00:00G'day mates, it's me Adrian G and in today's video
00:02I'm gonna go out to Santa Monica and ask women whether they prefer hairy guys or
00:08Not, but before we get into it, I'd like to announce my program the t8
00:17Is scheduled to launch on August 8th
00:20What is the t8 you may be asking the t8 is for any guy that's wanting to transform their
00:27dating life
00:30Business life
00:36And personal life simultaneously
00:42This isn't sponsored or anything like that. It's a program
00:45I've been working on creating for the past four years, and I'm only taking on a small test group
00:50So if you want to secure your spot in the t8 program, just go to my personal website
01:03Go to the t8 put your email address in and sign up
01:07You'll be required to confirm your email address. So make sure you do that
01:11And once you join my email list, not only will you be notified about the t8, but you'll also receive free weekly
01:19dating and business tips
01:21Anyway, the link is in the top of the description. So make sure you click it right now
01:26Before it's too late
01:28So we're just joined here with Anna. Hey, hey, I know. What's up? Where are you from?
01:33I'm from New York City, but originally from Moscow Russia all the way. I'm just joined here with Sina Adi
01:39Courtney Alexis Tolman
01:42Elena Elena, where are you from?
01:45Italy nice nice Italy. I've never been to Italy, but I'd like to visit so yeah
01:50You should so when I do visit you're gonna show me around. Okay. Oh, that was easy
01:55Anyway, so we're just asking a few questions. Do you find hairy men attractive?
02:02Is it a deal-breaker? No, it's definitely not a deal-breaker
02:06And it really depends on how the man plays it. Like if he is proud of what he's got
02:11Sure be a teddy bear all you want. But who's Harry man? Is it you? I
02:16Don't I don't know like just your preference. What do you think?
02:19Do you think a guy needs to shave his arm has his leg hairs? No, no
02:25if you are like a
02:27bear, maybe
02:29But if you're normal like, okay, no, no
02:33Absolutely not
02:35Okay, so let's let's go into a bit more detail. Um
02:39If a guy has a hairy chest, do you think he should shave it trim it? What do you think shave it or wax it?
02:47It depends if they're old and hairy probably not if they're young and hairy
02:52We can probably get remove it. Yeah, and you hairy like all over yes
03:00It's you know what it's it's not my first choice, but we can uh, there's services to get rid of that
03:05So, okay, let's let's let's go go a little into more detail. Let's say a hairy chest
03:11Do you think he should wax or get a trim? I think he should keep it trim, but it's not a deal-breaker
03:16Okay, you keep it trimmed. But if it's at the point I can braid it definitely get it waxed. Not really
03:21Not really
03:23Actually, not at all not hair not like hairy guys like if you're what about like hairy chests with that's a deal-breaker for you
03:29Yes, I don't like
03:33Okay, okay, so you'd recommend guys to trim or you know get a waxed or I like like no hair at all on the chest
03:40Like at all. What about the arms and legs?
03:44Arms and legs are fine. I mean if you have like a lot of hair, it's a little weird
03:48But like I mean if you're a guy so it's like it's not a deal-breaker, but it's just like I prefer the less hair. Yeah
03:56So I think it's masculine. Okay
03:59Okay, let me get into a little bit more detail. Like let's talk about chest hair
04:02Do you like if it's really hairy is that gonna bother you? No
04:07Really hairy arms. No hairy legs
04:11Well, if it's like very hairy everywhere, then that's a little intimidating. Okay. Okay, not like gorilla esque. Yeah
04:18What if he's got like a bush down there? Is that like a thing? I don't really care
04:24Would you do you think?
04:27should shave like
04:30No, no
04:34Keep it clean maybe trim it. Yeah trim it. So not like baby baby shaving by like that's that's kind of
04:40What are your thoughts on that if guys like shave their pubes like completely off? Yeah, it kind of looks super weird like
04:47Um trim it yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. And what about like facial hair?
04:52Do you prefer a guy with facial hair or me personally? I prefer a clean shaven face
04:57But is this too much?
