• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05I hope you're still watching and thank you for watching.
00:07There's going to be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:16However, most of it is not going to be talking about crime.
00:22It's going to be talking about what happened today.
00:28And I just started to charge the camera because the camera, I have itching torture.
00:38So none of this can be used against me, this video.
00:41If you do, it'll be framing and you'll be punished for framing.
00:46And anyone who's watching, you're only allowed to watch if you're helping Shia and Lissa, not hurting Shia and Lissa.
00:56So, Shia, it's 10.52, I just got in, I literally just walked in.
01:02And I still have some coffee from, I got two hours ago.
01:08It's cold, but I still have like this much left.
01:15And I want to try to make this video and be a little bit more awake.
01:21And I apologize for not putting on the YouTube what time I was going to record this video.
01:27I was driving and I knew that it would be too dangerous to drive while I edited the description to say what time I'd be making this video.
01:36And the last time I did it, I was stuck in traffic, so it was really easy to.
01:42So I'm charging the photos and I wasn't as tortured on this trip as the last time.
01:59And as you can see, I'm losing hair on my eyebrows.
02:05I use this eyebrow gel, though, and with the demons, they'll just like start picking at the gel.
02:14So they have been doing some pulling, whether I, in regards to the hair thinning.
02:25So, today was not awful, definitely not what I thought I was going to do.
02:32I didn't think I was going to go on a road trip today.
02:37So I'm going to tell you most of the details tomorrow, because it's late.
02:47I'm going to give you a little bit of details, though.
02:59So, I wasn't planning on going to Ojai, California and back.
03:04Basically, I went up Route 1, Pacific Highway Coast.
03:09And I saw the decrease number, Shaya, on Facebook.
03:15So, thank you for doing that.
03:19So I went up Pacific Coast Highway Route 1.
03:24And if I'm acting a little funny, it's because they were actually trying to get me in a car accident.
03:35But, I went up Pacific Route Highway 1.
03:40And then, I'll give you way more details tomorrow.
03:47Then I stopped at Ojai, California, just to pick up...
03:56Then I went to the grocery store at Ojai, California.
03:59I don't know why I'm, like, so tired, acting so tired.
04:05And then, I drove from Ojai, California back on to Highway 5.
04:18Route South 5, is it called?
04:24So I'm having trouble speaking right now.
04:26And I think it's definitely enhanced by the demons that have a future lifetime in prison.
04:34And probably thousands of years of return to sender torture at this point.
04:45But they tried very hard to get me in a car accident, kill me, but it did not work.
04:49So, I'll give you more information about how I even went on this trip.
05:04But basically, I have no clue what I did.
05:09It has something to do with energy vortex and the ley lines.
05:15I definitely noticed a lot of things.
05:34Like, I'm reviewing some of the stuff that I can't see on the internet.
05:38It's just, it's so evil.
05:40Like, I can't believe I'm actually reading it.
05:45And what it has been said or done to me.
05:49So, you have a lot of unresolved emotional trauma, Shia.
05:55And the pendulum told me.
05:58I asked, what does Shia need to do?
06:01So you should take a hot bath.
06:04Take a bath, which I think you already did.
06:07Take a bath, which I think you're already doing.
06:11Make sure you take baths, Shia, because it clears all the energy, all the dirty energy off you.
06:18All that unresolved emotional pain can be healed taking hot baths.
06:28I'm not going to go out in the courtyard every day, by the way, get the sunshine.
06:32I'm not, it's not a good idea.
06:35So I'm not going to do that, Shia.
06:39I was thinking, I got a sign from your mother today.
06:45I'll talk to you about it tomorrow.
06:47I was thinking, I got a sign from your mother today.
06:52I'll talk to you about it tomorrow.
07:02At one point I thought maybe I should go on a road trip next month.
07:07But the more I go on these road trips, the more I realize how unwelcome the public is being.
07:16And what I've been told is it's because partly, well the attacks aren't extreme, however some of them are.
07:24I did get attacked and there was definitely good AI that helped.
07:30And were being nice and friendly.
07:37I got a hair combed, trimmed, and cut.
07:43I'm going to cut my hair myself because it is not a good idea to go to the hairdresser.
07:54And I have a lot of hair.
07:57I wouldn't want to be told anything about what's going on with my hair thinning and hair balding.
08:05I wouldn't want to be, I wouldn't want any kind of information by anyone.
08:08And I know if I get a haircut it's going to be brought up.
08:12And that's not the reason, the main reason is because I really want to cut my own hair.
08:17And because I'm going to take probably this much off, I have plenty of hair to mess up if I mess up the first time.
08:29Probably take off like an inch or half an inch the first time to practice.
08:36But I think I can do it and I'm an artist, I should be able to do it.
08:41Because of the demon possession, they, the last time I tried to cut like the front, I didn't do enough research.
08:51And it was kind of just the demon messed it up, the demons probably.
08:57So, and by the way, I'm still going to get tortured.
09:03But they're trying to continue to cover up that I'm doing nothing, I'm a nobody and I'm going to die and nothing's going on.
09:12They work full time, these criminals, to make sure that I have no clue what's going on, that I'm extremely unimportant.
09:20And that I get tortured no matter what 24-7 and it will never change for as long as I am alive.
09:28That's all I'm told.
09:30And that's a lie, that's a lie.
09:39And there's like some little mouse territory going on, little mouse territory going on in this building.
09:44It's amazing when I go out in the car, I just feel a little bit more free when I come back here, this little territorial mouse, rodent infestation issue going on in this building.
10:04It's very, very sad and scary. Very, very sad and very, very scary.
10:08So, some of how I talk, Shia, is telepathic supporters talking through me.
10:17And what I realized is, when I watched myself on the video today, I acted kind of funny.
