• last year


00:16How do you
00:21Inch on how could you get a child in there go up a 편의점에서 담배 한 보루 사는 카드 영수증 따라오고
00:27자식 이거 이거 미랑 했구만 아 진짜로 그 도박 빚 줘 가지고 사채 끌어 쓰다가 지 처자식까지 버리고 미랑해 버리고 말이야
00:36잇자 어? 아 사람들이 왜 이렇게 책임감이 없어 어? 진짜 천벌받을 놈이죠
00:44유지사장님, 얼마전에 마트에서 천사에게 고지 받았던 김영석 주인 찾았다고 합니다. 천안에 모텔에 숨어있었다고 해요
00:53그래요. 바로 그리고 이동하죠
00:56네, 조심히 가세요
01:13내가 죄인을 낳은거야?
01:18내가 잘못한거야?
01:25내가 잘못한거야?
01:45형 어떻게 되는건데?
01:47어떻게 하려고 그래 지금
01:49나는 소도 사람들이 나를 낳아서 다행이고
01:53나 그냥 행방불명 된걸로 그렇게 만들어 줄거라고
02:37어이 뱀피디
02:39오늘 월차 아니었어?
02:45너 그 얘기 들었어?
02:47준원이 얘기
02:49무슨 얘기야?
02:51준원이가 도박 중독에 걸려서 사채 쓰다가 그 압박으로 이쯤에서 배타고 어디론가 뭐 미랑을 해 버렸다네
02:59참나 준원이 그렇게 안봤는데
03:03요즘 왜 이렇게 증발해 버리는 인간들이 많냐? 어?
03:11너는 뭐 도박같은거 안하지?
03:15야 어디가?
03:25정신 좀 더 차리시고
03:27고집 왔던 때 좀 더 정확히 얘기 좀 해봐요
03:31저기 그게
03:33마누라가 저녁장 좀 보라고 그래서
03:37막 장을 보고 있었는데
03:39마트에서 고집하는건 전국민이 다 아는 사실이고
03:41시연이 언제냐고 시연이 확
03:47출입구너를 막 돌 때
03:49갑자기 나타났어요
03:55시간을 말하라고 시연이 언제야?
03:57난 앞으로 6일호
04:01오후 5시에 주문다
04:05그럼 언제?
04:07오늘 아니?
04:09아니 얼마 안남았네
04:11아니 사장님 시간 얼마 안남았어요
04:13아까 자기 제목도 다 말했고
04:15여기서 시험받도록 할거에요
04:17이거 여기저기 다 성장하면 정말 정부에선 금방 빵꾸납니다
04:21예예 뭔 말인지 압니다 걱정하지 마세요
04:23저희 본부로 데려가서 시연중계 할거고
04:25시간도 없으니까
04:27빨리 본부에 연락해서 시연중계 준비하라고 해
04:29김혜석 죄인 가족들한테 다 연락도 올리고
04:31예 알겠습니다
04:33빨리 움직여
04:35김혜석 죄인
04:41당신이 이거 어디서 놨어?
04:45야 미숙아
04:47왜? 강피디님 얘기 들었어요?
04:49어제 그 시상 프로그램 있지?
04:53증발인간 어쩌고저쩌고 하던 사람
04:57그 사람 다시 한번
04:59이 시대의 국가는 신의 도구로서의 역할까지도
05:01일정 부분 수행해야 된다
05:03저는 이렇게 생각합니다
05:05너 이 사람 연락처 갖고 있지?
05:11진짜 고맙다
05:45김혜석 죄인
06:15여기 김혜석 죄인은 불법 도박장을 운영하고 있었습니다
06:43그리고 마을인이 보는 마트에서 고지를 받았어요
06:51그렇게 고지를 받았음에도 불구하고
06:53자신의 죄를 고한게 아니라 도망을 쳤어요
06:59대체 어디로 도망치려고 했습니까?
07:01어디로? 어디로?
07:05신의 눈을 피해서
07:07도망칠 수 있을거라고 생각했어요?
07:31네 가족들을 봐!
07:33자 이제 이 시연을
07:37당신의 가족들이 지켜보는 데서
07:39마을인이 바라보는 데서
07:49회장님 30초 정입니다
07:57지옥으로 떨어져라!
