• last year
Desafío XX Capitulo 85 Completo en Español
00:00:10I've been there on Caris the ultimate Ramo de El Desafío quiero darle las gracias
00:00:15Gracias por haber hecho de El Desafío el programa número uno en Colombia
00:00:21queríamos que la celebración estos 20 años fuera por todo lo alto y ustedes lo hicieron posible
00:00:27Convirtiéndolo en un verdadero fenómeno de audiencias
00:00:30Así que como no agradecerles e invitarlos a que nos acompañen en la nueva etapa que como dice un gran amigo si lo que han visto
00:00:36Hasta ahora les ha gustado lo que viene les va a gustar el doble ya entenderán por qué se los dijo
00:00:43Como ustedes saben mandamos a los desafiantes a sus casas con el pretexto de tener ese espacio con sus familias con sus seres amados para
00:00:52recargar energías pero aquí entre nos
00:00:55Las razones eran otras
00:00:57necesitábamos ese tiempo
00:00:58extra para hacer cambios en la locación en la estructura del programa y como ustedes muy bien lo saben
00:01:03darle un compás de espera a esos dos invitados que vienen en camino de los cuales los desafiantes no tienen les digo ni la menor
00:01:11idea no le vamos a dar más largas a este arranque así que vamos a conectarnos de inmediato con nuestros semifinalistas
00:01:24Yo muy bien, y ustedes, ¿cómo están?
00:01:26Excelente, felices
00:01:28A ver
00:01:30Me dicen muchachos
00:01:32Igualmente también
00:01:34Están más gorditos
00:01:36Todos los veo gorditos
00:01:38Chicos los extrañé mucho
00:01:40Me encanta verlos
00:01:42¿Cómo están?
00:01:44Andrea muy bien
00:01:48Y a ver por quién empezó
00:01:50Tú Alejo hablaste tanto de esos frijoles
00:01:52¿Cómo fue sentándote finalmente después de añorarlos?
00:01:54En esa frijolada que supongo
00:01:56te tenían para esperarte
00:01:58No, Andrea, que delicia
00:02:02Con toda la familia
00:02:04Mis dos abuelas
00:02:06Hicieron parte de los frijoles
00:02:08Los prepararon perfectos
00:02:10Una belleza
00:02:12Momento top de mi vida
00:02:14No me imagino, pero hagamos algo
00:02:16No dejemos a los televidentes antojados
00:02:18Y que tengan una probadita de los frijoles
00:02:20De tu abuela
00:02:26Ay no, que es esta emoción
00:02:28Me dio dolor de cabeza
00:02:30Ahora sí tengo que tomarme un guaro, yo no sé
00:02:32Amita, yo le pague
00:02:34Alejo, ¿cómo están los frijolitos?
00:02:36Amita, delicioso
00:02:38Y hasta la pezuña
00:02:40Mira la pezuña allá
00:02:42Y algo que quería decirles
00:02:44A mí nada me queda grande
00:02:46Y yo por esta familia me hago
00:02:54Usted llegó a la final
00:02:56¿Cómo está en este momento?
00:02:58Yo estoy vivo
00:03:00Todavía estoy vivo
00:03:02Yo todavía no he cantado Game Over
00:03:12Y esa boquita
00:03:14¿Cuál? ¿Por qué?
00:03:16Ese es todo lo que fue
00:03:18Por no decir vulgaridades, se los juro
00:03:20Ese es todo lo que fue
00:03:22No, no me daba
00:03:24Natalia, tengo entendido
00:03:26Que tu regreso fue como una
00:03:30¿Por qué hubo tantas lágrimas?
00:03:32Fue súper recargante
00:03:34Ver a toda mi familia
00:03:36La verdad no me lo esperaba
00:03:38Yo me esperaba llegar a mi casa y no sé
00:03:40Dormir, comer
00:03:42Pero verlos a todos
00:03:44Ver a mi papá en lágrimas
00:03:46Verlo en llanto, fue nunca llora
00:03:48Al frente mío nunca llora
00:03:50Entonces eso para mí fue único
00:03:52Me lo disfruté realmente
00:03:54Siento que llené las baterías
00:03:56Ese día impresionante
00:03:58Te propongo que para que no nos quedemos
00:04:00Cortos en esta descripción
00:04:02De cómo fue tu recibimiento
00:04:04Lo veamos juntos
00:04:06Hola mi princesa
00:04:08¿Cómo te fue?
00:04:10¿Cómo estás?
00:04:14Papi, gracias porque
00:04:16Cuando nos tocaba una prueba muy difícil
00:04:18Pensaba mucho en ti
00:04:20Porque a ti te ha tocado muy duro
00:04:22Y yo decía, mi papá puede
00:04:24Yo también puedo
00:04:26El orgullo
00:04:28Gracias mi vena
00:04:30Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo
00:04:32Por estar aquí
00:04:34Este orgullo es un orgullo indescriptible
00:04:36Kevin, extrañar un hijo
00:04:38Sí que entiendo esa sensación
00:04:40El reencuentro con tu hijito
00:04:42Con Matías
00:04:44Excelente, la verdad
00:04:46Me llenó de energía
00:04:48Estaba aquí, lo abrazaba
00:04:50Me dio esa sonrisa
00:04:52Y escuchar su voz
00:04:54Me llenó
00:04:56Me hizo llorar
00:04:58Con toda la razón, vamos a verlo
00:05:10¿Cómo están?
00:05:12¿Muy bien?
00:05:14Yo no estoy siempre en el desafío
00:05:16¿Cómo me ves?
00:05:18Los sueños sí se cumplen
00:05:20Creo que eso lo dice todo
00:05:22Todos saben que lo he hecho
00:05:24Y mi hermana es la que me ha impulsado
00:05:26De que sí, dale, hágale, hágale
00:05:28Voy dando un pasito
00:05:30Un paso grande
00:05:32Y Diosito me tiene ahí si Dios quiere
00:05:34Para cosas más
00:05:36Si te acuerdas que yo te dije que
00:05:38Entonces voy a seguir
00:05:40Dándolo a los dones que Diosito me dio
00:05:42Para poder que tú puedas cumplir ese sueño
00:05:44Y meterte en una buena escuela de fútbol
00:05:46Para que puedas seguir
00:05:48Haciendo tu deporte
00:05:50Darlene, me cuentan
00:05:52Que tu regreso a casa
00:05:54Tuvo un acento romántico
00:05:56Con rosas, con ese reencuentro
00:05:58¿Cómo fue?
00:06:00Hola Andrea, ¿cómo estás?
00:06:02Realmente fue un encuentro muy bonito
00:06:04Todos mis familiares
00:06:06Tienen la costumbre de llevar rosas
00:06:08En cada rosa
00:06:10Había un mensaje que me llenó
00:06:12De amor y de mucha pasión
00:06:14Para seguir
00:06:16También supe que estabas antojada
00:06:18De un mural en tu honor
00:06:20Y que esto fue diciendo y haciendo
00:06:22Pero además en tiempo record
00:06:24Así que a mí me encantaría que todos vieran
00:06:26Cuál es la versión de Darlene en pintura
00:06:34Ahí la tiene mi amor
00:06:36El esfuerzo de todos, de la comunidad, de la familia
00:06:38No, pa
00:06:40Está hermoso
00:06:44Genial, pa
00:06:46Está muy lindo
00:06:48Y en toda la esquina para que todo el mundo lo vea
00:06:50Con mis lunares, con la mirada malacarosa
00:06:52Qué hermoso, pa
00:06:54Cuéntame, ¿por qué es que ha soñado usted
00:06:56Con este entonces?
