Hindenburg की रिपोर्ट को अर्थशास्त्री Sushil Kedia ने बताया तुच्छ और गैर जिम्मेदाराना

  • last month
भारत को लेकर अमेरिकी शॉर्टसेलर फर्म हिंडनबर्ग की नई रिपोर्ट में सेबी की चेयरपर्सन माधबी पुरी बुच, उनके पति धवल बुच और अदाणी ग्रुप का जिक्र है। हिंडनबर्ग की इस रिपोर्ट पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए केडियानॉमिक्स के फाउंडर और सीईओ सुशील केडिया ने कहा कि हिंडनबर्ग भारत में 18 महीने पहले ही अपनी रिपोर्ट को लेकर बदनाम हो चुकी है जब उसने अदाणी समूह को लेकर अपनी रिपोर्ट जारी की थी तब जांच के बाद भारत सरकार ने हिंडनबर्ग को उसकी इस करतूत के लिए कारण बताओ नोटिस भी जारी किया था। 18 महीने बाद हिंडनबर्ग ने नकारात्मकता से भरी अपनी एक और रिपोर्ट जारी की है। मैं हिंडनबर्ग के इन आरोपों को न सिर्फ गैर जिम्मेदाराना मानता हूं बल्कि तुच्छ और घटिया भी मानता हूं। भगवान जाने कि उनका असल मकसद क्या है लेकिन वो भारतीय निवेशकों के सेन्टिमेंट्स के साथ खिलवाड़ कर रहे हैं।

#Hindenburgreport #Adanigroup #HindenburgResearchOnSebi #SEBI #sushilkedia #kedianomics


00:00I as a citizen of capital markets interpret the allegations made by
00:06Indenberg not as just irresponsible, not merely frivolous, but they're actually,
00:11you know, cheap antics and cheap theatrics. God alone knows what their real intent is,
00:19if nothing but to try and break the sentiments of the retail Indian investors
00:26who have been thronging India's capital markets on an unbridled bull market here in India,
00:34so much so that it's also prevailing in many parts of the globe, and break those sentiments.
00:39And why do I conclude this? What they wrote is that the husband of the semi-chairman Madhavi
00:46Puri Butch, way back in 2017, made some investments through an investment fund
00:53managed by IIFL in Singapore. And the only basis of trying creating some sort of a
01:03cunning, sly insinuation, not even a direct allegation, forget about any allegations of
01:11bribery, wrongdoing, connivance, conflict of interest. No, there's no allegation.
01:19It's a very cunning, very, very cunning and clever insinuation, an irresponsible action,
01:27in which they are saying that the husband of the semi-chairman, Ms. Madhavi Puri Butch,
01:32routed investments through a certain investment vehicle of IIFL in Singapore, and Hindenburg had
01:38made allegations 18 months back that even Adanis had used that fund. Now, I mean, this is
01:44shamelessness of another order that we usually don't get to see in business life. I mean, just
01:51look at the parallels. Say it was, to make it simpler, say if it was not an investment fund,
01:58but say if it is a bank in which somebody used that bank, and another third person made an
02:05allegation, this person has done perhaps something wrong inside this bank. And now 18 months later,
02:11they come and say, oh, semi-chairman's husband also used that bank. To make it even simpler,
02:16say if somebody was to make an allegation that XYZ cheated someone inside a restaurant,
02:24and that allegation has been proven absolutely frivolous, even then somebody comes after 18
02:29months to say that, oh, semi-chairman's husband also went to that restaurant. I mean, what are
02:35you trying to do? So just because markets had lapsed heavily because of a larger conspiracy
02:42with other short sellers, global hedge funds, and a number of local large deep pockets,
02:48that would naturally set in a scare within the Indian investing population.
02:53So fake news that has become a serious alarm with the onset of social media and media,
03:01it's not merely, and that too is considered deeply criminal now, because it vitiates minds,
03:07it creates havoc. But financial markets are information sensitive, they're perception
03:12sensitive. And if somebody is regularly going to keep playing these pranks here,
03:16this is not a mere prank. I mean, it's a substantial thing.
03:21Mrs. Butch's husband made investments through a certain fund in 2017 when she was just becoming
03:31the whole-time director. No substantiated declarations of any facts, no connections
03:38of any facts, no specific allegation. And the company that manages that fund has already issued
03:46letter to the stock exchange that never at any point in time, the Butch family had more than
03:521.5% of the total funds AUM has in any investments. And the peak size of the fund was only $48
04:00million. So if Adani's used that fund and all has been all discredited. So this kind of
04:08nuisance that is getting created, it's not prank. It's hardcore nuisance with immense
04:15a criminal intent to damage faith of the people in the capital markets of India.
04:21See, because SEBI is a unique regulator, any officers in particular, the chairman of SEBI
04:27cannot be treated as a magistrate, even though SEBI is a lawmaker. It applies the law, it acts
04:33as a magistrate. And it also acts as a police or inspector to enforce the law. So given that,
04:39there's a blur, but had this been done to any magistrate or a judge of any court,
04:46attributing motives to the judicial officer or the presiding officer,
04:52it would be clear cut a case of content of the court. And why is the content of court,
04:59even defined as a crime in our legal system, people cannot lose faith in the regulator,
05:07people cannot lose faith in the judiciary. Unless and until there is faith and belief,
05:14how will any party seek redressal of any grievances? So it's an anarchic move. It's not
05:20merely a prank. It's an anarchic move. It's set out with an intent to create disarray and total
05:27disorder. I really hope at the kind of muddiness in this, the murkiness in this, some appropriate
05:34advocates would pick up the cause and file a PIL that just about anyone cannot walk in
05:40and start damaging the integrity of our institutions.