08:11난 인정 못해
08:15난 그렇게 큰 죄를 짓지 않았어
08:21난 그런 죄인이 아니야
09:39회장님, 필요합니다
09:45일단 방송 끝나는 대로 바로 소집할게요
10:11죄를 지은 인간이여!
10:15지옥에서 영원한 고통을 느끼며
10:19네가 지은 죄를 생각하고 생각하고
10:23계속 생각해!
10:29뜨거운 고통 속에서
10:31계속 생각해!
10:37뜨거운 고통 속에서
11:01뜨거운 고통 속에서
12:03제가 고지받은 영상이
12:05인터넷을 통해서
12:07순식간에 퍼지고 있더라고요
12:09그래서 일단 도망을 쳤죠
12:11근데 어떻게 알았는지
12:13귀신같이 연락이 오더라고요
12:15누구한테 연락이 왔던 거죠?
12:17그 소문으로만 듣던
12:21고지당한 사람들을
12:23세진리한테 발견되기 전에
12:25증발시켜준 사람들이요
12:27뭐라 그랬는데?
12:31아무도 모르게
12:33행방불명된 걸로 만들어주겠다고요
12:35그래서 제가 그랬죠
12:37한번 생각해보겠다고
12:39그리고 얼마 후에
12:41이 모텔방에
12:43그 지랄시가 놓여있더라고요
12:47고지나 시연이 죄인들에게만
12:49일어난다는 건
12:51세진리의 거짓말입니다
12:53이 일들은 초자연적 원인에 의한
12:55재난에 가까워요
13:03당신들이 고지받은 사람을 숨겨주고 있다는 겁니까?
13:07그놈들의 먹잇감을 끊는 일이기도 하고
13:09무엇보다 유가족들이 낙인 찍히는 것도
13:11막아야 하니까요
13:13지금으로선 저희가 할 수 있는 최선입니다
13:15고지받은 사람들을 어떻게 찾아내나요?
13:17당연히 전부 다 찾아낼 수는 없어요
13:19공개된 장소에서 고지받은 사람들이야
13:21금방 신상이 알려지죠
13:23그러니까 세진리의 놈들하고
13:25시간 싸움이 되는 거고
13:27반대로 혼자 고지받은 사람들은
13:29특유의 행동 패턴이 있어요
13:31예컨대 고지받은 후의
13:33검색 추이 같은 거
13:35세진리의 앱에 특정 단어를 반복
13:37검색한다거나 하는 그런 몇 가지 패턴들을 보고
13:39고지를 받았다는 의심이 들면
13:41우리가 접촉을 시도합니다
13:43가능한가요 그게?
13:45세진리의가 만들어놓은 뒷문을
13:47역으로 우리가 좀 빌려쓰는 거죠
13:49우리 조직원들은 어디에나 있거든요
13:51경찰, 통신사, 포털
13:55당신네 방송국에도 있고
13:57심지어 어두운 일 하시는 분들 중에도 있어요
13:59대부분 시연당한 사람들의
14:01파적이거나 파사처의 권한이 있는 사람들입니다
14:07근데 그거 좀 너무 위험한 거 아닙니까?
14:11전세계의 반이 세진리의 신도들인데요
14:15김정칠 의장
14:17고지받으면 어떻게 할까요?
14:21아마 우리부터 찾게 될 겁니다
14:23심판자의 위치에 있다가 심판 받는 자가 되면
14:25그때서야 알게 되죠
14:27최소한 우리 인간한테
14:31혼자 죽을 권리는 있어야 한다는 걸
14:57한번 전화해보러 오겠습니다
14:59그 여자한테
15:01그 여자?
15:03당신네들도 들어봤을 것 같은데
15:07비내 지인이라고
15:13비내 지인이라고?
15:15비내 지인이라고?
15:17비내 지인이라고?
15:19비내 지인이라고?
15:21비내 지인이라고?