00:06:58Realmente a mí lo que me mueve de estos murales
00:07:00Es como que la gente llegue y haga deporte
00:07:02Y diga, ella hizo algo por el pueblo
00:07:04O yo ya, no sé, en unos años pasar
00:07:06Y decir, si lo hice, lo hice bien
00:07:08Y representé al pueblo
00:07:10Es eso
00:07:12Francisco, me enteré
00:07:14Que tu mamá a tu regreso
00:07:16Pudo entender un poco más
00:07:18Por qué la disciplina te puede llevar tan lejos
00:07:20¿Cómo fue esto?
00:07:22Sí, lo que no entendía cuando yo hacía deporte
00:07:24Y hacía breakdance
00:07:26Era que estaba por ahí en la calle haciendo cosas
00:07:28Que no debía
00:07:30Pero cuando le di a entender
00:07:32Que yo lo que hacía era bailar
00:07:34Pasarme de pronto en las canchas
00:07:36Y en los parques
00:07:38Era porque quería practicar
00:07:40Y quería que el deporte me saliera adelante
00:07:42Era por ese motivo que hacía mucho deporte
00:07:44Y me escapaba de la casa
00:07:46Pero bueno, ya con esto le quedó clarísimo
00:07:48Cuál es esa motivación
00:07:50Por qué merece la pena
00:07:52Y por este desafío
00:07:54Se tomó cucuta y tengo pruebas
00:07:56Mi querido Francisco
00:07:58Sí señora, así es
00:08:00Acá cuando se ponía el semáforo en rojo
00:08:02Yo lo que hacía era bailar breakdance
00:08:04Entonces le voy a hacer una demostración
00:08:06Como yo era que hacía la monedita
00:08:22Muchas gracias
00:08:24Muchas gracias
00:08:52¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡Te queremos! ¡
00:09:22Me recibieron con un poco de la cultura de mi departamento, comí demasiado ese día, fui muy feliz y fue reconfortante después de tantos golpes y de tantos días lejos de mi familia, llegar a casa y verlos a todos reunidos en recibimiento.
00:09:38No, pues es que me alcanzo a imaginar y a propósito de tu abuela Caroline, ese reencuentro sí que era necesario. Y aquí tengo las imágenes, claramente.
00:09:48¡Ay, abuelita! ¡Qué linda! ¡Mami, qué hermosa, linda! ¿Cómo está mi abuelita? Bien, bien, está linda. ¡Bienvenida! Gracias. ¿Por qué tan linda? Porque yo siempre sigo así.
00:10:18¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡
00:10:48¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡
00:11:18¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol! ¡
00:11:48¿Es realmente su soilo dar este chimarrón frente al duelo?
00:11:52¡Aquí va Nuestra Respuesta!
00:11:55This place Market Plaza de San Miguel
00:11:59Where Karen grew up
00:12:00The mother brought her here in the means of birth
00:12:02Karen sold this macaroni, tomatoes, potatoes
00:12:05Onion, peppers, fungi, garlic of all
00:12:13¡Gol! ¡Gol! Gol! ¡Gol! ¡Gol!
00:12:18I love you! I love you!
00:12:20I love you!
00:12:31I love you, I love you.
00:12:32Thank you for this amazing welcome.
00:12:37Family is the first thing.
00:12:39And this was my gasoline plus in each game.
00:12:45Hello, my dear. I love you, silly.
00:12:47I love you too and I miss you a lot.
00:12:50I support you, I support you, my dear. I support you.
00:12:53Yes, I know that you support me a lot.
00:12:56I love you.
00:12:58I love you for your Levi.
00:13:02I love you.
00:13:04Santi, you came back to the Carmen de Viboral.
00:13:08How did this happen, my dear Santi?
00:13:11Well, let me tell you that no one was missing.
00:13:14I was with the person I love the most,
00:13:17the person for whom I give my life,
00:13:19who is my beautiful mother.
00:13:21She made me some beans too.
00:13:23She made me a tray.
00:13:24I shared with her spectacular moments.
00:13:27We could talk.
00:13:28She could recharge me with such a beautiful energy,
00:13:30which is the energy of the mother.
00:13:32And well, to wait and see what happens.
00:13:34And with the faith in God, Andrea.
00:13:36And as Santi says, it is very clear here
00:13:39that it is only enough to meet that being
00:13:42that you love so, so much.
00:13:44I didn't even know how to serve him that dish.
00:13:47Every time I ate, I remembered you.
00:13:49Oh, what a pity.
00:13:51What a celebration we are both together.
00:13:53I don't need to be welcomed with an envelope or silverware.
00:13:57This is my absolute happiness.
00:13:59The only thing that is missing right now is Ricky,
00:14:03because he was my older brother.
00:14:06Unfortunately, he was very young.
00:14:08He died very young.
00:14:09I know he would be very happy with us
00:14:11and seeing what I have achieved
00:14:18and seeing that the three of us could come here to eat.
00:14:24And he was telling me,
00:14:25Oh yes, Santi, I told you.
00:14:27I told you that you were for that.
00:14:29And he is the only one who is needed here.
00:14:31Right, mom?
00:14:32He is the only one who is needed
00:14:34because the three of us were just the three of us.
00:14:38Maybe he is not here physically,
00:14:43but spiritually he is here sitting with us,
00:14:45watching us eat,
00:14:46watching us enjoy what we are living
00:14:50and I know that he is going to give us many blessings,
00:14:56after seeing this injection of life
00:14:59that you received at home,
00:15:01the time has come to return to the reality of the competition.
00:15:05I'll be waiting for you tonight
00:15:08at 8 p.m. on El Box Negro.
00:15:11And I anticipate,
00:15:15will change.
00:15:16I can only anticipate that you must have a lot of faith
00:15:20for what is to come.
00:15:21And that, as our judge would say,
00:15:24be aware of that dream of yours.
00:15:28Because you are only a few steps away from fulfilling it.
00:15:33see you in 12 hours.
00:15:37And it is that those 12 hours we are going to use
00:15:39to adjust details and list the new houses.
00:15:42Because it is serious.
00:15:43Here everything is going to change
00:15:45and the surprises are just about to be revealed.
00:15:48To begin, look at the colors of the new teams
00:15:51because from now on,
00:15:53red and blue will take on the challenge.
00:15:55Detail the new symbols very well.
00:15:57The garments, the uniforms they will wear to compete.
00:16:00And of course, the decoration of the houses.
00:16:03Anyway, get ready to enjoy a new challenge.
00:16:06And so that Tino Asprilla and the kid Valderrama
00:16:09take control of this program.
00:16:27it seems that an eternity has passed
00:16:30since we last saw each other
00:16:32and I really missed you a lot.
00:16:34But I am also convinced that it was appropriate
00:16:36for you to go home.
00:16:37Now, there is no excuse with this return
00:16:41not to get all into this new drink.
00:16:45Which, as I warned you this morning,
00:16:48can change.
00:16:49It depends on you.
00:16:51And if you accept a proposal.
00:16:56At this time,
00:16:59a man and a woman
00:17:01will be crowned as winners of the 20-year challenge.
00:17:05Each will receive a prize of 400 million pesos.
00:17:12What is the deal?
