Dancing With The Stars AU S21E06 (2024)

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00:00:00Last time on Dancing with the Stars, our two teams of dancing superstars became one.
00:00:14I didn't want it to stop.
00:00:17The pressure intensified.
00:00:19Loved it.
00:00:21With no dance-offs, they had just one chance.
00:00:26Magical to watch.
00:00:28That was the best I've seen.
00:00:30To wow the judges.
00:00:33Really serious contender.
00:00:35A double elimination.
00:00:37Saw Julie and Andre and Nova and Craig...
00:00:41You will be leaving us tonight.
00:00:43Leave the competition.
00:00:48Welcome to the finals.
00:00:50Eight dancing stars and their partners must do their very best to impress the judges.
00:00:57Expectations are high tonight.
00:01:00It was awesome!
00:01:02And the voting audience.
00:01:04You'd better hope that this audience are voting for you.
00:01:08Best I've seen on Dancing with the Stars.
00:01:13The dreaded dance-offs are back.
00:01:17I'm a bit stuck.
00:01:19And three couples will be eliminated.
00:01:24I expect these things from you and they look crazy.
00:01:28Who will make it through to the grand finale?
00:01:54From the studios of Channel 7, this is Dancing with the Stars.
00:02:14Please welcome your hosts, Sonia Kruger and Chris Brown.
00:02:43Look at you.
00:02:44Very nice.
00:02:45I picked up a few things.
00:02:47Welcome to Dancing with the Stars, everyone.
00:02:51This is electric with finals fever.
00:02:55Are you excited?
00:02:58Tonight we'll find out which of our fantastic couples will make it through to the 2024 Dancing with the Stars grand finale.
00:03:06Oh, yeah.
00:03:08It is big.
00:03:10Now, we have eight dancers to look forward to, but only five couples will make it through.
00:03:15So I've been working on my sequent calculator.
00:03:18That's not a euphemism, by the way.
00:03:20And this is how it's all going to play out.
00:03:24The couple with the lowest ranking are immediately eliminated, gone in the nicest possible way.
00:03:30Then the remaining lowest three couples will dance off, okay, for the final spot.
00:03:35But here's where you want to be.
00:03:39The top four in the rankings, they waltz straight into the grand finale.
00:03:44Very nice.
00:03:45Can you tell me where you found this?
00:03:47Because it's lovely.
00:03:48And I wasn't in the Dancing with the Stars closet.
00:03:51Was Ant Middleton in there?
00:03:53Did you see him?
00:03:54He's been threatening to come out of it all serious.
00:03:56He has.
00:03:57He may tonight.
00:03:59It's definitely going to be a tough night.
00:04:00But remember, it's not all down to the judges.
00:04:02The studio audience also have their chance to vote.
00:04:06And as we've seen throughout the series, they have godlike powers, Chris.
00:04:09They can change everything.
00:04:11So it feels like it might be the right time to meet the people who think they're in charge.
00:04:15Oh, yes.
00:04:16Please welcome the judges.
00:04:21Helen Ritchie.
00:04:23Mark Wilson.
00:04:25Sharda Burgess.
00:04:28And Craig Revel Horwood.
00:04:45Say that again.
00:04:46Look at how gorgeous they are.
00:04:48It really feels like finals fever is in the air, doesn't it?
00:04:51And do you reckon the judges get as nervous as we do this close to the finale?
00:04:55Oh, they love it.
00:04:56You know, particularly Craig.
00:04:58He sort of feasts on that nervous energy.
00:05:01Then he flies back to his cave until the show starts.
00:05:07On that note, Craig.
00:05:10So good to see you.
00:05:11It's lovely to see you too.
00:05:15Get a muzzle on that one.
00:05:18You've been tough all series.
00:05:20Can we expect your scores to be, well, even tougher and potentially lower tonight?
00:05:24Well, no, tougher.
00:05:25We have to get on the case.
00:05:27I mean, the people that are going through are going through to the grand final.
00:05:30And we don't want people that can't dance in the grand final, darling.
00:05:35Do we, Helen?
00:05:37No, darling.
00:05:38See, see.
00:05:39But we have to be tough because the competition is very, very close.
00:05:43You know, so we've got rid of the Deadwood, thankfully, darling.
00:05:47And we're onwards and upwards.
00:05:50They can't wait.
00:05:51Shout out to our former contestants who are watching tonight.
00:05:55Shana, how do the couples manage tonight with so much pressure?
00:05:58Three eliminations.
00:06:00Three eliminations, but at the end of the day,
00:06:02all they can focus on is the work that they've been doing on their stands,
00:06:06on what's about to happen on the dance floor,
00:06:08and above all else, to enjoy it.
00:06:11Because just in case it is their last one, make the most of it.
00:06:14Yeah, absolutely.
00:06:16All right.
00:06:17Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer.
00:06:19Please welcome our dancing stars.
00:06:22AFL legend Shane Crawford and his partner, Ashley Hunter.
00:06:28Better Homes and Gardens superstar, Adam Doval,
00:06:32and his partner, Jess Braffer.
00:06:34Comedian Nikki Osborne and her partner, Arik Jagutkin.
00:06:38SAS Australia host, Ant Middleton, and his partner, Alex Vladimirov.
00:06:43AFL legend Ben Cousins and his partner, Siobhan Power.
00:06:48Singer, Samantha Jade, and her partner, Gustavo Villio.
00:06:52Actress, Lisa McCune, and her partner, Ian Waite.
00:06:55And Home and Away star, James Stewart, and his partner, Georgia Freeman.
00:07:10They look incredible, and, I mean, look, our wardrobe department,
00:07:14our makeup department did such an amazing job.
00:07:17Look at Ant Middleton's abs.
00:07:19They were spray-painted on this afternoon,
00:07:21and look how realistic that is.
00:07:26All right.
00:07:27On that note...
00:07:28So shy.
00:07:29First off, we have a true champion of the AFL field.
00:07:33He's been surprising us all with how well his footwork
00:07:36has translated to the ballroom.
00:07:38So let's take a look at how Shane Crawford went in training this week.
00:07:45It's never a good way to start off a new dance by going,
00:07:48OK, we're going to do the quick step, and by the way,
00:07:51this is going to have the most steps out of all the dances so far,
00:07:55and I'm like, oh, I just want to leave.
00:07:58Hop, step, hop, one, two, three, four, run, run, run, run, quick, quick, slow.
00:08:03When you say quick, quick, I keep thinking you're going to say quick, quick.
00:08:06Quick, quick, slow, quick, quick.
00:08:08Yeah, learning the names of all the different little steps,
00:08:11it's so confusing.
00:08:13I try and put my Aussie flavour to them all.
00:08:17Slow, shat, I say, slow, shat, I say.
00:08:22Slow, I shat myself, slow, I shat myself.
00:08:25Sounds like I need to go to the toilet.
00:08:27Shat, I say.
00:08:29Slow, shat.
00:08:30Shat myself.
00:08:31Shat myself.
00:08:32One, two, three.
00:08:33I think I did.
00:08:35Do you reckon the other dancers would be saying shat myself
00:08:38and quick pick and stuff, or no?
00:08:43Five, six, seven, and stop.
00:08:45So you're going to go one, two, three, four.
00:08:47One, two, three, four.
00:08:49One, two, three, four.
00:08:52No, no, no.
00:08:54You're trying to get me to kick on my left when I land on my left,
00:08:58which you'd never do that in the football world.
00:09:01So I'd be like, hey.
00:09:04That's not normal.
00:09:05So whoever's designed this dance has got it wrong.
00:09:09The quick step is not my favourite dance.
00:09:12Adding your own bit of flair I think is important.
00:09:16Seriously, I'd love to get a moonwalk in somewhere.
00:09:19It's the only thing I can do.
00:09:22But let's be realistic.
00:09:24You shouldn't be letting me have any involvement in creativity
00:09:27because it can get out of control.
00:09:29That's it.
00:09:30Stretch your neck a bit.
00:09:31Very good.
00:09:32That's nice.
00:09:37Dancing the quick step.
00:09:39Please welcome Shane Crawford and his partner, Ashley Hunter.
00:10:04Oh, it's been getting so hard
00:10:06Living with the things you do to me
00:10:13My dreams are getting so strange
00:10:15I'd like to tell you everything I see
00:10:21Oh, I see a man in the back
00:10:23He's a man of a bag
00:10:24His eyes are as bright as the sun
00:10:26And the girl in the corner that no one ignores
00:10:29She thinks she's the passionate one
00:10:31Oh, yeah
00:10:33It was like lightning
00:10:35Everybody was fighting
00:10:37And the music was soothing
00:10:40And they all started grooving
00:10:42Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:10:45And the man in the back said,
00:10:46Everyone look up and turn into the ballroom glitch
00:10:49And the girl in the corner said,
00:10:51Boy, you're the one and only
00:10:52Turn into the ballroom glitch
00:10:54Ballroom glitch
00:10:56Ballroom glitch
00:10:58Ballroom glitch
00:11:00Ballroom glitch
00:11:01Ballroom glitch
00:11:04It's, it's the ballroom glitch
00:11:06It's, it's the ballroom glitch
00:11:08It's, it's the ballroom glitch
00:11:10It's, it's the ballroom glitch
00:11:26Careful with her, Shane!
00:11:29It's the finals, did you ever think you would get here?
00:11:33No, no, it's been a great ride
00:11:36We've loved it
00:11:38It's been, I do have a bone to pick with Helen though
00:11:42Because it's called the quick step
00:11:44But there's lots of slow steps
00:11:46It does my mind, it's like the five step
00:11:48But there's six steps in five steps
00:11:50I'll tell you what, I'm an old footballer
00:11:52I don't have many brains as it is
00:11:54Yes, that is true
00:11:55It's a very confusing thing, ballroom dancing
00:11:57Let's talk to the judges about the quick step
00:12:00Mark, what did you think?
00:12:01Oh, look, it was a magnificent quick step
00:12:03And the reason we have quick step, we call it quick step
00:12:06We have the quicks and slows for a reflection
00:12:08To enjoy the quicks and enjoy the slows
00:12:11And you rushed a bit
00:12:13So I thought that was a bit of shame that you rushed a bit
00:12:16But it had everything in it
00:12:17I mean, there was scattered chassés
00:12:19There was screaming, there was promenade of kicks and runs
00:12:22I don't know what all that means, but it sounds amazing
00:12:24Yes, I know
00:12:25But there was a moonwalk
00:12:26There was, yes
00:12:27Yes, love your moonwalk
00:12:28I was happy with that
00:12:29Ash, thank you
00:12:30I just thought it was a delightful, entertaining performance
00:12:33And you really needed to make sure you put that together tonight
00:12:36And do you know what, it's not just your showmanship
00:12:38You have really improved your skills
00:12:40And I think that's important to recognise
00:12:42You're not just a funny guy and entertaining guy to be around
00:12:45But you're really dancing beautifully
00:12:48Great start and welcome to the finals
00:12:50Thank you
00:12:51Thank you, Mark
00:12:54I want to, Shane, I adore you, but I want to start with Ash
00:12:57I think you are such an amazing pro
00:12:59At creating and catering to your partner's strengths
00:13:02To allow them to
00:13:05You give them great technique and content
00:13:07What was it, like a little single ladies moment down here?