15:23김영석 죄인이 이야기한 비내 지인은 몇 년 전
15:27세진리의 초창기에 저희 단체 반감을 가지고 있다
15:29실종됐던 비내 지인 변호사입니다
15:33비내 지인 변호사는 당시
15:35소도 변호사 사무실에서
15:37일하고 있었습니다
15:45네 알겠습니다
15:51당신을 만나고 싶어하는 사람이 있어요
15:53잠깐 같이 가시죠
15:59소문으로 여겼던
16:01조직적으로 고지받은 자들을 숨겨주는 조직이 바로
16:03소도라고 하는 조직인 것 같습니다
16:09전 얼마 전에 밀항했다고 알려진 강준원 PD 역시
16:13고지를 받은 죄인이라고 생각되어집니다
16:15소도 놈들이 숨겼겠죠
16:19여기 전화번호들
16:21다 전화해봤어요?
16:23네 다 해봤습니다
16:25근데 인터넷 임신 행성 번호라
16:27지금은 다 없어진 번호입니다
16:33신성 모독입니다
16:37신의 입을 막고 손발을 묶는
16:39신에 대한 반역 행위이고
16:41우리 인류가 나아갈 올바른 길을
16:43막아서는 인류에 대한
16:45배신 행위에요
16:47지금 당장
16:49잔뿌리까지 싹 잡아드리세요
16:51강하고 신속하게
16:53네 그럼 경찰에 수배 요청하고
16:55사재단 요원들 소집해서
16:57지금 무슨 얘기를 하고 있어요
16:59헌경협전이 뭐니 공문이나 주고받을 때입니까
17:03저놈들이 모든 면에서 우리보다 한 발 앞서고 있는 이유가 뭐겠어요
17:07우리는 법을 지키고 있고
17:09저놈들은 법을 무시하기 때문이잖아요
17:11합법 비합법
17:13인과 비인과 이거 따지지 말고
17:15모든 수단을 동원해서
17:23그건 제 권한 밖입니다
17:37이리 오세요
17:41가까이 와요
17:51사재 유지
17:55세진리의 의장의 권한으로
17:59신을 거역한
18:01불이한 무리를 적결할 때까지
18:03접근 가능한
18:05모든 수단을 동원할
18:07무한한 권능을
18:09무한한 권능을
18:23너의 육체 영혼 다 바쳐서
18:27신의 의도대로 해마라
18:39신의 의도대로 해마라
18:57이거 뭐 좀
18:59그럴듯한 걸로 바꿔줄 수 없나?
19:01좀 그럴듯하고
19:03판타지한 거 있잖아요
19:19화살촉에 연락해서
19:21현재 동원 가능 인원 파악하세요
19:25아니 글쎄
19:27접촉 중이신 거 압니다
19:31이번 건은 숨기지 않으셔도 됩니다
19:33네 알겠습니다
19:43어 난데
19:45야 지금 애들 몇 명이나 모일 수 있어
19:53그 괴물들이 신의 의도랑은
19:55전혀 관련이 없다는 거죠?
19:57당신들 생각에
20:01그 애들 장난같은 말들을
20:03그럼 고지는 뭐예요?
20:05사람 이름까지 불러가면서
20:07지옥에 간다고 하잖아요 그것들이
20:09글쎄 뭐 모릅니다
20:11그게 신인지 뭔지
20:13하지만 문제는
20:15이 현상의 해석에 있어서
20:17새 진료회가 독점적 권한을
20:19가지고 있다는 거예요
20:21설사 그게 신이라고 해도
20:23그 신의 의도가
20:25새 진료회에서 말하는 것과 같은 것이라면
20:27우린 그 신을 거부할 수밖에 없어요
20:29최소한 우리 인간을 위한 신은 아닐테니까
20:37이거 그냥 죄예요 죄
20:39지친 사고같은
20:41누구나 삶에서 맞닥뜨릴 수 있는
20:43어떤 불행이고
20:45누가 누구를 벌하고 벌주고 하는
20:47그런 게 아니란 말입니다
20:49당신 아이는 아무 죄도 없어요
20:51세상 누구도 그걸 부정하지 못합니다
21:55어서 오세요 배영재씨
21:57민혜진이라고 합니다
22:25문 열어
22:51단지 공회전은 매너가 아닌데
23:25Oh my god.