00:17:13Raise the prize from 400 million pesos
00:17:18to 1,200 million pesos.
00:17:32a man and a woman will not win.
00:17:35It will be a single winner.
00:17:40You tell me.
00:17:44increasing the number in these proportions
00:17:47will also increase the complexity of the clues.
00:17:50And we are aware that it will be very hard to win.
00:17:54And for that reason,
00:17:55we will allow you to have help.
00:18:07If you accept the proposal,
00:18:09I will continue to give the rules of the new game.
00:18:13If not, we will simply realize
00:18:15that this conversation is not carried out
00:18:17and we continue with total normality.
00:18:19I will give you five minutes
00:18:21to decide.
00:18:23Please discuss it.
00:18:40What did you decide?
00:18:41Do you accept the deal?
00:18:42Andrea, we all decided the deal.
00:18:45A winner.
00:18:47Very good.
00:18:481,200 million pesos.
00:18:51That sounds tempting.
00:18:54So things are.
00:18:55The name of one of you
00:18:58will be in that cup
00:19:00as the winner of this 20-year challenge.
00:19:03And in your bank account,
00:19:051,200 million pesos.
00:19:11Now, to implement the new mechanic,
00:19:13I need the presence of two people.
00:19:17The most emblematic in this challenge,
00:19:20the most influential,
00:19:21the most famous,
00:19:22icons adored in our country.
00:19:26With you,
00:19:27Carlos, the kid from Valderrama,
00:19:29and Faustino, the kid from Esprilla.
00:19:56Look at the team!
00:19:57Look at the team!
00:20:06How are you?
00:20:07What an honor to have you here.
00:20:09How are you?
00:20:10I'm good.
00:20:11I think just as excited as our challengers
00:20:13and our semifinalists.
00:20:14How are you?
00:20:15Good, good.
00:20:16I'm good.
00:20:17I'm happy to be here once again
00:20:19in the challenge.
00:20:20A little bit older.
00:20:22Because, well,
00:20:23especially the kid,
00:20:24because he was the first one
00:20:25to inaugurate this.
00:20:26Oh, no!
00:20:27How wonderful!
00:20:29But happy, happy.
00:20:30Thank you for this beautiful invitation.
00:20:32Well, for us,
00:20:33it's a Tibetan honor
00:20:35to have you here.
00:20:36And also that you have opened
00:20:38a space for us
00:20:39in those very tight schedules.
00:20:42what's going on in your head?
00:20:43Getting to the city of the 20-year challenge
00:20:45knowing that you were one of the first,
00:20:47the first challenger,
00:20:48and there you were.
00:20:49Here I am again.
00:20:52I was like,
00:20:53the 20-something kid,
00:20:54and I was like,
00:20:55are you going to leave me out?
00:20:56There would be more.
00:20:57Of course.
00:20:58And I have more hair than Tino now.
00:21:01But I'm happy to be here.
00:21:04how was it to be a challenger
00:21:0519 years ago?
00:21:06Hard, difficult.
00:21:07I got one of the worst teams
00:21:09in the challenge.
00:21:12I always had a great time
00:21:13in Playa Baja,
00:21:14but it was an unforgettable experience,
00:21:16a new thing for me,
00:21:18that I was taught to share
00:21:20only with footballers
00:21:21for the rest of my life.
00:21:23And to have had the opportunity
00:21:25to meet other people
00:21:26who had nothing to do
00:21:27with my profession,
00:21:28it was something very nice.
00:21:30I made very nice friends there.
00:21:33Well, I'll tell you
00:21:34that these two wonderful icons
00:21:36of football
00:21:39are joining us today
00:21:41because I told them,
00:21:43I need a hand,
00:21:45a help,
00:21:46to put together the teams
00:21:48with which you will continue
00:21:50in this competition.
00:21:56The kid team,
00:21:57the Tino team.
00:21:59And since you two
00:22:00are united by football,
00:22:02I thought we would do it
00:22:03in a very simple way,
00:22:05something like a 21.
00:22:06The one who touches the ball
00:22:08the most,
00:22:09starts to put together his team.
00:22:11It's a competition.
00:22:12Who starts?
00:22:13Start, Tino.
00:22:14Well, normally,
00:22:15the older ones always start.
00:22:17How do you give responsibility
00:22:18to the kid?
00:22:19That's why we need the judge,
00:22:21the highest authority
00:22:23of this 20-year challenge.
00:22:25So, kid, you first.
00:22:28I start.
00:22:33He fell.
00:22:36He fell.
00:22:38Ready, set, go.
00:22:42One, two.
00:22:46I'm winning.
00:22:54Oh, God.
00:22:55Stop, stop, stop.
00:23:0132, kid.
00:23:0232, kid.
00:23:04This kid is 50.
00:23:05Tino, it's your turn.
00:23:08They gave him a deflated foot.
00:23:10They inflated it for me.
00:23:12Ready, set, go.
00:23:18Get out of the team.
00:23:29Come on.
00:23:30Be careful, be careful.
00:23:33Come on.
00:23:36I did what I could.
00:23:38It's your turn, Tino Esprilla.
00:23:40We have to let the old ones win.
00:23:43Let's start putting together the teams.
00:23:46You start, kid.
00:23:48I'm going to ask you to choose
00:23:49a man and a woman.
00:23:51There they are.
00:23:53Let's go with a man.
00:23:55Alejo, Francisco, Kevin or Santi, kid.
00:24:05Now you're a team, kid.
00:24:10Kid, a woman.
00:24:12Darlene, Karen, Natalia, Caroline.
00:24:19Now you're a team, kid.
00:24:26Tino, it's your turn.
00:24:27A man.
00:24:28Thank you, kid.
00:24:29You're going to take me...
00:24:35Now you're a team, Tino.
00:24:38A woman, Tino.
00:24:42There's one that reminds me of a girlfriend of mine.
00:24:47I call her Natalia.
00:24:50I call her Natalia.
00:24:51Why does it remind you of her?
00:24:53Because she used to hit me.
00:24:56Kid, a man and a woman for your team.
00:25:06Welcome, welcome.
00:25:11Very good, Karen.
00:25:13Now you're a team, kid.
00:25:15Francisco, Darlene, you're a team, Tino.
00:25:18Come with me to your coach.
00:25:21I'm going to take him anyway.
00:25:22I'm going to take him.
00:25:25Kid, Tino, your teams have been confirmed.
00:25:29I remind you that the prize has gone up.
00:25:33It won't be 400 million pesos anymore,
00:25:36but 1,200 million pesos for the winner of this 20-year challenge.
00:25:44And I think I was short,
00:25:45because at first I had told you that you were going to like this twice.
00:25:49No, it's not twice.
00:25:50It's the triple, ladies and gentlemen.
00:25:53And I know there's a lot of information here,
00:25:55so I'm just going to ask you to stay tuned for Mafe's visit.
00:25:59Once you locate and organize your new houses and your new teams,
00:26:02because she brings you even more surprises.
00:26:13Challengers, it's time to rest,
00:26:15because what's coming is hard.
00:26:18So take advantage of it.
00:26:20To your homes.
00:26:24We're going for that money.
00:26:25That's how Diana chases us.
00:26:28We call the combo.
00:26:29We set up the combo.
00:26:31We're going to break it.
00:26:33You have everything to win.
00:26:39A lot of money in the middle.
00:26:42And one with Diana on top.
