Punjab के किसान ने नई लॉन्च की गई फसलों की किस्मों से फायदे की जताई उम्मीद

  • last month
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने रविवार को भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान में फसलों की 109 उच्च उपज देने वाली जैव सशक्त किस्में जारी की। इस मौके पर उन्होंने किसानों और वैज्ञानिकों से बातचीत भी की। यहां देश के अलग अलग हिस्सों से आए किसान पीएम मोदी के साथ इस कार्यक्रम का हिस्सा बने। इस दौरान पंजाब के एक किसान ने कहा कि बीज की नई किस्मों के आने से हमारी उम्मीद जगी है। जैसे-जैसे नई तकनीक आती रहेगी, निश्चित रूप से इससे किसानों और देश दोनों को फायदा होगा।

#Pmmodiagriculture #pmnarendramodi #farmers #farmernews #agriculturenews #agricultureindia #IndiaAgriculturalResearchInstitute


00:00I am fortunate to have a conversation with the Prime Minister of our country.
00:06He also asked me a few direct questions.
00:09One of the questions was, what do you know about the 109 varieties of 61 crops that have been released today?
00:16And how does this new variety benefit the farmer?
00:20So, we told him that some varieties of crops lose their ability over time.
00:29This increases the risk of infections and diseases and reduces their productivity.
00:33So, the new varieties that scientists research over time,
00:37have the ability to fight diseases and produce more crops.
00:42So, in that sense, they are very beneficial.
00:45As an example, I will tell you that my area is the Basmati production area.
00:50So, all our production is exported.
00:52If it is exported, we get good prices.
00:54If it is exported domestically, of course, the prices are not as good.
00:58So, when we exported, we faced some problems.
01:01For example, in the past, we used to spray some medicines to fight diseases.
01:06So, some of their residues remained.
01:08The European Union has set a minimum residue limit.
01:13If it is more than this, then we will not buy your rice.
01:16So, it was a big obstacle for us.
01:18For that, PUSA gave us three varieties.
01:22PUSA Basmati-1847, PUSA Basmati-1885 and PUSA Basmati-1886.
01:28In these three varieties, they have a great ability to fight diseases.
01:37So, it is obvious that for that, we will use very little pesticide.
01:41That is, almost none.
01:42Sometimes we don't have to do it.
01:43If we had to do it, it would be very unequal.
01:45And as soon as we reduce the spraying of medicines on it,
01:48there will be very little residue left.
01:51Now, some of our exporting companies do sampling in paddy fields
01:57and test how much medicine is left in it.
02:00So, as soon as our sample passes, they buy it from us at good rates.
02:06So, because of these new varieties, we have a lot of hope.
02:10We do not expect that we are benefiting from them.
02:13See, this is the law of nature.
02:15Growth is a central law of human nature.
02:17So, as the era of technology advances,
02:20as the era of science advances,
02:22as new technologies emerge,
02:24like the drone technology in our spray,
02:27there are a lot of new technologies emerging.
02:30So, I think that the farmers will definitely benefit from it.
02:33And as they have called upon scientists
02:36to go to the farmers as much as possible on time,
02:39I think that the country will benefit from it.