24:26He's a gangster who doesn't care about anyone.
24:30Poor bastard.
24:32I've received and confirmed all the situation of Bae Young-jae.
24:36I've already deleted all the CCTVs of the OB-GYN.
24:39Drink it.
24:44Even if the new clinic finds out, they will try to hide the baby's birthmark.
24:48Because it's disadvantageous to them.
24:51They may make Bae Young-jae's wife a serial killer.
24:54Or they may erase the fact that the baby was born.
25:01Sejong the Great and Gyori-ha never have the same concept.
25:04They will never acknowledge the baby's birthmark.
25:10But they don't know that.
25:14Gyori-ha can change it as they want.
25:16Isn't it?
25:17In fact, there is a clear line even if the extent of the sin he is talking about seems to be wrong.
25:23Yes, that's right.
25:25Only specific actions that can be prevented by human efforts become a sin.
25:29Not only the original sin, but also the sin of greed, greed, and greed.
25:34If you cross that line, there will be people who give up or don't understand.
25:37Oh, my.
25:56If there is an inappropriate case, they hide it or make it up.
25:59If there is nothing appropriate, they make it up.
26:03Is there a case that hides the birthmark?
26:07The person who made all this and disappeared.
26:10Where is Chairman Jeong Jin-soo now?
26:14I heard that he is traveling around the world.
26:16He is dead.
26:19He must have been tested somewhere four years ago.
26:23Chairman Jeong Jin-soo was tested?
26:28Are you saying that you made up a false story after you received the report?
26:34I don't know.
26:36If you live for about 20 years with the test scheduled,
26:39wouldn't you be able to become any type of madman?
26:44Because he had that 20 years,
26:47he was able to prepare an interpretation of this whole situation.
26:50Then tell people about it.
26:52What are you doing now?
26:53Jeong Jin-soo has been reporting this situation for more than 10 years,
26:57but people only heard from Chairman Jeong Jin-soo after Park Jung-ja's test was broadcast.
27:06If people want to listen to us, we also need Park Jung-ja.
27:19What do you want to tell me now?
27:23We want to broadcast the test of Bae Young-jae's baby.
27:35I'll get going.
27:38Hey, Mr. Bae Young-jae.
27:39What is it?
27:42A baby without any sin has been tested.
27:45You have to show this to find this world as a person's again.
27:48What do you want me to do?
27:51What do you want me to do?
27:53Do you think I'm here to save the world?
27:57I'm an important person who protects my family.
28:02You have to say something weird while looking at the situation.
28:04I'm so cold that I'm going to die.
28:07The baby is going to die.
28:11A baby less than a month old has been tested.
28:16What's the difference between you and Sejeong?
28:21Do you think this is the time for a baby to die?
28:25You're trying to take advantage of our baby's death.
28:28It's the same.
28:29It's the same.
28:30It's the same.
28:31It's the same.
28:38Yes, your poor baby born in this shit world.
28:42I'll just disguise it as an accident.
28:44I'll cover it with a meaningless death like that.
28:47You keep taking interviews while accusing my dad.
28:53I'll do whatever you choose.
28:55Please contact me when you decide.
29:02Let's go.
29:03Let's go.
29:18If you want to talk at any time, you can raise your hand.
29:28Oh, my God.
29:30Oh, my God.
29:32Oh, my God.
29:36Oh, my God.
29:38You're tough.
29:42Hey, hold on.
29:45Why don't you play with your wife?
29:54He's not a sinner.
29:55He doesn't even know what his husband is doing.
29:58The sin of ignorance.
30:01What's wrong with you?
30:02Why are you looking at the picture?
30:09It's going to hurt a lot.
30:12I opened my hand.
30:14Good job.
30:15Good job.
30:16It's okay.
30:19I called one.
30:20Professor Han Guk-dae.
30:22Can you give me the location directly?
30:32Lawyer Min must have been very angry during the trial today.
30:36It was the first time in our country that we couldn't protect the person we contacted first.
30:43Did you see the scar on his forehead?
30:46It's a trace of being hit by an arrow from Kim Jong-chul four years ago.
30:50He was almost dead, but the patrol siren saved him.
30:55At that time, the people on the side of the arrow were naive.
