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00:00I'm not ashamed.
00:05If you want to eat, you eat at a girl's house.
00:07If you want to eat, you eat at a boy's house.
00:09Go for a reception. Who's stopping you?
00:11They're inviting 100 people for a reception and taking away 500 people.
00:13Go for a reception, not 500. Call 1000 people.
00:16Go for a reception one day, the next day. Go for a reception for 20 days.
00:18The Shariah gives you permission.
00:19Make yourself happy.
00:20But don't be a burden on the girl's family.
00:22The girl's family raised her for 18-20 years,
00:24raised her and gave her to you.
00:25They did a great job.
00:26They gave her a lot of love.
00:27But 500 people went to take her?
00:30400 people went?
00:31These thieves went?
00:33And I'm saying this because I'm a dacoit.
00:34They went and sat there.
00:35This is a new style of begging.
00:37International style.
00:39And whoever says, you're so rich,
00:41no matter how rich you are,
00:42Maulvi Jirgis says, you're an international beggar.
00:44Go. If you don't like it, keep doing it.
00:46Your richness and your generosity
00:48is under my shoe.
00:50I don't understand you.
00:51What will you do for me?
00:53Will you be a burden on the girl's family?
00:54Will you eat at the girl's house?
00:56Will you take 250-300 people to the girl's family?
00:59The girl's family has no responsibility
01:01to feed everyone.
01:02End this.
01:03And international beggars,
01:04look, give them a bike.
01:05My son sits at a shop worth 5 lakhs.
01:08Can't you give him a bike worth 50 thousand?
01:10Take a bowl and beg.
01:13When a lame man from Jirgis comes to the door,
01:16he's proud to give 10 rupees.
01:17He's disabled.
01:18He's not worthy of earning.
01:19A blind man comes.
01:20He likes to give 100 rupees.
01:22He's blind.
01:23He's not worthy of earning.
01:24I consider these poor people beggars and give them.
01:26These poor people are not worthy of earning.
01:28Strong with both hands,
01:29fat, strong,
01:30fat, fresh,
01:33spoiled child of a father.
01:34And he's asking for a motorcycle
01:36in the name of his son.
01:37Tell me honestly,
01:38blind, lame, lame,
01:40who asks for 10-20 rupees in the name of Allah,
01:42is he a big beggar?
01:43Or who asks for a bike in the name of his son,
01:44is he a big beggar?
01:45In the eyes of Maulvi Jirgis,
01:47the international beggar is the one
01:48who is asking for a bike in the name of his son.
01:51You are an international beggar, you traitor.
01:53You are bigger than that beggar,
01:55who is lame, lame, and blind.
01:56You are bigger than that beggar.
01:57You are an international beggar.
01:59Shame on you.
02:01So we need to remove these things from our society.
02:03The Prophet of Allah said,
02:04when you go to a girl's house,
02:06when you go to eat,
02:07to a girl's house,
02:08you enter as a thief
02:11and leave as a dacoit.
02:13Which hadith allows you
02:14to eat at a girl's house?
02:16Because the father of the boy
02:17has already said,
02:18I'm bringing 400 rupees.
02:19It's okay to give 2-4 items less in dowry,
02:22to improve the respect of the guests.
02:24The 300 people who are coming with us,
02:26do good for them.
02:28This is the international style of begging.
02:31It's okay to give 1-2 items less in dowry.
02:34But the 250-300 people who are coming,
02:36do good for them.
02:37Do you understand the meaning of doing good?
02:39The meaning is,
02:40not big items,
02:42but everything should be mutton.
02:44Not chicken,
02:46but everything should be desi.
02:48The one who says,
02:49how rich he is,
02:50how rich he is,
02:51no matter how rich he is,
02:52Maulvi Jarjees says,
02:53you are an international beggar.
02:55If you feel bad,
02:56then keep feeling bad.
02:57Your richness
02:58and your richness
02:59are under my shoe.
03:00I don't understand you.
03:01What will you do with my karma?