05:00Let me
05:02Know it's it's fine at this point. It's fine. If it's even if it's grown longer
05:07Yeah, it can be scratchy and that's not it's not perfect. Yeah, you know what some people look really good with scratchy like
05:15Beards, yeah
05:20I'm getting an accent. Is that because you were born and raised in Russia and then you moved to New York?
05:26Okay, maybe it's because I moved
05:28Around nice. Have you been to Australia? No, not yet. Are you Australia? Yeah
05:34Yeah, you're a cool chick. I reckon we should hang out. Can I get your number?
05:38Awesome, Anna. Yep
05:41I'm in LA for at least two months. So and you're here for eight days
05:46So we definitely got to do something you can put your number in. Where are you staying in LA?
05:53Okay, what about like arms and legs?
05:55Arms and legs. Um, I shouldn't be able to like pull it like all the way up
05:59Like it shouldn't be super super long a little bit is doable. I mean we all have arm hair
06:05Why do you have like a really hairy body should?
06:07This is doable. This is doable. I can do that. No. No, this is doable.
06:17It's it's not bad. Oh, yeah, you're okay. Okay. Okay. Um next up. Do you think a guy should like shave his pubes?
06:25Shave or trim? Yeah, I don't want it. Yes. Yes, there should be no wildebeest action down there
06:32Like if I'm like this trying to get to it, that's a problem. We don't want that. So
06:37You shouldn't be Chewbacca. Okay, okay, and neither should women so it goes across the board. So you so you shave, of course
06:45Okay. Okay. Oh get lazy. I'm definitely good down there. We're all good
06:50At least trim yeah, what about you know pubic hair would does he have to shave do you think?
06:57It would be like if it's all the way shaved that's pretty good like that's that's like a prefer lean shaven
07:04even though might be a little slightly weird, but you know, either it's like clean shaved or like
07:10Like trimmed is fine, but like not like a full-on like long-ass bush. That's hella weird. I mean, I think they got half
07:19You know
07:20Medium, I know I don't know how to say it like so it should be hairy, but it shouldn't be a bush
07:26Yeah, like trimmed so you should like trim his pubes or something
07:32Okay, maybe shave do you prefer do you do you think a guy should shave his you know is pubic hair
07:43You're gonna pass on that you're gonna pass no comment no comment, okay, okay
07:53Yes, I do
07:58You should
07:59Documentary yeah, I sure like documentaries like this
08:03so for social media for
08:06My space have you heard of my space?
08:09my space
08:10porn hub
08:13Friend star
08:16Yeah, just like documentaries for those platforms, I'm really big on my space. I've got like a
08:23125 followers now
08:28What about you know when it comes to facial hair? Do you prefer does it matter to you? It doesn't really matter
08:33I like facial hair. I like beards, but I don't care. Okay, okay, so
08:38You don't you don't really mind. He can be like well not a gorilla. Yeah, as long as it's not like extremely
08:45hairy everywhere
08:48Can you define that like so are you talking about like see like it could be like chest and beard
08:54But then like legs can't be too much or it can be like legs and chest, but like it just can't be everywhere
09:00Is this too much?
09:03That's good, okay, that's good
09:06Did you hear so I actually want a trip to Mars
09:12Did you want to come with I got like a spare ticket I want a trip to Mars
09:19Did you want to come with I got like a spare ticket I don't think that's a thing no it is it legit is
09:25I don't think you'd be down
09:27If it was a thing, yeah, okay, cool. I'll grab I'll grab your number and I'll text you like the tickets and everything
09:33I'm like a hundred percent serious
09:36like a hundred percent serious
09:39All right, call me. Can you tell me your channel? Yeah
09:43I'll text it to you
09:45along with that with the tickets to Mars because
09:48Yeah, it was like a competition going on. They're sending spaceships to Mars. They've actually colonized Mars right now
09:54So there's like a massive competition going on. I'm surprised you didn't hear it
09:58It's like all over the news and everything and I you had to pay to enter the competition
10:03So I had to pay like a hundred K just to enter the competition and no, I'm serious. I'm serious