30:58Fortunately, I saved my life.
31:02He's more angry with himself than those guys.
31:05If only I had stopped Park Jung-ja's trial a little harder.
31:10And if only I had found out who Jung Jin-soo was a little earlier.
31:14Such a self-blame.
31:16I think he has the responsibility to make this world.
31:20So I'm sure he really wants to catch him.
31:22It's an opportunity to make up for your mistakes.
31:26And it's an opportunity to atone for your wrongdoings in this world.
31:32Let's go.
31:34I'll go with my daughter.
31:38My daughter was also accused.
31:46She said she wanted to go to the sea that day.
31:53She said she wanted to go to the sea that day.
31:59Wow, how did you know this place?
32:06Is this the place you came to when you were dating your mom?
32:10You will die in 30 seconds.
32:23I can't forget my daughter's face for those 30 seconds.
32:30The look in her eyes that I wanted to explain this situation.
32:40I'm sorry.
32:56Help me.
33:20Do you know what I thought when I saw my daughter's body?
33:30That's a relief.
33:34No one saw it.
33:41That's what I thought at that terrible moment.
33:46Mr. Yang, is my daughter's death a trial or an accident?
33:55I think my daughter was in a terrible accident.
34:00I want this unhappiness to be completely sad.
34:06I'm sorry.
34:10I'm sorry.
34:12I'm sorry that such unhappiness came to your family.
34:16And I'm sorry that I couldn't say this first.
34:36I'm sorry.
35:21What's wrong?
35:36What's wrong?
36:06What's wrong?
36:11Oh, shit.
36:12Oh, shit.
36:16Hey, break it.
36:29Come on.
36:37I'm sorry.
36:44You've seen my mom at your dad's funeral, right?
36:50My mom left home because I cheated on her when I was five.
36:56I imagined that when my dad passed away,
36:59I would call my mom and wait for her.
37:01I imagined that.
37:05I imagined that.
37:10My mom held my hand,
37:14said she was sorry,
37:17said she missed me,
37:20and begged me to forgive her while crying.
37:25I pretended to be like my mom,
37:28and cried in my mom's arms.
37:34That's what I imagined.
37:37But my mom told me that
37:41when she got divorced with my dad,
37:44she didn't have the experience,
37:47so she didn't get the visa properly.
37:53She asked me how much my dad's property was.
37:58She said she had the right to that property.
38:03It's the first time I've seen my daughter in 30 years.
38:08I can't hear a word of how she's doing.
38:14There are mothers like that in the world.
38:17What are you going to do now?
38:21That's possible.
38:22That's possible.
38:25But why does my mom have to be that kind of person?
38:29Why is she that kind of person?
38:33I made a promise every day after I got pregnant.
38:37I have to give my baby
38:40the kind of love that comes out in dramas.
38:45Because I'm different from my mom.
38:51I have to raise my baby
38:54as an ordinary baby
38:55that is so natural to be loved.
39:02But now,
39:07that's so terrible.
39:12What's in that body?
39:17What's in it that made me a beggar as soon as I was born?
39:20What's in it that made me a beggar as soon as I was born?
39:25What's in it that made me a beggar as soon as I was born?
39:31I think about this every day.
39:36Every time I think about it,
39:39I feel so terrible and disgusting.
39:51I just met someone.
39:57Those people
40:00want to broadcast our baby, Su-yeon.
40:06Our baby has no sin.
40:11If it's broadcast,
40:16I think I can prove that Se-jil is lying.
40:21She said that to me.
40:25What if she doesn't like it?
40:27She said she'd make it look like she was in an accident.
40:31We can choose.
40:46It's okay. We have a lot of time.
40:48It's okay. We have a lot of time.
40:53If you do it step by step,
40:55you'll talk about everything.
41:09Oh, my babies.
41:11Professor Gong Young-joon.
41:12Did you sleep well?
41:14You bastards.
41:18Do it.
41:19Do it!
41:22I'm not going to ask you anything.
41:25Don't expect anything.
41:28This friend is telling you enough.
41:39You bastards.
41:41You bastards.
41:42He doesn't know anything.
41:43He doesn't know anything.
