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00:00Then what's the problem?
00:01Anyway, when she goes to her house, isn't that bad for us?
00:07When the relatives ask where her wife is...'s not right to say that she eloped.
00:14For whom are you living?
00:17For the relatives or for you?
00:22Life is ruined when you live to show others.
00:26We should live for ourselves.
00:28You didn't have such thoughts.
00:30Then what happened now?
00:32I'm changing a lot now.
00:35You haven't changed at all.
00:37You're still in the minus mark in your family life.
00:41You said that you're a kid who respects me in every way.
00:45Then your grandfather said that he won 100% in his family life.
00:52So, I want to say something about you.
00:54Then you'll become a man in every way.
01:00The society won't give a big price to the one who decides the marriage.
01:03Like that, Indra and Chandran are not superior to any woman in this world.
01:08I mean, we men are not superior to women.
01:14If you understand that, then there won't be any problem.
01:24Where did she go?
01:26Can't you tell me before you go?
01:28You're disturbing me.
01:45Why did you call the dog?
01:48Actually, there's nothing special.
01:52Are you feeling sad because there's nothing special?
01:55What happened?
01:57Did you fight with your brother because you knew that you're related to him?
02:04My sister just said what she had to say.
02:10I asked you what it is.
02:14You can call the dog and ask him what it is.
02:17Then you'll know what it is.
03:43I've never tried to avoid my brother.
03:46I won't try anymore.
03:50I have a friend in my heart.
03:55I love you.
03:56I love you.
04:00I love you.
04:05I love you.
04:10I love you.
04:22My wife was the one who made God fall in love with me.
04:25That's how we met and that's how we got married.
04:29Now, I feel that she's in my heart like God.
04:33So, I want her to come back as soon as possible.
04:40My Vigneshwara.
04:42Om Kam Ganapathyai Namah.
04:45Om Kam Ganapathyai Namah.
04:47Om Kam Ganapathyai Namah.
04:56What are you doing in the prayer room at this hour?
04:59Did you do anything wrong?
05:02Then why did you come in front of God?
05:06I don't know if I'm making you sad.
05:11That's why I came in front of God.
05:16You're making small mistakes now.
05:21I didn't allow you to call her from her house.
05:26She left without informing me.
05:30I don't know if she went back to her house.
05:33Oh, God!
05:34If that's the case, she'll get fed up of her job.
05:38Why is she going out without informing you?
05:41She knows that you'll call her back because you're here.
05:45That's her courage.
05:48You should learn to talk and behave like a man.
05:51You should be more bold.
05:53I'm being bold.
05:55If she wasn't here, I would've understood that...
05:58...many things in this house would've been in a mess.
06:01How did you understand that?
06:03My mother.
06:04She was suffering a lot in the kitchen at that time.
06:09She didn't even sleep at night because of headache.
06:12But I used to adjust with that.
06:16That's when you brought her here.
06:18Mother, this is not a small house.
06:20There are jobs for 2-3 workers here.
06:22I and Jalja are not here.
06:24It's the same for you.
06:28When I was here, she used to do all the work.
06:32At that time, you could've helped her.
06:35She used to come close to you.
06:38She doesn't do any big job.
06:41If you're so sad that she's in the kitchen...
06:44...then find a good job.
06:46Meenakshi is here now.
06:48She doesn't need to work in the kitchen now.
06:50Find someone else.
06:52I don't think uncle will agree to that.
06:54Uncle doesn't like that either.
06:56If mother doesn't come to the kitchen...
06:58...uncle might come to the kitchen.
07:00Since she's going to get married...
07:02...I don't think she'll get a job here.
07:05Didn't Nayani say that she won't come back?
07:07I don't know that.
07:08I don't know where she went.
07:10It's better that she doesn't come back.
07:22Oh God! I hope she doesn't come back.
07:45Here, drink this.
07:47I don't want it, dad.
07:50You can't say that.
07:52It's lime juice. Drink it.
07:56I know that you haven't eaten anything.
07:58You won't come if I call you.
08:00At least drink this, dear.
08:02Drink it.
08:07I know why Nayanamol called you.
08:09I'm sure he wants to talk about Ani.
08:11Otherwise he wouldn't have called you.
08:13When Kanak called you...
08:15...he said that Nayanamol knew everything.
08:17So, she wouldn't have called you... talk about anything else.
08:24Did you advise her?
08:26Or did you argue with her?
08:28I've told her everything, dad.
08:32I won't think about Ani anymore.
08:34Before your sister told you...
08:37...Kanaki and I advised you, right?
08:39I told you that she's not a good girl, right?
08:41I told you that she's not a good girl, right?
08:43I told you that she's not a good girl, right?
08:45I told you that she's not a good girl, right?
08:48I'm not the only one to blame there, dad.
08:50Ani's marriage was fixed.
08:54Then why did someone follow me?
08:57Don't think about Ani's part.
08:59When Ani followed you... should've left.
09:06It'll be difficult for me... attend that wedding now, dad.
09:11Don't ever change your mind.
09:13Ani's mother and grandfather...
09:15...have told me everything.
09:19That's how it should be.
09:21After her sisters got married...
09:23...and went to that house...'s the first big function...
09:27...that's going to take place in that house.
09:29Shouldn't we see that first?
09:32Not only today...
09:34...if she doesn't attend the wedding that day...
09:36...Ani will think that it's because of her sadness.
09:39Anamika will also think so.
09:42She's very suspicious about that girl.
09:45We should get rid of all that on that day.
09:48Don't be sad.
09:50You should be happy.
09:56I don't think I can do that, dad.
