Her Wrath, His Reckoning Full Movie

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Her Wrath, His Reckoning Full Movie
00:00:00I'm right here, Purse. Hang in there.
00:00:07You can't come any further.
00:00:18God, Emmanuel, please. Please, you have to save him.
00:00:31Nathaniel, look here.
00:00:37These were just taken today.
00:00:40Isn't he beautiful?
00:00:47Do you think he'll like looking at these when he's older?
00:00:51We should get a maternity shoot before he comes, don't you think?
00:00:56Anything you want, Nancy.
00:00:59Was he kicking today?
00:01:01No, the baby's nice and calm. No kicking.
00:01:08Nancy, my dad's conditions got worse.
00:01:13Do you think we should have a C-section in the next couple of days?
00:01:21I'm only a year old.
00:01:25I'm only seven months pregnant.
00:01:28How could you be so cruel to our child?
00:01:31Nancy, my dad just wants to see his grandchild masses.
00:01:36Can't you put yourself in my position?
00:01:40Nathaniel, I think you need to think about the baby.
00:01:49Get some rest.
00:02:07Don't worry, Amanda. Percy's my child.
00:02:11Nancy agreed to do the C-section.
00:02:14Once we take the baby's cord blood, we'll be able to heal Percy with those stem cells.
00:02:24I'm in a meeting. I have to go.
00:02:30Have a good day.
00:03:09Not my birthday.
00:03:48Hi. You're back.
00:03:51I forgot something.
00:03:58Nathaniel, can you please reconsider this decision?
00:04:03Nancy, my dad's running out of time.
00:04:07Just don't overthink it. And get some rest.
00:04:11But this could kill our baby.
00:04:17We'll wait until the baby's ready.
00:04:22I shouldn't have trusted him.
00:04:50Timothy, come to the foster resident, I need help.
00:05:20I'm going to catch a cold Nancy, you haven't even touched your tea, come sit, relax, everything's
00:05:37Sir, Mr. Johnson has arrived, he's taking some business to talk with you.
00:05:45Your tea's cold, I'll have everyone make you a new one.
00:05:51You're back from your trip, it's been a while.
00:05:59Yeah, Nancy, congratulations on the baby.
00:06:03Come, sit.
00:06:05Rose, have you heated Nancy's tea yet?
00:06:07Nathaniel, I'm feeling a bit tired, I'm going to go rest, you boys go ahead.
00:06:21Your tea madam.
00:06:28Is everything alright?
00:06:30Yes ma'am, thank you.
00:06:33I'm hungry Mrs. Smith, could you go and make me something?
00:07:20Thank you.
00:07:50What's going on?
00:08:03Tell me what you asked for my help.
00:08:05It was a lie, all of his life was a lie, can we please just go?
00:08:09He's your husband, why are you so terrified of him?
00:08:12I'll tell you if we go.
00:08:14Nancy, answer me.
00:08:16He won't be ready to steal my cord blood and save innocent Amanda's child.
00:08:20I did what I had to do, please just go.
00:08:47Please, please don't, why are you doing this?
00:08:55I don't know what you're talking about Nancy, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:09:07She's your wife, she's Nancy, do you have any idea what you're doing?
00:09:12Of course I do, I just want to save my kid.
00:09:15I want to save my kid!
00:09:25Spiked tea, good idea.
00:09:28My child will be gone before I wake up, not a chance.
00:09:36Nancy, you cut it out.
00:09:40I get the cord blood, I save Percy, and I don't know Amanda anymore.
00:09:46Doesn't that make sense?
00:09:48No, it doesn't.
00:09:50You disgust me, Nathaniel.
00:09:53Nancy, please, help me.
00:09:56She ate all of Foster Group's shares.
00:09:59Her dad, to me, okay?
00:10:02I owe her huge.
00:10:04You owe her? What about me?
00:10:07Nancy, a life is at stake here.
00:10:09Dad and Amanda are coming tomorrow.
00:10:12I just need the blood, Nancy, please.
00:10:28Nathaniel, I thought you said the operation was today.
00:10:31Percy isn't going to make it at this rate.
00:10:35I know what I said.
00:10:37She's coming down now.
00:10:39I gotta take this.
00:10:43Yes, I'm in.
00:10:51Oh, you're awake.
00:10:53Why are you here?
00:10:58You're more capable than I thought.
00:11:01I can't believe he almost let you get away.
00:11:04We're clearly not capable enough to make him change his mind and stop you ruining our lives.
00:11:09I knew you wouldn't be able to handle the fact that he has another child.
00:11:13But I will do anything to save Percy.
00:11:18I can't believe my son married a witch like you.
00:11:22Are you hurt?
00:11:25Not even marrying my son can change your filthy nature.
00:11:30Stand down, Zachary.
00:11:32She's still Nathaniel's wife.
00:11:35If she's a good wife, she'll be generous.
00:11:38Percy needs saving.
00:11:40He may be Nathaniel's child, but my baby is his child too.
00:11:43Percy is worth ten of your brats.
00:11:49When's the surgery?
00:11:51I'm not doing it.
00:11:53It's my baby, and I get to decide when it gets born.
00:11:56Nancy, you must save Percy.
00:12:00If you want to hate someone, hate me.
00:12:02I don't care what you do to me, Nathaniel.
00:12:05You do what we say.
00:12:09Nancy, I don't want to marry Nathaniel.
00:12:11I just want Percy.
00:12:13How dare you be so selfish, Nancy?
00:12:25It wasn't me.
00:12:29Zachary, are you alright?
00:12:31Nathaniel, help!
00:12:33Nancy killed Zachary!
00:12:53Sign the confession, Nancy.
00:12:55If you don't want to lose everything and everyone you love, that is.
00:12:58What did you do, Amanda?
00:13:01Me? Nothing.
00:13:03Confess your crimes, and nothing will happen to anyone.
00:13:08Where is Nathaniel? I want to see him.
00:13:13He won't come.
00:13:15No matter how much you shout.
00:13:18He hates you.
00:13:21You killed his father.
00:13:23I didn't kill...
00:13:25I didn't kill...
00:13:27You orchestrated this.
00:13:29You pushed...
00:13:36The show's about to begin, Nancy.
00:13:54Surgery's over.
00:13:56Tell Mr. Foster we have the baby's cord blood.
00:13:59I hate you, Zachary.
00:14:01You'll never...
00:14:03You'll never get what you want.
00:14:11Patient's experiencing excessive blood loss.
00:14:15Going into cardiac arrest.
00:14:18Initiate emergency procedures.
00:14:27I'm sorry.
00:14:29But it's done.
00:14:32We can save Percy now.
00:14:38You're crazy.
00:14:40Both of you.
00:14:42How could you kill your wife and child?
00:14:44That's enough.
00:14:46It was a freak accident. She was unwell.
00:14:48Drop the act.
00:14:50I know what you did.
00:14:53You're blaming me?
00:14:57Is it wrong for me to want to save my own child?
00:15:04Nancy promised she would help us.
00:15:08This is what she would want.
00:15:12You're an idiot, Nathaniel.
00:15:15You're being played like a fiddle by this psychopath.
00:15:18You know, I know for a fact Nancy's child is yours.
00:15:24Not so much.
00:15:27You think this is funny?
00:15:29You think this is a sick joke?
00:15:44What is this?
00:15:49I see.
00:15:51You love Nancy.
00:15:53So you forged a paternity test result just to slander me.
00:15:59Nathaniel, I gave your family everything.
00:16:04See for yourself.
00:16:14We're childhood loves.
00:16:16We're a perfect match.
00:16:20We could have been a couple.
00:16:22But your mother's death changed everything.
00:16:26I was already pregnant with Percy at the time.
00:16:30You know that.
00:16:33I know.
00:16:34You wanted to take care of the company and me.
00:16:37So I sold all of Foster's shares and I gave you all the money and my dad almost killed me.
00:16:43Remember that.
00:16:53You believe this?
00:16:57You would deny me and Percy for a lie.
00:17:02You're the only family we have.
00:17:07She's still in there.
00:17:13No one's in there. Is she alright?
