Lovely story

  • last month


00:00I should tell you the story of my house.
00:02What a story! I will tell you.
00:04It has become very old. It is the story of my house.
00:05But leave it. I will tell you.
00:06My family will be very angry.
00:07They will see and cut it.
00:08When I got married,
00:09I wanted my first wife to go to the other house.
00:12And the second wife to come to the other house.
00:14Because the second and the third had to live together.
00:16For that, he used to do a partition.
00:18The house was a little big.
00:19Now who will take the first wife?
00:20Where will she go?
00:21Where does the first wife vacate the house for the second wife?
00:23I was very worried. How do I explain?
00:24Anyway, look at the nature of Allah.
00:25One day I came from the gym.
00:26My habit was to drink raw eggs after coming from the gym.
00:28I am exposing this for the first time.
00:30After 15, 10, 12 years.
00:31I didn't tell anyone.
00:32I didn't even tell my family.
00:33One day I came from the gym.
00:34I opened the fridge in the house.
00:35The fridge was in the kitchen.
00:36My family was working somewhere in the kitchen.
00:37I opened the fridge.
00:38Two raw eggs were lying in it.
00:39I drank two raw eggs.
00:40And I peeled them.
00:41So fast.
00:42I have a lot of speed at home.
00:43I run like this.
00:44So I went like this.
00:45I kept it outside the gate in the dustbin.
00:46I came and stood up.
00:47My family did not know
00:48that all this work has been done so fast.
00:49My family thought
00:50that I was standing near the fridge.
00:51My family had to cook eggs.
00:53My family said,
00:54you ate eggs.
00:55So my family said,
00:56there are Jinnats in this house.
00:58I said, why?
00:59I swear to God,
01:00I have seen two eggs here.
01:02If those eggs were broken,
01:03there would have been shells.
01:04There are no shells and no eggs.
01:06I am quiet.
01:07The Jinnats that I speak against
01:08in the morning and evening,
01:09absolutely quiet.
01:12My family said,
01:13take me out of this house.
01:14Shift me from this house
01:15to the other house.
01:17I said,
01:18if you are saying so, fine.
01:20Very easily,
01:21all our stuff
01:22without any fight,
01:24without any fight,
01:25I have not told you yet.
01:27Now it will be revealed
01:28if it goes in the video.