Fenerbahçe vs Adana Demirspor 1-0 Highlighst & all Goals - 10-08-2024

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Fenerbahçe vs Adana Demirspor 1-0 Highlighst & all Goals - 10-08-2024

Fenerbahçe vs Adana Demirspor 1-0
Fenerbahçe vs Adana Demirspor
Fenerbahçe 1-0 Adana Demirspor maç özeti izle


00:30He stole the whistle and the game started. We wish you a good time.
00:37Sam Maksimin and Ferdi lost the ball but couldn't get out.
00:41Ferdi, Maksimin.
00:46He stole the ball and passed it to Cezas.
00:48Tadic hit it and he came back from the defense.
00:50Sam Maksimin took the ball and passed it to Tadic.
00:54He couldn't get to the defense.
00:57İrfan Can, left foot.
00:59İrfan Can sent it to the back post.
01:01The ball is going out.
01:03Who showed the shot? Ciku.
01:05It was on the ground.
01:07İrfan Can sent it to the back post like this.
01:12Ciku's position.
01:15Ferdi, he left it.
01:17Now the partner hits the penalty spot.
01:19Head shot!
01:24He passed it to the left wing.
01:27Sam Maksimin.
01:29Maksimin looked at the goal.
01:31Kaleci Deniz took the ball with his second move.
01:37Yusuf Barasi.
01:39Tayfun Aydogan wanted to hide it.
01:42Sarikat to Osservold.
01:44After the foul.
01:46Sarikat to Osservold.
01:48This is the position.
01:50Tayfun Aydogan.
01:51Yusuf Barasi.
01:52Osservold wanted to hide the ball.
01:54Mishu came there.
01:55Hamli to Osservold.
01:56Paul and Sarikat.
02:01Sam Maksimin.
02:02Sam Maksimin accelerated again.
02:04He moved the ball to the center.
02:06Sam Maksimin passed it to Dzeko.
02:08Shoot and goal!
02:12Edin Dzeko!
02:15Sam Maksimin moved the ball with a dribbling.
02:18He gave a great pass.
02:20He turned that pass into an assist.
02:22Edin Dzeko!
02:28In the name of Fenerbahçe.
02:30The opening of the 2024-2025 Super League season.
02:35From Edin Dzeko.
02:44Osay Samuel.
02:46He stood up and gave a pass.
02:48Now he turned.
02:50He entered the penalty area.
02:52İrfan Can pulled the ball forward.
02:54İrfan Can went down the line.
02:56Fenerbahçeliler turned to the referee.
02:58The referee shows the corner kick.
03:00Fenerbahçeli players waited for the penalty.
03:04Fenerbahçe scored the first goal of the season.
03:21Maestro and Yusuf Barasi.
03:24Fenerbahçe turned the ball.
03:26Barasi shot the ball.
03:29Yusuf Barasi!
03:34He turned the ball and Ferdi came to the area.
03:36Ferdi touched the ball.
03:38İsmail Edouard won the ball.
03:40Yusuf Barasi played from time to time.
03:42Now Aloui.
03:44Aloui shot.
03:46The ball went out of the post.
03:48It stayed on the cheeks.
03:50It was very effective.
03:52İsmail lost the ball here.
03:54Barasi left it like this.
03:56Nabil Aloui went out.
04:00He took the ball.
04:02Dushan Tadic.
04:04Dushan Tadic.
04:06Dilan Fugiuo welcomes him.
04:08Dushan Tadic scored.
04:10The ball went out of the post.
04:14İrfan Can.
04:18Bartu shot.
04:22He sent the ball out of the post.
04:24Adana Demir Sport.
04:26He tried 5 shots.
04:28Fenerbahçe scored 10 times.
04:30Now Nesiri.
04:32Yusuf Nesiri couldn't pass the ball.
04:44He made the pass to Graviglione.
04:46Çağlar welcomes him.
04:48Yusuf Barasi.
04:50He found the ball in front of him.
04:52It went out of the post.
04:56Ali Yavuz.
04:58Ali Yavuz touched İsmail Aloui.
05:00He thought about Fugiuo but the ball didn't come to him.
05:042 players are left.
05:06Hakem stops the game.
05:08José Mourinho is very angry.
05:16Hakem showed that Adana Demir Sport players will use it.
05:18José Mourinho is so angry.
05:20He came to the field.
05:24Yellow card.
05:30Fenerbahçe scored 4 goals.
05:32İsmail waited.
05:34He made the pass.
05:38Yusuf Nesiri couldn't pass the ball.
05:40Yusuf Nesiri couldn't pass the ball.
05:42He is so excited.
05:46The last whistle.
05:50Trendyol Super League.
