• last year
Problem Statement:
Observe what is happening in the picture and write a paragraph in your own words. (100-150 words)
We have provided you with a picture, write a paragraph describing what is happening in the picture. Limit
your words to 100-150 words.

Use Present Continuous Tense to describe this scene.
00:00bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalamu alaikum dear viewers and students
00:10hands on exercise number 2 of communication and soft skill is in front of you
00:16so it is clear that i am going to solve this exercise number 2 of this course in this video
00:23so the total marks of this exercise is 10 and its last date is 15th of august 2024
00:34so i request you please you read all these instructions before attempting this exercise
00:42what you learn after completing this exercise describe a picture in your words
00:49enhance your vocabulary by using a variety of words
00:52make simple and clear sentences to enhance your written writing skills
00:57improve the ability to notice and describe details
01:01problem statement observe what is happening in the picture and write a paragraph in your own words
01:09the word limit is between 100 to 150 you cannot exceed from 150 and you cannot go below 100
01:18it must be in between 100 and 150
01:21task we have provided you with a picture a static picture
01:26write a paragraph describing what is happening in the picture
01:30limit your words 200 to 150 words
01:34so lets move on
01:41watch video lesson number 62 before attempting the exercise
01:45paraphrase content AI generated content or content copied from other training or online sources shall not be accepted
01:54your solution file should not have copied content format as it will not be considered credible
02:01your solution file should not have copied content format as it will not be considered credible
02:05so again one thing i am going to highlight here that
02:10if you are going to use AI just like chat gtp or copilot or any other
02:17so take it idea from that one and then convert it into your own words
02:24as it is clear from the guidelines that any kind of plagiarized content will be awarded zero marks
02:33so lets move to the solution
02:37first we see the picture
02:41what is in the picture
02:44look at this we started from the upper right left corner of the picture
02:49then we moved to the other parts of the picture
02:52look at this there are some frames there are some books
02:55and there is a list of variety of coffees
02:59an expert preparing coffee here
03:03and some people are sitting in the courtyard of this shop
03:12two are busy with their laptops and two ladies are making conversation with each other
03:19on any secret topic or may be some social issue or family issue
03:24other than they are two indoor plants
03:30so there are many things inside this picture but as we are limited to write the paragraph about 100-150 words
03:39so i try my best to utilize as much as detail possible
03:44so here is the solution
03:51just allow me to increase the size of this
03:57so here you mention your name
04:07hands on exercise number 2
04:09communication and soft skills
04:13here is the task title
04:15i didn't written here the problem statement
04:19i just started the answer
04:21so the title is
04:23the heartbeat of the city a cafe where life and letters blend
04:27the cozy cafe in the heart of bustle city
04:31bustle city means where people are very much with the routine matters of the life
04:37here is a plating the few social activities
04:44the barista a master of coffee
04:48a lady i have given the name barista
04:52a master of coffee means he is expert in making a coffee
04:56is crafting a cup of coffee
04:58and aroma of coffee beans is spreading everywhere in the cafe
05:03it is offering variety of coffees including tea as per list sticky on the wall
05:09patrons means customer, consumers that visit the cafe
05:15a mix of self sufficient, independent, souls means independent person, real person and social minded
05:21people who are sitting in group around the table
05:25i use this term for there are two ladies who are sitting around the table and making some conversation
05:30about any topic or chair in their chosen spot
05:34there are different kinds of patterns we have observed in this scene
05:39one male is sitting on the sofa and another girl is sitting on the table
05:45both have their laptops and two girls are sitting on another round table and busy or engaged in conversation
05:54few are engrossed their laptops, weaving stories and playing with numbers
06:00ladies are engaged in conversation, their laughter and chatter blending into melodious background
06:06now we are talking about their indoor plants
06:10are creating a touch of nature
06:13the walls are pastunated with charismatic art and aligned with books
06:18are compelling patrons, customers to stay a little longer
06:22this cafe is not a place to enjoy coffee
06:25it is more than that, it is a heaven where the hustle of life possess
06:30and creating a tranquil of sanctuary
06:35so i hope you will find this solution useful
06:39and please don't make the same copy from my video to your solution
06:45copy paste is strictly not allowed
06:47you use your find, you can use synonyms to replace my wording here
06:54and to get your own original paragraph
07:00thanks for watching
