• last year
00:00Hello in this video, this video was just my twin flame Cheyenne, hi Cheyenne.
00:07Thanks for watching and thank you for watching.
00:10This is going to be some crime against me, my twin flame.
00:15In this video Cheyenne, I'm going to make it like 15 minutes because I want to make sure it gets uploaded by 3pm.
00:25I just got home.
00:27I called Epson printer to make sure the printer was going to be arriving and it's arriving on Tuesday.
00:34But now I'm going to show you my grocery haul.
00:36I ended up going to get groceries because I ran out of groceries and I didn't feel like waiting for delivery.
00:52Hold on, let me just go put my sneakers on.
00:57So I'm going to show you my grocery haul.
01:13I went to Walmart.
01:19So I got these V8 vegetable juice.
01:28Whole wheat salty crackers.
01:38Lemon Jell-O pudding.
01:49Stir fry noodles.
01:54Refried beans.
01:58Tortilla chips.
02:06I got the pre-cooked pasta.
02:11The rotini and the elbow.
02:13And I'm going to have that with pasta sauce.
02:18I got green beans and sweet peas.
02:23And I got two cans of each.
02:27Paring fillets.
02:33Two cans of lentils. I think I got more than two cans.
02:39Velveeta cheese sauce.
02:42I got some nori seaweed that I'm going to break it apart and put in my miso soup.
02:57Here is the tomato sauce for the pre-cooked pasta and I'm going to put some spices, add spices to it.
03:09I did get some more of those cherry tomatoes.
03:17And a bag of apples.
03:26So for those tortilla chips, I got green chilies.
03:32And then I got the coffee, the evaporated milk for the instant coffee and I'm going to add it with honey and boil the water in the microwave.
03:47I got the half and half, the half-calf coffee, Keurig.
03:56Two cans of SpaghettiOs.
04:02I got chocolate, tuna, and water.
04:10Two more cans of chickpeas and I had three cans of lentils.
04:18More of the green peas, so I got two cans of each.
04:25Sliced potatoes.
04:27Two cans of tuna with garlic infused olive oil and a can of salmon.
04:39For the tortilla chips and for the burritos, the bean burritos, I got salsa verde.
04:46And salsa.
04:52Apple juice.
04:55I got apple juice.
05:01Two cans of tomato soup.
05:07This bread I'll cut up and put in baggies.
05:13I got some of these chocolate cream wafers.
05:18Salsa and I got a pack of waters in the trunk and a couple gallons of water in the trunk.
05:26Here is the tortilla shells for the burritos.
05:31And then I got bowls, plates, spoons and forks.
05:47Oh, I got two things of spoons by accident.
05:53I got some of this rosemary oil because you're supposed to use rosemary oil for thinning hair.
06:04I got some of this allergy relief because I can't breathe.
06:08I was getting wicked worse, so I'm thinking it's allergies.
06:12I'm going to take one.
06:15I also got some paper towels because I'm running out of paper towels.
06:20And I got these so that I can have coffee and not have to wash a cup.
06:30So, I am going to... that's everything.
06:45So, I'm going to take some of this because what I'm thinking about is,
06:50summertime, I have an allergy problem that I don't treat.
06:58And also, with this bacterial infection from food poisoning,
07:02I think it's possible with all these rashes and the irritation of my scalp,
07:09it's possible that I have a lot of allergic reactions happening in my body.
07:16So, I'm going to take one of these every day.
07:28It's just, it was only $2.
07:30$2. Allergy relief compared to Benadryl.
07:46That's not going to bother me.
08:01So, I'm going to make two parts.
08:03And I'm going to warn you shy that most of the video is going to be talking about my hair.
08:14Because I wrote down a lot of notes.
08:20And I'm not going to talk about my hair.
08:25I wrote down a lot of notes.
08:27And I'm not going to talk, just talk because there's remote viewers right now
08:33that have been waiting for me to talk to you.
08:36And they want to talk to you.
08:38And they want to try to act like they are talking to you.
08:44So, I got some street theater.
08:46I really don't want to go out that much.
08:49It's starting to get too exhausting.
08:52It's not really about the street theater.
08:56It's about the attacks.
09:03I've just called the printer.
09:09So, none of this can be used against me.
09:13None of this video can be used against me.
09:17So, I'm going to show you though.
09:19I'm going to show you though.
09:21I'm showing you a photograph.
09:23I'm so shy.
09:24You know how I go out in public and the criminals do all kinds of attacks?
09:38Well, they did.
09:39They involved a couple.
09:42And I have permission to show you their photograph.