00:13:10I've never seen anything like it in my life
00:13:12I got that from a YouTube clip that I saw of him doing Beyoncé
00:13:14So there you go
00:13:15So there you go
00:13:16And I love this
00:13:17Who doesn't love Beyoncé in Ballroom?
00:13:19Who doesn't, right?
00:13:20What I love about you is exactly that
00:13:23You come out here and you give me great content of the routine
00:13:26Of the dance
00:13:27You give me the technique that I see you've been working on
00:13:30And you also give me you
00:13:31I get the perfect mix of everything in a routine
00:13:34And I love you for it
00:13:35And I hope I get to see more of you in this competition
00:13:37Thank you
00:13:39Thank you, Shana
00:13:41Shane, in a perfect world
00:13:45The quick step should look like a duck on a pond
00:13:49There's a calmness on the top
00:13:50And it's little legs going like the clappers
00:13:53And actually, no, no, you did it quite well
00:13:55But you are one crazy duck
00:13:57That's it
00:13:58You really are
00:13:59Now, when your football friends see you in that outfit
00:14:02You realise you are never, ever going to live it down
00:14:06And my kids
00:14:07My darling
00:14:08My teenage boys, they're going to love it
00:14:09But actually you're doing great
00:14:11You know, you're so entertaining
00:14:13And you do have danceability
00:14:15You do
00:14:19Thank you, Helen
00:14:21Uh, it needed to be lighter
00:14:23I thought it was very bumpy and very heavy
00:14:25Unfortunately, um, your frame let you down as well
00:14:29Bit blocky, bit square
00:14:31There was a lot of gapping
00:14:33So you won't take the heat of that
00:14:35Bit of hot gapping
00:14:36You know, uh, I thought
00:14:38A lovely jacket
00:14:39Lovely jacket
00:14:40I thought you were going to be the joke act
00:14:42I have to admit
00:14:43And I'm sort of glad tonight you're not
00:14:46Because I think you've redeemed yourself, darling
00:14:48There was energy, your coordination
00:14:50And the characterisation I thought was absolutely brilliant
00:14:55Thank you
00:14:56Were you expecting any of those from us?
00:14:58I'm in shock
00:14:59Should I go give him a big kiss?
00:15:00Yeah, go on
00:15:01No, do you want me to?
00:15:02I'll give him a big kiss
00:15:08Oh, don't they look lovely together?
00:15:09Helen, are you going to give me a good score?
00:15:16Thank you
00:15:18Oh my goodness
00:15:20And we've
00:15:23And we've only just begun
00:15:24I'm blushing under my tan to make it
00:15:28Why don't you guys head on up, go and see Chris
00:15:31While we take a look back
00:15:33At Shane and Ashley's incredible
00:15:36Amadeus meets Bridgerton Quickstep
00:15:48You want a kiss?
00:15:49Just quickly, Shane
00:15:50I think that's the only time an AFL footballer
00:15:51Can be covered in white powder
00:15:52And not visit a couple of weeks to an AFL funeral
00:15:55That's a very good call
00:15:56Well done
00:15:57Is there a chance in the future you may
00:15:59Dance to a song where you don't know the lyrics?
00:16:03You do that very unique dance singing
00:16:05Which we all love
00:16:06Yes, I know that
00:16:07Yeah, probably a few points are taken off
00:16:09For singing as you go
00:16:11But who doesn't like dancing
00:16:13And singing at the same time, hey?
00:16:15It is true
00:16:20You danced to a song from the 1970s
00:16:22With a dance style from the 1920s
00:16:25Dressed like you were from the 1800s
00:16:27With an AFL footballer who's into musical theatre
00:16:31I don't have a question
00:16:32I just have a migraine from thinking about that
00:16:34No, I do have a question
00:16:36How do you be so brave
00:16:37To try to blend all those different things together?
00:16:39I think, you know, Shane's up for anything
00:16:42And I allow him to do his thing
00:16:44And then obviously I have to put in technique
00:16:46And dance steps and stuff
00:16:47So I think a blend of everything works for this one
00:16:49There you go
00:16:50Absolutely does work
00:16:51Let's see how well it works with our judges' scores
00:16:55Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have their scores
00:16:59Craig Revel Horwood
00:17:02I'm okay with that
00:17:03Helen Ritchie
00:17:07Shana Burgess
00:17:10Mark Wilson
00:17:11Come on, give me an eight
00:17:13There we go
00:17:16There we go, score of 30
00:17:17Well done, well done
00:17:20You held back on the kiss
00:17:21I'm very happy with that
00:17:22You should be
00:17:23You're too tall to kiss
00:17:24I can't reach
00:17:25I noticed
00:17:26Honestly, Shane, as a vet
00:17:27I've seen poodles with less prance and fewer curls than you
00:17:29Sonia, back to you
00:17:31Thank you very much
00:17:32That is a very solid score to start with in the finals
00:17:35Now, Adam Doval may be a mild-mannered
00:17:38Better Homes and Gardens presenter by day
00:17:41But by nightfall, he's a sleeveless dance floor wild man
00:17:46He has received some great scores from the judges
00:17:49But can he bring his sensual side to the rumba?
00:17:54Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you
00:17:56You've made it this far
00:17:57And I'm so excited because this week
00:17:59We have my favourite dance, the rumba
00:18:02Oh wow
00:18:03And you know much about the rumba
00:18:04I don't, but you've told me that you're the rumba queen
00:18:06I don't
00:18:09Jess told me we had the rumba
00:18:10I actually got a little bit nervous
00:18:12Not because I know how to do the dance
00:18:14But just because I know how much it means to Jess
00:18:16With this style, we're going to have to start at the very beginning
00:18:19And I'm just going to teach you how to walk
00:18:22Two, good
00:18:28I'm concentrating so much
00:18:31My face is like
00:18:33He's over
00:18:36The rumba is probably one of the hardest dances
00:18:38Because it's so technical
00:18:39It's so slow
00:18:40So you've got nowhere to hide in this dance
00:18:42How would you walk towards a chick?
00:18:45Oh my god
00:18:49There's so many different ways you can really walk
00:18:51And the way that I walk
00:18:52I don't think can ever be put in a dance
00:18:54I don't know where I'm coming from
00:18:58He's not very good at walking
00:19:01How about you just spin into me
00:19:05Sometimes it's easier just to choreograph it
00:19:07Rather than just to get them to walk
00:19:13How do you even do that?
00:19:16Spin, spin, spin
00:19:20Then I'm going to
00:19:25Dancing the rumba with his partner Jess Raffa
00:19:29It's Adam Deville
00:19:37Adam Deville
00:20:07The storms are raging on the rolling sea
00:20:12And on the highway of regret
00:20:18The winds of change are blowing wild and free
00:20:24You ain't seen nothing like me yet
00:20:30I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
00:20:35Nothing that I wouldn't do
00:20:41Go to the ends of the earth for you
00:20:47To make you feel my love
00:21:05Thank you
00:21:11You know it's funny
00:21:12Because I saw you guys do this in rehearsal
00:21:14And it made me a little bit emotional
00:21:17I don't know why
00:21:18It was making you emotional Jess
00:21:20Why don't you tell everybody why?
00:21:22Well, I don't know what they're going to say
00:21:25But I've never been able to dance like that before
00:21:29On the show
00:21:30I just let go
00:21:31I could shut my eyes
00:21:32And he's such a good leader
00:21:34I'm so blessed
00:21:35So thank you Adam
00:21:36Thank you
00:21:37I'm so proud
00:21:38Thank you
00:21:39I'm so proud
00:21:40What Jess is saying
00:21:41Is that you are by far the best celebrity
00:21:43We have ever allocated to her on Dancing with the Stars
00:21:48She did have Matt Preston last year
00:21:51Hey Matt
00:21:52Hope you're watching at home
00:21:54Should we get the judges' comments?
00:21:56Why not?
00:21:58Oh Adam, you have shown a lot of danceability
00:22:01In every dance that you have done so far
00:22:03And I thought tonight
00:22:05Your lifts were effortless
00:22:07And actually
00:22:08The top half of your body
00:22:09Your sides
00:22:10When you moved an arm
00:22:11You moved it from your body
00:22:13And you unfolded it
00:22:15Then we come to
00:22:16The legs and feet
00:22:18You nailed that at times
00:22:19But at other times it was
00:22:21We had a lot of heel leads
00:22:23You naughty boy
00:22:25Don't tell her that
00:22:27No, but overall
00:22:28You do have a lot of ability
00:22:30Look, it's going to be tough tonight
00:22:32But congratulations, Evan
00:22:34Thank you very much, Helen
00:22:35Thank you
00:22:36Thank you, Helen
00:22:38I thought it was a little unstable
00:22:40On its feet
00:22:42Unnatural and awkward
00:22:44Sprung to mind
00:22:45It didn't look like it was right
00:22:47On your body at all
00:22:48Which means the foot placement
00:22:50The leg placement
00:22:51The hip action
00:22:52Wasn't there to make it look liquid
00:22:55There's no one part of me that's liquid
00:22:57I'll tell you that much
00:23:00But you know what, my darling
00:23:02You brought beautiful, beautiful
00:23:05Hand shaping to this whole thing
00:23:07Which we never get
00:23:09And you were there for every single lift
00:23:12And you were there for Jez
00:23:13So congratulations on that
00:23:20It was awesome
00:23:22Thank you
00:23:23It was so good, dude
00:23:25I did not expect to see
00:23:27Beautiful work on your rumba technique
00:23:29So what?
00:23:30A few heel leads
00:23:31You did so many that weren't heel leads
00:23:33Gorgeous straight leg action
00:23:34I asked you to work on
00:23:36Pushing from your feet and your legs
00:23:38You did it
00:23:39And I was looking
00:23:40I was trying to point my feet on everyone
00:23:41And I was cheering for it
00:23:42Every single time I saw it
00:23:44And on top of that
00:23:45It was tender and connected
00:23:46And had the essence
00:23:48And yes, my rumba queen right there
00:23:50She got to dance in a way
00:23:51I have not seen her dance in such a long time
00:23:53And that is because you
00:23:54Are such a phenomenal partner
00:23:56And you could never ever let her down
00:23:58Thank you
00:23:59Thank you so much
00:24:00Thank you
00:24:01Thank you, Shana
00:24:02Thank you
00:24:03Okay, how are you feeling?
00:24:04Yeah, no, I'm feeling good
00:24:05It's a weird night, isn't it?
00:24:07It is a weird night
00:24:08Everybody is so good tonight
00:24:11But you really held up there, Adam
00:24:12I think that was one of the most beautiful routines
00:24:14I've seen you guys perform
00:24:15Why don't you go and relax with Chris
00:24:17Up in the skybox
00:24:19Maybe take a little look back
00:24:21At that breathtaking rumba
00:24:25By Adam and his partner, Jess Radman
00:24:36Come on over, guys
00:24:38Adam, honestly
00:24:39That was beautiful
00:24:41That was sensual
00:24:42That was emotional
00:24:43Ever think I'm not, maybe?