00:26:43When she said a thousand million pesos,
00:26:45right there they called me from Atacray.
00:26:49Let's go, let's go.
00:26:51Let's go, team.
00:26:53Let's go, team.
00:26:57Now, I said this morning,
00:27:00I'm going to put my eyes and nipples on good luck.
00:27:08Welcome, Argentina.
00:27:11This is the Argentine team.
00:27:14Welcome home.
00:27:15Welcome home.
00:27:16Welcome home.
00:27:18Welcome to our new home.
00:27:20Tremendous ranch.
00:27:21A glass of water to toast.
00:27:22Let's toast with a glass of water.
00:27:23Let's toast with a glass of water.
00:27:29For the fortune of being here with you,
00:27:32for the gratitude and the happiness we feel at this moment,
00:27:35because you fully trusted us, our potential.
00:27:39At this moment, we commit to giving our 1,200%
00:27:44so that you feel proud of us.
00:27:48And well, what eminence.
00:27:49The team.
00:27:50The team.
00:27:56What a beauty.
00:27:58What is this so great?
00:28:01Welcome, my brother.
00:28:03What is this so cool?
00:28:07The king's bed.
00:28:09Let's go, Medinuses.
00:28:10Tino, and with whom are you going to premiere this bed?
00:28:12I see you're making eyes.
00:28:18Red and gold.
00:28:19Red is a winning team.
00:28:22The red of energy.
00:28:24It looks like Superman's uniform.
00:28:27Superman, what a man.
00:28:29Take advantage of the bed roll, daddy,
00:28:30that I don't steal the bed at the same time.
00:28:34He's going to devour the world.
00:28:39What is this?
00:28:41We're ready.
00:28:43Seriously, Ben, look at yourself in the mirror.
00:28:45You look like a superhero.
00:28:47Now it's a team that inspires respect.
00:28:50Like when I put on the Colombian national team uniform.
00:28:54Very proud to have a shield and represent a country.
00:28:57So that's what this uniform is about.
00:28:59They have to represent it in the best way
00:29:02and always with the best mentality.
00:29:04A winning mentality.
00:29:05Come, come.
00:29:07Sing with me.
00:29:09That a friend has come to find us.
00:29:12That in the hand of the Probe Pibe,
00:29:16we're going to have a good time.
00:29:21The U is to sleep.
00:29:26That Pide is very old.
00:29:28Respect, because we are with the Probe, with the Pide.
00:29:32Not with the teacher, but with the one who puts them on.
00:29:37Here is the winner.
00:29:40What do you think?
00:29:42There is no one to put it on.
00:29:44Come, come.
00:29:46That a friend has come to find us.
00:29:51That in the hand of the Probe Pide,
00:29:53we're going to have a good time.
00:29:56Let's not waste energy.
00:29:58That in the hand
00:29:59of the Probe Pide,
00:30:01we're going to have a good time.
00:30:03They're already throwing rocks at us.
00:30:06They're already throwing rocks at us.
00:30:09The team over there is better.
00:30:11Let him speak.
00:30:13The one who talks a lot?
00:30:18Do you have a girlfriend?
00:30:20Yes, I have a girlfriend.
00:30:21I don't.
00:30:25I don't have anyone.
00:30:27We have a complicated situation.
00:30:31What is your complicated situation?
00:30:33Did life get complicated for you out there?
00:30:35Tell me, who is this to eliminate first?
00:30:38With Kevin.
00:30:40But a slip.
00:30:47He had a girlfriend.
00:30:49How did he tell you?
00:30:51Yes, I knew.
00:30:53How did you realize he had a girlfriend?
00:30:54He never lied about that,
00:30:56but then he sold his partner as the worst.
00:31:00That they were super bad,
00:31:02that it's not the same story for all men.
00:31:05That's older than the challenge.
00:31:07You fell into the trap.
00:31:09You fell into the trap.
00:31:11And you were going to start eliminating him.
00:31:15Get him out tomorrow.
00:31:17Don't give me the blessing.
00:31:19Give me the blessing that you're going to get him out.
00:31:21I'm not.
00:31:23And you met the other person?
00:31:25No, but if one day I have the opportunity to talk to her, I would.
00:31:28I would love to talk to her.
00:31:30What I did was a favor.
00:31:33Oh, Manny.
00:31:35And if I bring her to you, will you talk to her?
00:31:37Yes, right away.
00:31:41Hey, tell your partners
00:31:43that because the team had an advantage,
00:31:45that because of the manioc,
00:31:47and we here,
00:31:49we have the competition.
00:31:52The anaconda is here.
00:31:54The anaconda is here.
00:31:56The competition is here.
00:31:58The competition is here.
00:32:02That's true, and you know it.
00:32:04We're here thinking that no,
00:32:06that they were going to have an advantage.
00:32:08That's a lie.
00:32:10That the team was going to compete with three legs.
00:32:12We also compete with more.
00:32:14Why do you call him an anaconda?
00:32:16Tell me that you were the girlfriend.
00:32:18No, I wasn't the girlfriend.
00:32:20Why did you call him an anaconda?
00:32:22They call him an anaconda
00:32:24because he has a long distance.
00:32:26Natalia, are you really the vegan in the tango?
00:32:28I don't know why,
00:32:30I don't know why you went.
00:32:32Well, if that's the anaconda,
00:32:34put it on top of the licorice.
00:32:36Something tells me
00:32:38that you're not telling me the whole truth.
00:32:40I want to see my competition.
00:32:42Besides, I feel like it, I feel like it.
00:32:44And the story of the kid.
00:32:46The story of the kid was very clear.
00:32:48My dad was a professional football player.
00:32:50I was a friend of his.
00:32:52His name was El Turco Davy.
00:32:54My dad always took me to training.
00:32:56When I was a kid.
00:32:58Once he didn't take me.
00:33:00And El Turco Davy asked him,
00:33:02Hey, where's the kid?
00:33:04You know?
00:33:06My dad told him,
00:33:08I couldn't bring him.
00:33:10And the people, the other players,
00:33:12shit, the next day everyone took me,
00:33:14kid, kid.
00:33:16From there they baptized me the kid.
00:33:18Are you going to eat arepa?
00:33:20Yes, I'm going to eat arepa.
00:33:22Oh my God.
00:33:24That's it.
00:33:26You're a professional dancer.
00:33:30Yes, I dance.
00:33:32What do you dance?
00:33:36I dance breakdance.
00:33:38But you're too young for breakdance.
00:33:40You weren't born when the breakdance era.
00:33:42Uff, you were nothing.
00:33:44We kept going and we got in a mess,
00:33:46on the floor going around.
00:33:47I was in the time where all the steps
00:33:49have already evolved.
00:33:51And I do things that ...
00:33:53But this progress, this progress,
00:33:55you tell me, you are the generation,
00:33:57you are the best, you invented everything.
00:33:59Let's see, what is breakdance?
00:34:01Explain to me, because I stayed a few years without counting.
00:34:03As you know, breakdance was born
00:34:05in the Bronx of New York,
00:34:07100 years ago.
00:34:09Those are the good 100 years,
00:34:11who said it was 100 years?
00:34:13Yes sir.
00:34:15Do you think that right now what he did,
00:34:17is the same?
00:34:19No, no, no, no.
00:34:21He's crazy.
00:34:23Do you remember 5 to 0?
00:34:25Sure, yes.
00:34:27I gave the talk at the hotel
00:34:29and we went to the stadium.