00:17:50Yeah, look. Miss Nancy.
00:17:57Yeah, there you go.
00:18:05Close the book.
00:18:13Close the book.
00:18:26You're awake.
00:18:29No, don't talk, don't talk. Just listen.
00:18:34Your baby, you and your baby are fine.
00:18:37He's in the incubator and uh...
00:18:39I settled your father down.
00:18:41Calm down, just relax and rest up.
00:18:46Your baby's waiting for you.
00:18:49I love you.
00:19:10Are you sure you want to leave?
00:19:12I'm already dead.
00:19:14The dead don't look back.
00:19:18Can we see each other again?
00:19:20Yeah, sure.
00:19:48As of recently, Jones Corporation has shown a significant decrease across all sectors.
00:19:53Their profits are down by 30%.
00:19:56Mr. Foster, can you tell us what the future holds for Foster Group?
00:20:00Do you plan on keeping the partnership with Jones Corporation despite their financial circumstances?
00:20:05We'll be deciding that on a multitude of factors.
00:20:08That's all. Thank you.
00:20:11What is it this time?
00:20:13Dad wants to know when we're getting married.
00:20:16Perseus is ten years old already.
00:20:19I don't know.
00:20:21I don't know.
00:20:23I don't know.
00:20:25I don't know.
00:20:27I don't know.
00:20:29I don't know.
00:20:31I don't know.
00:20:33I don't know.
00:20:35I don't know.
00:20:37I don't know.
00:20:40What we have right now is good enough, isn't it?
00:20:42Nathaniel, my dad's corporation is having cash flow issues and the banks are forcing us to pay our debt.
00:20:49But if the news of our marriage goes out, then he can get out of this whole mess.
00:20:58The project in the southern region is about to start its bidding session.
00:21:02The operation could get a lot.
00:21:04You know that's not what I meant.
00:21:07I'm giving you a tip. I'm helping you.
00:21:10I have a meeting now. Take Perseus home.
00:21:21She acts simple, but she's cunning.
00:21:24What she wants is obvious enough.
00:21:32Look at you.
00:21:34You try everything and he still won't marry you.
00:21:37So what?
00:21:39Nancy and her bastard are dead anyway.
00:21:42We have nothing to fear anymore.
00:22:05The proposal's almost done.
00:22:07Take off early and pick up Alex.
00:22:09He doesn't care about me. He's too busy playing with Mrs. Johnson's kid.
00:22:12All the more reason to spend more time with him, or he'll forget about you.
00:22:21Who are these proposals for again? Which client?
00:22:25Foster group.
00:22:27This first love series looks special.
00:22:30It just fits Nathaniel and Amanda's love story.
00:22:34Yeah, it does.
00:22:38I'm gonna head out.
00:22:58Hey Nancy.
00:23:02What are you doing here?
00:23:04Can I have a drop in?
00:23:11Timothy, you can't get by on an ounce like this.
00:23:17You have to move on.
00:23:20I'm here to deal with the Jones Corporation.
00:23:22Now you got me running this whole show, too.
00:23:28Let me see the designs for the first love campaign.
00:23:31Short list of three companies.
00:23:33Flawless Designs hits the spot.
00:23:37I'm sorry.
00:23:39I'm sorry.
00:23:41I'm sorry.
00:23:43I'm sorry.
00:23:45I'm sorry.
00:23:47That's the spot.
00:23:58We'll go with them then.
00:24:06Miss Jones, we're running out of time.
00:24:10Just as we're about to close the bid, Skyscraper Industries swoops in.
00:24:13They're very annoying.
00:24:16They're not as powerful as Jones Corporation.
00:24:18We'll be fine.
00:24:22Well, if you could just marry me, we could make this whole mess go away.
00:24:28You wouldn't want our marriage to be built on nothing but profit, would you?
00:24:35You're right.
00:24:38I'm just thinking about Percy.
00:24:40He's getting older and the other kids are gonna start asking about his parents.
00:24:44Then spend more time with him.
00:24:55Percy works hard. He's brilliant in every subject.
00:24:59He's heir to both the Jones and Foster families.
00:25:02That's to be expected.
00:25:10He's brilliant, Miss Jones.
00:25:12Maybe we should cut him a little slack.
00:25:14I hired you to teach my son me.
00:25:23So that's what Donald's been up to.
00:25:25He's putting a bid on the city's southern project, as we expected.
00:25:32It's ambitious.
00:25:34He bet half his family's wealth on that project.
00:25:36I'd do the same thing if I were him.
00:25:38If he wins, he doubles his net worth.
00:25:41Donald will have no idea that you're still in the race.
00:25:43Foster group is pulled out, Skyscraper's still in.
00:25:46It's a great trap to find out what kind of crimes he's been up to.
00:25:50I don't want him to lose everything.
00:25:54He didn't wait all these years for nothing.
00:25:57But if you take him down now, what happens to Amanda?
00:26:01I'm gonna leave Skyscraper Industries to Percy.
00:26:07Just a little bit longer.
00:26:18It's time for your pills.
00:26:20Let's have a drink.
00:26:30Drinking, are we?
00:26:33He is.
00:26:41Why are you here?
00:26:43Noticed the light was still on.
00:26:46What do you want?
00:26:47Skyscraper Industries.
00:26:50They are a formidable investment group.
00:26:53We'll never win the bid with them in the race.
00:26:56We can work together, Nathaniel.
00:26:58We are.
00:27:02I know you're good.
00:27:05You want to up your company's value?
00:27:07With the news of our marriage?
00:27:10It's the easiest way.
00:27:12I don't want to marry you just for money.
00:27:16Besides, we have Percy.
00:27:18And he'll be inheriting everything.
00:27:31What are you two talking about?
00:27:33Your wedding.
00:27:34Of course.
00:27:36We're working on it.
00:27:37Right, honey?
00:27:40Donald, don't they already have a kid?
00:27:44Do you think it's a good idea that they're still not married?
00:27:49It's fine, as long as they're together as a family.
00:27:53We do have different ideas about business.
00:27:57With child and unmarried all these years,
00:28:01not only is he testing your daughter's patience,
00:28:04but it looks like he's playing hard to get with you.
00:28:09I don't know.
00:28:40I have some questions for you, Mr. Jax.
00:28:44You don't get to ask me questions.
00:28:50Do you know who I am?
00:28:54Do you have any idea how much shit you're in?
00:29:01Your father-in-law's friend wants to have a chat with you.
00:29:04I'll cut to the chase.
00:29:06I want proof of Donald's embezzlement.
00:29:09You're trying to crush the old bastard?
00:29:13I knew he couldn't have been that lucky.
00:29:16Marry his girl.
00:29:18To you?
00:29:20Did you know?
00:29:22I didn't know.
00:29:24I didn't know.
00:29:26I didn't know.
00:29:28I didn't know.
00:29:30I didn't know.
00:29:31Did you know?
00:29:33He killed your mother.
00:29:42Way too much talking.
00:29:44The legal evidence.
00:29:45Let's get driving in my bag.
00:29:53Get rid of him.
00:29:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:29:59No, no, no, no.
00:30:07Sure, one moment.
00:30:10You gotta help me out.
00:30:12I thought everything was confirmed.
00:30:14And now Mr. Foster objecting to my proposal and asking for changes?
00:30:19Change how the gem's embedded and make Amanda less prominent, that should work.
00:30:23Yeah, sorry about that.
00:30:25I'm sending the changes now.
00:30:28Oh, really?
00:30:29Okay, great.
00:30:34You're awesome, Nancy.
00:30:36Mr. Foster said he's coming over to talk about the designs.
00:30:41Um, I can't.
00:30:43I have an appointment.
00:30:44I have an appointment.
00:30:47No, you don't.
00:30:49Besides, he's already coming up.
00:30:56Relax, will you?
00:30:58It'll be fine.
00:31:01Hello, Mr. Foster.
00:31:02So glad that you couldn't come by.
00:31:04I'm sorry, Mr. Foster couldn't make it.
00:31:06I'm here on his behalf.
00:31:07I'm Joseph Shaw.
00:31:10You must be the designer of our-
00:31:12Oh, no, that's me.