09:47Because they want to actually sue the criminal that attacked them and attacked me at the same time.
09:58This is the couple.
10:08I wonder if I get a photo of their face.
10:12Yeah, this is the wife.
10:31I didn't know if I was going to be able to identify...
10:34If that was going to be enough to identify them.
10:38So, I even took a picture of their vehicle because they were parked right next to me.
10:54I'm not saying if this is true or not, but they agreed to be a part of the future trial.
11:00In order for it to be a symbol that was just one attack.
11:05Over 20 years this has been going on.
11:08When I go out in public by this criminal.
11:11They'd like to sue the criminal that attacked them and attacked me at the same time at Walmart.
11:18So, I was told to show you the photograph.
11:22And they will be able to be identified because they were at Walmart between 1pm to 1.30pm.
11:33And they were at the checkout in front of me, closest to the grocery store checkout.
11:39And I remember the associate that checked me out's name.
11:52I'm not going to go into detail about what happened.
11:55I'll have to tell you that I took photographs to remind myself and I wrote notes.
12:00So, I just called the printer and the printer should be here by Tuesday.
12:06So, I'm doing pretty good with money.
12:10Better than usual.
12:12Because with all of that groceries, I still have $230 left over.
12:17And that doesn't include the $180 hold on the printer.
12:24Also, I saw someone at Walmart wearing hashtag unfinished business.
12:52A lot of these criminals, they think that all of these people can watch what's going on with us too.
12:59And that they're not going to get away with it.
13:12But the good AI sort of took over.
13:21I'm not even going to explain it to you.
13:23So, I'm worried about my hair because I believe I do have some problems with the sides and the top.
13:36I noticed my part was getting a little bit thicker and more straggly.
13:42And I was thinking, why can't I make a straight part?
13:46Well, I wear a lot of no-shia.
13:51And I did start my period yesterday, which is very good because that means we're going to be able to have a child-shia.
13:58But I tend to have very bad PMS where I get in a state of depression.
14:06And I become so stressed out with so much anxiety and so much depression.
14:13And feelings of S-U-I-C-D-A-L is out of control.
14:19So, I'm going to show you my scalp before I talk about the notes.
14:27Basically, I looked around in public and there are so many women that have thin hair.
14:34And that have thinning hair or that have baldness, female baldness.
14:38I've never noticed it.
14:40I guess you really don't notice things until you have them and then you start to notice it.
14:47So, it's not that uncommon.
14:51However, I'm going to do everything in my, if possible, to not get bald.
15:06So, here's a picture of my... I'm skipping the criminal stuff.
15:13So, here's a picture of the top of my head.
15:20That's a little bit... This spot right here, that's...
15:28That looks to me like a little bit of balding.
15:33There's so many reasons why I would be balding at this point.
15:39So, I could have the receding hairline here, here, and then some thinness in the top of my head.
15:46I have more photos of my hair.
15:50There's a lot of redness after I did the mask.
15:55Let me show you more.
15:57I think it's... There's a lot of itching and redness.
16:00So, this is what makes me worried.
16:05So, I have a cowlick back here.
16:12That's a very...
16:15That's a very...
16:18That's a very...
16:22That's a very thick part. It's too thick.
16:30There's some thinness back here.
16:38I wouldn't have really been told. It's obviously been kept from me.
16:44There's some thinness behind here.
16:51Okay, that could be a glare that you're seeing.
16:55That's not a glare, though.
16:58Under here is not a glare.
17:00So, I want to make sure you don't see the glare because that could really make you not see it correctly.
17:28So, there's some thinness here and there's thickness there.
17:32The reason why I worry is because my dad's mother has female pattern baldness.
17:43My dad is not bald and didn't bald his whole life.
17:47My dad's dad did not bald his whole life.
17:50In the late 60s, he did not bald.
17:53But they keep saying it skips a generation. It skips a generation.
17:59So, here also is the top of my head.
18:05There's a little bit of thinness right here.
18:12Is there?
18:13Well, that's the cowlick.
18:15That's where the cowlick is.
18:18I'm really upset about this glare.
18:22I'm hoping the glare doesn't...
18:24I'll have to re-show these photos.
18:29So, this is the back of my head where the cowlick is.
18:34So, it's a little bit thin right here where the cowlick is.
18:40I know my hair always looks messy, but I can't help that.
18:44There's demonic possession.
18:47They're very, very not wanting me to ever style my hair.
18:51See the redness on my scalp?
18:56I have to stop this video and make part two.
19:02I love you, Cheyenne. Thank you everybody for watching.
19:04Thank you so much, Cheyenne, for watching.