00:24:44No, but you are
00:24:46You clearly are
00:24:47I think you may have underscored yourself
00:24:50Yeah, well, I mean
00:24:51Jess has worked very hard on me
00:24:53To try and find these emotions
00:24:55That I didn't even know existed
00:24:57So, yeah, it was good that I
00:24:58He was just one emotion when I got him
00:25:00Just like
00:25:03How am I getting
00:25:04She does that well, doesn't she?
00:25:05It's a very good impression
00:25:06Yeah, yeah
00:25:07I did it
00:25:08Yeah, yeah, but Jess
00:25:09We just heard from Shana
00:25:10The queen of rumba
00:25:11Thank you, Shana
00:25:12Is what she called you
00:25:13Yeah, it's my favourite dance
00:25:15But Adam is bringing something else out in you
00:25:17That emotion, that raw feeling
00:25:19How is he doing that?
00:25:20Because you don't get to experience that on this show
00:25:22You're holding the celebrity
00:25:24Especially the males
00:25:25You know, I'm holding them up
00:25:27I don't have to worry at all
00:25:29He keeps me on balance
00:25:31It's just beautiful
00:25:32It's really nice to dance with
00:25:34Every dance has been the same
00:25:36I'm so proud
00:25:37Thank you, Jess
00:25:38You should be
00:25:39It's lovely to see
00:25:40Thank you
00:25:41Alright, from you lovely people
00:25:43To some other lovely people
00:25:44The judges' scores, please
00:25:46The judges' scores are in
00:25:48Craig Revel Horwood
00:25:52Ellen Ritchie
00:25:55Thank you, Ellen
00:25:56Shana Burgess
00:25:59Mark Wilson
00:26:02Thank you
00:26:03There we go
00:26:05We're coming home strong
00:26:06A score of 28
00:26:07You've got to be happy with that
00:26:08Yeah, definitely varying scores there, but
00:26:09It really was the full spectrum
00:26:12Back to you, Sonia
00:26:13Thank you very much
00:26:14Still to come
00:26:15James Stewart and Lisa McCune
00:26:17But up next
00:26:18Comedian Nicky Osbourne
00:26:19Don't go anywhere
00:26:20As finals fever burns the floor
00:26:23Right here on Dancing with the Stars
00:26:38Welcome back, everyone
00:26:39Let's keep this party going
00:26:41Next up, it's Nicky Osbourne
00:26:43And Ariki Goodkin
00:26:44Who've been training for the hardest quick step in history
00:26:47According to Arik
00:26:48Let's see how they went
00:26:50You're going to love this week
00:26:52It's fast-paced, energetic
00:26:54None of this hip stuff
00:26:55None of this slow business
00:26:57Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
00:26:59That's it
00:27:00In the other dances, like the last one
00:27:02I was going internally berserk
00:27:04But I feel like with the quick step
00:27:05It feels the most natural to me
00:27:07And that I'm most comfortable in
00:27:12We need to amp it up in the middle a little bit now
00:27:14What do you mean?
00:27:15What are you doing?
00:27:16Just when I think I've got it
00:27:17He's like, nah
00:27:19Oh, I actually want to vomit
00:27:21We spent three days on the current routine
00:27:25And he's just scrapped half of it
00:27:27So I'm learning an extra 50% more today
00:27:30This lift
00:27:31It's like, it's spectacular
00:27:33That's it
00:27:37There's no time to be safe
00:27:39We're going to go out with the hardest quick step in history
00:27:42I think she can handle more
00:27:48I honestly don't know how I can learn all of this new routine
00:27:52And nail it on the night
00:27:58Please welcome to the floor
00:28:00Nikki Osbourne and Arik Yegudkun
00:28:03Dancing the quick step
00:28:17And I look across the water
00:28:23And I think of all the things, what you're doing
00:28:26And in my head, I paint a picture
00:28:32Since I've come on home
00:28:34Well, my body's been a mess
00:28:36And I miss your ginger hair
00:28:38And the way you like to dress
00:28:41Won't you come on over
00:28:44Stop thinking a fool
00:28:48Why don't you come on over
00:29:14Why don't you come on over
00:29:28Arik and Nikki
00:29:32Oh my goodness, you two
00:29:34First of all, how incredible do they look, right?
00:29:39This is one of my favourite outfits ever
00:29:41If only it came in yellow
00:29:42It would be so nice
00:29:43No, it's stunning
00:29:45Highlighter for you, Arik
00:29:47Working at an RSL club shortly
00:29:51I look like a taxi
00:29:53Now, Arik is a very competitive person, isn't he?
00:29:57It's like working in middle management
00:29:59The better you do, the more they raise the bar
00:30:01You never get like
00:30:05Nailed it
00:30:06Alright, let's get some thoughts from our judges
00:30:10Well, it certainly wasn't perfect
00:30:13The top line needed to be a little bit quieter
00:30:15Especially through things like when you're leaping
00:30:17The jetes, for instance
00:30:19You can't use your shoulders to get up there
00:30:21Everything has to happen below the waist, darling
00:30:23It got a little bit pulchery
00:30:25There was a bit of gapping as well throughout
00:30:27But I've got to say, you are fleet of foot
00:30:30The energy was spectacular
00:30:33And you know, you are, Nikki, a great, great dancer
00:30:37You really are
00:30:38Thank you
00:30:40Thank you, Craig
00:30:42Well, the foot speed change is what I loved
00:30:45From the quick actions to the slow
00:30:48Which helps us pick out the music while you're dancing
00:30:51It was spot on in time, I loved it
00:30:53And the rondes were excellent
00:30:55For a girl who hasn't danced
00:30:57And here you are doing rondes
00:30:59Both legs, forward and back
00:31:00I just think you're wonderful
00:31:02Arik, you were right to push her
00:31:04She has the talent to do that
00:31:07Thank you
00:31:08Thank you, Mark
00:31:09Thank you, Mark
00:31:11Nikki, you are, by far for me
00:31:15The most improved in this competition
00:31:20It is, it is unreal
00:31:23You're doing a quick step with so much speed, precision, timing
00:31:27And you were on the money with it
00:31:28Legs in control
00:31:29All the things we talked to you about
00:31:31A beautiful top line
00:31:32Yes, sometimes you could push out a little bit more
00:31:34But my God, you are so wonderful to watch
00:31:38And I see how much it means to you standing there listening to us
00:31:41And how hard you're working with and for Arik for this
00:31:44And I so appreciate you for it
00:31:46I love you for it
00:31:47Thank you
00:31:50Those comments were pretty good
00:31:52They were solid
00:31:54Solid, okay
00:31:55Now we need to back it up with some scores
00:31:56So why don't you head up and see Chris
00:31:58While we take a look back
00:32:01At Nikki and Arik's quick step
00:32:04In their fabulous yellow outfit
00:32:16Well done
00:32:17You can breathe again
00:32:19Can I just say, you have given hope to mine workers across the country
00:32:23You've proven that you can dance in high-vis
00:32:25So well done
00:32:27The up-tempo style, it does really seem to suit you
00:32:30Is that because the Nikki Osbourne mind is so up-tempo?
00:32:34Yeah, probably
00:32:35It's always racing
00:32:36Plus I'm always running, usually away from my home
00:32:39Just my children, my family
00:32:41I think that's why it suits me
00:32:43Well, from the hardest quick step to the hardest judges
00:32:45Judges' scores, please
00:32:47Will the judges please reveal their scores
00:32:50Craig Revel Horwood
00:32:54Helen Ritchie
00:32:58Shana Burgess
00:33:01Mark Wilson
00:33:08You guys are now in highlighter
00:33:10On the top of the leaderboard on 34
00:33:12How about that?
00:33:15Sorry, I can't count, that's why I dance
00:33:17You don't have to count, it's on the screen
00:33:19Yeah, I can see now, I need glasses too
00:33:22Well done
00:33:23I think B1 and B2 are now currently quaking in their boots
00:33:26After that performance
00:33:27Back to you, Sonia
00:33:28Thank you very much, Chris
00:33:30As we edge closer to the grand finale tomorrow night
00:33:34Our couples are giving it their absolute all
00:33:36And when it comes to resilience
00:33:38There's no overlooking Ant Middleton
00:33:41Since establishing base camp at Dancing With The Stars
00:33:44He's consistently surprised us all
00:33:48Alex, what have you got for me? Come on
00:33:50We've got The Contemporary
00:33:54That's really emotional, isn't it?
00:33:56The Contemporary is a very emotional, very raw dance
00:34:00Ideally, we'd have you crying
00:34:02When Alex first mentioned Contemporary
00:34:04It shocked me because you literally have to give
00:34:07Your whole soul to the routine
00:34:10Nice, big punch to the floor, amazing
00:34:13The Contemporary requires a lot of physicality
00:34:16It is one of the hardest dances to do physically
00:34:19Am I in this position?
00:34:22This Contemporary is brutal
00:34:24Oh my god, Ant, you're bleeding
00:34:26There's a lot of frustration being let out
00:34:29And your body takes the full brunt of it
00:34:31It feels like I'm back in combat
00:34:33But in the dance studio
00:34:35As much as the movements are tough
00:34:37Because of the physicality
00:34:39The actual story will only be seen through your eyes
00:34:42The hardest part of this Contemporary
00:34:44Is to get the emotional side across
00:34:46And to not be just going through the movements
00:34:49But to really hone in on what it is you're trying to say
00:34:52Those eyes aren't quite right
00:34:54Those eyes are giving me...
00:34:56Raw emotions, authentic self
00:34:58I keep that locked away
00:35:00Myself and my family
00:35:01To let all of that out on the dance floor
00:35:03Is going to be really tough and challenging for me
00:35:05I'm still with you here, so you are always connected
00:35:07Telling the story by a gaze, by a look
00:35:10It's super tough to do that
00:35:12All you see is an empty, shallow, human version of yourself
00:35:17I know it's the semi-finals
00:35:19And I know we have to bring our A-game
00:35:21But facial expressions
00:35:22See, that's not right
00:35:23I don't know how I'm going to do it
00:35:26Dancing Contemporary
00:35:28With his partner Alex Vladimirov
00:35:31It's Ant Middleton
00:35:47I don't believe in an interventionist God
00:35:54But I know, darling, that you do
00:36:07But if I did, I would kneel down and ask Him
00:36:15Not to intervene when it came to you
00:36:23Well, not to touch a hair on your head
00:36:27Leave you as you are
00:36:29If He felt He had to direct you
00:36:32Then direct you into my arms
00:36:38Into my arms
00:36:42Into my arms
00:36:45Oh Lord
00:36:47Into my arms
00:36:50Oh Lord
00:36:52Into my arms
00:36:55Oh Lord
00:36:57Into my arms
00:37:10Big applause for Ant and Alex
00:37:21Oh my goodness
00:37:23Come over here
00:37:24Just come and stand with me
00:37:26I feel like you're composing yourself after that
00:37:29What's going on?