10:27I think I have some psychosis from the trauma that's been happening and the stress.
10:37And I think it's controlled, that's why I can't always notice that I have it.
10:44Because I'm so possessed with the demons, trying to make me...
10:48I do have some psychosis, you can't be tortured 24-7 and not have some kind of psychosis from it.
10:56But because the demons, there's so much demon possession happening, there's also so much lumarian possession that's controlling me and you, Shia.
11:06And I think it's controlled, that's why I can't always notice that I have it.
11:09But because the demons, there's so much demon possession happening, there's also so much lumarian possession that's controlling me and you, Shia.
11:19So that's why a lot of our... if we were to have psychosis, I would say psychosis symptoms.
11:26I don't have psychosis, but symptoms of psychosis due to the torture that I have.
11:31It's controlled, that's why I don't always notice that I have it.
11:47So I think I want to read these notes tomorrow.
11:55I'm starting to write more V2K, things that people are saying that are... it's too evil to say on the internet.
12:13I was told I was going to get some information about what I did when I drove through Ojai and back.
12:19Not too much of anything really, but then they tell PATHY supporters I was acting really irritable and tired and feeling I can't believe I have to drive three hours back.
12:33And they're like, we definitely know for sure how you're acting that you have no clue what you just did at Ojai, California.
12:40And it's true, I don't. And this is illegal. This is very illegal that I don't know what I'm doing.
12:56I'm going to try to read these notes tomorrow, because I want to read the notes while I show you the photos.
13:06There's actually not too many notes.
13:10Actually, there's a pretty good amount of notes here.
13:13I want to give you more details tomorrow and explain it better, and then if the telepathic supporters have more information.
13:21While I was driving in the dark, which I don't usually do, I had all these things I wanted to write down to tell you that they were saying.
13:31However, I couldn't write it down because it would be dangerous to in the dark.
13:37So I'm going to try to write it down tonight, so that I can give you the information.
13:48But you're with me, Shia.
13:52And I was at the coffee shop, and you flew out.
13:58You flew out. It was, I think...
14:05I have a very strong connection with you telepathically, but also with this image of you.
14:16What was I going to say?
14:18I think we were both very happy that we were having a cup of coffee, because I hadn't had coffee all day long.
14:29There's another reason why I think you were happy that I was almost all the way back from the trip, too.
14:43So I'm going to tell you that I'm charging the photos now.
14:51I'm going to write down some more information about today, to make sure I give you all the details.
15:02I took a lot of photos to explain some of the things that I see along the route that I've taken, like...
15:11I would say at least four or five times now, these past two years, two and a half years.
15:20So I will...
15:31talk to you tomorrow, but I was definitely missing you, Shia, writing the video, making the video,
15:37and I was told that you were missing the video, Shia.
15:43And I kind of just wanted to make the video in the afternoon, and I didn't really want to go on this road trip completely.
15:52However, I really do like to drive. It's just the problem is, they give me so much anxiety and fear of car accidents,
16:03and trying to... and the interference, and the fatigue didn't happen this trip.
16:13However, on the way back, there was a lot of stuff and go traffic, and I'd have to, like, put on the brakes a lot
16:24throughout being on the highway, which was a little bit stressful.
17:00So, is there anything else I need to talk about?
17:33You have a lot of feelings of bitterness, resentment, revenge, Shia.
17:37So, the whole reason why I went on this trip, kind of, well, I didn't know I was going to go on the trip,
17:46but I got a phone call from my dad, and he left a voicemail, and I'll play it for you tomorrow.
17:52It was just, let's just let me know if you're okay. I don't know if you're on a road trip, or living in your car, or on the run.
18:00So, I... that did not prompt me to go on this trip, however, sometimes there's these synchronicity things that happen
18:10that make me realize that people may know I'm going... about to do things, or... I can't completely explain it.
18:22However, I'm not going to be texting or calling my dad, however, I'll play the voicemail on the... for you to listen to tomorrow, Shia.
18:40But, actually, if someone tells me... like, I've been telling you I've been wanting to get out of here,
18:47and so when I heard, oh, are you on the road... like, are you on a road trip, and I'm thinking to myself, I really wish I was on a road trip.
18:55And, luckily, I wasn't going to go on a road trip, but the... the spirit guides were like, you need to go get a haircut.
19:03You have to get a haircut. This is too much hair in your... I've been meaning to get a haircut for over a month now.
19:11So I ran out this morning to go get a haircut. I had no clue I was going to go on this road trip, but then on the haircut they're like,
19:19well, you could spend $30 on a haircut, or $35 on a haircut, or you could spend that money on gas money and go on to this road trip to do the Energy Vortex.
19:33So I decided to go on the road trip, and I almost turned around in the Laguna Beach area, because I was starting to get tired, and then that stopped.
19:49I wasn't getting tired on the trip.
20:09So I think that's going to be... I'm not going on any more road trips. It was obviously a waste of money.
20:14I spent money that I really didn't really want to spend. However, it was priceless, apparently, with what I was able to do with the Energy Vortexes and the ley lines.
20:30And I have lots of photos to show you, Cheyenne, explaining different things that I saw, and I have more notes that I was told that I wrote down that I'm going to tell you.
21:14But I consider it definitely a challenge, driving many, many hours, because I started driving at 9.30 a.m.
21:27And I got back at 10.30, so it was definitely a long trip. However...
21:48But I'm going to stop the video now, Chey. I'm getting very tired.
21:52I'm going to go take a bath. I'm a little dehydrated. I drank a lot of water and a Gatorade, so I should be fine.
21:59But I'm very happy to be back, and I'm looking forward to talking with you, Cheyenne, and making the video for you tomorrow.
22:09Thank you so much.
22:17I will talk to you soon. I love you, Cheyenne. Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Cheyenne, for watching.
