• last year
in this video I'm showing how I'm testing the reset password request feature in my authentication system based on Next JS and Express.js. For testing I'm using Sinon and Mocha.
00:00In this video, I will show how I'm testing the reset password request using Sinon and Mocha.
00:13But first, I will show a manual test.
00:20This is the code for the reset password request.
00:35Here, I'm extracting the email from the request body and using Mongoose to verify if a user with that email exists.
00:59Then, I'm using the JSON web token library to generate a token valid for 10 minutes, which will be used as an identifier for the user in the reset password link.
01:26The reset password link will be added in the template, which will be sent by email with NodeMailer.
01:50In the test file, I'm creating a stub for this method to substitute it with a fake function and avoid a real search.
02:19I just will let it return with the wanted response.
02:38Next, I'm creating another stub to substitute the real code generation with a fake function that will return fake code.
03:08When I run a test, when I will run the reset method, all these requests
03:37will be replaced with a fake function to avoid real requests to the database, code generation, and email sending.
03:57Then, I'm creating another stub to replace or substitute the read transport object with SMTP configuration.
04:18Since this object has the sendMail method, I'm creating a stub even for this method and providing it as a response to the read transport tab.
04:47Finally, when I'm calling this method to request a reset password link in my test file, the created stubs will provide the expected response to all these methods.
05:10In this way, I will just test how is handled the response.
05:25This test case is used only for success response.
05:34If I want to test a failed response, for example, the user won't be found in the database.
06:04For this stub, I will add as a response null.
06:34And let's test.
06:53For now, I will let it true here. I need to get an error.
07:16Now, I will change with a false.
07:40And it works as expected.
