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#ceramah #dakwah #hijrah #islam #kajian #muslim #pemudahijrah #ustadzabdulsomad #adihidayat


00:00If we want to learn about it, it has to be different from studying the Quran.
00:03You have to be serious.
00:04It's not like there are Muslims who learn about the values of Islam,
00:07but they're not serious.
00:08They just know.
00:12We have to agree with the Quran
00:14that whatever has happened,
00:17May I?
00:18Before going to the second one, I'll read this verse first
00:20so that it doesn't just reach the theory.
00:22وَلَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عَلْمٌۭ
00:25إِنَّ السَّمْعُ وَالبَّصْرُ وَالفُؤَالَ
00:27كُلُّ أُولَٰئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُولًا
00:29Don't be among us.
00:31Follow whatever comes to you
00:33without knowing the basics of its knowledge and benefits.
00:36Islam is just a school of thought.
00:38Do you understand?
00:39Sometimes it happens.
00:40Follow it.
00:42Just wait.
00:43You have to follow it first.
00:44If it's the Quran, it's different.
00:46We have to ask,
00:47where do I want to go?
00:48What are the ways?
00:49What are the benefits?
00:50Don't come to where you're supposed to go
00:52and regret later.
00:54Why did I come here?
00:55I shouldn't have been here.
00:58إِنَّ السَّمْعُ وَالبَّصْرُ وَالفُؤَالَ
00:59كُلُّ أُولَئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُولًا
01:01Every listening,
01:02our view,
01:03even our thinking as a source of information,
01:05will be asked by Allah.
01:07Why did you choose this?
01:08You have eyes, ears, and a clear mind.
01:11Why didn't you choose a better one?
01:13Okay, two.
01:14Friends, the 9th Surah of the Quran,
01:16Surah At-Tawbah, verse 122.
01:18The bottom left corner.
01:20We have to agree that
01:22whatever we study later,
01:24all the material we discuss,
01:26the words of the Quran,
01:27must be as serious as possible.
01:30We have to reach the point of understanding.
01:34Don't like it,
01:35it's just a transfer of information.
01:37I tell you,
01:38you listen, you write,
01:39but you don't understand.
01:40That's not liked by the Quran.
01:41So, please check.
01:43Every time there are words,
01:45the words of a mother,
01:46which is compared to the object of Shariah,
01:50the mother of religion,
01:51always use the word fiki.
01:54The 9th Surah of the Quran, verse 122.
02:00Not all believers must be busy fighting.
02:03In the past, the context of Jihad was physically.
02:05If there is no context of physical struggle,
02:07then our activities are more important.
02:10Things that are part of Jihad.
02:12Always looking for profit.
02:13The 4th Surah of the Quran, verse 34,
02:14is part of Jihad.
02:16Until birth, the 7th Surah of the Quran, verse 189,
02:18is part of Jihad.
02:19The 2nd Surah of the Quran, verse 273,
02:21is part of Jihad.
02:22Until taking care of children,
02:23the 17th Surah of the Quran,
02:24verse 23 to 25,
02:26is part of Jihad.
02:27So, including us.
02:29The study of religion,
02:30even directly compared to the verse of Jihad,
02:33equal to the physical Jihad.
02:34Look at the sentence.
02:41There is no,
02:42among the busy people,
02:44who spend their time,
02:46even though it is not long,
02:48to study the knowledge of religion.
02:50Now, friends, look.
02:52Study the knowledge of religion.
02:53Ad-din here.
02:55Din means Islam.
02:56The 3rd Surah of the Quran, verse 19.
02:58The topmost position.
03:02So, if you want to learn anything about Islam,
03:04whatever it is,
03:05whether it is related to faith,
03:07or related to Fiqh, for example,
03:09Mu'analah, and so on,
03:11according to the Qur'an,
03:12must reach the point of understanding.
03:16Fiqh means understanding.
03:18Even the sentence is quite interesting.
03:20The sentence of the Qur'an,
03:21does not only use the word Fiqh,
03:23but what is most interesting,
03:25it then adds with the word Ta.
03:27This is the origin.
03:32Can you see it?
03:33Not yet.
03:36Friends, focus on this.
03:38This is the origin.
03:39It means understanding.
03:44If we add Ta in front of it,
03:46like this,
03:50then in Arabic,
03:51among the functions of Ta,
03:52one of them,
03:53is to show seriousness.
03:58If we add more, for example,
04:00Tashdid, before the last letter,
04:03Tashdid, like this.
04:04Every word that is read with Tashdid,
04:05from the word Shiddah,
04:10That's why the letter is read Double.
04:11There is a double.
04:12This shows something,
04:14more motivation.
04:21The sentence of the Qur'an,
04:22does not only use the word Fiqh,
04:23but it adds Ta,
04:25before the last letter,
04:26there is Tashdid.
04:30before the last letter,
04:31there is Tashdid.
04:32As if to give a sign,
04:34if we want to learn about Islam,
04:36it must be different from ordinary learning.
04:38You must be serious.
04:40And if necessary,
04:41add motivation twice,
04:43to understand what we want to do.