00:37:31I don't know
00:37:36I was petrified of this routine
00:37:39And I've never exposed my emotions like that before
00:37:45And I didn't think I could do it
00:37:48And we've been really struggling with that part
00:37:52But I just felt every part of that dancing
00:37:55And it was powerful
00:37:57It was incredible
00:38:00It really was
00:38:02What scared you about that routine?
00:38:05I've learnt my whole life to control my emotions
00:38:09Emotional intelligence, psychological resilience
00:38:12And then when I get asked to put it all out on the dance floor
00:38:15It's something so alien to me
00:38:17It is
00:38:18I've never done it before
00:38:20And hats off to the dancers
00:38:22The emotional intelligence that they have
00:38:24To be able to switch it on and off for their routines
00:38:28Is absolutely phenomenal
00:38:30Yeah, Alex, incredible choreography
00:38:33It was beautiful
00:38:34So many tough, tough lifts in there
00:38:37It was brutal
00:38:39It was brutal
00:38:40This coming from you
00:38:42How do you then transition?
00:38:44How do you go from Dancing With The Stars back to SA?
00:38:47How do you do your day job ever again?
00:38:49How is that ever going to happen?
00:38:51I've got to get the judges on there
00:38:53I've got to get you on there
00:38:55And big boy up there
00:38:56I'm coming for you
00:38:57You did start talking like Craig
00:39:02Oh my gosh, I just can't see you going
00:39:04Drop and give me 20, darling
00:39:07I would love to have Craig in my parade square
00:39:10I thought that was pretty exceptional
00:39:12I think the audience agreed
00:39:13But let's see what the judges thought
00:39:19It's like I'm speechless with it
00:39:22You just don't expect these things from you
00:39:24And then you deliver them
00:39:26And it's crazy
00:39:28Thank you
00:39:31Okay, so I'm expecting a contemporary routine
00:39:34I know you can lift
00:39:35Now I know you can partner beautifully
00:39:37I'm expecting that
00:39:38But what I wasn't expecting was
00:39:40First of all, the floor work
00:39:41Hi, hello
00:39:42That was unreal
00:39:43What you were doing on there
00:39:44No one else in this competition
00:39:45Has been able to deliver something like that
00:39:47So go you
00:39:49And then to be a part of this beautiful moment in time
00:39:54Where you got more vulnerable
00:39:55Than I think you've ever gotten in front of people
00:39:58Other than your core people
00:40:00And I feel so honoured to have been able to watch you
00:40:03Work into that and discover that on our dance floor
00:40:07So thank you for sharing that with us tonight
00:40:13Oh, the transformation from you
00:40:15And from week one to now
00:40:17Is actually really quite amazing
00:40:20And your aerials were effortless
00:40:22People think lifting is about brute strength
00:40:25It isn't
00:40:26It's about timing between you
00:40:28The lady elevates her body and you collect her
00:40:31But you have such a lot of power and strength
00:40:34But you weren't brutal
00:40:35And that's very important
00:40:37If I said to you when you dance
00:40:39You're talking without words
00:40:41Would you understand that?
00:40:43I do now
00:40:45Because everything you do
00:40:47Every movement, every gesture
00:40:49Means something
00:40:50You are saying something
00:40:51You are communicating
00:40:53And that's how you draw people into what you're doing
00:40:56And you did that so beautifully tonight
00:40:58That was excellent
00:41:00Thank you
00:41:05For me it went in and out of emotion
00:41:09I think it began very, very well
00:41:11With your investment there
00:41:13And the fact that you windmill rolled out of it
00:41:15I got very super excited
00:41:17Then we showed a little bit of story
00:41:19When it came to big lifting
00:41:21I felt like you dropped the ball
00:41:23We dropped the story for the lift
00:41:26Rather than the lift being part of the story
00:41:30And connected to it
00:41:32I love the floor work like everyone else
00:41:34You have the most amazing elevation
00:41:37Is what we call it in the dance world
00:41:39Particularly in ballet and contemporary
00:41:41Where you can reach heights beyond
00:41:44And the agility for this type of dancing
00:41:47I think you did a fantastic job
00:41:49Thank you guys
00:41:50Thank you
00:41:51Thank you Craig
00:41:56I'm shocked
00:41:58The contemporary dance was sublime
00:42:00The floor work was faultless
00:42:02I loved it
00:42:03The collapsed back at the beginning
00:42:06Where you took her weight and rolled it backwards
00:42:10It was just so beautiful
00:42:12And doesn't happen from someone who's not trained as a dancer
00:42:15So I am shocked at what you've produced
00:42:19It was a monumental performance
00:42:22It was alright
00:42:23I think everyone would like to
00:42:25I don't want to jinx anything
00:42:27So I'm just going to send you straight on up to see Chris
00:42:30And while you go up
00:42:31We're going to take a look back at that routine
00:42:33But those comments were all very good I think
00:42:35Thank you judges
00:42:40Here's Ant and Alex
00:42:42Dancing that beautiful contemporary routine
00:42:48Full of emotion
00:42:55How about that?
00:42:57I feel like I should hug you
00:42:58That was beautiful
00:42:59Thank you mate
00:43:00Thank you
00:43:01And thank you on behalf of everyone
00:43:02For showing that vulnerable side
00:43:04It is a sight to behold
00:43:06It's so hard to go into
00:43:07It's really really hard
00:43:09And I was really panicking about it
00:43:11But I sat on the floor
00:43:12And just sort of blurred out everything
00:43:14And it's for the first time actually
00:43:16That I actually understood what Alex meant
00:43:18When you lose yourself in the moment
00:43:20And I lost myself in the moment
00:43:22And I was in the story, in the dance
00:43:25And it makes it so much easier
00:43:27But it's really really hard to get there
00:43:29And because you were so lost in the moment
00:43:30You probably didn't mean what you said about
00:43:32Getting some of us on SAS Australia
00:43:35It wasn't actually a thing was it?
00:43:38I'll wait for the judges' scores
00:43:40Because the way I said it
00:43:41If you got the entire cast of Dancing With The Stars
00:43:43On SAS Australia
00:43:44You would truly put the camp back into boot camp
00:43:46I think it's probably fair to say
00:43:49I would love to get my hands on some of you
00:43:51Trust me
00:43:52But I'm going to play nice for now
00:43:54And hopefully everyone else will play nice
00:43:56And Alex
00:43:58I mean you were in the hot seat there
00:44:00With those lifts
00:44:02How were you feeling through that?
00:44:06Do you know what?
00:44:07This is probably the most dangerous lift I've ever done
00:44:09Standing on the shoulders and just jumping down
00:44:11And to be honest
00:44:12I don't really get that nervous before routines
00:44:14But I was like shaking backstage
00:44:17Like not myself
00:44:18But that vulnerability that Anne showed
00:44:20I've never seen you do that
00:44:23And I'm so proud of you
00:44:24Because I know how scary this is
00:44:26So thank you for letting people in
00:44:28It was amazing
00:44:30Well said, well said
00:44:31Alright it is now time for the judges' scores
00:44:34Ladies and gentlemen
00:44:35The judges have their scores
00:44:37Craig Revel Horwood
00:44:41Helen Ritchie
00:44:42I'm not going on SAS
00:44:46Shana Burgess
00:44:50Mark Wilson
00:44:59A score of 37
00:45:02Craig, you're definitely putting forward for SAS now
00:45:07Now it is time for the half-time leaderboard
00:45:09Anne and Alex have rocketed to the top on 37
00:45:12Followed by Nicky and Arik
00:45:14Shane and Ashley
00:45:15And Adam and Jess
00:45:17Nipping at their heels
00:45:19Back to you Sonia
00:45:20Thank you
00:45:21I was trying to convince Craig to come down and give me 20 push-ups
00:45:24But he's resisting
00:45:25And I think he needs to do all this
00:45:27I can't do one push-up
00:45:28Come and do one push-up then
00:45:30Just to show Anne Singleton you can do it
00:45:33Come on, come on darling
00:45:39There we go
00:45:40We have to make sure we get a really good shot of this
00:45:42Let me just warm up
00:45:43There's only going to be one
00:45:44Just warming up
00:45:45Good, good, excellent
00:45:47Do this in slow motion
00:45:48You can do it buddy
00:45:49I can only do one
00:45:50And I need to do it on my knees
00:45:51Just one
00:46:01And this is your one and only chance
00:46:03Could you please critique that technique?
00:46:05Your posture was bad
00:46:07Your back was bent
00:46:09And your bottom was up darling
00:46:13So I'm going to be nice
00:46:14I'm going to give you a three
00:46:19Sorry mate
00:46:21Get out
00:46:23But those judges are tough aren't they?
00:46:25They're terrible darling
00:46:26But you're a great sport
00:46:27They're so bad
00:46:28Oh terrible
00:46:29Still to come
00:46:30Summer Bay's Jimmy Suave Stewart
00:46:33And the marvellous Lisa McKeown
00:46:35But up next it's Ben Cousins
00:46:37So don't go anywhere
00:46:38As finals fever continues to grip the Dancing With The Stars ballroom
00:46:54Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars
00:46:56Now last week Ben Cousins thought he was going home
00:46:59But luckily escaped the elimination
00:47:02Which sadly saw Nova Paris and Julie Goodwin leave the competition
00:47:06Let's see how Ben got ready for an intense Argentine Tango
00:47:16The Argentine Tango this week
00:47:18I hope that I'm a bit of a quick study with this dance
00:47:22The Argentine Tango is very complicated
00:47:24The footwork is so intricate
00:47:26This leg has to come through there
00:47:29Our feet and our legs are flicking in and out of each other constantly
00:47:32If one of us misses a flick or a step
00:47:35It kind of all falls apart
00:47:37Didn't get it
00:47:40Needed my mention
00:47:42I'd love to think that my best dance is still ahead of me
00:47:46But bringing out that sexiness in the dance
00:47:49He's going to require going through a lot of awkward or embarrassing moments
00:47:54Then I can go around
00:47:55That's not what you do, is it?
00:47:57The last time I was in the finals was when I was playing for West Coast
00:48:01They don't come around very often
00:48:03So you've got to make the most of them and enjoy them
00:48:07It is going to be a challenge, I have no doubt
00:48:10I think it's going to take a bit more than a cheeky smile
00:48:14To get me out of trouble this week
00:48:20Please welcome to the floor
00:48:21Ben Cousins and Siobhan Power
00:48:24Dancing the Argentine Tango
00:48:49And I've been waiting for this moment
00:48:52For all my life
00:48:55Oh lord
00:48:58Oh lord
00:49:03Well I remember
00:49:06I remember, don't worry
00:49:10How could I ever forget
00:49:13It's the first time
00:49:16The last time
00:49:18We ever met
00:49:24I can feel it coming in the air tonight
00:49:30Oh lord
00:49:34I can feel it in the air tonight
00:49:38Oh lord
00:49:40Oh lord
00:49:43I can feel it coming in the air tonight
00:49:50Oh lord
00:49:53Oh lord
00:50:03Oh yeah, give it up for Ben and Siobhan
00:50:05Come on over here guys
00:50:07How are you going?