41:45Ask me.
41:46Shut up.
41:49You don't have to say anything.
41:53All we need is
41:58this man
42:00and your car.
42:01I just need a navigation memory
42:04to tell me where you've been.
42:12Block it.
42:16What are you doing?
42:17Shut up!
42:18Let go!
42:20Listen to me.
42:21Listen to me.
42:23I'm going to die. Listen to me.
42:25No, no!
42:27You're all dying.
42:30You're all dying.
42:33You're all dying.
42:37You bastard.
42:38Don't die.
42:43You bastard.
42:45Listen to me.
42:46I'm going to live.
42:48You bastards.
43:16You bastard.
43:22The number you have dialed is not in service.
43:24Please try again later.
43:45The number you have dialed is not in service.
43:51Hey, are you leaving already?
44:07Mr. Seo Chang-ho.
44:09Are you going to walk with Asal?
44:13Oh, yes.
44:15Shit, get out, shit.
44:17Shut up!
44:27Yo, get on top of the roof.
44:30Yes, sir.
44:41They're here! Let's go up there!
44:44It's a ghost! Let's go!
44:46Go up! Go up!
44:48Go up! Go up!
44:50Hurry up! Hurry up!
44:52Go up! Go up!
44:54Go up! Go up!
44:59Those incompetent bastards.
45:04Those stupid bastards.
45:06Go up! Go up!
45:08Hey, you!
45:10Hey, you stupid bastards!
45:24Catch them!
45:39Go up! Go up!
46:09Go up! Go up!
46:11Go up! Go up!
46:13There they are! Catch them!
46:15Go up!
46:31Get up! Get up!
46:33It's good to see you again, Mr. Min Hae-jin.
46:39It's good to see you again, Mr. Min Hae-jin.
46:45It's over there!
46:54Are you all right?
46:56Are you all right?
47:09Are you all right?
47:39Are you all right?
47:41Are you all right?
48:09Are you all right?
48:10Are you all right?
48:37Breaking news.
48:38A body was found at the front gate of Han-guk University.
48:43The police are investigating.
48:45Let's listen to the report in more detail.
48:48Reporter Ko, please.
48:50At 6 a.m. this morning,
48:52a shocking incident occurred at the front gate of Han-guk University
48:56where a body was found hanging.
48:58One of the bodies was suspected to be Professor Gong Young-joon,
49:02who was working as a professor at the school.
49:04The police are investigating.
49:06Professor Gong Young-joon has been active in various programs
49:10and has been working as a professor at Han-guk University.
49:13The police are investigating.
49:17The body was found at the front gate of Han-guk University
49:21where a body was found hanging.
49:23The police are investigating.
49:25The body was found at the front gate of Han-guk University.
49:28The police are investigating.
49:32Gong Young-joon, a sinner,
49:34has been running a secret organization called Sodo
49:37and has been intellectually hiding those who have received God's salvation.
49:41And he has been disguising God's test as a simple accident
49:45and has been transforming the intention of God's message to people.
49:49Our Archbishop
49:51is a judge of God to him.
49:54People who are watching this video,
49:57listen up.
49:58Everyone who defiles God and transforms God
50:01should be punished for their sins.
50:03Our Archbishop
50:05is a judge of God to him.
50:07As a judge of God to him.
50:09As a judge of God to him.
50:11As a judge of God to him.
50:30You saw the news, right?
50:32Are you okay?
50:34Have you talked to your wife?
50:36No, but I haven't decided yet.
50:39As you know, we really don't have time now.
50:42If it's too late, we might not be able to help you even if we try.
50:45Where are you now?
50:47I just got to work.
50:49What about your wife and baby?
50:52I'm at home.
50:53In a situation like this,
50:54how can you just leave your wife and baby?
50:55Are you sure you're at home?
51:25I'm at home.
51:55I'm at home.
52:25I'm at home.
52:27I'm at home.
52:55I'm at home.
52:56I'm at home.
52:57I'm at home.
52:58I'm at home.
52:59I'm at home.
53:00I'm at home.
53:01I'm at home.
53:02I'm at home.
53:03I'm at home.
53:04I'm at home.
53:05I'm at home.
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