00:31:14But she did help come up with the proposal earlier.
00:31:19Well, let's chat.
00:31:21Mr. Foster is very interested in the design's concept.
00:31:29Yeah, he probably just went on another bendery again.
00:31:31Dad told me he thinks Mr. Jacks is dead.
00:31:34Something serious is going on,
00:31:36and Skyscraper Industries is coming after us, I think,
00:31:39to talk to him tonight.
00:31:41It can't be tonight.
00:31:42It'll have to be tomorrow.
00:31:51A designer is really something.
00:31:53I think this series is going to be a hit.
00:31:55A designer is really something.
00:31:57I think this series is going to be a hit.
00:31:59I don't care, Joseph.
00:32:00Tell me, what is she like?
00:32:03Bit of an oddball.
00:32:05Big glasses.
00:32:06Nothing like you described her.
00:32:18Everything all right, Miss Green?
00:32:21I'm just here to pick up Alex, Mrs. Johnson.
00:32:23Can you give me a second, Mommy?
00:32:25No, just be a good boy and let's go, okay, hon?
00:32:29Nancy, are you okay?
00:32:32It's just been an eventful day.
00:32:35Alex, let's...
00:32:43What's wrong, Miss Green?
00:32:44What happened to Alex?
00:32:47He has aplastic anemia.
00:32:50But he's so young.
00:32:52How can this...
00:32:54Is there any way to heal him?
00:32:57A bone marrow transplant.
00:33:01Or cord blood.
00:33:04Oh, that poor boy loses his father and now this?
00:33:07I'm so sorry, Nancy.
00:33:12Everything's going to be okay.
00:33:19Everything's going to be okay.
00:33:32How are you here?
00:33:34How's Alex doing?
00:33:35What can we do?
00:33:39We have to wait for a donor, which could take too long.
00:33:48Cord blood from someone with the same DNA.
00:33:52Please, you have to help me.
00:33:55I don't want him to find out that I'm still alive, but I need to save Alex.
00:34:00I know what you're thinking, no.
00:34:03I just need a chance for Alex.
00:34:09What do I get if I help you?
00:34:12You know I've always loved you.
00:34:18I will do anything.
00:34:22Help me.
00:34:25You know I never put you in a difficult place.
00:34:28I'll help you.
00:34:31Just wait for my signal.
00:34:34Are you sure you want to do this, Nancy?
00:34:38I risked my life to give birth to him.
00:34:42Alex is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
00:34:48Long time no see.
00:34:50How dare you show your face.
00:34:53What are you doing here?
00:34:54I wanted to apologize for what I did to you all those years ago.
00:34:59Are you joking?
00:35:01I had a lot of years to think about it, and, well, I was out of place.
00:35:07I'm sorry, Nathaniel.
00:35:09You think you can just apologize?
00:35:11You hear him out.
00:35:12And that's it?
00:35:13Let me make it up to you.
00:35:15Let me take you out, and I'll explain everything.
00:35:19What are you doing with him?
00:35:21Isn't it obvious?
00:35:23I just want a peace of mind.
00:35:25Let me take you out, Amanda.
00:35:27In good faith.
00:35:29Let's be friends again.
00:35:31Surely you can be away from Nathaniel for a few hours.
00:35:37You have nothing to say about this?
00:35:39You have nothing to say about this?
00:35:50Let me go get my things.
00:36:29Is it really you?
00:36:38It's me.
00:37:08It's me.
00:37:09It's me.
00:37:37Hey, where have you been?
00:37:38You haven't been answering anything.
00:37:40I, uh...
00:37:42I was with someone.
00:37:45Don't worry, I'm safe.
00:37:49Talk to you later.
00:38:21You kids are quiet today.
00:38:24Mrs. Johnson, do...
00:38:31Beautiful performance.
00:38:33I believed you.
00:38:35What'd you say?
00:38:37She's changed.
00:38:43If I had told her before that I was going to cut ties with her,
00:38:46she would have cried bloody murder.
00:38:48We'll have to see if she talks to Donald.
00:38:51Donald's falling for our trap.
00:38:53If he keeps insisting upon getting this project,
00:38:56he's bound to run into some cash flow problems.
00:38:58Johnson's about to go belly up.
00:39:01For Donald, no mercy.
00:39:09Seems as though we won't be seeing your father after all.
00:39:14Perhaps it's time your father came to get you himself.
00:39:17Perhaps it's time your father came to get you himself.
00:39:31Why are you sad, Percy?
00:39:34Come on in.
00:39:46Are you Percy's father?
00:39:48Dad, this is Alex, my friend.
00:39:52Thank you for taking care of Percy.
00:39:54Sit with us if you don't mind, Mr. Foster.
00:40:01Alex, what's wrong?
00:40:05Alex has a weak constitution.
00:40:08His mother's given us a list of the things that he can't eat.
00:40:11It's quite a long list, as you can imagine.
00:40:13My dad doesn't eat those either.
00:40:15I like anything Daddy gets for me.
00:40:44They rejected the design again.
00:40:47I thought everything was going so well after our meeting.
00:40:50Well, sometimes first love is not meant to be.
00:40:55We need to deal with Foster Group desperately.
00:40:58If we lose this, we'll have to shut it down.
00:41:01You must take this job, Nancy.
00:41:06Yeah, look, you're better than me, and I know you can do it.
00:41:10Nancy, we could lose everything.
00:41:16If I get them to sign the deal,
00:41:19I want part of the commission up front.
00:41:21That's all?
00:41:23Okay, great, I'll make that happen.
00:41:25I'll arrange everything, and you'll need to take the meeting with Foster Group.
00:41:30We'll see if it comes to that.
00:41:40Do not scare me like that.
00:41:41I'm sorry, I wanted to see you.
00:41:44Why did you call me out here?
00:41:46I thought we were supposed to be keeping our distance.
00:41:48I know you need the money for Alex's treatment.
00:41:50Please, don't refuse me.
00:41:54You've already done too much to help me already.
00:41:57If I'd just been stronger, I...
00:41:59You wouldn't have to go through any of that.
00:42:01No, this is not your fault.
00:42:03Thank you for saving me.
00:42:06And Alex.
00:42:08You know I want more than just thank you.
00:42:09Timothy, stop.
00:42:11I can't give that to you.
00:42:40Our plan's going well.
00:42:42Donald doctored his accounts.
00:42:44He'll get your wish soon enough.
00:42:47You gotta take all these pills at once?
00:42:50Are you getting worse?
00:42:52I'm fine.
00:42:57You gotta let go of the past, Nathaniel.
00:43:00I know.
00:43:02Timothy seems to be moving on.
00:43:04Oh yeah?
00:43:06My surveillance guy just sent me these.
00:43:32What's wrong?
00:43:34You know her?
00:43:36It's Nancy.
00:43:38Where were these taken?
00:43:40I'll find out.
00:43:58Word of advice?
00:44:02She's my wife.
00:44:03Used to be your wife.
00:44:05If you show up now, she'll disappear again.
00:44:27You knew she was alive this whole time?
00:44:29But you didn't think to tell me?
00:44:31Yeah, because...
00:44:32You didn't deserve to know.
00:44:36Do you have any idea the hell I've been through?
00:44:39That's not my fault.
00:44:40Much less hers.
00:44:42So you were working with her.
00:44:44And you lied to me.
00:44:46Please, do I need to make things so clear?
00:44:49You knew why she lied to you.
00:44:52She doesn't want to see me.
00:44:55You know, Dave...
00:44:56Not after what she did.
00:45:00Don't go near her ever again.
00:45:18The hell is this?
00:45:20If you tell everyone Skyscraper Industries is yours,
00:45:23Jones Corporation is going to go bust.
00:45:26Why are you pulling out right now?
00:45:30He's alive.
00:45:32I don't want Skyscraper to have any conflict of interest with our companies.
00:45:38But you've been waiting for this for so many years!
00:45:41Once Donald gets the plot of land,
00:45:43he's going to do something.
00:45:46Just keep collecting evidence.
00:45:52Oh, Miss Green?
00:45:53Hi, I'm Nancy Green from Flawless Designs.
