and then kill Yan Jiuling and Jiang Qisheng,
01:38:25it can be disguised as two people committing suicide for the crime.
01:38:28Perfectly take out the gang.
01:38:30Yes, that's it.
01:38:33Who's there?
01:38:36What are you doing here?
01:38:39I'm out for a breath.
01:38:40Brother, didn't you promise me that you would consider not to start a war?
01:38:44We have a grudge with the Yan family.
01:38:46We can take revenge on the Yan family.
01:38:48The people of Qingcheng are innocent.
01:38:56I don't have time to wait for you to figure it out.
01:38:58You just stay inside and think it over.
01:39:01Let me out.
01:39:10I'm sorry.
01:39:11I have feelings for my father's enemy.
01:39:15But I don't agree with my brother's method.
01:39:19I don't agree with his method.
01:39:28How come there is...
01:39:34This is my father's handwriting.
01:39:36The one who killed the whole Shen family is my brother.
01:39:39He thought my father killed his father.
01:39:41So my father already knew my brother's assassination plan.
01:39:45In order to eliminate the hatred in my brother's heart,
01:39:47he wanted to sacrifice himself.
01:39:48But I didn't expect Shen Changqing to be so cruel.
01:39:50He killed dozens of people of the Shen family.
01:39:53We must kill Yan Jiulin.
01:39:55To avenge my parents.
01:39:56We must kill Yan Jiulin.
01:39:58To avenge my parents.
01:39:59To avenge my parents.
01:40:02Shen Changqing.
01:40:05You cheated me so badly.
01:40:09Yan Jiulin is in danger.
01:40:13I have to stop all this.
01:40:19The governor wants your life.
01:40:38My lord.
01:40:39We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future.
01:40:41With the relationship of the governor,
01:40:43I think our cooperation will be very pleasant.
01:40:45We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future.
01:40:47By the way, Jiulin.
01:40:48Your cooperation with Shanben...
01:40:52The governor was killed by Yan Jiulin's people.
01:40:56Don't move.
01:41:00The gang outside has been cleaned up.
01:41:02Shen Changqing.
01:41:03Your plan has failed.
01:41:04If you surrender now,
01:41:05you can still have a whole body.
01:41:07I failed?
01:41:08Why don't I know?
01:41:10But I'm very satisfied with this step.
01:41:12At least all the people of your family
01:41:14have been killed by me.
01:41:16By the way.
01:41:17And your mother who wants to hide.
01:41:20You deserve to die.
01:41:25Do you think I just made these preparations?
01:41:27In half an hour,
01:41:28Shanben will receive the documents you traded with them.
01:41:31And three times the weapons.
01:41:32What do you think they will do with these weapons?
01:41:45Yan Jiulin.
01:41:46Wait for me.
01:41:47Are you crazy?
01:41:48Do you want to start a war?
01:41:49That's right.
01:41:50Everyone who benefits from my father's death
01:41:52should die miserably.
01:41:53I heard that Shanben has recently had a very interesting experimental disease.
01:41:56It lacks experimental products.
01:41:57Just right.
01:41:58Qingcheng has a large population.
01:42:00Shen Changqing.
01:42:01Are you really crazy?
01:42:04Shen Changqing.
01:42:05Are you really crazy?
01:42:14Ah Zhi.
01:42:15What are you doing?
01:42:16Come here.
01:42:17I can avenge the Shen family right now.
01:42:20I'm avenging now.
01:42:22Shen Changqing.
01:42:23You lied to me so badly.
01:42:24The murderer is right beside me.
01:42:26But I didn't know it.
01:42:27And help you hurt my lover.
01:42:30Su Ying.
01:42:32How could it be?
01:42:33How could she know my plan?
01:42:35And sacrifice herself.
01:42:36It's her.
01:42:37It's the god who killed my father.
01:42:39And tried to erase my hatred.
01:42:42She is dreaming.
01:42:43If my father is really the murderer who killed your father.
01:42:46Why did he choose to adopt you?
01:42:47Why didn't he kill you with him?
01:42:49That's just his bad taste.
01:42:52He is afraid that I will avenge him.
01:42:59Yan Jiuling.
01:43:00The next step is up to you.
01:43:07Ah Zhi.
01:43:08You still don't want me to die.
01:43:09Say it.
01:43:10Where is the warehouse you and Shanben promised?
01:43:12Even if you look for it for a lifetime.
01:43:14You can't find it.
01:43:15Everyone, shoot.
01:43:19Everyone, shoot.
01:43:27Guess why I came to the banquet hall so late?
01:43:32I lost.
01:43:34I didn't expect to lose to you.
01:43:36But it's worth it to have you with me before I die.
01:43:55Fortunately, you are fine.
01:43:58Mr. Du.
01:43:59Have you determined the location of the Shanben's trade?
01:44:12I love you.
