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Are Donald Trump and Kamala Harris qualified to be President of the United States according to its Constitution? Does the adulterer Donald Trump's record as a businessman who declared bankruptcy multiple times and who was once President of the USA make him the best choice? Does Kamala Harris' political positions, one or more were related to adultery, and then later being Vice-President make her the best choice? What about their positions on adultery and LGBTQ matters? Do either of them meet the biblical requirements to be leaders? Could they both be evil? Should Christians put their faith in leaders or in Jesus and His Kingdom? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these points.

A written article of related interest is available titled ' Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: Biblically disqualified?' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/donald-trump-and-kamala-harris-biblically-disqualified/


00:00Greetings friends, this is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob
00:10Dr. Thiel, would you give us some info on the two leading candidates for U.S. President?
00:15Well, roughly about one-third of the United States voters are happy that Donald Trump
00:22has secured the Republican Party nomination to become President of the United States.
00:26As it turns out, about roughly one-third of the United States voters are happy that
00:30Kamala Harris has apparently cinched the Democratic Party nomination to become President of the
00:36United States.
00:37Well then, does that mean that both candidates have a two-thirds disapproval rating?
00:42Well, actually some polls do suggest that, but now let's look at their constitutional
00:50Both were born natural citizens in the United States.
00:54Both have been residents of the United States for at least 14 years, and both are over 35
00:58years of age, so according to the U.S. Constitution, both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris meet the
01:04requirements to become President of the United States, and whichever one wins a sufficient
01:10number of electoral votes will have met the constitutional qualification, presuming it
01:15was one of them.
01:16Now, as it turns out, supporters of Donald Trump point to his record as being a successful
01:22businessman, as well as his record as President of the United States, to demonstrate that
01:26they think he's the best qualified person for that job.
01:30Yet, Donald Trump wasn't always successful, and actually he filed for bankruptcy multiple
01:36times when he couldn't pay back his creditors.
01:39Well, the Bible must have something to say about that, especially since he could have
01:44repaid the debt.
01:45Yeah, in Psalm 37, verse 21, it says, the wicked borrows and does not repay, but the
01:50righteous shows mercy and gives.
01:52And I heard Donald Trump basically say, well, there's rules and laws, but I know how to
01:56use them.
01:57Furthermore, Donald Trump has admitted adultery, and he said he never repented before God,
02:03and he proves the various behaviors that the Bible condemns.
02:07He despises many, and he promotes a type of nationalistic covetousness.
02:12Now, what about Kamala Harris?
02:15Well, on the news, I heard supporters of Kamala Harris point to her political career as a
02:22California Attorney General, then she was a U.S. Senator, then she's Vice President
02:26of the United States.
02:27Therefore, they feel because of that, she's the most qualified person to be President
02:32of the United States.
02:33However, you know, in California, 50% of people who take the state bar exam become lawyers.
02:42They pass it on your first attempt.
02:45Kamala Harris didn't do that, but anyway, she did finally pass, and she began her career
02:50as a Deputy District Attorney in Alameda County, which is in Northern California.
02:55But then she connected with a very powerful, married California politician by the name
03:00of Willie Brown.
03:02In 1994, she began dating him while he was a big shot, and he was also married.
03:10He was 30 years older than her, and Brown, according to the news, appointed Harris to
03:17the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and Medical Assistance Commission, positions
03:22together that paid her an extra $80,000 a year on top of what she was already making
03:28as a prosecutor.
03:31And she was known as his 29-year-old mistress.
03:37So it seems like her adulterous affair with a legally married and influential man assisted
03:45her career advancement.
03:46I don't know if you heard what Roseanne Barr, the comedian, said about her, but she said
03:51Kamala Harris slept her way to the bottom.
03:53Later, when she was Attorney General, Kamala Harris made ways for her refusal to defend
03:59Proposition 8, which was a law in the state of California that says marriage is between
04:04a man and a woman.
04:05She didn't want to do that.
04:06Of course, that's how Jesus defined marriage.
04:10And as vice president, the role that the major media seems to think she was best at, by the
04:18way, was promoting abortion.
04:22Well, in the interest of political fairness and equal time, what can the Bible tell us
04:28about Mrs. Harris's actions?
04:31Well, the prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 59, starting verse 7, read this from the New King James,
04:39warned the following, their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed innocent blood.
04:47Their thoughts are of iniquity, wasting and destruction are in their past.
04:52The way of peace they have not known.
04:53There's no justice in their ways.
04:56They've made themselves crooked paths.
04:58Whoever should go that way will not know peace.
05:01Well, abortion is the shedding of innocent blood.
05:05And Kamala Harris has made haste to travel across the whole United States in order to
05:09promote it.
05:11She also tends to advocate a type of class envy covetousness when she discusses raising
05:17taxes to give benefits to various ones.
05:21Anyway, I consider that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are evil.
05:27In what way are they both evil?
05:29Well, without going all specifics, let's talk about some ways they're similar.
05:33Number one, they don't live like members of their faiths are supposed to live.
05:38Donald Trump is a Presbyterian and Kamala Harris is some type of Baptist.
05:44Number two, they both support LGBTQ matters.
05:48Three, neither one have called for national repentance.
05:51Four, neither seek first the kingdom of God.
05:55Five, one's an adulterer, the other's an adulteress.
05:57Six, they've both been involved in administrations that greatly have increased US debt.
06:03Seven, they've been involved in administrations that have set the Europeans.
06:08Eight, they've been accused of hypocrisy.
06:11Nine, they've both made a lot of public lies.
06:14Ten, they have real solutions for what the United States needs.
