• last year
Dead Island Game-play Part 38 is about main quest 'Bitter Return'. Ended Chapter 7 'Invitation Only' by completing the main quest. Survived through the sewers by killing thugs, floaters & normal zombies. Also died in the process. Somehow had to reach the slums to go back to the church. Watch the video to see full story :D

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#DeadIslandGameplay #DeadIslandGame #Chapter7InvitationOnly #BitterReturn #DeadIslandAct2
00:00Hello everyone, this is CrazyGamerBD and I'm back with another episode of Dead Island Gameplay
00:06and this is Act 2, Chapter 7, Invitations Only and it's part 38 of this game. Let's go!
00:15Okay I'm gonna sell so much stuff after getting close to a trader. That's so many stuff with
00:22me right now. Okay, so this is the main place that I did the speedrun, I guess.
00:52Nice! That was the coolest thing ever. Okay. Like sometimes I play so good and I get so
01:12pumped up. And like, moment later I play so bad.
01:22I play like an amateur and I die. See? There was no need to speedrun. I could do it without
01:40a speedrunning. Come on! I could just punch his gun. Okay.
01:52Okay, dead man walking. Challenge completed. Okay, a big guy.
02:23I'm no runner? Nope.
02:42Okay, not. I didn't mean to do that. I want to take that. Okay.
02:50Oh man! That was a jump scare.
03:16Oh man!
03:28Am I dead?
03:42Oh man!
03:45I don't have anything.
03:49See? I was telling this a few minutes earlier that I play so good and moment later I play
03:57like an amateur.
04:22Okay, this is not a good position.
04:58Okay, I'm going to do it again.
05:16What just happened? I don't know.
05:28I really don't know what just happened.
05:45Oh man!
05:53Oh man!
05:57Oh man!
06:12Don't tell me I'm still in the source.
06:17Come on man! Let me go!
06:23Oh man! I'll blow her.
07:07That was great.
07:14Why did I take that? Why am I using the hambo?
07:26Burped Odinware.
07:29Why can I use that? Okay.
08:04Okay, I can see another... Okay, ladder. I'm going to use that.
08:13I want to explore.
08:23Some money.
08:25A door, but that is blocked.
08:35Okay, stuff that I think I don't need.
08:40Okay, that's it.
08:43Let's go, go down.
09:08Oh man, I caught you again. That was a good one.
09:17That was actually a good one.
09:24Oh man, how far is this place?
09:33Oh man, I'll blow her.
09:40Come on, come on.
10:01Okay, how do I kill this now?
10:08That one.
10:39Okay, nothing else to throw.
10:53Okay, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
11:08Okay, okay, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, come on.
11:35Okay, why can't I take this stuff?
12:12Come on.
12:23Okay, so these stuffs are bad.
12:30Okay, lots and lots of blue bones.
12:38Okay, why can't I take that? Come on. Okay, I can take the ammo.
12:45Come on, let me take it. Oh man, oh man, oh man, come on, come on. Okay, got it.
13:13Okay, I'm playing, I'm not gonna say too good, but moderately better than previous times.
13:33Oh man, another bloater, how am I gonna kill this guy?
14:06Okay, I think escaping from this guy is the better thing to do.
14:35New quest, Divine Light.
14:50Okay, so I came back to the church again. Nice.
14:57And the truck is nowhere to be seen, because the truck is now being driven by Jean.
15:09Okay, thank God I didn't give Jean anything to safekeeping, or the weapon's gonna be like, gone, long gone, I don't know, like, when I'm gonna be seeing her again.
15:24Okay, don't tell me zombies occupied the place once again.
15:29Okay, no, it is safe, still, that's great.
15:39Okay, nice.
15:46Okay, people are still alive.