00:34:31In the bus everyone was throwing stuff at us
00:34:34and we concentrated on the game.
00:34:36And we got to the dressing room.
00:34:38I usually got to the dressing room,
00:34:40but I didn't go out.
00:34:42I didn't like going out at the beginning.
00:34:44Everyone was equipped.
00:34:45I was taking care of my teammates.
00:34:47So I said, let's go.
00:34:49And I was fixing my shoes.
00:34:51And I said, let's go.
00:34:53El Tino was always by my side that day.
00:34:55I said, that's it.
00:34:57And Fausto, where are you?
00:34:59I started looking for him.
00:35:01Suddenly he was in the bathroom,
00:35:03and I looked out the window.
00:35:05The stadium was full.
00:35:07And I saw El Tino in the middle of the field
00:35:09with his cell phone.
00:35:11And I said,
00:35:13what the f*** are you talking about?
00:35:15And he said,
00:35:17I'm impressed.
00:35:19And I said,
00:35:23you score two,
00:35:25and I score two.
00:35:27And he said,
00:35:29don't worry about me,
00:35:31I'm fine.
00:35:33Give me two goals,
00:35:35and I score two.
00:35:37And he scored two goals.
00:35:39Oh, man.
00:35:41We were playing,
00:35:43and he scored a goal.
00:35:45And I did this to him.
00:35:47I said,
00:35:49get that mother****** out of here,
00:35:51you're not going to have me here scoring goals all day.
00:35:53I said,
00:35:55I'm going to score now.
00:35:57When he scored the other time,
00:35:59he scored.
00:36:01At the celebration.
00:36:03Did you see that?
00:36:05And I cheered him on.
00:36:07I said, yes, kid.
00:36:09He made me a better footballer.
00:36:11Because I knew I couldn't miss.
00:36:13I couldn't miss.
00:36:15I couldn't miss.
00:36:17It helped me be a better footballer
00:36:19in the Colombian national team.
00:36:21So you have to be competitive.
00:36:23Improve every day.
00:36:25But you're going to beat this mother******.
00:36:28First, get rid of them.
00:36:30After you,
00:36:32you'll see what you're doing.
00:36:34Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:36:36Welcome to this passion show of El Pibe's team.
00:36:38On the first pass,
00:36:40our great technical director
00:36:42of El Pibe's national team,
00:36:43El Pibe Valderrama.
00:36:53Everyone who can have a great technical director
00:36:55like El Pibe Valderrama.
00:36:57Let's hear it for him.
00:36:59In the cradle of sleep.
00:37:01The plane to say goodbye.
00:37:03The plane.
00:37:08Darlene, I've always liked
00:37:10Marinilla's women.
00:37:11How old is she?
00:37:17Because redheads are dangerous.
00:37:19A little bit.
00:37:21We only turn three times.
00:37:23They think you're crazy.
00:37:27I left him.
00:37:31Because I didn't want him anymore.
00:37:33How long did it last?
00:37:35Five years.
00:37:37And how come you don't want him
00:37:39after five years?
00:37:41Don't change the subject, please.
00:37:43One question.
00:37:45Let's see.
00:37:47One lasts five years with a man
00:37:49and overnight you don't want him anymore.
00:37:51It wasn't overnight.
00:37:53He was coming.
00:37:55When the challenge came, I saw him.
00:37:57You didn't feel anything.
00:37:59My whole family asked me what was going on
00:38:01and I don't feel like I missed him.
00:38:03I don't feel like I need to be with him.
00:38:05Did you realize you had another woman
00:38:07when you met him?
00:38:09No, I didn't realize anything.
00:38:11It took me a long time to realize
00:38:13that I didn't have another woman.
00:38:15Not once a week.
00:38:17It's more bitter with Raúl.
00:38:19He left her for Kevin.
00:38:21They left them for each other.
00:38:24Kevin, do you feel good?
00:38:26I'm not going to start.
00:38:28I'm asking you if you feel full,
00:38:32No, not me.
00:38:34And you don't want to tell us anything?
00:38:36Our friends?
00:38:38What do you mean?
00:38:39Did you make love these days?
00:38:45I came to talk.
00:38:47She couldn't.
00:38:49She wanted to, but she couldn't.
00:38:51What happened with our Natalia?
00:38:53With my partner Natalia?
00:38:55We didn't want to be so direct, but...
00:38:57I know.
00:38:59I don't deny that I thought about other things.
00:39:01Like having something to do with her?
00:39:03Yes, I really don't deny it.
00:39:05But obviously this is another world.
00:39:06We were talking and...
00:39:08Let's just say that...
00:39:10Nothing has flowed?
00:39:14I still love her.
00:39:16And your ex-partner?
00:39:18She's been good to me too.
00:39:20My ex-partner.
00:39:22I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her.
00:39:24You haven't talked to her?
00:39:28Don't you look for her?
00:39:30You didn't call her, you didn't text her.
00:39:32Mom, I'm not saying I regret it.
00:39:33But I prefer her to be there.
00:39:35She left?
00:39:39She was telling you that she was going to the US?
00:39:43And I prefer that...
00:39:45Hey, I love her very much.
00:39:47Obviously I did something that wasn't right.
00:39:49I'm not proud.
00:39:51You're not proud of what happened here with Nata?
00:39:53No, I'm not proud of that.
00:39:55That woman is a love.
00:39:57Believe me.
00:39:59And it hurts me so much to have hurt her.
00:40:00She deserves it.
00:40:02I had an image in 2005 that I was the biggest footballer.
00:40:06So when I went to the challenge in 2005,
00:40:10I never acted because I'm not an actor.
00:40:13I showed what I am.
00:40:15The most authentic in the world.
00:40:17In the challenge in 2005, I realized who I really was.
00:40:21Because I didn't need fame because I had it all the time.
00:40:25But I didn't want to go to the challenge because I was shy.
00:40:30I didn't want people to know about me.
00:40:34But this show changed my image with the rest of the people.
00:40:39And then people said,
00:40:41I'm cooking Tatiana Rodríguez Álvarez Pelado,
00:40:44I'm going to take her to her rice.
00:40:46Rice Pelado.
00:40:48Then people realized who I really was.
00:40:50When you enter this type of reality show,
00:40:53and you meet different people,
00:40:55you're very likely to go through what happened to Kevin.
00:40:58They told you that you're beautiful.
00:41:00You're beautiful.
00:41:02You're beautiful.
00:41:04You're beautiful.
00:41:06You have everything.
00:41:08My friends must be jealous.
00:41:10Friends, introduce me to Santi.
00:41:12Friends of Karen.
00:41:18Natalia, do it.
00:41:20Oh, look, there's another blue and everything.
00:41:23I told you they pampered Tino.
00:41:27He looks even more handsome.
00:41:29Natalia, but they didn't pamper me.
00:41:31I thought I was going to lie next to you
00:41:33and you were going to be pampered.
00:41:36I'm too old to be pampered.
00:41:38I went to my crib to hug my crib all night.
00:41:41Put Kevin in that crib.
00:41:44And how is Tino doing with the snoring?
00:41:46With Francisco's snoring,
00:41:48because Francisco is the one to snore.
00:41:50Oh, he's decorating.
00:41:52No, I don't snore.
00:41:54If you snore, bring me a bucket of water.
00:41:56Bring me a bucket of water.
00:41:58I'll tell you one thing.