00:50:09Good, yeah
00:50:10How's the breathing?
00:50:13It takes a lot out of you, doesn't it?
00:50:15It certainly does, yeah
00:50:17Obviously you're a football legend
00:50:20Brown low medal winner
00:50:22Winning the Mirrorball trophy
00:50:24Where does that sit on the spectrum?
00:50:27It's right up there
00:50:29But just in training
00:50:31Siobhan has taken me to places I certainly haven't been in a long time
00:50:36A couple of days this week at training
00:50:39I was finishing the day whispering I was that tired
00:50:41I thought I was conserving energy
00:50:44Whispering I was
00:50:46But yeah, I've loved it
00:50:48Does it give you an appreciation for the fitness of the dancers?
00:50:51Nothing but admiration
00:50:54The way she applies herself and her patience
00:50:57Got the costume slightly wrong
00:50:58It's not belly dancing with the Starship
00:51:00What a costume, eh?
00:51:01Oh my gosh, you look unbelievable, girl
00:51:05All right, let's get some comments from the judges, Mark
00:51:09Mate, you're doing such a good job
00:51:12Your forward weight was good, which I really like
00:51:16We've missed that in the Argentine tango so far
00:51:19So that was a good aspect
00:51:21Starting to lead with your body, which is another good aspect
00:51:24It was sultry and intense, which I thought was good
00:51:28I'm concerned you haven't been able to change fast enough
00:51:33To keep up with the speed of the change in the others
00:51:36But I've got to say, Ben, so happy to be here watching what you're doing
00:51:40You are a really good man
00:51:42Thank you
00:51:43Thanks, Mark
00:51:45Hi, Ben
00:51:46You know what?
00:51:47There was some really great moments in there, especially the first half of that
00:51:50Some beautiful partnering, the counterbalance, the things that you were doing
00:51:53And real Argentine tango steps
00:51:55So thank you for throwing yourself into that
00:51:57Because it was really, really well done by you
00:51:59Thank you, yeah
00:52:02It did, the last half of it, we kind of stood still for a while
00:52:06We did a little bit less in the last half
00:52:09But what I want to say to you is
00:52:11I've been so impressed with you week to week
00:52:14You keep fighting through and surviving these eliminations
00:52:17And that is a testament to how hard you work
00:52:19How much heart you put into it
00:52:21I hope you've proven to yourself that when you throw yourself into something, to anything
00:52:25You can do anything
00:52:28Thank you
00:52:32There was an awful lot of standing around doing actually nothing
00:52:36Which was very disappointing
00:52:38There really wasn't much content in there at all
00:52:42I mean, the man does quite a bit in Argentine tango
00:52:46And I felt like you were just there to present and nothing more
00:52:50It felt like your feet were Velcroed to the floor at one stage in the second part of it
00:52:56And I think you'd better hope that this audience are voting for you tonight
00:53:01I hope so
00:53:05Well, if we do know one thing, you are a crowd favourite, my friend
00:53:08So don't you worry about that
00:53:09Head on up, go and see Chris
00:53:11And let's take a look back at Ben's smouldering Argentine tango
00:53:17With his partner, Chevrolet
00:53:26I get it
00:53:32It's like a footy change room right there
00:53:35Well, it has got that sort of feel, hasn't it?
00:53:38It does
00:53:39And on that, you are a proven big game performer, finals performer in your AFL career
00:53:44Admittedly, this is a little bit different
00:53:46But is that experience helping with the big performance?
00:53:50Oh, I think that experience you take forward with you no matter what you're doing
00:53:55But this has been nerve-wracking
00:53:57And you only get one shot at it when you come out to perform
00:54:00So I do feel the pressure
00:54:04But it's been a good challenge
00:54:06Siobhan, what side of Ben has impressed you most during this crazy ride?
00:54:13His dedication
00:54:14He comes in every day with a smile on his face
00:54:17So happy to be here, to dance every day
00:54:20And he's so dedicated and so committed
00:54:22It's just been such a joy to watch and to work with him
00:54:26Yeah, he's put in so much work and I'm so proud of him
00:54:29Yeah, he should be
00:54:31Well said
00:54:32Alright, it is now time for the judges' scores
00:54:35The judges' scores are in
00:54:37Craig Revel Horwood
00:54:41Helen Ritchie
00:54:45Shana Burgess
00:54:48Mark Wilson
00:54:50Sorry, five
00:54:52Here we go
00:54:54A score of 17, Ben
00:54:56But remember, the audience does actually make up half of the score for this evening
00:55:03Which will definitely help
00:55:06Well, we'll need them more than ever
00:55:08I mean, they are disappointed you're one of the few dancers to put the buttons on their shirt tonight
00:55:12But aside from that, they really seem to enjoy it
00:55:15That's going to count for a lot
00:55:16Yeah, let's hope so
00:55:18Alright, back to you, Sonia
00:55:19Thank you, Chris
00:55:20Up next, Samantha Jade and her partner, Gustavo Video
00:55:24But hold on to your seats because there's still a whirlwind of sequins and glitter heading your way
00:55:30Don't go anywhere, this is Dancing with the Stars
00:55:44Welcome back to the Ballroom where the Race to the Mirror Ball Trophy is on
00:55:48Now, next up, it's Samantha Jade and Gustavo Video who have been training hard for their Foxtrot
00:55:55Seven, eight
00:55:57Uno, due, tre, quattro
00:56:00We're going through the Foxtrot, which I think is the hardest dance
00:56:05Because it looks so beautiful and graceful and glidy
00:56:09But it has potential to be bumpy
00:56:12And I'm doing that a little bit
00:56:14Donno pascolare
00:56:16You are doing high
00:56:21One, two, three
00:56:24Don't do this
00:56:25Okay, you don't like that
00:56:29Just stay up
00:56:30One of the hardest things about the Foxtrot is for the girl, you're in the weirdest position
00:56:37Like it feels so unnatural
00:56:40But it has to look graceful
00:56:42This is wrong
00:56:44This is right
00:56:47Six, seven, from one to ten, how much do you rate me?
00:56:50Um, is that an eight?
00:56:53I just need to, like, pull out my Grace Kelly
00:56:56It's in there somewhere
00:56:58Quick, quick
00:56:59One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
00:57:07Dancing the Foxtrot
00:57:09Please welcome Samantha Jade and her partner, Gustavo Viglio
00:57:15Things have come to a pretty pass
00:57:18Our romance is growing flat
00:57:22Something must be done
00:57:33You say either and I say either
00:57:37You say neither and I say neither
00:57:41Either, either, neither, neither
00:57:45Let's call the whole thing off
00:57:50So if I go for scallops and you go for lobsters
00:57:57So alright, no contest, we'll order lobster
00:58:01For we know we need each other
00:58:04So we better call the whole thing off
00:58:08So if I go for scallops and you go for lobsters
00:58:14So alright, no contest, we'll order lobster
00:58:18So we better call the calling off
00:58:22Let's call the whole thing off
00:58:43Samantha and Gustavo
00:58:48Oh my goodness, you two first up
00:58:51How gorgeous do these two look?
00:58:53What a couple
00:58:55I mean, you just look so beautiful
00:58:57And then you dance
00:58:58I felt like I was watching a legitimate ballroom competition
00:59:02You know, with a, do you know what I mean?
00:59:04Say to Gustavo, you understand what I mean, right?
00:59:07I do
00:59:08It was like, honestly, you feel like a pro
00:59:12You feel like a pro
00:59:14Thank you
00:59:16Thank you
00:59:17Have we reached peak Gustavo yet?
00:59:19This is the question
00:59:21I think something more is about to come
00:59:23No, it's alright, it's going to be coming
00:59:25I feel it too, alright
00:59:32This dance suited you down to the ground
00:59:34Because of its softness
00:59:35It was graceful, it was elegant, it was quite beautiful
00:59:39And you are actually as beautiful as Grace Kelly
00:59:42Oh my God
00:59:45Wow, thank you so much
00:59:48I would like to have seen at least one or two heel leads in there
00:59:52Maybe a heel turn on occasion
00:59:54But that being said, that didn't really matter
00:59:58I mean, you are just so watchable
01:00:00It was neat, it had finesse
01:00:02It was full of fabulous detail with your arms, hands, all the movement
01:00:07So very, very classy
01:00:10Classy, I loved it
01:00:12Thank you
01:00:17You dance so beautifully
01:00:18I'm so proud of you
01:00:20And it looked beautiful
01:00:21You look beautiful to dance with
01:00:23I want to dance with you
01:00:25It'd look amazing
01:00:26Let's do it
01:00:27No, no, no
01:00:29So I just want to thank you
01:00:30Because these kind of elegant performances that are so old world
01:00:35Can be ruined by too much energy
01:00:37And you really, really dance so beautifully
01:00:41Thank you
01:00:44Thank you, Mark Sharno
01:00:46The things that I loved about this dance
01:00:49And what I love about watching you
01:00:51Is that when you go into a line
01:00:53You don't just finish it
01:00:55You breathe to the end of it and come back out
01:00:57So you have continuous movement
01:00:59And it's so beautiful and elegant
01:01:01And it flows
01:01:03I just feel like I'm babbling with words
01:01:05Because I can't find a word perfect enough
01:01:07To describe how unbelievable that was
01:01:10So well done
01:01:11Thank you, Sharno
01:01:13Thank you so much
01:01:15Would you say
01:01:16I mean, you've done quite a few dances on the show now
01:01:18Would this have been one of your favourites?
01:01:20I think that was my favourite
01:01:21I loved it
01:01:22Yeah, I felt like I was in a movie
01:01:24It felt like an old Hollywood movie
01:01:26Dolce Vita, head on up there
01:01:31Go see it, Chris
01:01:32Go see it, Chris
01:01:33As we take a look back at that beautiful box truck
01:01:35By Samantha and her partner, Gustavo
01:01:41Wow, wow
01:01:43It was refined
01:01:44That was elegant
01:01:46It was beautiful
01:01:47Was that a conscious choice
01:01:48To give the judges something different?
01:01:50I think Samantha is teaching me
01:01:52How to be more relaxed and classy
01:01:56I'm more the guy
01:01:57Boom, boom, boom, you know what I mean?
01:02:00It is now time for the judges' scores
01:02:03Will the judges please reveal their scores
01:02:06Craig Revel Horwood
01:02:10Helen Ritchie
01:02:13Sharna Burgess
01:02:17Mark Wilson
01:02:18And ten
01:02:22Let's go indeed
01:02:23A score of 39
01:02:26The time of all times
01:02:27To produce a score like that
01:02:28You must be thrilled
01:02:29Thrilled, beyond thrilled
01:02:30Thrilled, thrilled, happy life
01:02:32Happy life, Dolce Vita
01:02:34Back to you, Sonia
01:02:35We've got Pete Gustavo back
01:02:37I like it
01:02:38Now, Lisa McCune and Ian Waite
01:02:41Have consistently been high on the leaderboard
01:02:44Can they do it again tonight
01:02:46With their Viennese waltz?