04:45It is very unlikely that there are Muslims,
04:47learn about the value of Islam,
04:49but not serious.
04:50Just know,
04:53get information,
04:55So, please check.
04:56All descendants in Islam,
04:58when practiced in the form of worship,
05:00then all his knowledge,
05:01always uses the word Fiqh.
05:04I give an example.
05:05Descendants in Islam, for example,
05:06the hadith of the Muslim,
05:09look for it in the first jadid,
05:11in the book of Muqaddima,
05:14the first jadid,
05:15in the book of Muqaddima,
05:19the eighth hadith,
05:22the leftmost position,
05:25the story of Umar bin Khattab,
05:26may Allah be pleased with him,
05:27and so on.
05:28If you don't have a Muslim,
05:30look for it in Al-Arba'i,
05:31sometimes Imam Andawawi,
05:33the second hadith.
05:36When the angels descended to the earth,
05:38Umar became a man,
05:40then asked about the essence of Islam,
05:42then, look at the descendants,
05:43the Prophet said,
05:44Al-Islam wa antashhadu anna ilaha illallah
05:46wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah
05:48wa tuqtimas salah salah
05:50wa tuqtiyaz zakah
05:52wa tasumma Ramadanah
05:54wa tahujjal baitah
05:55inistafata ilaihi sabilah
06:01Friends, look,
06:02descendants in Islam,
06:03there is prayer,
06:04there is zakat,
06:05there is hajj in between.
06:07Then you want to perform the prayer,
06:09the commandment of the Qur'an,
06:10verse 2, verse 43, for example,
06:12wa'aqimu s-salah
06:13and perform the prayer.
06:15It is impossible for you to pray directly
06:16without first learning about prayer.
06:18Even when you learn about prayer,
06:20look at the previous verse,
06:21the Qur'an, verse 9, verse 122.
06:23Don't learn about prayer
06:25unless you understand all the instructions correctly.
06:28Understand what is being said,
06:29understand what is being done,
06:31understand what you do in prayer.
06:33Look at verse 9,
06:34the Qur'an is very smooth.
06:36The Qur'an, Surah K, verse 49,
06:38Al-Ankabut, verse 45.
06:40Excuse me,
06:41if we look from the language
06:42to the depth,
06:43it is very smooth,
06:44but sharp.
06:45Even if you are a prayer person,
06:47you don't understand,
06:48you don't understand
06:49what is being read
06:50and done in the prayer.
06:51Try to check,
06:52maybe our actions are included in it.
06:54Thousands of times,
06:55we bow and prostrate,
06:56but we don't understand what is being read.
06:58How can we be sure
06:59if we don't understand
07:00what we are reading?
07:02if you want to learn about prayer,
07:03you won't find a book about prayer.
07:05You will always think about prayer,
07:07think about zakat,
07:09think about fasting,
07:10think about hajj.
07:11It means,
07:12when we want to learn about prayer,
07:14we have to reach the level of understanding.
07:16Do you agree with me?
07:19Therefore, the Prophet
07:20emphasized in the hadith
07:21of Al-Bukhari,
07:22in the first volume,
07:23the book of knowledge,
07:24number 71,
07:25the hadith of Abu Hurairah,
07:27may Allah be pleased with him,
07:28the leftmost position above.
07:30Dear friends,
07:37Think again.
07:38If a person has been desired by Allah
07:40to become a good person,
07:42to have good qualities,
07:43then the first sign is that
07:45Allah does not give the world to him.
07:47But Allah will soften his steps,
07:50soften his heart,
07:51build him to learn
07:53to understand the rules of religion.
07:55If you have a high position,
07:58don't be unhappy.
07:59If at the same time,
08:00you don't understand your religion,
08:02it's not good according to Allah.
08:04If you are called good in Australia,
08:07don't be unhappy.
08:08The people of Bekasi don't know you.
08:12But if Allah gives you the best,
08:14then the whole world
08:15will say you are the best.
08:17And when Allah wants you to be good,
08:19it turns out,
08:21it's not the first world given,
08:23but you will be guided,
08:25soften your steps,
08:27to want to learn,
08:28to understand,
08:29not just learn,
08:30to understand the rules of our religion.
08:33So be happy, friends,
08:35among so many Muslims in Melbourne,
08:37especially Indonesians,
08:39it turns out that you are chosen
08:40to be guided by Allah,
08:41soften your steps.
08:42I have never invited you,
08:43please ask,
08:44maybe I don't even know you.
08:47you are chosen,
08:48you are here,
08:49present here,
08:50live here,
08:51for us to learn together, understand?
08:52That's a sign that Allah
08:53wants us to be good.
08:54So because of all this,
08:56with the facilities available,
08:57you can sit,
09:00don't have to come alone,
09:01prepare yourself,
09:02take care of yourself,
09:03take care of yourself,
09:04drink all this water,
09:05you are touched,
09:06you understand,
09:07what else do you need to be given?
09:10So we have to agree here.
09:12So later,
09:13the second agreement,
09:14I beg,
09:15our teaching must reach this point.
09:17So later,
09:18if what I want to explain
09:19is not understood,
09:20later the session
09:21for questions,
09:23we will maximize
09:24to understand each other.