06:18Now, I'm not trying to say there are any differences, and I know they have differing economic and
06:23climate policies, as well as various differences on abortion and racial matters.
06:28Well, on your LGBTQ issue above, what is evil about merely supporting a certain viewpoint?
06:36Well, if you don't believe the Bible, probably not a whole lot, but the Bible actually is
06:43pretty strict about this.
06:44Let me read the book of Romans, Romans chapter one, starting in verse 26, where even their
06:51women exchanged a natural use for what's against nature, likewise also the men leading
06:55the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men committing but shameful
07:01and receiving themselves the penalty of the error which was due.
07:06Because they did not want to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a debased
07:10mind to do those things which are not fitting, being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual
07:15immorality, covetousness, maliciousness, deceit, evil mindedness, et cetera, et cetera.
07:22Verse 32, who knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things
07:27are deserving of death, and not only do the same, but those who approve of those who practice
07:35So in other words, the Bible says, even if you're not doing those things, if you approve
07:38of it, this is bad.
07:40So yes, the US election is a choice between evil ones.
07:44Don't place your hope in any human political leader.
07:48So now that the Bible has shown us some of the errors or sins of a leader of a nation,
07:54what are some of the characteristics we should look for?
07:57Well, if we go to the Bible, book of Exodus, chapter 18, I want to read something that
08:03God had Moses write, starting in verse 19, listen to my voice, I will give you counsel
08:10and God will be with you.
08:11You will stand before God for the people so that you will bring difficulties to God
08:15and you will teach them the statutes and the laws and show them the way in which they must
08:19walk and the work they must do.
08:22Verse 21, moreover, you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God,
08:30men of truth, hating covetousness, and place them over to be rulers of thousands of hundreds,
08:36rulers of fifties and rulers of ten.
08:39Now neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump could be called men of truth, nor do they
08:45truly endorse God's laws and statutes, nor do they hate covetousness.
08:51Now I want to go to the book of 2 Samuel, 2 Samuel, chapter 23, starting in verse 2.
08:59The spirit of the Lord spoke by me and his word was on my tongue.
09:04The God of Israel, the Rock of Israel spoke to me, saying, he who rules over men must
09:11be judged, just, ruling in the fear of God.
09:16Neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump are just, nor do they intend to rule in the true
09:22fear of God.
09:24Hence they're not people that Christians should endorse.
09:31Voting for Kamala Harris, voting for Donald Trump, it simply is not going to save the
09:37United States of America.
09:38Well, a lot of people look to the president to save us.
09:43What does the Bible teach?
09:44Well, if I go back to the Old Testament again, this time to Psalm 146, I'm going to read
09:52what the psalmist wrote with verse 3.
09:56Do not put your trust in princes, nor in the son of man in whom there is no help.
10:03Now by princes, we're talking about basically political leaders, government leaders.
10:10So we're not supposed to put our trust in those because there's no hope.
10:15Now I want to go to Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 5, and I want to read verse 20.
10:21The Bible says, woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
10:27I've heard both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump explain why they are good for the sexual immorality
10:36And again, both of them as their examples as adulterers, adulteresses in this case,
10:42but they say evil is good.
10:47And as far as voting goes, let me just comment that Exodus chapter 23, verse 2 has something
10:56that a lot of people do not seem to understand who claim to believe the Bible.
11:01It says, you shall not follow a crowd to do evil.
11:10And so one part of the crowd's going to vote for presuming these people stay and don't
11:15die and all this kind of stuff.
11:18Some big part of the crowd's planning on voting for Donald Trump.
11:21Another big crowd is planning on voting for Kamala Harris.
11:25And there'll be a little crowd that will probably vote for various other ones.
11:29But you know, they're both evil.
11:33And the lesser of two evils is what a lot of times people say they vote for.
11:38But by that definition, it's still evil.
11:42Now, as far as moral leadership for the country, if you listen to some of what they say compared
11:51against the Bible, say this is covetousness, class envy, hate, various other things, different
11:59Isaiah had another prophecy I'd like to read, Isaiah 9, this time verse 16.
12:09For the leaders of this people cause them to err and those who are led by them are destroyed.
12:17That applies to both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
12:22But in our age now, we've got leaders who think it's okay to have teenagers get their
12:29parts cut off and put on various hormones because they think that this is good.
12:36We've done some other things about this.
12:39One of the things they've told parents is if you don't let your child do this, your
12:42child will commit suicide or something along that line.
12:45Well, actually they did some studies on that and found out, no, that's not true.
12:49And they've also done other studies.
12:51Sometimes the results of these studies, by the way, have been suppressed by our leaders,
12:56so-called, other leaders, but leaders the wrong way, who don't want the truth to come
13:01out that people who go through these surgeries and stuff, they're not happy or it doesn't
13:05work for them, but they want to act like this is a great thing.
13:09Now, as far as what are we supposed to do?
13:14We're supposed to put our faith in Jesus and the coming King of God, not in the elections
13:21of the United States, not in the elections in other countries.
13:25The reality is biblical prophecies are going to be fulfilled, and we're seeing the stage
13:32is being set for that right now.
13:35Short of soon national repentance, which neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris has called
13:41for, short of that, the United States is doomed.
13:45They're going the wrong way, and if anyone thinks that Kamala Harris is going to fix
13:50everything or Donald Trump is going to fix everything or their vice presidents are going
13:55to fix anything, you're deceiving themselves, because that's not the case.
14:00We need national repentance, and we need it fairly soon.
14:04Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
14:05For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio articles, visit
14:10our website at BibleNewsProphecy.net.
14:13This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