00:45:56I'm here to talk about the First Love series.
00:46:00These are the updated drafts.
00:46:02Feel free to have a look.
00:46:20Excuse me?
00:46:22What are you doing?
00:46:23I'm sorry, he didn't sleep well.
00:46:26Yes, right, I...
00:46:27I apologize.
00:46:29I've arranged for us to go over your designs over some lunch.
00:46:33I'm just here to work.
00:46:35You do understand for the project to move forward,
00:46:38Mr. Foster has to green light it.
00:46:43Let's get comfy.
00:46:49Where's Mr. Shaw?
00:46:51He had other business to tend to.
00:46:54So sorry about the food, by the way.
00:46:57It's all we could get on such short notice.
00:47:00I know your sauce greens and salads.
00:47:03You're such a picky eater.
00:47:05I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Foster.
00:47:07I'm not a picky eater.
00:47:09You must have me confused with somebody else.
00:47:13Nancy, do we have to play this game?
00:47:15I'm here for work, Mr. Foster.
00:47:18I didn't give you the wrong impression.
00:47:26Ms. Green, come to the hospital, quickly. It's Alex.
00:47:32Let me go.
00:47:33Are you okay?
00:47:34Let me go!
00:47:43What are you doing here?
00:47:44What is it with you?
00:47:47What do you want?
00:47:50I hear Johns Corporation is in some big trouble right now.
00:47:53And you help a lot of people.
00:47:55We're having cash flow issues because people are trying to get compensated for contract breaches.
00:48:00I wanted your help, but you wouldn't.
00:48:02So I had to deal with it another way.
00:48:05Amanda, I told you why I don't want to marry you.
00:48:09And with your dad winning the bid, you don't need a marriage of convenience anymore.
00:48:24What does Percy have to do with it?
00:48:28It's my fault he got hurt.
00:48:36It was an oversight on my part, Ms. Green.
00:48:39A picture frame was installed improperly and kids were playing under it and it fell.
00:48:44Percy pushed Alex away, but Alex scraped his hand.
00:48:49I want to see Alex.
00:48:54It wasn't your fault.
00:48:59Why are you crying, Mommy?
00:49:01Just scared that I was going to lose you.
00:49:05Are you feeling better?
00:49:07Percy saved me. Is he alright?
00:49:09I'm fine.
00:49:14Thanks for saving Alex, Percy.
00:49:29Nathaniel refused you again.
00:49:33Please don't start.
00:49:35You should have taken over the foster's group after his mother died, but you wouldn't.
00:49:42If you hate him so much, why do you want me to marry him so badly?
00:49:46Please, Amanda. He's a smart man.
00:49:49I'd rather he was family than a nemesis.
00:49:52Why? You couldn't make him yours even after all this time?
00:49:58If you hadn't objected to our marriage, Nancy couldn't have gotten to him before me.
00:50:03Well, we could have been a couple by now.
00:50:06He didn't like you even back then.
00:50:08We have a child together already.
00:50:13You think you slept with him?
00:50:17What did you say?
00:50:19I poured you that glass of wine, and I took you to the foster's place.
00:50:25The man you slept with was his father, my dear.
00:50:30But you wouldn't remember that.
00:50:32What do you think Nathaniel would think if he knew?
00:50:36Do you think he'd still love you?
00:50:39No, he loves me. Perseus, there's no way that he's not his kid.
00:50:46You know who he really loves.
00:50:53There's no love between you and Nathaniel. There never will be.
00:50:58You ruined me.
00:51:00Wrong. I showed you his true colors.
00:51:03Do you think he'd love you if he knew that Percy wasn't his son?
00:51:12Easy. To get dirt on the foster group. And to extort them.
00:51:34You're still drinking in your condition?
00:51:38You're gonna kill yourself!
00:51:43Speaking of killing.
00:51:47I found evidence that Donald was involved in the murder of your mother.
00:51:53I've been thinking.
00:51:56Nancy hates me.
00:51:59She's suffering because of me.
00:52:02She's suffering because of me.
00:52:07The real problem would be if she was completely ignoring you.
00:52:10At least she's engaging.
00:52:13Find out the full story one day and she will come back.
00:52:17If you're alive, that is.
00:52:21Settle the case with Donald as soon as possible.
00:52:32Well, looks like we're almost done here, Ms. Green. We just need Mr. Foster to make a decision.
00:52:38Do you have any questions, Mr. Foster?
00:52:42Where are the other shortlisted designs?
00:52:45We eliminated them. We went over the others already.
00:52:51It's just that, in terms of cost-profit value, flawless designs isn't the best choice.
00:52:58Are you saying that you want to switch out?
00:53:01Because we are the best choice in terms of materials, design and quality.
00:53:07We reserve the right to choose who we partner with.
00:53:12Well, if you're going to switch out, I don't think we have anything more to say to each other.
00:53:18Just a new game we're playing.
00:53:54So, we're partners, right?
00:53:58So, no more going off script.
00:54:01If we choose their company's designs, she's going to stick around.
00:54:09Have you been going to your treatments?
00:54:12You're not supposed to miss a single chemotherapy session. Doctor's orders.
00:54:17I just can't stop thinking about it.
00:54:19Jesus! Enough already!
00:54:22Just think about the good stuff.
00:54:26Maybe bringing up happy memories is a better strategy than chasing her out of your office.
00:54:32Has Amanda come by today?
00:54:36You think she's on to us?
00:54:40No. Her and Donald don't suspect a thing.
00:54:55Alex was discharged and we ran into this gentleman on our way back.
00:54:59I'll leave you two and be on my way.
00:55:03Thank you, Mrs. Johnson.
00:55:15What are you doing here?
00:55:17Came to see Alex. I heard he was hospitalized again, so I thought I'd drop by.
00:55:24Oh, you heard.
00:55:27Are you alright?
00:55:33Facing him is harder than I thought.
00:55:36You don't have to.
00:55:37No, I know.
00:55:40I thought about giving up on my way back, but...
00:55:43I'm his mother.
00:55:46They called me back in again.
00:55:48It's like some kind of sick cat and mouse game.
00:55:52Nancy, I just want you to be happy.
00:55:59Thank you.
00:56:10I'm gonna get the deal.
00:56:12I'm gonna get the deal, okay?
00:56:20Come with me.
00:56:33Do you remember this place?
00:56:35I only came because I thought you changed your mind, Mr. Foster.
00:56:39Don't call me that.
00:56:42You never used to call me that.
00:56:43That's where we first met.
00:56:52Just ask him for a favor.
00:56:54Ask me what?
00:56:55You almost gave me a heart attack.
00:56:58Is that what you wanted to ask, Nancy Green?
00:57:01Um, Nathaniel.
00:57:03I was wondering if you could defer my father's debt.
00:57:07Okay, I'll do it.
00:57:09That was the past.
00:57:11And I've paid dearly for my love.
00:57:15It used to be my heaven, sure.
00:57:18But now, my hell.
00:57:20Don't take me to these places anymore.
00:57:23It only ruins what's left of my good memories.
00:57:33I'm sorry.
00:57:35I'm sorry.
00:57:37I'm sorry.
00:57:48I thought it was you.
00:57:56It's a bit early for me.
00:57:58Come on, this is supposed to be a happy moment.
00:58:07Have a whiskey.
00:58:10It'll lick a little.
00:58:12We don't have any tea, so...
00:58:24What's wrong?
00:58:26I need to use the restroom.
00:59:03What is it? Are you okay?
00:59:05I failed, Timothy.
00:59:07I'm not pregnant.
00:59:12Don't worry about it.
00:59:14I'll take you home.
00:59:18Get out of our way.
00:59:20Let us go.
00:59:24Let us go!
00:59:35Is that hard for you, Nathaniel?
00:59:39I just can't believe she's back in the den.
00:59:48So you didn't get pregnant.
00:59:50What's next?
00:59:55I can still get close to him.
00:59:58He knows I'm alive now.
01:00:00Yes, he's going to find out about Alex sooner or later.
01:00:02Why don't you tell him Alex is sick?
01:00:04So he can have a knife at my throat?
