Is, Am, Are, Was, Were

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hi kids! Today we will learn and revise the use of IS, AM, ARE, WAS, and WERE. So let's start!
00:12There are some words that are called helping verbs and they are AM, IS, ARE, WAS, WERE, BEING,
00:42All these verbs are called helping verbs as they help the main verbs in the sentence.
00:50Helping verbs always come before verbs in the sentence.
00:56Today we will learn the uses of IS, AM, ARE, WAS, and WERE which are the forms of BE.
01:06IS, AM, ARE. These helping verbs are used in the present form of sentences.
01:15Dylan is a very cute boy. It is very late now. He is doing a fantastic job.
01:26She is cooking pizza. He is having his dinner.
01:32I am going to my grandma's house. I am going for my dance classes.
01:40I am not interested in reading comics. I am feeling sleepy.
01:48They all are acting in a play. They are having a party tonight.
01:55They are not going to the zoo today. All of them are wearing red hats.
02:03So kids, we used IS, AM, ARE in the present form of sentences and they are all helping words.
02:14All these words come before the verbs in the sentence like
02:20They are acting in some play.
02:24The verb here is ACTING and ARE comes before ACTING.
02:31They are having a party tonight. The verb here is HAVING and ARE comes before the verb HAVING.
02:41I am feeling sleepy. The verb here is FEELING.
02:48AM come before the verb FEELING.
02:53I am going for my dance classes.
02:57The verb here is GOING. AM, WILL has come before GOING.
03:04She is making pizza. The verb here is MAKING and IS is used before MAKING.
03:14He is doing a fantastic job. The verb here is DOING and IS is used before DOING.
03:22So, IS, AM, ARE are all helping verbs and they always come before main verbs.
03:31And, IS, AM, ARE are always used in the present form of sentences.
03:39Now we are going to learn the uses of WAS and WERE.
03:45WAS and WERE are also helping verbs.
03:51They are used in the past form of sentences.
03:55Yesterday, while coming back from school, I saw a dog that was not looking healthy.
04:03He was looking very weak and hungry. I gave him to eat whatever was left in my lunch box.
04:11All the sentences here are in the past form and so the helping verb used is WAS.
04:19Let's have a look at another example.
04:23It was raining. The weather was very pleasant. I and all my friends played outside in mild showers.
04:34We were having a great time, but when it started thundering, we rushed inside our home.
04:41Here again, all the sentences are in past tense.
04:46So, WAS and WERE are used as helping verbs.
04:52WAS is used in the past form of sentences where the noun is singular.
05:01And, WERE is the helping verb which is used in the past form of sentences where the noun is plural.
05:09It was raining. It is considered singular.
05:14The weather was very pleasant. Weather here is a singular noun.
05:21We were having a great time. WE is a plural pronoun.
05:27Here are some more examples.
05:30We were having a picnic in the fragrance garden last Sunday.
05:35WE is a plural pronoun, so the helping verb used is WERE.
05:42Suddenly, a rabbit came in the garden. We were all surprised to see a rabbit there.
05:50The plural pronoun WERE is used as WE is plural pronoun and because the sentences are in the past form.
06:02It was cute and furry, but as soon as it saw us, it got scared and rushed back into the woods.
06:11The helping verb WAS is used with the rabbit as it is a singular pronoun and the sentence is in the past form.
06:22So, KIDS, WAS and WERE are helping verbs used for past form of sentences.
06:30WAS is used with singular nouns or pronouns and WERE is used with plural nouns or pronouns.
06:40So, KIDS, we learned about the uses of IS, AM, ARE, WAS, WERE that are helping verbs.
06:50IS, AM, ARE are used in the present forms of sentences.
06:56IS and AM are used with singular nouns or pronouns.
07:02ARE is used with plural nouns and pronouns.
07:07WAS and WERE are used in the past form of sentences.
07:13WAS is used before singular nouns and pronouns.
07:19And WERE is used with plural nouns and pronouns.
07:24Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.