PM Modi के कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने के बाद किसान ने कही बड़ी बात

  • last month
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने रविवार को भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान में फसलों की 109 उच्च उपज देने वाली जैव सशक्त किस्में जारी की। इस मौके पर उन्होंने किसानों और वैज्ञानिकों से बातचीत भी की। यहां देश के अलग अलग हिस्सों से आए किसान पीएम मोदी के साथ इस कार्यक्रम का हिस्सा बने। एक किसान ने कहा कि मैं 109 किस्म के बीजों के लॉन्च के लिए प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूं अगर किसान समृद्ध होंगे तो देश भी तरक्की करेगा।

#Pmmodiagriculture #pmnarendramodi #farmers #farmernews #agriculturenews #agricultureindia #IndiaAgriculturalResearchInstitute


00:00I would like to thank the KVK and the Prime Minister.
00:05Today, there is a special type of crop that yields in 70 days.
00:12We harvest the crop in 70 days.
00:14Normally, it takes 90 to 100 days.
00:17So, the benefit of 20 to 30 days is that the farmer becomes free quickly.
00:21And because of climate change, the rainfall becomes very heavy.
00:25It becomes very difficult.
00:27The water in the field is depleted.
00:29Last year, the water in my field was depleted.
00:32So, it will be very beneficial for me in the future.
00:36The yield of this crop is also very good and time will be saved.
00:39If time is saved, I will have to work less.
00:42And my field will be empty soon.
00:44So, I can use this time for other crops.
00:48So, it will directly benefit me.
00:51I will save time.
00:53This is a fortified crop.
01:00It has a lot of calcium, zinc and iron.
01:05So, when we eat it, it becomes a superfood.
01:12We liked it very much.
01:14I would like to thank the KVK for giving us this opportunity to meet the Prime Minister.
01:19The Prime Minister listened to us with interest.
01:22He gave us some suggestions.
01:25He also agreed with us.
01:27Like we said, in organic farming, we get a certificate from a group.
01:32So, instead of a group, if we get a certificate from a particular farmer, then it will be good.
01:37So, he said, let's work on this.
01:40He himself went into the field and saw how the crop has grown.
01:47He asked about the yield.
01:49There are 30 other crops here.
01:52In addition to millet, there are also jowar and moong.
01:56I grow moong as well.
01:58So, there is moong as well.
02:00So, it will take less time for all of them.
02:02And on top of that, it will take more time.
02:04So, if we want to double the farmer's income,
02:10we need good seeds.
02:12We need the support of the government.
02:14Today, we had the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister.
02:18I hope that if we continue in this direction,
02:20we will double our income.
02:23And the farmer's and the country's development will happen.
02:27The country will also develop.