01:00:10Go home, Timothy.
01:00:13I have work in the morning.
01:00:29Alex is stable now.
01:00:30The faster he undergoes the surgery, the better.
01:00:33Any news on that front?
01:00:36We're trying our best.
01:00:54I'm going down to 12.
01:00:56I'm not going to close this, baby.
01:01:00You're tough negotiators, but we did it.
01:01:06What's on the 12?
01:01:08That's where you go to sign the deals.
01:01:10That's where they've always done it.
01:01:12You were at Sprott's designs, right?
01:01:21Where are you going?
01:01:42Why did you lie and pick another company?
01:01:44Do you have any idea how long I spent on those?
01:01:47Do you think you can just play me around?
01:01:49This might be a game to you, but it isn't to me.
01:01:53Wow, we didn't expect that to happen.
01:01:58Explain everything to her.
01:02:14Well, that was embarrassing.
01:02:16For me or for you?
01:02:19That man you met on his way to the 12th floor,
01:02:22I can guarantee you he's having a much worse day than you are.
01:02:25And he deserved exactly what he got.
01:02:28Smug bastard.
01:02:30And you didn't say anything to him.
01:02:33In a sense, you're just as cruel as we are, Ms. Green.
01:02:46You have no idea what I had to go through.
01:02:50I'm nothing like you, Mr. Shaw.
01:02:59Let's go.
01:03:10So you took the contract.
01:03:12You know that we're the best for the job.
01:03:15I look forward to a happy partnership, Mr. Foster.
01:03:19So, how much do you stand to make in this deal, Ms. Green?
01:03:23You don't have to answer that.
01:03:25But Nancy, if it's money...
01:03:26I don't want your money.
01:03:28Well, it's rowdy in here.
01:03:34Fancy seeing you here, Nancy.
01:03:37What are you doing here?
01:03:39Signing a deal.
01:03:43I thought you were here for Nathaniel.
01:03:46That's old news, Amanda.
01:03:48Don't worry, Ms. Jones.
01:03:51I'm nobody's mistress.
01:03:57I'm sorry.
01:03:58I'm sorry.
01:04:23I was hoping we could celebrate, but you don't seem to be in the mood.
01:04:27At this hour?
01:04:29I can come back tomorrow morning.
01:04:40The doctor says Alex needs surgery as soon as possible.
01:04:43But without the cord blood...
01:04:47I don't know.
01:04:49Nancy, this is not your role.
01:04:51Yeah, but I can't just sit around and do nothing.
01:04:53I could lose Alex.
01:04:54Maybe a matching donor will show up.
01:04:56Please, you have to cheer up.
01:05:00And I'll...
01:05:02I'll keep an eye on Nathaniel.
01:05:08You're a reliable friend.
01:05:12You always have been.
01:05:16You remind me of that a lot.
01:05:19I feel like I'm doing a lot of taking and...
01:05:21not very much giving.
01:05:23Look, I...
01:05:26I know you don't feel that way about me.
01:05:34Just wait for my signal.
01:05:51I love you.
01:06:21I love you too.
01:06:51Who are you?
01:06:53Who are you?
01:07:03Were you playing with my phone?
01:07:05You have to get some sleep.
01:07:13Alex, what did you say to him?
01:07:17He asked who I was.
01:07:19Then I asked him who he was.
01:07:23Never talk to strangers, okay?
01:07:25And you can't answer my phone anymore.
01:07:29Because we need to stick together.
01:07:49What's wrong with you?
01:07:58This is your chance.
01:08:00You want it?
01:08:11Let's catch you up.
01:08:40I knew you'd come back.
01:09:04It's okay.
01:09:05It's okay.
01:09:35It's okay.
01:09:37It's okay.
01:10:06Good morning, sleepyhead.
01:10:10Dig in.
01:10:13How did I get home last night?
01:10:17You drank a lot last night.
01:10:20You're very touchy, too.
01:10:24You were...
01:10:29We were...
01:10:30We were...
01:10:31Who else?
01:10:33Reminded me of the good old days.
01:10:36We had a son together.
01:10:39We made love.
01:10:42Now all that's left is to get milk.
01:10:45Why are you acting like this?
01:10:48I'm not acting like anything.
01:11:00I gotta go.
01:11:02I gotta go.
01:11:03I gotta go.
01:11:29Ms. Jones, you should not be in the state in front of Perseus.
01:11:32Don't tell me what to do.
01:11:33Percy comes here now.
01:11:35You need to calm down.
01:11:36Percy is a sensitive boy.
01:11:38Your behavior is distressing.
01:11:40I don't need you to tell me how to teach my son.
01:11:42I should have never had you...
01:11:44Stay inside.
01:11:45Don't be scared.
01:11:46I don't care what your reasons are,
01:11:48but speaking to your son like that is cruel.
01:11:50He's the cruel one.
01:11:53Having him ruined me.
01:11:58He has cost me nothing but pain.
01:12:02I'm sorry.
01:12:13What the hell happened to you?
01:12:15Dad, are you sure Nancy's baby is dead?
01:12:18Of course.
01:12:20Premature C-section will do that.
01:12:24I brought all the doctors there.
01:12:26Nobody's coming out alive.
01:12:27Not Nancy.
01:12:28Not her kid.
01:12:30You think you're so smart, don't you?
01:12:35When really you have no idea what's going on.
01:12:39Watch it.
01:12:40I'm still your father.
01:12:42Nancy's alive.
01:12:44And so is her kid.
01:12:47Did you see something?
01:12:49I saw Nancy with a child.
01:12:51And he was about the right age.
01:12:55I'll see what I can find out.
01:12:57I don't know if Nathaniel knows about this.
01:13:00I don't know anymore.
01:13:05Why is it still alive?
01:13:13Not hungry?
01:13:16I've been like this all day.
01:13:17I was going to take the day off work.
01:13:19So why didn't you?
01:13:21You deserve a break.
01:13:22Well, Alex's chemo session is next month
01:13:24and I need this month's bonus for it.
01:13:26You know that.
01:13:28Still, you've got to eat something.
01:13:30You've been putting too much pressure on yourself.
01:13:32Oh, I can't.
01:13:34Maybe my stomach's inflamed.
01:13:36I keep wanting to puke.
01:13:39I've got to use the bathroom.
01:13:51If that is Nathaniel's kid,
01:13:54then Percy no longer has an advantage.
01:13:57You're right.
01:13:59Everything we've planned,
01:14:01everything we've done
01:14:02so that we'd get our hands on the Foster's group.
01:14:05But if that boy's gone...
01:14:11Then Percy is the only heir.
01:14:16We can't just wait around, Dad.
01:14:20You don't think I know that?
01:14:23Let me think.
01:14:25I'll see if I can come up with some mysterious circumstances.
01:14:43Hey, what's going on?
01:14:45I just ate something.
01:14:47But you...
01:14:48You haven't been eating anything.
01:14:53Do you think maybe...
01:14:58No, it's too soon for that, Tim.
01:15:01But since the first time...
01:15:06The test was negative.
01:15:18No, it's too soon for that, Tim.
01:15:23Six weeks pregnant.
01:15:27And you...
01:15:29By the time you showed up for your son,
01:15:31the sick child needs a father as well.
01:15:33He's not the father.
01:15:35He's just a friend.
01:15:38I'm sorry.
01:15:41Could this baby's cord blood save Alex?
01:15:44If the child comes from the same set of parents,
01:15:45there's always a high probability.
01:15:49I'm sorry.
01:15:53Then there's nothing to worry about.
01:15:56Once the child is born, I'll arrange a procedure.
01:15:59Just keep an eye on Alex in the meantime.
01:16:03Thank you so much.
01:16:05I should warn you, though.
01:16:07Procedure isn't cheap.
01:16:09Be prepared.
01:16:16Look, you don't need to work yourself to the bone, Nancy.
01:16:20I can give you the money.
01:16:22What is it with men and their money?
01:16:24I don't need any more handouts.
01:16:26I've had enough of that life.
01:16:29So you're together now?
01:16:37Why are you here?
01:16:39I just want to talk.