09:25We will maximize this room,
09:26unless we understand
09:27what we are learning.
09:28Agree here?
09:29It must be agreed.
09:30The Qur'an says,
09:31the Prophet is agreed,
09:32the Sahabah is agreed,
09:33but this is an agreement,
09:34this is an agreement.
09:37it's not the Prophet,
09:38it's not the Prophet,
09:39it's not the Sahabah,
09:40it's not the Sahabah,
09:41but it's not agreed.
09:43who is it?
09:45the last one,
09:46the third one,
09:47it's a bit fast.
09:48The third one,
09:49I'll check the first one,
09:50what was it?
09:52the essence,
09:53the purpose,
09:57The third one,
09:58this is also the most important one,
09:59which I want to emphasize.
10:01Dear friends,
10:02I'm sorry,
10:03all our lessons,
10:04whatever is discussed,
10:05as long as it involves Islam,
10:07there must be a clear reference.
10:09A clear reference.
10:12We don't like to discuss something
10:14without a reference.
10:15It must be accustomed.
10:16Even later,
10:17this habit
10:18will be brought
10:19by our cleverness,
10:20even to produce
10:21an extraordinary discovery.
10:25our brother,
10:27read the Quran,
10:28Surah 57 Al-Hadid,
10:29verses 20-29.
10:31He read it earlier.
10:33Do you know,
10:34that verse
10:35inspired later,
10:36as a reference,
10:37for Jabir Ibn Hayyan
10:38to find
10:40the theory in chemistry.
10:41Until later,
10:42he made an analysis
10:43from iron,
10:44directly from the letter,
10:45Al-Hadid's letter,
10:46until he found
10:47the addition of atoms,
10:48and so on.
10:49Until now,
10:50the number of atoms
10:51in iron is 57.
10:53like the symbol,
10:55Where did he get it?
10:56It's not Jabir Ibn Hayyan
10:57who found it,
10:58but Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
10:59So, it's clear
11:00when he took something
11:01as a reference,
11:02until the end.
11:04we will go further.
11:05If there is still time,
11:06I like to read
11:07classical books.
11:08It turns out
11:09that there are many
11:10that are surprising.
11:11There are many
11:12Islamic discoveries
11:13that were adopted
11:14by the West.
11:15The Islamic people
11:16were covered
11:17with theories
11:18that were used
11:19by them.
11:20Maybe not many people
11:21know that
11:22the theory of relativity
11:23was discussed
11:24by Hussein al-Hafizyana
11:25in his book,
11:27when he analyzed
11:28Surat Al-Ma'arij,
11:29how the ascending and descending
11:30of an angel
11:31that was created
11:32from light
11:33was analyzed
11:34to the speed of light.
11:35Einstein found it
11:36when he was then
11:37mentioned by his teacher
11:38that his brain did not develop.
11:39He was even mentioned
11:40in a sentence
11:41that I could not complete.
11:42He left the class
11:43and found
11:44Al-Hafizyana's book.
11:45He discussed it there.
11:46His teacher,
11:47who lived to explain,
11:48did not understand.
11:50who only wrote,
11:51did not understand.
11:52C, D, F, G, A, B, C, G, A, B,
11:53C, D, F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:54F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:55F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:56F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:57F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:58F, G, A, B, C, D,
11:59F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:00F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:01F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:02F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:03F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:04F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:05F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:06F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:07F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:08F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:09F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:10F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:11F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:12F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:13F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:14F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:15F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:16F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:17F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:18F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:19F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:20F, G, A, B, C, D,
12:26Rasulullah SAW.
12:27That's why it's so important.
12:30Imam Muslim,
12:32I will explain in the workshop on Monday,
12:34how this can inspire the world.
12:36But in short,
12:37Imam Muslim immediately made a special section in his book,
12:41in Sahih Muslim,
12:42in the first page,
12:44page 119,
12:45the leftmost position,
12:48If it's different,
12:49don't look for the reference.
12:50In my book,
12:52Imam Nawawi's biography,
12:53there are 9 pages,
12:54mostly from Hadith,
12:55if you want the same.
12:57Printed in 2002.
13:00The color is dark blue.
13:03I bought it in Cairo,
13:04on July 26, 2006.
13:06The price is still 450,000,
13:08more or less,
13:09in conversion,
13:10behind Hussainiyat.
13:11That's the most interesting thing,
13:12like this,
13:13Bambul Isnat bin Ad-Din.
13:16whatever religion,
13:17must have a reference,
13:18connected to the main source.
13:21Isnat is,
13:22the transmission of knowledge,
13:23until the end.
13:25And it's not found in Hadith,
13:26unless it's connected to the Prophet.
13:28While what is connected to the Prophet,
13:29is only two.
13:31If it's not in the Qur'an,
13:32it must be Sunnah.
13:34our discussion,
13:35will present these three things.
13:37I will discuss,
13:38with the reference that is meant,
13:40then the opinion of the scholars,
13:41then we try to understand,
13:43and finally,
13:44we have to get the benefit,
13:45from our learning.
13:46Do you agree?
13:48If you agree, let's start.
