How often do girls have sex_

  • 2 months ago


00:00Hey guys and thank you for tuning in to Karma TV right here on YouTube with me
00:04Annabella Rose. Now I'm hitting the streets asking today's question which I
00:08know you are all dying to know the answer to which is how often do girls
00:13have sex? Now I know we want it regularly but how often are we actually getting it?
00:18Now me I'm single I'm not dating anybody and I'm not seeing anybody regularly so
00:23I'm not getting it regularly much to my annoyance but you can guarantee if I go
00:27on a night out I'm not going home alone but let's see what the other singles
00:32think and let's see what girls in relationship thinks too and see which
00:36side the grass is greener.
00:43How often do you have sex? Well if my boyfriend's not here I would say like
00:53once. Well is it like when I'm with him or? Let's go with him because without him
00:59we could get you in trouble. Every day. Every day loving it and you? Same. Damn guys.
01:09Depends if I see my partner often sometimes five times a week or sometimes
01:14less but no less than five. No less than five okay I'm super jealous. One times,
01:19two times, three times. More. I personally am a virgin I have not had sex. Once every two
01:26weeks. I'm a virgin so I've never actually had sex before. Lately not much. Okay how
01:32often do you want sex? I don't know. Regularly? I guess. Oh I'm a virgin. If
01:40everything is good then often if not. Not at all. Not at all with fashion students. So is that just universal fashion students just don't get it? Hard to approach. Every day. Every day. Loving it and you? As well. I'm loving these ladies. I'm
02:01selling it. Not now. Well not right now thank goodness. Okay so are you single or
02:08are you in a relationship? I'm single. Not a lot. Okay is that an option or? Could be.
02:15Might be you know. If we go with option maybe not. Okay so let's say you are
02:20having it regularly which day of the week is your favorite day to have sex?
02:24Monday. We've got every day we're loving this ambitious man here and what about
02:30you? A Monday. Monthly basis. Okay like once a month? It really depends on what
02:36time of period it is. Yeah. Okay okay and what about you? Yeah it really depends on
02:41whether I have a boyfriend or not. If I don't have a boyfriend it could be
02:44several months without sex but if I do have a boyfriend then it's like four
02:50times a week. Yeah and if you had a boyfriend how often would you be getting
02:54it? Weekly. Weekly. I like that. On the regular. Probably like zero times a week.
03:01Zero times a week? I'd have to agree with her. Okay and why is that? It's not my choice.
03:06I just don't have a girlfriend. Okay and what about you? I just don't have a girlfriend.
03:14None of us have girlfriends. Which day of the week is your favorite day to have sex?
03:20Whichever. She's getting laid. She don't care. What about you? Probably like a Sunday where you can have a lion.
03:29Oh sinful Sunday with a cheeky lion afterwards. What about you? Any day of the week.
03:35Any day sweetheart. All day. All day, every day, all week, doesn't matter. Even on the weekend.
03:42The best one is Friday. Oh God. Sunday? Sunday? Why? It's like a relaxed day and you have a lot of time.
03:53So do you think you get it more if you're single or more if you're in a relationship?
03:58I say if you're into it single because you can just be like yes, yes, yes, me, me, do it, go. Love it.
04:07And so you think in a relationship you wouldn't have it as much? No because I reckon you'd like stay in.
04:13Yeah moving on. Whereas if you're like single you'd be like swipe, swipe, me, let's go.
04:19Nice, swipe, swipe, me, let's go. I would say more in a relationship.
04:23Do you think you would have it more often if you were in a relationship?
04:27Yes, definitely. Okay, great. When do you think is going to be the right time?
04:32The right time for me personally is actually when I'm going to be married. I believe that it's actually beneficial to save yourself for marriage.
04:38When I get into a committed relationship, so like a marriage, because I feel like I want to be in that committed relationship.
04:46You can give yourself to each other and it's that ultimate test, isn't it? Yeah. Great.
04:51Probably when I'm married. I'm waiting for the right person and marriage.
04:54So there you have it guys. I asked a variety of ladies and I got a variety of answers back.
04:59We met some beautiful girls who are just waiting for that one special person to share that moment with
05:04and I met a lot of lucky ladies who just want it all the time and get it all the time.
05:08So no matter how often you want it, you can probably find somebody who thinks the same.
05:13So get on out there and find that person for you.
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05:19and of course if you simply love this video and you want to see more, then make sure you like, share and subscribe
05:25and if you have a question you want me to ask the general public, drop it right down in the comments below.
05:30I have been Annabella Rose and I will see you next time on Karma TV.