01:02:50Are you ready for this final Viennese waltz?
01:02:53Is it really technical?
01:02:54It is quite technical
01:02:56But it's nothing you can't handle
01:02:58One, two, three, four
01:03:01Turn and ready
01:03:04The technique has to be perfect
01:03:06Because there's nowhere to hide with the Viennese waltz
01:03:09No, you were up late in the lift
01:03:11It was like you had rigor mortis or something
01:03:16Lisa puts a lot of pressure on herself
01:03:18We've decided to do a couple of special things
01:03:20Within the Viennese waltz
01:03:22Which could go very well
01:03:23They could go very badly
01:03:24She's talking about lifts now
01:03:29Yeah, that one
01:03:31You've got to push up
01:03:33Bend in the knee before you push
01:03:35That's it
01:03:36That's it
01:03:40And then you're going to sit
01:03:44And then you're going to swing that leg round
01:03:46That's it
01:03:48We do have a few lifts in this dance
01:03:50It is becoming quite problematic
01:03:52Because Lisa's feeling very sick
01:03:56That's it
01:03:57I bring you down
01:04:02That's really bad on you guys
01:04:04At the moment
01:04:05The room is kind of crazily still spinning
01:04:08When I'm down
01:04:11Onto the floor
01:04:12Not too early
01:04:15I'm really happy to be thrown around up there
01:04:17I mean, you know, he's a six foot four guy
01:04:19With, you know, a bit of muscle
01:04:21So, you know, let's face it
01:04:23We've got to make him work
01:04:24You know, I mean, I'm doing all the work
01:04:26So it's good to see him doing a bit of the heavy lifting
01:04:33Dancing the Viennese Waltz
01:04:35With her partner Ian Wait
01:04:37It's Lisa McKeown
01:04:55It was just two lovers
01:04:57Sitting in the car
01:04:58Listening to blind
01:04:59Falling for each other
01:05:01Making Irish guys
01:05:02Feeling super childish
01:05:03She's got solar power
01:05:05Made us feel like ours
01:05:07She knows she was the baddest
01:05:08Can you even imagine
01:05:09Falling like I did
01:05:11For the love of my life
01:05:15She's got glow on her face
01:05:18A glorious look in her eyes
01:05:21A glorious look in her eyes
01:05:26I don't need no light
01:05:28To see you
01:05:36It's your golden hour
01:05:44You slow down
01:05:51In your golden hour
01:06:14Oh yes, give it up for Lisa McKeown
01:06:18And her partner Ian Wait
01:06:23Oh my gosh, another golden performance
01:06:25That was absolutely stunning
01:06:27Now, we haven't really talked about the fact
01:06:30That you, in your time in television
01:06:33You've actually won four gold Logies
01:06:37This is actually some
01:06:39This is a very unique way of using one
01:06:41We should have used these
01:06:42In rehearsals like this
01:06:43With our microphones
01:06:45That's a very good idea
01:06:46Well, you've won four
01:06:47I've got one
01:06:51I suspect there might be another one
01:06:52On its way though, Sonia
01:06:53What do you do with yours, Lisa
01:06:55Because of that, you know
01:06:56Put it to good use and all of that
01:06:57Well, they were in a shopping bag
01:06:59And now I've given them
01:07:00To Acme in Melbourne
01:07:01So you can actually go
01:07:02And see them on display
01:07:04Which is nice
01:07:05Because they're tricky to look after
01:07:07They're naughty
01:07:08And they get very dusty
01:07:09Between the legs
01:07:10Well, we won't look
01:07:11At Mr Logie that way
01:07:13I thought that was
01:07:14A Logie winning performance
01:07:15It was absolutely stunning
01:07:17One of my favourite songs too
01:07:19The choice of music was just perfect
01:07:22Should we get some
01:07:23Judges' comments
01:07:26It got a little bit frenetic
01:07:28For me
01:07:29The second time you went into hold
01:07:31But can I say
01:07:32That hold dance
01:07:42Thank you
01:07:43The natural reverse Viennese waltz
01:07:45Is the best I've seen
01:07:46On Dancing With The Stars
01:07:48In my time doing the show
01:07:53And then you follow that up
01:07:54With four flickles
01:07:56A contra check
01:07:57And natural flickles
01:07:58For those watching
01:07:59That's the spinny bit in the end
01:08:00It came out of an underarm turn
01:08:03Which is phenomenal
01:08:05I mean, that just does not happen
01:08:07Beautiful dancing
01:08:08Do you know, Mark
01:08:09I'm so glad
01:08:10My mind is blown
01:08:11By what you have just produced
01:08:12Because that does not normally
01:08:14Happen in a show like this
01:08:16There was only one foot fault
01:08:18In the whole performance
01:08:22You are such a wonderful professional
01:08:25You, Lisa
01:08:26Are such an amazing talent
01:08:35I would just love to say
01:08:36That you absolutely
01:08:37Hit the mark
01:08:38With all the things
01:08:39That you wanted to do
01:08:40It was a beautiful
01:08:41Viennese waltz
01:08:42With a contemporary edge
01:08:43Done with a technical ability
01:08:45That I don't think we see
01:08:46Very often on this show
01:08:48So well done
01:08:49Thank you
01:08:50Thank you
01:08:51Thank you, Shanna
01:08:53Our beautiful golden girl
01:08:55Ian has really challenged you
01:08:57With every dance
01:08:58That you have shown us
01:08:59But just to
01:09:01Really make you work hard
01:09:03What does he throw in tonight?
01:09:05A figure that everybody
01:09:06Avoids like the plague
01:09:08And that was the fleckeral
01:09:10Now, that is
01:09:11Very, very difficult to dance
01:09:13You made it look easy
01:09:15But, you know
01:09:16I just can't commend you enough
01:09:18Because you nail it
01:09:19Every single time
01:09:21Thank you
01:09:22Thank you
01:09:23I have a great teacher
01:09:24I mean, he really is
01:09:25A wonderful teacher
01:09:27Well, I would like to actually
01:09:28Present you with this
01:09:29Logie Award
01:09:30As you dance on up
01:09:32To Dr Chris
01:09:33I'll come with you
01:09:34And do your back announce
01:09:35As we go
01:09:36Here's Lisa and Ian
01:09:37Doing a wonderful Viennese Waltz
01:09:39Have a look
01:09:40Thank you, Sonia
01:09:58Oh, we love that
01:09:59Lisa, that dance
01:10:01Just had a beautiful
01:10:02Dream-like quality to it
01:10:05Are there moments where
01:10:06You cannot believe
01:10:07You're actually
01:10:08Not just doing this
01:10:09But excelling at it?
01:10:10It is the most glorious experience
01:10:13I mean, it really is
01:10:14And you just
01:10:15I've got gold leaf on my eyes
01:10:17I mean, where else
01:10:18Can you do that?
01:10:19No, it's gorgeous
01:10:20And the technical side of it
01:10:21Is great
01:10:22And I'm kind of
01:10:23I'm going to be so sad
01:10:24To say goodbye to this beautiful man
01:10:25Because he just
01:10:26He keeps at it with me
01:10:27He won't let
01:10:28He won't let me off the hook
01:10:29It's great
01:10:31And he's a brilliant dancer
01:10:32I mean, watching him dance
01:10:33It's pretty extraordinary, isn't it?
01:10:34It is quite extraordinary
01:10:35There's a beautiful synergy
01:10:36Between the two of you
01:10:37Which isn't easy to find sometimes
01:10:39But is that how it feels
01:10:40For you as well, Ian?
01:10:41Oh, I've just absolutely loved
01:10:43Every moment with Lisa
01:10:44And this is kind of the pinnacle
01:10:47This dance
01:10:48And to be out there with you
01:10:49Golden Girl
01:10:50Is just like
01:10:52It's kind of the top of my career
01:10:55Oh, my God
01:10:56We're having our golden hour
01:10:58It feels that way
01:11:00Speaking of synergies
01:11:01Let's have a look
01:11:02Let's have a look
01:11:03At the judges' scores
01:11:04Ladies and gentlemen
01:11:05The judges have their scores
01:11:07Craig Revel Horwood
01:11:11Ellen Ritchie
01:11:14Shana Burgess
01:11:18Mark Wilson
01:11:23That is a 39
01:11:26I told you you were excelling at this
01:11:28Fleckerals and all
01:11:32I'm going to teach you those in the break
01:11:33Well, I look forward
01:11:34That is quite enough
01:11:35You've got big feet
01:11:36Can he do them?
01:11:37Could he do them with a size 14?
01:11:39Well, mine are size 12
01:11:41But we're not in a competition, are we?
01:11:43Yeah, happy to adapt
01:11:45Things are getting awkward up here, Sonia
01:11:47Save me, save me now
01:11:48I hear you, Chris
01:11:49Well, there is still one more couple
01:11:51Eagerly waiting in the wings
01:11:53In this electrifying night of dance
01:11:55Are you guys enjoying yourselves?
01:11:58Well, that's good
01:11:59Because next up, James Stewart
01:12:00Is about to pour his heart
01:12:02Into his Paso routine
01:12:04So don't go anywhere
01:12:05This is Dancing with the Stars
01:12:18Okay, your turn
01:12:19Turn out
01:12:20Across the front
01:12:21Side behind
01:12:22I'm Swiss
01:12:26Nice Fleckerals
01:12:27Now, our final couple to dance this evening
01:12:29And desperate for a place
01:12:30In tomorrow night's grand finale
01:12:32Are James Stewart and Georgia Freeman
01:12:35Let's see how their Paso Doble preparation went
01:12:39We're still here
01:12:40We are still here
01:12:41Can you believe it?
01:12:43In this one, you're a zombie
01:12:45And you are after me
01:12:48I want James to be the creepiest
01:12:52Most convincing zombie
01:12:54Dancing with the Stars has ever seen
01:12:56And I actually think
01:12:58This might be James' dad
01:13:04I'm getting into character, George
01:13:09We're a few dancers in now
01:13:11And I want to go out there and enjoy
01:13:14Sorry, I actually bit you there
01:13:16Oh my God
01:13:17But holding the Paso shape is really hard
01:13:20Turn your hips slightly
01:13:23All while keeping a really open chest
01:13:26And present, exactly
01:13:27Just loosen up your hips a little bit
01:13:29Pushing the pelvis forward
01:13:31But keeping a proud chest
01:13:33And having the elbows out
01:13:34Like you're holding the cape
01:13:36Where's your cape?