00:42:00If you snore, we'll all sleep through the night.
00:42:02I'm not going to sleep through the night.
00:42:04No one sleeps here.
00:42:07I'm not going to do that.
00:42:09I'm going to kick your ass.
00:42:13And the teacher who went to sleep early.
00:42:15Yes, yes.
00:42:17But that's very strict with his snoring, his eating.
00:42:22I mean, when the kid mentioned us,
00:42:24he saw you, I saw the color,
00:42:26I saw the logo, I saw him.
00:42:28I said, my God, this is a dream.
00:42:30I mean, it's really a dream.
00:42:32And I've never been so happy to meet a public figure.
00:42:36I mean, I'm serious.
00:42:38I see a public figure on the street.
00:42:40No, being with the kid is another story.
00:42:42It's another level.
00:42:44The kid is an emblem, a national emblem.
00:42:46Believe me, this team promises very good things.
00:42:48I mean, the energy is too much.
00:42:50Let's hope so.
00:42:52I mean, look at the energy with which we got in here.
00:42:53We have to take advantage of it as much as possible.
00:42:55Because time is going to pass.
00:42:57Too much.
00:42:59But you know, I was falling in love with Reina.
00:43:01I was falling in love with Reina.
00:43:03But it's not that I stopped loving Betis or Pulido.
00:43:05But in the game.
00:43:07Well, at that moment, I was falling in love with Reina.
00:43:09They were already helping me out of my head.
00:43:11I had the need to take care of a woman.
00:43:13And I feel that she had the need to let herself be taken care of.
00:43:16Because that was the case.
00:43:18The same thing happened to you, my daughter.
00:43:20No, I...
00:43:21The same thing happened to you.
00:43:23I've been with you for 10 years.
00:43:25I've never had sex with anyone else.
00:43:27What the f**k happened to me?
00:43:29From one moment to the next.
00:43:31She was expressing love to me.
00:43:33I was expressing love to her.
00:43:35I didn't feel love from anyone.
00:43:37I didn't feel love from anyone.
00:43:39It was the same thing that happened to everyone.
00:43:41To everyone.
00:43:43And suddenly, also with Kevin.
00:43:45The same thing happened to you.
00:43:47And nothing.
00:43:49Now that you're telling me that you're not with Kevin anymore,
00:43:51I also prayed for you.
00:43:53I said, God bless you.
00:43:55You had to go.
00:43:57The time had come.
00:43:59I was going home and I said, f**k you.
00:44:01No, my love.
00:44:03F**k you.
00:44:05Thank you, thank you.
00:44:07You're the one who saved me.
00:44:10And now he's kissing you in the face.
00:44:12It's like, f**k.
00:44:14It's like I just said, thank God.
00:44:16Don't end up in that fusion with Kevin.
00:44:37El Tino, good morning.
00:44:39What's up?
00:44:41How's it going, my brother?
00:44:43What are you doing up so early?
00:44:45Tino made us some delicious roncaditas.
00:44:48And he's not blaming us.
00:44:49He's blaming us.
00:44:51No, I don't snore.
00:44:53You snore really well.
00:44:55We didn't say anything because we were listening to El Tino snore.
00:44:59I saw them this afternoon.
00:45:01They went to bed at 6 o'clock.
00:45:03And they didn't come back.
00:45:05What do you usually have for breakfast?
00:45:09Only fruits?
00:45:13We were thinking of making him a Paisa tray for breakfast.
00:45:15No, the Paisa tray is for lunch.
00:45:17Good morning, young people.
00:45:19I'm going to help you out.
00:45:21You're so slow.
00:45:23I'm going to make scrambled eggs for El Tino.
00:45:27Oh, no.
00:45:29Natalia can go home and say,
00:45:31I ate all of El Tino's eggs.
00:45:34Goodbye, then.
00:45:36Who wouldn't want that?
00:45:38But you're in love.
00:45:40That's a heart.
00:45:42That heart is very crooked.
00:45:44You're in love.
00:45:46That's a heart.
00:45:47Look at how he's licking it.
00:45:49El Tino, you're in love.
00:45:51El Tino, El Tino.
00:45:53They're in love.
00:45:55And the heart is crooked.
00:45:57It's crooked.
00:45:59He's like a brave girl.
00:46:01He's going to eat that heart.
00:46:03Before coming here,
00:46:05Glo left me a really nice message.
00:46:07I was like,
00:46:09is this real?
00:46:11I sent it to my mom and I sent it to Marlon.
00:46:13Oh, so cute.
00:46:15But don't eat the whole story.
00:46:17My mom and I said,
00:46:19what is never ceases to be.
00:46:21You know something?
00:46:23What we were in the game is what we are.
00:46:27Because when the human being is taken to the limit,
00:46:29it's when he shows what he really is.
00:46:33The truth is, I never regret what I did
00:46:35and treating her badly.
00:46:37I'm not going to say that I deserved it,
00:46:39but it was in the act of what I saw,
00:46:41what she did,
00:46:43I jumped and I didn't take her beating.
00:46:45Glo is tremendous.
00:46:50Can I go or not?
00:46:52I don't like to eat alone.
00:46:56You can't eat alone?
00:46:58I can't go.
00:47:00I'll go with you tomorrow.
00:47:02Don't say yes.
00:47:04And who will rub my back?
00:47:06Do it, don't rub it.
00:47:08No, I'm very cold.
00:47:10What are you doing cold?
00:47:12Why did you lie to him?
00:47:14I know that Santiago
00:47:15I know that he prepared these days
00:47:17that he was at home.
00:47:19And we are going to break those fears,
00:47:21that nervousness that he feels.
00:47:23What confidence does in a person is incredible.
00:47:25Last night I had a conversation with him
00:47:27and he says that it is very common
00:47:29that he wanted to stay here,
00:47:31that he wanted to stay with me,
00:47:33that he loves us very much
00:47:35and that it hurt him a lot
00:47:37that I had talked so much about him.
00:47:39That was the only thing I regret
00:47:41because Santiago is a good person.
00:47:43He is a healthy human being.
00:47:45He is worth more than anything else
00:47:47because a person can improve at night and in the morning.
00:47:50But the inside of a person
00:47:52is very difficult to change.
00:47:54I don't feel it.
00:47:58You're screwed.
00:48:00How was it?
00:48:02You're going to get a penalty.
00:48:04No, my son, you know I'm with the best.
00:48:06Don't scare us.
00:48:08In fact, don't even listen to the voice.
00:48:10Raise your voice, rabbits, raise your voice.
00:48:12You're going to get a penalty, you're nervous.
00:48:13We'll take care of it.
00:48:15You know that everyone gets their Christmas.
00:48:18We can't lose.
00:48:20I already committed to you.
00:48:22See you on the field.
00:48:24Teacher, your first breakfast at the house.
00:48:27Oh, man.
00:48:29I'm like a rib.
00:48:33No, not so much nervous, but anxious.
00:48:35You're going to get a penalty.
00:48:37What do you mean?
00:48:41Oh, my God.
00:48:43This round is hot now.
00:48:45Here you have to try to take an advantage
00:48:47to leave the second with an advantage.
00:48:49That's the fundamental.
00:48:51And what is the advantage?
00:48:53Even with 10 seconds, whatever it is, it's an advantage.
00:48:55What is their weakness?
00:48:57The mind.
00:48:59Which player do you consider to be weaker
00:49:02when it comes to facing?