01:16:40Don't scare her.
01:16:41I'm not scaring her.
01:16:43I just want to talk.
01:16:45There's nothing for us to talk about.
01:16:47Can we just talk nicely?
01:16:48I don't owe you anything.
01:16:49It's late.
01:16:50Can we just move on?
01:16:51I just want to talk again.
01:16:53You can't get over yourself, can you?
01:16:56There is nothing that I want to say to you.
01:17:05She's home now.
01:17:06You can leave.
01:17:10Why are you staying?
01:17:12Because I care for her.
01:17:15Have you been in love with her all these years?
01:17:19Is that why you didn't come to our wedding?
01:17:21I wouldn't have done what you did to her.
01:17:25She wouldn't want to see you here.
01:17:59Thank you.
01:18:03He's gone.
01:18:04You're good.
01:18:06Did he see Alex?
01:18:09Don't worry.
01:18:12Thank you, Timothy.
01:18:15Yeah, I've been getting a lot lately.
01:18:18I'll see you tomorrow.
01:18:44Feeling better?
01:18:45I brought...
01:18:46I brought you some snacks.
01:18:51You can't keep coming by, Nathaniel.
01:18:53I'm not hungry.
01:18:54I don't want to eat anything.
01:18:56Just take it.
01:18:59I said no.
01:19:01I don't want to see you.
01:19:02You disgust me.
01:19:06I can explain everything.
01:19:08It's too late for that.
01:19:11You had your chance at a good life.
01:19:12You had your chance at a good life.
01:19:14I gave you chances even after I found out about Percy.
01:19:16And you hurt me anyway.
01:19:20Goodbye, Mr. Foster.
01:19:23Just take it.
01:19:43What are you going to understand?
01:19:46Look at you.
01:19:49Don't disturb her life anymore.
01:19:51Your life?
01:19:53With her?
01:19:55She doesn't want me.
01:19:57But she doesn't want you.
01:20:01She's finally getting over the past, so...
01:20:03Whoever she ends up with...
01:20:05She'll be happier than with either of us.
01:20:09I can't let her live alone.
01:20:11You have no shame.
01:20:14You have a son.
01:20:16A life.
01:20:20Percy's not mine.
01:20:24You finally believe the truth?
01:20:27You believe what I've been telling you all those years?
01:20:33Now what the hell have you been doing?
01:20:36You're living and working with your parents' killers.
01:20:39You killed your own child.
01:20:41You pushed away the woman you love.
01:20:44You're even more messed up than I thought.
01:20:46What were you thinking?
01:20:48What am I thinking?
01:20:50I'm going to make them pay.
01:20:54There's no way. You'd lose everything.
01:20:56You couldn't let go off of the Foster Group.
01:20:58You sacrificed that company for Nancy.
01:21:01The Foster Group is just an old company.
01:21:04I don't care if it gets ruined.
01:21:09I really have nothing...
01:21:21Sign this.
01:21:22We win half the battle.
01:21:26When the time comes,
01:21:28leak the news that Jones Corporation has been doing subpart work.
01:21:31Have the partners pressure them.
01:21:33Make them pay all their debts.
01:21:35I want Donald to pay all the money he embezzled.
01:21:39What if he disappears?
01:21:41Amanda won't let him.
01:21:56What news?
01:21:58Calm down.
01:22:01If finance releases even one red cent,
01:22:04you're all fired.
01:22:05Amanda did what?
01:22:14Why did you release my funds?
01:22:17It's just been problem after problem
01:22:19since development's gotten underway.
01:22:21I'm sure someone is setting us up.
01:22:24So it's time to cut our losses.
01:22:26That was my money.
01:22:30That money belongs to the company.
01:22:32It belongs to my son.
01:22:36You're mad.
01:22:38Percy's Nathaniel's brother.
01:22:40You could ruin me for that little bastard.
01:22:43Oh no, Dad.
01:22:45As far as the whole world is concerned,
01:22:47Nathaniel is Percy's father.
01:22:51And it's going to stay that way.
01:22:55This is all your doing, Donald.
01:22:58This is all your doing, Donald.
01:23:02And this is just the beginning.
01:23:16Have a wonderful evening, Perseus.
01:23:18Bye, Alex. Bye, Mrs. Johnson.
01:23:28You must be Alex.
01:23:31Is your mom Nancy Green?
01:23:39Miss Jones.
01:23:45Nancy and I have an arrangement.
01:23:47Alex will be at my place.
01:23:57We're right in the middle of
01:23:59Foster Group's production line right now.
01:24:01You can't just take a leave.
01:24:03My son is sick and I'm pregnant again.
01:24:05I have to spend time with my family.
01:24:10Good luck.
01:24:16I'm proud of you.
01:24:22Miss Jones took Alex, Mr. Green.
01:24:24I'm so sorry.
01:24:26Amanda has Alex.
01:24:35Mom, Alex can't eat this.
01:24:39Or is he just picky?
01:24:42You're just like your mother.
01:24:44Acts like a victim to get whatever you want.
01:24:57Are you two alright?
01:24:59I'm on a condom.
01:25:03You must be tired.
01:25:05I've seen you hurt people before and said nothing.
01:25:08But if you hurt Alex, I won't.
01:25:12What are you talking about?
01:25:15Nathaniel's dad.
01:25:17Zachary's death was a tragic accident.
01:25:20There's a special place in hell for people like you.
01:25:26That's the least of what you deserve.
01:25:31Don't ever touch my son again.
01:25:35Doesn't Nathaniel know about him?
01:25:37He'll never know.
01:25:45You're lying.
01:25:47You would kill me.
01:25:49To keep him from Nathaniel?
01:25:51This boy could be his heir.
01:25:53Alex has one parent and that is me.
01:25:59Drop the act, Nancy.
01:26:01You wouldn't have married Nathaniel if it weren't for his money.
01:26:19You! You are a succubus!
01:26:22They all love you!
01:26:24They all care about you! Are you happy now?
01:26:27I already have what I want. I don't need Nathaniel.
01:26:43I want to stay with mom.
01:26:49I want to stay with mom.
01:26:57Gonna go?
01:26:58I can't stay here anymore.
01:27:00Now that Amanda knows that Alex is my son, Nathaniel's gonna find out sooner or later.
01:27:12Where are you going?
01:27:14It's none of your business.
01:27:16I heard you quit your job, but are you leaving?
01:27:19Nancy, don't go.
01:27:21Look, I have a hundred ways I can make you stay. I can find your dad.
01:27:25I don't know if I'd do that, but...
01:27:28Nathaniel, you're sick. Shut it.
01:27:32Don't leave.
01:27:34Eight years ago you stopped me from leaving.
01:27:36You trapped me, held me hostage by clearing my father's debt.
01:27:40I went with you, but how did that go?
01:27:43You know better than anybody.
01:27:49Just let me explain.
01:27:51Just give me a chance.
01:27:53I gave you a chance, and it killed me.
01:27:56It took years to get over that pain.
01:27:59Why do you keep coming here?
01:28:03We can't go back.
01:28:10Welcome to upset.
01:28:16Not my business.
01:28:20Where have you been?
01:28:22This is no moment and you're still running around?
01:28:27She's leaving.
01:28:29I don't care. Snap out of it. You're staying here.
01:28:33Last stretch of the marathon, okay?
01:28:36You want Prod Donald some more?
01:28:39We found all the embezzlement he's done.
01:28:45This is the moment I've been waiting for.
01:28:47This is the moment I've been waiting for.
01:28:50You know Foster Group is going to get audited.
01:28:54There's nothing on the ship afloat.
01:29:00He found out everything you did.
01:29:03Damn him.
01:29:05What good does this do him and the Fosters Group?
01:29:09They're all involved in this!
01:29:17Turn yourself in.
01:29:25What did you say?
01:29:28If you take the blame, it'll cost the least.
01:29:32This is all your fault, after all.
01:29:35You'll get me killed.
01:29:37You were the one that wanted to take over Foster Group.
01:29:41You killed Nathaniel's parents and had me sell him your shares when he needed them most.
01:29:51You wanted me to gain his trust, didn't you?