01:13:37Staying in that position is another thing entirely
01:13:41Show me this
01:13:43This is all about masculinity
01:13:45And storytelling
01:13:47And power
01:13:49Breathe out
01:13:50So you can give yourself mobility
01:13:52Yeah, you look like you're going to shoot yourself
01:13:55We need to deliver
01:13:56He needs to start looking like a professional dancer
01:13:58Five and six, seven, eight
01:14:01To me it's unbelievable that we're in the finals
01:14:03But I really want to get this dance right
01:14:05Georgia is turning up the heat
01:14:07Quick, quick, slow
01:14:09But it's the business end
01:14:10So I'm happy to have her crack the whip
01:14:16Please welcome to the floor
01:14:18James Stewart and Georgia Freeman
01:14:21Dancing the Paso Doble
01:14:26Paso Doble
01:14:56Paso Doble
01:15:38A bad house we dig
01:15:54Oh, you make noise for James and Georgia
01:15:59You are freaking me out with this whole look
01:16:02Hello, Sonia
01:16:05It's like Craig before he's done his make-up
01:16:11I do have to thank the make-up team
01:16:13They've done extraordinary, I reckon
01:16:15They really have
01:16:17But, you know, you brought all the character to that
01:16:20And that incredible
01:16:21You know, when I kept thinking it was twisted
01:16:23The whole thing was twisted
01:16:24And then you were twisting across the floor
01:16:26It was just...
01:16:27Crocodile roll
01:16:29Mad, Mark!
01:16:30Yeah, it was mad
01:16:31I mean, completely mad
01:16:33And to have a Paso Doble depicted this way
01:16:37It was a great set-up
01:16:38And then you had very strong Paso Doble shaping in the beginning
01:16:42I love that
01:16:43There was one part where you had your elbows behind you
01:16:46In the chassé cape
01:16:47And you lost a bit of strength there
01:16:49But throughout, I thought it was a very strong performance
01:16:51You're keeping the pressure on the rest of the celebrities
01:16:54I think it's going to be tough
01:16:56So who's going to see you go through
01:16:57But, James, mate, you are rocking out
01:16:59Thanks, Mark
01:17:00Thank you, Mark
01:17:01Shana, I love your commitment to it
01:17:03I always love your commitment to the story and the character
01:17:06For me, personally, I feel it was a little too heavy on the zombie
01:17:11And not enough of the Paso technique
01:17:13Because when you do it, it's so noticeable and so good
01:17:17Because you are so talented and capable
01:17:20Another fantastic routine from you, right at the right time
01:17:23Going into the grand final
01:17:24Well done
01:17:25Thank you, Shana
01:17:26Helen, well, I just think it might be stretching the storyline
01:17:30To turn the matador into a zombie
01:17:33Because you have the right look for the matador
01:17:37And then the shaping and styling that you used
01:17:40Would have been clearer
01:17:43But, look, I thought you gave it your best shot
01:17:45I think you're in with a chance tonight
01:17:47So good luck
01:17:49Thank you, Helen
01:17:50Thank you, Helen
01:17:52Well, I love breaking all the rules, darling
01:17:55And seeing a matador come back from the dead
01:17:58Looking like that, for revenge, I thought was absolutely genius
01:18:04It really was
01:18:05And for me, there was loads of Paso in there
01:18:08You're a fantastic actor
01:18:09You're a fantastic actor
01:18:10You told the story
01:18:11And I absolutely love the theatrics
01:18:14And let's get out of the old and into the new
01:18:17And something different and interesting
01:18:19Thank you
01:18:20Thank you very much, Craig
01:18:21Thank you very much
01:18:22Oh my goodness
01:18:23I think this is going to be really interesting
01:18:26It's a great comment from Craig
01:18:27It's great
01:18:28You guys know what you're talking about
01:18:29So it's great
01:18:31All right
01:18:32Why don't you go and feast on some brains up there
01:18:35Isn't that what zombies do?
01:18:38Although it might be a bit limited, I'm joking
01:18:44That was James and Georgia
01:18:46And their absolutely twisted zombie Paso Doble
01:18:54Come on over here
01:18:55Come on
01:18:56James, Summer Bay, where you act
01:19:00I mean, they have been plagued by natural disaster
01:19:03After natural disaster over the years
01:19:05They've never had a zombie apocalypse
01:19:07No, they haven't
01:19:08Have we looked into the 2024 season here?
01:19:11Can you see Alf coming back as a flaming mongrel
01:19:17Flaming flesh-eating mongrel
01:19:19Flaming flesh-eating mongrel
01:19:20He's never said that
01:19:21I'd like to hear that, I think
01:19:22Yeah, we should copyright it now, man
01:19:24I reckon it is now time for the judges' scores
01:19:27The judges' scores are in
01:19:30Craig Revel Horwood
01:19:43That's a great score
01:19:45A score of 35
01:19:47That will bring you back to life
01:19:49Yes, that's great
01:19:51That's really well worth it
01:19:52Yeah, well worth dying for
01:19:54Well worth dying for
01:19:55Good to know
01:19:56Let's have a look at the full-time leaderboard as it stands right now
01:19:59Sammy and Gustavo up on top
01:20:0139 along with Lisa and Ian
01:20:0339 and Annalise, 37
01:20:05And then towards the bottom Adam and Jess and Ben and Siobhan
01:20:09Now back to you, Sonia
01:20:11Thank you, Chris
01:20:12What a night it's been
01:20:13Now before we do anything else
01:20:14Let's just have a reminder of each incredible dance that we saw tonight
01:20:21Shane shot for the mood in his kickstep
01:20:30Adam stunned with his sensuality in the rumba
01:20:41Nikki showed us a very quick quickstep
01:20:53Ant expressed himself in a contemporary routine
01:20:59Not to intervene when...
01:21:04Ben gave it his all with the intense Argentine tango
01:21:13Samantha floated through her foxtrot
01:21:23Lisa glowed in the Viennese waltz
01:21:30James raised the dead in his cacodoble
01:21:43They should all be very proud of themselves
01:21:46They did such a fantastic job tonight
01:21:48But we have now come to the difficult part
01:21:51Because of our eight couples
01:21:53Only five can make it through to the grand finale
01:21:56Only five can make it through to the grand finale
01:21:59It is tough
01:22:00Now during the break our studio audience will vote
01:22:02And their votes will be added to the judges' scores
01:22:04To reveal the couples who are at risk of elimination
01:22:07The race to the Mirror Ball trophy continues
01:22:10Don't go anywhere
01:22:11You're watching Dancing With The Stars 2024
01:22:27Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars
01:22:29Now during the break our studio audience voted
01:22:32For who they want to make it to the grand finale
01:22:35The judges' scores and the audience vote
01:22:37Have now been added together
01:22:39And our eight couples have been ranked from highest to lowest
01:22:42Unfortunately the couple with the lowest score
01:22:45Will be leaving the competition
01:22:47And will be leaving the competition
01:22:49And will be leaving the competition
01:22:51And will be leaving the competition
01:22:53The couple with the lowest score
01:22:55Will be leaving the competition immediately
01:23:01The results are in
01:23:03And I'm sorry to say the first couple
01:23:06Leaving Dancing With The Stars tonight is
01:23:20It's Ben and Siobhan
01:23:24Come on down
01:23:25Ben and Siobhan
01:23:31Come on over here
01:23:32I know that all the boys want to give you a big hug
01:23:34And so do we
01:23:35Because having you on the show for us I think
01:23:38Has been such a joy
01:23:40You know, you're so well loved by everybody here
01:23:44What's the experience been like for you?
01:23:48Well it has been incredible
01:23:50You know, for a long time
01:23:51Probably wasn't in a position to
01:23:53Allow good things to come into my life
01:23:56And then, you know, currently
01:23:59To be in a space where I can take a leap
01:24:02Which it has been a leap for me
01:24:04To do this show
01:24:07You know, I have had one of the times of my life
01:24:09I really have
01:24:10And a big part of that
01:24:12Has been my partner here
01:24:14Who is a star, you know
01:24:17Amazing dancer
01:24:19It's been a privilege to dance alongside her
01:24:22But she's a better person than she is dancer
01:24:24Which is saying something
01:24:25So I'm very lucky, you know
01:24:28Siobhan, what can you tell us about Ben
01:24:30And this whole crazy experience?
01:24:32Ben is an actual sweetheart
01:24:34He is the nicest guy
01:24:36Like, he has taken care of me
01:24:38You know, I have a baby at home
01:24:41So Ben just makes sure that I'm taken care of
01:24:44That I'm fed, I have a coffee every morning
01:24:46He is the nicest guy
01:24:48He's been such a joy to work with
01:24:49He's the hardest worker
01:24:51I've loved every minute with him
01:24:53So proud of him
01:24:54I'm so proud of him
01:24:58Well, thank you so much, Siobhan
01:24:59And thank you, Ben
01:25:00I feel like you are
01:25:02And forever will be part of the Dancing With The Stars family
01:25:05Make some noise for Ben and Siobhan
01:25:07As they leave the dance floor for their very last time
01:25:15Look at that
01:25:16They do adore their Ben cousins
01:25:18They absolutely love him
01:25:19Now, of our remaining seven couples
01:25:21Only five of them will safely make it through to dance again
01:25:26The three couples with the lowest score
01:25:28Will enter a dance-off
01:25:30To fight for the last remaining position in the grand finale
01:25:34And we can now reveal the verdict
01:25:42In no particular order
01:25:44The first couple safely through to the grand finale is
01:26:03It's Samantha and Gustavo
01:26:09I'm guessing Gustavo is happy
01:26:11I think that translates
01:26:15The second couple safely through is
01:26:30Ant and Alex
01:26:37It's like Ant is relaxing for the first time tonight
01:26:40Still no shoes
01:26:44Now, the first couple not safe
01:26:48And having to dance off is
01:27:10It's Adam and Jess
01:27:12Oh, that's a blow
01:27:14But all is not lost, it's a dance-off
01:27:16So there is still more to come
01:27:18Also safe and through to the grand finale tonight will be
01:27:35Lisa and Ian
01:27:41Alright, that means
01:27:43Nicky and Arik
01:27:45James and Georgia
01:27:47And Shane and Ashley
01:27:49One of you is safe
01:27:51And two of you will be in the dance-off
01:27:56The next couple that will compete in tonight's dance-off is
01:28:20James and Georgia
01:28:27Okay, that means
01:28:29Nicky and Arik
01:28:31And Shane and Ashley
01:28:33One of you through to the grand finale
01:28:36And one of you will be in the dance-off
01:28:46I can now reveal
01:28:48Nicky and Arik, you are going through to the grand finale
01:28:51Well done
01:28:55Nicky looks stunned and Arik is equally shocked but happy
01:29:00Thank you
01:29:05Alright, well that means
01:29:07Shane and Ashley, you will be in tonight's dance-off
01:29:14Not everyone's happy about this situation
01:29:17Least of all us because we don't want to see anyone go home
01:29:20But all of our couples have prepared a dance-off routine
01:29:24And it's critical at this point that they have made the best choice
01:29:28From either the waltz, a salsa or the Charleston
01:29:31Now these dancers have varying degrees of difficulty
01:29:35Which the judges will consider when they make their decision
01:29:38On who stays in the competition
01:29:41Now this is the only dance separating our couples from elimination
01:29:45And the grand finale
01:29:47So Craig, out of these three styles
01:29:50Which do you think is the hardest to execute under pressure?
