00:00Hey guys, what's up? Annabelle Maisel here for
00:04Today we are going to be going behind closed doors to find out what makes a girl happy in the bedroom.
00:09I think I may know the answers.
00:11You may think that buying expensive gifts and flashing your money may satisfy a woman.
00:15There are a few things that make a girl happy and scream out your name in the bedroom.
00:19Let's go ask the ladies and see what they have to say.
00:26How can a guy make a girl happy in bed?
00:31Giving and receiving.
00:32Big d**k.
00:33Ask her what she wants.
00:34He has to listen to her.
00:36Licking d**k.
00:43Ask her what she wants.
00:44Gentle first and then harder.
00:49Well, I guess it's just general confidence, knowing you're interested in the person,
00:54knowing about that person's interest, spending time with them.
00:59Just by being very kind and very passionate and really being soft and thinking about the lady,
01:04really with his emotions.
01:06It depends on the girl really, but I think it's a mixture of things.
01:10Not do what they probably planned on doing.
01:12Don't be too, like, rough.
01:14Not as in that kind of rough, like, a little bit rough is good, but you know...
01:17Not too much rough.
01:18Not too much, yeah, you're like, babes, chill out.
01:21And what would you say, what about physically or emotionally?
01:23Don't be drunk.
01:24Can kind of kill the mood.
01:25And what do you think, physically and emotionally, what are you looking for?
01:28It starts emotionally, doesn't it, and then it works physically.
01:31Emotionally first, then physically.
01:32I think it should be romantic.
01:34Not just focus on what he wants, he should ask as to what the girl wants, I think.
01:38And being very attentive, that's it really, she said it all.
01:41And emotionally?
01:42Be nice to you, that's all.
01:44He makes me feel like I'm the best woman in the world, so that's so kind.
01:48And I think every woman deserves that, and yeah, I think that's the best thing.
01:52Giving compliments.
01:53I want him to make me feel safe, to make me feel that I can be myself 100%.
01:58No worries, no, oh, can I do this or not, it just has to be 100% real.
02:04Constantly taking us out, buying us lots of gifts.
02:08As I said, you don't want it to be all on the one hand,
02:11or thinking about how he feels, you know.
02:13Because as being a girl, it's very hard for you to really tell someone how you feel.
02:19So he has to be one to listen and be able to perform afterwards, yeah.
02:22Be confident, but like not too confident.
02:25Not too much cheese, like, you know, a bit of...
02:28Not a tuna belt.
02:29Yeah, like you don't want anything too softy, you know.
02:32Someone that listens to you.
02:34Emotionally, it has to be passion.
02:36He's caring and really into this, and that we know the communication is good,
02:41and yeah, it's many things that need to be in place,
02:44but the communication I think is the most important.
02:47Be nice to her if she wants to, like not too hard.
02:52And what is important? How do you want to feel?
02:54That's what makes you happy in a relationship.
02:56You know, if he's not doing his part, then it's not really a good relationship, is it?
03:01Also, it has to be a concoction of emotions.
03:03I feel good being with him, that's all.
03:06Wonderful, like a princess.
03:07Just relaxed and myself.
03:10I want to feel that he likes me and that he wants to be with me in that moment.
03:14And physically, what do you like?
03:16Happy, attractive, interesting.
03:19Enjoy spending time with them.
03:21And physically?
03:22Don't be too forceful.
03:23Going down on her.
03:24With his charm. He has to be lovely.
03:27He has to be confident, not too shy, not a little boy.
03:31He has to be a grown man.
03:32Okay guys, there we have it.
03:34Our body and our brain really isn't as complicated as you think.
03:38To make a girl happy in the bedroom,
03:40you need to make sure you turn on her mind as well as her body,
03:43as well as making her feel secure.
03:45It isn't all about looks, as emotions are involved,
03:48but you need to make sure you know exactly what you're doing.
03:51Okay guys, smash that like button and share and subscribe to Karma TV.
03:56I've been Annabelle Maisel, thanks for watching and see you all next time.