01:29:55If I'm locked up, what's the point?
01:30:02You taught me to do anything to get what I want.
01:30:08But you wouldn't chicken out when I need you most, would you?
01:30:15I don't mind ratting you out if I have to.
01:30:18Fine. I'll do it.
01:30:23And we'll see what happens to you next.
01:30:37I'm sorry.
01:30:53Did you set my father up?
01:30:56Why would I do that?
01:30:58Your dad's greed got the better of him.
01:31:01He embezzled money even after he got the project. You think I did that?
01:31:04It's just that Jones Corporation's regular partners are the ones forcing us to pay our debts.
01:31:09Why would I risk my own company like that? We're in deep shit now.
01:31:12That's why I'm here. We should split the debt. I'll play along.
01:31:24Let's get married.
01:31:34I've been thinking. It would be good for both of our families if we got married.
01:31:40Yes. And we can dump the whole thing on my dad. Brilliant.
01:31:45I have evidence of his crimes. We can spin the narrative so that we come out the victims.
01:31:53My thoughts exactly.
01:32:14I'll get started on the wedding preparations.
01:32:24I saw Nancy leaving. She didn't look too happy.
01:32:30Let her believe it. She'll be happier without me anyway.
01:32:43No way.
01:32:45I hurt him myself. I thought I'd get used to it. But I never got over it.
01:32:53My heart still loves him.
01:32:56Nancy, he can't find out about Alex or that you're...
01:33:00No, he won't. I just had a moment of weakness. That's all.
01:33:23We need to talk. It's about Nancy.
01:33:40I don't want to know anything. Give it back to me.
01:33:45You're going to get married. Why are you still looking at her?
01:33:49If I get married to Amanda, then all her family's problems go away.
01:33:57I don't believe you. Nancy did the right thing moving on.
01:34:04Take care of her, Timothy.
01:34:07You don't need to tell me that.
01:34:20Don't dump your mess on me.
01:34:25Go to the doctor.
01:34:27We had a deal. Once Donald's behind bars, you get treated.
01:34:31I know. But Nancy's still not safe.
01:34:38One last time.
01:34:54Come see me, baby.
01:35:20Now that we're getting married and my dad's gone, I figured, why not?
01:35:25My dad's case is settled. So, care for a drink?
01:35:47It's Joseph.
01:36:03Hey, I got it.
01:36:24What are you doing?
01:36:25What are you doing?
01:36:34I thought you'd at least spare me.
01:36:37I'm sorry.
01:36:39I'm sorry.
01:36:41I'm sorry.
01:36:43I'm sorry.
01:36:45I'm sorry.
01:36:47I'm sorry.
01:36:49I'm sorry.
01:36:51I'm sorry.
01:36:52I thought you'd at least spare me.
01:36:55For old time's sake.
01:36:59She's still not safe.
01:37:03One last time.
01:37:20Come see me, baby.
01:37:45Now that we're getting married and my dad's gone, I figured, why not?
01:37:52My dad's case is settled. So, care for a drink?
01:38:14It's Joseph.
01:38:28Hey, I got it.
01:38:52What are you doing?
01:38:53What are you doing?
01:39:03I thought you'd at least spare me.
01:39:06For old time's sake.
01:39:08I'm sorry.
01:39:10I'm sorry.
01:39:12I'm sorry.
01:39:14I'm sorry.
01:39:16I'm sorry.
01:39:18I'm sorry.
01:39:20For old time's sake.
01:39:25You want this?
01:39:27It's all the dirt on me, you know.
01:39:32I know.
01:39:34Never thought you'd want to ruin my life.
01:39:38You should pay for what you did.
01:39:41You messed your company away for her.
01:39:47Really worth it.
01:39:59Let's just see this through.
01:40:11I thought you knew.
01:40:14Percy isn't my son.
01:40:16You know.
01:40:20You've been lying to me.
01:40:23This whole time.
01:40:27You can't do this to me.
01:40:31We're all going to be punished for this.
01:40:40You're going to do this one way or another, aren't you?
01:40:42You're going to do this one way or another, aren't you?
01:40:46Regret this, Nathaniel.
01:40:48I'll see to it.
01:40:58Kill the little bastard.
01:40:59Kill the little bastard.
01:41:12Come on.
01:41:14Alright, turn back.
01:41:15Big breath.
01:41:18Okay, and bolt.
01:41:29Come on.
01:41:59Miss Green.
01:42:00Miss Johnson, what happened?
01:42:01Is Alex...
01:42:02Someone tried to take him.
01:42:03Percy got hurt seeing Alex and just taking him to the I.R.
01:42:06But Alex is bleeding out a lot.
01:42:09I'm so sorry, Miss Green.
01:42:13How is my son?
01:42:14How is Alex?
01:42:15We've repaired his artery.
01:42:16He's out of critical condition.
01:42:18But we do need to give him blood on our wrists.
01:42:20We're going to do that.
01:42:21We're going to do that.
01:42:22We're going to do that.
01:42:23We're going to do that.
01:42:24We're going to do that.
01:42:25We're going to do that.
01:42:26We're going to do that.
01:42:27We're going to do that.
01:42:28We do need to give him blood, and our reserves here are very low.
01:42:30Then you could use mine.
01:42:32You know we can't do that, and you're pregnant.
01:42:34We can't.
01:42:36Oh, we have put out a call for type O negative and type A.
01:42:39I'm type O.
01:42:40I'm type A.
01:42:41Not Nathaniel.
01:42:43Just wait here, Nathaniel.
01:42:46I'll be the hero this time.
01:42:52Silence, boy.
01:42:58Silence, boy.
01:42:59Silence, boy.
01:43:26Alex will be fine.
01:43:27But we need to observe Perseus more.
01:43:30Thank you, Doctor.
01:43:52She's pregnant.
01:43:57Try it, Nathaniel.
01:43:59You should speak to her.
01:44:02She hates me.
01:44:05She wouldn't even let me give her boy my blood.
01:44:08Direct relatives can't give blood.
01:44:10It comes with risks.
01:44:15Parents can't donate blood to their own child.
01:44:19Alex is yours.
01:44:25What did you say?
01:44:26Alex is your kid.
01:44:27The baby she's carrying is yours, too.
01:44:29Mine? How is that even possible?
01:44:32Alex is sick and needs core blood.
01:44:35The irony.
01:44:37You guys broke up and got back together for the same reason.
01:44:41It's Perseus!
01:44:57We've done all we can.
01:45:01Talk to him.
01:45:08Did I save Alex?
01:45:12You were so brave.
01:45:14He's fine.
01:45:19Don't fight with Mom.
01:45:22Don't fight with Mom.
01:45:29Where is Amanda?
01:45:31I called her, but she didn't pick up.
01:46:01What do you mean you couldn't kill him?
01:46:05I was going to, but there was a woman there with him.
01:46:10But I do know he's in the hospital.
01:46:14Get out.
01:46:18I'm really sorry.
01:46:19Get out!
01:46:22Get out!
01:46:26This is bad news, Ms. Jones.
01:46:28Foster Group just announced they have a huge financial problem.
01:46:32We're bound for the people of Sleet.
01:46:34They'll drag us down and bankrupt us.
01:46:37What do I pay you for?
01:46:40Do your job!
01:46:47You brought this on yourself, Neil.
01:46:51I'm sorry.
01:47:22I told you you were a good girl when you were in cold.
01:47:31Almost there.
01:47:33You've already lost the company.
01:47:35Now you'll let Amanda go?
01:47:38I can't do this to her.
01:47:41It was Percy's dying wish.
01:47:43Keep changing your mind.
01:47:44You're getting softer.
01:47:46I'm sorry.
01:47:48I'm sorry.
01:47:49Keep changing your mind.
01:47:50You're getting softer.
01:47:52Come on.
01:47:54You still like me.
01:47:58Be good in there.
01:47:59If everything goes well with your final hearing, you'll get paroled.
01:48:11Nancy's gone.
01:48:19Nancy's gone.
01:48:49Nancy's gone.
01:48:59Good morning.
01:49:01What are you doing?
01:49:03Did you have a good nap?
