Revolutionize Your Success: Quantum Leaps and the Power of You2 by Price Pritchett

  • 2 months ago
Join Douglas Vandergraph in uncovering the secrets of quantum leaps in goal achievement from Price Pritchett's powerful book, You2. This video is your guide to breaking free from traditional growth models and embracing the potential for massive, rapid success. Discover how to harness these principles to reach your most ambitious goals.

#QuantumLeap #You2Book #PricePritchett #GoalAchievement #SuccessStrategies #ExponentialGrowth #PersonalSuccess #MindsetMastery #BreakthroughResults #GoalAcceleration
00:00Hey friends, welcome to today's video. Today is going to be the greatest day of your life.
00:06You know, imagine being asked to choose the three best books you've ever read.
00:11For some, that might be a simple question, but for me, it's almost impossible.
00:17You see, my library is filled with countless treasures, each offering unique insights and wisdom.
00:24But I've got to tell you, there's one book that always seems to rise to the top of my list.
00:29It's a small, unassuming book, only about 35 pages long, but it holds tremendous power.
00:36And that book is U Squared by Price Pritchett.
00:40Now, I've returned to this book time and time again, and for good reason.
00:46It challenges the way we've been conditioned to think about success and growth.
00:51And today I want to share some of those profound lessons from the book with you.
00:55But before I do, I want you to pause and think of a goal you have right now.
01:01Got it in mind? Okay, great.
01:05Now, consider what Price Pritchett says.
01:09Most of us believe that success comes one step at a time.
01:13We think we must move systematically from one level of achievement to the next.
01:20This gradual progress feels safe, natural, and comfortable.
01:25But here's the truth. This mindset is holding you back.
01:30You see, most people set goals they know they can achieve.
01:34Incremental improvements, a little more here, a little more there.
01:39But what if I told you that you don't have to play by those rules?
01:44What if you could skip levels, make a quantum leap, and achieve goals that seem far beyond your current reach?
01:52Well, let me tell you, this isn't just a theory. It's real.
01:57Now, you know, 25 years ago I experienced my own quantum leap.
02:01I had never read a book like this before in my life.
02:05And then I picked up Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
02:09And that single book changed everything for me.
02:13I didn't, you know, I was earning about $40,000 a year at the time.
02:18But after reading the book, I jumped to $175,000 and then eventually over a million.
02:24And I didn't do it by making small, safe steps.
02:28I did it by embracing the possibility of a breakthrough.
02:33Now, why don't more people make these big jumps?
02:37Because they don't plan for it.
02:39You see, they settle for gradual improvement instead of aiming for the extraordinary.
02:44But here's the key.
02:46You don't have to settle.
02:49You can choose to look far beyond your current circumstances.
02:54You can fuel your passion and aim for a dream so dramatic that it ignites your soul.
03:02Pritchett reminds us that quantum leaps won't happen if you're living with a lukewarm heart.
03:08Passion is what propels you forward.
03:12Even when doubt, uncertainty, and criticism try to hold you back, your passion must be intense.
03:19Driven by a vision so powerful that it keeps you moving forward no matter what.
03:26So, what does this mean for you?
03:29It means you have permission to pursue the biggest, boldest goal you can imagine.
03:35Write it down. Carry it with you.
03:38See it in your mind's eye as if it's already yours.
03:43And when you do this, something incredible happens.
03:47You start to believe it.
03:49And as William James once said,
03:51believe and your belief will actually create the fact.
03:57And I teach this to you.
03:59I ask you to create a goal card.
04:01And on the back of the card, either if you got one from me, it's already written for you.
04:05When I meet people, I give them a goal card.
04:08And it says on the back, I am so happy and grateful, now that.
04:13And I teach that anything you write after the word that,
04:16if you take this card and read it over and over and over again,
04:20every chance you get, you'll start to create a belief in your mind.
04:25A belief that your goal is possible and that it will come to you in time.
04:30And you see, when you create that belief, your belief will actually create the fact.
04:36Advertising works.
04:38Major corporations spend billions on it every year.
04:41Why not create a goal card and advertise to yourself your dreams and desires
04:47and watch it change your life like that.
04:51You see, every time you touch your goal card,
04:54you activate the image in your mind.
04:57It's like flipping a switch, bringing your dream closer to reality.
05:02You know, I've carried a goal card for years, and I'll let you in on a secret.
05:06My first goal was to earn $25,000.
05:10At first, I didn't even believe it was possible.
05:13But I kept reading the card, touching it, and visualizing my goal.
05:18And then you know what? Something shifted.
05:22I started to believe.
05:24And belief, my friends, is a very powerful thing.
05:28So I ask you, what's your story?
05:31Can you make a quantum leap?
05:33The answer is yes. Absolutely yes.
05:38Study U-squared.
05:40Understand this goal-setting process and use it.
05:43It will bring you happiness, health, and wealth.
05:46And it will position you to give more.
05:49To impact more lives.
05:51And that's what we're doing this for, right?
05:53We're going to build the life that we desire and we're dreaming of,
05:57so we can help others.
05:59Because the more other people we help get what they want,
06:02we assuredly will get what we want.
06:05Now, have you ever experienced a quantum leap?
06:08Or do you know anybody who has?
06:10Do you currently carry a goal card every day?
06:13You know, what's been your experience with that?
06:16Leave that in the comments.
06:17But I want to ask you today to not hold back.
06:20Your story could be the spark that inspires someone else to make their own quantum leap.
06:27You know what? If anybody's worth it, you are.
06:31I believe in you.
06:33And I know that with the right tools,
06:36the most powerful tool we have in our toolbox,
06:39you can build the life and achieve dreams and goals you never thought were possible.
06:45I believe in you.
06:47I think it's possible for you.
06:49And I know if anybody can do it, you assuredly can.
06:54I'm going to be back tomorrow with some more great stuff,
06:57because not only do I care about you, but I believe in you.
07:01And I'll see you tomorrow, friends.
07:03Take care.
