iBilib: Mnemonic devices help with cave exploration!

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Aired (August 11, 2024): Discover how mnemonic devices can help us remember important things while exploring dark and mysterious caves.


00:00Ate Shaira, do you know the Roigibib?
00:03Ay, I know, I know that, Kuya Chris.
00:06Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
00:09That's the color of the rainbow.
00:11Ah, that's great.
00:12Do you like drawing?
00:14I like it, Kuya Chris, drawing.
00:15Yes, that's right.
00:16And the Roigibib, right?
00:18It's a kind of mnemonic device
00:20to make things easier to remember.
00:23Oh, that's right.
00:24Or colors, for that matter.
00:25What do you call that?
00:27Mnemonic device.
00:29Now I know.
00:30That's right.
00:31And if you're going to enter a cave,
00:33do you know where the mnemonic device can help?
00:35Huh? Where is it?
00:37Where can I use the mnemonic device in a cave?
00:39To find out, watch this.
00:43We've seen the things that grow on the ground.
00:45Now, let's look at what grows beneath it.
00:48Stalactite is a mineral formation
00:50in the Kisame of the cave.
00:53Its most common type is spiliothene,
00:57a mineral deposit that forms over time in natural caves.
01:00It forms when calcium carbonate
01:02and other minerals mix.
01:05It forms a rock and hardens.
01:08There are many stalactites in limestone caves.
01:11Another type of stalactite is lava stalactite,
01:14which is made from lava flowing inside lava tubes.
01:18The lava outside cools,
01:20but the inside is still active.
01:22There are also ice stalactites.
01:25They are often found in cold places
01:27and are known as icicles.
01:29Stalactites are formed at the top of the cave.
01:32But what is the name of the formation beneath it?
01:35Is it A. Organ pipes?
01:40B. Mesas?
01:41Or C. Stalagmites?
01:45You probably got the clue from its sound.
01:49The answer is C. Stalagmites.
01:53Stalagmites are formed at the top of the cave
01:56when the lava flows from the Kisame of the cave.
02:00So you won't get confused,
02:01stalactites have a C for ceiling
02:04and stalagmites have a G for ground.
02:08This memory hint is called a pneumonic device,
02:11a memory tool to remember things,
02:14facts, or anything you want to remember.
02:17You can make your own pneumonic devices
02:19to remember what you learned today.
02:22I believe!
