Do you practice any of these sports?

  • last month
Do you practice any of these sports?


00:00Did you know the sports you play can actually predict how long you're going to live?
00:04The sports you play?
00:05Yes, so recently scientists discovered that the sports you play have a huge connection on how long you're going to live.
00:12Football players must not live the longest.
00:16Yeah, they're not on the list.
00:17So in fifth place, extending someone's life 3.4 years is actually swimming.
00:23In fourth place, they found biking and cycling actually extending people's lives 3.8 years.
00:30And in third place, they found that soccer actually increases someone's life 4.7 years.
00:36So in second place is badminton.
00:38And they found that if you play badminton, your life is extended by 6.2 years.
00:44And in first place, the sport that makes you live the longest is actually tennis.
00:49So in any kind of racquet sport, so like pickleball, table tennis, anything with a racquet, you actually live 9.7 years longer in any kind of racquet sport.