01:49:06I'm not playing with Nathaniel anymore, so I'm ruining his chips.
01:49:12I thought that you loved him.
01:49:14I do.
01:49:17You have no idea how much I've done for him.
01:49:20He said that he loves you too.
01:49:22That you share a deep bond.
01:49:36I would never say that.
01:49:39He's sending me to prison too.
01:49:40You did that to yourself.
01:49:44I did this to myself.
01:49:47When his mother died, I stayed with him to cheer him up.
01:49:52When his business went under, I ran around looking for investors.
01:49:57I even had a falling out with my own father for him.
01:50:04And what did he give me?
01:50:08He married me.
01:50:10I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
01:50:16It's not his son.
01:50:18It's his father's.
01:50:20That's why you killed Zachary.
01:50:22I didn't kill him.
01:50:24He was already dead.
01:50:27You deserved it, if you ask me.
01:50:41You just don't give up, do you?
01:50:48He knows.
01:50:49He knows.
01:50:50What do you do?
01:50:51What are you going to do?
01:51:04Don't do anything stupid, Amanda.
01:51:06If you want that.
01:51:07If you want them alive, you'll do as I say.
01:51:10Don't do it!
01:51:11Shut up!
01:51:15What do you want?
01:51:21I want you to stop attacking Jones Corporation.
01:51:24And you're going to give Foster Group to Percy.
01:51:28No problem.
01:51:32Come here.
01:51:40Call the cops.
01:51:41And they get it.
01:51:43I'll do it.
01:51:44No, Nathaniel!
01:51:45She's gone mad!
01:51:47Nancy, don't worry.
01:52:03He never let you suffer.
01:52:06He's been that way forever.
01:52:08It's not too late, Amanda.
01:52:10You can stop this.
01:52:18I love him so...
01:52:23You have no idea the hell I've been through.
01:52:30Even though he ignored me.
01:52:33Strung me along.
01:52:34I thought maybe one day...
01:52:36He would notice me.
01:52:38You know?
01:52:40We had such a long future ahead of us.
01:52:44That's not love.
01:52:45That is obsession.
01:52:47I never learned to love the way that you do.
01:52:50The only way I know...
01:52:52Is to hold on tight and never let go.
01:52:54If he runs, I'll squash him like a bug.
01:52:57No, if you love him, you will set him free.
01:52:59Shut it.
01:53:05Today was my wedding day.
01:53:09He owes me that much.
01:53:30My body's burning.
01:53:35It's okay, Nancy. I'm here.
01:53:44Lovely dress, don't you think?
01:53:48Do you remember what today is?
01:53:52It's our wedding day.
01:53:55I was in a gown, too.
01:53:57When you married her.
01:54:00I should have been the one.
01:54:01I should have been the one.
01:54:03We always promised each other we'd stay together forever.
01:54:07I'll stay with you forever.
01:54:09I'll let her go.
01:54:13No, no, no.
01:54:15I know your little game.
01:54:18Everything you do, you do to avenge her.
01:54:22You smile.
01:54:24And simper at me.
01:54:26It's all for her.
01:54:28What does she have that I don't?
01:54:33Tell me!
01:54:36Maybe I can learn a little.
01:54:42She's not you.
01:54:45And you're not her.
01:54:58We're supposed to have a bond, but you never loved me!
01:55:02Anna, stop this. This is not who you are.
01:55:04Then who am I supposed to be?
01:55:10You don't love me.
01:55:12You've never even said the words.
01:55:15I wanted to let you go.
01:55:17For Percy's sake.
01:55:19But you.
01:55:21You're beyond saving.
01:55:23Percy isn't even your son.
01:55:25Do you?
01:55:27Do you know how I got pregnant with him?
01:55:31It's horrible!
01:55:33I know who his father is.
01:55:35But he's still my child.
01:55:37Why? Why can't you accept him?
01:55:39But you can't accept me!
01:55:44Perseus is dead!
01:56:22James. James.
01:56:24Don't worry. Don't worry.
01:56:37What about the cops, did you?
01:56:39Fine. Let's play a game, shall we?
01:56:44Let's talk.
01:56:49Either he dies.
01:56:55Or your baby dies.
01:57:05I'm not kidding.
01:57:07Who do you want to save?
01:57:09Your baby or your baby?
01:57:14Do you want to know what Percy said?
01:57:17Before he died?
01:57:23The guy you sent.
01:57:25To get out.
01:57:29Killed Percy.
01:57:34You're a monster.
01:57:38And he asked for you.
01:57:44And where were you?
01:57:57Don't worry.
01:58:08Don't worry.
01:58:09Don't worry.
01:58:25Don't worry.
01:58:27I got Alex.
01:58:37It's okay.
01:58:40Daddy's coming to meet you.
01:58:44She's coming.
01:58:46Let's go.
01:58:50I didn't say you could leave!
01:59:08I love you.
01:59:11I love you.
01:59:13I love you.
01:59:32Where's Alex?
01:59:34Is he okay?
01:59:36My baby.
01:59:38He's not.
01:59:40Where's Nathaniel?
01:59:43About time you woke up.
01:59:46A few years ago, Nathaniel was in the pits because he thought you had passed away.
01:59:51He contacted me, asked me if I was interested in the Foster Group and the Jones Corporation.
01:59:56His plan was to lure Donald in by getting him to put in a bid on a piece of land in the southern part of the city.
02:00:02This way, he could set up Percy for life, expose Donald's crime and lock himself down as well as Amanda.
02:00:09But why would he...
02:00:11You'll have to ask Mr. Dawson for the results of his investigation.
02:00:16On the day of your delivery, I got my hands on the paternity test results that proved that Percy isn't Nathaniel's kid.
02:00:23He didn't believe me.
02:00:25From that point on, Nathaniel knew what Donald was up to.
02:00:28To protect Percy, he played along with the Jones family.
02:00:32It was all going according to our plan.
02:00:35Until you showed up.
02:00:38He's given you Skyscraper Industries.
02:00:41Don't worry, it's all clean money.
02:00:45I don't want that.
02:00:47Where's Nathaniel?
02:00:50Under house arrest for fraud.
02:00:53Timothy, you told me to give him a little more time.
02:00:55Timothy, you told me to give him a little more time. Is this what you were talking about?
02:01:01Miss Green, Nathaniel is very sick.
02:01:05In fact, it's very similar to the symptoms that Alex has.
02:01:08He was supposed to get treatment, but he refused.
02:01:13Where is he?
02:01:26You're here.
02:01:28Yeah, to talk.
02:01:31We haven't really talked since we met again.
02:01:43I love you.
02:01:46It's understandable if you can't forgive me.
02:01:52I was out then.
02:01:55I couldn't accept that my husband had a child with another woman.
02:02:05I owed her.
02:02:08My father, they really screwed her up.
02:02:11Have you been sick for a long time?
02:02:14Too long.
02:02:16I didn't look hideous.
02:02:17I love you.
02:02:24Let go of the past, Nathaniel.
02:02:27Think of Percy,
02:02:29and Alex,
02:02:31and of the baby.
02:02:42Can you forgive me?
02:02:44I forgive you.
02:02:48I love you.
02:02:54Now you can think of me
02:02:57when you look at me.
02:03:17I love you.
02:03:47I love you.
02:04:01Why did you have to be so secretive?
02:04:06Once I'm done with this-
02:04:07I know what you want to do.
02:04:09Joseph told me.
02:04:14he was just supposed to give you the phone.
02:04:17I'm glad that he told me.
02:04:22I'm here now.
02:04:26Once I'm done with this hearing,
02:04:28my company goes bust.
02:04:31And that's when you'll receive true justice.
02:04:34Alex and I will be waiting.
02:04:37Timothy will take good care of you.
02:04:40don't say something that you might regret.
02:04:42I'm going to ask you this once.
02:04:45Do you want to be with me
02:04:47and do this together?
02:04:57Of course.
02:05:03Go and do what you need to do.
02:05:05I'm not going to stop you.
02:05:07But come back afterwards.
02:05:08And we'll do this together.
02:05:11As a family.
02:05:38I love you.
02:06:08I love you.