00:49:06Santi could even go out with one of us.
00:49:08No, but where they flake,
00:49:10that's where you have to take advantage and take advantage.
00:49:11It's not about equalizing them,
00:49:13because I put this one so they get the same, no.
00:49:15No, it can't be.
00:49:17You go out before me in the movie,
00:49:19you're going to win time,
00:49:21you're going to win time.
00:49:23That's right.
00:49:25What you can't do is send Natalia with Ken,
00:49:27because you start complaining,
00:49:29why don't you?
00:49:31Disconcentrate him, disconcentrate him.
00:49:33It can't happen to me.
00:49:35How can it happen to your wife?
00:49:37It can't happen to me.
00:49:38You're going to get him in the head,
00:49:40so you're going to end up with your wife,
00:49:42without a mind.
00:49:44Of course, of course,
00:49:46you have to make him think of something else.
00:49:48Yes, why not?
00:49:50If you mess with Natalia again,
00:49:52Natalia and I have something.
00:49:54With Tino, it's the same thing.
00:49:56One thing is one thing,
00:49:58another thing is another thing.
00:50:00You thought you were going to win,
00:50:02you were already equaled, I already equaled you.
00:50:04When you were young, you were so blond,
00:50:06your hair was your natural color.
00:50:08When you were young, what was it?
00:50:10Light brown, light brown.
00:50:12But the yellow looked perfect on you.
00:50:14No, it looked good on me.
00:50:18It looked good on me.
00:50:20They look at me and say,
00:50:22paint your hair yellow,
00:50:24and I say, no, I'm already old.
00:50:26White leaves are called now.
00:50:28White leaves, yes.
00:50:30They are moments,
00:50:32they are moments of life.
00:50:34There comes one,
00:50:35and it looks good on me.
00:50:37No, right?
00:50:39No, I don't like it.
00:50:41The kid put pressure on you
00:50:43when you kicked her out.
00:50:45So what?
00:50:47I'm thinking that maybe
00:50:49they are more pressured.
00:50:51The kid doesn't like to lose.
00:50:53Nobody likes to lose,
00:50:55but the kid doesn't.
00:50:57The kid doesn't.
00:50:59The kid doesn't like to lose.
00:51:01Not even now that we play
00:51:02a few games
00:51:04in Recosa,
00:51:06when we lose,
00:51:08the kid comes to us.
00:51:10In this life,
00:51:12you don't have to lose your joy to live.
00:51:14Amen, that's right.
00:51:16Life is better than hell.
00:51:18It complicates you.
00:51:20Life is like this.
00:51:22We are alive,
00:51:24we are alive.
00:51:26No, right?
00:51:28I love it.
00:51:30No, it's true.
00:51:32It's true.
00:51:34We are alive,
00:51:36healthy, and complete.
00:51:38So we get mad
00:51:40because we wake up alive.
00:51:42We get pissed off.
00:51:44Not everyone has shampoo.
00:51:46Do you know how many want to be here?
00:51:50We have the privilege.
00:51:52We are loved by God.
00:51:54In all competitions,
00:51:56there are always difficult moments.
00:51:58Those difficult moments
00:52:00are when you have to
00:52:02use your intelligence.
00:52:04You never win easily.
00:52:06Not even playing a few games
00:52:08with your mom or grandma.
00:52:10There is always a level of difficulty
00:52:13to win and be victorious.
00:52:15And no one gives you anything.
00:52:17No one gives you anything at all.
00:52:19The girls won't give you anything.
00:52:21They will help you win.
00:52:23They will want to eliminate everyone
00:52:26because there is an important prize.
00:52:28And we can't let that happen.
00:52:30And how do we do it?
00:52:32With our heads.
00:52:34In the most difficult moments,
00:52:36think that you are the best
00:52:38and why you are here.
00:52:40The only way to win
00:52:42is to think that I am better than the other in everything.
00:52:44I missed being here.
00:52:46I didn't rest at home like I did last night.
00:52:48I slept so much, I swear.
00:52:50But one thing,
00:52:52I feel complete.
00:52:56I can't hear you.
00:52:58Did you shit yourselves?
00:53:00What's up, man?
00:53:02Ten chips.
00:53:04There's nothing.
00:53:06One more.
00:53:08I can't hear you.
00:53:10Are you shitting yourselves?
00:53:12I'm going to drink the chips
00:53:14and see what you have.
00:53:16We'll serve you right away.
00:53:18When you want, plate.
00:53:20Plate for Tino.
00:53:22I have a plate to peel the eggs.
00:53:24We don't eat from a kid.
00:53:26We don't eat from 10.
00:53:28The kid was good when he had yellow hair.
00:53:30He doesn't have white hair anymore.
00:53:32He has magic, man.
00:53:34He has magic.
00:53:36He's intact.
00:53:38Tati, see you in the air.
00:53:40Whatever, man.
00:53:42You know I don't trust you.
00:53:44I'm going, man.
00:53:46No fear of success, man.
00:53:48And the teacher is a grandfather?
00:53:50I have eight.
00:53:52Eight grandchildren?
00:53:56Don't fuck with me.
00:53:58Eight grandchildren?
00:54:00How many children do you have?
00:54:02Eight children and eight grandchildren.
00:54:04Eight children and eight grandchildren.
00:54:06Four women and four men.
00:54:08The family is big.
00:54:10But he's the cute one, right?
00:54:12He's beautiful.
00:54:16I'm from the old days.
00:54:18I'm not from now.
00:54:20I imagine the Decembers.
00:54:22And all that family, right?
00:54:24All the family.
00:54:26The Decembers are spectacular.
00:54:30How old is your youngest grandson?
00:54:32The youngest is six months old.
00:54:35Six months old?
00:54:37And the oldest?
00:54:39The oldest is 12 years old.
00:54:41Is there a difference?
00:54:43Is there a difference between two years old each?
00:54:47There's a six-year-old and a two-year-old, depending.
00:54:49But they're different ages.
00:54:51How old is your youngest son?
00:54:53The youngest is 25 years old.
00:54:55He's the one with the youngest grandson.
00:54:57And they all come from there?
00:54:59No, they're distributed.
00:55:01They're distributed.
00:55:03In Barranquilla and in the Unay.
00:55:05How nice, a big family.
00:55:07I have the big combo.
00:55:10Well, what's coming?
00:55:12What do you think is coming?
00:55:14A disheveled hair, man.
00:55:16What's coming is war, man.
00:55:18What's coming is war.
00:55:20The tip of the foot, as they say when you play football.
00:55:22Oh my God.
00:55:24My hands are going to sweat.
00:55:26One of the things you can't get distracted
00:55:27when it comes to competitions
00:55:29is to think about your children,
00:55:31your brothers, your mother.
00:55:33And above all, the needs.
00:55:35Do I have to win because I need the money?
00:55:37No, no, no.
00:55:39If you're good at competing,
00:55:41the money comes on its own.
00:55:43That's what Maturana always said.
00:55:45Compete to win loyally.
00:55:47Being loyal to the competition
00:55:49is fundamental.
00:55:51Because if you're cheating,
00:55:53as soon as it hits you, it goes away.
00:55:55Be honest, play honestly.
00:55:57I don't know what you're talking about, but...
00:55:59We're talking about Kevin, come on.
00:56:01Come on, you know how to destabilize him.
00:56:03Strategically, you're standing there
00:56:05and saying, Kevin, I hate you.
