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Anode rays or canal rays are experiments conducted by German scientist Eugen Goldstein in 1886. Goldstein used a tube that had a perforated cathode. "Rays" were produced at the holes in the cathode and moved in the opposite direction to cathode rays, which were the flow of electrons. Goldstein called these positive rays "Kanalstrahlen" - canal rays because they seemed to pass through a canal.

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00:00Following is the apparatus used to study anode rays.
00:10A closed tube.
00:13The air in the tube has been pumped out.
00:17So the tube becomes a vacuum tube.
00:23The metal plate on the left side will be connected to the positive pole of the DC voltage source.
00:31We can call this metal the anode.
00:37The metal plate on the right side will be connected to the negative pole of the DC voltage source.
00:44We can call this metal the cathode.
00:49Unlike the anode, the cathode metal plate has a hole that penetrates the surface of the other side.
00:56The actual hole is so small, it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
01:03This hole looks big just for animation purposes.
01:10Between these two plates, there is a space.
01:14In this chamber hydrogen gas is injected in a certain concentration.
01:20We can say that this gas is a low pressure gas.
01:26These are the components of the apparatus used in this experiment.
01:35Now connect the electrical circuit and turn it on.
01:40On the surface of the cathode a negative charge will accumulate.
01:45On the surface of the anode a positive charge will accumulate.
01:52At a certain voltage value, electrons from the cathode surface will move towards the anode.
02:01Why don't electrons move to the right?
02:05Because negatively charged electrons will experience columns forced towards the positive charge, or to the left.
02:12On the right, there are no external forces.
02:18During its movement, these electrons will collide with hydrogen gas molecules.
02:25Electrons in the hydrogen gas will bounce out towards the anode.
02:31At this time, the hydrogen gas molecules lose electrons and become positively charged particles.
02:39Particles with positive electrical charge will experience column forces towards the negative charge, or to the right.
02:47Because there is a negatively charged surface there.
02:51Positive electrically charged particles will move towards the cathode.
02:56However, there are several holes in the cathode.
03:00Positively charged particles can pass through the hole to the other end.
03:04Well, the trajectory of this particle is a straight line.
03:09We can name this movement of particles as rays.
03:13Anode rays.
03:15Because it is as if the light comes from the anode.
03:19How do we know that the anode rays are positively charged?
03:28If we still remember the cathode ray experiment.
03:31We can place parallel plates at the right end.
03:36Just assume the top plate is connected to the positive pole of the DC voltage source.
03:42And the bottom plate is connected to the negative pole of the DC voltage source.
03:48Then the light will appear to turn towards the negatively charged plate.
03:53This is proof that the anode rays have a positive charge.
03:58In some references, these rays are known as canal rays.
04:03Well, the scientist who researched canal ray was Eugene Goldstein in 1886.
04:14Using a method similar to Thompson's experiment,
04:17Eugene Goldstein was able to calculate the charge-to-mass ratio, or E per m, of the anode rays.
04:23It turns out that the value of E per m is not just a single value.
04:28This value has several different values, depending on the type of gas used.
04:35Because it does not have one value, we cannot say that a ray channel particle is a single particle.
04:44Because it does not have one value, we cannot say that a canal rays particle is a single particle.
04:50Rutherford researched the canal rays experiments further.
04:54In 1920, Rutherford succeeded in identifying a single positively charged particle known as a proton.
05:04So scientifically, the discoverer of the proton was Ernest Rutherford.
05:09However, Eugene Goldstein is still known as the inventor of canal rays.
05:13Thank you for watching this video.
05:15And, don't forget to watch the next video.