01:29:54Well I think under pressure in the Charleston you can sort of get away with murder
01:29:58Because it's quite goofy
01:29:59A salsa you can just rummage around in the hip department
01:30:03And throw a few lifts in darling and lie on the floor and go mad
01:30:06But the waltz I think is the most difficult
01:30:09Because it's quiet, it's in 3-4 timing
01:30:13Which is unusual for most people
01:30:15And it takes a lot of technique to achieve
01:30:18So I would say that would be the most difficult under pressure
01:30:22We are only moments away from our final dance-off battle
01:30:26And for two of our couples it will be their very last dance in this ballroom
01:30:30Oh yes, join us after the break to see who will make it through to the grand finale
01:30:36Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars
01:30:54And our final dance-off of the series
01:30:58We are about to find out who will get the last coveted spot
01:31:02And join our remaining grand finalists tomorrow night
01:31:05First up and dancing to stay in the competition
01:31:08It's Adam and Jess dancing a salsa
01:31:36And our final dance-off of the series
01:31:40It's Adam and Jess dancing a salsa
01:32:05And our final dance-off of the series
01:32:14Adam and Jess putting everything into their salsa routine in the dance-off
01:32:21Wow, I loved it, I loved it
01:32:24I feel like you put it all out there, right there and then
01:32:28Yeah it was a lot of fun, a lot of fun
01:32:30It was good to be able to go back out there and be myself sort of thing
01:32:34sort of thing.
01:32:35Only once.
01:32:36Because Salsa is all about hip action, it's all about bringing it, but we had the trademark
01:32:40Adam yelling.
01:32:41You guys look like you're having a great time.
01:32:43Would you change anything?
01:32:45No, no, definitely not.
01:32:46I've had an absolute ball and, you know, we love playing around with that song in practice,
01:32:51so it's good.
01:32:52Yeah, he brought it.
01:32:53He most certainly did.
01:32:54All right, back to you, Sonia.
01:32:55Thank you, Chris.
01:32:56Great way to start the dance-offs, but next up to fight for their place in the Dancing
01:33:01with the Stars grand finale are James and Georgia dancing a Charleston.
01:33:31So much fun, and I need to be fun, got money in my meat around the club, I hit the road
01:33:32and I was getting hot, I hope.
01:33:33Oh, best of all, I've got my baby.
01:33:34Oh, best of all, I've got my baby.
01:33:35She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:36She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:37She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:38She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:39She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:40She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:33:41She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:02She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:30She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:31She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:32She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:33She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:34She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:35She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:36She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:37She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:38She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:39She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:34:50She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:02She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:03She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:04She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:05She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:06She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:07She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:08She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:09She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:10She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:12She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:13She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:14She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:15She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:16She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:17She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:18She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:19She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:20She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:22She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:23She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:24She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:25She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:26She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:27She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:28She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:29She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:30She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:32She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:33She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:34She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:35She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:36She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:37She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:38She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:39She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:40She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:42She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:43She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:44She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:45She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:46She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:47She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:48She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:49She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:50She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:52She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:53She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:54She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:55She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:56She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:57She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:58She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:35:59She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:00She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:01She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:12She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:13She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:14She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:15She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:16She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:17She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:18She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:19She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:20She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:42She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:43She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:44She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:45She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:46She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:47She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:48She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:49She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:50She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:36:51She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:37:02She's mighty fine, she says she's all mine and nothing's gonna bring me down, oh.
01:37:22Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars.
01:37:30Our judges have seen all three dance-offs and there is nothing more any of our couples can do.
01:37:36It is all down to the judges now.
01:37:38Now, in the event of a tie, the final decision rests with head judge, Helen Ritchie.
01:37:44All right, let's do this.
01:37:45Let's now get their decision.
01:37:48Adam and Jess, James and Georgia, Shane and Ashley, the very best of luck to each of you.
01:37:55Craig, who would you like to save and why?
01:37:59Well, I've got to say that has to be one of the hottest and most testosterone-fueled dance-offs
01:38:07I think I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.
01:38:11In the 21 series I've been doing in the UK, the four in New Zealand and the four here,
01:38:16I mean, that was just incredible and it's made our lives hell.
01:38:21As much as I loved all three and as much as I love a man that can control the jigsaw and a hammer
01:38:30and a spicy, hot showman, my vote is going tonight for the best swivel I think I've seen in a Charleston
01:38:41and that is James and Georgia.
01:38:45All right, that is one vote to James and Georgia.
01:38:50Shana, who would you like to keep in the competition and why?
01:38:53All of them.
01:38:54Thank you so much.
01:38:55Moving on.
01:38:57I never liked this part.
01:39:00It gets harder every single episode.
01:39:02All of you were amazing.
01:39:03Shane, I'm so glad we got that dance from you.
01:39:06It's like my absolute favourite I've seen you dance.
01:39:09Adam, we've seen so much growth from you.
01:39:11James, you're so natural out there.
01:39:13All of you, I think, gave some of your best performances.
01:39:19But based off of this performance, in looking at all things involved, be it technique, how natural it was,
01:39:27how precise it was, the musicality together, the character, I am choosing to save James and Georgia.
01:39:38Two votes to James and Georgia.
01:39:42Mark, your turn now.
01:39:43Who would you like to save and why?
01:39:47Well, this was the most amazing dance-off.
01:39:55And I measured the couples to 0.5 of a point.
01:40:01One that's mad, fun, lifts and so entertaining.
01:40:05One who has energy yelling, commitment yelling, hips yelling and more yelling.
01:40:11Loved it.
01:40:12And then one who had hips, rhythm, hips, lifts, hips.
01:40:16And to be honest, took slightly more risks.
01:40:23And for me, that couple is Shane and Ashley.
01:40:28There we go.
01:40:33Still alive.
01:40:35So one vote for Shane and Ashley, two votes for James and Georgia.
01:40:40Thanks a lot.
01:40:42Have fun, Helen.
01:40:45All you.
01:40:46You are head judge for a reason.
01:40:49And that is?
01:40:51You're going to have to break some hearts here, Helen, as hard as that is.
01:40:55It is now up to you to decide who goes through to the grand finale.
01:41:01Who are you saving?
01:41:03Who are you pushing through to that grand finale and why?
01:41:06Look, it's past my bedtime and I think I'll just go home.
01:41:09Thank you very much.
01:41:11No, seriously, all of you stepped up.
01:41:15All of you.
01:41:16Not one of you made a mistake.
01:41:18All of you gave it your absolute best.
01:41:21We're going to be splitting hairs, seriously.
01:41:24Look, I think, couldn't one of you have stuffed up, seriously?
01:41:31You could force a tie, Helen.
01:41:33Yes, I know.
01:41:34In which case the decision would come back to you.
01:41:36Yeah, I know.
01:41:37I know.
01:41:38You're stuck on the way, Helen.
01:41:39What's the point?
01:41:41Okay, look, I think I'm just going to go, I think, with James and Georgia.
01:41:47But I do love all of you.
01:41:50That means James and Georgia will go through to the grand finale.
01:41:56Congratulations to you both.
01:41:59Go and join your fellow grand finalists up on the stage.
01:42:05Put your hands together for James and Georgia.
01:42:07They will be dancing again tomorrow night in the grand finale.
01:42:12And commiserations, let us get in the middle of you guys here.
01:42:17To Shane and Ashley and Adam and Jess, you guys have, I know you've had fun.
01:42:25I've witnessed it personally, especially you.
01:42:28But tell us how much you've enjoyed it.
01:42:30It's been a wonderful experience.
01:42:32Ash is an incredible coach and dance partner.
01:42:37She had to really dance down with me.
01:42:39And I just said to her coming into this, let's make entertaining dance moves.
01:42:44Probably not the norm.
01:42:46And let's just look like we're having the time of our life.
01:42:48So I'm so glad we got to have a dance-off, which was cool.
01:42:52And, yeah, thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of the experience.
01:42:57All the other dancers were amazing.
01:42:59Like, I cannot believe how good all of those people up there, except Ant, are.
01:43:06It obviously was in his contract.
01:43:08But anyway, no.
01:43:11Keep going.
01:43:12He has your chance.
01:43:13No, it was awesome.
01:43:14It's a wonderful experience.
01:43:15It's going to be a magnificent final.
01:43:17And I don't know how you pick a winner out of all those, apart from Ant.
01:43:23Thanks to the judges.
01:43:24You were very kind.
01:43:26And, yeah, I had a great experience, so thank you.
01:43:28And, Ashley, you're, I mean, we love, you're incredible.
01:43:31What can I say about you?
01:43:32I'm sure there's something that you would like to say to everybody out there at home.
01:43:35I have had the best time teaching this one to dance.
01:43:38He's just brought so much joy to the rehearsal room.
01:43:41And just his enthusiasm has made me be creative with what I can do with him.
01:43:46And he can dance.
01:43:47And I'm so proud of him.
01:43:48I had to keep up with him and that salsa.
01:43:50Thank you, Ashley.
01:43:51He was amazing.
01:43:53Well done.
01:43:54Shane and Ashley.
01:43:56Now, Adam and Jess, how are you feeling right now?
01:44:00I'm feeling good.
01:44:01I mean, I've had an absolute ball.
01:44:03Like Shane said, it's been an amazing experience.
01:44:05And, you know, anything I do, I just want to make sure I didn't leave any stone unturned.
01:44:09And I definitely haven't.
01:44:10I felt I've given it everything I could.
01:44:12And I really need to say a massive thanks to Jess.
01:44:15I never thought I'd find a female that is as crazy as me.
01:44:19And then I met Jess.
01:44:21She's got so much energy.
01:44:23And I've had an absolute ball.
01:44:25Thank you so much.
01:44:26Thank you.
01:44:27Thank you.
01:44:28You are a true gift to this competition, Jess.
01:44:30You're an incredibly accomplished dancer.
01:44:32But you've said some incredible things about Adam's talent.
01:44:35How has this experience been for you?
01:44:37It's amazing.
01:44:38I've gained a new brother.
01:44:39He showed you every week, you know, how much he's improved.
01:44:42But I think this show is so amazing.
01:44:44That's why I keep coming back.
01:44:46And dance is the best medicine.
01:44:48And I'm really proud of you, Adam.
01:44:49Good on you, mate.
01:44:50Well done.
01:44:52Well, what a fever pitch night.
01:44:54Give it up for our grand finalists up there on the stage.
01:44:57And make sure you tune in tomorrow night to find out who will take home the Mirrorball Trophy.
01:45:04And be crowned Dancing With The Stars champion for 2024.
01:45:08Please thank all our couples who danced tonight.
01:45:10And, of course, our judges.
01:45:13Good night, Australia.
01:45:16That was so nerve-wracking.
01:45:18That last minute was really good.
01:45:19I'm so happy that you made me learn that swivel step every day when I wasn't getting it.
01:45:25Because, yeah, that might have just got us through.
01:45:28No shame in getting knocked out by this lot.
01:45:31Because everyone dancing is amazing.
01:45:33We're not disappointed.
01:45:34We, if anything, we get to have a bit of a rest now.
01:45:38We brought it all to the dance floor and we had a ball.
01:45:41Thank you.