00:56:07I'm going to eliminate you.
00:56:09No, it has to be the opposite.
00:56:11Kevin, I love you.
00:56:13No, because that's when you fill him with pride.
00:56:15That's when you motivate him.
00:56:17No, no, right now, when we're in front of him,
00:56:19you suck my dick, I leave.
00:56:21Just for the show.
00:56:23You know what?
00:56:25You do that, and that guy goes.
00:56:27I'm going to sacrifice myself too.
00:56:29Come on, let's rehearse that dick,
00:56:31let's see how it goes.
00:56:33Brush it well.
00:56:35A novelistic kiss?
00:56:37But without a tongue.
00:56:39I don't really suck with a tongue.
00:56:41Well, yes, with a tongue.
00:56:43What do you mean? Without a tongue?
00:56:45With a tongue, it's very compromising,
00:56:47and I don't want to compromise.
00:56:49They already gave you the director.
00:56:51That's right, I do what our technical director says.
00:56:53Oh, oh, oh.
00:56:55How old are you?
00:56:59No, my son, you have to get ready to be a dad soon.
00:57:01Men can have and use them.
00:57:03Fat, but to enjoy it right now, young.
00:57:05Oh, I'm still young, whatever.
00:57:07Well, I'm looking for a donor.
00:57:09I don't understand that.
00:57:11I don't understand that.
00:57:13What, teacher?
00:57:15That, that you have relationships with my friend,
00:57:17and we're friends, and how is that?
00:57:19No, no, no.
00:57:21Pay attention to me.
00:57:23Tell me.
00:57:25I want to be a mom, but I don't want to be with a man.
00:57:27I'm fed up with men.
00:57:29I can't be with them.
00:57:31Under the same roof.
00:57:33So you can't have children?
00:57:35No, we can.
00:57:37By insemination.
00:57:39There's a new technique.
00:57:41Oh, okay, okay, okay.
00:57:43Protective science.
00:57:45I'm from the old days.
00:57:47Of course.
00:57:49You have to have a family with a woman and live with a woman.
00:57:51Let's feel it.
00:57:53You like me, I like you.
00:57:54Yes, yes, yes.
00:57:56That's cool.
00:57:58But I don't understand her.
00:58:00She says she has nothing with men,
00:58:02but she wants to have children.
00:58:04I understand her.
00:58:06She has nothing with men,
00:58:08but she wants to have children.
00:58:10And to have children,
00:58:12does she need a man?
00:58:14A man, exactly.
00:58:16Or not.
00:58:18That's what I don't understand.
00:58:20Teacher, come here.
00:58:21That's what I don't understand.
00:58:23He's the donor.
00:58:25He's the donor.
00:58:27The donor is responsible,
00:58:29because he wants to be responsible for my baby.
00:58:31You don't realize what she wants.
00:58:33She doesn't want a man with men,
00:58:35but she wants a responsible man.
00:58:40Let her be beautiful and respond,
00:58:42but she doesn't want anything with men.
00:58:44But she doesn't want anything with men.
00:58:46No, wait.
00:58:48I never thought like that.
00:58:49I never thought that my baby,
00:58:51her maternal and paternal figure,
00:58:53would be me.
00:58:55But since Santi is already here,
00:58:57with Santi it's different.
00:58:59Of course, because the other prospect left.
00:59:01Now, yes.
00:59:03You changed the story.
00:59:05Of course, he changed the chip.
00:59:07Of course.
00:59:09Now I do want to live with the man.
00:59:13Show her the desire.
00:59:15Make the others believe
00:59:17that you are the weakest.
00:59:19I give you a piece of advice.
00:59:21Don't throw it away.
00:59:23You have to play with people's minds.
00:59:25The more unnoticed,
00:59:27the less of a threat.
00:59:29But everyone who shows
00:59:31that I'm not the best,
00:59:33points it out.
00:59:35It's been 20 years
00:59:37that I've seen this reality,
00:59:39and it always happens.
00:59:41Do you understand me?
00:59:43Pass unnoticed.
00:59:45A piece of advice,
00:59:47if you want to get to the final,
00:59:49I would like you to win
00:59:51for your three children.
01:00:06Come on.
01:00:08Are you going there?
01:00:12What do we tell them?
01:00:14We're going to break their ass today.
01:00:16Get ready.
01:00:17We're not copying anything.
01:00:19Don't tell them a story.
01:00:21We have our own dynamite here.
01:00:24Don't tell them a story.
01:00:26With the old man who touched them.
01:00:29Long live your father.
01:00:31Long live your father.
01:00:33The rest of them are motherfuckers.
01:00:39How are you?
01:00:41It's good to see you again.
01:00:43Give me a hug,
01:00:45because it's been a long time.
01:00:47How are you?
01:00:49It's an honor.
01:00:51God bless you.
01:00:53How are you?
01:00:55It's good to see you.
01:00:57I'm barefoot.
01:00:59Don't worry, we trust you.
01:01:01Did you imagine the city of Las Cajas like this?
01:01:03No, not at all.
01:01:05I'm wearing shampoo.
01:01:07Shining with all the new things.
01:01:09And how is this team and your pupils?
01:01:11How do you feel?
01:01:13It's good.
01:01:15Good energy.
01:01:17I slept with the kid.
01:01:19Did you ever imagine that?
01:01:21No, never.
01:01:23The participants, my team,
01:01:25they're all wonderful.
01:01:29I'm very excited to compete.
01:01:31And I'm convinced
01:01:33that the winner will be here.
01:01:35That's the idea, right?
01:01:37I've been told that you're a talker
01:01:39because you're tired.
01:01:43Because your beauty
01:01:45intimidates me.
01:01:47I've never had the pleasure of seeing you.
01:01:49Let me tell you,
01:01:51I'm in fan mode.
01:01:53I admire you for everything you've done
01:01:55for our country and for so many smiles.
01:01:59I'm very happy.
01:02:01I know you're full of energy
01:02:03for what's to come.
01:02:05That's right.
01:02:07On this tablet,
01:02:09I have the phones and photos
01:02:11of the 585 participants
01:02:13who have been in the history of the challenge.
01:02:14Between those contacts
01:02:16and those people,
01:02:18you'll have to choose a partner
01:02:20who will be part of you.
01:02:22You'll become one.
01:02:25You'll choose your partner
01:02:27to participate with you
01:02:29and win the challenge.
01:02:31We're that thing?
01:02:33That's right.
01:02:35Men choose from the list of women,
01:02:37women choose from the list of men.
01:02:39You have to call them
01:02:41and convince them
01:02:42that in a maximum period of 36 hours,
01:02:44they'll be here with you.
01:02:46Oh my God.
01:02:49If you don't make it in those 36 hours,
01:02:51the immediate participant
01:02:53will be eliminated.
01:02:55You have to start thinking about that choice
01:02:57because that depends on your future.
01:02:59You have $1,200,000,000
01:03:01to convince the person
01:03:03you're going to call.
01:03:06Remember something very important.
01:03:08That partner will make it
01:03:10to the end with you.
01:03:12Eliminated from this reality show
01:03:14also compete?
01:03:16Yes, all of them.
01:03:18Include this year as well.
01:03:20Can I give them recommendations?
01:03:22You help them choose,
01:03:24you give them recommendations,
01:03:26you tell them,
01:03:28this person is super cool,
01:03:30I met him, I met her, everything.
